TTHE ARGUS PAJIiY AND WEEKLY. LODGE DIRECTORY. y House Lodge No. 6, 1. 0. O. F., meets very Tuesday evening, at 8:00 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Cordial welcome to visitors. Wayne Lodge No. 112, A. F. & A. M., meets 1st and 3rd. Monday even- - m nn -7-1 1. i AJJ ' Hall, Visiting brothers heartily "welcomed aJaCIn Lodge No. 6, K. of P., meets eral strons speeches were made by . the day his captives returned and prominent citizens. The pro looted hira from tbe tree, where erammes rendered by the variou3 unoo be loosed himself from hi9 schools present demonstrated the . captors and pot out down Walnut good that is btiog accomplished in this work. The singing, essays and recitations all reflected credit upon the young people who so cheerfully took part in the meet- irg. It was altogether a general good time for those present. Mr. Jas. A. Bryar, president of the A. &. N. C. R. R. and Mr. W. H. GriffiD, road master, ar last Friday on 1 ' A , tji,. e.nn rjr nvea in me cuy , caa nTOaTToii Trio-fw a special from Newbern ana leit welcome to visitors, XJddsboro Council No. 39, Jr. O. U. A. M., meets every Wednes day evening, 8:00 o'clock, in Odd x bellows Hall. Cordial welcome to all visiting brethren. . OUR LOCAL OPTIC Mr. J. J. Street received a let ter Friday from Mrs. A. B. Crumpler in which she states ,tbat her husband is not improv ing from his attack of typhoid tht afternoon. The purpose of the visit was to fix the location for the new storage warehouse which Mr. Bryan -proposes to build for the benefit of the mer chants and shipping public of this section. The material tor the erection of the warehous has aU ready been been placed on the vacantjot belonging to the A. & N. C. on the west of their freight depot, but it has been decided that this was not so easy of ac cess, and a change is now under consideration. The vacant lot ad- street, with tn immense crowd following and yelling. : We have not beard wbere or when he stop ped, if ho e7er dirf. The police hvere present and saw the diso - derly conduct, but ni?de no at tempt to arrest the steer. Do not suffer from Neuralgia, Sciatica Rheumatism, and other pain, when you can set a full s'ze 25c. a bot tie of White's BlackLdniment at H Ts Drug Store for 15 cents. Mexican Liver a. Price, 5c- Pills cure all liver HATCH BROS.' EXCURSION j.evr,.uuu uu u ouunoijr " joining the cotton storage ware eraduallv growing weaker. The it ;n k.wfck i letter states that he asks the prayers of all good people for his recovery. nouses will probablybe the next place selected. The warehouse will be a great convenience to the merchants of Goldsboro. Mr. Sam Bridgers, the popu lar clerk in the gents furnishing store of Mr. A. A. Joseph has purchased the E. J. Best prop erty in this city, foi which Sallie Winn, a colored woman who runs a restaurant near the corner of Walnut and John he streets, was badly burned Friday -payed the sum of 11,700 cash. He about 2 o'clock while trying to will at once beautiiy same ana start a nre wiin Kerosene on. one occupy it with his family. The was pouring tbe oil in the stove sale waa made through Mr. Ed. from a lamp, when the oil ignited Xi. EdmundsoD, the real estate and the flames reached the lamp. woman's arm and shoulder with tains the following paragraph: tbe burning oil. bne ran into toe A letter has been received here street with the blaze reaching irom trovernor-eiect cnaries a. above her head and had to hold -AVCOCk, OlJNOrttl Uaroima, say- hor head to one sida to keen the lag that he thinks it will be irn. flames out of her face The firsfc possiDie ior mm 10 iae pari m fa fa colored Tihe Virginia campaign, as he has r " . . fceen invited to do. He has just an named J-L Brewington who finished a tremendouslv arduous lore evelT vestige oi cioming xsamrjaicn. and exDects to make irom her. one was Durnea vary several speeches in North Caro- badly about the arm and shoulder doubtful if she will ra jtjtina this fall The Associated Railroads have given the following rates for the unveiling ceremony of the Vance monument, which take place Au gust 22. Individuals, one first class for one way. To soldiers, bands, associations, etc., in uni form in companys or twenty or more, 1 cent per mile each way. Tickets on sale August 21, and 22, with final limit on 25th. State Camps of united Confederate Veterans that expect to attend the Vance monument unveiling and it is cover. The Democratic national exe cutive committee has appointed upon its staff as an ail a promi nent Democrat in each and every voting: precinct in the United States. The person so honored is expected to contribute one dollar semi-annually as subscription to a committee publication, the pro ceeds to swell the Democratic treasury. J. G. Johnson, chair man of the executive committee, thinks this an excellent means of ii i X i1 T : 3 -waii piease miurm keeping in touch with the voters song. Adjutant of L. O B. Branch andnhat the sum realized is more Camp at Raleigh, of the number that will attend and what accom odationthey will require. From Wilmington to Norfolk, Washington and Baltimore Tuesday August 21st. We have arranged with the At lantic Caast Line for plenty of cars to accommodate all. We ex pect 1600 people on th;s trip. A refreshment and baggage car will be attatched. This excursion wil be for merchant?, business men, and all classes of pleasure seekers. The ladies are cordially invited. Hatch Bros, guarantee order. Their past record is sufficient ev idence, this being their 36th ex cursion, having carried 18,000 people from different points with in tbe past eight years, and not a single accident to mar the pleasure of any one. Hatch Bros, are the originators and only strictly white excursion managers in the State. All those that are going can place orders for state rooms with Hatch Bros., Mt. Olive, N. C, or H. J. Gerkin, Wilmington. The A. &. N. C. Railroad will sell parties of 10 or more round trip tickets from Newbern, Kins ton and LaG range, for one first class fare. All baggage, not too excessive, transported free of charge. Fare from Wilmington and all points south of Mt. Olive, to Nor- folk and return, $2.75. ' Fare from Wilmington to Washington and Baltimore and return, $5.50. Fare from Mt. Olive and all points north of Mt. Olive to Tar- boro, inclusive, to Washington or Baltimore and return, $5.00. To Norfolk and return, $2.00. w meals and coo II coo You'll not need to regulate your cooking by the thermometer when you get a Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stove. On the hottest days you can cook whatever you choose, in whatever way you wish, with out suffering any additional discomfort while cooking, The comfort you'll gain is only one of the advantages of using a it WicMess Blue Flame Oil Stove It is handier than a coal stove and cleaner and cheaper. The Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stove is absolutely safe; it burns ordinary kerosene, without wicks and causes neither smoke, smell nor soot. Made in. various sizes for various-sized families; sold at prices to suit any sized pocketbooks wherever stoves are sold. If tbe dealer does not have them, write to tbe STANDARD OIL COMPANY. VIRGINIA COLLEGE ForYOUNG LflDIES, Roanoke, Va. Opens Sept. 18th, 1900.' One of the leading Schools for Young Ladies in the South. Magnificent buildings, all modern improvements. Campus ten acres. Grand mountain scenery in Valley cf Va., famed for health, Euro pean and American teachers. Full course. Superior advantages in Art, Music and Elocution. Students from thirty States. For catalogues address MATTIE P. HARRISS, Pres't, jne20 8wks Roanoke. Va. MERUIT A PILLS Special Sale tic, Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Jurelm potency, Night Emissions, Loss of Mem ory, HU (USeBSeS, all effects of self-abuse or excess and indiscretion. A. nerve tonic snd .blood, builder. Brings tbe nink crlow to n ale cheeks and restores the .fire of youth. By mail SOo ier box. 6 boxes for 2.60. with our bankable traurantee to cure pr refund the money paid. Send for circular and copy of our bankable guarantee bond. EXTRA STRENGTH 60 PILLS 50 CTS. In order to reduce our stofk of low-cut shoes, we make the following cut in them for Wednesday and Thursday OF THIS WEEK. NervitaTablets (YELLOW LABEL) Immediate Results Positively onarantftfid enra for Loss of Power, Varienceln. UndAvfllonnd or Shrunken Oreans. Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra tion, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By mail in plain package, $1.00 a pox, 6 for $5.00 with our bankable guar antee bond to cure in 30 days or refund (noney paid. Address N EH VITA MEDICAL CO. Plinton& Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL? For sale by Jenkins & Fames, drug prists, Goldsboro. N. G. asal about a quarter of a million Who will be tbe lucky-men in this county. Wayne county's baseball pen nant is fluttering to the breeze Irom the town hall in Fremont to-day. The team from that town rr 1 j . j. jy came in x. nursaay aiternuuu auu The monthlv reBOrf Df the sta. repaiu uuiusuuru iur auruuuiiug f- H:an f thtt naartmont. nf 1 il "J 1 I w .UU w. wmcn , mey carneu numo sums Agriculture at Washing ton shows time ago. Fremont came pre- th avova(ra nnrminn nf tt parea ime ume u win aim iuy on Aueust 1 to have been 76. as 1m. 0 nA 11 tn 1 ) I rl Ci I - . wuuuy a uuyxu. UUJUi I compared with 75.8 on July 1, ooro Doys were loaia tu give up 1Q00 84 Auffust i i8qq qi o , , welcome coming from such a . ' is estimated that every appointee mg, August 21bt, 8:60 sharp. contributes the aggregate will be OA r iZf ft- 5 "a leave3 8:30 Goldsboro 11:10 as the "rag" and worked heroically to save it. The game was well played throughout and was ex citing and interesting to the close, while the score was 10 to 10. It remained for Fremont to reach the goal in the last inning by ad- lng one more run and winning the game. Goldsboro was not "without her usual number of "rooters," who proved to be a Jonah in this instance. As a result of a family feud Mr. Bob Davi?, who lives in the Providence section of this county. lies near death's door to-day. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Davis went to the home of his son-in law Mr. J. B. FaulBner, who was at work m his tobacco barn. Mr. Davis asked if he could be of as sistance aad received a discour teous, negative answer from his son-in-law. Dayis turned to walk J J a. . TT 11 1 Jl away ana saia ina u auiKner naa nroceeded to trv to pet tha bov 4niir;nM nvA.. Tji..ii. i jt o m iu uuh wiiuuK auuut uiiu. aum- , Mm 4-U t,. A U a7& fi nuuQu tm vunu nuu.auuLi . i i i . ,m - - - . t XT ava r Vr rw M llfolrA in thn behind Davis and knocked him ',f u , ,T Tl - ' , down. -Davis got up and clinched town" by himself. It is possible Falkner and had him oi the fcnat tne steer was ashamed of his ground v beating him when a I partner, whose clothes were torn younger brother of Faulkner and whose face was black. How- named Noah came up and stabbed I ever this may be, tbe steer soon Davis lh the back twice with a I raised a duBt and drew a crowd. on August, 1, 1898, and 85.3 the mean of the August averages of the last ten years. There was an improvement of condition during July amounting to 5 points in Texas and Arkansas, 3 points in Georgia. 10 in Missouri and 1 in Tennessee. On the other hand, there was a decline of 9 points in North Carolina, 5 in South Caro lina and Indiana Territory, 4 in Mississippi, Louisiana and Flor ida, 6 in Alabama, z in Oklahoma and 13 in Virginia.- A young steer arrived in the city last Thursday with a boy fastened to the end of a rope. The steer was behaving himself very nicely and was carrying the boy along all right until he got down on Walnut street in front of the postofflce- At this point he con cluded to have a little fun and Train a. m. Tfaeso are tbe cheapest rates ever offered the people of tbe W. & W. Railmad to Norfolk, Washs ington and Baltimore. You will have three nights and wo days in Norfolk; two days and one night in Washington or Baltimore, as this will be a four day excursion, leaving on Tuesday and returning on Friday. Kemein- may never bave the chance of visiting Washington tDity oz Baltimore, at these ex tremely low prices again. So get ready and go with the old reliable. We lead! Others follow. We havej arranged with hotels in Norfolk, Washington and Bal timore for Excursion rates, and best of accommodation is guaran teed. Hatch Bros.. Managers. Jrnile. : The wounds may prove fatal, as the point of the knife en tered the lungs. Daily ;Argus, Thursday, August Aug. 9. - Nearly a 'thousand people as sembled atPleasant last HMiThurs daj to participate in a great Sun day School mas3 meeting held there. ; Several Sunday Schools were preee at from Wayne, Wilson and Johnston counties . The exer cises were greatly enjoyed, Sev- He jumped back and forth across the street a few times and finally got the boy and the rope hung around a post at Davis' meat scaffold. He pushed the scaffold down and threw himself on tho ground." While he was on the ground ropes were fastened to al four of his feet. With ll these ropes hung to him he was finally persuaded to a big oak tree and ! tied and left to cool off. , Later in In all it3 stages there ebould oe cleanliness. j Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses, soothes and heala the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh aad drives away a cold la the head quickly. -' Cream Balm is placed irito the nostrils, spreads over the memhrane and is absorbed.. Relief is im mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying does not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug gists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren Street. JNew yorlc f r jnnrwi nn itnninnnininnnr ra"" A;Pale!Face 17 prominent ymptOrfl of vltlatefl blood. If covered with ptmples, the vldence is, complt. It's nature's way of warning you of your condition. tSolinsfon's m never tki the blood. atandfn or year record Bold ever nnirt holll rd ruaratxteea IU efflcaqy. -wfeire. Price tl.00 per full le. repared only oy For Bale in Goldsboro by Goldsboro Drug Co- ,and Jenkins & FarrieSjdrugf's PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM . Cleanset and beaatifiei the h3t, Vromotci a lnxorimnt growth. Never Paila to Kestore Oray Hair to Its Youthful Color. Cure scalp diaease hair falling. fOc.and 1.00at Druggirti Our stock of the famous QUEEN QUALITY low cuts at $2, regular price S2.J0. Our stock of $2 low cuts we offer at $1.69. Our stock of $1.7? low cuts we offer at $1.37. ; jOur stock of $1.0 low cuts we offer at $1.19. Our stock or $1.2 low cuts we offer at $1.10. As we have only a few pairs of our Queen Qual ity high cut shoes, we offer on above days at $2.48, regular price being $3. UMBRELLAS. Our $2 grade on these days go at $1.69. Our JS1.J07 grade at $1.2. Our $1.2? grade at $1.10. Our $1.10 grade at 89 cents. Our $1 grade at 8$ cents. NECKWEAR. About one-half gross of ladies' neckties, regular 2c. goods at other places. Our price has been 18c,,. but on ?bove days we will make them 12 1-2 cents. NoGoods charged at these prices. Yours truly, Southerland, Brinkley & Co. flNYROYAL PILLS Clic.zorf; -.:i;:iitA iiii4uu iirsukii Rl safe, altraya reliable, ioice as Eruririst for Chichester t JXiqlisIt Jia- morul Brand in Slrrf aud GUd metallic boxes, scaled wun blno ribbon. 'X'ale .OTIS ana i?nt;acioKa. l urfiggista, or b?db stamps Icr particulars, testimonials ana tellef Tbt imAIkb," in letter, by rctmrn SfsII, J O.OOO Toni'.ooniils. Kame Paper. cbc8terunonucutJ'.iiJinaison risce. "oUbTaiLLocal Bruggist. PKILiADA.. PA. vsm. Real Estate Bulletin ! FOR SAJfE- 8 Boom Dwelling, George St. near Oak 6 " Oak St. near Ice Factory 8 West Walnut St,nearGerge 10 " East walnut, near ssiocumD g r Corner Vine and John Sts 5 - "Cor Chestnut and Wm Sts If you huy any of the above six desirable properties, you secure not only a beautiful home, but an investment iipon which a profit of 25 per cent, can be realized within the next three years. Each one is a bargain. Six or seven nicely located suburban farms, only short walk from the city. FOR RENT. 0 Boom Dwelling near Episcopal church 815.00 8 cor Geo and Walnut Sts 15.00 8 " " West Walnut near Geo 12.00 8 stores Arlington Hotel. at 16. 10 and 16.00 2. " E Centre, bet Mulberry and Ashe r - j $6 and 12.50 1 store, Walnut, near post-ofllce - 20.00 2 oftices over Dr. Cobb's office at $1 and 6.00 1 4-room house near courthouse 5.00 Several 2, 8, and 4-room tenement houses in different portions oi ine ciiy. Humphrey-Gibson Company. ; WEST CENTBE STBEET, Opposite Hotel Kennon. .- ' The One Day Cold cure. Fov ccids and sore throat use Kertnott'a Choco lates laxative Quinine, fiaslly takea aa candy aaaaiucJUY ewe. Straw Hats 9 Latest Styles AND Reliable Qualitu- Correct shapes and a complete stock to select from.. We carry a full line of other hats all shapes. We have everything in Shoes. We can fit any foot with com fort, and suit any taste in style. nothing but Shoes and Hats. - Bizzell Brothers siloes Smith's Anti-Kink. The Greatest Afro-Ataarican Hair Rsnaiy in tha wirli, A HAIR POOD which makes kldky and curly hair wavy, straight and easy to comb. " Removes dandruff and keepa the scalp in a healthy condition. Ele gantly and lastingly perfumed. At all druggists and dealers, or by mail, 25c i Agents wanted In every town and county in the South. Manufactured ty The John R. Smith Pharmaceutical Co. MT.sOLrVE, N. "