A. Da ooariUo Newspaoar. DAILY ARua. Published "Every Evening Except Sunday. w ros. BW KOBIKSOW, In Adv&noe One copy i one year- - -..fB.OO One copy i six months ....... , 2.50 One oopYj three months. 1.50 One copy i one month GO WEEKLY ARGUS. One Tear 11.00 Six months 50c Three months 25c boro, N. O.i as second-class matter. GOILlDSHORO " N. C, OCT. 1901 TRAGEDY IN WILSON. One Man Shoots Another and Then Attempts His own Life. As a result of a hasty quarrel between two men in Wilson Sat urday one man is dead and ar other is seriously wounded. Only a meagre account of the distress ing tragedy has been received here, , but enough has been learn ed to know that George Gay, who clerked for Wade Aycock in a barroom, shot and instantly killed his employer and then turn ed and pointed the smoking bar rsl of the pistol at his own heart. In the latter instance he missed his aim and it is thought that he may recover from his wound, but the object of his anger now lies in the cold embrace of death. Wade Aycock is known here in Goldsboro. He is about 30 years of age and is unmarried. His father Mr. Jacob Aycock, living near Fremont, where the young man lived for several years bas fore going to Wilson to sell whiskey. Further -investigation of the ease may reveal a more serious motive for the killing than the exchange of a few passionate words. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain. Mercury. Sf mercury will eurely destroy the sense of emell and completely deranpe the whole sjBtem when entering1 it through te mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physi cians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the prood you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by P J. Cheney & Uo , Toledo, O , contains no mercury, and is taken internally, actircr directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in To ledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggist?, price 75c. per bot tle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Chicago should advertise tunnel-proof postoffie. for a Don't wait until you become chron ieally constipated but take "OeWitt's Little Early Risers now ana then They will keep your liver and bowels in good order Easytotake4 Safe pills J. 11 Hill & Son. The Boers are considering a trip to Mexico. Many physicians are now prescrib ing Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly, Vi mHrff 1 mm d that it is the best pre scription they can write because it is the one preparation wnicn contains tee elements necessary to digest not or.iy gome kinds of food but all kinds and it therefore cures indigestion and dys pepsia no matter what its cause J.H. Hill & Son. Mexican Liver Pilis cure all liver Ills. Price 25o, Pat Crowe is now out again. Pile-ine Cures Piles! Money refunded if it ever fails. Web Davis and Mr. Alger are trying themselves again. Morris Silver, North Stratford, 21, H.: VI purchased a bottle of One Min ute Cough Cure when suffering with a cough doctors told me was incur&ble. One bottle relieved me, the second and third almost cured. To-day I am a well man." J. H. Hill & Son. Mrs. Nation has resigned from saloon smashing. B. W. Ptmell, Kintersville, Pa., gays he suffered 25 years with pile3 and could obtain no relief until De ' Witt's Witch Hazel Salve effected a ' permanent cure: Counterfeits are worthless J. H. Hill & Son. Even President Roosevelt is growing old. ; : 'v Henry Braydon, B arris, N. 0.,eays: 'Iiook medicine 20 years for asthma but one bottle ofOne Minute Cough Cure did me more good than anything tsb during that time. Best Cough Cure," J. H. Hill & Son.1; xSt' iv$'tCF Biliousness, sour tKaao& constipa tion ana til lire nut ara cured ty Head's PilSm The noix-irritating cathartic. Price 25 cents of all druggists or by mail ot C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass. Tot Causes Night Alarm. "One night my brother's baby was taken with Croup," writes Mrs. J. C. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed it would stran gle before wa could eet a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick re lief and permanently cured it. We always keep it in the house to protect our children from Croup and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve." Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. 503. and $1.00. Trial bottles free at J. H. Hill & Son's Drug Store, The nations are now revising the Chinese tariff. A Fiendish Attack. An attack was lately made on C. F. Collier, Cherokee, Iowa, tbat nearly proved fatal. It came through hia k'dneys. His back got eo lame he could not etoop with out g' eit pain, nor sit in a chair except propped by cushions. No remedy helped him until lie tried Electric Bitters, which effected such a wonderful change that he writes he feels like a new man This marvelous medicine cures backache and kidney trouble.pur ifiea the blood and builds up your health. Only 50c at J. H. Hill & Boa's Drug St- re. General Buyer's campaign is disastrous to himself. What's Your Face Worth? Sometimes a fortune, but nev er, if you bave a sallow com plexioc, a jaundiced look,-moth patches and blotches on the skid, all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills give Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks, ftich Complexion. Only 25 cents at J. H. Hill & Son's Drug Store. xcu W'Ji draw the world as your deeds draw the picture of Christ. Stepped into Live Coals. "Wbca a child I barred my foot frightfully," writes W. H. Eads of JooetviUe, Va., "wbicb caused borrib'e leg sorts for 30 years, but Bucklcn's Arnica Salve wholly cured rap, efter everything el-e failed." Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cu's, Scree, Bruises and Pibs. Sold by J. H. Hill & Son for 25c. Sons are for faihers to admire; daughters lo love. Geo. W. Lane, Pew&mo.Mieh wri!es 'Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best remedy for irdigestion and stom ach trouble tnat 1 ever used. For years I suffered from dyspepsia, at times compelling me to - stay in bed and causing me untold agony 1 am com pleteiy cured by Kodol DyspepsaCure in recommending it to friends who suffer from indigestion I always offer to pay for it if it fails. Thus far! have never paid" J . ii . Mill & Bon. Mr. Addicks, of JDelaware, is a political orphan. Worth $100 to you to cure child or adult of incontinecce of water during sleep. "Anti-Diuretic" stops it imme diately. $1. Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bro , druggists, Goldsboro, N. O. Maclay's history neds a fire. , bon- Sid Darling, 1012 Howard St., Port Huron, Mich., writes: M have tried many pills and laxatives, but DeWitt's Little Early Risers are far the best pills I have ever used." They never gripe, J. t. Hill & son. Belief in Six Honrs, Distressing Kidney and Bladder Disease relieved in six hours by ''New Great South American Kidney Cure." It is a great suprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Heiieves retention of water almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by M is. Ko Din son iJro. . Drugelst?. I F'.ncrl'fe'h . Snavln T.lnRmftnt rflmrwpa all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Klesushes Xrom horses, slood. fcpav ins Curbs, .Sp inta, Sweeney, Ring- Bone Stifle0, Sprains, all owqolen Throats, Cough?, etc. Save 5Q by use of one bottle Warranto 1 the most wonderful Blemieh Cura ever known. Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bro , drug gists, Goldsboro, N. C Emma Goldman should now reforaa. - A never-f ailing cure f r cuts, burns, scalds, ulcers, wounds and sores is De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. A most soothing and heatm? remedy for all skin t Sections. Accept only the gen uine. J. H. Hill & Son. . r Pr, Miles' Fain Pills stop Headache. It Savel Iler Life. Gooch's Mexican Syrup has accom- plithed a cure in this neighbor hood which has astonished the people. Miss , Davis was given up to die by her at- tending physician. She had lung-fevr ' 1 ha doctor said she would die before j morning, and advi ed to discontinue his macicine, as it was doing hsr no good Her parents had a bot'-le of Gooch's Mexican ?"?rup and Gooch's yjick Kellel in the bouse. They at oiiCe began to give i,he yrup in doses one hour apart, and frequently bathed her cut st with the Quick Relief Be fore morning she wes better, And after using a few bottles of each, she is almost as well as ever. It was almost like raising the dead, and has estab lished tee reputaUon of Hooch's Mexi can Svrup here as a cough remedy; we can Bell nothing else. J. & N Sands, Trimble, Athens Co. O. Healthy Children Are Happy. Mother's Worm Syrup makrs chil dren healthy by expelinsr the. worms that make them ill Children e&t it on bread. Itch on'human cured ia 80 rniau tes oy Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by M. B. Kobineon & Bro., Druffgrista. Ciolds'noro. 13. O CAST Per Infants and Children. The Kind You Hays Alleys BougM Bears the Signatura of REVIVO RESTORES VITALITt Made a Weil Man THE of Me. produces the fcbove resells In 30 d ays. It acta co-werf ully and quickly. Cures -when all others foil. Sound men will regain their loet manhood, and old men will recover thoir youthful vigor by using f4EVIVO. It quietly and surely restores Nervous C863, Lost Vitality, Impoteney, KigLtly Emiesicns, Loet Power, Failing Men&ory, Wasting Diseases, and ell efTecta of seif-abuao or exoees and indiscretion, Which unflta one f cr Gttidy, business cr marriage. It cot only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but ia a great nerve tonic and blood bailder, bring ing back the pink plow to pal o cb-oeks and re storing the fire of youth. It wrds off Insanity sad Consumption. Inoist cn having KSVIVO.no other. It can be carried in vest-ioekt. By mail 61.00 ser package, or eit for SS.OO. with a poBS five written grutraciza to cnve cr refuse! t.io mwnpv. Book and advise free. Address EOYAL MEDICINE Cf ''ffifflSSffi?-' SS"For sle in GoIdBboro by M. B. Robinson & Bro . dragg'stf. THE ACME OF PERFECTION IN THE Tailors, flit ! Perfect Fit.', Latest styles. Best Workmanship. Quality Guaranteed ! TO BE FOUND IN GOLDSBOEO AT o THE TAILOlt.11 You do not now need to send your orders for Suits, or Trousers, or Overeoats out of town, for GELMAN ha3 1 Corrjplcie Stock: Of Cloths to select from and a full line of The Vefy Latest afr)ple His prices are also right. REFERENCE : Any of his Goldsboro customers. ' For a perfect fit, see Gelman, THE TfULOR, West Centre Street ug22tt ARE YOU If so you cannot fford to do ! so until you have examined my stock and prices. I can now furnish your orciert more-cornplete than anyone &lsi! intit city. AU kinds of iumoor, including dry and nicely wurfced hoormg, siojnjf, and ceiling. Van luiuum your ferick on short notice quality and price? guaranteed. I will not speak in prsc of my shingles: if you hae weed them, you know what they are; and if not you should do so at once. Thanking the public for their gene? ons patronage and asking a contim. siica of same, I remain, 11 our3 trulj 4 A. T. GRIFFIN, Piano Lessons. 1 X I began giving piano lessons the 1st ol August. For full particulars in reference to terms, etc., apply at my residence, 221 South East St. . Having taken instruction In MUSICAIi KINDERGARTEN, I began a class the 1st of September, and shall be pleased to furnish any information about the instruction or terms for pupils that may be desired by parents,6r guardians. MRS. FLORA. M. KENDALL, The following testimonial is from the Bur rows Piano Sehojol, of Detroit, Mich, The Burrows Piano School, Detroit, Mich., July 17, 1901. T have much pleasure in testifying that I have given Mrs. Flora M. Kendall personal instruction in the Burrows Musical Kinder garten Method and that I consider her fully qualified to apply it in teaching children. Ay30tf KATHAKIff BURROWS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING When you lake Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the forma Id is pl ainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply iron and Q ainine in a taste less form, No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Tha One day Cold Cur. - Cold in head and sore throat cured by Es!JJ serifs Chocolates laxative Quinm. a ftFS ' Going to Build? FOR MOTHERS. Th period Jmmediately following child-birth is fraught with many dangers. The strength has been used in the painful ordeal through which the mother has passed and she fids herself help. fess and weakened. Many mothers like Mrs. Ford, date the beginning of theft fitness from the birth of their child, indeed the freqwent spectacle of a .healthy young woman becoming a chronic invalid atter motherhood is one of the tragedies of life. All this is unneces sary, when Vine of Cardui is obtainable. It rehabilitates the shattered nervous system, strengthens the organs and ligaments and i m M xc-csiaousnes a neanny, natural condition, saving years of chronic sickness aad suffering, wine of Cardui ta&xn Just before confinement will render the ordeal comparatively painless, it will re-enforce and strengthen the organs f ot their work. For every trying crisis In a woman's life,- "Wine of Cardui is the medicine to take. Ask your druggist for Vine of Cardui and take ho substitute. Ii one is offered send $J-00 for a bottle to the Chatta nooga Medicine Company, Chattanooga, Term. to W!NEAIBU Clackaon, Arfc, Jttly 20, 1899. After tny baty was born 2 took the whites and falling of tha womb, and was In m very dan reron condition. I read one of yonr horn treatment books, and commenced to treat myself with. Wine of Cardui and Blaek-Drautrht. I am thankful for what the medicine did for ma, and I .am now in better health than I have bee.n for a long time. Mrs. MARGABBT FOBD. F"o . RdTlc In eases reaniriiiB sue. elal directions, address, giving eymp- ment," The ChattaaodSft Medlotoe Co., Ti Chattanooga, Tenn. A WOMAN'S CHANCE TO "MARRY." From 15 to 20 years of age .... 16 chances in 100 From 20 to 25 years of age ... 51 chances in 100 From 25 to 30 yrars of age . , 14 chances in 100 From 30 to 35 years of age , . 12 ch ncea in 100 From 35 to 40 years of age 4 chances in 100 From 40 ta 45 years of age 2 chances in 100 From 46 to 56 years of age 1 chance in 100 Married or Single come to us for Furniture And Houe Furnishings. Royall & Bor THE FUENITURE MEN. m And if yon wantjfo be in the PUSH and win the love of that beautiful. tftfjjf blue eyed girl, LfT YOTTR MUST I 1 T" SWEAT- . LET 4 jCrf D COL US o ORED o Gollars and Stained-Bosom Shifts. We put up work that will stand the exposure of Hot Days and Late Hours, and twist the spine of a fly, should one light upon it. rOUK WOEK 18 GUARANTEED. No creaeed collars or cuffs, and their brightness will daz zle your eyes. "Mary had a little lamb," but we are very certain its f-powy fleece was not as white as we make your LACE CURTAINS. Give us a trial and we are sure you will patro"ize us again. (GOLDSBORO E- Tinware, Stove Mats, Stove Pipe, Fire Boards, . Heating stoves, Cocking stcve OUR Sewing Machines and Sewing Machine Supplies is now'complete in ournewrooms. Nos. 112 and 114 South Wainut Street. ROOFING PLUMBING AND HOUSE MEflTING e I X 11 I T-t H 3 1? en, SHORT I STEfM LAUNDRY. L. PEBSE, lyranaser ifija s .xu Elbows, Bath Tubs, Gasoline stoves, Oil vapor stoves. Gooking ranges, Cooking utenci's. -m OP The John Slaughter Go. m .ZZ fcy.'HtfV J,' . Goldsbp r o 1 ,1 " T 1 4 V 1 V Kfl SlrmoZ X ! X : iter , I BUGGY UANUFAOTUEEES, aOLDSBOEO,; T35 Elf MILLINERY STORE. Display of Pa? tern Hats. Fancy Goods and N&ve'iies. OUR MTE OF Readfl-to-Wear Hats Excel in stylf, finish and price any llurg tw irg oftered to the puSiic! EXCEPTION AT, V ' LUES ! CO .lltJECT STYLES! GOOD MATERIALS! POPULAlt PRICES Miss fslay D, Hart r, Ns-xr. Door to A-her Edwaids. New Meat Market Under Arlington Hotel Beef.Veal. Pork, Mut ton,Lamb 2nd Sausage in season. Polite attention and quick delivery guar anteed . I solicit a share ot your patronage. aug 26 4ms Kespectfully, J. H. TRENT. Late witn Geo. W. Best and Best & Stevens, Pl?or)e 1S5. Jouthern Railway. Tho'stand&r railway of The SOUTH-S The direct line to all points. Texas, Florida, Cuba and Porto Striatly first cletse equipment on All throagfii and local trains; Pullman palace sleeping cars on all night train: fast and safe scbedtles. irw ujr iit; csuutaern nnu you are awn?e3 a safe, comfortable ftd ezpsditieus journey. 4pply to ticket ag-ents for time table, rates and general informs iion, or address, ft. L VgrnoD, l 8. DarDH. T. P. A. O- P. & T. A., hariotte, O Anhe-ville, N. C. jjSsjTNo trou'-'a tn oiietiona. S. H. HARDWL' K. Q. P. A, Washington. D. G. Administrator's Notice. Havi' p q ielifi.-cl as a.- m i nisi ? ator of he est-ta i f E a uci Jarra .n, df ceas d, o c li lebv i v a io mI jer n in"'tb e ;n s i 'd e ?.t to c me fo? -arci ar d stllo the san e irumedi teiy. p.rv.es lli tg lainis aealrst -aio estate will pre?e t theui t the un iers gaed for pa mrnt-.n or V-fore ihe I5ih day f A rg.:st, 3002, i.r thla noti e will be rl def! in bir f the'r recovery. This- 13 h dv of August, 191. A. A. iBMAN, Administrator, Neven SprlngB. N O. J. ParKer. DPJSTIST, Office do-wn stairs, opposite H. & M. L'.lee't store. BfilDGB WORK DONE. tf.. OHN 8. BANKS- ARCHITECT. Second Floor Borden Buildiog, 3 ?py c. 'his on every hox i:' tbo geanin. "OmOQ XCip.e Tablets - Btigg.u Go. N. 0., SoKcit yonr valued oraer