J '. 1. V 1 1 EPS TEIN BROS. ODD FELLOWS CORNER. our New bulls and overcoats Are Expecting You to Call and See Them. ARE YOU READY? WE ARE. And wiihin this store-house of Seasonable Clothing mcic ic:i; pncs upon piies or warm comrortaDie suits and overcoats, ready to protect vou from the wintrv blasts. We have the single and double-breasted Sack buits in many styles, and in many grades and patterns; the stylish Cutaways and stately Prince Alberts to please ou are here. Our prices are quick sellers and we correct an errors. BOYS' GLOTHBS If there is a headquarters for any thing this is the one iur ooys lotnmg. uur line tor ttas tall will testity it EPSTEIN BROS. ODD Fellows' Corner. ARGfllNS FOR ALL. - All the time at FraoK Eflmuiiflsot's store .Being overstocked, 1 em determined to cut prices on all goods until January 1st, so as to reduce my immense stock, ready for Bpring goods. Ihese cut prices are on the following goods; Tobacco and snuff, Groceries, Hats Trunks and Umbrellas, Dry Goods and Notions, shoes and slippers. Come around and let us convince you. F. B. Edmundson, htItijsr, Samples oi Many Utters WeflreNow Recelvlno- mi. .. -r, -r Iiake S,.'' Aug--!7, 1901. The H. E. Jones Buggy Co., Goldsboro, W. C. Gentlemen: Wewe.e very much pleased with the two sample buggies and especially the top job. We think it as nice a job as any body can make and as soon as our business opens up shall give an order for more like it! Tours truly, Sparta, Ga., Aug. 7, 1901. The B. E. Jones Buggy Co., Goldsboro, N. O. Gentlemen: The sample buggy ordered of your Mr. Jones just received and it opens up so satisfactory, I beg to say that you can ship us two more of the game kind upon receipt of this letter. Awaiting advice of shipment, I am,yours very truly, ' A. A. JOSEPH, THE LEADING CLOTHIER oners lor a few Days only Any Siler Article in His Show Window, with every 50c cash purchase; 2 articles with every 1.00 purchase, and so on. ' During this Sale we have put a low-price throughout our Stoie. When you buy clothes here, the responsibility for Fit and Style is on us -that's what our guaranty of sa isf action means. Cheapness alone means Waste. True clothes-economy is in good material and good wc rka anship, at fair prices THAT'S OUR KIND. UNDBR rtOTBL KBNNON. A. A. Joseph, OOLDSBORO'8 UEflDIMO GUOTHIBR 6ommen6ing Friday Afternoon We will offer the balance of our LADIES' OXFORD TIES at the following cut prices: JStsa Our Queen Quality $2 50 for $1.69. r Our line of $2 Oxfords for $1.50. - . ; Our line of $1.50 Oxfords fcr $1.15. A few pairs Pat. Lea. Oxfords at $1.25, regularly$1.75. Cheaper Slippers also go at greatly reduced prices. - We will sell on Saturday of this week our entire stock of UMBRELLAS at the following cut prices: ,. y All $2.00 goods at $1.50. All 1.50 goods at 1.13. All 1.00 goods at 83c. -- - All 75c goods at , 59c. ; - , " Call early. ' V . Yours truly, Southerlarid, Bri n kley & Co JIOZLEX'S LEMON ELIXIB. I - . Regulates the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Sidneys. For biliousness, constipation and ma laria. For indigestion, sick and nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heart failure. For fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or- gamo regulation, &Kg iemon .uuxir. 50c and $1 bottles at druffslsts. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, At lanta, bra. JBIG SUM FOR THE NAVY Congress to Be Asked Pof Nearly due Hundred Millions. HOW AHD WH1EB IT WILL GO. A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten vears of exeat Buffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kid neys and constipation. 1 have been cured by Dr. Moziey's Lemon .Elixir, ana am now a well man. Rev. C. G. Davis. Eld. M. E. Church South. No. 28 Tatnall St., Atlanta, Ga. A Prominent Memphian Writes. Dr. H. Mozley. Atlanta: Having peen a great suirerer lor turee vears C 1 J ' J. 1 T . . iruiu iuuxgoBbiun, ana Deen treatea Dy many physicians, who failed to give me any relief, Uontinuing to grow worse my Drotner advised, me to try Dr. Moziey's Lemon Elixir, which remedy he had used for several vears. I commenced its use, and must say tbat your iemon .Elixir is the greatest med icne on eartn, l nave never sunered a day since I commenced usmsr Lemon Elixir. R. L. Rocco. 206 Hernando St., Memphis, Tenn. A Card. This Is to certify that I used Dr. Moziey's Lemon Elixir for neuralgia oi me neaa ana eyes witn tne most marked benefit to my erenerai healtb woaia glaaiy nave paid 8500 for the reiiei it nas given , me at a cost of two or tnree dollars. H. A. Beall. Clerk Superior Court Randolph Co.Gra Women suffer ing from female troubles and weakness, and from irregular or painful men ses, ought not to lose hope if doctors cannot help them. Phy sicians are so busy with other diseases that they do not un derstand fully the peculiar ail ments and the delicate organism of woman. What the sufferer ought to do is to give a rair trial to which is the true cure provided by Nature for all female troubles. It is the formula of a physician of the highest standing, who devoted his whola ISe to the gtu&r of t&e dis tinct ailments peculiar to our moth ers, wives and daughters. It is made of soothing, healing, strengthening neros ana vegetables, which have been provided by a kindly Nature to cure irregularity in the menses, Leu- corrncea, Falling of the Womb, Nerv ousness, Headache and Backache. In fairness to herself and to Brad ieia-s remaie Regulator, every suffering woman ought to give it a -nai. a large $i Dottle will do a wonderful amount of good. Sold by druggists. Send for a nicely Illustrated free book on the subject. the Bradfleld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. PARKER'S HA3? BALSAM Cleuue utd bentifie th hif. romotcs a Invariant growth. Never Fails to E eat ore Ory Cure scalp dlnaas, hair laliinj. F1NE- all (Jrflls, Stair Work, Bank and Office1" Fixtures In Hard Wood and Pine. Send for estimates. Kinstoo Mantel Go KINSTON, N. C. .y303m twenty Wflltoni Wanted For Wovlc Navr Tavrdav, Iaclading Porto Soo atna thm PbUlxtxlnea About - Im Sane Aneojit Fv Trirrrnrttig VmrKf Sanlae. ' The secretary of the navy, in hia an nual statement of estimates to be sub mitted to congress, asks for an appro priation of $8810,084 for the navy (luring the next fiscal year. Of this sum over $20,000,000 ig estimated for public works at navy yards and naval stations. Including those fa Porto Rico and the Philippines. It also includes an estimate for the Increase of the navy amounting to .823,703,0101 of which $17,303,010 is fo construction and machinery. $6,000-000 for arma ment and $400,000 for equipment. The estimate for armor and armament is $2,000,000 larger than the estimats of last year for the same purpose. The estimates for public works in clude a number of large sums for work In the Philippines. In his annual re port Secretary Long will call attention to the necessity for complete navy yards at Cavlte end Olongapo, with every provision for the docking of American ships there, so that the navy will not be compelled to depend upon the docking facilities at Hongkong. His estimates include an Item of $12,- 800 for a naval station at Guam, $38L- 000 for a naval station at Cavlte and $1,443,000 for a naval station at Olon gapo. An increase of $108,000 Is asked for the new naval station at Tutuila. The largest single item for the naval station at Cavlte calls for $200,000 for a refrigerating plant. It is also pro posed to expend $60,000 for a power plant for yards and docks at that place, $25,000 for a power bouse and $25,000 for a shop and foundry. It is esti mated that a quay wall at Olongapo will cost $833,000, of which sum Secre tary Long asks for $120,000 for use during the next year. The estimates for Olongapo provide for a complete navy yard, with ma chine shops, foundry, storehouses, boil er shops, barracks and quarters. It is estimated that the cost of dredging and filling at this station will be $276,000, but only $150,000 of this is asked for at this time. An estimate Is also submit ted of $2,613,000 for the naval station at San Juan, Porto Rico, being an In crease over the estimate of last year of $2,573,000. The largest Items in this es timate are $1,000,000 for a masonry dry- dock. $500,000 for the purchase of ad ditional land and $250,000 for dredging. It is also proposed to spend large sums in the construction of ordnance and equipment shops, building of a fire proof pfer, a power bouse and barracks and officers' quarters. The total esti mates show an increase ever those of last year amounting to $31,148,034. The bureau of ordnance submits an estimate of $500,000 for reserve guns for ships of the navy. The bureau of equipment asks for $2,000,000 for the equipment of vessels and $2,500,000 for coal equipment, each of these. Items be ing an Increase over the estimates of last year of $500,000. The bureau of navigation asks for $1,500,000 for the Naval academy, a decrease of 5 per cent over the appro priation of last year. For the naval training station at Port Royal $159,750 Is asked, $31,500 for the naval training station on the Pacific coast, $114,280 for the naval training station at New port and $60,000 for the Naval War college. The bureau of ordnance submits an estimate of $500,000 for a new naval magazine near Boston, $400,000 for the same purpose at Portsmouth, N. H.: $80,000 for Improvements at the naval magazine, Mare Island, California, and $400,000 for a naval magazine and equipment at Puget sound, these fig ures Including sites. The same bu reau asks for $49,500 for improvements at the magazine, Iona Island, New York; $93,800 for Improvements at Do ver, N. J.; $32,000 for a sea wall at Goat Island, Newport, JL I, and $35, 000 for Improvements to a magazine, Fort Lafayette, New York- Trial Coatlns 8250 Over Nine Egg. The legal talent of Caroline county. Md., has been engaged during the past week in the trial of a seventy-three- year-old man for the larceny of nine eggs. The lawyer for the defense ask ed each witness if the eggs were good and all about them. He argued that if the eggs were rotten they had no value at all, and as no one knew whether .. .. . , A .i . - ivt'i" j -v r -u-cj' were guuu uuu mo jurjr - IN O LlCc 10 UWnerS Ol DOgS. quitted the accused. The trial cost Jtbe I desire to inform the Dubllo that county -0. dogs have for sometime past been kill ing chickens ard turkeys on my farm, near the northern suburbs of the city. My land is posted,, and I Intend to prosecute all depredations committed on said land, and dispose of all dogs caught prowling around the place, by shootine or otherwise, and to this end ha e instructed my overseer and ten ants to ure measures accordingly, for which I assume 8,11 resp nibUity. JNO. W. EDWARDS. Goldsboro, N" C, Sapt 21, 1901. , Anticephalalgine OBJURES QUICKLY and safely all forms of Headache and Neuralgia! , Every bottle makes a friend. 25c and 60c at all drug stores By the dose -" ai Boda Fountains. Bep213i " Oow. lyea With Hooae. The strange story of the elopement of an ordinary iaUk cow with a bull moose comes from Lalce Onawa, In Piscataquis county, Me.'. A. big moose had been seen several times around the fence where the cow was con fined. One night a tremendous crash was heard and next morning the fence was a wreck and the cow gone, nei ther she nor the moose has been seen since. . . Curfew Law Revived. The borough council at Plymouth, Pa, has passed an-ordinance making a curfew law, providing that all chil dren up to the age of sixteen shall be In " their homes by 0 o'clock at night, when the fire gong shall sound nine times. All children up to the age of eighteen shall be In their homes by 10 o'clock unless accompanied on the streets by their parents. - (CPBli5B1 If sVfegetable Preparationfor As similating theFocdandRegula Ung the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes DigesMon,Cheerfur ness.andRest.Con tains neither Opiumforphine nop Mineral Not 1arc otic, JSazpc a-f?7lJ)rSAKlTZL PITCHER sflx.Sauta fioAelUSeit- Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa Tion, Sour Stoutach, Diarrhoea Yxrms .Convulsions ,Fe verisli ness and Loss of Sleep. FttC Simile Signelure of XEW YORK j I, mkJUJIt-Mi np- "f lfl fl j For Infants and Children. Ths Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the mature of EXACT COPY OF WRAPPO. THE CCMTAUA COMPANY. RIW YOftK hj" Use For Over Thirty Years ARE YOU TIRED OF QUflOK MEDICINES That Have Done You No Good? Give lflf$IS MTflltt Wflf EH A Tflal. It Flushes the Kidneys and Bladder and Ex cretes the Uric Acid in the System. It has cured thousands of Kidney and Bladder Trou bles,Bheumatism,Lumbago,and all Kindred Diseases and -IT WILL CURB YOU,- ,- The man or woman who has uad Harris Lithia Water has made a discovery. Case, 12 1-2 Gallon Bottles, $4.oo Delivered. Harris Lithia Water Carbonated in Quarts and Pints. As a Table Water it is Unexcelled. SSF USi-FOR SALE BY D3ALERS. GOLDSBORO DRUG CO. aug 29 ecd 4ms. Iocal IDistriloUtors. Han is Lithia Sprlttes Co., Harris Springs, S. C. a c Digests ihat you Ton might as well put fuel under oiler without burninsr it and me engine 10 run, as io eau iooa ana not digest it and expect to Keep up nourishment for your body. You must have nourishment to live and When VOU cannot dieresfc vnur fnnrL "K"rvnnT. "H vrptj'txst a n-rTTj Vflil uO It for VOU. With no aid Whatever from th stnmnph. Tt. r.nnt,a?na exactly the same elements as Nature's digestive fluids and can't help but produce the same results. David Taylor, Blind Kidge, Pa.,writes: -'I have been afflicted for a number of years with dyspepsia and have tried various remedies without good results but was cured by one bottle Of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I cannot my too much in its favor. Df casi'i help hut do yon good! Prepared by EL. O. DeWitt & Co.. Chicago. The fl. bottle contains 2 times the 5(k skn. tVnen you need a eoothine aad bealincr annlicatinn for nil diseases, use DeWitt's Witch Hazel SALVE. Beware of counterfeits. J. H. Hill &8on. D. W. HURTT. f. N. HUMMBL, Hurtt & Hummel, . ; Merchant Tailors. Under Messenger Opera House. Repairing Etc., a Specially. ALL WORK GUARANTEED VITALITY-POWER-HEALTH RESTORE Bv the ii so of ' AND NERVOUS vitor. enerirv - may seom. Astonsliui!; ii-i qmcK ro:uiis.- J noy supply tne Nerves, Bran r.n1 P!aod with the roost powerful ami highly couttntraled NERVE ANB BLOOD FOOD known, ar. l being the TftUB Natural Vegetable Tonic, aK qin'ekly nssimilat-nrt, rostnTing Lost Vitalitv mituriilly and pcrmancntlv NERVO-TABUETS are the product of the latest, most skillinl and learned research in MATERIA MEDICA and are dirterent from other remedies ol the clasp. They act as food to the system and leave it stronger every tim used. They begin at the seat of the disease and act on the Liver, Kidneyt and Bowels, cleansing the entire system from impurities, and at the sam time tonic up every part of it. They will positively make WAEK MEN and WOMEN stroii" and robust. They haro our unqualified guarantee. Thej v ana auickiv st.od ail drains, fosiuveiy cure .mroiency. iizni mosses, vericoceie. nas Effects of Tobacco and Whiskey, LOST MANHOOD, Tired Feeling. Sleeplessness, Nervous Debit ty. Indigestion, constipation. Dizziness, vertigo, dt. vitas wance, rservous neaaacne, uackacm Trembling, Numbness, Lost Power, nnd all such diseases of the genital organs. Prevent PARALY SIS and CONSUMPTION, weak. wumtN Guouia npetnem. -rney win wing tne eioom ot neaiu n Pale Paces add pleasure to life. We could give Thousands of Testimonials, but your best wai i to try them, then if you want it, you can have your money back. Price, 50c a box of ten day ftrtlmn'- seaiea Dy mail, iwst'mz.iw. x osuige maiujis uuuju enino oa uua. Address THE NERV0 REMEDY CO., 353 W. Jefferson St, Louisville, Ky So'.e AgenU for the U. S- For sale in Goldsboro by M, E. Robinson & BroV turel 1

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