WASHINGTON LETTER WOMAN AND FASHION i i Special Correspondence.! Dr. P. M. Rixey contIcv.es to visit the White House daily, as he used to do Burin.? the administration of President MeKinley. President and Mrs. Roose velt have made no selection of a family physician, and Dr. Rixey occupies that position. Whether he will remain in that capacity when he becomes sur geon general of the navy is not known, phe late Dr. Bates, surgeon general of the army, was the first pliysieian to President and Mrs. MeKinley. When he died. Dr. Leonard Wood, now Gen eral Wood, was designated to the posi tion. He remained until the breaking out of the war with Spain, when he went to the front as colonel of the rough riders. Dr. Sternberg, surgeon general of the army, was nert looking after the health of President and Mrs. MeKinley, but only for a short time, when he was succeeded by Dr. Rixey. The latter called at the White House daily for three years. Currency to Send Throrgl Malls. ' The recent robbery of the Chicago postoffice and the possibility that the robbers will dispose of $74,000 worth of stolen stamps has called attention afresh to the need of some kind of sub sidiary currency which can be sent through the mails. It was never In tended that stamps be used as money, yet the enormous growth of the mail order business has really brought that result about. The mail order con cerns accumulate large quantities of stamps, and to convert them Into mon ey often have to sell at a discount. Thus a "stamp trade" has sprung up which enables burglars to dispose of stolen stamps with little danger of de tection. The next congress will doubt less be called upon to consider plana for relieving this situation. Miss Roosevelt's Chums. i Miss Harriet Wadsworth of New York, daughter of Representative Wadsworth. will be a close contempo rary of Miss Roosevelt, as will be also Miss Helen Mackay-Smith and Miss Mathilde Townsend. Miss Mackay-Smith Is the eldest daughter of Rev. Dr. Mackay-Smith, who is in charge of the quaint colonial church at Washington, St. John's, which has been the scene of so many historic ceremonies and Is one of the principal places of interest to all sight seers In Washington. Miss Townsend will make her debut In December, and has Just returned from Europe, where, with her mother, she has spent the past six months, having been much admired in Paris and at the German baths. The District Budget. The District commissioners have transmitted to the secretary of the treasury their estimates of the appro priations that will be needed for the support of the government of the Dis trict for the fiscal year ending June 30, "1903. The sum asked is $10,439,8S1.87. The sum asked for the preceding year was $9,0S0,703.94, and the sum appro priated was $7,532,519.31. The secre tary of the treasury will forward the estimates to congress. In making public the estimates Com missioner Macfarland stated that the commissioners had followed this year, as last, the policy of asking for what is really necessary, regardless of the pos sible deficit due to the diversion of Dis trict funds by congress to street exten sion purposes. Isthmian Canal Commission. The Isthmian canal commission got together here and is now hard at work finishing up its report, which it prom ises to have in the president's hand3 long enough in advance of the meeting of congress to enable him to make use of It in preparing his annual message. The president of the Panama Canal . company Is here trying to get the com mission to report in favor of buying his canal. It will be remembered that In Its preliminary report made to Pres ident MeKinley last year the commis sion declared against such a purchase. President Garfield's Widow. Word comes from the Mentor (O.) farm of the Garfields that the widow of the former president, who is now well ' on In years, is in a serious condition of ill health. Her only daughter, the little Mollie of the White House years ago, j now Mrs. J. Stanley Brown and the j mother of several children, has gone with her family and mother to Califor : nla for the possible benefit of the latter. ' They have leased for the winter a beau jtiful cottage on Orange Grove avenue In Pasadena. S The Bonapartes. Mrs. Jerome Bonaparte and her son, Mr. Jerome N. Bonaparte, arrived at Itheir Washington home the other day, j 'after a visit of several, months to the jCount and Countess de Moltke-Huit-xeldt, at their estate in Glorup, Den- 1 "mark. Mr. Bonaparte Is the third of that name to be known in this country and Is the great-grandson of Jerome ; Bonaparte, the Corslcan, and younger j brother of Napoleon I., "who, in 1803, j married the beautiful Baltimorean, Miss Elizabeth Patterson. By building some bedchambers in the attic for women servants the presiden tial family have contrived to settle j themselves comfortably in the White : House and reserve one commodious ; chamber fur guests. Doubtless there J will be times when it would be conven ient to have two or more guest cham bers, but the Roosevelts may be trusted to get along with such domestic diffl- Jcultlea without complaining. Carl ScnorniD. . An Attractive Tea Jacket. The tea jacket shown in the illustra tion is of pale blue cloth edged with a white guipure lace frill and adorned with a large, stylish lace collar to match. Blue ribbon confines the full- stimulate the TORPID LIVER, strengthen the digestive organs, regulate the bowels, and are un equaledasan ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, In malarial districts their virtues are widely recognized, as they possess peculiar properties in freeing the system from that poison. Elegantly sugar coated. T&ate No Substitute. Dir-soiu'ion r. u BX.TTB CliOTH ANI IiACE. ness at the waist and trims the sleeves. The upper sleeve Is of cloth, and the full undersleeve and chemisette are of white liberty satin, while the collar band Is of blue velvet. Philadelphia Ledger. !- r: " & r-'-- ec , w'ii I b dir-foi . u al frie-di eoa- nt, i r l.-t 1902 a 1 e-Kti'o i oeb ;o f . fi.ro a?e r-sp; c fu i ri fi w - q e-tv'J it ma'-e - a. e t be or-'h t uaie, s no furtbe'- nu'errc can i en W. H. MITH W T " ELVERTON The undersigned desires to express to the public bia appreciation of and lasting: thanks for tha unfailingly liberal patronage they have given the above firm, and takes this occasion to ?av thai, he will continue tbe Hardware bupiness at the same old stand of the above firm, w;;pre 25 years ago he first opened business and where he nopes the public will continue to favor him wih that same liberal patronage he has always ex perienced at their hancta, promising to take care of their every want in his line at the lowest post ible cost to them Respectfully, W. H smith. Mrs. Joe Person's medy ) And He Never Took Hold Again Some ten or tweiv years ago a Jady in this Sta e was suffarlnf from severe hemorrhage of the womb. For year she had been subject t'al" est cent nu ous flow ant? at itst she grot into so low a cr nditi' r that the was cor, fined to the b-d AD effort of the doctors failed to check it. and finally two o' th- leafliDer physicians of her locality pronounced the cse cancerous. Her prr stratlon was grcat.and noth ing seemed to reach her case One of I er neighbors insisted on her trying" my Reme y and Wafch This &he woaid not do until she had con -uHei her doctor. His reuiv was. '-when Mrs, Person takes, hold, we turn loose; when she turns looe, we tae hold " However, ehe coacluded to try it. Without letting- anjor e into tbe sacret, she us d my wash copiously. A great improvement soon set in and by its use she was soon well. Sh has been cured ail these years, and says she can never say enough for Mrs. Joe Person's Wash. .The name o the lady will be given.if desired, upon application to me. Respectfullv. MttS. JOE PFRSOM, October fi. 1900. Kittreil N. G Make,yourself at home in our store when you ccme to town. We hereby announce to our friends that we have purchased after a careful study of all the leading stles nd manufactures. : AN IMMENSE ARRAY OF GLOfK also our a great variety prices are low oT5o In Uoiden Building. ovr SouthrUnl Srlnkley A Oo.'o Ssore. i ne On Day Cold Cur. For cc-ld ir tbe head and sore ttircwt ttse iCst Tan Boots and Shoes. Brown boots and shoes are Invaria bly, let it be remembered, the most cor rect and convenient footgear when traveling, for obvious reasons, and. when well made, can no longer have the reproach leveled at them of being clumsy or apparently Increasing the size of the foot. The American Shoe company and. Indeed, most of the best bootmakers have now brought the brown shoe and boot to a point of per fection in shape and color which leaves nothing to be desired by the most fas tidious, and in this connection It Is worth remarking that brown stockings should always match the tone of leather In one's boot or shoe, the union of color In both being one of those de tails which a well dressed woman will be careful to consider. VITALITY -POWER -HEALTH RESTORE! By the use of NEIiVO-TABIiETS, a SPECIFIC for all SEXUAL VEAKKEJt AND NERVOUS TROUBLES. Make pure rich blood ; impart warmth, power vigor, energy THEY NEVER FAIL, no matter how hopeless the cas may seem. Astonishing and quick results. They supply the Nerves, Brail and Blood with the most powerful and highly concentrated NERVE ANC BLOOD FOOD known, and being the TRUE Natural Vegetable Tonic, quickly assimilated, restoring Lost Vitality naturally and permanently NERVO-TABLETS are the product of the latest, most skillful and learned research in MATERIA MEDICA and are different from other remedies o: the class. They act as food to the system and leave it stronger every titm used. They begin at the seat of the disease and act on the Liver, Kidney: and Bowels, cleansing the entire system from impurities, and at the saim time tonic up every part of it. They will positively make WAEK MEN ant WOMEN stronz and robust. They have our unqualified guarantee. The surely and quickly stop all drains. Positively cure impotency, rsignt Losses, vericoceie, Da. effects of Tobacco and Whiskey, LOST MANHOOD, Tired Feeling, Sleeplessness, Nervous Debit fty. Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Vertigo, St. Vitus Dance, Nervous Headache, Backachi Trembling, Numbness, Lost Power, and all such diseases of the genital organs. Prevent PARALY SIS and CONSUMPTION. WEAK WOMEN should use them. They will bring the Bloom of Healtl Pale Faces add pleasure to life. We could give Thousand of Testimonials, but your best wa; l to try them, then if you want it, you can have your money back. Price, 50c a poxpf ten day reatment. Sealed by Mail. 8ix boxes $2.50. Postage stamps taken same as cash. Address THE NERV0 REMEDY CO., 358 W. Jefferson St, Louisville. Ky, Sole Agents tor the U. 8. For sale in Goldabnro br M. 13. Robinson A Bro. Fabrics Must Be Furry. Many fabrics known as drap de zlb eline are exaggerated in their silky and furry appearance to an exceptional de gree, while one or two colors are inter mingled on ground colors of grays, mas tic, Sevres blues, fraise cerassees and browns. Long white or black hairs ap pear to float over the whole mixture, and indescribable checks, broken stripes, colored knotted woolen spots, are interwoven on this novelty. A short pile satin faced beaver cloth known aa drap de panne is equally favored with a coarse canvas cloth. Blouse and Norfolk Jackets. Taking the place with many women of the Eton and bolero, which still, however, hold favor among autumn robes, are the blouse jackets with turn down Napoleon collar, or one in Aiglon shape, with or without the skirt pep lum, cut In circular form, or the new Norfolk Jacket, made with silk stitch ed, adjustable plaits that taper from beneath the edges of a shaped yoke to the waist. A narrow stitched belt de fines the slight dip at the front, and the close sleeves are made with two seams. A. Styllsb Gray- Hat. The illustration shows a large gray and white felt hat made of interlaced folds of felt and -velvet and trimmed with two large gray plumes. ARE YOU TIRED OF QUACK MEDICINES f That Have Done You No Good? Give JlflIS IilTfUl WATER A Trial, f It Flushes the Kidneys and Bladder and Ex- cretes the Uric Acid in the System. 1 j It has cured thousands of Kidney and Bladder Trou- A eg bles,Kheumatism,Ijumbago,and all K'ndred Diseases and g I 1T WILL CURE) YOU." The man or woman who lias used Harris Liithia j Water has made a discovery. 1 Case, 12 1-2 Gallon Bottles, $4.00 delivered. I ' 1j Harris Lithia "Water Carbonated in Quarts and Pints, g As a Table Water it is Unexcelled. l-S-FOK SALE BY DEALERS. g I GOLDS.BORO DRUG CO. aug 29 eod 4ms. LfOca.1 1D istrihUlors. " j Harris Lithia Springs Co., Harris Springs S. C . We have not only an immense line, but most carefully and s udiously se'tcted. And lower than ever before extremely low. All we ask is a comparison of values. Our st ck includes full lines of Ch ldren's Reefers, Children's Capes, Children's Fur Sets. Misses Jacket?, Misses Reefers, Misses A ut mobiles, Misses Golf Capes, Misses Fur Sets. Ladies Jackets, Ladies Automo"bile3, Ladies Newmarkets two lengths, Ladies Capes clcth and plush, Ladies Furs scarfs, muffs, ftc, Ladies Tailor made Suits to close. Our cloak department contains OVER $2 500 Worth Of stock which makes it the largest cloak department in East ern North Carolina. We guarantee all prices. Our guarantee is this: You can have your money back if you are not entirely satisfied in every manner with your purchase. And our guarantee is as good as a bond . H. WeilS Bro. HONEST MERCHANDISE. $100 Reward- For any case of Cirillsand Fever that cannot be cured by Wheeler's Tonic when used strictly by direction. The only com bined Chill and Fever Treatment on the market. The Liver and Kidneys, Stomach; Blood, Brain and Nervous System treated sep arately. Wheeler's Tonic will cure Intermitent, Bilious and Con tinued Fever. The best Tonic; Great Appetizer a Logical Pre scription; Scientifically Compounded; Contains no Poison. For sale by J. H. Hdl & Son, Goldsboro, N. C. w, june 13. -AT- Bmzel Kcrer Toaehed Htm. Shorts The papers misstated some Betails of that accident today. XiOngs How so? Shorts They stated that the tramp who stole a ride on a mud scow was washed overboard. He wasn't. I saw him when they pulled him out, and he was Just as dirty as when he left the poat. Harlem Life. A Wrt3k Creation. "One of Worth's most exquisite crea tions of this season Is aa evening gown of vieux rose miroir velvet. Beautiful guipure d'Irlande forms the quaint col Jar, shaping in a-sloping fashion over the shoulders and further embellishes the skirt. The prlncesse front Is of a paler shade of vieux rose satin, the cor sage being slashed with velvet strings. A large black chapeau de style com pletes the picturesque toilet. SHOE AND HAT STORE. You can find the nicest assortment of Shoes for Ladies, Men and children in the city- Our trade has more than doubled on our Duttenhofer Shoes for Ladies, we guarantee they have no superior for wear and comfort. For Men our Edwin Clapp, Crawford and Crosset cannot be excelled in style 2nd wear. For children we carry the best lines made. Hats and caps to suit any one. Call and see our immense stock of Shoes and Hats Bizzell Bros. Headquarters for Fine Shoes and Hats. ' This Rocker Qnly $1.25 at Royall & Borden's. Jarmers' Varehouse. (NEXT DOOB TO C0UET HOUSE.) oGOLDSBORO, N. C. For The Sale of Leaf Tobacco. All grades of tobacco has advanced considerably on our market for the last week." The Farmers Warehouse made the biggest aver age sales of the season last week. They had a big sale and made an average of over 10 cents for the whole floor, scrap green tips and all, some lots averaged 19c, some 17c, some 15c, some 12, the bal ance about 10c So don't -sell your tobacco at low prices when you can get BIG ONES at Farmers' Warehouse. Our buyers are an xious for it and come to the Farmers to find it. Tours to sexye, EDMUNDSON & WILLIAMS, Proprietors. J. J. MEADOR, Auctioneer.

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