.1 : 1 - i I 'I 'I . j' I -I J1 'if-. i r: g - -lfif 11 f -i '4 i i . .. 1 35 -11 -.1 r. ' l-Mi I r f Digests what yoo Eat WSPPSlgl (00 IP ITca mlgbt as well put i'ubi under a boiler without burning It and expect the engine to run, as to eat food and not digest it and expect CO Keep np nourishment for your body. You must have nourishment $3 ana when you cannot digest your food, Kodoi Dyspepsia CtjbB vUt do it for you, with no aid whatever from the stomach. It contain ; exactly the same (dements as Nature's digestive fluids and can't help on I produce the same results. David Taylor, Blind Ridge, Pa.,write8s ' I have been afflicted for a number of years with dyspepsia and .bar ! tried various remedies without good results but was cured by one bottle Cf Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I cannot say too much in its favor. If can't help but do you good frenared bv E. O. DeWitt & Co.. Chicago. The $1. bottle contains V& times the 50c. size, Then you need a soothing and healing application for piles, sores and skin diseases, use DeWitt's Witch Hazel SALVE. Beware of counterfeits. EPSTEIN BROS. ODD FELLOWS CORNER. our New buns and overcoats Are Expecting You to Call and See Them. ARE YOU READY? WE ARE. a wniUm tVn'c cf-A-hmiQP nf Seasonable Clothing there rests piles upon piles of warm comfortable suits ?nckHKve KaflV and overcoats, ready to protect you from the wintry iVU Wk a VJ uavj blasts. We have the single and double-breasted Sack dnfc in rnsnv tvlps and in many irradesand patterns; the stylish Cutaways and stately Prince Alberts to please ou are here. Ourprices are quick sellers and we correct all errors. BOYS' CUOTHBS If there is a headquarters forjiny thing this is the one for Boys Clothing, uur line Tor tnis iaii win tesuiy it. EPSTEIN BROS. &0ZLEVS LEMON ELIXIR- ft Pleasant Lemon ToniG- li-ia Hrinnv riispiasAR. fever, chills, loss : of appetite, debility, nervous prostra- . tlon ana near iaiiure, oy rosuuius I . . -1 -r 1 T7 I 3 tne J-iiver, Biomaco, duwbib, iuuuojio and Blood. Hoiley'a Lemon Elixir Cured me of indigestion. I had suffered for ten years. I had tried almost every medicine, but all failed. Since taking Lemon Elixir I can eat anything I le, . W, A. URIFF-ETH, Reevesville, 8. O. Moslem's Lemon Elixir f indigestion and heart dis- I ease, after years of suffering, when all other remeaies ana aociors aau iubu X. D. UOIiEMAN, Beulah, 8. C, Mozley'S Lemon lixlr T ham lifien n. p-reat sufferer from fnr alimit. fifteen Tears, my trouble being my liver, stomach and bowels, witn tern Die neaaw-noB. uom- on Elixir curea me. My appeiii-e is guuu onri T am well. T had taken a barrel of I other medicine that done me no good. UHABUSS VjrXiJJiA.tut No. 1515 Jefferson St Louisville, Kj. Mozlevs Lemoft Elixir. I Cured me of enlarged liver, nervous I lnHfQot!r.Ti onH fiAA.pt. Hi nea.se. I W as I unable to walk up stairs or do any kind of work. I was treated by many -a . J 1 LJ T pnysicians, duu go no pewer uum x used Lemon Elixir. I am now healthy and vigorous. C. H. Baldwin, JNo. V8 Aiexanaer at., .axianxa, aa. MOZLEY'3 LEMON HOT DBOF8 I uures au uougns, vuiuu. jness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hem- orrnage, ana au tnroax anu. iuxig u.ia- ! nnc H'. acrant. rn mn e. i gnoon . - i wenxy-nvecenxB at oruggistB. sriv parea omy oy ut. a. xaosiey, auiu "rvM(. ar sweet words, but how much pain and suffering they used to mean. It's different now. Since Mother's Friend has become known expectant mothers have . . l I .Lrl J been spared mucn or ine anguisn oi cmiu birth. Mother's Friend is a liniment to be applied externally. It is rubbed thoroughly Into the muscles of the abdomen. It gives elasticity and strengtn, ana wnen mo xmai great strain comes tney respond quiCKiy ana itVinnt nain. Mother's Friend Is never taken internally. Internal remedies at this time do more barm man gooa. u a ODD Fellows' Corner. -AT- Biziell Bros, 5H0E AND HAT STORE. Vnn n'finH thp nicest assortment of Shoes for H rhilHrpn in the citv. Our trade has UiUUICO, i 1 1VU - i mnrA iVin HmihlpH on our Duttenhofer Shoes tor Ladies, we guarantee they have no superior for wear For Men our Edwin Clapp, Crawford and Crosset cannot be exceuea m styie ana wear. ri umuicn wc carry the best lines made. Hats and caps to suit any one. Call and see our immense stock of Shoes and Hats Bizzell Bros, Headquarters for Fine Sfcjas and Hats. EW SHORT STORIES1 Roosevelt's STervy Guide. j Here is a story told by. President ! Roosevelt of an Indian guide who had , a natural power -'of charming snakes. The party, of which Colonel Roosevelt ; was one, struck a little frontier town where a strolling show was in progress. . "We went in," said the colonel, "and -found a performer challenging the au- : dience to handle his snakes. The guide j at once accepted the challenge and, having convinced every one of the per- j feet harmlessness of the reptiles, pro- j duced a number of rattlers from a bas- ket he had with him. The performer incontinently fled. The same guide was a most ardent believer in the redskins' tradition that it is an unjustifiable I crime to kill a rattlesnake, as it 'plays fair in giving warning before it strikes. ; He repeatedly exhibited the immunity of all adherents to this creed by letting a rattler bite his heel." "What became of him?" asked one of the listeners. "Well, he tried to found a similar theory about bears, and it didn't work," Colonel Roosevelt replied significantly. "How so?" "He went in for a couple of tame bears, and then I thought It was time to part from his traveling menagerie, so I got him a 30D on a ranch we were passing. When I re turned, I asked after him, and they told me that when he went to show that he was immune from bears one of his pets called him a liar, and the other fel low proved the truth of his mate's ac cusation. They kept his moccasins as a memento." Result of a Steady Diet. As most neonle who have encounter ed him know full well, Senator Hanna has a very exnressive way of saying things, relates the Chicago Chronicle. Frequently he is detained at his office at Cleveland ; until too late to eat his luncheon at the Union club, where he usually goes after leaving his office in the afternoon;s. On these occasions ne eats his lunch at the restaurant in the Pfirrv-Pavne buildine and is usually accompanied by his private secretary. Elmer Dover. While at luncheon a few days ago the senator, who usually writes out the lunch orders for himself and his secretary, wrote "cold ham and Ice cream" for his secretary without asu- Ing what he wanted. 1 "I know what you want," said the senator after handing the order to the waitress. "You always eat cold pig and ice cream." "But I'll tell you," he continued quite seriously, "if you continue on that fare you will soon be nothing but a frozen hog." men He Struck the Kins. It is not often that a subject can claim to have struck a king and yet survive and be accounted the most es timable of men. But this record be longs to the veteran Lord Wemyss, who has lately celebrated his eighty third birthday, says London M. A. P. AVfegetable Prepacalionfor As-' similating theFoodandBegula ling ttieStoinachs andBowels of Promotes Digestion.CheerFur ness andRest.Contains neither Opiuni,Morpliine nor Mineral. WOTNAHCOTIC. Jitctpe afOld-Jb-SAMUELPHGHER Jmtpkm Seed'" 4lx.Souut BockelU Sails - nise Seed. fiaperrnitit -mfarbmateSod- liven. Flavor. Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Tion, Sour Stomach.Dian-hoea Worms .Convulsions ,Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature the . i tf w IF In Use For Over Thirty Years EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. w THC CCNTAU' COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. ARE YOU DEAF? ANY HEAD NOISES? ALL CASES OF AND ISH LINE OF irmlifid with this sDleiidid linl wr w-rr "' r ... ment she need never iear rising or sweumg breasts, morning sickness, or any oi the discomforts whicn usuauy accompany picg- nancy. Thm nrnnrlfttor of a lar?e hotel in Tampa ci- ,t-ito: "Mv wife had an awful time with her first child. During her second pregnancy. Mother's Friend was used and the baby was born easily before the doctor arrived. It's certainly great. Get Mother's Friend at the drug store. $1 per bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Write for our free Illustrated book. " Bafoi Bbj U Born." PASKEk'S.. Cleanse And bentifie the hmir. Never FfcilB to Before Ormy BIG MONEY Made Rapidly, Own the Business. Our Plan Beat3 everything. Uo risk. Settt FREE. First answer will cet tnis. m. tl oung 363 Hettry St., Brooklytt, N. Y. STYL PICTURE nOULDINQ Just received. Call and have your pictures neat- i r 11 : A . ly ana cneapiy rrameu uy dAptrncuccu ucmci Special cut prices for 30 days. ParKer & FaiKener Furniture go- THBSPEOPLB'S PRIBNDS. rENt 9 v fir 1 m w safe, always reliable, ladies fttk Xrugfnst lor vucaesiera jingt-ma isin- J U ... J :n 1 finUl mt&llia jboxes, peiod with Llae ribbon. Tko "Relief for La!!," letter, by vetara fr Mall. 1 !00O 're3traoninifl. amap&r. 7. e k 4 14 n.Rai Co..M adlllOB PB&CA t IT li Ivooel Urnrrw 1 PH1LADA- PA. NOW OPEN. 6H0166 Gren We Hanna's fine-Shoes FOR See our patent leather shoes for Ladies, price $3.00 equal to $4.03 shoes, FULL LINE OF- R. and Q. Corse's Just Received, Big Bargains in Trupks and Valises. Sou therlan d ; Br i ok 1 cy & Go New Meat Market Under Arlington Hotel Beef.Veal, Pork, Mut ton, Lamb and Sausage in season. Polite attention and quick delivery guar an teed. I solicit a share of your patronage, aug 26 4ms Bespectfully, J. H. TRENT. Late witn Geo. "W.Best and Best & Stevens . fl)0)e 155. Farm for Sala or Exchange. T Toill Bell mv farm of 103 acres. located within a mile and a half of rnHTr in cmnA state of cultivation. and ftflnntfid to truck or tobacco: or I I won Id exe.hansre it for f arming land in the vicinity of oldsboro or Fre mont. X. ur. XjOFTIN, 4wdw Dudley N. C. ne one Dav Cold Curn. aa . A h.af1 anil anr thtyiAt USB Kte IN A BtTEST OF ELOQUENCE. It was one night last year in the house of lords. The king, then heir apparent, was seated on the cross benches listen ing to the debate. Immediately behind him was Lord Wemvss. who in the course of the sitting rose to address the house. The matter under discussion was one near his heart, and his ear nestness betrayed him into wild, wav ing movements of his arms, which the amused spectators observed more than once to menace the prince's shining hat. The veteran peer, however, did not notice the danger and at last in a burst of eloquence brought his arm around full circle and hit the prince full on tne crown of his hat, driving it almost over his eyes. The profuse apologies of the earl were met with a good numorea smile from the victim. DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: Baltimore, Md., March 30, 1901. Gentlemen ; Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give yott a full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. (iiTW About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost my hearing in this ear entirely. . . . I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me tliat only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat ment. After I had used it onlvafew days according to your directions, the noises ceased, ana to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours. tut a F. A. WERMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Our treatment does not interfere with, yqur usual occupation. vfcTee YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME ataeno8T.taal INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SAL' AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. BARGAINS FOR ALL All the time at FranK ymwiflsofs store Being overstocked, I em determined to cat prices on all goods until January 1st, so as to reduce my immense stock, ready for Spring goods. These cut prices are on ine wuuwuig Tobacco and snuff, Groceries, Hats TrunKS and umbrellas, Dry Goods and .Notions, shoes, and slippers. Come around and let us convince you. F. B. Edmundsoii. Our Tinware, Stove Mats, Stove Pipe, Fire Boards, Elbows, Path Tubs, Gasoline stoves, Oil vapor stoves. now Did He Know? Dr. F. J. Campbell, a celebrated blind uwn.t.nr of England, once naa an amusing experience at a rough and ready hotel in the backwoods or Amen- H 1 T-n T-i 1-1 -r. 4-ohla n two trins were ai tuc uiuuci with the doctor, and one of them was touchingly sympathetic. "Does your Minriness make any difference to you trhon vou eat?" she asked. "Why, yes; I know when my food's good just as 00 vnn r!r " said the doctor. "Ana YY Cit cK jv . when you drink?" "Why. It's just tue same." "And can you tail in love: 'Dear me, why, of course I can. 1 have fallen very much In love." "Well, but how can you say whether a girl's pretty? Do you mind telling me if I'm pretty?" "Not in the slightest." "Shall 1 put my hand on your racer i .uuw without that," said the man witn clos ed eyes. "You are the prettiest girl on the creek." "My! That's true!' ex claimed the girl as she rushed to Her friend and asked, "Now, now am n know that?" Heatine stoves, Gooking ranges, Cooking stoves Cooking utencils. Sewing Machines and Sewing Machine Supplies iq now rnmnlete in our new rooms. Nos. 112 and 114-iSouth Walnut Street. ROOFING PLUMBING HOUSE HEfVTINQ The John Slaughter Go. A7TT a t TTV - POWER HE A LTH RES I until Bv the use of NEEVO-TABLETS, a SPECIFIC for a!l SEJCCAL VV EAKNE AND NERVOUS TROUBLES. Make pure rich blood ; impart wnrmth, powei! vhror enemr THEY NEVER FAIL, no matter how hopeless tne cusl may seem. Astonishing and quick results. They supply the Nerves. Braij and Blood with the most powerful an highly concentrated NERVE AN BUOOD FOOD known, and being the TRUE Natural Vegetable TonSc. art quickly assimilated, restoring Lost Vitality naturally and permanent,:.: NERVO-T ABLETS are the product of the latest, most skillful and ler.rno research in MATERIA MED1CA and are different from other remedy u: the class. They act as food to the system and leave it stronger every t'nn used. They begin at the seat of the disease and act on the Liver, kldncyt and Bowels, cleansing the entire system from impurities, an ct :!v s.tim time tonic up every part of it. They will positively make v AeK Ak.W WOMEN strone and robust. They have our unqualified guarantee. The ni TTl BTT11W T . - . ... 1 4r .... Nlh, .aaAa V ac enr ..1a .. . rureivand auickly stop all drains. fosiuveiy ure ln!ff? ' J. - j Iflfects of Tobacco and Vhiskey. LOST MANHOOD, Tired Feeling, Sleeplessness, Nervors fv bil enetia ui i uu. " . . K. v Vitua nance. Nervous Headache, f .ackachl fty, indigestion, "'P"". " "rrnf the nitel oreans. Prevent PAR ALY. jy, Z. power and all such diseases of the genital organs. Prevent PAR ALY. l PaTe FsaddTKre to. We could give Thousands of f estimoniaU, tut yovr beet wa; "l.,,! fflfZwant it. you canblve your money back. Price, 50c a box-. f ten day lyMail. Six boxes 2.50. Postage stamm taken same as casn. .... ; NERVO REMEDY CO., 368 W. Jefferson St, Louisville. Kv Sole Agents tor the U. & featment. Sealedbj Address mei T?ot sale in Goldsboro bj M. K. Bobinson & Bro. t J I, F I' k f 'I K c, t ' t' f f - )4 . "

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