FACTS IN FEW LINES Bo valuable Is coal In the Pon champ coalfields of France that it pays to mine coal at a depth of 3,313 feet. A steel cable weighing seven tons and nearly a mile long is used. The coal is brought up In trains of six cars. Ireland continues to far outdistance all other European countries in crime lessness. Official statistics for the last year, just published, show a decrease of 10.2 per cent in minor offenses as compared with the preceding year. Professor Gerhardt of Vienna direct ed attention in a recent lecture to the fact that within the last twenty years mortality has decreased from thirty two to twenty-nine a thousand in Aus tria and from twenty-one to eighteen In England. St. Frideswide's church, Foplar, has been enriched by an interesting gift Which is probably unique in England. It is an altar cloth valued at more than $10,000 which, like Penelope's web. nas taken ten years to manufacture and is partly woven of human hair. American manufacturers seeking new markets will not succeed, says a iwriter, unless they make their pack ages small enough for carriage on a mule's back and wrap their wares in red paper instead of brown. The hea then purchaser prefers red. It is luck ier. Robinson Crusoe's island, as Juan Fernandez is generally known to American and English readers because of the identification of Alexander Sel kirk with the hero of De Foe's tale, is "now almost as devoid of inhabitants as at the time when the famous mariner was shipwrecked on its shores. The enumeration of 1900 shows .that there are more men and boys than wo men and girls in this country and that the difference exceeds 1,800,000 in a population of 70,303,387. The excess appears more distinctly perhaps when It is said that there are 512 males and only 4SS females in every thousand people in the United States. Nearly half a century ago the experi ment of putting horse meat on the market was made for the first time in 'Austria. A government decree of 'April 20, 1S54, gave legal permission to cut up and sell horse meat as an article of food. During the rest of that year and in isr5 043 horses were slaughtered for food in Vienna. The number rose in 1S99, the last year for iwhich statistics are obtainable, to 25, .640 head. The graphophone is beginning to fig ure as a considerable American export, and certainly it is one of the most curi lous and interesting. While its com mercial uses are beyond the compre hension or needs of the Persian, the Hindoo or the south sea islander, each of them is fascinated by an invention tiwhlch reproduces the familiar sounds f the human voice and entertains jthern with grand and light opera and orchestral music. stimulate the TORPID LIVER, strengthen the digestive organs, regulate the bowels, and are un equaled as an ANTI-BEII0US MEDICINE, In malarial districts thair virtues are widely recognized, as they possess peculiar properties in freeing the system from that poison. Elegantly sugar coated. I&i&e No Substitute. Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy ! And He Never Took Hold Again Somn ten or twelve years ago a lady in this Sta e wi .-ufferinu from severe hemorraagd of the womb. For years shofiad bf n suvjet to almost continu ous flow, and at istshe got into so low a conditio that she was cor fined to the bed AH effort of the doctors failed to check it, aad finally two of the leading physicians of her locality pronounced the case canrerous. Her prostration was great, and nothing seemed to reach her ca-e One of her neighbors insisted oa her trying my Kemeoy and Wsh. Vbi she wojlci not do until she had oon-u'ted ber doctor. His rep'v was. -WVif-n Mrs. Per son takes h ld, we turo jonee; when she turns loo-e, we iar.e t-,old " However, ehe concluded 'o try it Without letting an v ore into t:ie s cret, sbu-- d my wash copously. A f?rjt improvement soon sot in and i by iss ua she was soon well. She has been en rod tl these years, and say s sh od i'?vir say enough for Xvlrs. Joe Person's Wash. The name of the lady will be given,if desired, upon apulication to me. Respectfully, MRS. JOE PERSON, October R, 1990. Kittrell. N. C I SS 6301101118 DOES NOT. AFFECT THE H&flRT 15. 2f and 60 cents a bottle. 1 Five cenis a dose at Soda Fountains. ISLER & SHAW, ftTTORNEYS-fVT-LfW. K1NSTON, N. C. Practice in Jones, Onslow, Greene, Lenoir and Wayne Counties; in Supreme Court and TJ. S. Courts. They are partners only in Lenoir County. Mr. Issler will be in Goldsboro every Tuesciy of each week, unless when attending the cou-tsi in his circuit. jy 10. w only. 6m WANTED to sell cheap for cash 1 sorrel mare, about 12 years old, perfectly gentle and sound in every respect. Apply to T. J. Hood, Grantham's Store. Make yourself at home in our store when you come to town. We hereby announce to our friends that we have purchased after a careful study of all the leading styles and manufactures. AN IMMENSE ARRAY OF GLOfKS We have not only an immense line, but also a great variet most carefully and studiously selected. And our prices are low lower than ever before extremely low. All we ask is a comparison of values. Our stock includes full lines of Children's Reefers, Children's Capes, Children's Fur Sets. Misses Jackets', Misses Reefers, Misses Automobiles, Misses Golf Capes, Misses Fur Sets. Jjadies Jackets, Ladies 'Automobile 3, Ladies Newmarkets two lengths, Ladies Capes cloth and plush, Ladies Furs scarfs, muffs, etc., Ladies Tailor made Suits to close . Ouv cloak department contains OVER $2,500 Worth Of stock which makes it the largest cloak department in East ern North Carolina. We guarantee all pr'ces. Our guarantee is this: You can have your money back if you are not entirely satisfied in every manner with your purchase. And our guarantee is as good as a bond ... W Jti W e SBro. HONEST MERCHANDISE. V '1 1 1 1 r f r 1 r 1 1 mi k I B it m;JL l L&i L:h L? SI ingest t y 0 Starvation seems a strange remedy for any disease. Yet starvation by rigorous diet was once generally resorted to in cases of i ndigestion or other stomach trouble. Even yet it is sometimes tried. Such a remedy is worse than useless. Every day of life consumes a portion of the tissues cf the human body. The food we eat serves to repair this waste and you can't build up the" system by withholding material for the purpose. If the stomach is' in such condi tion that it cannot furnish it the task must be performed without the stomach's assist ance. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only preparation which accomplishes this. There are others which act on certain kinds of food, but Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only one which digests them all as the 6tomach digests them. Man is eo constituted that be m:eds a variety of food and to reduce this variety always produces bad results. In ninety-nine cases In a hundred Indiges tion is due to lack of some of the elements which constitute the natural digestive juices, usually to the absence of hydrochlo ric acid from the stomach. It is b y the ac tion of these juices that food is reduced to a form in which it can be transformed into living tissue. With any of them lacking it Is easy to see that the process of digestion cannot be perfectly performed. With the single exception of Kodol Dys pepsia Cure all preparations for the relief of indigestion lack certain of these elements. Consequently they cannot digest all classes ?l fod- Kodol Dyspepsia Cure contains them all. It will digest anything that the healthy stomach can digest. It is nature's own cure. Don't resort to stimulating tonics. Such drugs simply urge the already overworked stomach to renewed exertions. It is like spun-ing a tired horse. For a moment h responds. Then Outraged nature reasserts itself and he falls in a heap. Sedatives are equally ineffective. At first they deaden pain but afterward comes the reaction and keener suffering than before. What the stomach needs is rest. To ob tain it a substitute must be found for the natural digestive juices. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only substitute which accom plishes nature's results by nature's own methods. It gives the stomach perfect rest by digesting what you eat. No dieting is necessary. Eat all the good food you want, build up the system and at the same time relieve the stomach from all responsibility. The rest will restore it to its natural condi tion and soon effect a complete cure. This is the only rational and common sens method of aiding nature. fpllio dl H H 111 clip is nsspy Gentlemen: I have been a great sufferer for many years from indigestion which has become almost chronic and have suffered untold pains which were always worse after eating a hearty meal. I took two bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and am now a well man and life seems worth living,. Peter Sherman, No. Stratford, N. H. SsHered UBtold Apng. Gentlemen: I want to say that your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best remedy for all stomach troubles that I ever used. It is the only remedy I ever ueed with any f:ood results. For years, I have been troub ed with the severest form of dyspepsia, at times compelling me to remain in bed and causing me untold agony. 1 am com pletely cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and I have recommended it to several friends who have also purchased it with the same results. I always offer to pay the purchase price if it fails but so far have never paid. The first dose relieves. Geo. W. Lane, rewamp, Mich. Gentlemen: For twenty years I suffered the most agonizing pains with dyspepsia. For years I regularly tried every doctor and medicine that I could secure but without relief, until at last I became convinced that 1 would die. Your agent at this place finally Induced me to try a bottle of Kodol Dyspep sia Cure. I commenced to improve from the very first dose and after taking six bot tles I am as well as I ever was in my life You are at liberty to publish this and I nope that it may be the means of rescueing some sufferer from that terrible disease, dyspepsia. Mrs. M. Houston, Omaha, Mo. KccsnsjiiOs It To Ail SsHcrcps,. Gentlemen: I have been afflicted for four or five years with dyspepsia. I have tried various remedies without any good results and finally was induced to use Kodol Dys pepsia Cure. I cannot say too much ki its favor as one bottle cured me. I recommend the remedy to all who suffer from the same cause. David May lor, Windridge, Penn Gentlemen: This is what I have to say anxmt Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. About a year ago I could not drink either tea oi- coffee, drinking only hot water, and could eat but very little food, until I began taking the Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, and I t hen hogu n to improve at once. After taking the Kcdol Dyspepsia Cure during the summer I can not only retain what food I eat. but also drink either tea or coffee, and I have gained so that I am hardly considered bv -.07 friends as being the same woman. I cannot say too much for what it has done for v.ie, and I recommend it most cheerfully to all sufferers from indigestion and stomach trouble. ilrs. Jeffrey, Georgetown, Wis. Cored Eg a Solfle. Gentlemen: I am one of the many suf ferers from dyspepsia and after buying sev eral pepsin remedies,I concluded to inve your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure a trial. I did so and am now giad that I did. ITalf a bottle cured me entirely and I have not been troubled, with dyspepsia since I fail aecueme. v , U. luuce, Meredith. IL, PrepredbyE.C.DeWitt&Co.,ChIcafl. TtSI.00bottIetW.2Ktim..Mcfc(fcy.ctulm.r.menW.tt.trlallieWh!el.6.llsor50ceBt.. ir"3 cm p?7 iTOV0116 i? each town to ride and exnibit a sample 1901 model bicycle ot our manufacture. YOU CAN MAKE 10 TQ $50 A WEEK besides having a wheel to ride for yourself. mm BisfMs kjs $sM Md?,m ir m -jar m a SlOO p any bicycle APPRAyAL tr ies a cent deposit . advance and v.llov rss?2e? "sa s von .,v. MKWmmm rim& iitiiML. iV Y-?IVt!?1rW!m' no risk in orrlc-ntio- from no no ,1. -- 4? - & incvce uoes not suit vou. f -1 ffO 1101? miV a wheel until you have written for rnr FACTORY PRICES and FREE TRIAS. CFFtR. .i lU,eral .2er nas never been equaled and 13 a guarantee of ' 1 . : f -.7' m Ha mw For any case of Chills and Fever that cannot be cured by Wheeler's Tonic;' when used strictly by direction. The only com bined Chill and Fever Treatment on the market. The Liver and Kidneys, Stomach, B ood, Brain and Nervous System treated sep arately. Wheeler's Tonic will cure Intermitent, Bilious and Con tinued Fever. The best Tonic; Great Appetizer; a Logical Pre scription; Scientifically Compounded; Contains no Poison. For sale by J. H. Q 11 & Son, Goldsboro, N. C. june 13. WE WANT a reliable person in each town to distribute catalogues for us in I exchange for a bicycle. Write today for free catalogue and our special offer. I BEAD CYCLE 0Q.,Dept. 132, A, Chisago. Is eas'ly st impel as tha best feed for hog and cattle penerlly by the following comparative analysis of fat producing qualities, made by a prominent chemist and published in the Americaa Agriculturist. 77 per cent. 60 " " 64 " " 17 5 Rice Meal Peas Wheat ban Potatoes Turnins This article is f .ir sale by All Leading Feed Dealers, MflNUFflGTURF.p BY Carolina Rice Hills, GOLDSBORO, N. C BARGAINS FOR ALL All the time at franit Edmundsof s store ( : Being overstocked, I em determined to cut prices'on all goods until January 1st, so as to reduce my immense stock, ready for Spring goods. These cut prices are on the following goods: Tobacco and snuff, Groceries, Hats Trunks and Umbrellas, Dry Goods and Notions, shoesandf slippers. Come around and let us convince you. F. B. E&muticlson, hustle mm 0M 7'fs94jfl THE PRE-EMINENT CURE FOR RHEUMATISM AND ALL BLOOD DISEASES. Removes the cause. Relieves the pain fcy purifying the life giving fluid. OUR NATIVE HERBS has cured the most stubborn cases of Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver, Stomach, Bowel Troubles and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, after the doctors failed 200 Days' Treatment $(.00 AND YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU ARE NOT CURED. WHY SUFFER? R. P, Anderson-, Beston, N. C, says : "I have been troubled with Rheumatism for some time and Our Native Herbs has entirely cured me after all other remedies failed. I can I recommend it as it will do all that is claimed for it." WRITE FOR OUR ILLUSTRATED ALMANAC. FREE FOR THE ASKING t JAMES LONG, AGENT, beston, n. c. The Alonzo 0. Bliss Company, Sole Proprietors WASHINGTON, D. C. i iff m WATCHES, CAMERAS. .T V. xr n- r -a SILVERWARE, and many other valuabU Dremiuma n.- ' for se linir OUlCKM4II T.w.. . Z .l"1? a packape. Each package makes lO quarts of-deU- , j r' voi.imi, m 10 minutes time. Every body buyB. Send your name and address, and we wll send you 12 packages, postpaid, nd large pre5"S J.- Whe Io!d sen11 as Sl.SO, and we wiU Bend FREE your choice of premium. Write to-day and get extra present FREE. FRANKLIN CHEMICAL COMPANY, 830 Filbert Street, rtiMadelpIOa, P