m mrpfr. h firm. www vw This Argus o'er the people's righto, Doth an eternal vigil keep No soothing strains of Maia'e sons Can hill its hundred eyes to sleep. Vol. XIV GOIJDSBORO. -N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 28. 1902. NO 115 i it ii vim v j it v y i v i i n , i u i i i i -- WALTER LETTER. A Chronicling of a Week's Events in That Thriving eigh- Dorhood. Mr. Alex. Edeerton, of Pink ney, was visiting in oar commun ity last Sunday, Mr. W. T. Bortch and chil dren, of your oity, were out here Sunday, at Mr. Dortch'a farm. Misses Sudie Howell and Flos sie Lyoo, of your city, attended church here Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. John Langston, of your city, were visiting rela tives in our community last Sun day. Mr. Oscar Neal. of Wilson county, was visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Neal laet Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wright Lynch, of Johnston county, were visiting Mrs. Lynch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Dixon, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Carl Swinson leaves to-day for Charleston, to take in the Ex position, aod will probably re main there, where he has secured a position. Mr. L. B.Sasser, of Wilming ton, was ou a visit to bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L, Sasser, la&t week, where bis many friends were glad to see him. Mr. H. D. Wells and son, WiDston, returned home from Lucama, Saturday, where they have been for several weeks, building a mill on Black Creek. Master David Pipkin son of Mr. an l Mrs. Geo. W. Pipkin, has a fiddle which he made w ih a knife, that is a very fine piece of workmanship. The skill in ex ecution, and splendid tone, would do credit to more pretentious ar tists. Mr. and Mrs.. Mack Horcaday and s'ster, Miss Pearl, and Mr. Ed. Gurley and children, of your city, spent the evening at "Oak Glen," last Tuesday, and with two violias, two guitars and piano, tte strains of sweet music addad very much to the pleasures of the tvenirjg. Miss Pearl Hornadiy went to Cary, last Friday, to spend Sat urday atd Sunday witu Rev. and Mis. A. L. Ormond, and from there sbe goes to Lamou Springs', Moorrf county, to teach music in Miss Mattie Caldwell's school. The best wishes of her host of friends attend her, and they wish her that degree of success she so richly deserves. Rev. H. E. Tripp, filled his first appointment at Ebenfzer, Sunday afternoon, and preached a fine sermon, to a large congrega tion. He made a deep impres sion on his hearers, both as a earnest, zealous christian, and a logical, practical expounder of the Gospel. He was accompanied by his estimable wife, both of whom were guests at "Oak G.'en" Sunday, night, where they were most welcome visitors. After services at church Sun day afternoon, Rev. Mr. Tripp, took the congregation by storm in the announcement of the mar riage of two cf onr most worthy and and popular young people, Miss Mary Thompson and Mr. P. C. Caldwell, which happy event takes place Thursday afternoon, February 6th, 1902, at 4 p. m., in Ebenezer church. They both have hosts of friends whose best wishes will ever attend them for all the happiness this world can bestow. Mr. Geo. Mitchell oame near having a serious disaster, and probably fatal sesults, one night last week. He awoke at 1 o'clock and found his bed-room full of smoke, and saw the glare of fire. His bare&u was burning, and on it was two glass lamps filled with oil, which he removed just in time to prevent an explosion. The only cause he can attribute it to, is that in the bureau drawer was a gross of matches, which, from some cause, probably a mouse, had become ignited. It was a narrow escape and George says he has not slept soundly since. His bureau is a complete wreck, ex cept the bottom drawer. KlLLICKlNICK. "Oak Glenn", Walter, N. C, Jan. 21, 1902. "Woodland Crumbs. Mr. T. Li. Massey and family have moved to Goldsboro. We have bad no small pox in our section, and by being care ful see no need of having any. Thus far our roads have been pretty good. There are a few deep holes near the lattice bridge which need attention at once. Oae of the most interesting incidents- sincrt our last writing, was the ma-riage of Mr. John Watkins to Miss Ethel E. Mas sey, January 8, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Massey, Rev. B.E. Perkins officiating. Mr. John W. Parker and fam ily, of your city, have moved to Edgerton's tan yard, where he proposes to engaged in farming. Mr. Parker and family liyed m this section some years ago, where they made many friends, who are glad to welcome them back again. Rev. Solomon Woodard, from Colotns, Ind., attended Woodland Monthly Meeting, Saturday and Sunday, where b9 was highly favored in preaching the Gospel. He will anend quarterly meet ings at Nibuuia church next Saturday and Sunday. His father w&3 born and raised near Eu reki. Reader. Woodland, N. C , Jan. 21. Stony Creek. Items. Oar farmers hve begun work oa their crops. Mr. W. T. Gardnerf of your city, left our community Monday for his home. Miss Clara Paschall, who at tended the marriage of her cousin, was visiting in your city Monday. On January 16 th, Miss Mary Paschall was happily married to Mr. Herbert Howell, Elder J. W. Gardner, officiating. January 21, 1902. Jay. NOTICE. After January 1st, 1902, 1 find it will be absolutely necessary for me to retire from active practice. There fore, in justice to myseii ana family, I cannot afford to perform the la borious duties which devolve upon me, under existing circumstances, Viclva rnm to the above decision All indebted to me will please settle, as I need the money. Verv resnectfullv. WILL B. CRAWFORD, M. D. MT. OL1YE LETTER. A Week's Happenings of the flit. Olive Section. Argus Bureau, ) , Jan. 21, 1902. f Miss Lillie Mclntyre.of Rocky Mount, was visiting relatives here Sunday. Dr. Q, F. Herring and wife are visiting relatives near Clin ton this week. Capt. Beasely, of Rocky Mt., was the guest of the family of Mr. J. R. Bell last Suniay. Rev. B. P.DeLoatch left Tues day for Newport News, Va , where he will spend some time. Messrs. R. Kornegay, W. G. Davis, X- T. Keel and Rey. N. M. Jurney, after spending sev eral days in New York, returned home Saturday. The many friends of Mr. J. O. Higbsmith are glad to see him on the streets again after being confined to his home for several weeks with lagrippe. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. The Wayne County Board of Health, at a meeting in Goidsboro on Monday, January 20, 1902, so modified their recent order in re gard to the vaccination of school children, and teachers, that it is now unnecessary for you or the children attending your school to be vaccinated unless a case of small pox should develop in your district. In that case yaccination of all the residents of the dis trict, regardless of age or color, would immediately become coin- pulsory, under the ruling of the Board of Health. And should such a case occur it would, under this order, not be necessary to close your school. In the meantime, you need not yourself or the children attend ing yuu school be further solici tous on the question ol vaccina tien: but please suppress all talk or aggitation of the quastion in your school, in order that the chi'dren may give all of their at tention to their studies. Respectfully, E. T. Atkinson, County Supt. Goldsboro, N. C, January 21, 1902. 15 ERNA RD Y IEL.DS. To Cruel Fate. The Coast Cltar For Harry Shinuer. Washington, Jan. 20. It's all over with Claude Bernard, He withdrew from the District At torneyship race this morning at the White House in tbe presence of President Roosevelt, Senator Pritchard and a score of North Carolinians who came here to urge his eppointment. Bernard saw the appointment of ex-Congress man Skinner was inevitable and he withdrew in good order, re ceiving the thanks of Senator Pritchard and the commendation of President Roosevelt. Another appointment was set tled at the same time. B. F. Keith is to ba Collector of Cus toms at Wilmington. Ex-Gov ernor Ruesell was tendered tbe appointment, but declined at the last moment. Slocumh, the only other Republican candidate, was barred by the President himself, who bluntly, informed the North Carolina delegation to-day that be would select a local man for ' the collectorship. Slocumb's friends point to tbe fact that Roosevelt violated this rule in naming the Collectorship of New York. Collector Duncan, who has had no opposition, has been notified of a renewal of his bond, which is really an appo;ntment. Mr. Dun can arrived yesterday, but left hurr.odly to-day on receipt of a telegram announcing tbe illness of a member of his family. The Bernard delegation was es corted to the White House this morning by Senator Pritchard. In the party were Dr. D. H. Abbott, Maj. H. L. Grant, Claude Dock ery, Wheeler Martin, exJudge A. M. Moore and ex-Solicitor Sea well. The President recognized Major Grant, who acted as spokes man. Among other things, Major Grant informed the President that Bernard had the endorsement of at leaa ninety per cent of the Re publicans in North Carolina. The President suggested that the Dis trict Attorney should present his case to the Attorney General, and then Bernard stepped forth and withdrew from the race. He said that inasmuch as Senator Pritch ard desind to make the appoint ment fiom personal reasons he would not embarras him by fur ther pressing his candidacy. He was then thanked by Senator Pritchard and the President con gratulated him, promising that be would jrve bim in any way be could. Nothing True But Haven. Statesvi'le Landmark, The President has decided to appoint B. F. Keith, of Wilming toD, collector of customs at that port, vice Dncy, colored, ap pointed recorder of deeds for the District of Columoia This fact is of intererest as an instance of political changes. In 1896 Keith came into prominence in North Carolina as a member of the Sil ver party, of which Dr, J. J. Mott was national chairman that year. Tba Silver party was a dif ferent organization from the Populists and, they nominated Bryan aod Sewall (ihe D ;mo cratic candidates) for President aod Vice President, while the Populists nominated Bryan and Watson, of Georgia. That year the Democrats and Populists and the Silver party fused on an elec- i Lurai llchuii auu mr. xxoitu was put on tbe ticket as the repre sentative of the Silver party, and the Democrats even those who refused to vote for the Populist electors voted for Keith because he was to vote for and did vote for Bryan and Sewall, the Demo cratic nominees, in the electoral college. Now this noble silver man turns up as officeholder un der a 'Republican gold-bug ad ministration. We have about lost hope of tbe free and unlim ited when we see so many of its great champions going over to the enemy. Alas, and alas! As we haye remarked aforetime, there's nothing true but heaven. To Accept Ransom, Constantinople, Jan. 20 The United States Minister John G. A Leisbman, says the brigands who abducted Miss Ellen M, Stone and Madame Tsilka, Sep tember 3, have agreed to accept the amount of ransom raised by subscription. The placa of pay mentis now the only question unsettled. i cure KHEUM A' stat only 2SW ARF YD 1 1 WIQC A great many people suffer through ignoiw nu t I UU Iff IOC ance. They don't know that for aU inflam mation there is no remedy to equal 'Mexican Mustang Liniment. am easy way F and a sure way to treat a case of Sore Throat in order to kill disease germs I and insure healthy throat action is to- take half a glassfull of water put into t it a teaspoonful of Mexican Mustang liiniment and with this gargle the throat at frequent intervals. r Then bathe the outside of the ment and after doing this pour ing tnis pour some on a so It is a POSITIVE CURE, around the neck. 25c, 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. IT WlfY RP Yflll nave onf? been troubled-with a running II 11IHI DC IUU gore or ulcer. Treat it at once with Mexi can Mustang Jill n ment and you can depend upon a speedy cure. .- 'JS" SUPPLANTS "ARE." In the constitution of the Uni ted States those States when spoken of as a whole take after them a plural verb. Tbey "are," but hereafter it is to be w.ritteD officially they "is" that is to say, tbe United Sta'es "is "This change has been concivd at s long time by the Republican par ty, and at leDgtta through the Congressional committee on the revision of the laws, the con spiracy against the express wording of the constituiiou is to be accomplished fully and of ficially. The singular number is to transplant the plural number, although the constitution de clares that slavery shall not exis "within the United States, or any place subject to their juris diction," although it declares that "treason against the Uoited States shall consist in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies;" although it declares the judicial power of the United States extends to treaties made under their author ity; although it declares the President's salary cannot be in creased during his term by the United StatesJ'or any of tbem." The constitution declares that the country is a union of States, and the mentions of the constitu ent States are very numerous. The men who made the constitu tion formed a union, not a na tion. Logically the words "United States" should be changed also. It should bo the "United S rate," although the singular form would be awkward, perverse and unhistorical. The dear old Declaration of Independence that, too, is de clared off color, for it says the original thirteeu are free and in dependent States. There is no "is" in that document, any more than there is in the constitution. We part, in other words, with our history when accept "is" and the trusts and a strong central government. Not that we accept these innovations voluntarily, but rather when they are cram med dowu us by what the Repub licans call the iron logio of events. ' throat thoroughly with the lini- some on a soft doth and wrap A Naval Battle. C Jon, OoiumbM, Jun. 20. (Vik GJveton, T. x ) A naval btttie, whicn began at fcix o'clock this morninj?, is in progress in the harbor of Panama. Tbe Eevo'utionary fleet consists of the slenaiers Padilla, Darien and Galtara. They are trying to torce a landing off Saoana. Toe Government ships are the Ch'leaa Line steamer Lautaro, the Pacific Steam Navigation Company's eteamer Chicuito, and the Panama Canal Company's steamer Boyaca. Tbe first named steHmer was seized by General Alan aud the other two have been chartered by tha Colombian Government. A3 this dispatch is sent, three shots have ju t passed over the Chicuito and f-he hs answered with t ever at shots. They fell cloee to the Padilla, which is seen to be rettr'ng, The guns at Las Bov diges are also firing at tha reWel ships. The Government forces are throwing up entrenchments. The United States cruiser Phil adelphia is elose to thu scene of the fighting. Soft coal, all lump, at W. H Griffin's. Phooe47. A HAPPY HOME Is one where health abdtrflds. With impure blood there cannot be good health. With a disordered LIVER there cannot be good blood. Of! revivify the torpid LIVER and restore its natural action. A healthy LIVER means pure blood . m Pure blood means health. Health means happiness. Take no Substitute. All Druggists. cure Cold In Head. Kermott's Chocolates Lajtctive Quinine, easy totake&ndqnrdtto cure ooidia head and aorc era - n Mi P- 5 I- t V- t I , t , v 1

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