HUMOR OF TtiE Changed About. "It Is always amusing to rr. ' - a t -r the thoughtful man, "when I t a reward being offered for the ret; a of lost money. It always seems tt .no that If the money falls into the haucis of an honest man he would be only too glad to see that the loser got it, but if, on the contrary, it should fall Into the hands of a dishonest man, why, money spent on the advertising of a reward would be merely thrown away unless the reward equaled the amount lost. "A number of years ago an old man living In the same town that I did and who had the reputation of being very close lost a roll of bills amounting to several hundred dollars. It was a mys- J Ik v Special Corre There has been . .. fact that Senator ZAz-. last SfSaion of con,;;, purity of. Amerienu been sent all over ti.. terprising wine mm . . -. Senator Mason's frau-, tLus f the n the ; the . has by en s under securing the distribution of a valuable indorse ment without the payment of postage. "So far as I am concerned," said Sen ator Mason the other day, "I have no ipology to make. It is true that certain American grape growers and wine makers took the speech and printed it, just as a political party prints and cir culates a political speech. They went to the Dublic printer, paid him for tery to every one how he let go of it j printing the speech and for the envel- jong enougn to lose it, rrat ne aia, ana he spent several days rushing around town looking for it, but without suc cess. "Finally some one suggested the ad visability of offering a reward for the return of the lost money. He objected to this as costing him too much, but at last he opened his heart and offered the sum of $1 to the finder. A few days later he received by mail a dollar note, together with a letter to the effect that he could have the reward and the find er would keep the rest for his trou ble." Detroit Free Press. Satisfied. "My friend," said the very severe person, "treasure the precious . mo ments. Think, with the deep awe which the subject deserves to com mand, upon the fact that time Is swift ly fleeting and stays for no man.' opes, paid for having the addresses written and then mailed the speech as a public document. I have great confi dence and respect," added Senator Ma son laughingly, "for any gentleman who will circulate a speech that I de liver." Bine and Gray. In the senate friendships are not lim ited by party lines. Some of the strong est personal attachments exist between men of exactly opposite political views. Senator Bacon of Georgia, who might be termed u hard shell Democrat, has many warm friends on the Republican side, while Senator Aldrich, one of the most prominent leaders among the Re publicans, has very close personal rela tions with the older Democratic mem bers. Senator rroctor, the rock ribbed Republican from Vermont, has a great attachment for Senator Mallory, an ex southerner from Florida. Mr. JRIOHlMEiAlA I- pas ly st mpe as th foe-t eed for hogs and cattle generally by the 1 lowing c mp t ve analysis of fat producing qualities, made by a prou in-nt chem st and published in the American Agriculturist. 77 per cent. 60 " 64 " " 17 " " ' 5 " " ThH nrticle i f -r sale by All Leading Feed Dealers, MflNUFflGTURF.D BY Carolina Rice mils, G0LDSBORO, N. C. "That's all right," answered the ( jjallory served in the Confederate ar my and in the Confederate navy; Sena tor Proctor was a colonel and served on the staff of Major General "Baldy" Smith in the Union army. This makes no difference, however, and It Is a very common thing for ex-Confederates and ex-Federals to be found in the house cheerv citizen. "I want to fleet. If time were stationary, I'd be out of .work. You see, I'm a watchmaker. Washington Star. The Professor. In front of the house, a two-story brick, with stone trimmings, was this and senate the most intimate of friends. sign, painted in big red letters: A Cove4fo Bniidins. "How much will you give for this A bm tQ proTide f or the construction choice property?" ' of a building for exhibition and assem- "That," said the professor, stopping fcly purposes in tue District has been a moment in his walk to look at the introduce in the senate by Mr. Mc- Bign, "seems to De tne oniy quesuou Millan chairman of the senate com- i 1 FTT. I ... 1 v before the house." Chicago Tribune. Those Dear Girls. wmhmr it. Miss Brown Loss of sleep, you know, means loss cf beauty. Miss Smart You've never been much ief a sleeper, I believe. mittee on the District of Columbia. This bill is In response to an urgent appeal that has frequently been made for a building in which exhibitions may be held and in which assemblies of a semipublic nature may be con vened. The bill introduced by Mr. McMillan ' provides for an appropriation of $3,000,- 000 to carry it out. This amount is tor the purchase of a site and the con ' struction of a building suitable for con- ventions, exhibitions, assemblies and concerts. It is provided that this mon ey 13 to be expended under the direc tion of the president of the United States. The bill was referred to the senate committee on public buildings and grounds, j , Damon and Pythias. ! Speaking of friendship, Bard of Call ; fornia and Quarles of Wisconsin are ' the Damon and Pythias of the senate. Every morning they walk down Penn sylvania avenue to the capitol and look ! so much alike that they might natural ly be mistaken for brothers. Bard has I slightly the advantage in height, but he j cannot boast a mustache as handsome I as Quarles possesses. I When they get together for a talk, Quarles Is fond of relating his experi ences during the civil war, for Bard i never was a soiaier, wnne isaru tens of his struggles in the early days of for he went to that state Then It -Wouldn't Ilort. "Sometimes." said Willie ruefully i in the woodshed : California, With his father, "I wish I was an ele- J nearly forty years ago. Both men be phant" lonS t0 self made class- They have "Whyr demanded his mother in snr- worked hard, Quarles In the practice of prige j law and Bard in the railroad and mm- "He has such a thick skin." Chicago log businesses. jPost. Clarions Indian Samer,. - "The government pays money to In- Hls Bad Halt Hour. flians with the most curious names in "Colonel," she asked, "what was the ' the world," said a treasury official as most trying half hour of your life?" i e labored hard the other day in coun "It was a half hour I spent in a par- ! tersigning five or six hundred war lor full of people when I wanted to rants for small sums to Shawnee Indi blow my ncse and remembered that I ! nS "These names I have here are had only a soiled handkerchief In my j beauties compared to the names of pocket." Chicago Record-Herald. A Speculative Reflection. "Do you regard the isthmian canal as a good thing?" asked the interview er. "It may be," said Senator Sorghum thoughtfully, "for somebody, if it is Svorked right." Washington Star. What Gray Meant. Brown Funny about Gray. He win insist upon calling Bowes, the eyeglass man, an oculist. Green Yes, Gray is a great blunder ler. Of course he means that Bowes Is an optimist Boston Transcript. Some Editors Have No Mercy. 'Oh, father," exclaimed the budding i ajOUt the meetin poet, bursting Into the library, I naa a poem published!" "Serves you right," snapped the fa ther, without looking up from his book. Ohio State Journal. some of those farther west than the Shawnees. who are now wearing com mon names, with few exceptions. One of these checks here is for the chief of the Shawnees, whose name Is Johnson j Blackf eather. The name is not so curi ous, after all, but all through this list are such names as Bigknife, Bluejack jet, Blackfish, Greyfeather, Whitedeer, I Squirrel, ect. These are among the I most honored names in the Shawnee country." When "Cinch' Meant "Bounce." He was a rough rider of rather small stature who was earnestly conversing with the president in the crowded re ception room on Saturday. ' He had served under Colonel Roosevelt in Cu- ! ba, and there was an air of familiarity Finally the presl- could A Boy. ' Mrs. Smlthers I can't get Willie to carry in the coal or do anything any more. I wonder where he is? Mr. Smithers He's over to Jimson's helping their boy carry in their coaL Indianapolis Sun. ( Not So Serious. "Say, Trigger, there's a price on-your head." "What's that? A price on" "Yes. and there will be till you take the tag off of that new hat." Phila delphia Bulletin. ! " His Profession. ! Tramp Yes. madam, I've been a so licitor for nigh twenty years. ! Mrs. Farmkins A solicitor? I Tramp Yes'm. 1 solicits bread an meat. dent in an impulsive tone that be heard all over the room said: "William, I will appoint you marshal. Go ahead. Do your duty. But remem ber, the minute I catch you napping at your post hat minute 1 will "i-inclC vou." And William went out. smiling and hnppy. To "cinch" means to fasten the saddle tight to the back of a horse. The prospective marshal later, when Major Brodie of the rough riders told him the president meant "bounce" Instead of "cinch," became downcast. Dean Cox's Retirement. Judge Walter A. Cox. former chief Justice of the supreme court of the Dis trict of Columbia and for twenty-seven yars the dean of the Law school of Columbia university, owing to Illness. Las been forced to resign the latter po sition, much to the regret of the facul ty and student body. Judge Cox is a Harvard graduate and began his career as a lawyer in the office of his father, who was also an eminent lawyer of the Washington bar. Carl Schofield. Ric Meal Wheat b an Po'Mtoes Turnips f 1 i WRITE J. OUR ATIVE HERBS THE PRE-EMINENT CURE FOR RHEUMATISM AND ALL BLOOD DISEASES. Removes the cause. Relieves the pain by purifying the life giving fluid. OUR NATIVE HERBS has cured the most stubborn cases of Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver, Stomach, Bowel Troubles and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, after the doctors failed. 200 Days' Treatment $1.00 AND YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU ARE NOT CURED. VHY SUFFER? R. P. Anderson-, Beston, N. C, says : "I have been troubled with Rheumatism for some time and Our Native Herbs has entirely cured me after all other remedies failed. I can recommend it as it will do all that is claimed for it." FOR OUR ILLUSTRATED ALMANAC. FREE FOR THE ASKING I JAMES LONG, AGENT, BESTON, N. C. The Alonzo 0. Buss Company, Sole Proprietors WASHINGTON, D. C. Make yourself at home in our store when you come to town. We hereby announce to our friends that we have purchased after a careful study of all the leading styles and manufactures. AN IMMENSE ARRAY gloSks We have not only an immense line, but also a . great variefc most carefully and studiously selected. And our prices are low lower than ever before extremely low. All we ask is a comparison. of values. Our stock includes full lines of Children's Reefers, Children's Capes, Children's Fur Sets. Misses Jacket0, , Misses Reefers, Misses Automobiles, Misses Golf Capes, Misses Fur Sets. Ladies Jackets, Ladies Automobile3, Ladies Newmarkets two lengths, Ladies Capes cloth and plush, Ladies Furs scarfs, muffs, etc., Ladies Tailor made Suits to close. Our cloak department contains OVER $2 500 Worth Of stock which makes it the largest cloak department in East ern North Carolina. We guarantee all prces. Our guarantee is this: You can have your money back if you are not entirely satisfied in every manner with your purchase. And our guarantee is as good as a bond . H Weil Bro. HONEST MERCHANDISE. Start Girls Right! Many beautiful girls become Invalids for life, because at the crucial period of puberty they pay no attention to the laws of health- Mothers should protect their daughters' health by giv ing them necessary information and proper treatment. When the menses come on a g"rl unawares In her inexperience she is either frightened into convulsions, or scared into try In to check the flow. Many girls have checked the flow and it has never started again. And as a result they have grown pale-faced, with "crow-tracks" on their cheeks, and dark half moons under their eyes. A dose of taken every morning after a girl is twelve years old will bring the menses on properly and keep them regular. It will help her to develop into attractive womanhood and equip her for the duties of wife and motherhood. All druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Vine of CarduL The Hollywood, Asburjr Park, N. J., February 8, 1900. I read yotir advertisement in regard to wine or Cardui in tne Baltimore $100 i ew atcL For any case of Chills and Fever that cannot be cured by Wheeler's Tonicjwhen used strictly by direction. The only com bined Chill and Fever Treatment on the market. The Liver and .Kidneys, Stomach, B!ood, Brain and Nervous System treated sep- arately. Wheeler's Tonic will cure Intermitent, Bilious and Con tinued Fever. The best Tonic; Great Appetizer; a Logical Pre Jscription; Scientifically Compounded; Contains no Poison. For sale by J. H. Hill & Son, Goldsboro, N. C. w, june 13. American, and it so favorably impressed me that on my visit to Baltimore daring: the holidays I purchased a bottla of it for my adopted daughter, who was Buffering; with female troubles. She had been under the doctor's care for some time, and when her periods would come on her suffering: was some thing terrible. I induced her to try It and the first dose brought on her menses. She took it regularly according to the directions, and was greatly relieved. To use her own words, "It saved my life." J. WESLEY CROSS. For advice and literatim, ddresa, givtap symptom, The "Ladies Advisory Department," Xha Chattuooga ilsdicino Company, Chattanooga, lean. 9 9 FOR Gents' - Wear ! See our patent-leather shoes for Ladies, price $3.00 equal to $4 00 shoes. FULL LI H F - and G. Corse s Just IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. ' In view of the fact that it not generally understood tha'i the Bice Crop is highly projected from fore'gn competion by an import duty nd that the crops, raised in the United Sta'es have every year fal len much below the homa consumption. THE CAROLINA EICE MILLS of Goldsboro, N. C, in order t encourage the cultivation of B ee on a larger scale than has heretofore been done, is cow pre pared to make contracts with planters in North Carolina for crops of Kice tbey may raise during the year 1902, on the most liberal terms. Parties interested, who wish to avail themselves of this offtri can ccmaionicate with U9 and we will taka pleasure in giving fall par ticulars. Respectfully, CAROLINA RICE MILLS. jan!6w3m. Goldsboro, N. C. R. r KCC-iiVOd,! Big Bargains in Trunks 2nd Va-ises. outheHand,' Brui klcv A Cn CTISJ C, . ---3 Vr'A ilifiSiY WATCHES. CAMERAS, JEWELBY, SIL.VE11WAK3, und many other valuable premiums for selling QUICK-MAUD " Tablets at lO centa a package. Eacn package makes lO quart of deli cious FROZEN CUSTARD, in 10 minutes time. Every, body buys. Send your name and address, and we 'will send you 12 packages, postpaid, and large premium list. When acid sand as S1.20, andwe will end FREE your choice of premium. Write to-dy and get extra present jnt&EE. FRANKLIN CHEMICAL COMPANY, 830 Filbert Street, bMadelpbla, P W exchange for a UE&D in each town to ride and exhibit a sample 1901 model bicycle of our manufacture. YOU CAM KJAK.E $10 TO $50 A WEEK besides having a wheel to ride for yourself. 1801 BScdsIs ss $m f s $Ii n a m ?! ,?.v.v c?5. i- fa pl$ taken in trade by our ChicajTO retail stoics, itl '-ls T-n t crt-rr o v n .i-rtr We ship any bicycle Qfj AFPROVAI- to anyone wiiuout a cent deposit, in advance and allow You taiio XaB aosolute.'y m ilYS FREE Wihl no risfc in ordering from its, as you do not need to pay a ceit if the bicycle does not suit you. Ilfl KlflT E2liV a wncti uutl1 ya bave written for our UU r3U I DUI FACTORY PRICES aud FREE TRIAL OFFER. This liberal offer has never been equaled and is a guarantee of the quality of our wheels. a reliable person in each town to distribute catalogues for us In bicycle. Write today for free catalogue and. our special offer. CYCLE C0.,Dept. 132, A, Chicago.

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