THE" ARGtJSrdafr 'V A Democratic .Newspaper. Published Every Evening Except Sunday. BY JOS. E. ROBINSON. Will be roused to its natural duties and your biliousness, headache and constipation be cured if you , take StTBSOidPTION PRICE. gin Advance. ' DAILY ARGUS. One copy one, year - - - - 15.00- One copy, six months - - - 2.50 One copy, three months - 1.50 One copy, one month - - - - .50 WEEKLY ARQUS. One Year ------- $1.00 Six months -------- .50 Three months r - - - - - .25 4 Sold by all druggists. 25 cents. Entered at the post office in Golds boro, jST. C, as second-class matter. Goldsboro, N. C, May 8, 1902. HOLE IN TARIFF WALL. The Chinese wall is bleached even if the trust-befriending Senate throws out the clause repealing all differen tial and countervailing duties 'on sugar. The hole may be patched up, but the scar will remain to teach all who come later how to break through the great tariff-for-trusts wall The amendment protects the peo ple instead of a trust, and this is in deed strange. ' 'The sacred" wall is no longer sacred, for it has a hole in sit. And 42 Republicans voted in favor of putting that hole in it. This is revolutionary and really terrible, and every Diugley organ will squall against the Morris amendment this week. Morris is a Michigan Repub lican. Mr. Roberts, i Massachu setts Republican, tried to induce the House to adopt an amendment put ting hides on the free list. Unfor tunately he did not succeed, and shoes will be unduly high a while longer. Mr. Rabcock, a Republican leader, asked that the goods made by the billion-dollar steel trust be met byoods admitted duty free, but this was voted down. Too much cannot be expected from the tools of the Barons at the start and at once. , But the breach is in the Chinese wall, and the Senate is "up against it." Let "us hope the breach Will not be closed. If all duty on sugar were removed careful estimates show that the price of sugar .to the consumer would be reduced one-half. The Lon don prk-e is 1.05 cents a pound, and the price in this country would not be much greater if all duties were taken oif. The present price in New York is 3.37 cents a pound; in Lon don it is 1.95 cents. The difference . is the tax levied oh consumers chief ly for the benefit of the sugar trust, a heavy campaign contributor. The extra duty on rennea sugar was put in for the sole benefit of the - trust in order to repay a heavy cam. paign contribution. This return pay ment has been levied upon all the people in or out of the Republican party. It is a fair illustration of the entire robber tariff. If the Senate repeals it it will simply show anew its allegiance to the sugar trust and the campaign list. f v 1 How's This I We offer One Hundred. Dollars Re ward, for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hll's Catarrh dure. H ,N J. CHENEY & Co., Props, Toledo, O. W, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and elieve him perfect.' y honorable ia all Clinic 588 transactions and financially able to carry oat any obligations made oy tbair tlnn. West & Truas, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WALDING, KlNNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per "bottle. Sold by all drug-frista. Testimonial free. Hall's Family P'lla are t be File-lne Cures Piles! . Morey refunded if it ever fails. MacKay's Pharmacy. Shudders at His Past. ' I recall now with horror," says" Mail Carrier Burnett Mann, of Le--v&nna, O., my three years of suffer ing from Kidney trouble. I was hardly ever free from dull aches or acute pains in my back. To stoop or lift mail sacks made me g oan. I flt tired, worn out, about ready to gve up, when I began to use Electric Bitters, but six bottles completely cured me and made me feel like a new man." They're unrivaled to reg ulate Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels, Perfect satisfaction guaran teed by J. H. Hill & Son. Only 50 cents Worth $100 to you to cure child or adult of incontinence of water during sleep. "Anti-Diuretic" stops it imme diately, fl. Bold by M. . Robinson & Bro , druggists, Goldsboro, N. O. "Wants to JTeJp Others. . I had stojnach trouble all my life," says Edw! Mehler, proprietor of the Union Bottling Works, Erie. Pa., "and. tried all kinds of remedies, went to several doctors and spent considerable money trying to get a moment's peace. Finally I read of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have been taking it to my great satisfac tion. I never found its qual f or stomach trouble and gladly recom mend it in hope that I may help other sufferers-" Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all stomach troubles. You don't have to diet. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. J. H. Hill & Son. King Edward's crown will cost his subjects several million crowns, more or less. - Saved Many a Time. Don't neglect coughs and colds even if it is spring. Such cases often result seriously at this season just because people are careless. A doee of One Minute Cough Cure will re move all danger. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, and other throat and lung troubles "I have used One Minute Cough Cure several years." says Postmaster C O. Daw?on, Barr, I1L 'It is the very best cough medicine on the market It has saved me many a severe soell cf sickness and I warmly recommend it " The children's favorite. J. i. Hill & Son. It takes a big man to forgive the acts against him of a little man. Fought For His Life. "My father and sister both died of consumption," writes J, T. Weather wax, of W'yarjdotte, Mich., "and I was saved from the same frightful fate only by Dr. King's Nev Discovery- An attack of Pneumonia left an obstinate cough and very severe lung trouble, which an excellent doctor could not help, but a few months' use of this wonderful medi cine made me as well as ever and I gained much in weight." Infallible "for Coughs, Colds and all Throat at) d Lung trouble. Trial bottles freo. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00 at J. H. Hill & Son. When a man has politics brain he has nothing in it. on the Shot in His Lett Leg. For ail kinds of sores, burn-;, bruises, cr other wounds Rt Witt's "Witch Hazel Salve is a sure cure. Skin diseases yield to it at once. Never fails in cases of piles. Cool ing and healing. None genuine bat DeWitt's. Beware of counter feits. "I suffered for many years from a sore caused by a gun shot wound in my left leg," says A. S. Fuller, .English, Ind. "It would not heal and gave me much trouble. I used all kinds of remedies to no pur pose until I tried De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes completely cured me." J, H. Hill & bon. It is now the bat of the batter in stead of the pen and pull of the mag nate. i , Corvince Yourself that Ely's Cream Butim deserves ail that has oeen said of it a a maans of quick relief and final cure in obstinate cases of nasal catarrh and hay fever. A trial sizi costs but ten cunts. Full s'.ze, 50 cents. Sold by druggists or mailed by , Ely Bros., 66 Warrea street. Wew YorK v Mt, Olive, Ark , May 17, 1901, Messrs. Ely Bbos.: Please set d me one bottle of Cream Balm, family slz.. I think it 1s the best medicine for ca tarrh in the world. Very respectfully, J. M. SCHOL.TZ. The "water cure" is vindicating General Sherman's famous definition of war. Old Soldier's Experience. M. M Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind, writes: "My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctor's treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr.- King's New Life Pills, which worked wonders for her health " They always da Try them. Only 25c at J. H. Hill & Son's drug store. The meat trust is also prepared to plead the baby act. i The BestPreacriptloufltor Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless f hill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in tasteles f. rm. No cure no pay. F-fee Neither Dewey or Dowie are quetting with Fame at present. co- English Spavin Llnement removes .all Hardc-Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horbes. Blood, Kpav lna. Curbs, Splints, 8weeaey, Ring Bone, Stifle", Sprains, all 8 olen Throats, Coughs, etc. 8ave $50 r -i-of one bottle Warranto ; -tb no$ wonderful Blemish Cure ever knowr Hold bv M. E. Robinson Sc Bro.,dru ftists, Goldshoro. W. r 1 . The stone wall against which, we foolishly bang our silly heads we call Fate. - y It Saved His Leg:.' P-A. Danforth, of LaSrange. Ga., suffered for six months with a fright ful running sore on his leg; but writ' s that Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, it's the best PAve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25a bold by J. H. Hill & Son. Better Cat This Oat. Every mother should be auickly suspicions of worms when her chil dren act as if they were going to he sick. Worms are known to be the first cause of much ill health. Young and old very often are suffering from worms when a mother thinks it is something else. Remember, a very harmless, yet always effective, rem edy for stomach, tape or pin worms, is a 25 cent bottle, of Mothers' Worm Syrup. Hanna has decided to take things easy. - YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING - When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every Wottle showing that Jt is simply iron and Qainino in a taste less form. No Cure. NoVav. , RQo. Mexican Liver Plt care all liver ttl. IMaeteSa MacKay's Pharmacy. Neglect Means lianger. Don't neglfct. biliousness and con stipation. Tour health-will suffer permanently if you do. DeWitt's Little Early Bisersvcure such cases. M. B. Hmith, Butternut, Mich., says, 'DeWitt's Little Early Bisers are the most satisfactory pills T ever took. Never gripe or cause nausea."- J. H. Hill & Son. Poor Maclay can't even get a job draying. Noticeof SalfTFor Taxes. By virtue of the power vested in me as tax collector for Buck Swamp and Pikeville townships, notice is hereby given that I havfe this day levied on "the real and personal prop erty of the persons named below, and will sell same at public auction, at the court house dpor in Goldsbero, on Saturday, May' 3rd, 1902, to satis fy the unpaid taxes due said town ships for the year 1901, together with the costs and expenses due thereon, unless the amounts so due are paid before sale. This April 3, 1902. E. L. PEELE, Tax Col. Buck Swamp and Pikeville Towna'p, BUCK SWAMP TOWNSHIP. WHITE LIST. Barna A Benson : 9S Jackson Evans 2 86 Raiford Gurley 2 86 Geo Howell 2 07 WM Howell.. 2 09 W J M Hooks.. 2 01 Henry Johnson... 2 64 Benj. Langston.. 198 Sidney Lewis........ ..' 2 &8 JW Mitchell .... 2 4 G B Morgan 2 05 Amos Nichols 2 29 J E Pearsall. - i U V A J Peacock 11 59 Z H Radford 2 50 DA Sasser ,1 98 Westley Singleton 2 60 J W Sullivant - 3 83 Rigdon Snipes 198 CHTwigg v - 2 01 Ed Whitley " 1 8 John Willingly . 2 21 A. II Woodard....: 2 01 COLORED LIST. James Artist Stanford J H Aycock... Charley Best Ned Becton.. Sam Evans.....' Wm Exum Jackson Fort...j Joshua Fort Sam Gales John Glasce Jesse Griffin Jordan Ham - John Ham J W Holland PH Howell , Isaac HaroUton , Henry Johnson Leander Johnson William Lewis Joe MeLamb. '. ..";. William Meklns. Isaac O'Neal James Samson... Louis Sasser . John Smith J W Sherard WUlie Swinson. Dallas Vail Jnlrous Warren Lisbon White Josephine Williams I PIKEVILLE TOWNSHIP. The skin is -provided wita millions of little pores and glands invisible to th natural eye, yet through these tiny outlets the- larger part of the deadly matter that daily collects in the body is carried off. But nature never intended that. poisons of an irritating or acid character should be eliminated through the skin, the Liver and Kidneys being their natural outlets, and it is when these important organs fail to perform their functions that these acid poisons are absorbed into the blood and find their way to the surface of the body through the pores and glands of the skin,xproducing intense .itching and burning, inflammation and swelling, and eruptions of every s.conceivable size, shape and character. Skin Diseases differ greatly xin their general characteristics and degrees of intensity. Red and angry looking spots break out upon some part of the body with a mass of small pustules or blisters, from which is discharged a clear or straw colored fluid, which dries and flakes off in bran-like particles and scales, or forms into hard and painful sores and scabs. The skin' often hardens and dries, cracks and bleeds from the effects of the fiery acids, which the blood is continually Ottumwa, Iowa, April 10, 1901. In 1883 I broke out with Eczema en my head, legs and arms. The Doctors treated me for about two years without giving relief. I next tried various ointments, soaps and washes, but these did me no good. I finally quit taking medicine, as the physician said the disease bad become chronic and incurable. Having endured this tormenting malady for about 18 years, I determined to make another effort to get rid of It and began S. S. &Tin July, 1900, and continued it until November, when I discovered, to my surprise and joy, that not a spot eould be found on my body, which before had been almost covered with the eruption. It has now been nearly a year since the disease disappeared, but not a sign of it has ever returned, and I am satisfied the cure is permanent. N F. C. NORFOLK, 1017 Hackberry Street. 98 01 80 03 98 01 01 83 9 n 1 98 2 04 2 01 42 3 05 8 IS 3 19 2 86 2 01 1 93 1 60 56 2 01 1 98 1 73 2 05 2 73 2 1 2 04 2 68 84 throwing off. Pimples, black heads and blotches are evidences of a too acid blood, which has inflamed and clogged the pores. Skin Diseases being depend ent upon the same causes require the same treatment,' which must be constitutional and not external. Nothing applied locally to the inflamed surface can bring much relief. The disfiguring eruptions will continue to -annoy andijain you in spite of soaps, washes or powders. There is no hope of getting rid of a skin disease efteept through the purification of the depreciated blood and neutralizing and filtering out of the circulation all poisonous substances and acids. The purifying and tonic properties of S. S. S. soon manifest their influence in skin affections; the debilitated system is invigorated and toned up, and the gradual disappearance of the eruptions show that the polluted blood is being brought back to its natural purity and strength. Old chronic skin disorders, which have resisted all the ordinary methods of treatment, readily yield to the curative powers of S. S. S., and there is no reason why the long time sufferer should feel resigned to his fate under the mistaken idea that some skin diseases are incura ble, for S. S. S. has cured and is still curing cases perhaps far more desperate than yours. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy, containing no Potash, Arsenic or any of the poisonous drugs which constitute the basis of so many so-called skin cures. Our Medical Department has been of the greatest assistaneeto thousands seeking relief from blood and skin troubles. Write us fully about y6ur case,-and our physicians will help you, for which no fcharge whatever is made. Our illustrated Book on Skin Diseases will be sent free to all who write for it THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, 6 A. SALT RHEUi, EGZEIVIA, TETTER, SETTLE RASH, PSORIASIS, ACME, BOILS. E3 IS B M GOLDSBORO, N. C. actfiijists arid Fotzfjdes "DEALERS I N" New and Second-Hand Machinery of Every Description. WHITB IIST. Abram Carter.. B F Cobb R Howell... E L llozingo... Sidney Pope HB Pate....... Jalre Whitley... COLORED LIST. Dock Brown.... Calvin Bagley.. Benette Barnes. Bufna Best Henry- Befct Enoa Goley 8am Fort Lewis Ham...... Wm. Ricks Jas Reid.. Wm Held John Sherard... JF8pruill...... John 8ears .... Dave Soars 8am Walker., . . . Addison Wall... 1 98 1 98 2 12 2 20 2 01 2 09 .1 1 98 1 98 1 98 3 80 1 98 2 52 1 98 2 02 1 94 1 1 1 2 73 2 01 1 98 2 01 1 98 LAND SALE. Tn the matter with Seth WesO general guardian of J. A. Thorn son. and Ada Thompson. Infants. ) Pursuant to the order of the Superior Court of Wayne county In the above entitled pro ceedings instituted for the purpose of selling the lands of said Infants as her-ln-after de scribed and as described In the Petition filed in the omen of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wayne County, I will as in Paid order di rected offer for sale nd S?l to the highest bid der for cash at the Court House door of Wayne County on Monday the 6th day of May A D, 1902 at the hour ot 12 o'clock noon, all the fol lowing desotlbed lot of land lying and being situated in thecityof Ooldsboro State of North Carolina bounded and described as follows : Twenty one feet front on Railroad Street and bounded on one side by the Fiah Market and on the other side by th Birary Factory. SETM WXST. Guardian. This March 81st 1902. "Ames"LEngines and Boilers, . Van Winkle Gin Machinery, "Lane"; and other Saw Mills, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Boxes, Couplings and Set Collars. AJm Mofifonfa Engines, Boilers, Cotton Presses, Grist Mills and Saw Mills. r"A Large Stock of Mill and Plumbers' Supplies: ; k ';" Leather arid RubberBelting . . Packing, RuDber, Linen and Cotton Hose, Cant Hooks, Log Cnains and Snaking Tongs, Blacksmith Tools and a great many articles Too numerous to mention. Repairing a Specialty; Your Patronage Solicited? v ; Satisfaction Guaranteed. . . 1 IV t 1 I I - T" "Ni. t ' Ail our macninery is iew ana up-iu-ic, auui as Boring Mill, Parallel Drive Planer, Radical Drill, Universal Milling Machinery for Cutting Gears and Spirals: Also Steam Ham mer.with whicn we can do heavy Forgings, Especially Welding Log Cart Axles, &c. Our Shop is New, 162 feet long by 40 feet wide.