ADMIRAL. SAMPSON DEAI WALTER LETTEK! A Chronieling of a Week's Events in That Thriving ISeigh- v borhjocd. Messrs. Dewitt Sherrard and Montague were visiting in our com munity Sunday, Col. W. T. Dortch and Mr. Tobe Stevens, from your city, were out liere one evening last week. Misses Stella Holt, Hattie and Mamie Strachan, of Princeton, :vvere visiting in our community Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Crocker spent Saturday night and Sunday , on "'South Side" visiting Mr. and Mr, Fred Coxi "Mrs. II. E. Cartland and Master Herbert Hargrove, from Athens, Tenn,, are expected Thursday on a visit to their sister, Mrs. Dr. Craw ford. Capt.s K. P. Howell, of your city, spent Saturday night and Sunday at "Oak Glenn", returning home Mon day morning. His visits here always bring pleasure to our home circle. A quiet home wedding was solem nized near here last Wednesday af ternoon. The contracting parties Avere Mr. Haskel Edgerton, from over the river, and Miss Mary Pear son, daughter of the late Thomas Pearson. They both, have hosts of friends whose K best wishes attend them in realizing all the joy and happiness which this life can be stow. Misses Lou Hiiies and Miss Berta Crawford were thrown from a buggy at Ebenezer Sunday afternoon, and fortunately neither one was hurt. We cannot account for the fall butin one way, ana that is tiiat one oitiiem i was sitting in the ether's lap and when the horse turned down the road they kept straight on. We are glad they were not hurt, for it might liave been a serious fall. It will be a source of pleasure to her many friends to learn that Miss Eugenia Coor, who lias been very sick for several days with appendi citis, is improving slowly and we 4rust she will soon be fully restored. J We are very sorry to note that Her condition was alarming for a Miss Eugenia Coor is still very sick, -dayortworandpresentedsymptomsj Mr David Montague, of Golds suggestive of surgical interference. b wag visit- .Q Qur community ormwirifr hAttor. nnd shfi is now mn-i growing better, and valescent. One of the most singular occur rences we have witnessed lately is a j vounsr ladv taking her "beau" to! -church on a bicvle. We don't mean;voung to be understood that he was riding j behind or standing on the foot rest j The saw mill of Mr. W. H, Edger or sitting in a child's seat on the . ton and son, Mr. Whitford, is nearly handle bars. It was this way: She was in the buggy with her sister, and he was running along their side looking love glances, and but we .ould not hear what he said but we -could see what he looked. Anyway, . she was taking him to church. KlXLICKIXICK. ' , , "Oak Glenn," ""Walter, N. C. May 7. . SALEM SHOTS. (.Gathered Here and There, and From s JEverywhere, For Your v Inspection. "Mr. David Montague went to Ebe rnezer Sunday. v . Mr. G. W. Edgerton, of Pinkney, -was here Thursday. Miss Nancy Sherard visited at Buck Swamp Sunday. We regret to chronicle the illness .xf Miss Aileen Hooks. v Mrs. Elizabeth Blaylock, of Fre tnont, is visiting her son Mr. T. R. Blaylock. Mr. Wm. Thompson and daughter 3Irs. Cassie Herring spent a pleasant -evening at Mr. Oscar Sutton's -week. last Mesdames Sue V. Hollowell, cf Goldsboro, and Mary C. Woody, of .-Guilford College, were visiting at 3Ir. W. H. Edgerton's last week. Miss Blanche Montague, who has been teaching school at Nahunta, - xaA discontinue her school last Wednesday on actount of illness, .but has returned to her post of duty. Mayflower. JMay 6, 1902. 0UNTY AARON HEARD FROM. Sayings and Doings That Are Shot on the Wing. Our farmers are about through planting cotton. . Mr. B. A. Parks made a business trip to Goldsboro Monday. Mrs. J. H. Wells is visiting rela tives in Johnston county this week. Mr. George F. Jones passed f through here Fridav en route to , Goldsboro. Rev. Whitlerd Edgerton filled his regular appointment here Saturday and Sunday. The Parks baseball team will play the school boys of LaGrange next Wednesday. Miss Mattie Smith returned home Sunday from Greene county, and re- ports a nice trip. J Misses Beulah and Rebecca Xew- some, of Beston, spent Saturday ! night and Sunday with Miss Blanch Smith. Mr O. It. Pennington returned home Saturday from your city, where he has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pate. Mr. and Mrs. William Hollowell, of your city, were attending our Sun day school Sunday morning. We were glad to have them call, as Mrs. Hollowell is such a school worker. jood Sunday Mr. H. J. Newsome and daughter Miss Mary A., returned home Sun day from Texas, where they have spent some time visiting relatives. They say where they stopped they haven't had any rain in several months, and the people are immi grating. Old Reliable. Aaron, May 7, 1S02 GRASSMERE LETTER. Events of the Past Week in Q ur Community, Gathered For You to Read. Mrs. W. F. Rose tells ms that she ' has beans booming. Mr. DeWitt Sherrard, of Golds- boro, filled another appointment here last Sunday. Three of Princeton's most popular ladies were visiting in our midst Sunday I ready for operation. Capt. R. P. Howell, of your city, was attending Sunday school out at Ebernezer, last SuUday. The choir practice at Ebenezer Sunday was largely attended and they are promising a most enjoyable time et Oakland May 17th. ' . Grassmere, May, 7, 1902. GENOA HAPPENINGS. Those Coming and oing, and Other Happenings of a Week. Mrs. Geo. W. Price visited near Mt. Olive last week. Mr. Leon M. Dattfe, of your city, was in our midst Saturday. Mr. W. F. Moore spent Sunday with friends in Wilmington. Our truckers are busy shipping strawberries and garden peas. Messrs. Johnnie Howell and Frank ,McCown, attended church at Em- mans Sunday. Mr. Frank( McCown, of Wilson, wees. 1 , Mr. and Mis. El wood Edwards were visiting relatives in Johnson county Sunday. - Miss Vicy Peele, of the Dudley j N. Price, who is quite sick. ( Genoa, May 7, 1902. ; TH E ONLY True blood Purine prominently in the public eye to day ia Hood's Sarsarorilla. Therefor set Hotxfa and OiLY HOOft 60RRESFONDENGE ax. OLIVE LETTEK. A Week's Happenings ot th 9 lit. Olive Section. Argus Bureau, ) Mount Olive, N. C, May 7, 1902. Miss Tyson, of Bethel is visiting relatives here this week. Mr. J. D. Southerland, of Kenans- ville, was here several days ( last ! week Mr. G. C. Kornegay, of Goldsboro, was visiting1 relatives near here last Thursday. ; 7 Miss Sue Carr, of Duplin, has ac cepted a position as saleslady with Mr. Jas.W. Williamson. .. Mrs. E. S. Waddell, who has been visiting near kere, returned to her home in Goldsboro last week, The ladies will give an ice cream supper in the store next to Mr. f A. Albritton, next. Friday night, 'for the benefit pf the Baptist 'church. The iceing statiou which was rec ently built here by the Fruit Grow ers' Express, is giving universal sat isfaction. Messrs. Westbrodk & Eof tin are the managers- ' Mr. C. G. Kornegay, after visiting relatives here for soma time, left for Goldsboro Friday, where he will spend some time before returning to his home in Sanford. In the absence of Bev. J. X. Toler, who is attending the Southern Bap tist Convention at Asheville this week. Rev. Jno. T. Albritton will fill the pulpit at the Brptist church next Sunday morning. BUCK SWAMP ITEMS. Items of Interest "Grabbed" Here j and There. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gurley were vising relatives in your city last Sun day. Miss Nancy Sherard spent Satur day and Sunday with the Misses Deans. Miss Ethel Perkins spent several days with relatives in Fremont last week. -. Mfs. Sarah Hooks and daughter Mrs. Ben Deans spent Wednesday in your city. Mr. Ernest Hollings worth. of Mag nolia, was visiting in this communi ty Saturday, Miss Lula Perkins, of Fremont, was the guest of her sister Mrs. Geo. Perkins last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howell, of Goldsboro, were visiting in "our com munity Sunday. The birthday fishing party given, by Mr. Torn Deans Saturday was quite an enjoyable affair. ' v Mr. Hugh Thompson and sisters Misses Pearl and Pauline visited friends at Pikeville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Deans, of Greenleaf, spent Saturday and Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. John Deans here. - We are very sorry to note that Mrs. George Bridgers is confined to her room with illness.. We wish for her a speedy recovery. A delightful tea party was given by little Mildred Gurley Saturday evening, which was highly enjoyed by her many little friends.- A mad dog passed through here Sunday, stopping at Mr. George Cuddineton's and bitiner his doe- and -j cj - cf t one of his hogs. Mr. Cuddington kill- ed his dog and hog and shot the mad I dog, but did -not kill him. He es- f caned. Mrs. Haywood Lynch and Mr, George Lynch were attending the wedding of Miss Lula C. Hollings worth in Magnolia last week. Miss has many friends VkvtA irKra TiricVi jKatam o TrYr lifia OT-rl XiVJi V? tt aiv XV AU---a wxawjlu. m AVUg all CAiUV. happiness always. i ; Fabmeb's Daughteb. rBuck Swamp, May 7. v RHEUMATISM CURED III X DAY. Mystio Cure" for Rheumatism and I7eural(ria radically cures in 1 to 3 days.. Its action upon the system ia remarkable and mjBterlos It re ii oTes at once the caueo and the dis ease immediately disappears The first dose greatly benefits. ?K cents. Hold by M. E. Robinson St Bro., druggists, Goldsboro.. O. . STONY CREEK XEWS. Happenings ot This Vicinigr and Personal Items of Interest Picked Up." Corn in this section is looking fine. Mr. C. A. Wilkinson was visiting: ; our town Thursday. Mr. John Gardner, of your city, was here one day last week. Mrs. T. H. Pate visited her sister, Mrs. Ann Howell, Saturday. Mrs. N.'J, Smith, of your city, was visiting her farm last week. Mr. Sidney Deans, of Greenleaf, was here on schedule time Sunday. Mr. Otis Paschall visited friends in the Buck Swamp section Sunday. Mr. Thomas Edmundson, of your city, passed here Monday on his way home. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pate were vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Deems Lancas ter Friday. Mrs. A. R. Paschall spent one dav last week with her daughter," Mrs. i H. H. Howell Miss Ellen Ham, accompanied by her grand-mother, Mrs. Grainger, of your city, were here Thursday. ' Mr. Bird Holland died at his home near here last Saturday. The remains were taken to Johnston county Monday for interment. Miss Apple Pate, one of Stony Creek's most popular young ladies, spent Saturday and Sunday with her brother Mr. W. B. Pate, near Sauls ton. We notice in last week'spaper that Miss Mayflower wished to correct Mi Snickerfridget. Please tell her that lie i-i dead and don't know any thing. So we think it our duty to inform her of this matter, as he was a citizen of this town. P. D. Goo Goo. Stony Creek, May 7, 1902. GEEEXLEAF LETTER. Happenings of the Iast Week in Our Nearby Community. A-rgus .Bureau ) May 7, 1902. Greenleaf, N. C. Shipping garden peas is the order of the day. Mr. P. B. Scott paid us a pleasant visit Saturday. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Frank Howell is quite sick. Rev. Mr. Tripp and wife were vis iting Mrs. Frank Howell Monday. Mr. John Scott, whohasbeeh'very sick is some better, we are glad to J note. Miss Eva Paschall, of Stony Creek, was calling on the Misses Edgertona Monday. Mr. John I. Mozingo and family have gone to Mt. Olive to spend some time. Mrs. Faraley Davis, of Thomp son's nhanfil. wn.t visitino- fviorirfa " here Sunday. T T -t,.,'- . , Mr. W. Li. Ezzell, of Pikeville ae- was in our midst Sunday. " -Mr. Frank Howell means to have owjjjc nuc nn.cLi.- uciuic luuR, lie having added a setting- of TarTrid o xr o cochin eggs to his varied stock. Mrs. Clarissa Pate, who is known far and wide as a very efficient car pet maker, has just finished a beau tiful - r . One lor Mrs. Joyner Of your city. ( Tator Bug. DIED SUDDENLY. The sudden death of Mr. O. H. Darden occurred Thursdav niarht. at the home of his daughter Mrs. Thos. I. Sutton, where he was mak ing his home, He had a slight attack l .ri.n li.iu. mi i i t. alarm was felt by the family until he failed to rise at his usual early hour Friday morning. He was found dead in his bed when the family entered his room. He was 72 years of age and was a member of the Baptist church. Besides Mrs. Sutton he leaves a son Mr. Dock Darden. of this city, to mourn his lossws The re mains were taken to Sampson county for interment Saturday meaning. Dr. Miles' Pain Pills stop Heftdacfte. To Itself In what it is and what it does con taining the best blood-purifying, alterative and tosic"substances and effecting the most radical and per manent cures of aU humors and all eruptions, relieving weak, tired, languid, feelings, and building up the whole system 13 true only of Hood's Sarsaparilla No other medicine acts like it; no other medicine has done so much reaL substantfal good, no other medicine has restored health and strength at so little cost. "I was troubled -with' scrofula and came near losing my eyesight. For fou montha I could not see to do anything. After takinff two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla I could see to walk, and when I hl taken eight bottles I could see as well as ever." Susie A. Hjhhs Ton. Withers. N. cT Hood's SarsaprwiSIa promises to cure and keeps the pi omisa. Prevention is better than c-re, and J lie II 1. V 111 I'itrt1 1 yet a remedy like Gooch's Mexican I Syrup for coughs, colda and con sumption, if not used to prevent I consumption by curing a couh or j cold in the beginning, can be di 'pended 'on to even cure fer the j lungs begin to waste away. Xo ether remedy 18 go nice to ta're or su qa K 1 to cure, aDd many frmkes often hnv 1 a new Doitie niore ina 01a one is nil used lTD. so that ths-v iryiv have it. always in the bou3e- ' nly 25 cent at MacKay's Phairaacy e orn, Cottcm, 1 Selling High? Likely to continue to sell high! The PhilcsopKyof Farming ; Smaller Surface. Labor Saved. Fertilize wilhji freej.ctiicl f Buy of your own people ! Virgiriia Carolina , Chemical Co. Southern Makers of Fertilizers For Southern Fanners. if High Standard. 000 Kih Service. ' Moderate Prices. i Factories at Fifly Points and Ae.-xts- Everywhere. 1-7. V3.-.JMiJ-,V.. ' ....J. A N D WR6HT Bankers - and 52 BROfDWfY, Branch Offices: 30 WEST 23d Orders solicited for the purchase or sale of STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON In any amounts for cash or on moderate margin" HOW TO MAKE MOREv TfiftN 50 PER GENT- fl YEftR. ON YOUR MQNEY EXAMPE: . Buy 100 Shares United States Steel 'I CREDIT iMargain deposited.... I Interest on deposit 6 per cent, 4 per cent dividend on 100 Shares Steel Common. DEBIT Less 6 per cent interest on 100 shares THIS lsovereoper cent, a rear on your investment without considfrinir ANY advance in ' h J! H- Ye hsve no hesitancy in unjuLi uduxu uigucr. A r-ir oiiii The indications are, that we are on the verge of one of the bt truest bull markets the coun try has ever known. It In rumored that .form W, Gates, is backed toy a pool of $25o,oon. ooO composed of J. PIERPONT MORGAN. MARSHALL FIH.LD. JOHN J. MITCHKLW President Illinois Trust Co., MOORE BROS, and several other capitalists, lor the purpose of putting prices very mucn nigner. we wouia aavise the iinmeDte purchase oi ail gooa dlvi- Send paying stocks, such as Manhattan. St. Paul, Rock Island, Atchison common. Steel and reopies tias. - "WRITE FOR SPECIAIi L.ETTER GIVING FULIi DETAILS. RIGR MRAIa Is easily stnpei as the best feed for hogs ad cattle ener lly by the following c unparative analysis of fat producing q alhies, made by a proaainent chemist and published in the America q Agri culturist. Bice Meal Peas Wheat b ' an Potatoes 17 5 Turnips This article All Leading Feed Dealers, MANUFACTURED BY Carolina Rice Hills, GOLDSBORO, Q. Died of Hemorrhage at 5 O'clock This Afternobn, at His Home In This City.. Washington, D. C, May 6. Death, which came at" o o'clock this after noon, ended the sufferings of Rear Admiral William Thomas Sampson, United States Navy, who comnffcnd ed the American fleet in the West Indies in the war with Spain. Ad miral Sampson passed away at his residence at the corner of New Hampshire avenue and Corcoran, street,, where he and his family had lived ever since his detachment In October, 1901, from duty as com mandant of the Boston navy yard. The immediate cause cf death was a cerebral hemorrhage at 11 o'clock tiiis morning. Paralysis of the brain was simultaneous with the final svt tack, and the Ad-niral remained I totally unconscious until the end tix. i hours later The LcAi)f biennn.1 conven tion of Women's clubs was slightly delayed on account of the failure of some of th a 5,099 trunks to arrive on time. This is the h the back cf ;-.".! siiv.w that breaks in. In addition to ' 1 'A the soc; : haoit, Jerry t iIi.ving ping ; Sinip-n ha.s taken ; ptfig. Brokers, NEW YORK- 219 WEST 125tH ST. ST. Common (t.ay 43) on 3 per cent, margiu. $300.00 18.0O 400.00 $718.00 $238 0O $550 0 Steel Common. saying that we XuUy believe this stocfc will sell a miAnii r- ' 77 per cent. 60 " " 64 - tt is f .it sale by V r. V, - '