THE ARGUS. DAILY AND WEEKLY. LODGE DIRECTORY. Waytie Lodge, No. 112, A. F. & A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Monday evenings, 7:80 o'clock, in Odd Ifellowa Hall. Visiting brothers heartily welcomed. Noose Lodge No. 6, I. O. O. F., meets every Tuesday evening, at 8:00 o'clock in Odd Fellows , iaii. uoraial welcome to visi tors, Rufflji Lodge No. 6, K. of P., meets every Friday at 7:30 o'clock in Odd Fellows Hall, Knightly welcome to visitors. Goldsboro Council No. 39, Jr. O. U A. M., meets every Wednesday evening, 8:00 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Cordial welcome to all visiting brethren. o ITEMS OF INTEREST TS AND ABOUND THE CITY. o Picked Up By the Ubiquitous - Reporter and. Chronicled For the Information ot Argus Readers, o Strawberries are now plentifully for aale on this market. Mrs. R. G. Best has returned home from a visit in Jones county. Mrs. W. A. Wooten has returned home from a visit to relatives in Kinston. Mrs. R. ,B. Southerland, who has "been visiting Mrs. Chas. A. Brown, in this city, leffcFriday for her home in Faison. There is be a lodge of the Bene volent Protective Order of Elks or ranizea in tnis city, which we are glad to chronicle. Everybody who has flowers are tS Cemetery next Saturday decorating the Confederate Mound, j Teachers Assfnh1v will inutf TessfonMoi1 The N. C hold their annual Vx2Jr"JiIAlUskn H. Banks, occurred at 111 II. V4,' III I 1I- V. J I . . -M I 1 1 I II IIIM I ; . rally. Now is the time to bee-in to kill ' the mosquito germs about your pf ionises. Kerosene oil, sprinkled . in aamp places, is saia to oe an ex- jcx xxxioxLit;. Mrs. Dr. Harvey Monk and two little daughters, of Trenton, are in Thursday afternoon at the meeting ! the city, visiting their grand mother of the Royal Arcanum lodge, when and great grand-grand mother, Mrs. ! he presented Mr. John H. Hill with Margaret Robinson. j a past regent's badge, is highly spok- I en of by those who were so fortunate Mr. A. N. Perkins, a Wayne as to be present. On this occasion the county boy, who has been for a num- Colonel more than excelled his usual i ber of years a successful hotelist in graceful manner and eloquent die- j Greensboro, has secured a three year , tion. It was a treat for the members lease of the Atlantic Hotel at More- of the lodge who alone were permit head City and will open it for the ted to hear it. season on June o. i I The Goldsboro Oil Mill, after one In addition to keeping the side- 0f the most successful runs in its his walks of our city clean, the new or- tory, has milled all its stock of seed dinance in regard to spitting on the and closed down for the summer. It sidewalk will help to train our citi- j will start ut aerain next fall. In the . zens to the new order of things and j prevent them from violating a simi lar law in other cities. Mr. who is TTpnrv Blount of Wilunn I Se CoeraL Memo?! ! ial orator in his town at the coming memorial exercises, on May 12, was in the city Saturday, on his way to Winston, where he is booked for one of his noted and always popular lec tures. -y T, . , . , . - ! It is now stated that there will be .i. i 4 . no encampment oit ; h th wn Juni wiU toJh?2!S2 Qa3Sf(t in a body in the parade and give a Jjff banquet at night. The Goldsboro Cf- &nlin'Jo a number at leastf will which takes up the ,fond , probabiV acbept the invitation and usually used to defray the expenses nrMP t ftn ?hft nen , of the encampment. Oheb Sholem Congregation met Sundav and unanimously re-elect ed Rabbi J. L J eryonr. xaeuvcu ulc,UuSiC. gationlor twelve years ana nis un- animous re together year is the best ible proof of his pop- ulanty and satisfactory service. TVtV TT T Tnrth. travfilinp- freie-ht, a?ent of the A. & N. C. R. R., has jast secr-ed the shipment of 60 car loads oflumber from Cary, N. C, to Kinston, to be used by ihe American Tobacco Company in the construc tion of a big stemmery at that place, for which they have also ordered 1, 250,000 brick. In the, last two days cotton has taken a tumble and those who dis posed of their holdings last week are now congratulating themselves upon . "X Tl J 4 3 their DUSiness sagaciiy. vaa ftwim by the buyers on this market tday that the fleecy staple had sunerea a since Sat- decline of about 70 points urday morning. The Woman's Club are at work . . l l J. X 1 on a puDlic enierxaiuiuenu , to ue given in the Opera House atan early j rinv. It is the District School, in which a lone list of Goldsboro peo- pie will take part as pupils and ' teachers. Itwill be very amusing the wisdomct the old saying tnat a iw""" - and will no doubt draw a crowded ! stitch in time saves nine. Take 1 Mrs. Chas. Slocumb, who trained house. -The time and price will be Hood's for appetite, strength, and the male quartette and t. whose ef juSSunced later. endurance. -. forts the success of the entertainment 1 r On Jellies preserves and pickles, spread a thin coating of i PUBE REFINED I PARAFFIN WiS beep them absolutely moisture and, acid proof. Pure Refined Faraffine is also useful in a dozen other ways about th& bouse. Full directions in eaeh package. Sold everywhere. STANDARD OIL CO. 14 xne DricK ouiiuing oi ivir. kj. kjt. Holt at the corner of Ash and West Centre streets is going up rapidly. ( The walls are now well under way. j It iS thought that this location Will be a trading centre in the near fu ture and it is said that Mr. .1. W. ' Bizzeli will soon erect a brick build-1 ing Ash on tne street. opposite corner on Capt. A. J. Galloway returned home Friday night from a visit to one of his boyhood haunts on the below Southport the former of an uncle who died'many ocean ; ago, and which he had not visited in I exactly fifty years, The many friends , of the congenial Captain wijl be glad to know that his health is better than it has been in years. Rev. Seth C. Bees, the Quaker evangelist, has been engaged to hold a week's meetings at the Holiness Tabernacle in this city; the first ser vice began Monday night. Mr. Bees is one of the best known and most successful Holiness evangelists in the United States. Services in the morn ing, afternoon and night. Every one is cordially invited to attend. The special strawberry express train passed through the city Monday loaded down with fruit. The train reached here about 2 o'clock, where a large shipment of green peas was taken on. After leaving Goldsboro this train goes through without stop- There JtrS couotry A orth of Goldsboro. The death of Mrs" A- E" Banks !mS? f J S, the j home of her son-in-law, Capt. S. G. ; I Fry, in this city, Tuesday a. m. short- j ly atter 4 o'clock. She was a quiet, gentle, Christian mother, greatly es-, teemed by all who knew her, and "x u wm "c . "p xxxuuxxicvx Tri T-fifoion "When -PaVioi. 1 he speech ot Col. W. T. Uortch meantime Superintendent King will j overnaul all tne machinery, make a number of decided changes and add in i4- nl-.Tins-l,,. 1 -.. T7 iio unccuxj kuSc uiii. x ui Jl, xoixs x tuiiuii oceu wcic xxxxxxcu xxxtu oil, fertilizers and feed. ican Mechanics of Goldsboro have received an invitation from the Wil-. son lodge of the order to attend the . i a 1 y f rt l n r unveiling of the Confederate Mounu . . . . Tir ment in that town next Mondav. j Mr. George Tucker, who has been the clever of the Tucker- I Marble Yard in this city for some time, where has made many friends, I imo whArA has lnnni starwi on a ionrnev Sundav after fa. h d- . bevon- re,WEngland, his nftive home, 1U end summer and" &Uend the ,5 of King ?d- "5mm01,8f w uuuug- ton to visit his brother and from there he will go to Massachusetts to'paniment by Miss Daisy Smith. The visit an uncle and will sail from singing of Mrs. Cooke was easily one New York on May 21st, - - i of the features of the entertainment. , m m She always sings well and last night t -Keep the Balance Up. ' was no exception. , It has been truthfully said thati Rev. M.. Bradshw, the popular I any disturbance of the even balance pastor of St. Paul church, delivered of health causes serious trouble, the address, in which he was fre Nobody can be too careful to keep quently interrupted by spirited ap-; tbia balance up. Whe a people begin plause. His talk was a brief but con- to lose appetite, or to get tired -cise review oi tne principles, pur eftftilv. the leaar imnrudence brinsa poses and achievements of Odd Fel- " mM'a M- Anuiuf- ft "7 .rZZ7, and should not be denied it; and the . best tonic of whict we have any knowledge is Hood's Sarsaparilla , What this medicine has done in keepine healthy people healthy, in keepm? up the even balance of health, pives it the sam distinction as a preventive that it enjoys as a : cure Its early use has illustrated I. 0. O F. BIG AUDIENCE PRESENT . LAST NIGHT. The Programme of Exercises Was Elaborate and Entertaining. Rev. M. Bradshaw Made the Ad dress. From last Wednesday's Argus. ' The celebration of the 83rd anni- ; versary of Odd Fellowship in Amer ica last night in the Messenger Opera House, by Neuse Lodge, with a splendid programme of exercises, . was qne of the most pleasant public events that has occurred in Golds- i boro for some time. The seating ca- I tqmtit rf Tci Hnnro TTnnoa nnnlrl n r4- - , , , , , , , , , accomodate the large, crowd that came to witness the exercises and a number had to be turned away for lV nf sfanrlino- rnnm Urntn fhfi newspaper accounts of other enter tainments of like character whic have recently taken place at differ ent places in the State, it is evident to those who were present last night that nothing more elaborate or more entertaining has been held so far. The members of Neuse Lodge, one ' f A t . 1 1 . I Jl J ' OI ine oiaest ana most prosperous lodges in the State, who planned the affair last night and brought it to a successful issue, are highly gratified at the success of their efforts. , Promptly at 8:45 o'clock the cur tain rose and revealed the faces of those who were to furnish the amuse ment for the evening. A sea of pleas ant faces in- the vast audience was turned in expectant mood toward the stage, on which were seated in a semi-circle the ladies whose names appeared on the programme. The opening chorus was rendered' by a select choir of children from the Odd Fellows' Orphan Home in this city. The superintendent of the Home, Mr.' Brinson, assisted the children in this chorus. The 'Invincible Guard's March," arranged for banjo and guitar, was the next number and was rendered by Mr. Charles J. Barnes and Mr. Addison Holland in a manner that elicited spirited annlause They re- , . " , " " . J-"c 1U130CO UUUB sang "On the Moon-lit Stream," as a duett in a pleasing manner. This number was one of the best on the Drosramme, Rode the Goat," by little Miss Julia Dulin, an inmate of the Orphan Home of the Odd Fellows, was ren dered in a way that showed she had received splendid training, and was well received by the audience. .Master name Freeman, who is without a doubt one of the best piano players in the State of his age, and who is a favorite with all Goldsboro, played ''Souvenir de II Trovator," with the touch of the genuine artist that he is and fully sustained the rep utation for piano playing which he enJys Miss Helen Privett, Goldsboro's ! most accomplished violinist, played the "Polish National Dance" to the piano accompaniment by Miss Daisy j Smith, and received long, loud and ( deafening applause which did not B UUU1 6Ut5 "VP- ou m &iage again with an encore. Everybody enjoys singing by a ' J male quartette and "The Old Oaken Bucket" sung by Messrs. E. G. Por ter, T. R. Robinson, W. R. Phillips and Capt. D. J. Broadhust was fully all that the audience expected. They were compelled to respond to pro longed applause and sang "Sally In Our Alley!" This number completed 1 t.W: In the second Part Miss Vinson appeareu aguxxx us uiu xrxtsssrs.xsarnes and Holland, and Miss Privett with the violin. In this part Mrs. A. J. Cooke s appeared and sang "Happy Days" as a solo with violin obligate by Miss Privett and piano accom- lowshin. and he forcefnllv and pIo. quently portrayed how the order has , developed and fosters, the ' social, moral, pmlantnropic ana intellectu al qualities in mankind. t And the great audience that greeted his re marks with such generous applause, that had gathered for this celebra- 1 tion is the best possible evidence of "w aeepiy imueuueu me oruer ism the hearts oi tne people ot tnis corn- Constipation j Does your head ach ? Pain back of your eyes ? Bad taste in your mouth?" It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. 25c. AH druggists. Want yonr moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? . Then use BUOKINGHAM'SiYEvvhfshkers 50 cts. of Druggists, or R. 9. Hah. & Co., nshua, N.H. companiments for several numbers. The programme closed with the "Swanee River" by the male quar- : tette, after which the Hawaiian Glee ; mended to us as an expert, he being Club, through their spokman,made , contractor and doing a great an announcement of their perfor-; , , s , . , mance in the Opera House to-night, i deal of construction work for the i and the club rendered a selection, , Southern Railway Company, and af which was received with such ap- ter having examined these buildings plause they had to respond with an makes the report hereunto at encore. RAILROAD SOLD. The Great Eastern Was Sold at the Court House Door to-Day. The Great Eastern Railway was e Ad at public auction Monday at the Court House door in this city by Mr. W. T. Dortch, who had been ap pointed commissioner for that pur pose. There was only one bid made and that was for $1,000 made, by Mr. F. A. Daniels, for the first lien creditors, who wished to get pos session of the property so they could dispose of it , and get their money they have invested. It is very prob able thaff the first lien creditors will now sell the property to some one who will complete the road. The sale Monday was simply to comply with a form of law and the bid of $1000 did not even represent the value of the franchise, much less the value of the material and the amount of j from the over head joist to the comb labor that had been expended. The then all partitions in this building road-bed has been graded from Fre-1 ?ould. be removed without endanger 4. 4. o tj -ii j i !mg in the slightest degree the monttoSnow Hill, a distance of j strength or safety of the building, something like twenty-five miles and The roof on the north buildins? is. the trestle work over waterwayshas ; in my judgment, perfectly safe, and been put down. It was stated by ! construction all right. I suggest , , 1 x ed to your foreman that it might be the commissioner in giving notice j weU enough tQ add gix or eigt ex of the sale that the right of way had j tra braces to this roof, not that I re nofbeen secured from the property gard them as essentially necessary, owners in every instance and there , for it; is entirely safe in its present were those present who gave notice that such right of way had not been acquired. The charter of the Great Eastern Railway calls for a railroad to be built from Raleigh to Hyde county, and it is said that it was the intention of the promoters of the scheme to build a railroad of that length. Work was begun in the center of the nronosed survev and center oi tne proposed survej and would have been carried each way if tne road nad not gone into the hands of a receiver. The sudden suspension of work on the road just as it was getting in sight of Snow Hill was a great disappointment to the people of that town and Greene county, who have been trying to get a railroad for a number of years and who it is reported subscribed liberally toward building the road. There is little doubt but that the road will be com pleted later on. It runs through one of the most prosperous farming see tions of the State and would no doubt prove a paying investment when completed, as it will be some day. BROKE JAIL. Wesley Sutton Makes His Escape at Njght. From Daily Argus of Thursday. " . . John Wesley Sutton, the negro who was shot and captured last week by Constable Troy Smith, an ac count of which was made in these columns at the time, broke jail last night and gained his freedom. He had, at the suggestion of the phy sician, been placed in the 'corridor where he could take a little exercise. Yesterday the physician told Sutton that it would be necessary to probe for the pistol ball. During the night Sutton made a hole through the jail wall with a'fire poker and left for parts unknown. In his crippled con dition he cannot get very tar and the officers may hear from him soon. He was sent to jail for stealing. HON. B. F. GRADY. Don't forgef to prepare to be pres ent at the Confederate, Memorial Day Celebration next Saturday af ternoon and hear that grand Confed erate Veteran, Hon. B. F. Grady. ; Invite all your neighbors to come. The whole county will be here and the town people should give the vis itors a warm welcome and a good hand pressure. , school, buildings, An Unbiased and Competent Archi tect and Builder Pronounces Them Safe and Well Constructed. Whereas a report has been widely circulated that the new school build ings recently erected, were fatally r defective in eonstruction as to their safety, the Building Conynittee deemed it wise to secure the opinion of a reliable and competent builder ana to Set ms report on same 3. V I vve secured, tne services ot Mr. J . D. Elliott, who was highly recom- tached. Respectfully, E. B. Borden, W. T. Yelverton, N. M. Musgrave, Henry Weil. Building Committee. Goldsboro, N. C, May 1, 1902. Hickory, N. C. April 28. Mr. Henry Weil,Chmn. Bldg.Com. Graded School. Goldsboro, N. C. Dear Sir: I beg to report that in compliance with your request, I examined on Saturday,the 26th inst. the two school buildings being erect ed by the City of Goldsboro, and af ter a reasonably thorough investiga tion, I have ko hesitation in stating that they are, in my opinion, abso lutely safe in their construction. I do not believe that they can or will be subject to any possible weight or strain which would render them otherwise. In regard to the construction of the roofs, if the roof on the south build- j mo- had an additional centre brace condition, but they would be no de- triment to the roof, and would only serve to make it stronger. As to the partition which rests on the inch boards on the brick founda tion, this is the usual construction according to all architects, and is, in my opinion, as safe as any wooden construction can be. I found these buildings to be re- arkably well ventilated,and in point ot sti engtl1 ana durability, 1 do not well gee hovy the character of their construction can be improved upon. i Yours very truly, J. D. ELLIOTT. PROGRAMME. Eleventh Annual Sunday School Convention for Fork Township to be held at Oakland Chureh, Saturday, May 17, 1902. 9:30 a m Song service. 9:40 a m Devotional exercise, by W. U. Grantham. 10:00 a m Music. 10:10 am Address of Welcome, by E. R. Hines. 10:20 a m Response by H. B. Par . ker, Jr. 10:35 a m Address, The S. S. Rela tion to the church and State, by Mayor George E. Hood. 10:55 a m Music. 11:00 a m The importance of par ents attending S. S., by Mrs. SueV. Hollowell. 11:20 a m Exercise by Oakland S S. 11:40 a m Appointment of Commit tees on nomination and time and place for next convention. 11:50 a m Music and collection. 12:00 a m Dinner. AFTERNOOJf. 2:00 p m Opening Music. 2:25 pvm Exercise by Ebenezer S S 2:50 p m Jesus, the Great Teacher, i. . by Rev. F. W. Farries. 3:10 p m Music. - 3:20 p m The Relation the Sunday School sustains to the Church, by Rev. II. E. Tripp. 3:40 p m Music: How to prepare S S "Lessons by H. B. Parker, Jr. 3:45 p m Reports from ' S. S. and statistics, by J. - M. Mitchell. : 4:10 p m Music: Report from com - mittee and adjournment. All who take part are earnestly re quested to prepare their subject well. J. M. MITCHELL, . Township President. I a MINISTER'S BUSY WIFE. fe -ru-na a Prompt and Permanent Cure for Nervousness. Mrs. Anna B. Fleharty, Galesburg.Ill. Mrs. Afma B. i"lehartr, recent super intendent f the W. C. T. U. headquar ters, at Galesburg, 111 was for ten years one of the leading women there. Her husband, when living, was first Presi dent of ,the Kebraska Wesleyan Uni versity, aVliincoln, ITeb. In a letter written from 401 Sixty- Seventh street, W., Chicago, 111., Mrs. Fleharty says the following in regard to Peruna, : "Having lived a very active life as wife and working partner jaf a busy minister, my health failed me a few years ago. I lost my husband about the same time, and gradually I sesmed to lose health and spirit. My daughter is a confirmed Invalid, and we both felt great need of an invigorator. w "One of my neighbors advised me to try Peruna. A bottle was immediate ly secured and a great change took place in my daughter's, as well as in my own health. Our appetites Im proved very greatly, the digestion seemed much helped, and restful sleep soon improved us, so that we seemed like new women. " I would not be without Peruna for ten times its cost." MRS. ANNA B. FLEHARTY. Peruna never fails to prevent nervous prostration if taken in time. "Summer Catarrh," a book written by Dr. Hartman on the subject of the ner vous disturbances peculiar to summer pent free to any address by The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O PROGRAMMF Of the Memorial Day Exercises to be Held on Saturday Even ing, May 10th, at 3 ( O'Clock. The procession will form at Court House square and will move in the following order: 1. Detachment of Dolice. 2. 3. K. of P. Band. Company B, 1st Regiment, State Guard. Company Dr 2nd Regiment, State Guard. Carriage containing Hon. B. F. Grady, oratorxof the day an l Chaplain. Thos. Ruffni Chapter of the Daughter's of the Coniederacy. Confederate Veterans. Graded School Children. Citizens. Civic Organizations. 4. o. 6. 7. 8. 9. The line of march will be as fol lows: Down , Walnut to John street, down John to Spruce street, up Spruce to William street, thence to Willow Dale Cemetery. Arriving: at the Cemetery, the military will halt inside the gates, battalion front. They will remain thus until the Confederate Veterans have pass ed, when they will resume their march, halting at the Monument or the Private Soldier in the Confed erate square. mahsuai.,s. Col,. W. H. Smith, Commander of Thos. Ruffin Camp. Coii. Joseph E. Robinsox. Dr. W. H. IT. Cobb. Col. T. H. Bain-. Dr. Johm H. IIiLix, TMajop. C. J. Griswold. Capt: A. B. HmloweiVl. Cor.. W. B. Whitfield. Mb. K. Britt. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. John H. Loftin". N. McN. Buie. B. A. Parks. W. R. Hooks. Mr. Barnes Aycock. Mr. Alex. Aycock. Mr. H. F. Pate. Mr. D. A. Sasser. The following exercises will be ob served: 1. Music by K. of P. Band. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Prayer by Rev. M. Bradshaw. Music. Presentation of the Orator of the Day by Chief Marshal. Oration. Music, Presentation of Badges of Honor to the Confederate Vet erans. Decoration of Graves with flowers. Taps by Company Buglars. Firing of Salutes by the Mili tary. , H. B. Parker, Jr., Chief Marshal. 8. 9. 10. -JSP, : A TrhiOkTTft TRilTTi TTTK TIP