1 -3 -J K . V!; 11 -..-f-;, -''I 3 4! '1: THE ARGUS. A Democratic .Newspaper. Published Every Evening Except Sunday. j BY POS. E. ROBINS&N. SUMSCREP'WON PE1CE. In Advance. DAI&Y ARGUS. One copy one, year - - - -One copy, six months - - One copy, three months - -One oepy, one month - - - -WEEKLY ARGUS. One" Year ------- Six months ------ Three months - - - - - y'lit 13 the uge tUat iie leels as if fc located ? He tao-i73 tmit irfe tT)C rheumatic ;S3 were being dis- al L; 3u?erirg3 are very ; $5.00 2.50 1.50 - .50 much like tti3 tortures of -the rack. j What he wan to know is what will per- j manentlv cure his dis-en?--. That, according to Uiurunds cf grateful testimonials, is Hood's Sarsaparilla It promptly neutralizes the acid in the blood on which the disease depends, com pletely eliminates it, and strengthens the system against its return. Try Hood's. . n n ft ' f.a.-h Ca ff : M , - moves 'imps and , 8-vooloa i& ry Bf most known, flrug- YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARB TAKING fit bt-n t-j ake ftiwe's " .!-.' lexe Chill ". bet &U8 the fs-ni 'I la ii'ainly fin e o e'e-) it?le ah 'w ngtbatit r. simn't i.ou ftnd Q trn n v taste Easy to Ts&Sz& Because purely vegetable yet thor ough, prompt, healthful, satisfactory WOODLAND CRUMBS. surelv to improvement of the ne- 1 . Igro s couuilioii. j From the character of the leaders $ 1.00 j Qf is movement we may expect Bro. B. E. Perkins and wife at tended church at Woodland on Sat urday and Sunday. We were made glad on Saturday evening by refreshing, showers. Crops show considerable improve- WRIGHT .GARFIELD Bankers - and - Brokers, 52 BRORDWflY, NEW YORK Branch Offices i 30 WEST 23d ST. 219 WEST 125th ST, Orders solicited for the purchase or sale of STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON Entered at the post office in Golds boro, N. C, as second-class matter. All will rejoice when Edward really gets his crown on straight. nappy rime mum iime, jment. "We feel very happy," writes K. ,, . , ., , "xt t jii mj V tt 4.v, I Afr T AT TT!H o-Arf rn sppttis nnitft Margam deposited C t . , 0.1 JJUVlll A J T l-l- T TT Aivi CD X -- j . j , ou ! like counsels to prevail again and to T5Ilpkian's Arnica Salve whollv cured hannv of late, esneciallv when vou Interest on deposit 6 per cent, be even more effective than they our daughter of a bad case of scald aim how the twins are getting have yet proved, as the organization neaa." re aengnis au wno use it ior HOW TO MftKfi MORE TtlflN 50 PER GENT- fl Y&ftR ON YOUR MONEY EXAMPE: Buy 100 Shares United States Steel Common, (say 43) on 3 per cent, margin. CREDIT. .25 4 per cent, dividend on 100 Shares Steel Common. Goidsboro, N. C, June 26, 1902. PRESIDENTIAL POINTERS. Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Boils, Ulcers, Eruptions. Infallible for Piles. Only 25c. at J. H. Hill & Son's drug store. That was a good speech which ex President Grover Cleveland made at the Tilden Ctub dinner last week. He outlined the policy of the Demo cratic party, which thousands upon thousands of good Democrats in this country agree to be good. It was in generalities, but it can be brought down to specific terms, and properly edited can be made of much use to the Democratic party. It was a much better speech than David B. Hill made. Hill is a bit too much inclined to be a politician. He rather prefers to make much of the defects of the opposition rather than to blaze out a broad and popu lar path for his own party. To this extent Mr. Cleveland is a greater man than Mr. Hill, though Hill would be considered by many smarter than Cleveland. The one man, however, who oc cupies the most conspicuous position m the Democratic party to-day is Arthur P. Gorman, of Maryland, Unless there is a great change Gor man will be the next Democratic nominee for President. All political indications are tending in that direc tion at present. And really Gorman is the greatest and broadest minded man in the Democratic party to-day He combines the general wisdom of Cleveland and the political acumen of Hill. The three werds "conserva tive" and wise" and "courageous" define Gorman. He is nearer like Tilden than any Democrat to-day living. The present Congress has been about the most miserable failure in the form of Congress that this gov ernment has ever had to contend with. There has been more manip ulation and lobbying and less fixity of purpose about it than any Con gress since the war. It has butch ered Cuban matters and has, under the pretense of adopting itshmian canal legislation, done nothing, but simply postpone this legislation for a year or two. The conflict between the administration and Congress has widened into a breach which it would eeem will have the effect of disrupt ing the Republican party. Roose velt has been strenuous, but certain leaders of the Republican party have been equally as strenuous. Thus it would seem that the Republican party has split in twain and that it will be an easy victory for the Dem- crate in the next Presidential elec tion, provided they nominate a man in whom the country has confidence. Unless all signs fail, the next Presi dent of the United States will be a Democrat. , has grown and reached a much larger number of southern negroes. We believe that the southern negro j congress, wisely directed, may ac-r complish much good. Those who' are engaged in it and striving so earnestly to build up a wholesome influence for it deserves the- sympa-' ciiolera Morbus a langerous Dis- thvnnri pnoonrfle-ement of tne wnite ! citizens of this section. The beet sugar scandal is but an exemplification of Dingley rottenness. How's Tills S We offer One Hundred Dollars Be- vard for any case of Catarrh that can- oz be cured bv Hail's Catarrh Oure. F, .7. CHEKEY & Co., Props, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known i?. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and oelieve him perfectly honorable in all outiinoss transactions and financially able to carry oat any obligations made tv their firm. Wkst & Trtjax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Warding. Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood ind mucous surfaces of the system. vice 75c per bottle. Sold by all "'tiri TowtlmoflialB f-e. TTwlTe "family PVi uro the best. along. Mr. Victor Herring and wife found a little sunbeam in their home on j Thursday last. It is a girl and do ing well. Miss Laura E. B. Moore,- Superin tendent of Juvenile C. E. work, took her little folks to the Myrtle Springs on Thursday last, and gave them a fine pic-nic. There were about forty DEBIT. $300.00 18.00 400.00 $718.00 $258 00 ease. In many instances attacks of cholera morbus terminate fatally before medi- j present and it was a gala day for the cine can De procured or a pnysician , rh11flrfin. We were not soeciallv in ! summoned. at hand a reliable medicine lor use in such cases. For this purpose there is nothing so sure as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy. W. E. Bosworth, of LaFayette, Ala., says: "In June, 1900, I had a serious attack of cholera morbus and one dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy gave me relief in fifteen minutes." For sale at MacKay's Drug Store. King Edward's crick in his lum bar regions resounded round the world. Mr. Neely has at last consented to accept a pardon and look pleasant. Filthy Temples in India. Sacred cows often defile Indian temples, but worse yet is a body that's polluted by constipation. Don't per mit it. Cleanse your system with Dr. King's New Life Pills and avoid untold misery. They give lively livers, active bowels, good digestion, fine appetite. Only zoc. at J. 11. Hill & Son's drug store. The beet root boxers needj the water cure if anyone ever did in this world. For biliousness use Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels, effecting a quick and permanent cure. For sale at MacKay's Drug Store. J. P. Morgan should come home and form a combine of American heiresses. . How To Avoid Trouble. Now is the time to provide your self and family with a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed before the summer is over, and if procured now may save you a trip to town m the night or m your busiest season. It is everywhere ad mitted to be the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints, both for children and adults. No familv can afford to be without it. For sale at MacKay's Drug Store. The Panama hat begins to think all things are coming its way. Saved From An Awful Fate. "Everybody said I had consump tion," writes Mrs. A. M. Shield, of Chambersburg, Pa., "I was so low after six months of severe sickness, caused by Hay Fever and Asthma, that few thought I could f get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr. Kiner's New Discovery for Consumption, used it, and was com pletely cured." For desperate throat and Lung Diseases it is the safest cure in. the world, and is infallible for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial Af fections. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at J. H. Hil and Son. vited, but being a hungry member of a similar institution we concluded to go down, where we were cor dially welcomed and invited to stay longer. They drank water, played innocent games, etc., until noon, when the baskets were united and an abundance of good things were spread out. At first it looked as though there would be much more than enough, but as they had been sharpening their appetites for some tiours by drinking from the spark ing springs it was nearly all con sumed. In the afternoon the boys formed a fox chase by selecting two of their number for foxes, and the otkers played hounds. As we lis tened to the barking and yelping and the encouraging . yells of George Moore, it made us think of ye olden times, which we shall never see any more. Reader. June 23, 1902. Ready to Yield. "I used De WHt's Witch Hazel Salve for piles and found it a certain cure," says S. R. , Meredith, Willow Grove, Del. Operations unnecessary to cure piles. They always yield to De Witts Witch Hazel Salve. Cures skin diseases, all kinds of wounds. Accept no counterfeits, J. H. Hill & Sons. No one surely will attempt to as I sassinate King Edward. Less 6 per cent interest on 100 shares Steel Common - $460 00 This is over 50 per cent, a year on your investment without considering ANY advance iXk the stock at alt, and we have no hesitancy in saying that we fully believe this stock will bM a GREAT DEAL higher. A BIG BULL MARKET. The Indications are, that we are on the verge of one of the biggest bull markets the conn try has ever known. It i rumored that .lohtt W, Gates, is backed by a pool of $25o,ooiv ooO composed of J. PIERPONT MORGAN. MARSHALL, FIELD. JOHN J. MITCHELL President Illinois Trust Oo.4MOORE BROS, and several other capitalists, for the purpose of putting prices very much higher. We would advise the immediate purchase of ail good divt dend paying stocks, such as Manhattan, St. Paul, Rock Island, Atchison common. Steal and Peoples Gas. WRITE FOR SPECIAIi LETTER OIVING FULIi DETAILS. RIGEMEAL la eas ly stamped as the beat feed f ir hoga and cattle senerally by the following o 'mparative analysis of fat producing qualities, made by a prominent chemist and published in the American Agriculturist. 77 per cent. 60 " " 64 " " 17 " " 5 " " Rice Meal Pas Wheat bran Potatoes Turnips This article is f .ir sale by All Leading Feed Dealers, MANUFACTURED BY Carolina Rice Hills, GOLDSBORO, N. C. FOR SHERIFF. $100 Reward, This is to notify the Democratic voters of Wayne county, that I will be a candidate for nomination of Sheriff before the next Democratic Convention for Wayne county. J. B. GARDNER. May 10, 1902. Trie Cne Day Cod Curt. Ketnt-t-s Chocolates lajative Quimne fo $13 A the Ivtad and sore threat CHOb-o -V For any case of Chills and Fever that cannot be cured by Wheeler's Tonic when used strictly by direction. The only com bined Chill and Fever Treatment on the market. The Liver and Kidneys, Stomach, Biood, Brain and Nervous System treated sep arately. Wheeler's Tonic will cure Intermitent, Bilious and Con tinued Fever. The best Tonic; Great Appetizer; a Logical Pre scription; Scientifically Compounded; Contains no Poison. For ale by J. H. Hill & Son, Goidsboro, N. C. w, june 13. ii(!(Hi!ii; orKSr The first in war in South Africa are now first in peace and a British bounty. SOUTHERN NEGRO CONGRESS The Southern Negro Congress will hold its second annual session in Galveston next month, beginning July 1 and continuing five days. The first meeting of this Congress was held in Jackson, Miss., last July. There was a very, large at tendance then and a much larger one is expected this year. The object of the Congress is most commendable, and its first meeting indicated that its purpose will be pursued in a practical and judicious way. It is hoped and believed by the sensible and conservative negroes who are directing this movement that it may result in advancing A Real Friend. 'I suffered from dyspepsia and in digestion for fifteen years," says W. T. Sturdfcvant of Merry Oaks, N C. "After I had tried many doctors and medicines ' to . no avail one of my friends persuaded me to try Kodol. "It gave immediate relief. I can eat almost anything I want now and my digestion is good. I cheerfully rec ommend Kodol." Don't try to cure stomach trouble by dieting. That only further weakens the system. You need wholesome, strengthening food. Kodol enables you to assimi late what you eat by digesting it without the stomach's aid. J. H. Hill & Son. The beet has become our national vegetable. ' Spring Fever. Spring fever is another name for biliousness. It is more serious than most people think. A torpid liver and inactive bowels mean a poisoned system. If neglected, serious illness may ioiiow sucn symptoms. De Witt's Little Early Risers remove all danger by stimulating the liver, opening the bowels and cleansing the system of impurities, bafe pills. Never gripe. 'I have taken DeWitt's Little Early Risers for torpid liver every spring for years," writes R. M. Everly, Moursdsville, W. Va. "They do me more good than any- thinflr I have ever tried." J. H. Hill greatly the welfare of the negro race t & sons. in the South. They realize that a j ' wter understandinsr between the' J.P.Morgan should be gi ran the whites and the negroes will be im-, of (doctor of trusts) menselv beneficial to both. I The addresses "made and the reso- iu nulla iwAupicvx t wv vuf,iwa xmdv 2ateJy year were on the line that leads most & Bro , Wnrth f&luO tflvM to nnrA rVill1 ' or adult of incontinence of water durinc sleep. "Auti-Diurfctfc" stops it imme- tl. Bold bv M. E. llobinscn drugglsic, Goidsboro, N. O Leads Them AU. "One Minute Cough Cure beats all other medicines 1 ever tried fo coughs, colds, crouoand throat and lung troubles," says D. Scott Currin of Loganton, Pa. One Minute Cough Cure is the only absolutely fcafe cough remedy which ac s immedia tety Mothers everywhere testify to the good it has done their little or,ee. roup is so sudden in its at tacks that the doctor often arrives too late. It yields at once to One Minute Cough Cure. Pleasant to take. Children like it. Sure cure for grip, bronchitis, coughs. J. H. Hill & Sons. Read. It In His Newspaper. George Schaub, a well known Ger man citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a constant reader of the Dayton Volkszeitung. He knows that this paper aims to advertise only the best in its columns, and when he saw Chamberlain's Pain Balm advertised therein for lame back, he did not hesitate in buying a bottle of it for his wife, who for eight weeks had suffereu with the most terrible pains in her back and could get no relief. He says: "After using the Pain Balm for a few days my wife said to me, 'I feel as though born anew,' and be fore using the entire contents of the bottle the unbearable pains had en tirely vanished and she could again take up her household duties." He is very thankful and hopes that all suffering likewise will hear of her wonderful recovery. This valuable liniment is for sale at MacKay's Drugstore. It was King that broke his stitution. Edward's rehearsals naturally robust con- Whooplng Cough, My little son had an attack of whooping cough and was threatened with pneumonia; but for Chamber lain's Cough Remedy we would have had a serious time of it. It also saved him from several severe at tacks of croup. H. J.; Strickfkden, editor World-Herald, Fair Haven, Wh.. For sale at MacKay's Drug Store. - - cure Cola in Hepa. Hennott's Chocolate wxotive Ouinlnt. ea. M GOLDSBORO, N? C, acijiliists and Fotxijeteif- -DEALERS IN New and Second-Hand Machinery of Every Description. "Ames" Eng nes and Boilers, ' Van Winkle Gin Machinery, Lane" and other Saw Mills, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Boxes, Couplings and Set Collars. We Maufacture SeMs;,.!oilers resses, A Large Stock of Mill and Plumbers' Supplies: Leather and Rubber Belting Packing, RuDber, Linen and Cotton Hose, Cant Hooks, Log Chains and Snaking Tongs, Blacksmith Tools and a great many articles Too numerous to mention. Repairing a Specialty: Your Patronage Solicited: Satisfaction Guaranteed. All our machinery is New and Up-To-Date, such i ml ' 1 Ul til lit 111, Wfcmw ' w ' - - - . , IVI I I 1 I 1 1 Machinery for Cutting Gears and Spirals: Also Steam Ham- mer with which we can do heavy Forgings, Especially Welding Log Cart Axles, &c. Our Shop is New, 162 feet long by 40 feet wide. V 5 iff n II Vl Yi T 1 I'M1

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