WASHINGTON LETTER i . I Special Correspondence. j Visitors to the capitol who admire -the beautiful decorative work to be keen in the rotunda and in the corri dors, especially in the senate end of the building, will find additional interest in the work of the artist wLeu they learn the source of his inspiration for lr.any f the female figures that appear in the fiesigns. The aged artist Brumidt, jwhose brush did most of the most beautiful of the decorative work of the (capitol, married in this city Miss Jen bie Qerman. a young lady well known Ifor her beauty, which has been perpet rated In many of the paintings exe cuted by her husband. Features a lit Jtle too well rounded to be thoroughly jclassic, black hair, a fair complexion iand blue eyes, together with a shapely jform, were the characteristics of Mrs. iBrumidl. She was the third wife of (the celebrated Italian artist. She was greatly admired not only for her beau- ty of person, but for her qualities of knind, which made her a general fa vorite here. One of the figures in the ceiling of the rotunda is said to be an jexact likeness of the artist's beautiful JjSjfer Vftdls IPOSt of the figures he IxaTnted in the capitol portray some of er characteristics, j Tle President's New Team. President Roosevelt, who has been scouring the country for a pair of high steppers suited to the needs of the ex ecutive mansion, has found what he (wanted in Baltimore. They are Admi ral and General, cherry bay geldings, ifive and six years old, sixteen hands fclgh and weighing about 2,350 pounds. They are full brothers and were sired jby Abdullah Belmont, by Lakeland Ab idullah, 851, by Hambletonian, 10. Their dam was by Red Archie, Jr., by Red Archie. The geldings were bred end reared in Michigan. They make (an extra high class pair, with fine jheads and necks and a bold, resolute fn-ay of going. They are beautifully "mannered, and It is safe to say that no Eandsomer pair will be seen in Wash igton. The sale was conducted hrough A. G. Hurly, foreman of the (executive mansion stables. The horses were inspected by United States Veter inary Inspector Brown. J Reception For Coleridge-Taylor, j Mr. S. Coleridge-Taylor, the young 'Anglo-African musical composer of XKndon. has written to friends In (Washington of his purpose to make . Visit to tnis country during the winter, and plans are on foot by the colored people to entertain him. One of the (purposes In view, It is said, is to form a large chorus of 200 or 300 voices, have the singers thoroughly drilled In the production of his masterpiece of choral music. "Hiawatha," and to give a. public presentation under his direc jtlan. It Is known among musicians (that the colored people of "Washington jhave among their number very many jgood singers and that they have al-k-eady done considerable chorus work, j Acting upon the suggestion of Mr. (Taylor's coming and the desire to hon r him as one of their race, the leading Jored musicians and citizens general- y have formed a choral society and ave named It in Mr. Coleridge-Tay- jlor's honor. I, Repairs to White House. fIn his last monthly report to the war flepartment Colonel Bingham, the engi ttier officer In charge of public build ings and grounds, showed that in order jto provide accommodations for the servants in the White House it became necessary to utilize a portion of the attic which had never before been Aised for living purposes. Two new rooms were constructed In that part of (the building, and to light and ventilate them It was found necessary to put aorzner windows in the roof. For heat Bng purposes gas stoves will be used. a gas pipes were run into tne rooms that account. The rooms were pro- ded with electric lights and were urnlshed with beds and other necea- 'eary furniture. President a Good Narrator. I The cabinet has a new rule of proce dure. It used to be the law that when (that illustrious body assembled at 11 o'clock on Tuesaay and Friday morn lags business should be taken up at bnce. But that is not the practice now. Instead of getting to work at once on the supposedly great questions of state Ithe president takes from fifteen to ttwenty-five minutes to tell his advisers ithe experience he has had with the Jgpntlemen who have been giving him "'Mot air" about offices and schemes they want him to recommend to con grass. I Toe president is a good narrator, and therefore the first half hour is unusual Jy Interesting. He doesn't tell stopies to Illustrate a point he is making, as Lin- ipolD did. but tells everything that has fcae' happening that has impressed it (self upon bis mind. His ense of hu rnor is good, and the humorous side of jlhe pictures that pass before him is not overlooked. High Priced Real Estate. A lot at the corner of F and Tenth streets, which is in the heart of the ibest business center, has lately been bold for what is said to be the highest rate ever realized on land In this city liamely, 52 a square foot, equivalent o $2,205,120 an acre or to $10,400 a front foot for Main street lots running lack 200 feet to Washington street, jibe big price was paid by a saloon teener. Hardly any other business lould stand such a rate. '. - Divorces In the District. The District of Columbia is rapidly becoming the most popular place In the Cnited States for mismated couples to ijeek spparation. Scarcely a day passes that the courts of Washington are not )sked to grant anywhere from three to fix divorces, and In nine cases out of ken the applicants are accommodated, fro Is is a rather sad commentary upon I . - . A.3 li..t the morality or tne nation's capiiai. LONG NOMINAEED. Warranto jlay. be.Issued For.Iiyn.ch- i" """" . , - ers Today A Number of Wit nesses Examined. Salisbury, N. C, June 20. B. F. Long, of Statesville was nominated on the 412th ballot for judge of the tenth judicial district this morning at 2:30 o'clock, after a 15 hours' ses sion. Hon. John S. Henderson, who presided over the convention, said it was the greatest number of bal lots ever taken in a judicial conven tion in North Carolina. Long's nomination was brought about by Iredell voting solidly for him. Solicitor Hammer is still working on the lynching here. A number of witnesses were examined today. Warrants will probably be issued to morrow. RANDOLPH FOR PRESIDENT. Little Rock, Ark., June 19. The ! board of trustees of the University of Askansashave elected Harrison Ran dolph, ofTirginia, President of that institution, vice Dr. John J. Buc anan, resigned. Appointed Rear Admirals. Washington, June 19. The Pres ident today sent the following nom inations to the Senate: Navy Captains to be Rear Ad mirals: Yates Stirling and William C. Wise. KING OF SAXONY DEAD. Dresden, Saxony, June 19. King Albert of Saxony, died at 8:05 p. m. ! to-day. The King of Saxony leftno children, and Prince George, his eld est brother, succeeds to the throne. Happy Time in Old Time. "We feel very happy," writes R. N. Bevill, Old Town, Va., "when Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured our daughter of a bad case of scald head." It delights all who use it lor Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Boils, Ulcers, Eruptions. Infallible for Piles. Only 25c. at J . .H... .tim & Son's drug store. ' REVIV RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man u. of Me. produces the above results in 30 days. It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others tall, young men will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous Dees. LoBt Vitality. Impotency, Nightly Emissions. LoBt Power, Falling Memory. Wasting Diseases, and all effects of self -abuse or excess and indiscretion, which unfits one for study, business or marriage, if not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but is a great nerve tonic and blood buUder, bring ing back the pink glow to pale cneeKS ana re storing the fire of yonth. It wards off insanity ana consumption, insist on caving vkvibo other. It can be carried In vest pocket. By mall, 81.0O per package, or six for SS.OO, with posi tive -written crnarantee to core or nlnsf the money. Book and advise free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., ,lOTi5Tu I"For sale in Goldsboro, N. C. by M. E. Robinson & Bros., and MacKay's Pharmacy. Life Was Not Worth Living v But Shelby, N. O., April 30, 1902. I had been a severe sufferer from nervous prostration for two jears and everything I ate disagreed with me. This made me feel so wretched and bad all the time that life was a burden and I felt that I had rather die than live. I could not eat meat nor any sol;d food at all and every thing I did eat caused me to suffer. I had terrible nervous spells when I would become cold and feel almost lifeless then hot baths would have to be applied. I suffered from gas on the stomach all the time, and so weak I didn't do any work for twelve months. Nothing I tried did me any good. I was in that condition when Mrs-, Joe Person called to see me last July and said everything she could to pert-uade me to try her Remedy, as she was so confident it would cure me. I bought half-dozen bottles and felt a great deal better by the time I bad taken the third. I con tinued it until I took 18 bottles, which CURED ME. My indigestion is well and I can eat anything I want, and it is vry seldom I ever have even a touch of nervousness My health is good and life itself geems like a different thing to me and well worth living "When I com menced the liemedy I weighed 105 pounds, now I weigh 140 pounds, which was my natural weight before I was taken tick. If any one suffers from indigestion or nervous prostration, they need not hesitate to try the Remedy . I would not take any amount of money for what it did for me. "MRS. J. D BREVARD. J. ffl. Parker. DENTIST. Offieeldown stairs, opposite H. & H. I. Je' ptore. BKIDGB WOBK DONE. flt Itth.tf ' Tne one Day &oia euro. For cold and soretbroot 09Kermott8009 1 THE -WVW JOEt to bouy up weak, worn, tired-out stomachs. Spur a tired horse for a moment he bounds forward, then drops. Just so with a tired stomach. Stimulants force it to a brief, unnatural effort. Then it collapses com pletely. It needs rest. By the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure your food is digested without the stomach's aid. It builds up the body while the stomach gains fresh strength. Rest is nature's greatest tonic. It soon restores health. It is not necessary to diet. That only further weakens the system. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest any kind of good, wholesome food you want to eat. Cathartics afford only temporary relief. 1 1 Made To Digest Food. -2&1 Mi- LJ(TEETHINC.P0WDER5) Costs Only 25 cents tfto mall 9 a ft lobence, ss. u., jnov. zti. isuu. l was Urst advised with our baby when he was but a very young infant, as jaierit was useiuiin teeming irouoies, ana usenectnas Deen louna to De so very Denenciai and so free from dangers that are consequent upon the use of drugs and soothing syrups, that we have come to regard it, after use with three children, as one of the necessities when there is anew baby in the house and until the teething troubles are over, and we take pleasure in recommending it to our friends instead of the horrid stuff that so manv neonlfi use to ker theii baby quiet. HART WELL M. AYER, The Best ! Fresh goods every week, in car loads. We buy direct from mills, in car loads and save in prices and freights. Purchasers can save money here. Flour, Meal, Sugar, Molasses, Coffee. Corn,, Meat, Hay, Many other goods, all at bottom prices. Use our family Patent Flour, it is superior. No goods misrepresented. Call and see us. Wholesale and Retail. Orders solicited. J. G. BfSON 6c SON. 127 and 129 West Walnut Street. GRRb E. STfNLEY. MfNfGER RBSIDBNCB 401 WILLlflM ST. SOUTH. REGI8TBRBD BMBfbMER AND FUNERAL D1RBGTOR Coffins, Caskets, Wrappers, Etc. PROMPT SERVICE. nxraBgSr.''- G0LDSB0R0 UNDERTAKING CO ' gQ8 WALNUT STREET ES YJAVING GONE IN BUSINESS AGAN, AT THE I & Same old stand, with my brother F. B Ed mundson, we are determined to; stick to our old plan of selling GOOD goods at low prices and not be under sold by any one in the State. Our motto will be "Cash." We invite the public to come to see us. We will handle dry goods and groceries, and we are determined to lead in medium-grade shoes and tobacco. Just bought out all the job lots of tobacco that three large factories had, amounting to thousands of pounds. This lot will go for 2? cts and up. Come around and let us convince jou. tv L & F- B- Edinundson. . HUSTLERS. When You Are Curiotts. As to the best place to buy your Tobacco Flues and have your Roof Tinned, Painted or Repaired, it will be MONEY IN YOUR POCKET To get my prices before placing vour order. Car load of Flue Iron now on hand. Best goods, best work, lowest prices, and promptness mjr motto. u s tnmiuilainits "I had stomach trouble of fonr yeanf standing," says Geo. R. Colbath, Alpena, Mich., "which was so bad that at times I was forced to abandon my business and stay in bed. At last I was induced to try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, from which I received immediate relief and a few bottles effected a complete cure." OR. MOPPETT'Srri Cures CftoSera-lnfantum, uiarrnoea.uysentery, ant the Bowel Troubles of Children of Any Age. Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels, Strengthens the Child and Makes TFFTHIWfi CACV at Druggists, .1 . I m . - v by our family physician in Charleston to use TEETHINA a preventive of colic and to warm and sweeten the stomach (Manager Daily Times and Weekly Times-Messenger.) ES! The Cheapest ! Oats, Tobacco, Snuff, Case Goods GOLDSBORO, N. C. 53 Goldsboro Burial Go. FUKEBAL DIRECTORS. 304 PINE ST. WEiET. The undersigned have organized the above company, and will furnish coffins and caskets of any style at lowest possible rates: take cnarge of funerals and supply hearse and all necessary carriages. We cater to the colored trade only, and will always be prompt. Bespoctfully, Isham R Smith, J J Scott, Henry Fowler, lw 3&junel2 ARE YOU If bo you cannot afford to do sc until you have examined my stock and prices. 1 can now furnioc your ordert more complete than anyone eleo in the city. AM kinds of lumber, in eluding dry and nicely worKed. tiorirr, siijinc and ceiling. . a lu. idO jour .nc.V on short ootV'tt ou&i;j am; prise g-ur.rftT.raed. I will ct-v-ptair in .i-e,-b. uf ray eaui'cs : if ycu nve used xht.tu ?uu fcrnov' what Stiay &; stnd if not yoe sto lid do '- ai. once. Tn&ii&:ir the jjubiiu Icr tloir geat. OD8. ptttroasgo ao. ,.sing & contim tnct) ot nrjis, 1 rjttie.iti, Vours tr3" tx. T. GRIFFIN UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. One hundred and eight scholar ships Free tuition to teachers and to ministers'1 sons. Loans for the needy. 5C3 Students. 54 Instructors. New Dormitories, Water Workp, Central Heating System. Fall term begins September 8, 1902. Address, F. P. Venabie, President, Chapel Hill. N. C FOR RENT. The desirable house and lot on WilMam street opposite Col- I. F. Dortch's Seven rooms, with water works; also good garden. If you wish to buy, sell, or rent property, see me. Office at store on Walnut street. Hours x2 to 2 o'clock. Ed. L. Edmundson, Real Estate Hnatla fiORSEMNTED One that can start from stand still and run 200 yards in 15 seconds, pulling 1700 pounds. Must weigh not less than 1300 lbs. SAfl EASON. OHN O, BANKS- ARCHITECT. Second .Floor Borden Building, Build? A- l N- G. R. R. TIME TABLE NO. 25. To Tutte Knees. Feo. 23. 1902. ARRIVB ftOLDSRORu. 11.05 A.M Pa8seij4tti jJaIIj Leave Morejietm uity 7.05,a.m Newern 9 am, Kinston 10.12 am, IaOranpe 10.32 i-tn, arrive Go? dbhoro 11.05. 5.S3 P. M Daily except Sunday L.v. Tfewbern 13.10 pm,Kinston 3 28 pro, L.aGranee 4.23 pm, Krrive Go'idsboro 6 83 pro. 8 30 P.M. Pass Train ft&ih No. 6 Leave NVwhern 6 30 p ra, KinmoB 7.37 pm,LaGrantre 7 1.7 p m, arrive Goldsbor 8 30 pm. LEAVE OLDSBORO. 3.40 P. M Passenger Daily. Iave Lf rarj?e 4 09 pm. Kinstoc 4 32 pm.Newbern 5.50, pm. arrive M City 7.15 pm. M PassencerDaily tx Sunday Leavft LaWranpe 8.31 am. Kinston 8 53 am. arrive Newbem 10.00 a ra. JAS A.. BRYAN, DILL, President. 8.00 A. S. Li. Muperlrtendent. B. A. KEWLAND. Master of Tran8port,atlm . "There's No Place Like Heme, tf o Next to home should come home people and home Industries. Don't patronlae heathen foreigners who mur der American missionaries. Patronize a home industry which gives em ployment to home people and they oars In turn help yon. Send your work to the GOLDSBORO STEAM LATJNDB.Y. Our work Is guaranteed or money refunded. Try us. Goldsboro Steem Laundry. Southern Railway. . No 35 daily, Lepve Goldsboro 7:20 am, arrive Kaleigh 8:56, Durham 9:5'J, lireensboio 11.59. No 7 daily, Laaves Goldsboro 2:05 p m, Raleigh 8:50, Durham 4:43, arrive Greensboro 6 :ii5 p m. No 41 mixed dai'y except Sunday, leave Golds boro 4 :i0 p m. arrive Kaloigh 8:00 p m. No 11 mixed daily, Leave Goldsboro 8:40 p mr arri ves Haieigh Jl :45 p m, leavs Kaieigh 1 :00 a in, arrives Greensboro 5:15 a m. No 12 mixed daily, leaves Greensboro 1 :05 a m, arrives Durham 8:85, haieigh 6 via a m, Goldsboro 7 :80 a m. No 8 daily, Leaves Greensboro 7:58 am, Dur ham 8:40, Raleigh 10:80 arrives Golds boro 12 :10 p m. No 12 mixed dally ex. Sunday, Leaves Raleigh 9:60 a m, arrives Goldsboro 1:45 p m No 88 daily Leaves Greensboro 12:45 p m, Dur ham 2:4;, Raleigh 8:61, arrives Golds boro 6:s0 p m. No 11 and li have Pullman Sleeping cars be tween Haieigh and Durham. No 7 and 11 connects at Greensboro with train? for all points, .North. (South and West. No 35 connects at Greensboro with No-. 36 for North. Jso 35 connects at Selma for points onACL South, No 7 aud 11 connect at Goldsboro witii trains from Morehead City. Perfect Sleeping Car service on all through trains, see tbai your tickets read via Southern Railway. Ask any .Ticket Agent for full informa tion, or address R. L. VERNON. : F. R. DARBY. Trav. Pass. Agent, City Pass, aud Tic Ags,. Charlotte, N. C. Asheville, N. C. S. H, HARD WICK, General Passenger Agent. J. M.CULP. W.A.TURK, Traffic Manager Asst. Pass- Traf. I&in., Washington. D. C- SO Per cent. Saved! -O GoIdsboro Den al Parlor. Over Robinson's Drujr Store, No. 151 West Centre St. Finest set of teetL $ $10. Gold crowns. Porcelain crowns, Gold iillmgB, Silver fillir gs Bubber iillmgB Cement fillings Cleaning teeth Extracting Anaesthetics used 6 to 7. 350 1.50 to 2.0C 75c. 50c. 60c. 60c. 26c. in extracting teeth. Bridge work done We guarantee our work to be hrst-class and upto-date in ever particular. Call on us. DR. STOCK ARD, Prop. 22 lm daily Goldsboro.iV C, R. fl. VflTTS Jr7 Well known to the peoplt of this city and surrounding section as a tiiiled workman in the line of REPAIRING Watches, Clocks, "nds1 Jewelry, has opened a Repair department in the front part of the John Slaughter Co.'s buildingr, No. 212 Walnut St., East, opposite Argus office, where he will be glad to receive your work. Moderate Prices. Satisfaction guar anteed. Give him a calL NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given, that application will be made to the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad company for a certificate for one (1) share of the capital stock of said company, in ilea of certificate for the same, originally is sued to John V.Sherard, now deceased, which haa hn lost or destroyed. Maroi oh 17, ISM. I. F. DORTCG. ntor or Jno. v. Bherarq doo'd. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED FOR "THE WORLD ON FIRE" by Mnrat Halstead. Burn lng mountains In American Indies explode destroying cities full of people. Startling his tory of appalling phenomena threatening the Slpbe. 600 big Illustrated pages, only fl 60. lghest endorsements. Biggest profits guar anteed. Agenu clearing from Si to 26 daUy. Outfit free. Bnelote ten eents for postage. At (Dot It U a fact, nevertheless. Cakl Schoitbxd. THS DOMINIOf CO.