v5-' .1. -r'-'i-l i . mm -' i " " f ' ' t -"r , " S """. ;, ' -. i. . .. v. , - r "'"" ' . v it 8 (1 'i i ) .'5 3 5? 4 -f THE ARGUS. DAILY AND WEEKLY. other GOLDSBORO CITY SCHOOLS. LODGE DIRECTORY. Wayne Lodge, No. 112, A. F. & A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Monday evenings, 7:30 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Visiting brothers heartily welcomed. Baffin Lodge No. 6, K. of P., meets orai-v Vridav eveninsr. at 8:30 o'clock in Odd Fellows Hall. Knightly welcome to visitors. Goldsboro Council No. 39, Jr. O. U. A. M., meets every Wednesday evening, 8:00 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Cordial welcome to all visiting brethren. TSTensA Lodsre No. 6, I. O. O. F., meets every Tuesday evening, at 8:00 o'clock, in Odd Fellows TTall. Cordial welcome to visi tors. PURELY LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST IN AND AROUND THE CITY. Picked Up By the Ubiquitous Reporter and. Chronicled For the (Information of Argus Readers. Mw mother was troubled with consumption for many years. At last she was given up to die. Then she tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was speedily cured.' D. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. Y. No matter how hard your cough or how long you have had it, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the S KpQt thin vou can take. j - O - It's too risky to wait until you have consump tion. If you are coughing tnsv. aet a bottle of Cherry Pectoral at once. Three sizes : 23c, 50c, $1. AH druggists. urn hi jiiiriLin iwri Consult your doctor. If be says take it, then a" he says. If he teils you net to take it. then don't take it He knows. n, We are willing. X,C!"C " t i i ver CO.. Lowell. Mass. The New Buildings Will "be Beady For the Opening: Faculty Com pleted by the Selection of Miss Sallie Kirby Last Night. The two commodious and hand some new brick buildings of the Goldsboro Graded School that have ben erected, one at each end of the orie-inal buiiuingr, are now receiving I the finishing touches and will be ready for occupancy by the date fixed i for the opening of the school. 1 The old building, too, has been re- ! modeled inside and equipped with '' the same modern furnishings as the ' new buildings; so that Goldsboro can ! now boast of as commodious and con :nicnt. nnKlic. school buildings as i v w XT " ' I any in the country, j The spacious grounds are also be I ing leveled and beautified, and the - ! newly elected white janitor will be irpd to keen them in ship-shape tofore and he has arranged this trip i frnrn 4rfiST19Ssers to Richmond for the benefit or nis . large number of patrons who go witn j wnne scnooi is not m sbuii. him every year. The tram passes There have been a numuer oi r- Goldsboro about 7:30 o'ciock monuay : i tiong in ihe faculty since the morning auu retmmug ; sphool closed for the summer vaca- due to the acceptance by the Soft arness Ton can make your har ness as soft as a glove and as tough as wire by using EIJltEKA Har. ness Oil. You can lengthen its life make ii Inst twice as long as it ordinarily would. m o Ji laraoss makes a poor looking har ness like new. Made cf pure, heavy bodied oil, es pecially prepared to vntii Biaoui tha weather. Sold everywhere In cans all sizes. Mads by STANDARD C'.L CO. MAKES HIS ESCAPE. WATER RATES. Frank Winn Runs Away to From Standing Trial. The negro Frank Winn, Olive, who is charged Keep fi n'clno.k on Tuesday even Tho fcrr fmm all roints is S2.50 tion, for the round trip. Get ready, go resigning teachers of positions ten and enjoy yourself for a couple of ered them in other schools. Their j I -. i u &- I places here have an Deen suppueu, , t b geen since a nnnvint. on the county roads ' the last vacancy having been filled mi,A murder for which he made his escape from the guards ; last night by the Board of Trustees ciarged occurred about three months AVednesdav afternoon while the gang i alT olcmfinoi- TTlSa Sallie ri- 1 ,1 Txlz-vorl a-fTsi.i-r mQH , """."i"""- o of Mt. with killing his cousin Charles Winn, is report ed to have skipped the country. Frank had been given his liberty on a $2,500 bond and his case was to have come up at the present term of ths Superior court. He had remain ed quietly on his farm near Mt. Olive until Saturday night, when he left, presumably to go to town and The question of water rates is causing a great many people to make inquiries. Some time ago the Board of Public Works published a sche dule of rates which seems not to give very general satisfaction. These range all the way from A cents per cubic foot to 30 cents per cubic foot and therein lies the cause of the trouble. It is claimed that if the city ban pump water at 4 cents for manufacturing plants it can also pump it at that price for individuals and that it is no more trouble or ex pense to furnish it in large quantities than in small. And it is also claimed that if it costs more than 4 cents to pump the water then the small consumer should not be taxed to furnish the large consumer with water. The vastdifference in the price is what is causing the agitation of the sub ject. ' Tt is rlnimed still lurther tnac NFRVOUS PROSTRATION CURED BY PE-RU-NA. m W M i 1) ! J. A. SIPSOiT. 5j Hen. J. A. Simpson, Secretary of the Board of Education of San Francisco, Cal., writes : " have found Pcrur." sn 'deal ionic. Some months sgo I suffered with neu- 4Ur,io (Kvttsn-'Ac cziarrii, csussci smw)uiBuijii" wwfeM has been iny system - the water works the price advanced instead of being reduced as it was expected. The public is entitled to some explanation of the charges herein contained. is FOR THE HOUSE. Superior court is still in session and at work on the criminal docket at present. tv.p Arm ft Machine Works has turned out another locomotive for a lumber company in South Carolina. Tobacco continues to find its way to this market in large quantities and the price is what the farmer would have it. were at work on Near Neuse river l.Prm forPSt i Kirby, of this city, who holds a Po- .ri" i cition nn the facultv of the Raleigh is very wuck. neat n v-j. impossible to see a man 10 feet away Public Schools, which she clash for the thicket .and k thought she t the po. noon, but failed to discover the lo- night is a source of great pleasure to cation ot the negro. A shoemaker working in the shops has filled her many friends here; ana tne Goldsboro schools are indeed to be of Mr. W. L. Summerlin claims to congratulated on securing her The Banks of this city will re- have been entirely cured of rheuma- The faculty of the school as it now main open throughout the fall and j. O ri'rlnr-lr on Knt.- Avinter srasun uuui v urdays. While the city is paving Walnut street from Centre to John streets the street will have to be blocked, tism by lightning, ixe nau . d complete for the ensuing year sufferer for vears and last week while ,w"' visiting out in the country he re ceived a severe shock of electricity from the lightning which struck some object near the house in which lio was stavinsr. lie claims a tuuti It was a cold bloodea anair Frank and his cousin Charles with several other negroes in the neigh borhood went fishing one day and during that afternoon Charles made some joking remarks about Frank. The nartv all returned home and x far from well, i founa i'crur.a cefe fited me very much. It built up frej entire system and made me feel like c new man. I believe it is well worthy the high prsise bestowed upon ii." J. A. SIMPSON. I Rvstpmic catarrh always gives fair warning of its approach, and can be easily warded off by the proper treat- Editor Argus: In a recent issue ment. Pleating brown specks bofo . . .. t o o-trH. -mF-ntal confusion, li ts or ne of your always interesting paper x sleeple3SnesS, -flashes of read with great pleasure ana muv o.nillv sensations, palpitation, im f,.i , oJio from rti v friend i.n:t- riauTu-?irlpncv: anv of these lilCLiVJLl tlili ai wivav tauxiitj , "- ' 1 ' " Mr. James M. Wood, endorsing that symptoms or all of them should slerlinff Democrat and untiring party promptly , worker Mr. Atlas T. Uzzeii lor tne lower house of the General As he' sembly. I have known Mr. TJzzell person ally and intimately from his boy- that night about 7:30 o'clock while I hood, and lean truthfully say of but the work will be pushed rapidly ! cure He is not anxious to repeat the so as to cause as little inconvenience experiment, however, and his testi- I to the merchants as possible. mony will not induce others to wish The Institute for the white teach- for a similar mode of cure, era of Wayne county will be held at I The heavy receipts of tobacco on the Graded School in this city the thig market from country carts is a third week in October, beginning on surprise to everybody here. The pop Monday morning October 20th, and uiarjty of this market among the closing Friday evening October lanterg throughout this section is 24th. widespread and increasing from day j. to dav While the price of tobacco is Mr. C. F. Carpenter, representing to day. vni e p fa the Carpenter Buggy oo., pi unuu; 'w those who are in a po- SL ... . .ill nati. is in the city ana he gave barbecue to his friends last night on "s m out at the suburban mrm oi . Both the Imperial T Dortch. which was very mucn cloyed by the select crowd present. . gSihealdfiB a number Col. William T. Dortch comes out, of local buyers. in a strong: card nomination of Mr. advocating the H. B. Parker, The tallest man that ever struck ia Viptp, with ten others who J ' . - M Jr.. of this city as a member oi in , aaiiino- the Lib Legislature from this county, .ur Tobacco. Thenameofthe Parker is a young man of , splendid erxy m.J. L. Skinner. He abilities, possessing as well, a strong genu weighs is as follows TEACHERS FOR 1902 1903. Mr. Thos. Tt. Foust, Superintend ent. Mr. A. J. Barwick, Principal. Mrs. M. O. Humphrey. Mrs. M. B. Griswold. Miss Jennie B-oyall. Miss Ada Blair. Miss Bebecca Humphrey. Miss Etta Spier. Miss Mary Jones. Miss Caddie Fulghum. . Miss Mattie Nash. Miss Susie Fulghum. Miss Annie Farrior. Miss Ophelia Howell. Miss Leila Cobb. Miss Jessie Jenkins. Miss Florence Mayerberg. Miss Lizzie Ferrell. Miss Annie Beaman. Miss Sallie Kirby. Miss Nellie Cobb, substitute teacher. Charles was prssing along the road with some girls in front of Frank Winn's house, the latter called to Charles to stop. The only eye wit ness to what occurred is a small ne gro boy about 6 years old, who says that Frank Winn told Charles that he had been talking about him and without further ceremony struck Charles over the head with a club. The boy ran and told Charles' father him that he is a man in every way in ho ail mi red: a farmer lie stands by his occupation and "lives on farm"; a citizen, he does his every duty cheerfully: a neighbor, he is V. Erookslnre, from rA;n., in . rrfpnt letter from Wash- inirton. D. C, says: "From what my friends say, Pernnaj Is a good tonic and a safe catarrh cure.", R. V. Brookshire. "Summer Catarrh," a book written byj nr. TTartman. President The Ilartman Sanitarium, on the subject of the ner-j v.a disturbances peculiar to summer,! the sent free to any address by The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, U. j A WORD WITH THE FARMERS Kifni nonsirlprate and srenerous: a AlVl yiU 9 J . Democrat, he is unswerving in party j gome years ago inquiries service and unterrined in the main- t t to the best things were which tenance of party principles; a man of a farmer can attend to to make farm the people, from the people and for ; ing a pleasure and a profit, the people, he would be true to the ; gaij. "Owner must live on his who come up in time to see his son j people's interests in the halls of leg- farm plow deeP, fertilize well, plant expire irom a oroseu skuh. j. lo. . isiauuu, iui -"-" - . ana sow eariy. nave guw uunuiu6J remained at home until arrestea, otherwise, ana wouiu not u umci- for ownerj tenant ana laborer; sow .u,vi, aV niaf.D fAw moments la-! wisft. for his honor is always his riofrirfh in p-rnin. one-fourth in V lilUH lAyvyxv AtiA- im j.v u k ' - 7 viiv r 1 to work to have him releasea upon Tiaras porous Droceedings and he crave bond for his appearance at ter. He was brought to uoiusuuro guiae. ouai mau .u grass, one-iourtn in penumieui and placed in jail. His counsel went trusted. ' ture.and one-fourth in summer crops. I desire to enaorse every tiimg "iau,Keep well posted." Mr. Wood said and so well said j B gaid. crop well planted is half about Mr. Uzzell, and I hope the , made Kill snrouts. plant grain in court by giving a mortgage on his county Democracy when it assembles October; spread manure in Decern - He had real estate valued in convention to name our wuu ber for spring crops." 1 000. It is understood ticket will nominate A. T. TJzzell as c jj. "Terrace hillsides, surface that he has disposed of his property one of our representatives m the dram low anaS; keep all the cattle and left the country, preferring this next Legislature. j you can in winter, pen them every course to the hangsman noose or a . V ery truly, : njght and spread manure on the sur- term in the penitentiary. Jacob . iill. face of your and. Llotate crops, cot- iyu-s. irxn r'nrn njit.s. then sowueiis. JXaise . t-w. v-. j 7 TRIPLE WEDDING. character. Both the county and city tax Col-ir,T-a iinve their new books and 235 pounds. He has to lower nis head when walking under the signs the sidewalk and of course he THE WRONG NEGRO. v . ' . j !1U 4- t4- HO 1 Ar mUn aka -r- rt- IrOTVT 5l ia o rr i a TIT. VV II 1 1 C 1 11 Li UUUU U -j-v -.w irXrrTtlmder Mr. Gabe Holmes,) IH IM V Xl!k L11C V VTVwiv I " - would be a good idea to pay texes while you have the money and be fore you are required to do so by law. who ia well known to woiasDoro i people and who is Southern manager for Liberty Bell Tobacco, with head quarters in Savannah, Ga. Wafnul 1street has ben taken up and ed" all the morning with witnesses JrMmSe uiUtorm in shape' and spectators who bad gathered to siiM-iff Rfiott Makes a Wild Goose Chase to the Northwestern Section of the County. He Returns With out His Man. Sheriff Scott returned to the city about 2 o'clock from the northwest ern section of the county, where he on a wild eoose chase, inorninsr the Sherifl re- anlrdressed edgeTwm be put testify and hear the evidence in a andwitharesseu eu?e , and geveral SSTireSi n-om Centre to John j drunks which might be properly ; had been ;SLtrith brick. A civil engineer j charged up against tne circus that, Ffid from Lynchburg, Va., is in the city , came to townrmai. xu : ceived notice that a negro whom he to superintend the work ana nave it , Yer? " .X,;" riX' nt and who was accused of UUlli' x tressintrlv sober appearance (J . . , .rto. mrninp-. While their COUUieuauura niainlv showed that Mr vounewhenthe circus comes to town, J P i !i .54- nmror rt rrr this ces R. E. Tioint never to sro T TvrrtVQO Hari hexm fixercisinsr his pain- to a circus in the day time for the . ml influence. As the Mayor would reason that when the band begins to pr0iiounce sentence upon each mdi play at night he could not resist the vidUal he would cast a sympathetic temptation to go again, but that glance upon the violators of the fho hnnfl beffins to play m the t,n nd t" ordinance. The only case afternoon he consoles himself by say- assuming serious proportions was ins "I'll be with you to-night." that of a colored hackman whose ' , K ! horse struck and knocked down a The school census of 0lSD 8mall boy Gf another colored man. township, just completed, shows the irritated the parent, who fol- nnmber of white cnuoren m w , . . k d tried to pull a wnship to be 1483, a decrease oi i , - ; . . socket. The evidence from last year's census, lhe city , the haQkmrn was not to proper has 560 maies auu blame for the occurrence and the males. The township outodc s the city fethef Qf injured child was . has 166 males and 223 females, ut bound over io court for carrying a those between the ageor 12 and 0 weapon , who can neitner ieaj. y- 33 are found in the towx saip. rri,?, roiwter was "shown to-day some proot sheets of the North State . Republican, which it is said will , make its appearance next week. Mr ! A Whitely, former editor of the Ml. Olive Advertiser and later the Wayne County Advertiser, will do , the Editorial work on the paper for ( the present. The paper, will be is- . sued by the Republican Printing j Company. The excursion of Mr. It.' E. Pip- kin to mcaiuou" "iS . " r fho The Mayors' Court Room the Scene of Three Marriages at Once Friday Afternoon. Goldsboro is nqt to be outdone in the matter of marriages when view ed from a numerical standpoint at least. A triple wedding took place in the Mayor's court room here Friday afternoon. Three coupies from the Faro section of the county came to the city to see the circus and after arriving here concluded they would get married. They went to the office of the Register of Deeds and secured license, after which they went to the Mayor's office, where the ceremony was performed by Jus tice of the Peace J. E. Peterson, in the presence of a large crowd who DUPLIN COUNTY-TICKET. i your supplies and your own stock, let your cottou be your money crop." 1 D said: "Let the negro immigrate; i raise your farmers at home. Turn out old lands and cultivate well the remainder." E said: "Be a Christain; keep out books with yourself, raise cot- Democrats Name a Well Distribu . ted. Strong and Conservative Ticket -11 -NT C- Cant S Thfi I iveDausAuie, . v.. , - . f d bt keep uupiiu wjuuij - - vn provisions, tion met here today ana noimua F said: "A place for everything, a full Legislature and county ticket The primaries were held Saturday, and only a light vote was cast, it be ing the first time regular primaries have been held in this county. The following ticket was nomi nated: D. S. Kennedy, Senate; J. W Gresham. House; v. xx riprir. Leonidos Middleton, Sherin; C. S. Carr house-breaking was staying at tha . j 1 TTTil tinmn onnthOT npffrft near T.nfi VVll-i . . . a j. ii. & twoH frnm ntt tne street tu wiir , Tv. r The Sheriff left the ia cr - Potter, surveyor, auu l ness ainpie r QTiri tvt. v. vvestorooK, , mi V,oXX. IT " tninlv unusual, lueuaujca -" A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache. 25c All druggists. j. v. r if. is one oi tne net be losi bigi rpfl thia I ? - w Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE(?rheers r....... n. B. P. HLL CO.. NSHUA, N.H. : . j.-:.- 4-v.ot i5is been best trips , , T. ATr Pibkin COUiu. iivu t," w wtskington f?r reasons stated .here- rPfinl nrices on Bananas this week to close out a big lot, C. F. Griffin. son county Une, city last night about 7 o'clock by private conveyance and went direct ly to the place where the negro was staying. He arrived there about 10 o'clock. He had very little trouble in capturing the negro whom he thought he wanted. When he ' ar rived with the negro at Fremont he found that he had arrested the wrong negro and he gave the man enough money to pay his fare to Black Creek on the train and also to hire a turn out to take him back to his home. The Sheriff is of the opinion, how ever, that he committed some crime. He gave his name as Sol Daniel and said that he came from Garner's Store, in Greene county. He is now living with his sister, who denied that she had any one in the house when the Sheriff asked to be admit ted last night. The negro was lock ed up in a room and the Sheriff had to threaten to break the door down before the woman produced the key. The negro r had recently been shot in the leg and he claimed to have been crippled by another ne- 2to at his old home Mn G reene county. parties are as follows:. H. B. raa shaw and Mattie Gaugh, J. B. Brad shaw and Mattie Shadding, N. M. Bailey and Sarah Shadding. Among : 3 ara tvurn hrnthfirs tne marriBvx wupra - " i patent and two sisters, while thefirst named aZ couple are cousins. After the ceremony the three coup les departed from the building with their faces wreathed in smiles. They left for their homes later in the after- ,-v wqL- t. Via news to their rei- ilVUll VAJ LX"- " atives and friends. A TSov's Wild Kid For Life. With family around expecting him everything in its place; stop leaks, keep up repairs; keep all the stock that can be kept for milk, butter or beef. Give everything good , atten tion on the farm." G said: "Southern farmers should .nr imin tiTirl crass; frrow everv- ot i thing that family stock can eat. Ma- Miiaos Jiuuuicum, nure crops weil, but let commercial , Register of Deeds; Frank , erg Do all c ;n every year to improve your land by plow ing under grass, andpeas; never sell any cottonseed." This is enough for one lesson ana there is good hard sense all the way down from A to G. You may have a good cotton cropr but if you can grow ana sell butter, buttermilk, sweet milk, chickens, eggs, hams, sides, sausage, souse, lard, pigs, pork, strawberries,peach- Commissioners. The ticket is wen aisirumwu throughout the county and is a very conservative and strong one. The liquor question fhas been raised to in the campaign, Dut -. 1 A this is neither a wet nor aryucsei m A 9 and will give general satisiaction. There will be no excuse for indepen- dentism in Duplin, and a large Dem ocraticTtfajority may be expected in November. A Parson's Noble Act, "I want all the world to know," writes Bev. C. J. Buaiong, oi Asim to die, and a son riding for life 18 wav, R. I-, "what a thoroughly good the big cotton crop, that. is. 1 . 1 4- es, grapes, appies, pears, wueai, wheat straw, flour, potatoes, sweet and Irish, roasting ears,butter beans, snap beans, turnips, onions,sqtfashes, carrots, cabbage and stove wood,you will find your small crop is ahead of if riia. oh reliable meaicme 1 iounu m ,u au , onri I TiT-ir. "RittRTs. Thev curea me 01 miles, to get Dr. long s xew coveryior Vy-- r.n liver troubles that had Uoias, v . ii- t tj ,X;- a mecrrfint suffering for many Ind., endurea aeaiurs "S"" " o n, all-around l.-.4- XTTrtTl n OTTl 1 1 TTie( llllllt? I vtTillS. X " t"" 7 astnma, uu ."r " " ; r,oV Pxcel anvthinsr 1 ever gave instant reiiei uuu TOectrte Bitters afe the sur- him. .e .wjrit x ; ' nf u for their wonderful work soundly every; l TTiHnev and Stomach trou- velous cures oi .wuuu , t". f.il to trv them. Only Ti.nMni-, itio :iiiH im i jt iiiin t! l ivi i 1 1 1 1 aw" v w t - - moma, uiuuuiii,, " - . . Hatifetion is euaranteed by Z;u4. u nrnvft IIS maiCfllBSS "icm ivi " I uu o - ! hi 1 14 It Hi IN X a.u iwiu uuudo . . j. i i ft I x tt fT A snn. I i. ...ui, ana J-jUng iriUWC. uuai-ij, a.., j-j.. I jj Jiiim Sireut wim navci ai4U new erage connections. Apply to s I. B. JFonxielle. la CUitivauug me ltiLnsi diiuiu work hish-priced free labor, and worry with their absences and hind rances. . The secret of good farming is to be in time and do the work Veil Plant early and work it well before weeds and grass get a start. ori bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial ittio frop nt J. H. Hill &. Son's 1 drug store. Bananas at almost your own price atC. F. Griffins. I i - 1 i r 1 9 T!)00T!) TVIT&TnTTP r