i M ; 1 i !. Tr :' j "V 'J ,'.3 " i '4 - s . " " 3 -4 j; 'a Ik. ' i BE DILIGENT. "Thereby Shall Be Overcome the Devils of Care and Wrong. "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample thi-m under their feet, ami turn again and rend you." Be diligent, let who will be idle. Be diligent in all well-doing; espec ially in seeking after happiness. Thereby shall be overcome the devils of care and wrong. Although athirst for knowledge, there will be little promise of drinking deeply, and .searching for truth may lead too fax and reveal the truth. Truth concerning all things is not needful nor desirable to know; for there are many forms of fact thai are of uo avail and are even discomfort ing. Wiioso would dine well shall not so much as glance into the place of -cooking. If a woman would be regal under her piled-up .crown of glory she shall not be observed with the needful pins between her lips be fore her mirror. She shall love art And poetry, romance and song, piety and prayer. Above all things in life shall she love prayer and the holy thiiisrs signified in praying. A prayerless woman! a woman who dues anything, knows anything, believes anything, hopes anything which she may not name in silent prayer or voiceful: It were better she had never been born. The devil rejoices in the upbring ing of, little children who grow to the years of sin untaught and un sti vngthened of mother's prayers. Let him believe .who will, but jt is not given to any soul this side of eternity to scoff the religious con victions of any other soul. And apart from the monstrous negation of divine teaching, scoffing is vulgar, unseemly, unrighteous, vain and silly. Bo also is scoffing the arts, learning and any or all of the evi dences of culture and refinement. And likewise is it vulgar to scoff, and sneer r.t sentiment or song, orj any honest emotion of sou appear to be staying after qualitie3 and possessions U whit t.f:e finer ! i' Si.c iiigherlife. The inequalities of humanity are as distinctly marked as innocence is from sin. That all men are born free .and equal is a political fiction, and -politics is uncleanline.s. ""It was as uuntrue when first it was uttered as it is untrue to-day. Iien are not only wot free and eq'ial before the law,but they are hopelessly so in the social life of the world. The law for the poor and helpless is not law for the .rich and the influential. The worthy of the world have a kingdom all their own. The good folk, the gentle, the true, the unpretending those have their own, they have one another; and they wiil be diligent in well-doing. Their women will be diligent in , keeping their souls tidy, their hearts fresh with the dews of a spirit of youth that shall not pass. Far every good woman upon whom rest the light of heaven some evil strives and awaits opportunity; but so long as she deserves the guardianship of the angels just so long shall evil be powerless to harm her. Whoso would give his tongue evil speech concerning her t is the devil poorly disguised; for so fair a flower is woman's good name that oven the breath of the liar shakes it rudely as noxious breezes bend lilies Jaw Winstoa-Salem, Sep. 9. During a severe electric storm atCooleemee, a cotton mill town in Davie county, last night, lightning struck and in instantly killed Mrs. John Gleason, an estimable woman ot that tQW I The itepeal a Strain. 1 1aStildft la over. Again the gchooi bell rings at morning and at noon again with tens of thousands the hardest kind of work has begun, the renewal of which is a mental and physical strain to all except the most i rugged. The little girl that a few days ago had roses in her cheeks, and the little boy whose lips were then so red you .would have insisted that r had been "kissed by straw berries 'have already lost something of the appearance or neaitn. now is a time when many children should tonic, which may avert ooHMia trouble, and we know of ntf other highly to be recom- mnded al Hood's ssarsmparuia, .hi.h KtMntfefts the nerves, per fects digestion and assimilation, and aids mental development Dy nuua iny up the whole system. PROGRESS OF A PROHIBITION TOWN. Dunn N. C. Guide. For the consideration of those peo ple who may think, or claim at least, that the open bar helps to build the town, we submit the following as the experience ol Dunn ' during the past five years: ' 1. -Real estate has doubled in val uation, and in many . instances has more than doubled. 2. Twenty-three handsome brick buildings have been erected during this period. The same building lots that sold six years ago at eight or nine hundred dollars, to-day bring two thousand, with plenty of ready buyers. 8. The population - has more than doubled and the home seekers can not be accomodated. There is not one vacant house in town. 4. Our people have grown in re finement and intelligence, until you seldom see a drunken man on the streets. The moral and religious ele ment of the entire community has revolutionized the entire county, and for years past not a bar has been found in the county. Those who fought the removal of the bars are to-day convinced that it was the best thing, and many of them are loud in their praise of the substantial and wonderful progress of Dunn. ROUND TRIP RAT1SS Via Atlantic Coast lane Fronj Goldsboro, N. t j $10.80 to Baltimore Md.,bovp:eiL ? j Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. Tickt . i ! on sale September 18th, 19tii and 20th. Tickets must be deposited with Joint Agent in Baltimore immedi ately upon arrival, and upon pay ment of $1.25 at time of deposit, limit will be extended to leave Balti more not later than October 3rd, 1903. W, J. CftAifi, G. P. A. INDIGESTIOr CURED immediately by the use of Hicks' Capudine lUe. 25c. 50c. at Drug stores. Messenger OPERA HOUSE. THURSDAY IsIGHT Sept 17 Chaset Clark & Kennington's Magnificeni Electric Scenic Production ox MARIE - CORELLFS MOST POPCIiAB STOKT LfflA, A NORWEGIAN PBINCESS A Complete and Competent Cast and Swedish Quartette., SPECIAL SCENERY ! The Land of the Midnight San! The Alten Fjord in Bummer Tim! The HaJIs of NJedezgorse! The Land of Long Shadow! The Al ten Fjord in Winter Time! The Aurora Boreallsi Notice of Election By order of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Golds bo ro, adopted at an adjottrned meeting on the 4th day of September IMS, no tice is hereby given, tnat there will be an elee. tion held In said City of Goldsboro. on the 8th day of October, 1403, under the eame rnlee and regulations provided by the Laws of North Carolina regulating municipal elections for the City of Goldsboro to determine. Flrjt, Whether intoxicating Ucfuors shall be manu factured in said , Cltv, and 8eoond Whether garwwingor 8alaonaheil be wlabUtUfXl In l5l9Cri IW, BBOADHURST, 6old8to6ro. C.rSt.h 1808. FOR SALE I A Good Marblef Busi ness in Goldsboro. The business must be sold within thirty days and all stock on hand will be sold at actual cost. ' Now Is the time to get a tombstone cheap. Will sell cheap. Good reason for selling. Write to. , .T y. H. A.' TUCKER ABRO., Wilmington or Goldsboro, N . C, May 22, tf. . . FOR SALE. U2 aerea land, one half cleared, balance well Umbered, lying on new road leading from Goldsboro to teraainam'a awre. a miia irom Ooldaboto. Adapted to general fsmnlng-pwr-poaea. auitablc for fruit .or peeana. Address seat Calypso, N.a . A VW rum bits oov Colo outa x6 M bead and aore tsroat cosed by Oxxolatas uiam ?iu&c. aa THE In S. S. S rc every requirement of run down condition. drugs, but is' a pleasant vegetable remedy for toning up the nerves and in a low state of health, or sick and o. o. o. improves iae ; I bare no appetite, aids the digeS' tion and1 reinforces the system, and its .good ef fects are seen almost from shall take .11 take the first dose. It acts Oare Stoll, promptly in cases of chronic dyspepsia, indigestion and all stomach troubles, and does away with the uncomfortable fullness, nausea, shortness of breath, drowsiness and diezines that so often come after eating. S. S. S. is not only the best tonic but possesses alterative or purifying properties, and if there is any taint, humor or poison in the blood it searches it out, and removes it. Many times a low state of health is due to a bad condition of the blood and can only be remedied by a blood purifier and tonic combined, or such a remedy as S. S. S. If you suffer from debility, insomnia, nervousness, loss of appetite, bad digestion, or any of the symptoms of a disordered blood, nothing will so soon put your blood in good condition, invigorate and tone up the system as S. S. S. : THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA GAm pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must paes, however, is so fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger, that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror. There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend so prepares the system for the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. This great and. wondertul remedy is, always app!iedexternally,and bus carried thousands of women through the trying crisis without suffering. EeTid for free book containing information of pri jeJess value to all expectant mothers. The Dradfield Regulator Cs., Atlanta. Ga. Cold Wave Coming ! Now is the time to get your stoves repair ed and get ready for cold weather. I make a specialty of repairing stoves. I also do all kinds of tin work. 1 O. BRYAN, 7 ho Tinner. Goldsboro, N. C. .seFANCY VESTS, Has Your Summer Suit No Vest? That's one of the many cases where washable vests are useful as well as ornamental.no matter vhatscrfcof Summer suit it is A big variety of patterns from $150 to $5-00 UNDER HOTEL KENNON. r GupiD's Weapon's 1..., PLEASING For feminine adornment . Onlj a few of these things are merely ornamental. Many are articles of great beauty, but certainly please the eye, too. ..-. R. f. Phone i66. LEADING JEWELER. WEST CENTRE STREET. Ceenisborb imale Coflege ! GREENSBORO. N, C. Literary and Business Courses. Schools in Music, Art, and -Elocution. Fall term begins Wednesday, Sept. 9th, 1903. Terms moderate. Apply for catalogue to Nature has provided a tonic suited tt the system when in a debilitated, It contains no strong mineral nr preparation. You can find no better bringing refreshing, restful sleep when worn out with rork or worry. hesitancy In reoommendlne your B. S.S as tna oess eprmgr como on tne market. I have used many other medicines, but -find S. S. B. to be undoubt edly the only tonio that will build, no the aTnUin. T pleasure in tellinar all -whom T thi-nir n pleasure in telling all -w need ox a good, blood tonio of your medicine. Your truly, LEWIS S. FIEBEH. Hamilton & Co. Lexington, k. No woman' happi. ness can be com plat without children ; it ' is Her nature to love aad want then as much so as it is to love the beautiful and A. A. JOSEPH, Mercharjt Tailor and Outfitter. 1 i Are no longer the bosr and arrow. Beauty is now en slaved with exquis ite pieces of o mi From our charming collection of Dia monds, Watches, Rings, Chains, Pen dants and other THINGS Mrs. Lucy H. Robinson, Proo't. mi Beg to announce that, not withstanding the advance in raw material and labory they have on sale this Fait ' exactly the same fifty inch Broadcloth at one dollar that they sold so largely last Fall. They ask at your hands a critical comparison of their dollar Broadcloth and the fabrics offered by others at the same price GENUINE PERDYIAN 6DAN0. Is again being imported direct from the islands off the coast of Peru. Very satisfac tory results have been obtained this season from the use of this natural bird manure on cotton, corn, tobacco and truck. A cargo i due to arrive at the port of Wilmington dur ing January or February. Inquire about thte manure before you order your fertilizers. For information apply to OLIVER SMITH, Wilmington, N. C. Sole agents for the sale of Peruvia Guano in the State of North Carolina Watches II Watches that will be a credit to the wearer. Plain Or beautifully engraved cases, containing reliable works to make perfect time-pieces. We also do repair work of all kinds of jewelry. Prices right. - o v CO B . L. D. GIDDENS- West Centre St., South. - Cents Buys the largest and most beautiful SCBATCH: TABLET to be found in Goldsboro. JSovr on display in our window. Slates, Lead Pencils, Composition) Books, Ink, and an elegant line of Box Paper and Writing Tablets. A Ruler free to every child who makes a purchase. DD Phoat Ho U Miros of Quality JEWELER. r u O o . 2. I S v 5 i. Goldsboro Drujr Co The People'i Popular Drug Store. laienUU Ho. o r: - V s t i I II' 4 . - r'--