ii iMiHittlftTBWtTill 1 " " " " "" - ' "" '" "' ' ' ' ' ' 1111 1 I. ..... Ml I I ' II IN IMIIimM I -I I II -I -I... I , Ullll Thib iKaas o'er the people's ripi-a, Doth an eternal viaril keer h fcOOUuiig btramfc of Mfaia'b eoat On lnll its hundred evep to s!eep.- Vol. XV GOXJ3SBORO. JST. C. THUESDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1903. NO 3 ' Wv. 3 I 1 T " ' t -1 H. C. CONFERENCE. (Continued from Sixth Page) SUNDAY. There was a large attendance at all the churches of the city Sun day. Methodist preachers who are attending the Conference officiated in all the churches at both the morn ing and evening services. By far the largest audience flocked to St. Paul Methodist church in the morning when Bishop Warren A. Candler preached. The church, which is the largest in the city and one of the largest in the State, could not ac commodate the crowd who sought admission and c6uld not have done so if it had been twice as large. Al though the t-er vices did not begin until 11 o'clock, yet by 10 o'clock ever v available imi in Ihe spK'-ious edifico bad been taken and numbers of people were standing in the aisles and in the vestibules. The Bishop's fame as a preacher had been noised throughout the city on account of the Missionary ad dress which he made on Wednesday night and the Thanksgiving sermon which he preached n Thursday, on both of which occasions he demon strated his abiliry as an orator far above the ordinary. It was no pur prise, therefore, that numbers of people had to be turned away from St. Paul church Sunday mornii g because there was not even standing room on the inside. Those who were able to gain admission and had to remain standing throughout the ser- j vice took no accout of the two hours ' that passed and showed little signs " of fatigue. The pleasing address of ; the Bishop, together with his ex pressive gestures, eloquent phrases, ornate descriptions, convincing logic and inspired demeanor absorbed the ! attention of his auditors to the ex clusion of their uncomfortable atti tude. An attempt to report his ser- . mon would be as futile as an at- - tempt to "paint tne my or giia re fined gold." After the sermon the Bishop or dained the following: Deacons James M.Culbreth, Wm. E. Brown and William Tome. Travelling preachers L. P. How ard, E. M. Hoyle. Wm Wm. R. Roy all, John B. Green, W. Bryan, ; R. B. Clark. Local preachers F. S. Aldridge. Elders P. D. Woodall, R. R. 3rant, J. T. Stanford, E. R. Welch, Harry M. North, J. F. Bivens, J. L. Cu ninggim, James A. Dailey. When Conference adjourned Sat urday afternoon it did so with an or der to convene again Sunday 'af ternoon for the Memorial services. Rev. R. A. Willis called the Con ference to order, conducted the de votional exercises and presided as president pro tem. A short bio graphy of the life of members of the Conference who had died during the vp:ir was read by some member who hp.rl been appointed to write the sketch. Rev. T. A. Smoot read his paper on the life ot Rev. B. R. Hall. It was an excellent paper. Rev. D. H. Tuttle an interesting sketch on the life and labors of Rev. J. W. Wallace. Rev. Ii Ij. Nash read a short sketch of the life and church work of Rev Lafayette Johnson. Rev. R. B. John read a well pre pared biography of the life of Rev A. R. Goodchild, Br T. N. Tvev portrayed the life of Rev. B. B. Culbreth in an excel lent paper. As each of the sketches were read Aiffnront members of the I onference would arise and pay an eloquent 4;KntA tr the memory of the de- ceased brother. Dr. Watkins preached an eloquent sermon in St. Paul church last night at the same hour other Methodist preachers ware filling the pulpits of the other churches of the city. MONDAY'S SESSION. The sixth" day's session of the North Carolina Conference was call ed to order promptly at 9:30 thi3 morning by Bishop Warren A. Can dler. The devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. D. H. Tuttle.The journal of Saturday and yesterday was read by the Secretary The Sec retary also read the list of deacons and elders who were ordained yes terday. Rev. W. S. Rone, announced the death of F. B. Gibson, of Gibson Station, a member of this Confer ence, He died at 6 o'clock this morn ing. lie was referred to the commit tee on memoirs. The restoration of the credentials of D. A. Futrell was announced. The Bishop announced that Z. Paris, of the Western N.s C. Con ference had been transferred to this Conference. Under call of question 20 the fol lowing answered and made reports which were commented ou by the Bishop. Their characters wero pass ed: DURHAM DISTRICT. R. C. Beaman, of Trinity church, Durham; W. D. Cunninggim, of Main Street, Durham; P. B. Mc (Jall, of Carr church and Bronson, Durham; E. P." Jerome, of West Durham and Cunninggim; C. M. Lance, of Durham City Mission; J. B. Thompson, of Durham Circuit; X. M. Watson, of Chapel Hill; Jtufus Bradley, of Hillsboro; M."D. Giles, of Mount Piazah; R. F. Tay lor, of Leasburg, K. D. Holmes, of iloxboro; B. E. Staufield, of Woods dale Mi -sion, J. H. McCracken, of Yanceville, D. N. Caveniss, of Bur- liugtou; L. M, Brower, of Burlington Circuit; (he asked for a location through his presiding elder Dr. J. T. Gibbs. The request was granted;) W. B. Green, of Graham and Haw River. Dr. J. C. Kilgo, president ol ' Trinity College, was called and he j answered himself with a short speech j in which he said he arose to a ques- : tion of personal privilege. He told the Bishop that he was ready to go ! to Cuba or anywhere else; that he j was tired of being hounded in the j pulpit, in Trinity College and in the j sacred precincts of his home by cer- 1 ; tain newspapers of the State. He; said that certain representations in in I particular, were false, unkind, and J intended to create a susoicion that! would encompass his ruin. He said 1 that any insinuation that Trinity j ' College or its president- is less than true is false. After Dr. Kilgo had taken his seat the Bishop said: "this conference will make a mistake not to stand by Dr. Kilgo", and the whole conference answered "Amen." Dr. E. A. Yates, of Trinity Col lege, was then called under Question 20. J. E. Bristowe was referred for ?uperanuated relation. J. E. Thomp son was also referred for superanuat ed relation. FAYETTEVILIiE DISTRICT. T A Smoot, of Holy St., Fayette ville, was called under Question 20. He passed, as did the following: E C Sill, of Cumberland; L H Joyner, of Cokesbuxy; B B Holder, of Sampson; R A Britton, of Newton Grove; J H Frizzelle, of Pittsboro; R W Bailey, of Haw River; J C Humhle, of Gold 3ton; J Sanjford, of Siler City; RH Broom, of Carthage; L S Ethridge, of Elise; S T Moyle, of Sanford; B C Allrid, of Jonesboro; AD Betls, of Lillington. ROCKINGHAM DISTRICT. John H Hall, of Rockingham; S j ' R Mercer, of Richmond circuit; M D j Hix. of Mount Gilead; II G Stamey, of -Montgomery; J W Hoyle, of Pe- ) kin; G A Oglesby, of Aberdeen; G B ; 'erry oi &t. Jonns ana liiDson; c O Durant, ant, of Hamlet; LSMassey, of l t r i nnburg; N H D Wilson, of Max - Ir, , , . , , Lauri ton and Caledonia; Z T Harrison, of Red Springs; J P Pate, of Lumber ton; J M Ashby, of Robeson. WILMINGTON DISTRICT. .I N Cole, of Grace church, Wil mington; F. M. Shamburger, of Fifth Street, Wilmington; Y E Wright, of Seotts Hill; J W Martin, of Magno- lia; W D Sasser, of Kenansville; C C THE OLD RELIABLE Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Brothers, of Burgaw; J T Draper, of Clintou; A J Giavis, ot Bladen; G T Simmons, of Elizabeth; A S Barnes, of Whiteville; J J Porter, of Carver's Creek; T J Browning, of Waccamaw; II II Geyton, of Shallotte; Euchie McWhorter, of Southport; W R Royal 1, of Town Creek; J M Mar lov.e, of New River. NEWBERN DISTRICT. R F Burupass, of Centenary, New bern, "Received 59 persons on pro fession of faith, good societies; all the salaries and assessments in full," M Bradshaw, of St. Paul, Goldsboro, had 24 admissions; finances are in good shape. II. E. Tripp, of Golds boro circuit, had a year of progress, good revivals and collections in full. J M CarrawTay, of Ms. Olive made a good report. G D Langbton, of Mt. Olive and Faison, had sickness in his family, but made a good re port. II B Anderson, of LaGrange; E. Pope, of Snow Hill; E H Davis, of Kinston; B II Black had been changed to Washington district; T W Mansfield, of Dover; J M Lonsler, of Griffon; W H Townsend, of Cra ven; D C Geddie, of Jones; W H Kirton, of Pamlico; F S Becton, of Oriental; J H M Giles, of Cartaret; J A Hornady, of Beaufort; L E Saw yer, of Core Sound. WASHIXGTOX DISTRICT. L E Thompson, of Washington; P Greeninsr. of Auroaa: VV Y Everton. of Swan Quarter; B H Black,of Mat- tomuskut; J & lloldeu, of airfield; 11 M Eure of Greenville; r II Bain, of Farmville; J J Barker, of Bethel; A B Hattcrn, of Tarboro. W B Hum Lie, of Robesonville; J II Buf faloe, of South Edgecombe, L L Nash, of Rocky Mount; J M Benson, of Nashville; D A Watkins, of Spring Hope; A T Tyer of Wilson; D L Evernhardt, of Fremont; J L Rumley, of Wilson; R R Grant, of Ocraeoke and Portsmouth. WARRENTOM DISTRICT. C W Robinson; L M Chaffln, of Warren; J A Lee, of Ridgeway; J D Bundy, of Henderson; H A Hum ble, of Littleton; W W Rose, of Weldon; E R Welch, of Roanoke Rapids; R B Clarke, of Roanoke; S A Cotton, of Enfield; J G Johnson, of Battleboro; J P Bomer, of Scott land Neck; B D Parker, of Hob good; T H Sutton, ot Williamston; E W Fox, of Gerrysburg; E E Rose, of Northampton; J T Stanford, of Rich Square; W C Merritt, of Con way; F L Church, of Murfreesboro; B C Thompson, of Harrelsville; R L Davis, of Bertie; J M Rhodes, president of Littleton Female Col lege. BLIZABETH CITY DISTRICT. D H Tuttle, of Elizabeth City; R 11 Willis, of Elizabeth City City Road; W E Hocutt, of Camden; J Y Old, of Mayock; H M Jackson, of North Gates; T J Dailey, of Gate; " ' , 73' T'1 i,J Tuttle, of Hertford; W F Craven 1 . TD , ' iau Roper; A J Parker, Roanoke Islg u w starling, ot 1'erquimansr M II of land; W O Davis, ot Kitty Hawk; Hatter as reported by the presiding elder. The committee on books and peri odicals made a ver flattering report through the chairman, J W Bailey. Dr R A Willis called attention to ; the destitute circumstances of Rev J A Lee and the Conference donated $100 for his benciit. BOTH 10 HAVE0NE PAPER THAT THE NORTH CAROLINA CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. The Appointments Of the Preachers Are Read Out, and the Con ference Adjourns, Hav ing Completed Its Labors. At the re-convening of Conference at 4:40 o'clock Monday afternoon, Rev. E. A. Yates conducted the de votional exercises, which began by singing "A Charge to Keep I Have." Miss Nannie Lee Smith, agent of the Greensboro Female College, made an address, in which she said the trustees were issuing shares of $ 100 payable $1.00 per month to pay the indebtedness of $40,000. Contri butions to the amount of $3,000 were made. The Board of Missions made a re port through its chairman, R. H. Willis. The total amount paid for foreign missions was $13,340.75. The total amount of assessments for next year are the same as this year. H. A. Page was placed upon the board in the place of F. B. Gibson, who died yesterday morning. Rev. Dr. F. D. Swindell read the report of the Woman's Board of Mis sions. A motion was made for the ap pointment of a committee to confer with the North Carolina Christian Advocate of the Western Norlh Car olina Conference and try to publish one paper for both conferences. The motion prevailed. L. L. Nash offered a resolution thanking the people of Goldsboro for the hospitable entertainment accord ed the conference. The Epworth League made a re port through their chairman, H. B. Anderson. Rev. A. L. Ormond made a report for the Committee on District Conference Records. Rev. J. H. McCraken made a re port for the Orphanage Committee. At this juncture the Bishop ordered the secretary to read the journal up to this moment, which was done. The Bishop then said that the ap pointments which he would soon read out were his appointments, and that no outside party had influenced him in making them except as he had asked for advice. He comment ed at some length on the appoint ments and said it was one of the most painful duties he. had toper form. After calling upon Rev. A. D. Betts to lead in prayer and the singing the hymn, "Am I A Soldier of the Cross," he then read out the appointments and the sixty-seventh annual session of the North Carolina Conference adjourned sine die. - The Conference will meet next year in Henderson. Following is a list of the appoint ments: RALEIGH DISTRICT. Presiding Elder, W H Moore. Raleierh. Edenton Street, R F C7 Bum pass. Jlaleigh, Central, F A Bishop. Raleigh, Brooklyn, N L Seaboldt. Raleigh, Epworth, J M Culbreth. Cary, G B Starling. Clayton, G W Fisher. Srnithfield, N F. Coltrane. Selma, J O Guthrie. Kenly, R H Whitaker. Wakefield, F F Eure. Milbrook, G R Rood. Youngsville, G T Simmons. ' Franklinton, J H Shore. Louisburg, L S Massey. Tar River, A L Ormond. Granville, J D Pegram. Oxford Station, F M Shamburger. Oxford Circuit, W H Pnckett. Editor Raleigh Christian Advo cate, T N Ivey. Superintendent Methodist Orphan age, J W Jenkins. DURHAM DISTRICT. Presiding Elder, J T Gibbs. Durham, Trinity, R C Beaman. Durham, Main street, W L Cun ninggim. Durham, Carr Church andBran son, F B McCall. Mangum Street, E M Hoyle. West Durham and Cuninggim, C P Jerome. Durham Circuit, J B Thompson. Chapel Hill, M T Plyler. Hillsboro, N C Yearby. Mount Tirzah Circuit, M D Giles. Leasburg, Rufus Bradley. Roxboro, K D Holmes. Milton, J A Daily. Yanceyville, J H McCracken. Burlington, D N Caviness. Burlington Circuit, S F Nicks. East Burlington, C M Lance. Alafnance, M M McFarland. President Trinity College, J C Kilgo. Lectureship Trinity College, E A Yates. Headmaster Trinity Park High School, J F Bivins. FAYETTEVIIiXiE DISTRICT. Presiding Elder, J. B. Hurley. Fayetteville, Hay Street, T A Smoot. Fayetteville Street, C A Jones. Hoe Mill-, E R Welch. Cokesbury, L rl Joyner. Sampson, B B Holder. Buckhorn, G W Starling. Dunn, E M Snipes. Dukes, W A Forbes. Newton Grove, R A Britton. Pittsboro, J H Frizzelle. Haw River, R W Bailey. . Goldslon, J C Humble. Siler City, J Sanford. Carthage, R H Broom. Eiise, J W Hoyle. Sanford, S T Moyle. Jonesboro, E. Pope. Lillington, A D Betts. ROCKINGHAM DISTRICT. PresidiLg Elder, J N Cole. Rockingham, J II Hall. Roberdel, Z T Harrison. Richmond Circuit, C O Durant. Mount Gilead, M D Hix. j Pekin, W F btanford. Montgomery, II G Stamey. Aberdeen, G A Oglesby. Hamlet, to be supplied by W T Usry. St. Johns and Gibson, G B Perry. Laurinburg, R A Willis. Maxton and Caledonia, N II D Wilson. Red Springs, S E Mercer. Rowland, J W Bradley. Lumberton, Z Paris. Robeson, J M Ashby, R W Town send Supernumerary. WILMINGTON DISTRICT. Presiding Elder, R B John. Wilmington, Grace Church, N M Watson. Wilmington, Fifth Street, A Mc Cullen. Wilmington, Bladen Street, G B Webster. Wilmington, Market Street, A B Hatton. Delgado and Wrightsville, to be supplied. Scotts Hill, Y E Wright. Onslow, W A Jenkins. Jacksonville', V A Royall. Magnolia, J W Martin. Kenansville, W D Sasser. Burgaw, C C Brothers. Clinton, A S Barnes. Bladn, A J Groves. Elizabeth, W E Brown. Whiteville, J T Draper, C W Smith, Supernumerary. Carver's Creek, J J Porter. Waccamaw, T J Browning. Shallotte, N H Guy ton. Town Creek W R Royall. Southport, E McWhorter. v , New River, to be supplied. NEWBERN DISTRICT. Presiding Elder, F D Swindell. Newbern Centenary, G T Adams. Goldsboro, St Paul, M Bradshaw. Goldsboro, St John, H B Ander son. -: Goldsboro Circuit, H E Tripp. Mount Olive, F E Dixon. Mount Olive and Faison, J N Pot ter. LaGrange, J E Saunders. Snow Hill, E C Sell. Hookerton, J P Pate. Kinston, E H Davis. ' Dover Circuit, to be supplied. Griffon, Phillip Greening. Craven, W H Townsend. Jones, D C Gedding. Pamlico, L S Etheridge. Oriental, to be .supplied by F S Becton. Carteret, J H M Giles. Morehead City, R H Willis. Beaufort, H M Eure. Atlantic, to be supplied by T W Mansfield. Straits, to be supplied by E K Creel, F Leffers Supernumerary, WASHINGTON DISTRICT. Presiding Elder, J D Bundy. Washington, L E Thompson. Bath Circuit, D A h utrell. Aurora, J M Lowder. Swan Quarter, W. Y. Everton. Mattamuskeet, B II Black. Fairfield, T P Bonner. Greenville, J A Hornady. Farmville, L E Sawyer. Grimesland and Vanceboro, to be supplied by B F Stanfield. Bethel, W H Kirton. Tarboro, R C Craven. Robersonville, J L Rumley. South Edgecombe, J H Buffalo. Rocky Mount, W S Rone. South Rocky Mount and Marvin, R E Hunt. Nashville, J M Benson. Spring Hope, A Watkins. Wilson, A P Tyer. - Fremon Circuit, D L Earnhardt. Wilson Circuit, to be supplied by T H Bain. Ocraeoke, R N Grant. WARRENTON DISTRICT. Presiding Elder, G F Smith. Warrentou, C D Robinson. Warren, B C Alfred. Ridgeway, L M Chaffin. Henderson, L L Nash and one to be supplied. Littleton, II A Humble, W E Nicholson. Weldon, W W Rose. Roanoke Rapids and Rosemary, G D Langston. Roanoke, to be supplied by W B Humble. Enfield and Halifax, S A Cotton. Battleboro and Whitakers, R F Taylor. Scotland Neck. J E Ilolden. Hobgood, D B Parker. Williamson and Hamilton, T II Hutton. Garysbug, J G Johnson. Northampton, E E Rose. Rich Square, J T Stanford. Conway, W C Merritt. Murfreesboro, P D Woodall. Harrelsville, B C Thompson. Bertie, R L Davis. President Littleton Female Col lege, J M Rhodes. ELIZABETH CITY DISTRICT. Presiding Elder, J E Underwood. Elizabeth City, First Church, D P Tuttle. Elizabeth City, City Road, H M North. Pasquotank, W F Jones. Camden, W E Hocutt. Moyock, J Y old. Currituck, W A Pilacd. North Gates. W H Brown. Gates, T A Daily. Perquimons, F L Church. Hertford, M H Tuttle. Edenton, C L Read. Plymouth, to be supplied "by L B Jones. Roper, N F Craven. Pantego and Belhnven, II M : Jackson. Dare, Wm Towe. Roanoke Islands, A J Parker, O R Taylor Supernumerary. Kitty Hawk, W O Davis. Kennekeet, to be supplied by A W Price. Hatieras, 4o be supplied by N P G alio way. Columbia, N T Constable, Missionary to Cuba, R C Porter. Secretary Correspondent School, J T Cunninggim. Transferred to Western North Carolina Conference, E W Fox. ( is. , , , r : i " . ft . t ' !"-' Ii j; H ' ' "i I r- 1

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