RESOLUTION OF RESPECT. Along the path of every life, death awaits; none can escape its unsparing stroke. Not only does it claim tbo?e who have reached the feebleness of age hut also those in the unwasted vigor of youth. Wealth cannot buy it off, nor honor and greatness secure ex- emntion from it. The decree has been issued: "Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." In obedience to the unevitable summons, one of our number has made answer, and crossed the bourne from which there is no return. Allen Moore has been numbered with the dead. As we meet in council to-night, we desire to pay our tribute of affection and honor to his memory. Where fore be it Hesolved: That in the death of Bro. Moore, we have lost a member that was true' and worthy, and high ly esteemed by his brethren for his many good qualities,, and his exel lent character, whose presence we shall miss, and whose memory we shall delight to cherish. Resolved further: That a copy of this paper be spread on our minutes; that it be published in our city pa pers, and a copy be sent to the widow of our deceased brother, with an ex pression of our deepest sympathy for her in her great loss and sore bereave ment. F. D. Swindell, C. Dewey, V Com. Juxioys Slocumb. j FRANCE AND MOROCCO. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news oaDers is sure to know of the wonderful 1 l 5H The new French-English treaty iecognizes the possible overlordship of France in Morocco, and the action of the United Stages in requesting Prance to use her Influence with the sultan of Morocco to induce him to act in securing the liberation of Iron Perdicaris, is of like import. We, too have recognized the possible in clusion of Morocco in a French sphere of influence. France is practically recognized as the suzerain, and for that reason, if for no other, she is restive under the presence of so many threating ships at Tangier. She will be tlad to see some of them depart, but this is just what they will not do. They are at Tangier to secure the release from the hands of Bandit Rasiuli of Ion Perdicaris, and Americhn citizen. If France by hook or crook secures his release, well and good. The incident would then be ended, but if France cannot accomplish the task then this country will have to take a step that means war. Cavalry and a force of marines would have to be landed, and the bandit hunted down. This would not be an easy task, but now that we have entered upon the bus iness it must be carrried to an ending-It is practically settled that this country will " pay no ransom. The ransom paid in the case of Miss Stone probably led up to the capture of Perdicaris. Kidnapping cannot be stopped through the payment of ran oms. It can be promotled in that way, and this government will not enter upon promotion of that sort. Randit Rasuli must either give up Perdicaris, or else the government must hunt him down, no matter what the sultan may do, or France may say. The chances are good that France and the sultan of Moroco will between them find a way out of the difficulty. cures made by Dr. t .-1 - c o . II the great kidney, liver IJL and bladder remedy. It is me geat medi- i cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of ("srB Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent Kianey ana Diaa cer SDecialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a bock telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer send Dr. Kilmer &. Co., Bin g hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent ai:d Home of Swamp-Root. dollar sizes are soid by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y en every bottle. in this paper and your address to b u s i ness Locals. WHEN IN NEED OF ICE, phone L. C. Bass's ice house. Phone 671. Glad to serve you. Free and prompt delivery. Iwj9 FOR RENT House on corner of John and Elm streets good neighborhood, good well of water. Possession given at once. Apply to Mrs. S. A. Patrick or 408 South John Street. 4ts9j OUSE FOR RENT Corner Wil liam and Ash street, splendid location. Apply to Jos. Edwards. ORLD'S FAIR The way to go to the great "World's Fair at St. Louis is by the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway. Beautiful scenery, splendid trains and quick time. Read the advertisement in another column which will tell you ail about it. LOST Gold Stick Pin with tur quois settings. Finder will please return to this office. WANTED To rent dwelling, at 402 North George street, occupied by Capt. Fry. Possession given May 15. Eight rooms, modern improvements. Ii. H. Castex. m5tf FOR RENT! A six-room house on Mulberrv St.. West, near George St." Apply to Mrs. K. E. Hurtt 113 George St., North. FOR RENT: A five-room house on Slocumb street. Good large , lot, and good water. South of Creech's store. Apply to S. H. Isler, 102 "William street. ASHINGTON, D. C, BREAD Genuine Washington, D. C. Bread at Hilker's Bakery. "We re ceive it fresh every day and serve all orders promptly. FOR RENT A 4 room house op posite Borden Cottou Mill. The house is No. 216. Apply to Rev. S. H. Isler. tf.p LOST Between Goldsboro and Seven Springs, a brown leather wrist bag with owners card inside. Reward if left at this office. AKES AND PIES Anything to be found in a first class bakery at Hilker's Bakery. Uotice To Ice Consumers. OFFICERS ELECTED. Morehead City, May 10. The following officers were elected by the Teachers' Assembly to-day for the ensuing year: President, Prof. J. I. Foust, State Normal college; Vice-President, Dr.' "W. T. Whitsett, Whitsett Institute; Secretary, Prof. W D. Carmichael, Durham graded schools; General "Vice-Presidents, Dr. C. Alphonso Smith, University of North Caro lina; Rev. T. II. Noe, St, Paul school, Supt. Hall, Gaston county;. Miss Leah Jones, State Normal Practice school, Capt. C. F. Siler, Siler City. Asheville, N. C, June. 9. Special Civil term of superior court adjourn ed last night and Judge Long return ed to his. home in Statesville to-day. This is the last court over which he will preside in this district during his term of office. Judge Long has made a most favorable impression here and the lawyers as a unit de clare that hia rulings weye eminently satisfactory. Judge Long has issued an order instrutting the receiver of the "Western Carolina bank to pay to 'Mrs. "Weston the sum of $1,191, a sum representing a check deposited by her two days before the failure of the bank eight years ago. Robinson's Ice House will deliver ice free, the year round, and at ony reasonable time, only to those consum ers vviu buy ice from ns both summur and winter that is to those who use ice occasion ally during the winter and who continue to be custom ers during thesummer, those who trade elsewhere during the summer and only buy ice from us in the winter, must not expect to have it delivered free during the winter, when delivery is kept up only for accommoda tion and at considerable ex pense. Remember we are the only ice house who de liver both summer and win ter. Phone 67. ROBINSON'S ICE HOUSE. J. O. ROYAL, M'g'r. ro- DAY IS - THIS - LAST - DAY - OF - THE ALSO OP OUH GHAUD air Our Stores Close at ten O'Clock To-Night. & BRO Barefoot Sandals Came To-Day. Birthday and Other Days Hawker f STANDARD Cut Glass In the newest cuttings. MARKED - DOWN. There are many days in the 366 of this year on which a gift of Jewelry is appreciated. ......... Silver and Gold ffoifelties Are in our cases in profusion to make your choice easy Moore & Robinson, Established I879. J. J.i Robinson, Under the firm name I shall continue the business and , wish to thank my friends for their 'liberal patronage in the past, and with twenty five years experience, I feel qualified to serve you in the future. Phone 755, 855 and 8S6. Residence 309 John Street South. tCalls Prom Dtlv Attended Davj or Night. lrajlll i I R..f. GREEGH, LEADING JEWELER. A late season has caused us to carry over more wash goods than we should have. Now is the time that you want them. So we have decided to make a cut on our en tire stock of wash goods. "Voiles, Lawns, Dimities and Grecian Voiles, worth 15 to 18c, per yard 12 cts. Mercerized goods, soft finished, worth 35 to 40c, per yard 25c. & -jt EMBROIDERIES, a A beautiful lot of embroideries in Nain sook, Cambric and Swiss, Matched Sets, and all widths of .Edging and Insertions at off. These goods were marked low to begin with. Values that can't be equalled. V - GftSTBX 5c GO. eThese Hot Day We hear lots of talk windy talk about Soda Water and Fountains. But we don't hear any talk from discriminating people that you can get COLDER, PURER or MORE REFRESHING SODAS and CREAMS than at ROBINSON'S. That's impossible. M. S. Robinson $ 3 Chemists and Druggists,. West Centr St., South. OXFORD S FOR LADIES! We have all the swell shapes in Oxfords, Patent Leathers and Patent Kid. High French and Steeple heels, all widths and sizes. FOR MEN we have the Oxfords that Gentlemen like. Many men prefer them for Full Dress, Patent Leather and Patent Kid, correct toes. Every feature w about our Oxfords is perfect.; o BIZZELL BROS , TheUp-to-DateShoe Store.

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