Mil ON PARKER. jrosii:cts roit ms i:i,i:c: TIOX IS BKKiHTKNING. lie Believes the Tide is ICuiiiiing Toward si Democratic Vic toryA Fine Type of Ainerieaii Citizen. Washington, D. C, Aug. 19. "From what I gathered in New York the tide is with Democracy, and the indications now point to the election of our national ticket." Such was the comment of -Senator Lee S. Overman to-night on his re turn from New York state, where he has been for the past week. During his visit he made a pilgrimage to Esopus, where he was the guest ot Judge Parker, and in New York city he talked with National Chair man Taggarrt, Vice CB airman De Laucy Nicoll and other party lead ers. The senator had an invitation to visit New York from Frank Hol sopple, a prominent New York law yer, whom he met at St. Louis dur , ing the national convention. Mr. Holsopple, who is a close friend of Judge Parker, went to St. Louis in his behalf. Senator Overman is highly pleased with his visit to EsOpus and is en thusiastic over the national candi date. "I wish the people of North Caro lina could meet Judge Parker per sonally," said the senator in speak ing ot bis visit to Esopus. "He is a fine type of American citizen, and to know him is to like and admire him. He is a sincere, candid man, whose intellect, modesty and good fellowship impress those who meet him. I leceived an old-fashioned southern welcome and was made to feel perfectly at home as soon as I arrived." Senator Overman" was gieatly pleased with the personality of the candidate, whose guest he was for four hours. The senator went over in the morning at Judge Parker's invitation, the object of which was to have him arrive in time to take dinner. Alter discussing matters of political interest, Senator Overman and the host took a look over the famed Rosemount farm, admiring scenery, handsonle stock and fine growing crops. Rev. Mr. Hall, Judge Parker's son-in-law, met the senator at the depot and showed him many attentions. At national headquarters in New York Senator Overman was asked to make speeches outside the state, but he could not make any definite promises, as he has a number of engagements in North Carolina. "Nothing impressed me more," Senator Overman remarked, "than the attitude of the great lawyers of New York, the majority of whom, without regard to former party affiliations, have declared for Judge Parker. Among the recent acquisi tions are V. G. Choate, who is said to be a greater lawyer than his dis tinguish d brother, Wheeler Peck ham, James C. C. Carter and J. Grim well, who was assistant secre tary of state under President Harri son. Wherever lawyers take astand for constitutional government, the movement never fails to succeed. These eminent barristers have de clared for safety of government in accordance with the provisions of the constitution, and against im perialism run riot." Senator Overman stopped here to night and will spend to-morrow in Washington for the purpose of dis posing of several matters that he has pending in the departments. CUMING TIIEIIC WAY. Striking Tclcjrraph Operators Feel Very Confident. , Hillsboro, Tex., Aug. 19. The striking lelegraph operators on the M. K. & T. Railroad hay things are coming their way nicely. They predict a successful outcome of the strike. According to their figures the total number of operators out on the system is 481, of which 221 are on the Texas line of the company. The operators claims that the busy season will begin shortly and that the present condition of affairs on the road can not continue very much longer. They s-.ay that the company will be compelled to either recognize the O. II. T. or go out of business. The strike may reach to other roads, in which event 40,000 men will be involved. The operators claim that the freight business of the "Katy" has . fallen off 25 per centduring the pres ent dull season, and 'that when the j ences will be even more apparent. SHOW A BAD CONDITION OF THE BLOOD When the blood is in bad condition a bruise, cut, scratch, or any slight injury to the flesh, is apt to become fln 11flv-lnnL-inr enre nr tilcpr .Q.mofitn.e r 1, . 1 1 l :. or pimple is the beginning of a large eating ulcer or open, o e - " w . wvvt ... uaiuia.iy IJ.IU, UT1U. A VV ib mat way irom Dirxn. ana sucn people suiter with vnri- Ui' ous kinds of sores from infancy throuerh old atre The blood may become so weak and waterv from the effects of nAi?1?mon..b.i.11 PP""ed on the calf of my right uu wcttciy iiom ineeiiecisoi nmb. I usedth Bimple home remedies but the malarial sickness, debility or place refused to heal. The physician I consulted some old chronic trouble, that TJR&nJ'l VS.Sd "i tne impurities break out in Improved rapidly, but an attack of typhoid lever bad Sores on the lower ex- settled in the original sore, causing- a backset., I Li-JL 2 r ft besran it seam aa oon as I was over the ferer, and tremities or ottier part of the was completely and permanently cured. body. There is always some , MRS. K. A. DUFFY, morbid, unhealthy matter in Wew Castle' Pa- 14 Washington St. the blood that keeps the sore discharging, and must be gotten out before it will heal. Washes and salves, while cleansing, sooth ing and helpful, will not do it, because they do not reach the poisoned blood ; but S. S. S. cleanses and purines the diseased blood, and when this is accom plished the place heals. Where the health has been impaired it restores strength and vigor to the S3'stem, improves the appetite and digestion, and tones up the nerves. Purifying the blood is the surest way to get rid of an old sore or ulcer. Medical advice is free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO,, ATLANTA, GA- rt -Shoe of fiioM Deoree. The Sultan is reported obstinate by Minister JLeishman. The time was when this announcement would have been followed by a naval demonstra tion, but now that the President has adopted a dove-like role, until the election, the usual diplomatic agen cies will be first employed. Goldsboro Uusiiiess College Opens September l.'Jtli. Prof. Lippard of Gieensboro, who has now six Business Colleges run ning, finds himself unable yet to sup ply the demands for thoroughly trained book-keepers, stenographers, typewriters, etc, and with the belief that there are many bright young men and women in this region, who would only be too glad to obtain a thorough business education and thus fit themselves for good paying , positions, has decided to establish one of his Business Colleges in this M MOD TTDQEB& Is an ordeal which all women approach with indescribable fear, fer nothing compares with the pain and horror of of the suffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mother of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her m. shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women hare found that the nse of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robs eonfinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother's Friend carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but it ate gently prepare? the system for the coming event, prevents "morning sickness," and other dis- Si.oo per bottle. Book containing valuable information free. The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atianta, Go. jr Jnl , JH Mil Tirugglmts toe. 25c. SOc. NEVER FAILS TO CURE HEADACHES AND COLDS The great indigestion and Sour Btonimch remedy. .Perfectly harmless 1 Unequalled for Nervousness and Brain Fag. FIT AND FASHION There are some things that can't pe improved. Ono of these things is the Walk Over Shoo for men. You can make it more elaborate, you can dec orate it, embellish it, anl all that but for 100.00 a pair you cannot make a bettor shoo than Walk Over, having re gard solely to the two great es sentials of Fit and Fashion. This means mechanically it is perfect. As for appearance, the fact that one hundred thousand men choose it instantly above all other shoes would seem to indicate that it is attractive. It Costs Nothing To Sec Them Fit Your Feet. Yours to serve, Goldsboro Shoe Co. Walnut Street. REGISTERED j WATCHES. i The oxygenized strength of the healing pnes, combined with other well known kidney and bladder remedies, is pfesented in Pineules. -This new discovery gives immediate relief and permanently cures all kid ney and bladder troubles. Sold by Higgins Drug Co. We are agents for the famous little liver pills recently discovered by the venerable Dr. Dade of Chicago. Per sons who have used Dade's pills will have no other. They cure constipa tion. Higgins Drug Co. Pineules is the name of a new dis covery put up in a new way; a cer tain cure for all Kidney and Bladder troubles. Rheumatism, Lumbago. etc. You are requested to call at our store and let us show you Pineules. derived from the Pines. Higgins Drug Co. tr- Cures Coldsi Prevents Pneamosia city, thus bringing abusiuess educa- j tion to the door of the young people j of this region, at half the cos of go- ing to distant schools. Every young j man arid woman who possibly can ' should venter the College at the open ing, as this school will mean much for the young people of this region. All interested should write Prof. Lippard or see, him as he will be here in about a week to arrange for the opening of the Business College. ! Foxy Grandpa. Dr. J. N. Johnson, the dentist, is ; off to-day for the seacoast at Beau fort for a ten days' vacation, which 1 l 1 . l 1 1 i ! ne sianus greatly in neeu or, aner a lon; season of arduous professional i Jl , A. 1 1 ? C - .1 A - 1 auiies, auu nis many inenus in mis eity wish for him a pleasant and re cuperating sojourn by the sea. FOXY GRANDPA and all other men' who are foxy about their Laundry work, get it done at the Goldsboro Steam Laundry. Don't worry about anything you send here to be Laundered. Every j article will be Laundered perfectly) ami returned uninjured. The best : .and simplest cleansing agents, and the purest starch for stiffening, in the hands of expert workers, is the secret of our success. I Special prices for Household and Table Linen. V FOR ICIEM We show tho ever popular Gold Hunting Case and many another sort too. $2.00 UP. FOU WOMEN We show the new styles in Chatelaine Watches both gem set and the severely plain, or chased in rich design. 1rhey run from $2 .00 to $50,00. R. f. GREEGH Bell Phone. LEADING JEWELER. WEST CENTRE STREET. -urn GOLDSBORO STEflJH MtiflDRY Bell Phone 30 B. Laxative An improvement orcer fill Cough. Lunsr and Bronchi! Remediea. Cures Coughs. strengthens the Lungs and Gently Moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for Young and Old. PIsiqIb nsdlclss C., eUcsse, 0. S L Sold by Higgins Drug Co. You are liable to an attack of some form of Bowel Complaint and should provide yourself with the best known remedy, Dr. Seth Arnold's Balsam. Warranted by M E. Robinson & Bro., MacKay's Pharmacy, Golds boro, N. C. No one will burn wood when thev find out how cheao soft coal is nbone W. II. Griffin and he will call and explain. Phone No. 47. Trinity College One hundred and twenty graduate and undergraduate courses of study in departments of Literature, History Science ana Jf miosophy. Well equip ped laboratories in ail departments of science. Large library facilities. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy young men. Broad and national spirit. TRINITY COLLEGE HAS THE XiAEGEST ENDOWMENT OF AN Y COLLEGE IN THE SOUTH ATLANTIC STATES. ..... For catalogue and further informa tion, address , D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar, DURHAM, N. C. New Creations In Wall Paper, Of which a cornplete line of samples have just ar rived. These goods are ORIGINAL and NEW" in DESIGNS and Colorings, justly the finest assort ment ever produced, by any factory either in this country or in Europe, Every Pattern Being Thor oughly Practical, Properly Drawn, properly col ored and up-to-date, in every respect. They are the product of "The Robert Graves Oo" Brooklyn, N. Y. The undersigned, their represen tative respectfully invites your inspection and com parsion. They must be seen, in order to appreciate their merits and I am assured their beauty will ex cite the admiration of all that see them. Thanking you kindly for your liberal share of patronage in the past and your appreciation of workmanship, I look forward with the assurance that you will call and make your selection, from these celebrated styles and designs and favor rae with an order, if not with the work. Respectfully, F. j. HAGE.Sr.SS& U R! I V E RSI T Y BaPtist University For Wonvn OF NORTH CAROLINA. Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy Free tuition to teachers and to minis ters sons. Scholarships and loans for the needy. 620 Students. 67 Instructors. New Dormitories, Gymnasium, Water Works, Central ; Heating System. The fall term begins Sept. 5, 1904. Address Fbancis P. Venable, President CHAPEL HILL, N. C. tne One Day soia cure. 'or colds and sore tfuvat nse Kermct'SCb00& Diplomas given in the Arts, Sci ences and Philosophy in. Music, in Art and in Expression. Courses of study similiar to those in boys' col leges. Recitation periods, one hour each. Faculty of 6 men and 24 wo men. School of Bible taught by a full graduate of Wake Forest and Newton Theological Seminary. Thorough Business Course. Excel lent equipment for teaching Chemis try, Biology and Physics. School of Music unsurpassed in the South. The comfort of students looked after by Lady Principal, Lady Physician, two Matrons and a Nurse. Board, Literary tuition, heat, lights, baths, fees for physician, nurse and library, $167.50 per session; in the Club from $45 to $55 less. No discount to any; everybody pays exactly the same rates. Believed to be the cheapest school of its grade in the South. For further information address President R. T. VANN, RALEIGH, N. C, Great Reduction Sale. To Close Out Our Immense Stock of Goods. , ' We are determined to close out our tremendous stor-k of goods to make room for new stock and to do so we are going to offer somQ GREAT BARGAINS for 30 aays. Shoes and Slippers. We have some of the best shoes for the money to be found in Golds boro, and the balance of our stock of slippers will go AT COST. 10,000 lbs of Tobacco. Job Lots, Will be sold from 15 cts a pound up. Best tobacco in the town for the money. Other goods will be sold as low as you can buy them in Goldsboro. Give us a call and don't forget the place. Sile is now on. S. oC. & F- 3- Sdmundson. WAIT FOR THE BIG Reduction Sale Begins on Saturday, August 27th, AT EPSTEIN BROS, MEN AND BOYS OUTFITTERS. Odd Fellows'. Corner. Tar most Popular in use II v ir t 't m ofi vm t$d StrLZS TQ SUIT ALL.VTMTERU STATIQNER3 HAVE THEiS, 89 V0NH ST.. NRtT 0Ri. j WORKS CAM DEN CI, V.

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