AN ADDITION TO THE HE PUBLICAN TICKET. When Major Grant's Convention p it M. E. Cox and John I. Mozingo, two store keepers and gaugers, on the radical ticket for theLegislature, the people of the county thought it was too much, but it seems that these were not enough to satisfy the Insatiable appetite of the Major and Ms co-laborers, and so when Dr. M. U Parks, their nominee for the innate, withdrew from the contest, t ley put in another whiskey gauger who h-id been rewarded with a job at a still, as their candidate for the Hnate in the person of Mr. Walter O' Berry, of Dudley Is it possible that whiskey gau?ers and store keepers are the only Republicans worthy ot a place on the Republican ticket? The Republican machine in 'this county seems to think that a term of service at a whiskey still is neces sary to qualify a man for a place . on their Legislative ticket, butitis dif ficult to persuade the average decent citizen of Wayne county that a tic ket made up of whiskey gaugers,' Russell office holders and men who fought the adoption of the Constitu tional Amendment is th sort of tic ket that a decent man in any party ought ti vote. Of course there may be people who like that sort of tic ket, b it knowing the people of this county and thier good reputation we are very sure their "number is ex ceedingly limited. We know that many Republicans regajklthe ticket offered them as an insult to their pa triotism. The man who can vote it can have little regard for his own self respect. The nomination of such a ticket, insulting as it does the self respect of all classes of our citizens, insures its defeat byan overwhelm ing majority. STEALING AT MT. OLIVE. TOE GOLDSBORO BUGGYnGO 1 -)---,-i-r -,t- t'Sn""- i I 1 "i iii" f ' .' - --- Ty.Sa nH GREAT Sacrlltoe Bardaln sale AT- JOSEPH EDWARDS. Beginning Friday Oct. 7 and lasting 30 days. $25,000 WORTH OF HONEST MERCHANDISE, Bought dur ing my recent visit to the Northern market, to be sold almost AT YOUR OWN PRICE. You Cannot Afford to Miss This Opportunity. TO MY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS:. I have advertised many cut-price sales during my business career, and have sold you many goods less than you could buy them else where, which you well know; but this GREAT SACRIFICE BARGAIN SALE that I am now advertising will be the GREATEST CUT PRICE SALE ever before offered by any mer chant in Goldsboro. A Tremendous Buggy Manufacturers, v " SOLICIT YOUR VALUED Goldsboro, N.1C. ORDERS. Two Stores Were Entered and a Quantity of Goods Stolen. Mr. T. H. Stanton, of this city, who runs a branch store at Mt. Olive, received a message from that place this morning stating that his store was broken into last n'ght and one $18.00 breach-loading shot gun, sev eral boxes of shells and a number of pocket knives stolen therefrom. The thief perfected an entrance in-, to the store by bursting off the wooden shutters in the rear part of the building and tearing out the glass windows. This is the second time his store bns been robbed in the past month The parties who did the first stealing were caught and convicted uud are now t-erving a term cm the county road. Trie store of Blouut & Keel was also broken into last night and three suits of clothes, several watches and other goods stolen. The thieves burst open a tool chest at a building where some car penters were at work and secured the tools uss-d iu perfecting an en trance into tuo two buildings. It is hoped that the guilty party or parties will be apprehended. A Judicious Inquiry. A well known traveling man who visits the drug trade says he has often heard druggists inquire of customers who asked for a cough medicine, whether it was wanted for a child or for an adult, and if for a child they almost in variably recommend Chani berlain'sCough Remedy. The reason for this is that they know there is no danger from it and that it always cures. There is not the least danger in giving it, and for coughs, colds and croup it is unsurpassed. For sale by Higgins Drug Co. Spellbinders are misfits in the Solid South, Some Seasonable Advice. It may be a piece of superfious ad vice to urge people at this season of the year to lay in a supply of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. Itisalmost sure to be needed before wiutei is over, and much more prompt and satisfactory results are obtained when taken as soon as a cold is contracted and before it has become settled in the system, which can only be done bv keenintr the remedy at hand. This remedy is so wideiy known and so altogether good tuat no one should hesitate about buying it in prefer ence to any other. It is for Higgine Drug Co. The way to break up college haz ing is to give the police a saow. o x. m " Tha Kind You Have Always Bcnglr Letter to Epstein Bros. Goldsboro, N. C. Dear Sirs: What is lumber worth? "Depends on tue lumber," you say "what sort do you want?" That's how some people talk about paint. They ak: " vVhat'll you paint my house ft r?" The Yankee answer is: "How do you want it painted? One coat? two coats? three coats? first-class or cheap?" The proper answer is; "I want the best paint put .on as it ought to be." That's Devoe; but the usual an swer is: "I want a good job: but I want it cheap." Which means: I want you to paint it for nothing, want to be fooled. Lead-and-oil is the costliest paint there is: not the best; it used to be best. Devoe is best, si nee zinc came in: Devoe lead-and-zinc. Zinc toughens the lead and doubles its wear. Zinc costs no more than lead: and we grind by machinery. "We have no patent on zinc; but nobodv else is treating it right. De voe is your paint. Yours truly, F. W. Devoe & Co. T S. Smith & Yelverton sell our paint. a mmm "m. W 'm m WANTED AT U-HUtt A gooa sober.experienced blacksmith Bears the Signature of Happy is the wile who, finds the heart her husband loses. Geo. B. Edwards & Go. EXCLUSIVE sTAILOR. We have just received an up-to-date line of woolens to select from, and anyone desiring a suit of clothes, or a pair of trousers made in first class style, should not fail to examine our line and place their order withus. fnw At S-LAAin uiuua. vi uuuuo I have ai immense stock of goods, consisting in part of Dry joods, Dress Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Etc., that MUST BE SOLD, and to close them out I am going to sell them at ANY PRICE. These goods were selected by me personally at the northern markets, and were paid for SPOT CASH, Therefore I cad sell them as I please, without fear of anyone. Space will not allow me to give prices, but a visit to my store will convince you that no snch bargains have ever been offered in this town by any one. Suits that I have been selling at $10, well worth the money, I will sell during this sale at $3.78; a fine hat that would cost you $2 any where else I will sell you for $1. In fact everything in my store has deen marked down. Ladies Ready-Me Ga rments ! Expert Tailor 1 Cutter,1 We have an experienced tailor and cutter, who is thoroughly conversant with the latest styles, and ; is . every garment made by him .is gmranteed, both as . r to style and workmanship. We offer special induce ments for the next ten days. Now if you are in need of anything in this Hue this is your opportunity, BSfGive us a trial, we guarantee to please you."3 Geo. B. Edwards 6 Co. I want to call "especial attention to my handsome line of ladies ready-made garments: Tailor-made Suits, Hkirts, etc. Also a nice line of Millinery Goods, and many more goods that will be sold at a bargain, that we have not space to mention. All j ask is that you give me a call, and I guarantee to suit you in quality of goods and prices. Ramember Sale Begins Friday, Oct. 7 and continues 30 days during which time no such bargains have ever been offered by any merchant in Goldsboro before. BSTDon't forget the place. JOSEPH EDWARDS, CHAMPION OF LOW PRICES. m m ft e jvionev Jas. Taylor, of Kendallyille, Ind., was seriously diseased with kidney and bladder trouble for 20 years. He tested every known remedy without much benefit, until he used Pineules. This new discovery cured him, and Mr. Taylo"-advises all persons s'ut- fering from kidney or bladder trou ble to get a bottle of Pineules' at oace. - sola oy ruggms urug u. Isn't Taggart the hopeful oae? Sick headache is caused by a dis ordered condition of the stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Dor sale by Higgins Drug Co. CAST For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Buy at Headquarters ! We will sell you reliable Groceries, at smallest profit. We guarantee all goods as represented. Our stock is large and com plete Fresh goods arrive almost daily, Our stock consists in part of Flour, Corn, Oats, Salt, Snuff, iTobacco, Soda, Starch, Hay, and many other goods kept in a complete Grocery Store. Our clerks are reliable and polite. Call and get our pricea. tougar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Meal, Meat, Lard, Candy, Vinegar, Lime, Cement, Paper, Bags, Case (roods, Cow Feed, Goldsboro Savings and Trust Go. o- -PAYS- Interest at Rate of 4 per cent.per annum. Interest paid every three months. We are independent when saving a part of our earnings. We are sure to be rich if we continue the practice. Begin at once by opening an account with the Goldsboro Savings and Trust Co. , ' DIRECTORS : I. F. DORTCH, B. H. GRIFFIN, C. B. MILLER., J. S. CRAWFORD, ED. EDMUNDSON, H. WEIL, W.T.YELVERON, W. II. COBB, M. J. BEST, GEO. C. ROY ALL, GEO. A. NORWOOD. Profersional Factory Piano Tuner. nfg Tfllnrlf C For a limited time I will tune all JiM t lli S&l2ifeIl5. pianos for one half ot the regular price. I am the only licensed piano tuner in the city. Satisfaction, this I guarantee or no pay. Leave your orders at the Cable Co. under Mes senger Opera House, and be sure you get the right man. Goldsboro is my home. You can pay me when you T r CACAM drl.T get ready. Yours to please, J. V. tm3JW ln. J" " BAL'EIGH FLOYD. 127 and 129 Walnut Street, West. P. fND F. r-a Fine Norfolk Oysters by the meas ure or in any style at the Kennon Cafe. FRIDAY fresh Celery. SATURDAY VEAL, PIG MEAT, FINE BEEF. SPhone your orders, AT S Cohn & Son City Butchers. i H. L. HUMPHREY & BROS , InsuranceHeadquarters. - Fire, Life and " , Accident Insurance. . Office up stairs opposite MacKay'a Drug Store. Your business solicited. LAND POSTED. All persons are hereby forbidden nd horseehoer to work in Fremont. I under penalty of law to hunt, fish or State wages expeciea. -a-ppiy wnn i ouwiwioo cstw mi uus ference to Box IS, Fremont, NQ 1 of the undersigned. Dock Smith. It means ALL that's contained in the past EIGHT YEARS of continuous business Established by hon orable and fair dealing As a consequence our busi ness has been prosperous and has grown. 8 years ago we bought goods in small lots, but sold on a close margin. NOW we get our goods in Car Load Lots: Get Special Low Prices, Additional Discounts, and ' Special Freight Rates and still sell goods on o CLOSE - MARGINS, Closer than ever before. Our customers get the ad vantage. We have something to show you and -something to interest you in o FURNITURE OF EVERY KIND, - ..- - '- (. and description. House furnishing goods. Call on ; us or send your orders by mail in either case your interest will be protected. REMEMBER ". p. The Seal of Quality GO TO BARNES FOR Cakes, . Pies, Crackers, Pickles, Cheese, Butter, and all kinds of canned goods if you I want the best obtainable. Goldsboro Steam Bakery. W. H. BARNES. Prop'r. Parker & Falkener Furniture Co CORNER WALNUT AND JOHN 6TS. P. O. BOX 815. GOLDSBORO, N. O. Beware SSJSf?i!? REAIVO Dr. J. N. Johnson, DENTIST. Office upstairs in Borden building, near the Bank of Wavne. GEO. E. HOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. I will write your bond as adminis trator, guardian, contractor, officials, etc. in a bonding company. Will practice wherever services is Office in front of Court House. NO SllIORT CUTS, fONLY REAL ESTATE. 70 feet on Park Avenue, opposite W. S. O'B. Robinson's home. . ' Mrs. Byrd's house and lot on Slo cumb street. 6 acres of Hiram Giaa'a Jland'ia George, town, suitable tor building lot8jof farming, also one vacant lot oa Snow Hill road. J. H. Dixon's flae farm, 4 miles from Golds boro, on Jsmithfie-d it. R.; 125 acres, 60 acres sleared; good land; 20 per acre. A fine lot, about 100 feet front, opposite old Newborn Warehouse, 3 houses oa same ; will be sold cheap, belonging to D. W. Peacock.- Capt J B Edgerton's farm 137 acres, near Quaker bridge. Wit Hollowell'afarjsi.lOo acres, about 4 miles from the city. Luby Best, Woodland, 150cres near the city Win. Ham' 128 acres near Allen Smith Mrs. Marian Smith's farm 200 acres, next to W. F. Patrick's. R. G. Freeman's farm 50 acres opposite the Prince home. Vacant lot on Greenleaf road. 3 vacant lots in Georgetown.; 1 vacant lot in EdmundaouJTown. Other farms and other Investments. Prices made known on application. My motto is: Safe investments, fair and square dealing to all. . Eecord: 530 sales $351,000.00.;j Office hours 12 to 2.j Correspondence solicited. E L Edmundson, Real Estate Hut tier. Portrait Photographer Studio 115 West Centre St., N. FOR SALE. Two desirable houses and lots. Parties interested will please ad dress Box D., and they will be given any information desired. OR RENT: A five-room house , on Slocumb street. Good large lot, and, good water. South of Creech's store. Apply to S. H. Isler, 102 William street. , FOR LEASE OR fortable 9 room RET A com residence with water and lights 413 North James . Street. For terms apply at Hill's 'Drugstore. ,