iHJIK SWAMf' ITEMS. The Doings of a Week in A rou uI This Thriving .Neighborhood. and Akguh Bukeau, 3UKEAU, ) ap, N. C, J. 5, 1904. J Buck bwamp Dec. Mr. Tom Deans and sister, Miss Nannie, are visiting near Granth aiDH this wtek. Mr. George Gurley and Miss Uz- .vt'a Knnrlnr Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, of your place, visited their daughter Mrs. Philip Peacock, Sunday. Itev. Mr. Daniels, a student of "Trinity College, was visiting the fir ex here Sunday. We understand that there will be & musical "set back" at Mrs. Smith's ; Tuesday night. A number of our ; young people wHl attend. j Itev. Mr. Clark and Mr. Tom Gur-1 ley, of Fremont, called at Buck i Swamp school a short while Thurs- j day. , t Miss Eliza Gurley and sister Miss , Alice Belle, visited their brother near Princeton, Friday. Mr. George Lynch, who went up to Greensboro a few days ago, turned home Monday. He goes to TJ.nntv IVTmmr. fn.flnu frir Hie iwinuwp of putting in his application for a po sition on the railroad. There will be an entertainment at Buck Swamp schawl houc on the night ot December 23, 1904. An in teresting programme of recitations, plays and solos, both vocal and in strumental, is being arranged by the faculty, Misses Emma Hackney and Juanita Mc Adams. We extend a cordial invitation to all to attend the entertainment. k. LIST OF LETTKKS ltd naming in Postotrlce, Golds, boro, Wayne County, N. C, JSTov. iH, 1104. MEN'S !UIST. Jl J a m es VV Allen. 13 Geo H iirrtighion, J W Bryan, A B Brown, V M Bass, Geo Brod: n. f V-i vie E W II EI is. O A GrevaiJ, It A Gil more, Hiram Ginn. H Nathan C Hoyt., J H Hill. JT A C Jones, Howard Jones L Paul B, Lawson, W D Bane. M Clarence Mintz, Dr Melton. N Emmor Nott, J L Nolley'. B John E Bay. 5 Daniel Stokes. T W T Thompson, Elbert Talton. W Wiley Wil Hams Ion. LADIES' LIST. A M L Adams, Zeno Adams. JB Delia Boykin, Ella Brinson, Minnie Beatrice, Annie Brooks. C Serlenar Carter. 0 Frances H Guess. JEIL Hatley. 1 Katie Israel. J Minnie Jpnier. O-L V O'Neal. P Mytle Privett. B Penna Rose, Anna Robinson, Alice Reed. 6 Mary Spencer. T Jullie Trahss. VMollie Vinson. W L A Williams, Mandia Wil iams. Persons sailing for above letters will please say advertised. Rules And regulations require that one cent be paid on advertised letters, J. F. DOBSON, Postmaster. A Guaranteed. Cure For Piles. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro truding Piles. Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case, no matter of how j long standing in 6 to 14 days. First Application gives ease and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasnt it send in stamps and it will be forrded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. JLouis, Mo. v Executor's Notice. .S3?id.L.rc th win Biixabeth a. Cogdeii. deceased, hereby noti- ttem tiiote who re indebted o said ette. to make tiumdUt payment to him. and those o wliom the estate i indebted to ureaent their .ciams to him, withta ; months from the iw. P Da? v. W. W. UJ Notember 1st, 190. DR. THEO. L. GINN. Physician and Surflooh. fi FOR OLD ID I SIIA1CI AM) WITTV sav ixos of tiii; fi:i;ss. Picked Up For the Amusement ami I:rusaJ !' the 31 asses. "Did Mrtrji ie marry for love?" "Oil, no. .Shi m to well brti fr that." , "!';, who an? die authorities? " "Tiiec are Uie follows wit at oil L- ;al tun-- ..-lnim that they iave no authority. " - Jlr-j, tlti-hor Has Mr. Go!tlenii, wilt o.ij tii Jiav ee:i knn' ali .vfiiiii', --k Ja-t declat'cil iui f iiwti ion-', Mai!? lah:l V S, :UMit. .Mr.-:, Ru-r 1 am s glad! And wr.ai lil h. ny'.' .vi;.f tu-. d tared he wouM ,,tVt,r M.ida.!' .-x'-i.i lined Mr. Meek- V -s vw.jr(.4,M .,.,uru ,-,..., a j(nr. re-!,,,... . ;. ,., f.der3tatid y,r n) .v il,Jr, Wil lKil liii. i ! . . 44 Ye.-, i t c:. n i ia. "Wliy riein'l y. y gidby in re -p to ; I .-.(-.ih.ti Nil'so, 1 1 -r r i- l:i, oill J iiiyseif. I was afi; ml "u vvv.ul i in'i'ii f M;- y try ing to have Ihe iat vrd again." Ethel How happy Gladys looks ttniirtit! Edyt Jo--Yes, r-lie expects t Iav a chasicT to ce,pt Fred r turn wts Charley, and .she .1 Hasn't care which. Senator Hale of Maine is one oT the genuine "stand-patters." He ex presses himself as being bitterly l,sed to tampering with the tariS, lie wards Ho r vision, aiel expres-es a;ire -iat'M'n f the keen ohservaiioj; at. I political accumen of the pre-:i-d;ut, and does not believe that he will. do anything to weaken or dis rupt ttie party which has honored him. Any attempt to revise the tarilV, -Senator Hale thinks, will weaken lie: Republican party. The senator bitterly opposes a partial -r piece-meal revision, and says that when the majority does such a thing 'k wilt go to the bottom. ' He be lieves that to toueh one item in the tariff will frighten everybody. Every item is a per. The seo.i tor's idea is that every item has a force ot special friends, and these all form the ranks of tie Republican prtectionists, the idea being that it youth n't take care of me I will not protect you. As the tariff question is fully recognized as a political measure it is hardly pos sible to find hope that anything like revision will take place for many months to come. Party caucus is going to dictate legislative action; and as the protective idea party is largely in the majority it seems that the people must still await for some time the lifting of the terrible bur den. GIVES RELIES QUICKLY. Regular Use of Hyomei Cures Most Stubborn Case of Catarrh. No other medicine gives such prompt relief as Hyomei in the treat ment of catarrh. The first breath of this remedy soothes and heals the irritated and smarting air passages, and the regu lar use for a few days or weeks will cure the most stubborn case. Some of the reports of those who have been cured of catarrh by Hyomei read like miracles. The complefce Hyomei outfit costs . .. , . . , but $1.00, consisting , of an inhaler, dropper and suflicient Hyomei to last several weeks. This will effect a cure in ordinary cases, but for fTQ and dptodcaaes of ca- tarrh longer use may necry ana then extra bo t ties of Hyomei . - . ... , cn can DO Obtained for 50c. PrAhaMl, tha M,tj ProDaoiy tne strongest evidence . that offered as to the powers of Hyomei to cure catarrh is the fact that J. H. Hill & Son will agree to i refund the money if you say that Hy6me? 3t,p- Stationery and Blank Books at Higgins Drug Co. ar reward" ,rW0nEM YfJO CANKCT EE CURED. So uniformly successful has Dr. Pircea Favirite Prp.scripti'jn proven in all forma of r'einale Weakness. Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb, and Iveucorrhea, that, after over a third of a century's experience in curing the worst cases of these distressing ana debilitating ailments. Dr. Pierce now feels fully warranted in oifTinjj to pay $500 in cash for any case of tbeae diseases which he cannot cure. It Stands Alone. The "Favorite Pre scription" stands alone, as the one and only remedy for these distressingly com mon forms of weakness, possessed of such positively specific curative properties as to warrant its makers in proposing-, and binding themselves to forfeit, as ve, the undersigned proprietors of that wonderful remedy hereby do, to pay the sum of fyxi in legal money of the United States in aoy case of the above diseases in which afMr a fair and reasonable trial of our treatment, we fail to cure. No other medicine for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments is backed by such a remarkable guarantee ; no other medicine for woman's ills is pos sessed of the unparalleled curative prop- trues maiwouiu warrant 11s manuiacturers in making such an offer ; no other remedy has such a record of cures on which to base such a remarkable offer. Tiierefore, insist on having1 Dr. Pieree'a Favorite Prescription and turn your back on any unscrupulous dealer who would insult your intelligence by attempting to 1C1. foist upon you some inferior substitute. under the plea that "it is just as good. insist on having the article which ha a. he wh7ch?sbVcil1te illinsr to forfeit $500 11 iney cannot cure you.- In cases attended by a leucorrheal drain a solution of Dr. Pierce's Lotion Tablets should be used conjointly with the use of the '"Favorite Prescription." They are sold by all druggists, or sent post-paid to any address, on receipt of 25 cents in stamps. fceiiu 31 cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's i Common Sense Medical Adviser. Address World's Dispknsary, Buffalo, N. Y. Weak and sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence is held as strictly privata. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Pieree'a Pellets cure biliousness. PIKEVIL.LE LETTER. A KG US TJlJIlKAU, ) Pikevilie, N. (J., lf Dec. 5. 1904. ) Mrs. Elizabeth Fate is visiting rel atives in Goldsboro. Mr. Arthur Best visited at Mr. J. T. Dees', Sunday. Mrs. Mary Hosea, returned home last Tuesday from Wilson. Mr. W. II. and Mrs. R. H. Smith spent Saturday in your city. Several of our citizens were in your city last week attending court. Messrs. L. B. Smith and V. II. Dees visited friends near Memorial, Sunday. Messrs. J no. Pate and Wiley An-! drews called at Mr. J. W. Brvaut'. ! Sunday. afflicted, "with it in nine cases out of j teu, and man v adults suffer from it. Mrs. II. H. Edgerton, of Pinkncy, j CommQil ics are banches in is in town visiting her sister, Mrs. (,te ncc:? al,sce!?fics cl?(,ailco erup lt. K. Smith. ir.flamhd eyelids, sore ears, The friends of Mr. II. J. Vail are j rivets, catarrh, "wasting, and general glad to know that he is rapidly re-j debility. covering from bis recent attack of illness. I Mr. R. T,. Efttman. of Akron. O . came home last week to spend the w inter with his mother. Mrs. T. Vv. Winbon. On account of unfavorable weather the pastor, Klder Lucas-; did not till his appointment.at Pleasant. Grove, Sunday. Mrs. Jonathan Garris and Miss Li Hie Hooks visited their parents,; Memorial, Sunday. j Mr. George Hinnant and Miss Luba Langston were married near here on the evening of Nov. 28. May theirs be a prosperous and happy life. Those interested in organizing a young men's debating Club are in vited to call upon and discuss the matter with Messrs. E. p. Ham and J. A. Hosea. Messrs. David Crawford and H. H. Howell, of Weldon, and Mr. P. A. Blow, of Gralngers, were here to spend Saturday and Sunday with tbeir respective families. Those having books from ; the school library in their home, are re- quested to return them during the are ng next week for registration, so a li brarian can be appointed to care for them ' The pupils who have not entered the school for this term are earnestl v L. requested to do so next week to help prepare the programme of Carolina Day exercises for the evening of De cember 23. m The committee on the Christmas entertainment are requested to meet at the church Sunday evening at 2:80 o'clock to plan and discuss ways and means ot getting up a creditable Christmas entertainment. . IveV. U. hjm Tripp, will be With US again IOr another year. He is this notice will be. pleaned In bar of their universally liked by all our people, ' JRSHWei! -Xl&iS!SSlSS&&& and his return, together with hisjhisidayof noibo estimable wife, will be hailed with ' annus T.nopRsdintrix delight.and gratification by their Y't.i- many Iriendi throughout his whole SHIS U B Till: POUT AUTHUU ri.VAZT NOW AT Tin: 31 KItC V of .japani:si:. The Knd Seems Xear. Tin' AVar OfUce Admits That the Cap ture ofi2G3 3Ietri Hill ly tbe Japanese Means Probably Loss ot" Port Arthur. St. Petersburg, Dec. 1. The War Office here is not yet prepared to ac- cept the report that the Japanef"1; Ve fore Port Arthur have taken 203 Me tre Hill but if it is officially confirm ed the War Office admits that it will ' ,1 A. . . II J 1 1 ue "IHie mow ior inn gallant defenders of the fortress. The posi- : tion comuiantl.s the harbor and if the e Z on its summit they can force out the Russian squadron or destroy it at its anchorage. Those familiar with the supporting plans of forts think it is by non:e?ii)s certain that even though the Russians are forced to retire" from 20:i Metre Hill the Japanese can place in position heavy guns against the fire which the other forts can bring to bear on it. Stili the War Office officials reluctantly agree that such a breach in the chain ren ders the positions extremely critical and though the garrison might li able to hold out in the Golden Hill, Tigers Tail and LiaU. forts for some time it may mark the beginning of the end. The War Office i.i con vinced that with the approach of the Russian second Pacific squadron f,hn Japanese considered that the elimi nation of the Port Arthur squadron as a righting factor, was absolutely vital, thus accounting for the reck loris sacrifice of life in order to secure a position directly commanding the harbor. Scrofula It Is commonly inherited. Yevr are entirely tree from it. P:i!e, "weak, puny children ana J QQcl'S SarSaOarilla - .-V CX- I T"m rii ",-. it- Tinsif ivplv and abaolnf - I J L 4. i V ' 'J J. ' ' ' . . - - ' ' ' i W Tliis Ki.nt.iMTicii; is based on (he thousands ponnane!; cures ihese medicines have wrought. "My daughter had scrofula, with eleven Bores on her neck and about her ears. Flood's 8arsaparilla v?:3 highly recommended and she took It and was cured. She is now in good health." Mrs. J. II. Jokes, Parker City. Ind. , Hood's sarsaparma promises to at Christmas time, as well as for the land's sake at harvest time, fertilize your crops with t l xt r ( Virginia -Carolina 1 Fertilizers when you plant in tne spring for it will bring' you prosperity ion as before Xmas next year, a happiness even to the chU- 1 ? en. becanse nf thA InrmnsArl &r l an dren, because of the Increased pronts thus pat Into your pock et. Write for information if your dealer cannot furnish you VIHGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL COMPANY Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va. Durham, N. C. Charleston, 8. C Atlanta, Ga. Savannah, Ga. , Montgomery, Ala. Uemphii, Tenn. ; Administratrix's Notice. HaYtnic aallfid as administratrix of the estat of Joel Rbods. dreeased, all persons - atloed to present said claims for payment ureorinany style at the Kennoa H Children's Sake; J JUS? Is it true you wans to look old? then use H:!!'r Hair Renew er, of early Tfc r stored to yrsur DO you My -IX WEIL'S $50 DUO This contest is one of the special feature:; offered during our "Low Scale of Prices on reliable shoes Sept. th to December 24th l,f04. At this nle i?1.25 Onk Kh Brooms aro Fold, for JKSc. Ever' shoo of fered will h i in iieoiiur with tho above great reduction. This 50 Shoo Cviitect, its tickt v enfeitiing the bold or to one roanfc in S'tme a)i'', tir- v?y to r eevne oi" tick. FKE.S is f idly e.xplainf .! ueioT. On:? T ca v 'Vfi! I? Civrt Vvrlt?. I3r.-lt .(V-. S!io t'urohjise. Tho FoIIovvIpp: Klt Prizes W!!! he AwartJec1 He : . 21t lt Prize $10 woi . li liii Fotwear will 5-; awarded Jst large holder of tickets. 2d Prize $7.V wortli iinr; Footwear will bo o w&rded 2d ku""r ,t holder of tickets. 3d Prize $5 worth fhie Fooiwtar will be awarded if h largest holder of tickets. Prize $t worrh ine Footwear will In a' n;dM 4th holder of tiekrts. ... "th Prize .$M.5M worth fine Futwar will 1m; awarded "th lar';:--t holder of tickets. The remaining $20 will b awarded to hos- 11, roe purchaser.", luddtag" tho.thre lucky number::. -These number-Tare t- be dniwn lr-;: Uiffi turned tickets. First number drawn will be entitled to $0 worth line Footwear. 4t Second number drawn will ha taititlfd to $'J worth fine Footwear. Third number drawn v.vM entitled i i w:rth line Footwear. Every tickets bears a lifferent number. ... is the number of this ticket. All tickets must be returned to of purchaser and P. O. Address. Name of Purchaser P. O Address R "We will mail you, or if you wilt call at out Shoe Store with a copy of tlu.-i advertise ment, we will give you ou& tickt.- with your number, provided you are not already on our mailing list. This ticket will en title you to a chance at one of the prizes in the $50 Contest. Beur vs y( ur name and aoVifc4 on Port:," Card, writing -'Weil's Shoe C'ohteGt' Goltisi'.oko Week ly Aru'JS, and ticket will be sr nt to you hy next mail. Faithfully yours, H. ; WEIL 6c BROS.; THE 5 and It! s basy About low prices and bargains, but "delivery the goods" is a different proposition hence we make it our specialty. Here are a few a very few of the thousand bargains, regular cinches read the list: Silver Gravy Ladles 15c Silver Butter Knives........ 15c Silver A. D. Coffee Spoons (set). ..40c Child's set, plate, cup and sauccir..25c Child's set, knife, fork and spoon. ..20c Combs and Brushes 10 to 25c Glass Bowls (cut finish) 25c Infant Shoes.... 25c Infant Moccassins 10c Window Shades 10c We have what you want and will supply you at prices that we guar antee cannot be beaten. Remember we make a specialty of "Younir nouseseepers -ouinrs ior Kiccneu anu aming rooms. They are a lesso in "How to Save Money." THE 5 & 10 CENT STOUE Cor. East Centre and Chestnut Streets. pecial S We have just added to our plant the most expen sive and latest improved collar finishing machine on the market, and we now guarantee to shape and remove all rough edges without breaking a collar. We have also discovered a new method for washing which thoroughly disinfects and leaves the linen in a sweet healthy condition without injuring it in the least. We are now giving the people of this country the best work that can be. turned out by a first class steam laun dry. Give us a trial and be convinced. . Call up phone 589 and have us send for your work. Goldstoro Hair ReiTcwer Then keep yr-rrnv ivJ.r. n??, and have all ili j tiark, rtc: color nair. i'.UPM r- ( 1 !. '. i. f .. I.. SO m E COMTRT? us by December 23rd with signature IOC STORE. to Blow Silver Knifeand Fork (in case). ..$1.59 Silver Tablespoons, per set 75c Sil f- Teaspoons, per set 60c Picture Frames 10 to 25c Toilet Powders 10 to 15c Bordeans French Violet Talcum. ..15c Picture racks lOc Day Books and Ledgers 25c Vases, (many patterns) 8 to 25e Curtain Poles !0c - Notice, Steam Laundry W. Zu DAVIS, Manager,' eoiiDSBOKO. w. a PHONE 589.

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