w ;.n:;t Lin lji. r!i- ! 'omi siii.l S:.yin of it Week ., A'- 'I '''I" I'!ir;v- aim. i - 1'i iiKAt; I v a i. J'i'.i:, N. c, r Ixc J:;, l!)ol. J Mi-H Li..ie Herten is on vi-.it to her nirl parent , Mr. and Mrs. Jack V'-l verton, near Slariton-!wrg. Mr A'den Yel vei ton, of Frem"ut, -penl la-t Sun-lay with ir ;ar f'.s l.i.n-, Mr- and Mr-. -' V. -r-,on. Our Hfhools in Va- ' ..Mi ' will rle'nde Carolina I , ' r'! ; h'V for Christmas wi. f "i-iiitUi ex ;rri -s. The entire (... dy H:oply .tynipiithi.o witi; Vi. '(I Mr Brown, in the I. their infant baby boy last ssimroay night, which k'.-um'mI a 'oine near here. There is a d arth of news around i- t(! and wo thoreforo append a few - "rhc Old School House," h .-invested themselves while lunii.itiio tablet of memory and dwelling among the scenes and in cidents of the long ago: THE OLl .S.HOOIi 3IOUSK. In memory's eye,that dear old house Will stand for many years. jVnd when we think of its happy days, Our eyes are dim with tears. Beneath its roof, our youthful mind Gained much of ptecious lore While round its yard our boyish heart Made many a happy score. Its hvge blackboard, its hardened seats Each numbered and marked with chalk; Its rules, and motto, "How to the line" Which each of us had to walk. Its big spelling class at close of day Which filed around the room, And oftentimes, lor half hour or more, Would make old Webster hum. And then the play ground, with its trees, Where the boys played "knucks" ' and 'cat,' - And "Bull pen"; while 'neath the shade The girls would have a social chat. Ah ! Well do I remember the day, It seems but a lew years ago, We were all getting ready for the final big day And our young hearts were all aglow. Some were raking, some were sweep ing, And others were clearing the ground; The teacher was busy overseeing the job, While a few were loitering around. But it fell to our lot to lend a hand In moving the stump of a small tree A little black jack, and when we got hold We pulled, when we counted three. We pulled! and my! Caesar's ghost!! When that black jack gave way, A stream of yellow jackets, big as your waist Came out to see what was to pay. They came, they saw, they con quered. They covered us, head and ears. We kicked and fought, and rolled in the leaves Blinded by fast flowing tears. The teacher came, with his chewing tobacco And applied it to each contusion. And said, that for the life of him He could not understand the con fusion. But we understood, and e m't you forget, . For the yellow fellow puuc ired our pneumatics And made us feel and look- though We had a corner on a i?t i uuia- tics. ; in the' 1 But those sunny days are past, But memory oft causes us to ve- neW j And gladdens our heart with tl , thought of old fields That have long since passed from view. And though the old school house is no more T TYiPiTiovv -a nlp.snrft will ho a u ii i Till we, too, shall leave our earthly abode To join classmates in eternity. pi k iivua.k ij-:ttki: Mr. J. Ii. .Siuitn m id'' a bu-JU'-s- trip to Jur ka, .-.tt ini y. Mr. J. 1 il'j-ca .til - ,n, of your city, canic ujj ,-u mia.v, i'-rinii M oiaiay . Mr. J. A. liiwa, the hustling; I'cjiit - mall ve i iio-,. a ihul wt.-m to WjI-soij, i rjilay. Mr. ami Mi.-,. A. J. Ciarris, oi Paikioj, N. C, an; in town vi-.irin relatives and iriends. There will be onie material 'hanges among our bu-in.-ss men by the ii r-,t of the ear. Me.-rs. i. U. Barnes and A. Blow had special appointnientsin the Wal ter suction, Sunday. Mr. L. B. Smith is on a "(juiet hunting trip" to bauiston this week. (Dear) dear is not pleiitilul here. Section .Master Frank Parks and his ciew were called out Sunday to replace a broken rail near Fremont. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edmundson and children, of Eureka, visited the family of Mr. A. S. Smith, last Sun day. j Mr. David Crawford, after a few days ,visit to his home near here, returned to Weldon, Monday morn ing. Messrs. Middleton and Feather stone, representatives of a Lynch burg Shoe Company, were here Sun day, Mr. Frank Hooks, of Fremont, was in town Sunday afternoon, call ing upon his grandmother, Mrs. Johnathau Garris. ltoll of Honor: Misses Prudie Bryant, Fva Pale, Mamie Jackson, Margaret Scott, Carrie Parks and Mr. F. D. Smith. Mr. Jesse Hales, route agent be tween Burgaw and llocky Mount, came Sunday for a few days vaca tion to his lather, Mr. SV. T. Hales, near here. The first real winter weather was felt Saturday night and Sunday. We puy uioh .iu w o-M-ec ; and had not replenished their wood : - tL... K H piles for some time. Miss Pearl Fort is at home u mond and other NorthernToi,l(s u J tertaining a party of yoi,, fnetids ! who are visiting her u Of Disfiguring Humors Use CUtSCURA Every child born into the world with an inherited tendency to tor turing, Jisfiguring'humors of the Skin and Scalp, becomes an object of the fnost tender solicitude, not onlyAficause of its suffering, but became of the dreadful fear that the dsfiguration is to be lifelong and rmr its future happiness and prospe-ity. Hence i becomes the duty o: mothers of such afflicted childrei to acquiint themselves with tht best, the purest, and most effective treatmen: available, viz.: the CUHCURA Treatment, con sisting of warm baths with CUTI- I CURASoap ani ..:.-ntle anointings with CUTlC'i ' .A Ointment, the great Skin C Cures made in childhood art -edy, permanent, and economic. ' Solil throughout thr nu.t,.-HU-., lUw.lv.-l.t.f. houfc'e t- : I'tirin, 5 line V!. I',. iter Dru & CI. . vj- 'tua ior " iiw tu ( f'i vciiTa Porj, 2.V., Oint- i . r.f ( in.ciliitf 'i.:itcd .i- T. !!(!(. ii. '27 ( 'hurtrr 'i.hlnn, 1,7 Columbus ., . -.ilc Pror--. i iv.-.ij.uriiiii Humors." NO ''ICE. Having qualifl 1 executor of the . . . - - . T" . . .1 .1 all persons holding claims against I her f rfate are hereby notified to pre- sent hem for payment, by Nov. 20, 190o or this notice will he pleaded .' in bar of their recovery. be nltaded in Noember I9th 1904. Haywood D. I fa in, Ex'r. J rmPT oinm him 1 1 1 in IIIU I r 00 WARD y j Zj J U f0rVYoaen -t nrcessfr.l hs Dr. Pi'-rce'a ; -: proven m :C, fi.rmn ! of ! . V.'i I'rr.!fu,su. orIViliecr ' ! : ' ri t! of h ( f-i.turv s expcn ncv- in curir - t ca.-.-n of -Jif: ciitrsMnc and vif'ii .t;-'Ml-' A1 TflMlt I,- Purr,. . . ruliy v.arrrl.:ui In off, to r -,y jrf in cash fo- a:. ycs.se ol ti.-.- diuit3 wiiicii he ca:;i!.it cure. scrLn dso7JV I und-rsirrn'. ;,J(Ji netors of mat wonderfBl innie-S '-or voV- l'?y-!h??vm .f f5 in ,tioi y of t u T,uitel States in any case oi tu.- auov- diseases in which after a we be tin rrtithit'Zw T "tie curative prop- ems that would warrant its manufacturers in makinpr such an offer ? no other remedy has such a record of curen nn v 1 Ctor A r C .1.- . - such a remarkable offer un nder the plea that "it is just as good "?ZZA I recora or a third r,t a centurv rf r..rPe oH which is backed by those willing to forfeit only remedy fr these distressing con - thorOUrhlv Overhaulel throughout, mon forms of weakness. po.,.,e.M.-d of such i i-t o" i . ,, t- , , positively specific curative properties as to lfui I - and artistically finished h7nJf,? .ts mkets in proposinsr", and on the inside, and presents an irn- ' trial of our trp?ttrpnt i.. ii . i i a fail to cure. No other mediJinT for l" u" ' ' le t)l lnal COll-re-a ; cure of woman's t, --, ; ; , i . . ti.n x. i , .i.,i,i ..;(!,,.. tckeu by such a remarkable tniarar.teP . ... ' ftl -r moi;;-. f... . ... . IK IT T . 1 111- 1 ,'lllirt 1U tvi rt I I r f .1 I ,, Iherefore, t575 on lavingr Dr. Pierce's to-date furniture dealers, have just favorite Prescription and turn vour back i i 4i , e , on any unscrupulous dealer who would Oplted the work of placing' One ffUtltr jntelIirentt: by .attempting to of the finest JJrussell carpets on the IOlst Upon TOU some mferinr cnl,;i.t. 1 In cases attended by a leucorrheal drain lnsule of the church. r?,'11"" of Pr- pierce;s Lti,n Tablet. Rev. Mike Bradshaw, the univer- snouui be used conjointly with the use of n i i the -Favorit. Prescription " Thecal" !old Sally estee,ned and everywhere pop by all druprffists. or sent post-paid to any uar Pastor, who has serve ! ihis address, on receipt of 25 cents in stamp, charge for the past four years, is soon end 31 cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce'a to leave 11s nnrl entPr n new flel.l of Common Sense Medical Adviser. Addre enter a ew nei.l OI World s Dispeniary, Buffalo N. Y. usefulness, much to the regret of consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, yrr. All correspondence is held as strictly nrivai. emu Mcjf women arc-invited to Aaaress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure biliousness. STAT 12 HOSPITAL. Synopsis of Hi-i:iniual Iteport ot'Staterlospitsil at (iolds loro, t'roin Ieceml)er 1, I tee looted. Tie F.onl of Directors of the State H.'ospital near this city, for the care; of the crored insane, met in regular session tt that institution Tluics hty and it vas the pleasure of theAiious man to be present. The biennial report of the excel lent and unapproacable superintend- i. n. T. ,r-n. 1 1. - ! eru, j,r. no. r.Jai.ier, mu, fore the Board, and received, as it 1 .deserved, their hearty approval. eve give a brief synopsis as foU 1 t Number of patJeuts on hand et last biennial period, 481; males 19b, females 1283. Number received the past two years, 273; males 113, females 160. Number discharged as improved . and cured and by death, 225; males 91, females, 134. Remaining on the rolls of Hospi tal December 1, 1904, males, 220, fe males, 309. Total, 529. , The per capita cost per annum for this period was $111.18. IMPROVEMENTS FOR T1IK TWO VEARS. Reconstruction and widening of front steps and walk to the Hospital Building; construction and equip ment of three closets on the female wards; the fitting up of a tubercu lous ward and connecting it with iron and wire bridge to Fance Hall; the reconstruction and enlargement of the kitchen aQd refurnishing it, ' i-rick smoke ptiAk 105 feet high, and the installing 01 a cold-storage plant and ice factry- In additaon to these large improve ments there have been a number of 8ioail on'5 and the usual repairs lTJ-ry to a large property of this kind. It is as gratifying, we are sure, to the management, as it is to the Argus, to be able to state that all of these improvements have been made without a dollar of special ap propriation by the State; and the cold storage and ice factory, involv ing an expenditure of $3,500, has been installed from net proceeds from the manufacture of brick afcid the trucking enterprise of the insti- tution. This economic management , should be and we are -ure it is j gratifying to the lax-payers of the ' State. j Drs. Faison and Clara K. Jones were re-eiected 1st and 2nd i-t-aut Physicians. In consequence of the kifirM;v ies of age, Capt. Reid declined re elec tion to the Stewardship of the ii--pital and Mr. J. W. Bryan . elected Steward and Farmer jointly. . . 7- i Administrator's Notice. j Havttig qualified as administrator of Susie I Farmer, deceased, late o1 Wayne Couuiv ' Mirin(i.unu,uiis,i!, o nouija!! persons having claim.-, against the estate of said de- cea&ed to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before ) the 22nd day October 1905. or this LT1!,1abt,ffKrttn ar of,its recovery, All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. WILLIAM FARMER, V ST AT FLY I A Ka!iim 'Moitiiiiient In !lie'm regal in ot"l . PjuiI Iinr li. One of the h iiid-''!i)'st I m i i 1 1 n'- in ioldloro a structuro of whn-h ' ...... ..n 5.,... i. ,i St 1' Metholi-t Church, one of the i ;r..i . .tut i . i. . i in t and ""UHUI et ! I 1 1 W)IH III.-MI (iUt, to be founil in the whn'e Stale, ' , . . A new annex lias recently been ''Jt to tins church, it lues been l'0"1"? uppearauce and is a credit uml lUi ornament to the Best Town . the State :ok1 a la-ftilliT ilionument ernacle of C an inviting place of ,. i worship. I .. I Messrs. itoyan isoruen, tne up- lioor of this church we have seen in sorne time which m""h to th already beautiful ajpearance ot the every citizen in uoiasooro. uur peo pie all love Mike Bradshaw, and it is with much reluctance that we part with him, but our loss is Wilming ton's gain. His genial countenance, gentle manner, Godly ministrations and hearty handshake wdth the religion of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ always beaming in his eyes, will be sadly missed by our people in general, and he takes with him to his new home, the abiding good wishes of the people of Golds boro regardless of denomination. NOVEL HILL ITEMS. We are having another cold wave . We-are glad to know the sick in our community are improving. We have a nice school at Novel Hill, conducted by Mr L II Iteves. -;Sundav to the de)j of his m . ' " - " 1 V . J. J. IV ilU'7 Mrs Artaur Lenord, of Ore, S. C, lis visitiog her cousin, Mrs A if Howell, Mr and Mrs J B Roberts visited Mr and Mrs VVm. Holmes Saturday and Sunday. Mrs A P Howell and little Maud g a few dayg in the ML Qllve section last week. 1 Several of our neighbors are go ing to move to your city. We wish them a successful town life. Mr. John Thompson, of South Washington, was visiting friends and relatives at Novel Hill Sunday. Come out to Salem Christmas day and hear Miss Lee, the Missionary, and let's spend this day as we should. Almost alf of our farmers are done housing crops and have gone into winter quarters with long faces over the low prices of cotton. Dec. 13th. u; A Happy New Year To vou Farmers ! You will cer tainly have a Merry Christmas as well as a prosperous, bappy New Year, if you used on your crops at seed-time YirginiaCarolina Fertilizers, Now, to insure yourself a happy New Year every year, and sM the year through: to Christmas continue to fertil ize your crops with these well known brands. They will pay ycu Laudsom.ely 3 VIE GINIA-CAEOLINA CHEMICAL. COMPANY EichmGEi. Ta. ( Atlanta, Ga. jSTorfolk, Ya. Savannah, Ga. IHirham, N. C. iMontgomerv, Ala. Charleston, S. C. Memphis, Tenn. Executor's Nottce. The undersignod. executor ff the wi.l of Elizabeth a CoRd-ll. deceased, herebv notl- fles tho-e who are indebted to said estate, to make immediate payment to him. and those to whom the estate is indebted to present their cttfms to him, within ;i months from the ' h..reof, pr this notice will be pleaded in W of their reooverv. HoT-embcr 1st, 190i, - ' V; T T-T nrv ik fr ; f . . tl M t I SO Tl.cy cure con : i Ir.r iiou, t , Soki f..r lV5 v.::.. . V-f.VviJ -5L, J ' v,,.:r ,r(,slu -Sir: or heard S H P'ilJl? PfCV ?TV 3C V" 7 Take-Down Rebeaf inii Shclguns The notion that one must pay from fifty dollars upuvid.s in order to ga? a good shotgun has been pretty effectively dispelled sancc thi adventpf the Winchtater Repeating Shotgun. These gunj arc sul vithin reach of almost everybody purse.' They are safe, strong, rjliab!e and handy. When it comes toihootinir qualities are made in 12 an.fi iC gauge. Step FREE; Send nat'dand address on a postal - l DO (VII ! m.w fct'm. it IN iWEIfS $50 This contest is one of the special features offered during our. 1 'Low Scale of Prices" on reliable shoes Sept. 12th to December 24th 11)04. At this sale $1.25 Oak Kip Brogans are sold for ()8c. Every yhoe of fered will be in keeping with the above great reduction. This 50 Shoe Contest, its ticket entitling the holder to one count in same and the way to secure one ticket ' is fully explained below. WEIL'S $50SHOE CONTEST One Ticket Will I5o, (iivi n With JSaoh SOc. Shoe Pur'haso. nc uiiuwin tim r-r iztr win oe warcea uec 1 ir-rize $10 vtrth Un-. i;oiwear iO A.vfexTt Ml iieKeis. 2d Prize $7.50 worth fine Footwear of tickets. 3d Prize $0 worth fine Footwear 01 tickets. 4th Prize $4 worth fine Footwear of tickets. 5th Prize $3.50 worth fine Footwear or iicKers. The remai niner $20 will be awarded tne three lucky numbers. These numbers are to ue drawi from tne re turned tickets. First number drawn will be entitled to $10 worth firu J ouiwear. Second number drawn will be entitled to $6 worth hie Footwear. Third number drawn will be entitled to $4 worth lije Footwear. Every tickets bears a different number. All tickets must be returned to us of purchaser and P. O. Address. Name of Purchaser P. O. Address AVe will mail you, or if you wi1; call at our Shoe Store with a copy of thi advertise ment, we will give you one ticket, with your number, provided you are not already on our mailing list. This ticket will en title you to a chance at one of the prizes in the 50 Contest. Send us your name and address on Postal Card, writing "Weil's Shoe Cohtest" Goldsboko Week ly Argus, and ticket will be sent to you by next mail. H WEIL Surveying of Land, f Maping of Farms, Writing Deeds, Mortgages, Notes, c Abbott L, Swinson t SURVEYOR. GOLDSBORO, - - - - X. ' - Terms: $4.00 per da,y strictly cash. On or about November 1st. 1901. I will return to Goldsboro a: I open an office, and offer my sei v. s to the public as a practical survey- r of years experience and gua'r ntee -tire satisfaction to all my p. :r ;n- future as in the pnst. Areas calculated by Ja'itu l aiid lepartures where drsire 1 Administratrix's Notice. Having qutljfiti as adraiEiTHri'x ,f the estate o Joel Uod-. dwefd, -l persons liolding: clfeiras aiiit a d ptdtee'e hereby : notified to vre.ser,t said claims f r vament on or befoie Che gth a? of November 1905, or t t.Viia r.ofjpp -l1! f Tkiflrrt :n har of their ' recovery, and notice is hereby fiiven to all persons inaeutea to sair. es:a:e 10 mate imme diate payment. Thlf the 1st day of N'o. Wi ANNIE V. KHO DRS Administratrix ot" Joel Rhodes, deceased. Latest style Skirt Bags, Pocket Books, Card Cases and many other ' ... A. things. in this line too numerous to j mention. Call and see our stock and ! be convinced. Higgins Drug Co. no i;un n.atie teats" them. They " into a gun t-rc and examiijO CTlt j curd for uur Icree Hustraled catalrcu II u j V "l want a Prize SHOE CONTE f ? will he awiu 1 luroat i,, will be awar(Hi 21 largest holde Jh will be aartf 4th largest holder i will be av.arri iith largest IioJde I r A will be awards 5th l&re-pef Tkrfder 1 to those thnfce iMirfhAtuirw fioldinsr is the number of this ticket. by December (1 with signature Faithfully yours, 6c BROS. J REViVO tram ulie ncoiuncsj Vj ALU ?i Ik V? Iy;e a THE ' "tfi$ V IB J.m t fvT JBL Of So aawerfully and qaicM . Ou.ei, -l,sa all otUr fell Souac men vri ! -er -. a tboir l aattc&d,adoiJ "ier: vlll recovi-r J, tit youth: nl vlsjci by usirfl liEVIVO. It q'j: 'raad '.ure --;. :VeKsrvot-o-QtE8, L0b5 Vitality I:-,-V.r.c. ?.:-:H'7 Eajlzel lis.! jwer,I'fel';"nv i.-ciuvsr, v.'xl::.- lzi?3e3,i all etfects t e&if-: :e- rr sxres tnd i ialsci-ctioa, vhich V2!tu can tc-v ,r . ;.-n5-- cr a-i".vrir. It fjotonl7cur6Bl'yEi!'--"..'! r.tineneat r,i Ziztzm, Dui ioarrett norvetr' . v. . '.: i. ;-"ii. brin? mi tact ths y'tol. z vt.'u- s iadr&- ftonng the ftt c? ;-..n 'i, h --tli Xr.3ra.j 2(5 Consumption. lr. st czi ! 'iiliJVI.VCf, a otber It can be carriod in vs; t -cC.znt. LytLill, i.0OperpftcScRe.or tlx. V.-ZZZ-r'- TrIi v. -Ive -vyrlr.tcn :-6.Htf t crjrvs r.Tt.rvi:. ter mocy. WOO ii : fl ii , c let. ". .clrcn lit 1 Ilk I' III ' 1 I t .. Pi CAGO- iLL, SSFor sale in G-cldcboro. N. C. u -jyr TO Rohinsr.n - Tiria ftT? c; "OCinbOIl K .5rO? nuU Eoeliph Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Hoft or Calloused Lamp? and Blemishes from horsee, Blocv hpavins, Uurbs, Splints, aweerJ Rmsr Bone, Stifles, Sprains?i Swollen Throats, Uoughs, fjc 50 by viseKof oni ranted the mst '-lire ever kr Robmson & i 1 I bora, N. C. is Y Mm J r f