THE MODERN BANQUET. A. r 3. lit r 1 n ) ii it t Ml Be A Real Woman. I Ko. 805 Pease Avenue, Houston, Texas, May 14, 1903. I was barren during the six years of married life, suffering with painful menstruation and a dozen other aches and pains. I was a poor excuse for a wife as I was not able to be up tvaTi about half the time and daily strew weaker and "Wine of Cardui changed me into a different woman in five short months, made me robust and strong. I am very grateful to you for my good health and am today blessed with a baoy wno is the pride cf our home and this is all due to yoxa medicine. Vick-Presidbnt, Houston JUothkiu3' Ciatb. of Cardui brings health to sick Wine women. Wine of Cardui brings children to barren homes. How can anv woman refuse the health Mrs. Mason has? Any woman can secure ex- ! actlv the same relief if she will take Wine of f; Cardui. Wine of Cardui is a certain cure for EL- 1 menstrual irregularities. It will not do impos- C ' l sibilities but it does cure bearing-down pains, makes motherhood possible for barren wives and relieves the pains at the monthly period. Secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui today. All druggists sell $1.00 bottles Wine of Cardui. mams ISJK V4 5 35! Santa Claus Mill - &uy MORE SLIPPERS THIS YEAR THAN EVER BEFORE. HE CONSIDERS THEM THE MOST GIFTS, THAT USEFUL. CHRISTMAS CAN BE MADE. Slippers and Hats. ARE A YEAR'S LONG REMINDER OF THE GIVER. CHOOSING HERE IS EASY, FOR OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE. IT IS ONLY A QUESTION OF TASTE. This is the Christinas Shoe Store. BIZZELL BROS., THE UP-TO-DATE SHOE MEN. Richmond Times-Dispatch. The Governor-elect of New Jersey publicly i announces that he is op- 1 posed to 'ithe wasteful and frivolous banquet." . The banquet has its use3. Our banquets are entirely too elaborate. They lack simplicity. . There is too much variety on the menu card. There are too many courses.Wehave oysters on the shell, soup, fish and two and sometimes three courses of heavy meats, then salads," then sweets, then nuts and raisins and the inevitable cup of black coffee. The wine list is equally varied, and the man who drinks all the wine that is set before him and eats all the indi gestible food must have the stomach of an ostrich or a bad case of indiges tion, which unfits him for work dur ing the following day. The modern banquet is made for the glutton, and tempts men to gluttonous indul gence. The abuse has gone fo far that men who would preserve their health must either refuse to attend banquets or learn when in attendance to control their appetites and refuse to be stuffed. But the latter is the wiser course, and the Governor-elect of New Jer sey has made a mistake in not adopt ing it. He and representative men like him who are opposed to "waste ful and frivolous banquets" should undertakeNto check the abuse, not by refusing to attend, but by attending and petting the example of temper ance and abstemiousness. If the re formers will only let the caterers un derstand that they are in favor of a simple, sensible, digestible repast, it will not be long before the menu card wili present a very different ap pearance, and the banquet will be- cbme an occasion of social enjoyment in moderation, instead of a feast of revelry and gluttony. SJNHAPPINESS DISPELLED. Men and Women. Unanlmons About It. Many women weep and wail and refuse to be comforted because their once mag nificent tresses have become thin and faded. Many men Incline to profanity because the flies bite through the thin thatch on their craniums. It will be good news to the miserable of both sexes, to learn that NeWtaro's Herpicide has been placed upon the market. This is the new scalp germicide and antiseptic that acts by destroying the germ or microbe that Is the underlying cause of all hair de struction. Herpicide Is a new prepara tion, made after a new formula on an entirely new principle. Anyone who has tried it will testify as to Its worth. Try It yourself and be convinced. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., De troit. Mich. Higgins DrusrCo.,;Special Agents. i axative I iHD nn Goldsbopo Savings and Trust Go. o- -PAYS- -o Interest at Rate of 4 per cent.per annum. Interest paid every three months. We are independent when saving a part of We are sure to be rich if we continue the practice. Begin at once by opening an account with the Goldsboro Savings and Trust Co. DIRECTORS : I. F. DORTCH, B. H. GRIFFIN, J. S. CRAWFORD, ED. EDMUNDSON, W.T.YELVERON, W.H.COBB, GEO. C. ROYALL, GEO. C. B. MILLER, L. WEIL, M. J. BEST, A. NORWOOD. Card of Thanks. I wish to thank the public for their kindness to me, in giving me work to do during the past year. Think how you would have felt if you had not have been able to stand on your feet all day to do a man's work as I j have been. I feel thankful to them that have given me work to do, and if some of you were in my condition, you would be thankful too. I run a wagon and haul sand and clay in yards. I wouldbe very thankful for your work if you have anything in my line to do. Orders left with Mr. L. B. Bass will be promptly attended to. Respectfully, B. F. PHELPS. An improvement ever fill Cough, Lung and Bronchkl Remedies. Cures Coughs. Strengthens the Lungs find Gently Moves tho Bowels. Pleasant to th t&sta and gpod aiiko for Young end Old. f&r l& CMsp 9. S. L ggins Drug Co. Special Excursion to Havana, Cuba. Do not miss this opportunity to visit this beautiful and attractive island .-as it will afford, not only the opportunity for you to make a delightful trip -but to the manufacturer of the South, will offer the additional opportunity to investigate the possibilities of Cuba with the view of developing their rbusiness in that country. A personally conducted, special excursion to Havana, Cuba, January 4th, 1905, Washington, D. C, Richmond and Nor folk, Va., and intermediate points in the States of Virginia, North and ,South Carolina, will connect with the Peninsular and Occidental Steamship .(Company's steamer leaving Port Tampa, Fla., on the night of Jan. 5. 1905. The party will be limited to 150 persons, therefore reservations should ?be made promptly, in order to secure proper accommodations on the Steamship "Olivette", the most comodious ship of the Peninsular and Oc cidental Steamship Company, which will convey the party to Havana.. Tickets will be limited for return passage on any steamer leaving Ha vana until January 19th, 1905, with privilege of stopovers at any point in the State of Florida, south of Jacksonville, within final limit of ticket, - which will be January 22nd, 1905. The rate, $45.55 from Goldsboro, N. C, for the round trip includes -meals and staterooms on the steamship. Mr. A. W. Fritot will meet the party in Jacksonville and accompany them to Havana. Mr. Fritot will meet the party m Jacksonville and ac . company them to Havana. Mr. Fritot speaks Spanish fluently and will place himself at the disposal of the party, furnishfag any information de sired. Trains for which tickets for this excursion will be sold will leave Goldsboro. N. C. at 12:20 and 9:37 p. m. January 4th 1904. Make up your party and go and should you desire any other informa tion. books, pamphlets, etc., on Cuba, or "What to say in Spanish and . How to say it," address, H. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. W. J. CRAIG, Gon'l Pas. Agt. WILMINGTON, N. C. Thousauds Cured. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has cured thousands of cases of Piles. "I bought a box of DeWitt's Witch j Hazel Salve on the recommendation of our druggist," so writes C. H. La Croix, of Za valla, Tex., "and used it for a stubborn case of Piles. It cured me permanently." Sold by Golds boro Drug Co. our tomach No appetite, loss f trenyfh, Bsrvousnass, headache, constipation, bad breath, f oneral debility, tour ris ings, and catarrh of tke stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol enrea Indigestion. This new dtsooyery repre sents the natural Jittoes of digestion as they exist In a healthy stomach, eomblned with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only cor In digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleanslne, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining la stomach. BIQESTS WHAT YOU CAT Cftvss Kaalt tm tfce BlcDt eauft IMswatflt tfc Wee Js. i r. st koto sH sm MwEfat sit, wtkiea sells far See, if B. ft. BeWltt 0e., CMsafa. Cheap Hates. On account of the inauguration of Governor Glenn on January 11th, the Atlantic & North Carolina Rail road will sell reduced rate tickets from all points on its line to Raleigh and return. Tickets will be on sale beginning January 8th, final limit January 12th. The rate will be one first class fare plus 25 cents for the round trip. For military organiza tions a rate of one cent a mile will be given. The indications now are that a large number of people from the .Eastern section of the State will at tend the inauguration. P i i ' ' It to . .3 is O d ban w "I Use a Sachet Talcum Puff Why Don't You?" The mo?t ingenious puff ever invented. The nuif jtseif is made of eiderdown, Soft and Fine through which the delicately ' scen'tecTpure air float talc percolates. The only talc on earth, fine enough to geritly and uniformly sift through a thin substance, distributing the Talcum in just the right portion, preventing the flying of loase powder over the dressing table or clothing. Infinitely superior to the tin can or box. Try one and you will use no other. The largest and finest assortment of Meerlioun Pipes ever brought to Goldsboro now on exhibition at . ,: 2??? PALACE DRUG STORE. JESPDon't fiil 1 se them before buying. Ye will save you money. COST. fesnaBsamBKSBi The Weath Decorating JbLan tel and '.any, Comp -DEALERS IN- ST -" - - 1 Fra-rk-ai 1 5 r,t. Hard Wood Mantels Tiles Grates Etc. We do all kinds of Interior Decorating. OUR stock of wall paper is the largest and finest in the State. If you are interested it will pay you to see our line of Mantels and Interior . Decoration. Our salesman can give you the latest ideas as to your Decoration. Correspondents Solicited. ' For sale in Goldsboro by Goldsboro Drue Oo. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets - A Busy Medioiue for Busy People. Brings Golden Health and Eenewed Vigor. A specific for Constipation, Indigestion, LIva and Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impure Blood, Bad Breath, Sluggish Bowels, .Headache and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea In tab let form, 85 cents a box. Genuine .made by Hollister Drdg Company, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE ForSale at Higgins Drug Co. The Weathers Mantel and Decorating Company, 11-13 & 14 West Hargett St., Raleigh, N, C. Dark - Plain New Hulled Mountain Buck Wheat, New Hulled Plain Pennsylvania Buck Wheat, New Crop Maple Syrup, New Packed Pickles. Atmore's Mince Meat, Atmore's Plum Puddingy Saratoga Chips, Mothers Oats, Petti Johns Breakfast Food, Shredded Wheat Biscuit, Our Blend Coffee, Seal Brand Coffee, Emperor Blend Tea, Finest Grown. Remember we are Headquarters for the Best of Everything. Fonvielle Grocery Co. .nouxxd Give positive euei Powerful Combination. BaooewfnllT jpsea uy FOR RENT The Slocumb Home stead, corner of Walnut and Slocumb streets. Lately repaired. Water convenience. Eight rooms be sides Kitchen, Pantry," Bath and ser vants room. Apply to J. C. Slo cumb, at Dewey Bros. Not -o- We have just added to our plant the most expen sive and latest improved collar finishing machine on the market, and we now guarantee to . shape 'and remove ali rough edgps without breaking a collar. WTe have also discovered a new method for washing which thoroughly disinfects and leaves the linen in a sweet healthy condition without injuring it in the least. We are now giving the people of this country the best work that can be turned out by a first class steam laun dry. Give us a trial and be convinced. Call up phone 589 and have us send for your work. "DO IT TO-DAY." The time-worn injunction. "Never put off 'till to-morrow what you can do to-day," is now generally present ed in tms iorm: "Uo it to-dav!" That is the terse advice we want to give you about that hacking cough or demoralizing cold with which you nave Deeu struggling tor several days, perhaps week3. Take some reliable remedy for it to-day and let that remedy be Dr. Boschee's German Syrup, which has been in use for over thirty-tive years. A few doses of it will unouotedly relieve yoar cough or -otd, and its continued use for a few days will cure von onm. pletety. No matter how deep-seat,d your cough, even if dread consump tion has attacked your lungs, German Syrup will surely effect a cure as it has dwne before in thousands of ap pareatly hopeless cases of lung trou ble. New trial bottles, 25c; regular size, oc, at me vjroiasboro Drug Co. in Goldaboro, and at Aaron's Phar macy in Mt. Olive. DIVIDEND NOTICE. Atameetinar of the Directors of the Atlantic & North Carolina Rail road Company held in Goldsboro, N C. on Dec. 20th 1904, a dividend of one ner cent on the capital stock of said Company was declared payable at Goldsboro N. C. on Dec. aist, 1904. The stock books of said Com pany will be open for the proper re cording of translers of shares of stock until the close of the 28th d"y of Dec. 1904, and will remain closed until the close of the 3rd day of Jan uary 1905. D. J. Bkoadhuest. eec. ana xreas. Goldsboro Steam Laundry PHONE 589. Red Spruce and Cherrv. th oi 1 old fashioned cough and cold mm W. Ii. DAVIS, Manager. 25o at Robinson's Drug store. , GREETINGS We extend our thanks to those who have given us a share of their patronage and wish for all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. We shall sell the remainder of our Holiday Goods at greatly reduced prices. Nice lines of Desks, Tables, Pedestals, Pictures and Rugs almost at yoilr own price. Yours Truly, MORE jP NATHAN D. ANDREWS. Manager, m 3? 107 N. John St. Between Walnut St. and New Post Office. 5 Great Reduction To Closa Out Our Immense Stock of Goods. O f iaie -o- To the Ladies. I would be pleased to serve the la dies of this city in Cleaning and Dressing their Hair. I can give the best of reference. All who wish my services can leave orders at No. 611 George street or they can phone .me at 864. Respectfully. FISHER MANUEL. Or. J.'-N. Johnson, . DENTIST. Office upstairs in Borden building near the Bank oi Wayne. We are determined to close out our tremendous stock of Jgoods to make room for new stock and to do so we are going to offer some GREAT BARGAINS for 30 aays. Shoes and Slippers. We have some of thebest shoes for the money to be found in Golds boro, and the balance of our stock of slippers will go AT COST. fJt 10,000 lbs of Tobacco. Job Lbts, Will be sold from 15 cts a pound up. Best tobacco in the town for the money. Other goods will be s ld as low as you cm buy them in Goldsboro. Give us a call and don't forget the place. Sale is now on. W yk f M j c. c. or r . camunason.

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