f III THE LEGISLATURE. gSENATE AND vIIOUSE CON SIDER' BILLS. .Against Anti-Jug. Methodist Church Sends Memorial . On Divorce., Dill to Pay Expenses of Governor. V4 The General Assembly jogged along on its course yesterday, and before the sessions ended the House concluded it had enough to take a rest till Monday, while the Senate will work to-day. Later, on second thought, the House concluded . to s ork also. , In the Senate a memorial was pre sented by Mr. Foushee, of Durham, this being from the Methodist Con- . ference of North Carolina m favor of a stringent divorce law for North Carolina. It pointed out the evils of hastily entered into marriages and of loose and lax divorce laws which were asked as the result. It held that once married the burdens should be borne, except for Biblical reasons, and that these should be the cause for divorce. Mr. Scales, of Guilford, introduced a bill to allow the Governor $1,000 a year for traveling and other ex penses, this to be paid monthly. The bill went to the Committee on Sal aries and Fees, and yesterday after noon w as reported favorably. The Webb bill to regulate the granting of licenses to stills in Ashe ville and Buncombe was passed or amended, this allowing no license to stills of less than thirty-six bushels a day capacity, a penal bond of $5,000 to be made for violation of law, no sales less than five gallons, under penalty of fine and imprisonment. Among bills of interest introduced were these: To provide a Park and Tree Commission for Charlotte; to permit Wilmington to receive lands out of the city for park purposes; to increase pay of jurors in Pitt to $2 a day, this bill passing both House and Senate. Other bills are referred to in the proceedings of the day. Criini Confirmed. Washington, Jan. 6. The nomina tion of W. D. Crum, a negro to be collector for the port of Charleston, S. C, was confirmed by the Senate in executive session to-day by a vote of 38 to 17. Crum has been nomi nated by the President three times and -in addition to these nominations has received three recess appoint ments and is now serving under the last of these. Confirmation was op- i'i f t , i m r 1 1 . . l x. , -'i poseu uy oeuaxur j-iumau, wiiu uu i v jecled to the appointment of a negro. Senator Tillman made a speech Jmtr- -aevotea almost entirely 10 xne ques tion ot the constitutional right of the President to make a recess appoint ment when no actual recess had oc curred, the Senate having adjourned one session and begun another at noon of the same day. He introduced at the last session of Congress a reso lution on the subject of constructive recesses, which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Senator Piatt, ol Connecticut, chairman of the committee, said the resolution had been referred to a sub-committee and that he expected a report would be made later. i ' The race issue played a very in significant part in the debate, which was participated in by fully a dozen Senators. When Crum receives his commis sion he will be entitled to receive the salary which has accumulated since his first appointment. c iJV -.VI OF THE WORLU; ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM DIVERS SOURCES. rhe Iatest Telegraphic News of the v Day Boiled Down to a Focus For Busy , Readers. Congress has taken a holiday with out any deduction ol pay. And Nan Patterson did not get put New Year's Day. She still has hopes, j , ' Rojestvensky may have precipi tated Port Arthur's downfall. Who knows. The Russian bear is feeling even worse than the Wall street bear. Do you blame him. There is likely to be a big exodus of zemstvo statesmen to Siberia after the Manchurian war is over. v American inventors are leading the French in their- own specialties, the automobile and the airship. The Boston Journal raises the techicality that there are no dime novels" now. No; they are two for a dime. General Stoessel has sworn off from the habit of holding Port Arthur. Well, now, isn't it time to vacate. Bulgaria is addressing pacific notes to the powers. Look out for some-, thing doing in the Balkans early in the spring. Tokio, Jan. 6. A report received to-day from General Nogi's head quarters largely increases the figures of the surrendered garrison, and esti mates that the force handed over to the Japanese at Port Arthur will be 32,000, exclusive of 15,000 or 16,000 sick and wounded, making a total of 48,000. The ginners of 737 cotton growing counties report that up to December 13 they had ginned 11,848,113 bales. about eighty counties had not been heard from, and they will add about 100,000 bales to the aggregate. These figures do not include linlers. The total crop will therefore go to 12,- 500,000 bales, and possibly to still higher figures. Goldsboro Cotton Tlarket t Furnished Daily by - PARKER COTTON CO., Cotton Factors. Spot cotton 692J According to grade. NEW YORK FUTURE MARKET. Open Tone weak. opn close January ; February.. March May. July October Receipts 15 bales Tone Steady. Robinson's ed Spruce and Oherry Expectorant COUGHS, COLDS arid BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS Every Bottle Guaranteed or Money Refund ' ed. Price 25c. For Sale Only By M. El. RoMnson & Br p. Centre Street. Chemist and Druggists A. A. JOSEPH'S CLOTHING HOU The futures closed practically un changed. , Rheumatism Cur. d in a Iay. Mystic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. -Its action upon the system is remarkable ana mysterious. It re- j moves at once the cause and the dis- j ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents j and $1. Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bro. druggists, Goldsboro, N. C. Constipation and piles are twins. They kill people inch by inch, sap life away every day. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will positively cure you. No cure no pay. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Higgins Drug Co. A full line of Mi3ses and Childrens Tan Shoes just arrived at WEIL'S. Something new. ' Holiday Goods for the Man and for the Boy. Our Store is transformed into a holiday bazaar. Everything that man and boy most delight in is here in abundance. Gifts of a practical and sensible nature suggest themselves whichever way you turn. We are showing a splendid assortment of articles too numerous to mention from 25c. upward. Pay our store a visit you'll be sure to find just what you want. Photo gr&pfaed from Life THE "Zgjftfc RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man of Me. produces the above results tn 30 dayn. It ctf powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail Soungmea will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using ItEVIVO. It quickly and purely restores Nervous cess. Lost Vitality, lmpoiency, Kightly Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of self-abuse or excess and indiscretion, which unfits one for etudy, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the eeat of disease, but la a great nerve tonlo and blood builder, bring ing back the pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing the fire of yonth. It wards off Tnsonit? and Consumption. Ins'ot on having KE VIVO, no other,. It can ba carried in vest pocket. By mail, V1.0O per package, or six for SO.OOc with. potA tve 'written fjrcrantf e to euro or reload ke money. Book amcl arivlse free Address SOYAL MEDICmE C9.60llLhiTi- Jfc3For sale in Goldsboro, N. C. by M. E. Robinson & Bros., and MacKftv's Pjbarcaacv Monogrammed Stationery makes a dainty Christmas Present from A GENTLEMAN TO A LADY. Also 100 engraved visiting cards make an acceptable present. Send us your orders now so that they can be executed in ample time. Samples and prices fur nished upon application. J. P. STEVENS EN GRAVING CO., manufacturers of Society Stationery and Wedding Invitations. 28 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. IT'S LIQUID. URES ALL HEADACHES. The perfect remedy for Golds, Indigestion, Periodic Pains , Brain Fag, etc. Prevents Train Nausea and Sick Headache. Braces the nerves. It's Harmless. Trial bottle 10c. J- '-I H fx The Finest Offer Yet. There seems to be one medicine company that is fair and honest. The Globe Remedy Company, of Mar- tinsburg, W. Va., are at 145 West Centre street, N., giving free samples everv day of their Globe Tonic ' for all disorders of the blood andstom ach and liver and kidney troubles. We hear many lavorable remarks on the merits of their medicine by Goldsboro people who have used it. They ask no one to buy their reme dies, but by their free samples they show that the Globe Tonic does al they claim for it. We know of no medicine company whoso oner is as fair as this one and if you are not in P-bod health, why not try the free $aix) pie? . I Wedding - Gifts. A Pretty Bit OF DELICATE Hand-Painted CHINfV makes a most winsome gift which is an excel- , lent thing to keep in mind these days. . ' Hawkes Standard Cut Class, Hand Painted China. And many other sorts covering an unusually wide Price range. . . . . ' era" Silver and Pearl Handle Silk Um brellas$3 Bo up. Monogram on Handle Free. , I R. fl. CREECH. I LEADING JEWELER. I I , . . - 1 I Beware SSffi? R&VIVO Dig'esto i Tonic J SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. Shake me most un mercifully, draw the cork and take me out all vour aches jj and pains will leave jg you when they, find . that I'm about. tm Take me freely as you need me, each dose teaspoonful and not no more, I'll do more good than any Rem- edy you've ever used before, T am a gf certain cure for Dyspepsia, for Indigestion I can't be beat, I am a deadly foe to Nervous ness, when it comes from what you eat. Try ' on yourself some time, and swift and sure re-g"- Hef I'll give, I cured a lady once in Goldsboro when the doctors said she could not live, j Now don't think I've cured a few and cannot f- cure them all, your money back if I lail on young or old or great or small. I'm sure that once we get acquainted and you fully recognize my worth, you will never be with , out me while you're living on the earth. One bottle may not do the business, if not, there is more for you to try, for I have a million gf" brothers every bit as good as I. Jr 50o. axc3L X.OO Skrt The PALACE DRUG STORE. uiauaauuiuauuuuumaiauiua i aria BUSINESS LOCALS. FOR RENT-TWO furnished rooms. Apply to 209 North James St, "lOR SALE One fine Jerseys milk cow. Fqr particulars apply to W. C. Brogden at postoffice. FOR liiGNT A 7 room, two story house, No. 112 N. George St Water works, electr c lights and sew--erage. Price $18.50 per month. Ap ply to Humphrey-Gibson Co. OR RENT Desirable two-horse farm at the North end of James street. In high state of cultivation. Apply to John M. Grantnam. OST A ladies huntine- caso P-olrT watch, fisrures on dial are e-old. one is set with, a diamond. Finder will receive a reward of $2 for re turning same to this office. COR RENT: A five-room house on Slocumb street. Good large lot, and good water. South of Creech's store. Apply to S. H. Isler, 102 William street. WANTED By a young lady, a position ol stenographer and typewriter. Address, P. O. Box 17, Goldsboro, N. C. WANTED Position as salesman at once. Now with Joseph & Bro. A. S. Pearsall, 314 East Wal nut street. WANTED Responsible man to manage an office and distrib uting depot for large manufacturing concern. Salary $1,500 per . annum and commissions. Applicant must have good reference and $1,000. Capital secure. Addre.-w, Supt. 323 West 12th St., Chiea. o. FOR RENT A 2 hoie farm near the city, residences and out houses, with or without team. Ap ply at once to Dr. M. E. Robin-son 73 Cl All the winter DRESS GOODS have been Sf! marked down. An opportunity to buy seasonable goods at a great discount. All goods worth 60 to 65c. per yard at - - 43c per yd a hiif. 1 2 drpss natterns. various weaves, were $1.50 99 a TTorrl at - - - - - - - 98c per yd All goods worth 25 to 35c. per yard at - - 19c per yd 99 m & GLOfKS j & g All $2.50 ' Cloaks : at - ' - - 5l0.lV. .O All $7.50 to Cloaks at - - - 5.?'.'. O All other Cloaks, Furs, etc. marked at very low figures. IGfVSTBX 6c GO. 9 Your -Bill In the run of a year amounts to quite an ; . item. If you will -buy your soap here, we think we can save you money. Our stock of Toilet Soaj) consists of over Twenty-five different brands. , This week we are "sell ing GENUINUE TURKISH BATH SOAP at 4c. a cako, a saving of 12 cents a box -over the regular price. Why not lay In av -month's supply? Six cakes of the best Laun- - dry Soap made for 25 cents. , ; v Goldsboro Driig Co. BeU Phone No. 1. The People's PopiSar Drug store V ANTED $8 to $12 weekly, easily earned by either sex knitting seamless hosiery for the western market; our improved family machine with ribbing attachment furnished worthy families who do not own a machine on easy payment plan, write at once for full particu- ars and commence making money. No experience required. United States Woolen Co., Detroit, Mich. 499999999Ht9cMM A Holiday Pointers s Do not complete your i Christmas Purchases, either for PRESENTS or for HOME until you have seen our beautiful : o ' Handpainted China PIECES and gotten S our prices. S J.H. Hill & Son The Popular Druggists, at H Ken non Hotel corner. !E i9999 Plumbing Is Important Perfect Sanitation Is Healthy. Let us talk over the -bath room question with you. - - Tuttle; & Stevehs. 212 E "Centre St., North. Heating, Plumbing and Roofing, Low pressure steam heating a spec uiuy. ,. Phone 586. '

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