THE ARGUS. DAILY and weekly. LODGE DIRECTORY. fcrOldsboro Council No. 89. Jr. O. U. A. M., meets every Wednesday Fellows Hall. Cordial welcome to all visiting brethren. f&uflLn Lodge No. 6, K. of P., meets every Friday evening, at 7:80 o'clock in Odd Fellows Hall. Knightly welcome to visitors. Neuse Lodge No. 6, I. O. O. F., meets every Tuesday evening, at 7:30' o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Cordial welcome to visi tors. Wayne Lodge, No. 112, A. F. & A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Monday evenings, 7:30 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Visiting brothers heartily welcomed. LOCAL. CHIEFS. ENCOURAGING WOKIS. WALTER LETTER. You know the medicine that makes pure, rich blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your mother, grandmother, all your folks, used it. They trusted Sarsaparilla it. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust it yourself. There is health and strength in it. " I suffered terribly from Indigestion and thin blood. I found no relief until I took Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Four bottles perma nently cured me." ' Mrs. F. B. Hart. Mt. Kisco, N. Y. J. C. ATIK CO., m Lowell, Mass. for 11 Judge Fred Moore Talks About Chronicling of a Week's Events in Prohibition.' T How Prohibi- t tioa Works Over the State One of the best Judges on the Bench in Kcrth Carolina, id Hon. Fred inoore, who is now holding Wayne Superior Court. Judge Moore is not only a good lawyer, but what he says and does That Thriving Neigh borhood. ARGUS BUREAU WALTER, N. C. April 19, 1905. Mesdames Don Scott and Ida I Murvin, of your city, spent Monday on the Bench is seasoned with good , with Mr. and Mrs. Lou Dail. 1 1.00 a bottle. Alldruggtsts. Rich Blood er S Kins are genny ihjuiuc. ey greatly aid tine sarsaparma. Items of Interest In and Around the City. Daniel J. feully is an owlish man in an interview. He is not telling the masses what he intends doing in the cotton market. The death of Mr. Isaac Williams, 80 years of age, occurred at his home in Grantham's township, Thursday morning, of dropsy. There is to be given a Social, for the benefit ot St. Paul carpet fund, at the home of Mrs. Jack Vinson,on South Slocumb street, Wednesday, April 26. The public are cordially invited. The Southern interstate cotton con vention has declared in favor of a re duction of acreage. Farmers who take advantage of this to "work the rabbit's foot" on the other fellow will doubtless pay for it in the prices for the next crop. The town of Fremont is moving for a graded school. It has long need ed such an institution and the grow ing wonder has been over its long delay in establishing one. But the people up there are thoroughly aroused now and are in earnest, and an election has been called on the question. The Argus recognizes that Thos. Ituffin Camp, Confederate Veterans, of Wayne county, has honored itself in conferring upon Miss Minnie SSio- cuinb, of this city, the honor of be ing sponsor for their camp at the coming annual reunion of the United Confederate Veterans, which comes off this year at Louisville, Ky., in June. Mr. W. 1. Griffin has iust pur chased the handsome Watts home, on the corner of John and Spruce, I street?, for t'5,000 cash. This has been a very interesting case, involv ing the construction of a will, and two appeals from decisions of the Superior Court, the last decision of the Supreme Court affirming a sale. The case has been pending about three years, and was effected by the Humphrey - Gibson Company and Mr. W. C. Manroe. Friday morning about 12 o'clock, Leslie Croom, a young negro boy about 18 years of age, made an un successful attempt to break into Mr. R. E. Pipkin's money drawer, which is located in the rear of the store, Young Croom is employed at Annie Croorvs restaurant, near by, and picked his chance and entered the store from the back door while the clerical force were engaged at the front. A policeman was notified, and when he went to the restaurant to arrest the negro he made a break for liberty with the police officer and a number of others in hot pursuit. He was finally captured near the cemetery and brought back and placed in the lock-up. Some one entered the wholesale store of J. WMsler &Co.,Thurs night about 11 o'clock, and broke open the money drawer and stole what change the drawer contained, amounting to something like $5.00. There were evidently two or more in the party, aa the entrance was made through the upper story back window, by one of the party getting on a mo lasses barrel, which was on the out side, and being assisted by the other party to the upper window, from whence he climbed down into the store. After procuring the money the thief opened the back door and made his escape, leaving tne door -open. Police officer Smith found the door open immediately after going on his beat at 1 o'clock, and watch ed the store until next morning, but the thief never returned. The money was all that could be missed. BIG PLANT AT NEW BKKX. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Will Build Fertilizer Works There. judgment. In a word, he is fair, conservative and just.' The Argus man was deeply im pressed yesterday with the remarks of Judge Moore concerning prohibi tion in Norlh Carolina. In sentencing a man to the roads for selling whiskey in Goldsboro, Judge Moore took occasion to say, that it takes time for the people in any community to become accustom ed to auy extreme change of condi tions, and in the change from open bar rooms to prohibition that, for a time, u any good people are more or less oi x)0se(i to prohibition, and con sequently it is the more difficult to bring to justice violators of the law: but in holding court all over North Carolina, it had been his observation that the longer prohibition has been in effect in a community the easier it becomes to bring to justice those who violate the law by selling liquor, be Mr. Geo. Hooks and Miss Effle Swinson spent Sunday at Pikeville, tha guests of Miss Lula Vail. The weather has cut up all sorts of antics for the past several days, and truck is badly damaged. Most all beans are killed. Mr. B. F. Sugg, of Washington, spent Sunday night at Oak Glen, on his way to Chadbourne. We were glad to see him. Miss Bessie Swinson goes to your KILLING BABIES. The National Association of Stale Dairy and Food Departments recently met in Chicago, and papers read be fore it relative to the effects ol the adulteration of foods went to shew ' that 450,000 babies are each year killed by the millonaire concoctors of poisoned food. Boric acid, forma lin, salicylic acid and a dozen other poisons are employed in the factories that prepare canned and other foods', ! and the infant digestive organs are not equal to the tasks imposed upon ! them imposed uj.on them for the sake of gain. j It is not possible to state just what proportion of infant deaths in this country are due to adulterated food prepartions, but it is known that 450 000 babies died each year on account ot intestinal and stomach complaints. Be the number killed by adulterated foods more or lees, it is due the public that no infantshall be murdered in an I ft ' el I city next week, where 6he is to take open manner in that way. In the a position with the Southern Bell countries of Europe the consumer is Telephone Company. Our commun ity will miss her. protected against hidden poisons in food preparations. The laws are Cards have been received here for!strict' are enforced the marriage of Mr. Tom Gurley, ' We need pure food laws. Congress That eastern North Carolina i only beginning t enter upon the de velopment of its vastly diversified and remunerative agricultural pos sibilities is the growing and gratify- cause the people realize iu due time ing conviction of intelligeutobservers atKi by palpable experience that pro- throughout this section, ana every i hibitiou is such a good thing for the year brings cumulative evidence community that their opposition to who has many friends in our section , f o Uiar session, out me luieiraiH assaueu readily defeated it. And yet the con- to Miss Adair Hardee, of LaGrange, which happy event is to take place the 26th inst. We wish them the fullest measure of life's happiness and joy. Some few of our farmers have planted cotton and a good many of tbem will plant this week. But the that the farmers are not onty reanz- the law passes away, and they are ingtheir superb advantages ofsoil cli- ready to aid in bringing violators of I price is very discouraging, and if the mate, and railroad facilities for the the law to justice. I farmers plant a big crop, in the face transportation of their products to market, but also, that they have within their easy reach of wnicn they themselves are largely the pro ducersa fertilizer that is, so to speak, indigenous of the soil, and peerless in prolinu results. We refer to the rnanula-uured. pro duct of the Virginia-Carolina Chemi cal Company, constituted, as the name implies, of Southern men, who by nature and interest, are in sym pathy with the struggles of the farm ers and are active in bringing closer to their doors the fertilizer which science and experience alike endorse as the paragon crop producer for the soil of this section. Andsothourghly have our farmers become embued with this fact that each year the demand for it grows faster than the capacity of the Com pany's manufacturing plants can sup ply, although the company run their plants constantly and are increasing the number yearly. They are just completing a magnificent plant at Selma for the exclusive manufacture of fertilizer, and their spacious plant in this city is running day and night, and vet the local demand for their fertilizer is greater than they can readily supply and at the same time take care of the heavy orders that are coming in and congesting from the fertile territory east of U3. In consequence oi this reiterating experience and increasing with every recurring planting season the Argus learns, from reliable source, that the Virginia Carolina Chemical Company have determin ed upon the immediate construction of an immense fertilizer manufactur ing plant at Newbern, which they will have in full operation in time to supply the local demands for their peerless fertilizers in that section next year. In this movement for the more convenient and promptly supplying the demands of the farmers, and obviating the congestion of orders and the inability of railroads to supply transporation for phenomenal sudden demands, the Company are to be highly commended for their liberal public spirit and their evident ap preciation of the generous patronage bestowed upon them by the farmers generally. A SAB DEATH. of present prices, it will seal their JAPAN AT l'OKT AltTIIUU. Idoom. Farmers cannot grow cotton Now that Japan holds by virtue profitably at 7 cent., with $200.00 of a second col quest Port Arthur, I 1 a &- she does not kn w what to do with proprtion. it. She will hold it against all I We see an effort is being made to comers, but she may not lortny it or i rid the state ot ticKs. n tnis is aone, attempt to make it a stronghold. I what is a fellow to do for a good Many advocate the filling up the J scratch? And then, we would not narrow harbor. Its narrow mouth I care so much ii they would take red can be readily closed, and it would J bugs, chigger?, &c, also, as they can then cease to be useful or desirable I raise more cain to the square inch as a naval station to any nation. I than anything that has ever scrapd Japan would perhaps continue to J our acquaintance. Well, while the use it as a harbor it it did not involve I work of eradicating them is going a division of her navy. She will I on. there is scratching ahead for prefer to concentrate her ships and J somebody.. ury uocksuuu biiip aiua at puu.i fr!onr, hprp wrn triad Dear lsasaui, uuiii wmtu puusoc , moot. Mr TV "R Pxrkw at. Snrintr sumer in this country has a right to j know when the canned tomatoes he buys are colored with aniline dyes, when copper is used in his canned peas, when the milk he purchases for his babies' use has been treated with formalin or boric acid. The poison trade runs all through the list of foods, and it is well nigh impossible in this country to buy pure foods. All the people ask is that the names and quantiteis of poisons used be plainly printed on the package, but this is just what the manufacturers will not permit, because it might les sen their profits. They prefer to go on killing 450,000 babies a year. Food to work on is food to live on. A man works to live. He must live to work. He does both better on Uneeda Biscuit, the soda cracker that contains in the most properly bal anced proportions a" greater amount of nutriment than any food made from flour. Efc W Sm Ua UlfUifi 1 HsSy Horror PINE BUFF ITEMS. can reach and strike any point in the China sea or Japan sea or Yellowsea A strong squadron at Sasebe would render the keeping of a strong tquad ron at Port Arthur wholly unneces sary. Port Arthur is valuable to Japan in a negative sense only. She cannot afford to have Rnssia or- any other western nation hold Port Arthur be cause that would endanger her own holding of Korea. Port Arthur will remain in Japauese hands 'simply because Korea has become a part of Japan to all intents and purposes, But Sasebo is the more likely loca tion of her naval stronghold Hill last Thursday. Notwithstand ing the very disagreeable weather, there was a good crowd present, and after enjoying a speech from Mr. Parker, there was spread as abun dant and as good dinner as we ever enjoyed. After dinner, the business meeting of the Alliance was held and much interest was manifested. The farmers are more interested than they have been in some years. LOW KATES. via Chronicling of a Week's Events in That Thriving Neighborhood. Owing to the weather not very much farming is being done, al though some corn and cotton have been planted. Ooe day last week while playing in the store, one of Mr. Alex. Ay- cock's children swallowed the cap off of a "pop" bottle, which caused right much alarm, although it is do ing very well thus far. Prof. A. N. Cullom, with his family and singing class, at Pitt man's school house, will give a pic nic at the old Sasser mill, Friday, 1 April 28, as the closing exercises of , the Singing Class at that place. Ba on hand at 9 o'clock with your lunch and hshing potts ana lets nave a Please don't for- ALONG LIFE'S WAY. The Observer Who Can Look on and Look in and Himself be Wise. A noted philospher once said, "The more I see of people, the better I like dogs." There is more humor than irony in the remark, but the man who turns aside from the study of people to observe the good qualities ' of his canine friends is losing one of life's rarest pleasures. There is no study more fascinat ing, more attractive and more ab sorbing than that of human nature. What a kaleidoscopic array of faults, foibles, vices and graces, nobility, contemptibleness there is displayed ! And what a pleasure to the ob server who can stand aside and watch the route unmoved ; note the little schemes of the mauling, pushing throng, interpret the smile of the flatterer, weigh the promise of an honest man and laugh at life's follie."! The observer? He has hie faults if he be human but is doubly blessed if in others he can see ln own good and bad qualities reflestid! The observer who smiles will do no harm ; the observer who scowls is himself in need of correction. F.xtremelvlow rates a'-e announced " I A r.A fi ,V, f.T thft Southern Railway from Klttu,J Its noint nn it lines for the following J?el tBe ume- -rrogrdmme oegins at harbor can hold a nunureu Dattie-1 special occasions ships, ai;a Japan may yet duiiu mat Athens Ga. Summer School, numbej. The harbor ot Jf ort Artnur I june 27-J uly 28, 1905 is limited iu area, aud Japan may I Atlanta, Ga. National Association indeed de. Lie that it shall have none! of Manufacturers, May 16-18, 1905 at all. Little Glover I'eterson is no More. The heart of our entire commu nity pulses with infinite sympathy for Mrs. Ida Glover Peterson, iu the death of her interesting little" son Glover, 9 years old, which occurred this morning at ten minutes to 5 o'clock, at her beautiful home on Park Avenue, where for days the little boy has battled for life against a strange malady that rendered him unconsiou3, while our people as a community have hoped that he might be spared to the fond mother, whose loving heart is sodessolate now that the sweep of the death angel, s wing has gathered him to join the spirit of his father, the late Mr. Walter Park er Peterson, beyond earth's sight, in the eternities of God, who gave aud who hath taken away again. May He give her in this so sad bereave ment that comfort which passeth alt understanding aud that only ccmes through humble subinissiou to His holy will. Mr. and Mr?. Glover, of New Brit ain, Conn, the parents of Mrs. Peter son, and Capt. and Mrs. J. E. Peter son, the parents of the little boy's father, of this city, have been con hlantly with the young mother, do ing what they can for 1 er comfort. CJP.ES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS l Sytup. T??.tes Good, ms Sold by druggists. B:-:l U,3 Cold Snap fC Years Ago. The cold weather last night caus d several old people in this city to r; ' call the big snow that A.1I April 16, 1849, just 56 years ago last night. The leaves on the trees, as well as all other vegetation, were killed and afterwards had the appearance of winter, so the old people say. Robinson's Liver Regulator cores Constipation 16c enly. italic! in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Disease relieved in six hours by "New Ghbat South American Kidnei Cube." It is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kzdnejs and back, in male or female. Re lieves retention of water almost im mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by 1L E. Robinson & Bro druggists, OolcUbdrotK. X Now Ready For Woman's Club Library. The following new books are now available at the Woman's Club Li brary: Child -ketches from George Eliot. Juan and Juanita. Book of clever beasts. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Siient Places. -Cap'n Eri. Graustark Beverly of Graustark. Music and other poems. A Belle of the Fifties. Clansman. The Story-Tour. Elinor Arden. American Boy3 Handy Book. Prodigal Son. Five-Minute Stories. Rationalism, 2 vol. Baby Elton (quarter back.) Boysof '61. The Wrecker. Age of Chivalry. Poor Boys Wiio Became Famous. Girls Who B.came Famous. His Majesty's Sloop. Hans Brinker. Food and Cookery For tha Sick. Double Harness. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news- oapers is sure to know of the. wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. 1. 1 .i . ts i is ins grcai meai- Tr; cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific resparrh h . -v m ur. K.umer, the emi- " nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is Wonderfully successful, in promptly curing lame DacK, Kianev. Diadaer, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst Rrm of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Roqt is not rec- ommendedfor everything bat if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you needT It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, amorg the'too poor to pur chase relief ar.d n?.s proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper wiiC nave not a'eaay tried it, may r.&vs a simple bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading thit generous offer in tnis paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer &.Oo.,Bing hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent ai.d Home of swunp-itoot. dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. I Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamp-Root, Dri Kilmer'a i Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. uon every potue. - hBristol, Tenn. terman 1905. Charlottesville, Va. Va. Summer distribution at I School of Metnoas, J une zt-ivug. 4, SEW BOOKS His Claim True. Norfolk, Va., April 17. Thomas Yanbow a conspicuous figure inNor- -Annual Meeting fuik for over fifty years, claimed up Baptist Brethren, June b, to the time of hi3 death that he waa cutiucu aj a. inigc; iui iuuc iu van forma. Five years ago He was ad-! 9 , 1 i 1 A. A i.1 A 1905 juugeu a luuauu tmu seui to une eusi- sLFort Worth, Tex. General As- ern Virginia asylum at Williams- sembiy Southern Presbyterian burg. Two years ago he died and Church, May 18 zb, lyuo. j was buried in a pauper's grave at the Hot Springs. Va. Southern Hard- .winm. a letter has iust been ware Jobbers Association and Ameri- -u K o wiotfn., can Hardware Manufacturers' Asso- j ciation, June 6-9, 1905. 1 the Paclflc stating that Yanbow Kansas City, Mo. -Southern Baptist , was entiiieu m a large portion u an Convention, May 10-17, 1905. ! estate in California, worth upward of MI of nutriment than MJ YffjL from flour. B Uneeda : ism . m fcri p NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY f Graham Crackers Yffl I Buffer Thin Biscuit 1 IfA 11-11 Wlal Ton Risrnil f II II IE, II V wmuuauaps m ie II M - dCS VWk . Syr well-known member of the South Carolina Legislature, I fszJZL&df?& voluntarily written to "Th Field," the Conway, 1 S. C, newspaper, the highest potiible praise ei I I SftfliUtUK-l JT VXA sVKVBH -V T iWM IT M ! W il M 1AUB tmmWiir i( Ht "!t tha Babbitt Chemical Ca.. (eat. S, 1904, that bla daatbtet. Mlta l"Sihi i',? tl-i'-k K" cib,on' ad a tarrible caaa of Rheumatism that all other medicine! and MmfflWnl llS j3v m,nr doctora had tried in Tiia to cara. " She could not walk a atep," ha aalSS H!W.'Wlll8lsSV writes, " and would err and acream from pain. From the week ahe begta I AV. 1 '"'. 'jf Tfy to use Rhenmacide ahe improred, and ii now abiolutelr cured ot thia II aCJlWiSiSaafWir. Uinbl. C. UK.,,,..,;... . A. . . .n.rRr .rflnnit Ii SlW'WA vMiMvia' pnJae it too bighlr. Mr wife ia ao elated oyer the cure that the wiihea to gJJiiJiiWijjir endorse wLat I hare written, ao the addi her name Magtie L. Gibson." This, is onlr one of thoussnds of fnarrelous cures wrought by this wonderful dia SSSa eorerr that powerfuilr CLEANSES THE BLOOD. IMPROVES THE DIGES Sitfjvf TION and BUILDS UP THE ENTIRE SYSTEM. ' 6&k Write BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO, BALTIMORE, for Tree Sampl. The- agonizing torture of this itching, burning dir-eae has at last been conquered. We have secured the selling privilege in this city lor a medicamer.t that not only relieves the awful itching and ourning sensation of this terrible Jisease, but roots it all out of the ikin entirely, leaving a clear, .smooth, healthy covering for the body. Conclusive facts indisputa ble in every particular, have been oresented to us, proving beyond he per-adventure of a doubt, that "cztma, Eczema of Infants, psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Ring Worm, Scald Head, Pimples, Barber's. Itch, Milk Crust, Dan druff, Itching Piles, and all dis eases of the skin and scalp can be quickly and permanently cleaned out of the skin by The 0. D. D. Remedy. "About five years ago I noticed a slight eruption on my limbs, but in a very short time I was a sieht to behold, from my head to my feet, and mv nights were terrible. I was simply on fire. I tried a number of doctors here in this city, but with absolutely no results aside trom easing tne burning pain a little. A friend of mine who had been cured of a very bad case of Eczema by the D. D. D Remedy advised me to try it, which I did, feeling good results from the first. I have been using the D. I). I. Remedy for about three months, using in all, about fifteen bottles, and to day I am a weil man. I also had dandruff in its worse form, and found the D. D. D. Remedy to be a wonder in curing this disease!" F. M. NICHOLS, Moore Apartment House. James St., Syracuse, N. Y. D. D. D. Prescription in a sealed bottle with The comes authentic label on each bottle; it is a liquid applied externally, does not grease nor will it stain or dis color the most delicate wearing apparel. This prescription has our un qualified indorsement, tor aeon- siderable period of time we have been recommending it with most astonishingly effective results. The cures already effected are having a wide-spread influence in this community. If you have a skin affection, come and inquire about the D. D. D. Remedy. It will be the means of makinsr vou a happier htvnan In inr. Knoxville, Tenn. Summer School June 29-July 28,1905. Monteaele, Tenn. Monteagle Bible Training School, J uly 3-Aug. 15, 1905. Mouteagle, c Tenn. Monteagle Sunday School Institute, July 17-Aug. 5,1905. Monteagle, Tenn. Woman's .Con gress, Aug. l-io, iyuo. Nashville, Tenn. Peabody Col lege, Summer School; Vauderbilt Biblical Institute une i4-Aug..iuo Oxford, Miss. Summer School, University of Mississippi, June 14. June 26, 1905. Richmond, Va.-Farmers' National Congress, Sept. 12-22, 1905. $1,500,000. Yanbow's wife is dead and he left no heirs. esKor sale in Goldsboro by MacKay's Pharmacy, J. H. Hill & Son Palace Drug Store and Goldsboro Drug Co. HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT How many hours out of each week would be saved by yourself, yonr family and your teams, by the telephone ? Have you ever calculated how many minutes can be saved in case of business, sickness, or emergency ? Have you ever thought of the dollars you might gain, if you were only in close connection with the market ? Can you conceive of the pleasure to be dfirivorl from havinsr in votir home im- Savannah, Ga. National Travel- mefiiate communication with the homes ers' protective Association oi Amer- . o,, fr,Anr,h c;tr,,r ica, May 16-23. 1905. i 0 Savannah, Ga. Southern Golf t Association, May 9-13, 1905. The telephone will pay for itself by St. Louis, Mo. National Baptist setting better market prices. Anniversary, May 16 24' 1905. It Beveral dollars every Tuscaloosa, Ala. Summer School month bv avoidine needless tains to for Teachers, June 16-J uly 28, 1905. town Bates lor the about occasions open 1 . A . , -u to the public. iJi wui BUU "ver leregraiJu Tickets Will be SOId to these points messages liiuut-uiareij viiuiuui from all stations on the Southern expense. y . , ,. . . . It will keep you informed on weather upon application to any Ticket Agent , Potions upon inquiry. of the Southern Railway, or Agents It will order repairs instantly when of connecting lines, or by addressing machines break down. I tne undersigned: . B. L. VERNON, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. ' J. II. WOOD, D. P. A., . Asheville, N. C. 8. H. H ABD WICK, P. T. M. W. H. TAYLOE, G. P. A. Washington, D. C. ; The Hege Log Beam SAW MILL - WITH heacock-King Feed Works i EstarME"' and Boii,bs. Woodworking f Machinist, Cotton Ginning, Brick- ' maki::gi and Shingle and Lath MAfjnciiv. Corn Etc , GIB3ES MACHINERY CO., Columbia, S. C The Gibbes Shinglt ,yOK!Ns It will do the visiting and make social calls without the trouble of "dressing up" and taking a long, dusty, heated or freezing ride. It will get a doctor on a moment's notice and maybe save a loved one's life. It will get election returns as soon as they are in. It will keep away insolent tramps and prowling burglars. It will keep the boys on the farm. ? -'- It will make homes happier, brighter, better and more delightful in a thousand M, TAKES THE PLACE OF CALOMEL PRICE 35 CENTS. AT ALL DRUGGISTS. Tor sale by J. II. Hill & Son, Palace Drug Store, E. Robinson & Bro., aud Goldsboro Drag Co. NATIONAL REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, GOLDSBORO BUSC11 OFFICE. 6 - I would advise a ay one having farm laud, timber laud or any other kind of Real Estate for sale to see m3 and let ma advertise the sam.9 in the National Real Estate Exchange, which ha 5,000 agent3 scattered all over the United States. Each agent will be furnished with a copy of my advertisement and will represent me in finding a purchaser. ,. J. B. EDGERTON, Real Estate Agent. S31FMember of the National Real Estate - Exchange (Inc.) Complete External and Internal Treatment Consisting of warm baths with 1 1 r to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales t and soften the thickened cuti cle; CUTICURA Oint ment to instantly allay itching:, irritation, and inflammation and soothe and heal; and CUTI CURA Pills to cool and cleanse the blood. A Single Set, costing but One Dollar, is often sufficient to cure the most tortur ing;, disfiguring skin, scalp, and bloci humors, eczemas, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, from infancy to age, when all else fails. . Sold throughout the world. Cutlctir Sonp, 25c, Oint ment, 50c.t Resolvent, 60c. ( in form of Choeulate Coated Pills, 2.1c. per vial of 6U. Depots: London, 27 Charter house Sq. ; Paris, G Kue de la Paix ; Bolton, I'M Columbia Ave. Potter Drug & Chem, Corp., Sole Props. uf Send for " How to Cure Torturing, nisfiguriog Humors from Infancy to Age." t and I Rice - Mo a I , of onr manufacture as resnltof test of sarri predrawn f 1 in s'im of dealers throughout the state has been pirn mured l.y lNorih Carolina Department of Agiieulture'' as of i ioj v s'and ird ;inl jail Kice product. No stronger testimoni .1 of m- r i f the article different way, . x togvB lai-merti iivmK m nil1tl nnRBih v h offered and it vou wi-li tt keeo vcur country are4astalliug telephones in their j . . ' Hog's, Cows and Horses, in- the bost of condition you will immediately start to feed then, on it.. Be sure that the article you get has tax tags attached bear ing name and analysis, as some merchants may offer you inferior homes, and in the near future every cultivator will have a direct means of communication with the outside world. THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. will be tflad to Nervous - Dyspepsia Can be cured if one will, try tlio right thing. I was down with Nerv m Dyspep sia for eight years. i, n i vv.ts taken I weighed 183 po j.kU, ami il reduced me to 18. 1 com i u n 'mch solid food. I believe if i n.i i iiiKoa sonu ioou n wwuiu uavo Ki..txi ui and I had to live on -w.fis lightest kind of Ukt. I had severe nervous spell nearly every day and vvuuiu lia.euuciura to ' treat me, but h uid n n J.i me une particlo of Ojd, uvwu relieve me. 1 wa-tsowjaK thai tor il.roe mou'lio 1 was u a le t -.t.h.tcr ..ia the room. 1 iiaa luiiier Uie iitan ,o suffer it over aga.n aud 1 it 1 tnat 1 was iij a vvore con IiIi.ju than any one; v ho ever lived. Alia. Jut? irerson and my wife per- uadetl me to use Mrs. Joe Person's, ,'.e ueily. I bought a dozen bottles audK Waa '.;v8 monlhs before i felt a a- rene-i' i .1. Tneu 1 tuuimei.toa lunuruvB .i '" 1 .l'nir I took H6 bottles, aud IT C RED Mli. it nas ocen l wo years since 1 was A'.iu-d, autl I Iiave never ha.i a touch ,of I he trvub.e since and can eat nny lluu' iin iir tiie sun 1 want and as) mucli oi u as 1 want. If anyone will otu k totliS. I'ersou's KenieUy long enough o buna up the system, l iv.noW it will cure the most atrra- vated case of dyspepsia or nervous ness that can be found. B. M. MEDL1N. Xreedmore, Granville County, N. O K. rA L. No. 1. Aug. 1904. tarnish full information upon ap-Jand adulterated articles which will not give satisfactory results r?r Kit v rn j in feeding to your stock. If your dealer cannot supply what you STOVE WOOD Kiln-dried Ash' . and Oak blocks best ol stove i nerd,-write tor quotations to I0wapi9 10c buys-a bottle ol Robinson's n.,s : 5 woSd one dollar per load, Liver Regulators. The best 10c. you iiOOl Uyspepsia Our Hvered; Limited supply; Goldsboro i er Invested, . , droits what w C3A rurnitura Manufactorinjf Co, Carolina Rice Mills, GOLDSBORO, N. C. Englinu apavin Liiniment removes all Hard, Wof t or Oalloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints r Sweeney, Ring Bone," Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Uoughs, eto. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold by M.E. Robinson & BrOn druggists, Gold.