'.- HlPgWW C- " mim w n i . V i t; l . ?- ,-c4 ' t Ufa AkitiS.. PuMLu&ed ISrary JEvwiing Except , sita'ifty. GY lbs. E. KOBINSQW.j rCfBCKIPTfQgf PiCEiN VANCE. DAILY AUG US. One Year... , Six Months Three Months One Month.;.... WEEKLY ARGUS. $5.00 2.50 1.50 .50 One Year $1.00 SiarMonths .i .50 Tiuee Months 25 Entered at the postomce in Golds boro, .N. C, as secondrclass matter. Goldsboro, N. C, JUNE 1905. THEJBOLL WEEVIL. Sabine, Calcasieu, DeSota, Vernon ana Caddo parishes, in Louisiina,all lie along the Texas lino. Nachitoches pariah lies east of Sabine parit-h, the Red river flowing through it.fchreve port is in Caddo parri'sh. Boll weevils have rppeared in Sa bine and Calcasien parishes, but not in the other parishes named. In Sa bina and Calcasien the pest is pres ent in large numbers, and in about a week the first brood from the hiber nating brood will appear. The cot ton crop is late, and in most of the paiishes the ordinary seed was plant ed, and the State entomologist antici pates serious injury to the crop in the S ibine and Calcasien parishes. Whether much damage will be done by the insects in DeSota Vernon, N uchitoches and Caddo parishes can not at presant be determined. No reports of the presence of the insects in the four parishes have been re ceived. The assistant entomologist of the crop state commission found in Sa bine parish several weevil eggj on one cotton square, altnough usually only one egg is laid to the square. The truth is the pes: is as numerous in Sabine parish as if it had infested it several years. Sabine parish lies in the latitude of Nathes and Fort Deposit and Union Springs. It is abreast of Alexandria, on the lied river. The pest will not cross this river this year, neither will it cross the Mississippi next year. Two seas ons will be consumed before it will cross the State of Mississippi, and .North Carolina will remain practi caiiy free from destructive weevils until 1U09. WHAT DIXGLEYIS3I IS 10 INCr. Four years ago the favorable trade balance of the United States was 030 millions dollars in the first eleven months of the fiscal year. It had fallen to 460 millian doilars in the first eleven months of the last fiscal year, and in the eleven months of the present fiscal year it stands at 73 million dollars. What mean3 our dwindling trade balance? We have stood pat on the sacrtd Dingley tariff and yet our trade balance has fallen from 630 million dollars to 370 mil lion dollars in four years. Nor is this all. Roundly speaking. we have no commerce, and we are etch year paying big ocean freight bills to other countries. Each year tens of thousands of Americans go across the seas scattering gold as they go. The -result is a genuine trude balance that is unfavorable in stead of favorable. This is why we are exporting moie gold from year to year. When four years ago our trade rcs3 to high figures every Dingleyite iu the laad jumped up, cracking his beds as he rose, and asking all to behold the glories and benfience of the noble tariff. If the Dmgiey tariff was entitled to praise .nd support for creating a large favorable trade bal ance, it must stand responsible for the dwindling trade balance. The truth is, it did not create the big balance of four years ago, but it is operating now to lessen our trade, because as a rule we must buy from those we sell goods to. One-sided trade is larely prosperous? We are expected to buy in return. The Ding ley well prevents that, and so it comes about that our trade balance is growing less year after year. The surveyors have completed the workofsurveyingtworoutes between Durham and Raleigh lor the trolley liae. : .One route is by way of Lees ville and will enter Italeigh by San ders street. This route is twenty- one miles in length to a site near the city limits of Raleigh The other route, by Felson, Morrisvdle and Cary, entering Raleigh by Hillsboro street, is twenty-live miles. It is expected that work will begin on this line some time this year. How's This I We olle One Hundrodi-Doiiftrs R&- warj. for any case of Catuirh that can- act be cured by Hail' a Catarrh Oure F. J. CHSNEY & Co., Props, iToieds, O. We, the undersigned, have known W. J. Oheney for the last 15 years, and nolisve him perfectly honorable in all - ouaaess transactions and financially l ie to carry oat any obligations made oy their firm.. Wtr li Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WALDINQ, KlNISAM & MASVIN, . r Wholesale Druggists, Toleuo, O. r Ball's Catarrh Cure ia taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood aad raucous surfacaj of the eastern Price 75c per bottle. Soid )f at drugafista, TestlmoaialH fro Hall's Family H'l! are trio oev T.rarriaare is specu ation: divorce is investment. , We make a specialty of Window Shades. Any size or color. J Ltt us have your orders. Andrews & Wad dell For-nlture Co. ' IP 1 THE ML o CTEMS OP INTEREST FROM DIVERS SOURCES. Che Latest Telegraphic News ol the Day Boiled Down to a Focus For Busy Readers. Senator Knox of the machine does not seem to have been reading Phil adelphia news of late. At any rate he is as dumb as an oyster. Japan's victory must be comlete, is so for none of the powers have een caught offering heradviceabout he way to. wind the war up. The eighteen-hour schedule of the Sew York Central system hts been tdandoned, and the old tv. enty-hour schedule has been put ba-.k. The kaiser need rest but refuses o take it. If he will not take it toi lis own sake he msgiit at least hi k' t for the sake of the balance oi us. All have heard that Ambassador Nedelofftiad been appoints I apleui- potentiary except himself, lie nas not heard from the Czar on the sub ject. If Russia had only known she m igh i have saved about $1,000,000,000 by merely keeping her promisa to evacuate Manchuria on October s, 1903. JohnD. Rockefeller has given $95,- 000 to the University ol Chicago. Wonder if he had to mark down the donation because the money was tainted. President Castro may go to Europe. Perhaps he waats to call Norway's attention to the tact that there are some real live presidents in the market. Green and Gaynor must still have some of that money left. T.tey have secured another six months' delay in the dieDosition of their case by the Canadian courts. A Philadelphia court has decided that trimming hats 13 not an art. Evidently those Philadelphia judges do not know how our Goldsboro mil liners can trim. Mavor Weaver wishes to drive all the rascals out of Philadelphia Has the mayor reflected what tremendous decline in Philadelpia' population there will be? Mrs. Rogers the Vermont murder ess, is taking advantage of the court circumlocution route in this country That route is open to both s?xes but the Goddess of Justice does not rec ogniz9 jt An eminent authority says tha therei are two reasons for Russia' defeat the one psychological and the other material. There are also two other reasons, the one Togo and the other Oyama. Having found that Stoessel was justifiable in surrendering Port Ar thur that St. Peterburg board should next determine whether Rojestven sky was justflable in permitting the Russian fleet to be sunk. The St. Luis school of arts ha awarded first prize to a Japanese While the particular art in whie the winner exeelled has not bee announced, it is hinted in the dis patches that he was a wonderfully good fighter. The "organizition" ir,Philadelphia is getting a good snaKing up but s long as it controls legislation it can stuff the ballot boxes. The laws of Pennsylvania enable the machine to register dead men and also unknown men. Personal registration is not re quired because it would not aid the bosses. The large number of disastrous accidents on the railroad in this country is a question that should be seriously reckoned with Ameicau trains running a mile a minute toi long distances are dangerous. Already our best trains are running fast enough and it will not pay to increase their speed with a propor tionate increase in danger to passen gers. A little less speed and a good deal more safety would be altogether satisfactory to most people. A Cough is Only a Symptom. A cough is not a disease but a sym ptom of disease. A cough always indicates that either the throat or lungs are aff ected. When the m ucu3 lining of the throat or lungs becomea inflamed the irritation causes cougn- ing. Don't neglect a cough, li may be the symptom of serious tnroaX or lungs disease. Rydales Ji.lixir kills the germs Li.at " cause the trouble, soothes the irritated mucs membrane, gently stimulates the nerves that control the respiratory atory organs and thus helps nature to speedily restore normal conditionsand healthy action. Bold by Palace Drug Store. A nomeiy rich girl can get mar ried to a poor man as quicK i pretty poor girl to a ricu axa.a. dtoniacii 'Aroublo Onuses Heart Trouble. ...... .Heart trouble is almost alway- causeU by stomach trouble 'Xhtt stomach fails to digest all the food, and the residue ferments, forming excess of gas which disteuds the walls of ine stomach, causing a pres sure oa the nerves and arteries thai lead lb the heart, This causes the heart to palpitate or skip a beat oc casionally, or both, which is usually very airming, causing grave appre hensions. Rydales Stomach Tablets wnl prevent tms. trouble. They di geat me l jod and prevent gas from , n ming i a the stomach. If ; there ia afi gas in your stomach your heart will not trouble you. For sale by tne Palaoe Drug Btore.- Roblnsonfc Diver Regulator keeps the bowels active ana stimulate the ,iver 10e. a bottle. Refrigerators at cost at Andrews & Wadeli Furniture Co. STATE JSEVVS. Items of Interest Clipped From our State Exchanges. The Guilford Lecher Manufactur ing Company, of (jideoboro, is au thorized to increase its capital stock for $50,0u0 to $100.o0J. j The State's prkou has just sold 600 bale3 of its cotton for 9 cent a pound. The s-ale is about hafof that on hand at the State farm. - William Tinkly Grave, eon of Captain W. C. Graves, of Durham, was drowned Thursday while in swimming near Danville, Va. Troy Montgomeriaa A canning outfit has bten purchsstd by G. W. All n & Son to be located at ti e com pany's cotton gin in the eastern part of town. Joseph M. Clytner and Miss Em ma Buchanan, who were divorced wo years ago, were married asraiu riiursday at the residence of the far mer wife near Greensboro. W. A, Rich, ( f Graham, J. II. Hawks and J. H. Rich, of Burling ton, N. O., have incorporated the Rich Furniture Co., at Giaham,with an authorized capital sirck oi $30- 000. . Raleigh News and Observer--The book to be issued, heretofore known as "Men of Markin North Carolina," will not be issued uuder that name, but will Le know as 'A Biographical History of Norih Carolira. Mt. Airy News The Republican apers are already advisicg that the readers draw the id?a of a great daily at Greensboro and have weekly pa pers in each county. Wu expect all this talk to wind up with a week ly- Greensboro Record Judge Pee bles does just as he pleases and seems to find the law for it. lie cares less for publicoyinion than aoy gent leman nk( (TOl ! Irl Ti .1 r L T Cn IQ U?ifl I f t f ( nikfi. Tawvers have no influence ll! over him whatever. i Rdeigh Post, June 24 -A nepro murderer,John M Her, ho had near- lptpil a thirtv vear Featenceo,:., in the penitentiary from Buncombe couuty,died yesterday. Thirty years usually means a life sentence, since few survive such a long term. The brick and Tile Company of Wade, in the northeastern part ol Cumberland county, has ceen incor porated, with an authorized capital of 121,000. It will operate an extensive plant, with ample material for mak ing high-grade brick and tiliug. The new passenger train on the Bennettsville branch of the Atlan tic Coast Line Railway, known as the Fayetteville and Sumpter "shoe fly," began its schedule Monday, leaving Fayettevifle at . 4:30 o'clock iu the morning,aud returning ..t 11: 30 o'clock at night. At Raleigh on Friday morning two convicts, Cody, a 17 year-old white boy, serving two years for bur- glary.and Lambeit,white man, con victed of man-slaughter; made their escape from the penitentiary garden where they were at work, whiie H. D. I'oute, the gardener, banged at their retreating forms fur times with a shot gun. Mt. Airy News Mr. "Flurd" Murphy, a citizen of tha upper pari of the county, was downinSuriy this week looking at some land he owred, lie was returning home Tuesday and whiie riding along ntarBasker's store in the Jgan neighborhood he is supposed to have la'len from his hor3e and killed himself. Parties passed in a few minutes and he was able to speak, but lived oniy a few minutes. The mail boy brought the news here, and a3 he exp eased it his neck was stove up nntil he hid no neck. Pleasant and Harmless, Don't drug the stomach to cure a jough. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the mucus, dra ws tne lunammauon out ot the throat, lungs ana oroncmai tubes, heals, soothes 7and cures. A tjuick cure for Croup and Whooping (Jougn. Une Minute vjougn uure re. lieves a cough in one minute because it acts first on the mucous membrane right where the cough trouoles in the throat or deep-sealed ou the lungs, Bold by MacKay's Phu-m&cy." It is a chilly May in w7ail street,at least the shorn lambs had it so. AliaUScare. Some day you will get a bad scare, when you leel a pain myour Dowei3 snd lear appendicitis. Safety lies in Dr. King,s jSew Late Pills, a sure, forallbjvel and ytomacn diseases, such as headache, biliousness; costiveness, etc. Uuarauteed at J.U. Hill & Son. drug store, only 25u Try them. Even the pastord who mildly snpport autocracy are shot down in Russia. BYDALES L.IVJSIS T ADDICTS Rydales Liver Tablets (uie all liver troubles. " Tuoy act specifically uu ine livei, i,ue bile, bladder, and oa3 duct, me inttstines and bowels. i'ney otimuiate toe liver and cause a perfect flow ot bile into the bowels, aeep the bile duct healthy, Increase the peristaltic - movement of the in testines and thus restore a healthy ctctiou of all these organs. Rydaies Diver Tablets are easy to take, beings small chocolate coated tablets. They act promptly and can always be de pended upon. Price per box of 50 tablets. 2i cents. For stde by the Palace Drug Store. ' mHREE HOUSES FOR RENT I v J a room nouse on ua& ana ue, 7 room house at 306 N. James St, 7 room house at 211 W. Mulberry St. They have all modern improvements m them. Apply to la. it. uastex. See Hanaphrey-Gibaon Co. about a 15 per cent Real Estate Investment. Dr. J. N. Johnson, DENTIST. Office upstairs jin Borden building near the .ban ox wayxta. TOP THAT JtftMf' I have five children, and all of them have had severe colds and croup, and I find that Honey Tom is a most excellent remedy, and would not be without it in the house. It has always been satisfactory, and gives prompt relief in croup and coughs with the first two or three doses, looseas their colds and improves them in every way. Mrs. YTM. McCOLLISTER, SWEDESBOKO, N. J. This old reliable and efficient remedy has stood the test of years, and is recognized and prescribed by leading physicians as the om cough cure that is sure to cure, and safe to administer to adults or children. It is never-failing in results, is pleasant to take and always cures. We have thousands of testimonials to these facts Some unreliable dealers in their greed for profit, at the risk of your health, may prevail on you to try something else, but if you want a cure, insist upon having Honey-Tolu take no substitute. GILBERT BROS. & CO., Manufacturers ALL UCALCKd OLLL. has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over Qt.q end a Half M2"!cn V a V 1 . m - 4 1 . . a ok m f s. . ooiues. voqs wis recora ox raenx appeal to you c Enclosed with every bottle is a Ten Cent, package of Grove's sfc,, ao fLvure a com ib on f &e Laxative Bromo Quinine Tafciets. Seven Minion boxes sold in past 1 2 months. TMs SigR&tHTC, panii - n Us tormenta Uke dylllJJ of con. It ion from the bezinning to the very . i . . 3 jo ti Imirr tnihira KrvtK t-f wintim 1 V. w jo ivtif V J nam, v, WlJ.j lu w . .wi. and friends" When I had consumption in ita first stage," writes Wm. : Myers of Cearfosa Md; "after trying dill'ereut medicines and a good doc tor, in vain, I at last took Dr.King's New Discovery which cmickly and perfectly cured me." Prompt relief and sur e for coughs, cold sore throat broneuitis etc. Positively prevents pneumonia. Guaranteed at J. H. Hi! l'& Son's drug store, price 5oc aud $100 a bottle. Trial bottle free. June weather brings out all the J une bugs.and their name ia legion. Huge Task, It was a huze task to undertake the cure of such a bad case of kidny disease as that of C. F. Cherokee but Electric Bitters did it. He writes My kidneys were so far gone I could not sit on a chair without a cushion: aud snffered from dreadful backache, and depression. In Electric Hitters, however I found a cure; and by them was re-tored to perfect health. I recommend this great tonic mtidicine to all with weak kidneys iiver or stomach Guar in teed by J . H. Hill & Son druggist; price 50c. Pat Crowe,a appearances areshrew- dly timed. No Secret About It. It is no secret that for Cut, Burns, Ulcers, Fever bores, Sore Eyes, Hoihi etc: nothing issoeffectiveasBucklen Arnica Salve. "It didn't take long to cure a bad sore I had, and it is ail O. il. for 9ore eyes," writes D. I Gregory, cf Hope, Tex. 25c a J. H. Hill & Son's drug store. Mrs. Jamas Brown Potter seems to be up against the hard simes. Just AViiat Everyone Should Do. Air.j. -x. earner oixrwinv ii,ya., always keeps a oouie oi unamuer- lain'd Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy at hand ready ror instant i use. Attacks of colic, cholera morbus ' and diarrhoea come on so suddenly that there is no time to hunt a doc tor or go to the store for medicine. Mr. Barber says: "I have tried tvhamberlain'a Colic, Cholera and' Diarrhoea Remedy which is one of the best medicines I ever saw. I Keep a bottle of it in my room as I have had several attacks of colic nd it ha3 proved to be the best med icine I ever used." Bold by Hlgglns Drug Co. She wolves and coyotes are not get ting a square deal. By the Tunic Koute. The pills that act as a tonic not as a drastic purge, are DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They cure Head ache, Constipation, Biliousness, etc ISarly Risen) ate small easy to take and easy to act a safe pUl. Mack Hamiltion, hotel clerk at Valley Uity, J. D., iays: "Two bottles cured me of chrome constipation." Sold by Ma Kay's Pharmagy. The vaudeville stage yawns for Nan Patterson. For a Weak Digestion. No medicine can replace- food but Chamberlain's Stomach and Diver Tablets will help you to di 'est your food. It is not the quantity of food taken that gives strength and vigor to the system, but the amount digested and assimilated. It troubled with a weak, digestion, don't fail to give these. Tablets a trial. Thousands have been benefitted by their use. Tney only cost a quarter. For sale by Higgina Drug Co. Found a Cure for Dyspepsia. Mrs. S. Dindsay, of Fort William, Ontario, Canada, who has Buffered quite a number of years from dya pepsiaand great pain in thestomaah, was advised by her druggist t take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. She did so and sas, "I find that they have done me a great deal of good. I have never had any suffer ing since, I began using ' them.'" - If troubled with dyspepsia or indiges tion why not take these Tablets, get well and stay well? For Bale by Big gins Drug Co. - Let ushbpe ho one will putleadon the Wings of the dove of peace. The laxative effect of Chamberlain's tLomach' and Liver Tablets Is so a- greeable and natural that'ydu dd not realize it is ine eneci oi a -medicine. Ftr sale by Higgina Drug Co. CO IT? yon value your health, or health of your children, do not allow a cough, croup, or whooping cough to go without giving it prompt at tention ; there is no telling what might be the result ; such conditions are not to be trifled with. Grippe, Pneumonia, and Consumption, or Serious complications are likely to result unless promptly treated. The best and quickest cure for a cough, cold, Croup, or whooping cough is HONEY-TOLU CURES Coughs, Colds, Croup arid THROAT AFFECTIONS ABSOLUTELY I 1 OC. BALTIMORE, MD, H6 to furnish Tobacco Growers with FLUES at short notice ani reasonable prices. The housewife will appreciate tho ad vantages of a blue flame OIL' COOK STOVE during the coming warm months. We have a complete assortment. We also have in stock the latest fixtures for your bath rooms, porcelain lined tubs, lavatories, closets etc. They mtko tha room cool, clean and comfortabla. Ice Cream Freezers that Freeze, Man tels, Tiling, Farming Implemdnts, Stoves and Sewing Machines. Ihe John Slaughter Compaq 112 and 114 East Walnut St I t Roofing, Plumbing and Hoti?? 1 " Yew harness We guarantee to save you . l-f. Vs ,t-1K !line. We carry a full line of Harness, er Shoe Leather, Shoe Pin lings, - . All work guaranteed. Give us a call. v o (fdldsboro harness & Jhos Shop. T. H. STANTON. Manager. inen ol is And undecided where to buy and what to buy call on FONVIELLE GROJERif CO. We are up-to-date. We can . supply your wants. We can save you the worry. We are always onths lookout for your comforts. We can help you to make home happy. We can always give you tha best. We can ssCve you money. We call your attention this ' week to our Boneless Herring, Shredsd Codfish, String Beans, Maine's Best Corn, American Beauty . Peas the finest out, French Peas, Self Rising Buck wheat, Mountain Buckwheat, Pure Maple Syrup, Florida Oranges, Florida Fruit Coffee's and Teas. Yes we can give you the your wants, call up Jso. FonvieHe Grocery BIGGEST - Y Our recent inventory displays the fact that we have about six thousand dollars worth of goods more iri th past than in It also shows that, wniki ir prodts iiave exceedingly small, wn h'av? made moay i'lt-ij tha past for which we ar3. vrr tiiaaLail to o;u ti.iu . jt ctuijairs, we promise in the,ifrur. ain the past, to toll Qood Qoods at a w e harnif'' We are fighting the tobacco trusts for the benefit of our farmer friends as well a3 other people. Oar stock of tobaccb, snuff and groceries, dry goods and clothing, and especially shoes is up-to-date. "Square dealing" is our motto. , -TIT- 1- J -II wo wish you. oacu auu an New Year... " &. C F' Sil . Jl I 3' fcsdH I cannot praise too highly your Honey-Toltt ; it is the Kixci of all cough remedies. - I had a bad cold, with a severe cough for weeks, and tried everytliinsrAvith out avail, when a friend iccom-mendedHoncy-Tolutome. I pro cured a bottle, with the result that my cold is entirely cured. I al ways keep it for the use of my family. I advise everyone suffer ing with a cough or cold to use Honey-Tolu and be cured. S. C. HUTCHINSON. Petersburg, Va. IT no .iire, io pay. Black R.oo t. Liver PiHs. &jmr Ceres Grip & Zffo Days, 1 tvzJZ pan and Shoe Jhop We haveopened a ntw Harness and Shoe Shop at No. 220 John Street, Nor.h, near Jos. Edwards' Sale Stabies, and are prepared to do any and all kinds of Hnrm ss and Shoe Repairing. We mmufacture all kinds of hand made harness! rn raay on everything don j ia oar 'A:ici, Jialiagv Liiaca -of yo i r eso. W a solicit a sa a-3 best. Don't worry about 47 . - Vh S soid yoar boeu year Jmail Margin nave a large iou oi nice gooas on " 1 Jl a very nappy ana prosperous '3? Sdmundson. in I P 2 m " ti i J 1 1 jf j? tnR ii If t 8 6 1 E 4 c ill ind sea us f r W 3 are goin oifer our entire stock of 205 pair at a H si, i e fO'!AY, '.ali;v ve.ak js at a Ul.S'-O'UH O i:;.ii trmity to i;et This is ;"! prices to, in curt iidh have lli Ti). IV in ia pri .t Oiir stock Wo. bo'.v have thstn on display on onr lower floor that you can easily see p sUerus nnd (i'a-Jity. 1 i - '4 f , 3 , n bota in buiic asvi b.UU-3 U H Chow Chow, iVluU.rd Pickles, iish, and various otn ir rhshes on n. u n s ro U3t ) m 3 n : i o n . W .a! way 3 - :-$ of cara i i s-jiarn this ima PR V Horse i i 'T saving a or ivi r va K vv if t-rit y o W 3 a i S y i r 3 Dickies in stock. of o ir m i auf tarja-3 t-asaltof t il thi-oMgaout tli3 stat-3 ins bvn pronouced by North Don irtniiut if Agtieultti.'e as of won iv standard and Caroliiiii all iic ; pr-.)dact. No 6ti'o.iger could pOisib'y be o fere l and if in the b?3t of c j a .Trion you will i'tirn 'diatsly start to feed them on it. Be sure th it t:ie artiolo you get ha? tax t is att sched bear ing l i iii ai l a i iL-sis. is oai5 m-;ceh iugs m ly olfer you inferior and adii'teiMte.l articles w'-tioh will nob givd s ttisfaot.iry results in feeding to yonc stoeic. if your dealer c mnot supply what you need, writK for quotations to low ap!9 . . is . t 3 10LD330RO, N. G. I v,:icti for pU ii.tC to now that i HI.U kinds of i kinJ.s Of trn .1- '-'i-i' . c a- li. Ha Sale. GREAT BARGAIN. Ii' sold at oice, owner will accept g-J,450 tor' valuable lot of ground : 1o5x21U feet, on tiouth James Street, in this city. Improved by 4 houses, sufficient room for 8 more. Uiiu be made an IS per cent investment. Apply to f r" Co . c. umpnrey-L DR. J. ivi , PARKER, DF.HTJST. Office at Residence H0 N. James St. Homy: 9:30 a. 5 p. o. m. to 1 p. iu., 2:30 See 1 iuin phrey-tTi Inon C. about a 15 per -aat rtr'nl Klvt I'nvttsM.ient. Hols, Pike S Co , BTCCK.SSOK TO I'XICE & OUOM. ) 'Plurnoinj. Titling, High Grade Gicyciss, AXU General riepairini. , The way to uvt id gv mi dis eases is to have your plumbing done right Jiul we are the peo- pie who do that ciass ot work. Yours to ) lease,. Hobbs,iPike& Co. Opposite TQ3-. Edwards sale stables. Phone biO. rob.RSuii's Liver Itygu'ator euros SF3stc4- lirownrigg JJewreyki aead- i' i quarters for, and - v ouid like to -supply your horn j with Carbonated l-jola. Put up in bottles, 5 cts. . A hfalthful, palatable and re- :f-fe.hig beverage, just as you get it ' tfbrn f ie fountain. It has valuable medicinal qualities and no pernicious onea. Voung and old are fond of it. f tJiOR RENT -A two story dwell ' ' ' " f leg on t;hestnut St CO! i also ! a two story dwelling on . (St., each has six rooms and bath at i 15 par monthu Eosdession gien 'Jane 1, 1905. Apply 4q Humrnhrey GibsOU CJo. i 't'l v't 8 in LH M s V l': rices em riay w - wi th, and extending i oiler our Hiok of (tufoiiiis at low3r evor be foe 5 bfdtm off.; red is very complete raug- 7 f , j tyles. so 'L f& ars alvvy?5 d icieua. and uA3 nocriin tnat vvili not J ? ;:X '.. m J ex orders. y jur i O ; pi .1 o ramous r. A V 3 -sfc of satuulos drawn from stocks testimoui il of nut it of the article joa wi.-h to keep your and Morses, p. n is, Scenic Route To The West ROUIli biiOHTKS P, tiUICKKSr & BEST j FUOM Norih Carciina to the West. ! A. (J. L. eouiiens with G. & O. Itv '. lit iiichiiiOijil itmi juuiiiwu liy con : i.et:t.-, yiu Uititiiiouuro, iu Liyucliburg', ; Va. ' Liv iohbho"i via A (J li ! t7 aatl m 13A5 pm Ar I4;4fiino.ni via A O i. . H 00 ! in 7 45 p in j -Lv U.ildiinnj So. Hy 6 50 a in j JLv tirveusooro ' " 12 10 p m J Ar Lyneiiburg ' " li 51 p m Lv Bk'lwiiontl C & O 2 00 i m 10 45 pin Lv LyiiCubury 1 10 pin Lv OiuiloUedvilie 5 4J iiu ti 52am Lvt liaoa Forge 8 15 pui 5 40am .Ar Cincinnati SOOatu 5 OOpna Ar Louisville HOOaui 8 00pm Ar Chicago 5 30im 7 10 am Ar Si. Louis 6 oOjmi 7 18am jiiaily except Sunday. uaily. Tiuouufli Pullman leave Richmond 2 p ?u 10 Cincinnati and Chicago without change and i'ulluiau aerviee lo Louisviiio and St. Loui-3, with only one night oa the road. PulhtKui service Jeave Richmond 10 15 p tii lt Ci 'ciL'iiati and Louis viiie, Ciuciiiuati, (Jiiicago and St. L )Uirf. reotihaie, electric-lighted traina with iiiaui Cars. Puiciiase your tickets via O. & O. Route. For other information and Pull man reset vatious address W. O. WART1IEN", Dist. Pas. Agt. C, & O. Ry., Richmond, Va. , II. W. FULLER, a. P. a; NOTICE I By virtue of an execution In my llano in favor of Joha K. and J. V. .-.muh against Ueore VV. Aldridge, I will bell for cash at pu'olic auction at tnecouiL house door in tioldbboro i Monday July 3rd, iyi)5 at 12 o'clock the interest of the said Geo. Y. Aldride iu the following lauds: )ae tract of land lying in JJrogden t'o vnship, bouod.-d on the South by tat laiiU oi JoM.ph Aidridge, on the n .rtii by tl land ol Robt. Aldridgc. 11 boin' k,tJS . in division of the jaijds of Xitibt. Aidridge dteeased containing 42 acrea more or Alw nis unaivided luternat in th aad Kji iiuu li.aa Aldnde deceased. HA. oTKVLNS. June 2, 1905. Sherirl Wayne Co. TRAINED INUftSEl 9 ftlJSS MURRLLLE, S E. HOOD. ftTTOHNEY AT LAW. I will write your bond as adminis trator, guardian, contractor, officials, etc. in a bonding company. Will practice wherever services is desired. - (WBee irf front of Ooart Honae. ' Bea th Tha Kino Yob HavB Always Bo'Jj ' .1. -v - V, !r v.; H el 1 M V 000in) TH) TD TTrV THP

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