TiriE ARuU3. FOltTIfiTH AJSNIVISUSAICY. DAILY AND WXSKLY. " LOCAL. CHIEFS. Items of Interest la and Around the City1.! -' Ha?ve you listed your taxes? The season for colored excursions is at fcfirjd, and the average "Cullud"i triple front establiahment, and to- Messrs. H. Weil & Bros. Cele brate This Event In Their , 7 Business Career. From Wednesday's Daily. To-day forty years ago, on June 21, 1865, the firm of H. Weil & Bros, opened business in Goldsboro, in a small wooden structure on the site of the clothing department of their present imposing and commodious indif dual is getting ready to "ride Hoi). C. B. Aycock, who has been absent from the city for several weeks, attending various" courts, is afr home again. The former residence of ilr. Jos. Eewards is being moved to the op posite ccrner and soon his" proposed iandsome new residence will be m course of construction. We go for ward. r"Mri W. J. Hicks, a recent graduate in Pharmacy from Wake Forest. Col lege, has taken a position with' the Palace Drug Store in thi city, and will be glad to have his Iriends call to see him. Theee hot nights are fine on cot ton, and the King is beginning to hold his head up, and before many weeks, the fields, instead of being while with blooms, will be white with fleecy locks. j "Why should the faemer place so much importance on cotton when young chickens sell at 25 to 35 cents a piece .and eggs average from 15 to 20 cnts a dozzen all the year round and lambs are hardly to be had at all? The spacious corner establishment of Messrs. Andrews & Waddell, the furniture dealers, formerly the post orhce, that recently received a hand some new front, is now being further beautitied by the painter artist Mr. J no. K. Epps. Mrs. Charity Atkinson, the vener able mother of our good friend Mr. E. T. Atkinson, County Superinten dent of Education, wa3 painfully in jure i by a fail last week, -we are sorry to chronicle, and is now quite feeble, at their home in this city. Mr. F. A. Daniels left to-day for Dausviiie, N. Y., where he will spend, some time at Jackson Sanitar ium, to recuperate. Mis hosts of friends everywhere will hope that his sriiurn at that superb health re sort may prove entirely beneficial The Argus predicted a low price for Irish potatoes. Foity-two mil lious of bushels of oid crop carried over made the new crop of Utile vtiiue. It does not pay the truckers to dig potatoes at the present price Itis ever thus, the old, old story of supply aud demand. Tue eld Veterans who attended the g;eat Confederate gathering at .Louisville, are loud in tiieir praise of the beautiful scenery along the Cbes eaoeake & Ohio Railway Irom Rich moiid to .Louisville, and the splen did cars, equipment and polite at tention of tue officials. At the green grocers, in Goldsboro, you will ficsd peaches, apples, plums luuMebtrries, black berries, nearly every kind of vegetable s, fresh from our orchards and htlds. ureat is Eastern Carolina, aud Goldsboro more prosperous today than ever be fore, is the oest town m me btate. so day they are celebrating their for- tieth anniversary, and the event,.! throughout the day, has been ren-1 dered an occasion of deep gratifica tion to the firm by reason of the steady tide of callers that have fre quented the store to express in per-; son their congratulations and reg-i ister their good wishes for the fu-j t.irA rnrppr tkf a firm h'4a I only accomplished such eminent suc cess in business, but has ever been foremost in public spirit for the up building of the community and un f tiling in private charities for the amelioration of needy humanity not done ostenl&ti jusly, tmd only known through the ever swelling tide of popular good will the firm so 1U yuu yuui iiuu, tuugu, short hair? Of course you don't. Do you like thick, heavy, smooth hair? Of course you do. Then why m ,u a B JLU4XV Hair vigor hot be pleased? Ayer's Hair Vigor makes beautiful heads of hair, that's the whole story. Sold for 60 years. I have used Aver's Hair Vipor for a long time. It in, indwell, a -wonderful liair tonic, restoring health to the hair and scalp, and, at the same time, proving a splendid dressing." IHt. J, V. Taxusi, Madill, Ind, T. SI .00 a bottle. All rimgTBts. for ' J. O. AVER CO., T.owelt. Mass. Weak Hair Johnston County Now the Dry est County in the State. The last ' two places in Johnston county to vote on the question of the sale of liquor acted yesterday and both by large majorities went for prohibition. These places are Kenly and Clay ton. TJuder the bill of Hon. Ei. 8. Abell, of Johnston, passed two years ago, the manufacture of liquor was forbidden in the county. Now there is no town in the county in which l'quor is allowed to be told. Besides this, Johnston county has the anti jug law, and it is claimed that now ii will be the dryest county in the State, as it is already one of the most prosperous ai d progressive. Eduation In New Hope Town ship. Editor Argus: TORNADOES NOTMNCKEAS- . ; inc. Prof. Willis L. Moore, chief rf the United States Weather Bureau, dis cusses in the Geographical Magazine the weather and weather eccentrici ties. He Bays that the most carpful study of the records does not show that tornadoes are increasing. Neither are they decreasing. The truth is, nothing that mere man can do on the earth's surface, whether it relate to the elearTng away of lorests, or the cultivation ol land, or artificial drainage, or the stringing of electrically - charged wires, or the laying of thousands ol miles of rails none or all of thest things restrict or materia'ly m dif, thoe tremendous lorces of na ur. that surround our earth and control our storms ana climate." The at tempts to disperse clouds by cannon ading was simply ridiculous, and all Clayton, June 26, The. vote to- the scratching of the earth's surface The people of Casey Chapel com universally enjoys, the sur st baro- munity met June 21 at the new meter by which t measure the school house for the purpose of out merits of a mercanule establishment lining some course of action by of such long standing. which they can secure to the chil- The firm at its orgmization was dren of the district a higher grade composed of Messrs Herman, Henry I scliol than they have had hereto- and Solomon Weil, and took its fore and a longer term. After dia- nauie from the senior brother, the cussion it was decided to supplement late Mr. Herman Weil, who came to the public school term of four Goldsboro in 1858, as a clerk; joined months with a four months private the Confederate Army, endured school, open to all the children of the bravely the fortunes of war, and so district, thus guaranteeing an eight soon after the surrender at Appomat- months school. tox showed his faith in Goldsboro Benj. Casey, D. B. Thompson, W. and his love for the people of his O. Herring, D. A. Daniel, S. R. adopted home by casting his fortunes Heriiag, I. Grant, W. C. Grant and with us for life and bringing his W.P.Whitley entered into an agree- younger brothers, Henry and Solo- ment as a Board of Trustees to guar- mon, here and launching the firm of antee an eight months term of school H. Weil & Bros, upon the venture- for said district. some sea of commerce. It was decided to employ a teacher Subsequent to the death of Mr. J at once for eight months, term to be- Herman Weil, whose memory is I gin July 10 an i close about May 1, held in affectionate regard by ali with an intermissioa of two montb3 who knew him, the late Mr. E. Ro- durirg Se ptember and October, senthal, father-in-law of Mr. Henry I The prevailing idea among those Weil, acquired au interest in the present was that from this small be- day was 124 to 36 in favor of pro hibition in Clayton. At noon the vote was 90 for prohibition to 17 for dispensary. At 3 o'clock it was 121 for prohibition to 24 for dispensary. Kenly, June 26. After a very hotly contested election for prohibi tion or dispensary to-day, prohibi tion won by ten majority. This now makes Johnston a prohibition county. PRICE TOODEAK. by puny man bave no perceptible ef fect upon the dreadvd tornadoes. Mr. Moore does not, it is plain, ex pect any better remedy against tor nado s than the cyclone cellar, and it cannot be carried in one's pocket ready for an emergency. We may be sure, however, that the danger is not increasing except as the towns that may be hit by them are in creased in number. The climatic conditions stand apparency un changed and unchangeable. Phenomenal speed on passenger trains is too dearly purchased at the cost of human life. The recent disastrous wreck of the new Lake Shore flyer seems to have been the resultofan attempt to clip off a couple of hours on the run between Chic go and New York. An eighteen-hour schedule was in effect which means that the train traveled at a rate considerable in excess of a minute all the way. A speed of nearly two miles a minute was attained at several times. When the accident occurred the rate of speed wai about seventy five miles an hour. Euch speed maintained by any one train is bound to lay an unusual strain upon the whole railway system firm anrt miwaii hia fjmilw hprn I ninni'nor a irmanpnt, hitrh sphnnl for 1 Especially is this so on the initial from Wilson. He brought to the New Hope Township will be estab- runs ana oeiore me wnoie sysiem is, firm thai- rinonpss rf pYnnriMnw hn- i at rhi nmnt. in th friirf nflSOtO speak, keyed UD tO the n6W iness sagacity and broad public spirit twro or three years. I order of thing5" that had characterized his sigually Judging from what we saw and The railroad management which successful career in Wilson, and his heard, we believa that the people of goos out after a marvelous record lamented death was a distinct loss to Casey's Chapel district are in earnest should feel perfectly assured that thelThe our city, in every phaze of our com- about having a good school. They demand put upon human nerve munity life. He was a man who did have the house, they have the chil- and brains throughout the entire good for the love of good, aided dren, and judging from the iuterest system are not too great for ready charity for love of charity. He did shown, we believe that they are response under the changed conditions not do eood bv stealth that he mieht anxious about the education of their Unless every man, as well aa every blush to find it fame: he was gener-1 children. A Visitor. A Deserved Promotion. And sua Goldsboro talent goes forward in every avenue inviting to the feet of aspiring energy and com petent ability. The Argus, in com mon with his hosts of frieads every where, is glad to note the deserved promotion of Mr. Jas. S. Hartsell, who has for a number of years byen as elated with tha passenger de partment of the Atlantic Coast Line, first as conductor and thtu as travel ing passenger ag;ent. His latest pro -motion makes him Division Passenger Agent with headquarters at Tampa, Fla., for which place he leaves to night. We will all miss his crgeuial as sociation, and he taxes with him the abidiutr trood wishes ot all our people. NOVEL HILL ITEMS. Mr. Jas. W. Baker, who wa3 seriously broken up by a tree failin on him while guarding convicts l Dup-iin county some months ago and w ho has since been iu the hos- p.tal at Wilmington, has sufficiently recuperated to be brought home Sat urday, we are glad to chronicle. The funeral of Little Henrietta May, the 4 months old daughter of Mr. J. M. Britt, was held from the home Thursday morning and the iriierment was made in the Edger ton burying ground, iu Fork town shio beside its mother, who pre ceiled it to the grave about three months ago. Mr. and Mrs. Sam P. Lane and daughter, Miss Laura, of Montreal, Canada, are in tht city, visiting rel atives, and Mr. l.aue's many old frit nds here, his boyhood home, will bo sorry to know tiiat his health is very much impaired, aud we all w ish him a speedy res. oration, now that he breatnes agaiu the salubrious atmosphere of his "native heath." Let's have a Hospital for Golds boro in keeping: with the importance of our city aud the abilites aud skill of our physicians, who, as Mr. Far ries truly says, "are the peers of any." Goldsboro has laug enough discredited herself by inactivity and listliessness in this regard. Let the reproach ba removed. Let us haveau up-to-date Hospital Miss Mary Best Jones, of the fac ulty of the Goldsboro Graded School, has resigned her position, and will be succeeded by Miss Clara Spicer, a recent graduate from the State Nor mal, who was elected yesterday. Miss Jones has made a most excel lent teacher and her resignation is a positive loss to the school. Miss Spider brings to the work all the essentials for the making of an ideal teacher and we are sure she will prove a worthy successor to Miss J ones. Politics are quiet these days of good old summer time, but this time next year even Willin Mister Barkis will be mighty Duy in his deep anxiety to serve the foi&s. Thus has it ever been. But, alter all, is there more vanity in anything than in politics? Some time ago we heard one the mo3t prominent politicians in the State eay that he regrets that political ambition ever got hold c him. But when this political ambition does get its grip on- the heartstrings of a man. that man is in the grip of a merciless master, who whips and troads and spurs the victim who worships at the altar ofc inordinate political ambition, an altar built out of the ashes of blasted hopesv Mr. Will Tew, the night electric ian, who a few nights ago, reported the two nenroes, Shaffer Fulford and William Aris, for breaking into box car, which led to their arre&t and confinement in jail, had an at tempt made on his Jife Thursday iii-ht at the electric light station. He) had stepped to the door to cool, when a half brick was hurled at his head ' from the dark; he saw the" brick in "" time to dodge, aud before he could sae from whence the missie came a large piece of iron came fiying Irom jrt the same aiittuuo auu onu.o. m- hou-e just abovd his hed. He went inside and procured a gun and went in search of the party or parties but 4i,n xorxxl in the dark. It n ea:d ous because he conceived it his duty to give, and from it derived a pleas ure unknown to the world, unher alded by the types, but chronicled in the eternities of God the Jehov- ah of his fathers. His interest was as sumed by his elder son Mr. Jos. Rosenthal, who with his venerable mother resides in the family home here. So fleet does time fly that it seems but a brief while ago that the Argus chronicled the celebration of the HIGHLY HONORED. bolt and cro-stie on the whole j line is up to the work accidents may be expected. The institution of such tre mendous speed is to be condemned, unless it goes h and and with a quick ened sense of responsibility. Doings of a Week Around This Thriving Neighborhood. Mr "Bud" Thompson, of Rocky Mount, was here on spicial business Sunday. MrsS D Page and little daughter Pearl, of Chad bourne, here this week. IBS Irv I 31 m He that lives M H upon hope will m m Rut- hp fhnt- a mi yjv M lives on (M WJ7 " will feast. W p . i gH NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY M W) mm yjsfl j Graliam Crackers Vjf fl I Batter Tkin Eiscsit 1 Social Tea Biscaii M pl ! in and IV MM 7Z II Mi A Tobacco Grower's Profit is dependent upon a properly bal anced fertilizer. No --iH--y a f r'WJ- AA . crop is liA- so easuy yC- v spoiled as be right i and to be right it must contain at least 10 actual otash Supply one path with fertilizer wi:h plenty of r'otaHh, another with Hltlo or p.; i:n, una noLetnernsuiifl. it very tobacco lir. t iiiou Id have our little bnok, "Tobacco tiuiture'' it wUi be sent free wrte to : GERMAN KALI WORKS, 91 Nassau St., N. or Atlanta, tra. 22H South Broad St. I V 1 visiting Sir. Albert Korneuay Elected Vice-President Soiithern Vehicle Association. The Argus is glad to chronicle Unless the management of a road I Lucas, of Black Creek, made a brief is absolutely sure that the system I visit here last week. is wound up to run like clock work it had better forego the eighty miles-per-hour attempt To lose a few the high honor that has so deserved- hours is less than to lose a life. ly come to another Goldsboro boy and on who is sDendins his time Accused Men Released. 1 The marriage bells are again ring ing in our ear9. Don't ask us who, just ask a certain young lady. Mr G H Harris, of the Mt Olive section, spent Saturday ni?ht and i In i . i. I . il ' . : l Fla.. June 28 Samuel ounaay wnn menu iu una iieiu twnt-fifth nni vPrnartT nf tt. wii and bis energies at home in Dui'.aing Tamna. . . i i im a hia' business and trivine urofit-1 .nd Trwin H,.L-in Wildr. irnfiH borhood os rrua, ou vvuu'ii uccaaiuu, iu js.t;ep- I 1 w . I "" -" ' " 1 ine with their characterislic Dublic aDie empioymem unirit fheu nrapntfH in (rrilfihrrr I laborers. the tweuty-five acres of land that now constitutes beautiful Herman Park, and which they have not fail ed to generously foster, and that wa? the chief incentive that secured for Goldsboro the State Orphan Home of the Odd Fellows, whose spacious grounds and magnificent buildings adjoin Herman Park and overlook to many skilled so many handsome homes, where, erstwhile, the hooting owl held forth j at night unmolested and the day brought no pleasure in the prospect. But we might go on 'till we filled a volume and yet not have told the half of the interesting history of this great firm, coeval with new Golds boro, colaborers with all our pro gressive citizens and leaders for the accomplishment of what our city is and for the achievement of Greater Goldsboro. Their store to-day was the mecca of social enjoyment as it has ever been of trade and all who called (and they were legion) were greeted with cordial pleasure aud royal hos pitality. The middle store of the three was converted, for the day, in to a reception hall. The decorations were green and white, artistic iu de sign, eioorate in execution aud beautiful to behold. Cut flowers aud spotless linen adorned the numerous refreshment tables, and here the most delicious refreshments were served in generous bounty to all who called, the visitors beiug seated and made comfortable and waited upon with despatch. The Argus joins with the firm's army of friends in cordial congratula tions and sincere good wishes and may we be here to chronicle their golden anniversary. At the annnal meeting of the Southern Vehicle Association held at Old Point yesterday, Mr. Albert U. Kornegay, general manager of the Goldsboro Buggy Company, of this city, was elected vice president of the association. The honor comes as the recogni tion of laerit among men of parts and business acumen, and is, there fore, the more flattering. The Argus extends its hearty con gratulations and wishes the Golds boro Buggy Company and Mr. Kornegay alike continued success. The Hege Log Beam . SAW MILL W3TH Heacock-K!ng Feed" Works of assassinating Ocar Brannen, at I Mrs Geneva Watts Hnd sister Miss Plant City,;were released by Judge Nan Epps, of your city, spent Sun Wall to-day on $5,000 bail each. The dry with Mrs Nancy Hill in our grand jury meets to-morrow to in- neighborhood. vestigate the case. PINE BUFF ITEMS. 01! WOMEN WOMEN ONLY Much That Every Woman Desires to Knov About Sanative, Antiseptic . Cleansing and the Care of the Skin, Scalp, Hair, and Hands. F Hi Master Raven wood Elmundson and bisters Misses Addie and Daisy, were the guests of their aunt Mrs A P Howell, Sunday. The County Alliance will be held at Salem church July 13, which we look forward to as a pleasant occa sion. AH are mviiea to come ana bring well-filled baskets. Mr H M Katz will be on hand to enlert iin us. Novel Hill, June 26. E:one"S and Boilers, " Woodworking Maci:tneby, Cotton Ginning. Briok mak!:.0 and shikgi.1 and llath Mc:nNisRT. Corn Mil,ls, Etc-, Etc. GE1SBES MACHINERY CO., ,1 Columbia. S. C. THE GlBBES SHINGLE MACHINE The Doings and Sayings of a Week In and Around Our Thriv ing Neighborhood. Some of our farmers have- laid by corn. j We had a fine rain Saturday night and crops are looking flue. Mr Y H Edgerton and wife, of Greenleaf, were in our section Sunday. Miss Bettie Wells, of Fremont, spent this week with Mrs Fannie Outland. Misa Maggie Sasser, of near Prince ton, spent this week in our neigh borhood. Rev B E Perkins and wife, of Pikeville, spent Thursday with Mr B It Edgerton. Rev George Starling, of near Pike ville, passed through our neighbor hood Thursday. Mrs John Gurley, of Wilmington, is spending a few days with her muiner Mrs Mary Holland. Some of our young people went to the Children's Day exercises at Raine's Cross Roads, Sunday even ing. A crowd of our young boys and girls were invited Saturday night to a Lemonade Drink at Mr Albert Holland's, which was enjoyed by all. The remains of little Henrietta May,, four-mouths-old daughter of Mr Milton Britt, of Goldsboro, were buried at the old Nahunta burying ground Thursday morning. ' v Pine Buff, June 27. ? WHAT CUTICURA DOES FOR WOMEN Too much stress cannot be placed on the great value of Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Pills in the antisep tic cleansing of the mucous sur faces, and of the blood and circulating fiiiids, tii us affording pure, sweet, a:-l econoii'.ical local aud constitutional treatment for -weakening ulcerations, inflammations, itchings, irritation, relaxations, displacements, pcins, irregularities peculiar to females. Hence the Cuticura jrcmedies have . wonderful influence in restoring 1 ealth, strength, and beauty to wear; women, who fcave been prenaturely aged and invalided by these distress ing ailments, as well as such sympa thetic addictions as anaemia, chlorosis, hysteria, and nervousness. Women from the very first havr fully appreciated the purity and sweet ness, the power to afford immediate relief, the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, the absolute safety a'nd great economy w;hich have made Cuticura the standard humour rem edy of the civilized world Southern Talent at Yale. New Haven, Con., June 26. The Yale senior classes and the Sheffield scientific department of the Univer sity held their class day exercises to day. At the Sheffield Scientific School class, amoug the historians were: Alexander Robert Lawson, third, Savannah, Ga., and Joseph E. Washington, Jr., Wessyngton, Ten nessee. The list of senior appointments is- Isued to-night shows the "high stand" men of the class to include: Philosophical orators: John E. Bentley, McMinnville, Tenn. Trullis that Strike Home Tour grocer is honest and it he cares to do bo can tell you that he knows very little about the bulk coffee he Bells you. How can he know, where it originally came from, ..1 . . -it . , 1 JL now it wa3 Dienaea or witn wnai or when roasted? If you buy your coffee loose by the pound, how can you expect purity and uniform quality ? HON COFFEE, the LEADER CF ALL PACKAGE COFFEES, Is oi necessity uniform In qualify, strength and flavor. For OYER A BARTER CF A CENTURY, LION COFFEE has been the standard coflee In millions ol homes. LION COFFEE 1 carefully packe at our factories, and until opened In your home, baa no chance ot being adul terated, or of coming In contact with dust, dirt, germs, or unclean hands. In each package of LION COFFEE you get one full pound of Pure Coffee. Insist upon getting the genuine, (lion head on every package.) ( Save the Lion-head3 for valuable premiums.) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ofcio. K AVE YOU EVES THOUGHT How many hours out of each weefe would be saved by yourself, your family aud your teams, by the telephone ? Have you ever calculated how many miimtesjcan be saved in case of business, sickness, or emergency ? Have you ever thought of the dollars you might gain, if yon were only ia closo couuection with the market ? Can you conceive of the pleasure to be derived from having in your home im mediate, communication with the homes of neighbors aud friends though situated miles away ? The telephone will pay for itself by getting better market prices. It will save several dollars every mouth by avoiding needless trips to towu. It will take, and deliver telegraph messages immediately without extra expense. It will keep you informed ou weather predictions upon inquiry. It will order repairs instantly when machines break down. It will do the visiting and make social calls without Iho trouble of "dressing ap" and taking a long, dusty, heated or freezing ride. It will get a doctor ou a moment's notice and maybe save a loved one's life. It will get election returns as soon as they are iu. It will keep away insolent tramps and prowling burglars. It will keep the boys on the farm. t It will make bonios banner, brighter, better and more delightful in a thousand different ways. ' Progressive farmers living in the country are installing telephones in their homes, and in the ni-ar future every cultivator will have a direct means of communication with the outsido world. THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 4ND TELEGRAPH CO. wi l be g ad to furnish ftill information upon ap plication to C. B. MILLER, Mgr. The North Carolina iV COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE I - And Mechanic Arts Offers practical irulust rial educa tion iu Ajrr culture, Engineer ing, I ud l.-trial Chemistry, and the To tUe Art. Tuition :0 a year. Boa 1 S a month. 120 Scholarchips. Address President "Winston, W KST C. Institute for Young Women and of Music. The Best Place for Your Daughter College k kLitMsU 1 High Stndrd EAt-EiGH f Catalogue n. c. M FREE Address Jis. Bfnwiddie, Prei. Writes Mrs. Janh Petty, of Roaring River, N. C My little boy could not walk a step from KiJil, fell other remedies had failed to do" him any good. cured him and made him sound and well, give the same testimony. .Aue.12.lS01." 8 u ira . k icj ivi, ana Rheuvnacide' has i Hundreds ef other letters g UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 178D-1JKK Head of the. State's Edu cational System. .... DEPAHTM ENTS. Collegiate, Engineering, Liaw, Graduate. Medicice, l'harmacy. Gives Way During Funeral. Charlotte, N. C, June 23. While the funeral services of littie Jessie i-1 cleanses the blood of all the poisons that cause Rheumatism and all ether blood diseases, and absolutely cures to stay cured. The most powerful and effective blood puriner in the world vet it improves tho :on and buuds up the entire system. Library conta'ns 43,000 volumes. Water works, electric lights, cen tral heating system, new dor mitories, gymnasium, Y. M. C. A. Buildiug. CigCS To Cure a Cold in One Day.. ; .u enmanftha negroes iu that lo-; Take Iiaxalive Bromo Quinine ti r mad over the arrest of the J Tablets. All druggists refund the tonWroea above mentioned, and money II it fails to tiavt sworn vengeance cure. E. w. I GroTe'8 signature Is on each box 2Sc TORTURING HUI10R Cured by Cuticura. " I suffered five years -with a terrible itching eczema, my body and face be ing covered with sores. Never in my life did I experience such awful suffer ing, and I longed for death, which I felt was rear. I had tried doctors and medicines without success, but my mother insisted that I try Cuticura. I felt better after the first application of Xmticuia Ointment, and was soon entiiely v.cil. Airs. A. Btson, Eelle vue, Mich. Cnti.iiTa Sorti, Ointment, and Pills are .old throofrnont the wvrid. Potter Urug ft Cheni. Corp., Boston, Sol. fropa e3-Stnd for ook Xox Womea." Enelieh Spavin .Liniment removes Gribble were being held at the resi dence of her parents in this city tais afternoon, the front porch to the dwelling gave way and a dozen or more people were thrown violently to the ground, a distance of ten feet. While none, were seriously injured, several received painful wounds. "THE ONE' THAT CURES WHEN CIEERS FAIL" Writ BOEBITT CHEMICAL COM PAH Y. BALTIMORE, fcr Tiem Sa,-.pl. Aak your drtirtut for " rORCJKT IV C r-:-?T" Booh. 667 Students 66 Instructors The Fall term begins Sept. 11, 1905. Address Fhancis P. Vknable, Pres. ! Imj20 CHAPEL HILL, N. C. Heavy Damage ly Hail. Tarboro, N. C, June 26. As a re- Bult of the severe hail storm which passed through the .western portion of Edgecombe county Saturday, the farms in that section were badly I damaged. A Guarantewi Ilehiiig. Blind, li e trading iiles. Jtrurijisfe r- l?K,r ltes. uiug or I ro- relund gst-t or sale in Goldsboro by MacKay's Mmrfn -iey. Palace Dru 8tore and Goldsboro Drug Co. J. 11 Hill A Soni OX1L Price P, 0. Cobb a Go's Commencing MondayJune 19th and continuia throughout the entire w.eek bi 2te5 S,2t Birzaifl Sale, ladies especially. The pabiic ars cordially, javi ted to attend this t Birgain Sale, ladies especially. - - Everything in our store will be sold at Rine Bone, Stifles, Sprains, all "57 ' " "Xl 7 1 Swollen Throats, OmAn. to.- Save yf Vour druggist hasn't it send50c in ' gain. Call and b d COn vlTlCed that We mean stamps, and it wiU be forwarded o n rfrtf.j t,:0 Ln poevpaia oy iaris meuicine tJo., fct. i w u say a vju auyiu i.v uij iwaw $100 Dr. E. -Detcliou's Anti Diuretic may be worth to you more than $100 11 you have a chad who IT 1 soils bedding from incontinence of 1 U water daring sleep. Cures old and $50 by use of one bottle. War ranted the mdst wonderful Blemish i j, i a.ijM 1 u in boro. JT.O 5 4 a bar- what OUSE FOR RENT 211 North neigh- OST Ladv's nurses with -chain. JJ William street. Good contained a email amount of t borhood, splendid well of water. Uon- money. Finder, can keep- money r I vemently located, i'oasession giveu fbiing alike. It arreBta the trouble ' and return purse to this office, aa it at once. Apply to 0. t once. $U BqW by Mt E. Bgbin- was prized as a present. - aVWell'a store. portunity. D. W. COBB & CO .Beware SSEgSS&Z: . REV VO 6O0 Mies Sea Trip The Most Attractive Route to NEW YORK and Northern and Eastern Summer Resorts IS VIA TUB OLff .DO WON MpE Express steamships leave Norfolk. Va., daily, except Sunday, at 7.00 p. m., for New York direct, affording opportunity lor through passengers frona the South, Southwest and West to visit Richmond, Old Point Com fort and Virginia Beach en route. For ticketsand general information apply to railroan ticket agents, or to M. B. Crowell, Gen'l Agt., Norfolk. Va.; X Pi Mayer, Agt., Richmond. Va. i ' H. B. WALKER. V. P. and T. M. J. J. BROWN, G. P. A. , New York, N,