'I 'I , r BLOOD PURIFYING TABLETS. MAKES RICH RED BLOOD, HEALTH AND STRENGTH. A BLESSING TO BRAIN WORKERS - AND NERVOUS PEOPLE. A POSITIVE CURE FOI ECZEMA SCURVY RHEUMATISM NERVOUS DISEASES, WEAK LUNGS CONSTIPATION NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA SA-MU-LAH tablets are compounded from the essence of rare East Indian Plants, and are the perfected result of over 20 years of medical research. SA-flU-LAH acts promptly on the Lungs, Liver and Kidneys. These orgar.r, are directly responsible for the condition of the blood. SA-MU-LAH is a blood purifying medicine put up in tablet form, and contains nothing of an injurious nature. They are invaluable in cases of specific febrile disorders where the blood has a large excess of febrine or uric acid- Every disease or disorder that flesh is .heir to can be traced to Impsere Blood. SA-MU-LAH has helped thousands of sufferers. It can help you. R? l!.jjfc A Sample package of SA-MU-LAH tablets will be fint free tc any I" rC iliV. person writing and enclosins 5c. to cover coet of postage. ..'y' ON SAL3 AT PRINCIPAL DRUGGISTS. PRICE: PER BOX CONTAINING 25 TABLETS. 50CENTS If your dealer cannot supply you, send price and order to POWELL DRUG & CERF.iC&L GO,, 140 NASSAU ST., '' Be f'l'llfl 1 mi1 il Goldsboro Savings -PAYS- Intercst at Rate of 4 . ... Interest paid every three months. We are independent when saving a part of our earning. We are sure to be rich if we continue the practice. Begin at once by opening an account with the Goldsboro Savings and Trust Co. DIKECTOB3 : I. F. DORTCH, B. H. GRIFFIN, J. S. CRAWFORD, EOMUND3DN, W.T.YELVBU3N, W.H.COBB, GEO. C. ROYAL.!,, GEO. BIGGEST - YfM Our resent inventory displays the fact that wo have soLl about six thousand dollars worth of goods moro in the past year than in 1903. It also shows that, wiiile our profits have beer, exceedingly small, we have made money during tho p ist year for which we are very thanLral to our army of customers, and we promise in the future, as in the pa,st, to sell Qood Gfoods at a Jmail Margm, and treat you "square." We have a large lot of nice goods 02 hand. We are fighting the tobacco trusts for the benedt of ouv farmer friends as well as other people. Our stock of tobacco, snuff and groceries, dry goods and cloriiiug, and especially shoe; is up-to-date. "Square dealing" is our motto. We wi3h you, each and all a very happy and prosperous New Year. ST"t ach-Iut Bacon, In glass jars or in bulk if you lik. The ideal breakfast ba cou, crisp and with a delicate flavor that appeals to ail lovers of bacon. It you ever try it you will care for no other kind. Un der this famous trade mirk we also have Sliced Beef, Cranberry Sauoe, Peanut Butter, Strawberry Jam, Grapa Jam, Pineapple Preserves and Stulfed Dates. Try them. Y"ou will like them. A fresh lot of breakfast cereals just arrived. We are head quarters for Coffee's and Teas. We are always on the lookout for something to please you. If you are our custom jrs you know it. If you are not, you should be and you will always be pleased. onvieile i Last fall, t advertised that I was sailing out,'' iu f.ni - was going out of busia33s, which I fuliy inteu le I to do, b it at earn est and urgent solicitation of my I reconsidered the m 1 t-ar and to tested to mi -by so miay, 1 concluded, uot only to sta m ousi- I1Q3S but aiiO to keep up much cheaper than any liaa. I am now at the E hav8 hid employed for three acquainted with the needs for ne inat Will OUaoiO 1113 ii mui to ji . -H asl rtunandget my goods 1 ASHER Planters' tyi a Tiir r r. fru.-if i i r-( 1 1 1 vv o h-( . k i-? 1 ( i i 1 1 i. i 1 1 i i i i- vv f 1 1 : . GOU3SBORO,! N. C.. The Place to Sell Your Tobacco. We come before you this year as old experienced warehouses -s.il at au old stand, and on one of tku bea.t markoU in 4he eagt. - - We have a lar-e and well lighted warolwuse with every accommoda tion for our patrons. .. , We haVo, besides the Amoriean Tobaceo Ujmpaoyr-ttnd Jnrerjfl To bacco Compiny's buyers, independent buyers who have large orders and ar-i anxious for tho weed. With all of thwie advantages your old friend, Faraik-nor A Ilarris aro mr T6 determined tijan ever to please all planters who come to see ui. AU W j ask is a trial we will do the reat. ' We ha've our Opening Sale, Tuesday, 'August 1st, and we are very glad to say 'that the outftU: now is very bright, for good prices, and wa feel cure that we can make it to your Interest to sell your Tobacco at tha Planters' Warehouse. Faulkner & Harris. . ' ' li ERYSIPELAS GOUT TUBERCULOUS BLOOD POISON KIDNEY TROUBLE IRREGELAR JIENSES LIVER TROUBLES. v m M m H tl NEW YORK. and Trust Go. per cent, per aaniim, C. B. MILLER, L. WEIL, M. J. BEST, A. IN OR WOOD. -3 NtH EDWAROS. many cash and tim-3 customers the groat satisfaction maui- i ii . i- ,.i uuusi - sau evjivujuy. isuuu will nouty you. yvait torr tins. EDWARDS. wWarehoiise y&i'j Grocery my reputatioa of selling better goods' " " , r-.Uft!vHli UnmW4 IV K otbfer merchant in Eastlrn North Caro-i?1. aud llVi- f ,,:d "ort, waafoatlrf-itl IUhd Uo- astern and Northern Markets whore I jlliJudf a J ; u.v.uua.. .J. . .Se- onf rewstore -opposite m mths several agents, who are ineout,lciuivi4j,,wJ sw R. E. Pipkins. We have a . . 0 ' t CJ-.,...r I c,.....,1I l,mro ir.r.lii.1:.-iryi Ihn of this market, to pick up and buy '2cvt1'" n'""x -o stock of new goods in STATE Si3WS. Items of Interest Clipped. From I out- State Exchanges. I Nebwbern Journal Fall garden pets are coming into market iu j .v,.ii rt,-ntu;oa tr wv-- tho" uvi btUall quantities- Oi coui.-,o int., aicj good eating, l.ut so:i:e h-.vv ?:ol al-t , . , , together a-j good as in c-ariy Kpui-g Durham Sua 'With work going j al ;a I on tne Hni r,--(l '-'- i well as the Proctor read, you wil! see J i ... ,., .,i,u,.n ol. ra ? a naw impetus given trade hero, as wel as thrill of pleasure among tho basi ! ne-3 men of Durham. It is to be j hoped that the County Comrni.35.ion- jeia will act on tho matter of putting ; a part of the force on the Chanel Ulli i rad as soon as possible. i j Gramham Gieaxicr It Looks i ke : Graham will eujy water and light iu.ai'yvv (lays. The electric tiiiting Wires arc utriuy suuu u.j to jjvic.-., j eoou 1 i,aTe known Dr. Pierce for twenty 1, ,. .! . 1 .,: 1. . 0,,r, ; v ! years, and d uot wonder at blsenccesa, Ut engUl'J aau boileia aieill poSxOS tur he is a i.hisH-iRn and man of sterling nr.-1 'u v.-l 1 tvhi'-'h i-i co-liiderabiv 3 sjtiallUcs. Is j.ssc.sed of ntraorc.inary skUl. an.t !ilO VtJl, .Wlsii La WJiwunoij ,d he has iii hi; sanitarium a corns of Soe- OV.ii'oO(Jiett iL'e, ai.d liot nmalicti, exists who art- cHoswi Iwosrm cr their uv iov... v. , , suiusual lc!'.)ViO;a-e and professional skill." a.ionti waiui aatn.uent to cause il to jj suffering from any obstinate, linger f)V .,- ,.v I lug ailment, write to j'jr. Pierce and got, I free of chargo. ond inedical advice. , . . -,v 5 lie has the counsel and assistance oi Wiiiniugtou biar ius iJr. Wd arge stair of expert spoc-iaiists. liaiu 11. Piiicaaru who was utention-! t.i i,. ,ha k,v V,.n- dis..i.i. i.-l having bocii called to atieud Baron Kouiura, id a aou of the lale Dr. I'ritcbara, for so rnauy yeiira pastoi o: the i'l Baptist :uuroU oi tUia e:iy. Ill uioiher, Mrs. Fauuie ti, Butchard, no.v resiaes here, hti Iioujo bc-.'ug ut WriiiioViile. It is mighti' imixi to keep a sou of .Norili (Jaiouii.i iroui UjjuciUjj iu the liinc hgiit. rr x-r T" 1 it? r Council, who held the past term of; Duplin court h-as made tin impres- j s.inn nn liiir nfinniH i!i:it. U'iii 1 soon be forgotten. J uugu Council j ha3 dediatched buiuads iu a way I that attracted the atieuuon of jJi I who have atteaued court aad tliejKi liih couipiiaieuto iiaid inm tre! iiolhiagr more tuau a tieer v'erf. Wilmiaartou Star Air. HerLort F. f V ilder, "xirst tricit" disp atucr iu tue A. C JL. teiegiaph Oiiicts here, nab been prom jted to Uie posuiou ol ciiti iraiu dispatcher at W'iimiugtou auctitiiug Air." iU. Li. biover, who ww itceuliy appoiutod traiutuasier oi iije comiuy in this city. idr. VV ituer has teea m tiia service for a uuuibcr of years and couioines lx periciice with a natural ability that em.ueutiy his him lor the position ol cuic;i Uiisj utciier. ooiitiiiort Herald We ware siwwu h.-js wees a vey queer tun ojny iu -nesiidpi of aliaiii-aohit aad a iAit c.u. 'i'lij auimai's nead aud ivvoiioa, itgi resemble a perfect cat vvhde Its two hiad legs aad tail are tiiat oi a rtal mid rabbit, r'rjai ett c -'liter 01 lis back to its tail it is grey witii txu teeabional spot of white, while its head and two front legs re s!iiblc a laLby house cat. Iu itj at itliide to walk it hop3 just precisely as a r.ibbit would. Tne animal svvaa rai:39d'by C apt. J. J. Thompson aud is about oiie month old. Greensboro Record Friends of G. F. oiefe aud they are to be count e 1 by the thousands are well pleas ed wi-h the enrollment yesterday, it? iirst day of the fall session. One hua Jred and five girls were roomed !..... .,; .V,f I. r. f.nvr.llml nvionin this figure, while there were thirteen or fo'.H'teea inure iu thid moruicg. -3 i nUit-Di llteitouii jum: AWAI5DS IUM An Ktfort "Will !e Made by the Southern's Attorneys to Have the Verdict Set Aside. . Ashville, N. C, Sept. 15. The jury in the ctsa of Ernest Thorn a sbn, of Old Fort, agaio&t the South ern Itiiiroad Company returned a verdict this afternoon at four o'clock in favor of the plaintiff, awarding him $27,000. iNiueof the jurymen, 5(o,-d out several hours for $3 ) 000 I The suit va3 for $10,000. on the turn-table, and mf t atuu.id tlie plaintiff si , - ..... , bcrhed. Tn plaintiff,0 then twelve yean o! i, rushed to the res-! cue, and in 4vig his brother permaueutty iujardd. Negligene the i irt of the defendant coai waj aJeed l:-y reason of failure tof ri,o r j jmi Judge Boyd. After hearing the evidence Ju ie Boyd instiucted the jury to return a Verdict for- the rail- way company. An appeal svas taken j to the U.iitod Ssaterj Circuit C'-uirt of j Appear :-iri .uuww y uu Boyd was athrujed. xiie case wasj ittinslaUl aud tried before Judge Ti..io!. !n! t f lii 2 t!i-r sii,-cf:il (mui ., .. ... . , i , j- . i of UuittU hialos Circuit Uiurl. AUi appeal will bo tifcon by l!if: (iefeUii an1!. JIntioii will he rnri10 i?"!OVO Jl'e: ' , .... 4 ! 1 rilCl.ua w-.u J.v v ' a"-es materially. Xhe large 3 verdict was a surprise. bargain. Andrews & VVaddell Furn diet asi ie. Auoriroyx v pimsum taJn. sooi.nng arc- ecaip won't curetn- j to visit Richmond, Old Point Com siv it is Ihcir opinion that the court J-nffi. Ki-J the dandrun serm. ThoTJg- j fort an(j Virglnih, Beach en 'foUfe. OJJ fc - ! ands of whrtien nv.-a their beautiful IraltS I .. - . ... will nil. down tua amount oi utm-; ol . i-,.., tTM.ia. Rnmh 1 lor tickets and general in format " - BAD! BAD I! BAD!!! Bad blood comes from bad digestion bad stomach, bad liver, bad kidneys at tended with bad, font breath, - coated trtnsrr.e. bad ta&te, bad headaches, bad appetite and kindred symptoms. Bad as these all are, and serious a3 ar the dis eases to which tliev lead. T)r. Pierce'a ! Uo1dn Medical Discover? comes to tho reiisf anJ ours of al! those bv regulating er,1 invigorating &iojiajii, iivuit, j;0VELy and KIDNEYS, and putting U ths orym.s in good order. "Golde-a Medical Discovery" contains po alcohol, opium or other harmful svrup, wsich are injurious to some stom echs. Without any of these it retains its ' pleasant taste and marvelous healing gnaliti'is in the most trying climate. Don't le a selfish medicine seller cheat 011t of ,p heaUh bv givi snbstittuo. i'o a only looking out for a larger profit, not for your good. Shun bn.a. linest, unselfish dealers recom raer.d the "Golden Medical Discovoryl" That your remedies are not for tbe tow. bat for ti:e mauy is evident, for I personally know of many scores of persons in this city wiio bars beon restored to health and strength t; your medlciaes," thus write Henry I.and.shcft, Esq.. Alderman in 17th Ward, Buii'aio, . Y.. of 12C4 Jefferson Street 1 know that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is nio.it valuable iu cases of de rangement of the liver,.-haviaff taken tha medicine or5 iwo years asro when 1 had a bad attack uf liver trouble, and I never used a medicine Imfora that tud tne so much Teople's Common Sense e- r ?-lcdicaf Advlsw, by R. V. I'i rco, M. D., Chief Consult ing j-iiysician to tne Inva lids' Hotel and Kurcrical Ii-.titnte, Bui?alo, N. Y J'.uirr-iiotTr.d free on re ciitof 21 oni-cent stamps for amilinsr 01 ly; or cloth -bound for 3i eenrs. Address tiie Author, as above. ONG ! what Mrs. Lucy Stovall. cf Til ton, Qa J&jP&fi)' said after taking Kodol Dyspepsia rfV Cure. Hundreds of otharweak women are being re Ir1 I f ! t f stored to perfect health by this rem edy. YOU may be well if you wQl take it Indigestion causes nearly all the sick n63 that womea hav. It dsprives the system of nourish ment and the delicate organs peculiar to womsn sufTsr weaken, and become diseased. Dyspepsia Cure scabies the stomach and digestiTS organs to digest and assimilate all cf the whole some food that may be eaten. It nourishes tha bedy, and rebuilds tha weak organs, restoring health and strength. Kodol cures !nd;gsstion, constipation, dyspepsia, tour risings, belching, heartburn and all stomach disorders. Digests Wtiat You Eat Collu- ilottls holds Si 7 Freparwd the er.lory at K.C.D.Wlt tvIS, or $0 ctn tila. IRecomraendedatlMaeKay'aPhar macy. Hr-UJ5TRS Reeky ienr:taln Tea Nuggets A Bi'sy M,iij!p-9 for Eosy PsodH. Erfas? Ueldba Health aad Eenewe-l Vigor. i. spociPc for Coastfr-atlon, Indl(teftlon, U Ani iilduey Trouble!". Kiaples. Eczema, Impure .M i -o, 'and Bieaiii, Sluggish Bowehs. Headache a.;c Backaclie. Ic"3 Koouy Mountain Tea in tab-::-t foim, ci-'P.ia r. !oi. Genuine unido by UoLras'sH Unco C;.mpa.-:y, Madison, Wla. MUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPJ.E JE'or Sals at Higgins Drug Co. !WW: IMi.BtWl s.or;3Lxc2. Positive BeiieJ rn:I r..i-ir.al!oii, STKCesafiiflT used by We!I Wfen Cures irt.ea m! o.hsrsziii ?vmi2 ltt w-11 MiK tr.ii? tout ix:&nliood..iti clt. tr.v- Tl" ro-.'ovev .e,ji yautcsui Tiaer r.7 swac SJ'lva. It on! sad enrtiy mtota Kstront 'jost Vii'.Uir. 3--.potr;ijcy, Xst'ly Ji'rule3iai yo'-St, t'-'.H: Maaory, V ?tiBe issse,b i'l c f.ia r i.r-ne or- es-sriiE and lauiortiCloc " h'ca rml'fs; -"se f "T .nSr ttisinjaE or marriage. I-;-5-os;l!i!rf. ly tirtlist fttthe feas cf dxenss. bo' vo tb ;!; S elow? to is:' la ctjeek kvd t j-.;?S tbo ixf jt 'ftya&L 1" wis cH Innit: -.3-1 wSiE';.,; itlzt oa ttTjcs KEvKVO-fti i" J r,n b- Ja w portct. 7 V lAsG f-r-- i r " n 5. '.v a!s for 3.O0, T?!t h n T ost c -7otssy. f.ti- afjvjse free. Ad2r9S Ult iiiiVilJ CO., S.CV. THOS.-I- SUTTC. 5Prs. . j w E. GSiFFlS. S6. and Tr R 'il fltff II MM PR Qr n,. iir. nf fyvr TVTT7.T. j '; WARE, STORES, o ! We hava Just rfirfilvtwi a ! vve have just received a ijnoa Hardware 6o- mizuvt Street, East. i . - SOFTNESS CF SEL&'Xirj. i nacu Sealskin la aOmlrcd the world of&r for human h.uc is eijuailv as soft and glossy t whca-hfnltJir; sindtuo ndic.il cause of. all J h?.lr tTGilh u am-iruff. which is caused j - ' Tv i rrst.;"'u'i)iri psrasile 4h.it sipe tha j i v-i;i:y ot inn n-rr ut lis root. ouro ntrnicid. 3 tho only prcpamtlou that Is fat-V to tuT (Ipn.hnfc Without dan druff thf-fl la TiRfRiiinsr 'Sair. but a i- ...ri, ,r., g&,w holt, la r- ismng ai-ufinu. send ioc. in stamps Ho The UtriMcide Co., Detroit, i.iicli Sold by Higgina Drug Co; ' ;.. . - illQoi Dyspepsia QttPQ I AW S2T.!.S: Kil Made a- MIP-OF I I ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM DIVES3 bO URGES. o The Latest Telegraphic News 01 thr Day Boiled Down to a Focus For Busy Readers. Washington, D. C, Sep-15 Mr. Yerkea told ine this afternoon that he had ordered the summary dis missal of evtry revenue employee indicted by tuejjraad jury at Greens boro last week. It is relat-d that Miss Alice Roosevelt jumped iulo a swiuimiug tank on tue deck of the steamship Manchuria with alJ uer clothes on, after Congressman "ick" JLoug vvorth had refused to take a "dare', i'he latter leaped in, also with his clothes ou, and helped the Presi dant's daughter out 01 the water. So like her dear iather, dontther kaow! Asueville, N. (J., dept. 15 The wrestling match here tonight be tween Prof. Ono, of Japau and Prol. Jlseu ol (Jnioago, was wiiuesseu by a large audieaoe and was won by Oisen. Tbe match was wrest leu uader tue jiu-jitsu rules and was r ugn auu DruLi. tit. Louis, Mo., Sept.15. A deal was concluded yesterday whereby the old Grant farm in St Louis county, a short distance west of the city limits, for many years the home of President Ulysses S. Grant, will be converted into an amusement park. The contract comprises about 440 acres and the purchase price was $113,000. Charlotte, N. C, Sept.. 15. The Mecklenburg chapter, Daughters ot the Revolution, is shortly to place a marker at the birthplace of Andew Jackson in Union county, and iu the near future, as soan as sufficidnt i uuds have been raised, they propo 3e to erect a monument that will mark cue spot where the great president was born. London, Sept. 15. A dispatch to the Central News from Rome says mat two violent shocks of earth quake in Calabria yesterday did great damage to the towns of Palmia aad Pizzo and destroyed tho town of Monte Rosso. The details so far are unknown. It is believed that a large number of people have been killed. Winchester, Mass., Sept.15 An automobile containing memoers of the party accompanying Governor R. B Glenn, of Norta Carolina, plunged over a bridge ou . the road to Roy alston. here today and landau at the botom of a ' ditch, pinioning the occupants underneath. The injured are: J. C. McNeill, special staff correspondent of the Charlotte N. C, Observer, badly cut about the head. Guy Town3ead of Wiu cheudon, head cut and bruised. Owen Hoban, lawyer, of Winchen don. knee injured and bak sprained. The motor car, containing Gover nor Glenn, was directly behind tht automobile which met with the accident au 1 only the prompt action of the ehauifur averted a collision between tho two cars as the nrsl automobile swerved from its course and crashed into the diich capsizing its passengers. It is believed that all the injured will recover. Ued acted Koiind Trip Kates Via A. & N. CJ. Ii. It. The following reduced round trip rates on the Certificates Pian have been authorized via A. &. N.C.R.R. WASHINGTON DISTRICT COMFERfcNCE, A. E. ZION CHURCli GREENVILLE N. C, Sept. 19-21, 1905. Certificates to be sigued by Rev. J. H. Mosaly, Secre tary, and visited by J. II. Moore, Special Agent. Ticket Agent Green ville will honor certificate returning on or before Sept. 25th 1905. WOMAN'S BAPTIST HOME MISSION CONVENTION.Lumber- ton,N.,C, Oct 5jh 8th, lg05. Certi ficates to be signed by Mrs. P. G. Sheared, Secretary, and visited by Mr. J. A. Dozier, Special Agent Agent Laimberton will honor certi ficates returned, on or before Oct, flih, 1905. . KNIGHTS OF Honor OF THE World,' Win3ton-Salem, N. C, Oct 9.11J1905 Certificates to be signed by Mr. C. W. Boger, Secretary,and visited by M. S. II. .Parnell, Special Agent- Agent Winston-Salem will honor certificates returning on or be fore Oct. lith, 1905, . 6O0 Miles The Most Attractive Koute to NEW YORK and Northern and Eastern Summer Resorts IS VIA TUB OLD DOpjilOH And Hail Connectior . Express steamships leave.Ncyi! s tt . C3.i.. . nn. m;uu.v, ni ..uy.p. - " xuru uirect, aiioriuiw opportunity for through passengers 1 firnm'Min rii4K. ttuitfrnraat. anrl Wt ioai Apply Tbailroan" "-ticket agenta,-ort5o I M. B. Crowell, Qen'l Agt Norfolk, J Mayer'. xcnmona, id. B. WALKER, V. . and T. M. j; Ji brown, g. p. a -i Trip A Jose It's time to provide the boy with clothing for School Opening. This is the best place in Goldsboro to buy the new suit. Many reasons. Complete lines front only good manufacturers to choose from and at prices that please all. As to wear, every suit is built with au eye to good service. Prices from 2.50 to $7.50 for boys; 5 to 15 for youths. f. f. JOSEPH Everything For Men. The Popular iu 109 Srrcss ro suit all wbitcks.hl smr.-OA-i& hav -thc WORKS CAMDEN N.J. r Some Hints for the Seosoi 5S Typi nrQThey come in White, Blue, Green, Pink end ? Black, 10c. each. Get one. They to all the rage. rTT T ADC of the se ison. 10 IViDDUlNJ- at 10 cnt per yard. 3 aid lOc. Stofe. A.JL4N. G- Hm il- Schedule in Effect June 11, 1905. EAST BOUND. . STATION. No. 3. No. 5. Lv. Goldsboro 3.45 p. in. 8.00 a.m. JLaGrane 1.1b 8.0 " ;Kinston 4.40 Dover o.02 Covi 5.16 8.55 " '9.18 " 9.3(J 9.43 " Ax.JNewberp S5.45 " 10.05 Lv. Niwlx;rri 6.45p. m. lO.lOa. m. " ltiverdale 6.13 " 10.2S " " Havelock 6.31 " 10.41 " " Newport 6.47 " 11.00 A Morehead 7,12 " 11.23 WEST BOUND. station. No. 4. No. 6. Lv. Moiehead 7.40 a.m. 4.35p.m. ' Newport 8.11 it 5.02 ii. " Uavelock 8.27 44 ltiverdale 8.42 ir. Newborn 9.00 5.18 5.31 5.50 n Lv. Newbern 9.05 5.55 p.m. 6.27 " 6.39 " 6.53 7.15 7.37 " 8.05 " " Tuearora 9.26 " Cove 9.36 " Dover 9.53 " Kinston 10.17 LaGrange 10.41 Ar. Goldsboro 11.10 Sunday excursion train No. 1 leaves Goldoboro at 7 a. m. and arrives at 9:20 p. rn. CONNECTIONS. At Goldsboro with Southern Rail way and Atlantic Coast Line. At Kinston and Newbern with Atlantic Co&3t Line, t. P. Foster, Ii. E. Iu. Bunch, General M'g'r. Traine JVL'g'r. Golusiboro, N. C foery and eed Stables J. A. STEVENS & SON J CHESTNUT STREET. Fine single and double driv ing teams and saddle horses for ladies and gentlemen. Full equipment of carriages closed or open for all requirements. Careful and polite drivers. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Orders solicited. t5FHorses fed and groomed by the day or month. A Stevens & Son, A. T. GRIFFIN. In consequence of a change of business offers for sale at reduced price any manufac tured stock he has on hand, consisting mostly of com mon grade flooring, ceiling and siding, and a large lot of rough lumber, suitable for repairing fences, outhouses, etc This offer is for Two Weeks only. Those who come early get choice 'at same price as late callers. Appreciative of ..and t hank ful for the liberal patronage with which the public have so generously favored me I am a3 always, yours truly, A. T. GRIFFIN. Eqrty Hfeeps The ' famous Utile oUl- . ; LOW KATES. Richmond , Va. -Farmers' Na tie nal Congress, HeL 12-22, 1905. Rateo for the about occasions open to the public, Tickets will be soid to those points from ail stations on the Southern Railway. - rjetaiied information' can be had iapon application to any Ticket Agent of the Southern Railway, or Agents Of connecting lines, or by Addressing the undersigned: ; r. u. vernon, t. fa:, Charlotte, Nee J'.-if. WOOD, DTP. A., - Asheville, N. C. -S. H. HARD WICK, P. T. M. W.-H. TAYLOE, G. P. A. Washington, D. C. ph i 26 JOrtN ST.. KEW CHS The dainlestand most up-to-date cents each. Taffeta. No. 22-40 t ; f . Joe Person. ! Our little boy had ec- p zema from h:s in- ? fancy and after tak- ing two bot los of 'j I rK " your Jiemedy he is U w completely cured. ;1 S ' It is a wonderful $ I medicine and cannot be too highly rec- commended. Very Respectfully, il MRS. O. P. SHELL Dunns, N. O. June t) '03. AST flfiSTR 8Ti-t r--;T,.?.-')R t'hr -no 12?- Livery aad ala .-:,; Horses and i:Mes Fine Driving torses For Hire I Harness Eler Department ! Wo have just added a harness re-5 and experienced ham. roi:er in charge. We solicit you; patrom5 and guarantee satisfasti'.?--.. Try us. Ileal Liyery Stables, On West Oeutre Street, Geo. D. Bennett's Old Stand. This is to inform my friends and tfa" public generally, that I .(ive opnod m, a liv ery L'".in.cs-) at ih'.- '.! Ben nett stables, on Weil Centre Street. Can furnish single or double tetania as l?.-ureil, on short notice Give me a trial. Itates Ilea -i. suable. George Sraith- PROPUir.TOt. Kandolpli-Mdcoii Academy, For Boys and Youn.j Men. f oiol.suuusualo p?ortu eit vfr health iui uioiai, ujorai uiu.-ipiiysieai iruiu- ing. Endowed by Iei-?-ug in-tuu- tions of the Uaited tat-. ii i deprees corifjrrod i v leading colleges and univeidi.ies hinco ISOft-oa Uys tr-;.".i at ihi Academy. TliA lihoral pr.lmimfnt r.f tfir T? -1 ecaooi is a.hraucn permiH ucusuo . y low terms. Fine equipment. Gym- nasium. Baths. tn. A'ldr Lf caLilojrue. "- E. SUMTER SMITH, edlord-Uii j , Va. il R"; ? wars? r.etik n'l'h firm. tWMilfcT daal. Uss " tilii3 J.'.grs.K. Ei: I . .iRiiy r u.'a t! fttrrow la aoSk C 2L teXP-.. "r 6' eloping the bust or tw ft? ES'.f'lif ? C y rW!T-. J trajrt ft:-n. large and beatUJ.' )Mthltilf i .Reduced Kates. i ! The Atlantic Coast Line announces j tho following cheap excursion rates i' to ?Oii'i(s named. TO BICHMOND, Va., Account the graud Fountain United Order of : Truo Reformers, Seitembor 5lh to 12:h. One first claaa faro pias twen i -j Cvo (-5) cents, for tho round trip. i -LicUck ou sale September 3rd to Cth, iincii.avo. Final limit. September ten. TO UICIIMOND Va., Farmers Natio;;i Congress, September 12th to 22:ji' On? iirst class fare plus 25 cent f the round trip Tickets oa fsaie tym!or I0.h, Ilth, and 12th, !-'-- i:.f d limit September 25th,1905. ; '.w : .'S fro i a Iil','hmond,Washing 5 ' mid all points south of . vl at rate of ouo fare plus 25 :5 ;. "Jicket sold September 15th (;i:.d IC. h, final limit September 23rd 'lt'05. TO 1 - r '..i PIITLADELIIHIA, Pa., s li:ii.ant and Soveroiga i dgo I OOF, September 0:i tlr.Tit class fare $1-25 ound trip. Tickets on sale or 13th lth and 15th. Final om'oer 25th with privilege ion toOotobor oth bydeposit with Joint Agent and pay f f n, i:rnit of exU of ticii ment ot fee of St.CO. For further information write W. J. Craig General Faaaouger Agent Wilming ton N, Li. AT '! Oi'ia V AT lW. I vii? write your bond as adminls- uri-lor, jv'tanmn, contractor, offleials, ' f : V. t? '"xnri ing company. ! Wii! r-.aelico wherever services is ? ?. "ed. j 'M'".f -a froiii of Court House. V n lencas IN T Is iter o is a'regu lar I- va for convei fen? es. v .i'jn you an li ed c -icinatidrest. o k a.) )Ut you and note 10 may tilings, , useful i i 1 ornamental that j ua never thought yoa - t '-i wuitoi until 'you saw U '.ii. Whether you y a po .tags stamp or :,:d, or uoi-ht'ig at all, :: a j iu anyway and -fi. No trouble ato f j w gooii and quoto ;'-iico.. j.i3. Son; The Popular Druggists, atj iIo,:::C:i llotol corner. Itrs'vr .: Collzgc, tvi.l lv.-;i iU 4Qlh year Septeuihec f f;';!, 11',,. Tho f:l . deiy and cooamod ; . "j, b i-diDg'i i re! situated iu a grove i" -plfi:- Mpriiiiival oaks compris Is. - ve acres, affording- ample : i ir-v ting fcToauus for oul-door X' ' i'.uii sports.' 1 ' - -,- nvid H SI , ;jiber of boarding pupils is t-ighly, thus ensuring to , idu-d careful training by a . 1 well equipped faculty, ial course is arranged for uitig to prepare themselves a tho public schools. :! ;!? '.s of the school are s . :'.s the advantaged and ao Uoni offered vill allow, .aicgue address, -t M. S. DAVIS, A. M., Pres.-; Louiaburg, N. C. il f foundtrri :'-.;itui:e?j. abee-ace ot -W3kl M8ff3 l titfassed . .iU tirrs Cavvra, iK "Wttl VX I by very dlm pre jorra,-H. MV f store tr.'-a. ' -S i Dt Cl-irtes' Tlosh Food, tW wtt,1 s j.ayc.i'-. a; hfr etaSKiff la. Ma ernamm- !c;.i 1( :nri(.y. It lis pcsiTy Vi-'- "nara ':?j k u aiTi to lmcm -atat wlC f't t.h isa of TaaalaiHes aad touica rtll rro b?r? BlaoviW alwnya tie Ir " .iiarioe' i. leeli Poo a afier wcasli;? tiiVji. JtS . ..! nJso restor a boscm 9 8 TjrUurai .;iir and l.voty laat thrt;lfc. t -eacf . W ear-2atiy wvn lad!n to altfL B fllutcs ci Dt. Cfcarlea' M4. ' " t,: i: t, and portrait" of C. ClMxit 1 on tne oorr before purclMalris. -1 ra'-o. tn i-r. naxias' siosn rnoan i 'u''-e"i sn ts ?rno t rwta r ginr Of JT C. f.n.t;' KJ-Hil Food tM W W ,r :r. fwo-nr. ior Aect4M to wad ' i'A Jl Mpi b-jue ttmtfrVr convin yoa f tj. eNuui " rlt cf "r. CHarle Tieth ree&ch7 frc. :r y t trhlc payr ar;f ! Ciin..!.. j..v,Vr tU50 BnS VU , W 3'1-trau-n book. "-Art ii MMSirt,'" wialaa iaAies - ! tteavnf MVotet:r eir, devAjnjaji .Wlk&. J t

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