THE ARGUS. ,A Democratic Newspaper. Published. Every Evening Except ? bunuay. k BVBCSIPTION PBJCCI ijVAJfCE. DAILY Aliai&V ' One Year...- $5.00 fcfit Months.;;..; 2.50 iHree Months 1.50 One Month 50 WEEKLY AKQUS. One Year $1.00 Bix Months , .50 Three Months 25 - -Entered at the postoffice in Golds. ' boro, JN. C, a3 seeoua-ciass mailer. CONGRESSMAN TUEODOliK 23U11XOX. UugreTaf9 I It was a huge &Jto undertake the cure of such a fcsa case oi kidney disease as th$ pf..C. F. Cherokee bat S3ectric Siitersdid it. He write MSbidneiaJwerB 60 far gone I could noes Bit ..-on a chair without a ;iibM0iv and s uttered from dreadtuj backache, and depression. In Eltcuic . i . . i i i . i iters, nuwBvei a iuuyu it iiue, and by them was reatorad to perfect health. 1 recommend this great tonic medicine to all with weak kidneys liver or stomacn Guaranteed dy J. H. Hili & Son druggist; price oOc. There is still talk of making Mr. Burton chairman of the appropria tions committee, "but great as that position is, it would not be a promo tion to Thedore Burton. Not that he would not make a fine chairman of lhat committee and an effective floor leader, but he should not b3 transferred, because he knows more about rivers and harbors than all the rest of Congress. He is inflexibly honest, and he will not permit any considerable sums to be wasted on a work that will never bring results. He stands by any river or harbor that the people need and will us9. Some small sums are forced through over his head, bat no considerable money is voted against his judg ment. Every member of Congress knows he is the one man who can not be deceived as to the need of improvement of a given river or harbor. He knows the commercial possibility and value of every one of them, and this is why he should be returned at tho head of the rivers and harbors committee. The long and short of it is, the head of the country needs him at the head of the committee that he has long honored. He is the greatest chairman it has ever had, and he is should stay where he is as long as he stays in the House. Some day when horse sense gains the ascedancy in Ohio he may be sent to the Sanate, and that will be soon enough to transfer hira from the rivers and harbors committee to other service. Special Peace Envoy Itoostevelt held them together until peace came A Warning to Mothers. Too much taie can not be used with small children during the hot wtathei- ot the rummer muntns to guard ajrainst bowel troubles. Asa ruie ii iS omy necessary to give tne child dadoes oi caaio a oil to correct any dis order of tne bowels. Do n ji use anj absitute, but give the oldfasinoueti castor oil, aiiu see teat it is jrech, a- rancid oil nauseates and lias a U:ii aency to kudo. J.1 inid.cioes not checi the bowels giveUhauiObi'.aui'sUolk Jhoiera and 1 Xarrnota lteu.edy au uie disrase mj,y be cheeked in n incidiency and ail danger auvidtd fne cuoior oil and this remedy should oa procured at once and kepi reaii ior inotaut use as soon as the fcrst in dication of any bow ei trouble appear? This is theuiost successful treatment iiuown and m y be relied upon with implicit conii iouce even in cases ol ehlera lntautuai. Eor sale by Hig gins Di Ug Co. OUR NEW VOLUME. Daily Argm Oct. 7th. The Goldsboro Daily enters with this issue upon itkQrty second semi-annual volume, fich when completed, six months neuce, will score this paper- twenty-one years of age. The record of the Argus is with the people of its town: its work has been for the upbuilding of the com munity; its policy has been to ever appeal to the best that in men lie? and sj we can look through the vista of the years, back to that bright April morning in 1885, when the first issue of the Argus appeared, and read no line that we nave ever written in its columns that we would qow erase. Tais high, consciousness is more to U3 than riclies: is beyond monay and beyond price. j What Goldsboro has accomplished in these twenty-one years, within hr own domain, aloag ail lines of creoitiblo development, is marvel ous; what her young men and young women uiere youths, or even ia iantj, whea the Argus was started ' have gone forth fr)m our superb Public S'.'hojl into the outside world nd acnieved, and ate still doing, in every avenue wuere taient ana character are required, it would take volurres to recount. vU The pills that act as a atonic, .and rtpt as a drastic purge, are De Witt's EitHa Early ..Risers. They cure Head ache, Constipation Biliousness Jaun dice, etc. .Early Risers are smal and easy to take and easy act. by MacK-ay Pharmacy. iwem stock of goods. Cuba has fallen into line and is re ported to be suffering from graft. . Anticipatinsr the rise in cotton ernn-rta and shoas. wo nnr nrvters Sojdj With the factories early and are now receiving ur goods daily. Regard less vi now high the prices go, we shall continue at the sama price until mjo prvavui siock: is gone. We have a flue line of clothing just received from the factory: 100 suite ol men's cP thins- from $4 to $15 per suit; 50 suits of boys aad child ren s clothing: from $1 to $6 per suit; 50 pair pants from 50c to $i per pair; overcoats and rubber coats $1 2 to $10; 2,000 pair of new shoes, Que ladies shoes $1 to $3; fine men's shoee$l to $5, children's shoes 25 j to $2 per pair, i We are determined to sell more shoes than ever. We are sole agents for the j amousueo. u. Witt shoes aad others. A fine line of trunks, umbrellas and ! We handle Outof Date Plumbing is UnhlMjP iffy if yur piumb;ns 5s ut V11 V'. Yv fETl VI uaiw. tin. iii.uilw vi y vu HI MMm Oyingr ot Famine is, in its torments, like dying of con sumption. The progress of consump- iiuu iruui iuu utiuuiuir ui iue very i... f ... , . , , . : . j, end is a long torture, both to victim 2Jr&Z?h hosier' from 10 to 25c and friends" When I had consumption a . . t' V ; in its first stage," writes Wm. wT100!,500 to $l 50 lldren'a and boy's from 25 j to Mvers of Cearfoss Md; "after try iug l:tiJl eiL f 00 yf3 f l5MJ good3' wordteds. flmneimtts, different medicines and a good doc- SSfinS a2d Wmte flaQneis ginsharas, bleaching, !KSi:st ssisr pant """"" oad beJ periectly cured me." Prompt relief tniJT , , Kma3 ?uatt' tm ware croclery. 3S ware and sure for coughs, cold sore throat 1" LJ"1 V? ? , P?cket k'"ves, alm .st auything you can call for we ha ve bronchitis etc. Positively prevents "1"tobacca. 5,000 lbs the best that can be bought for pneumonia. Guaranteed at J. H. fhtoPn? ;n'Tlb3Aru,m l2icto 2c per lb. Call and be convinced Hill & Son's drug store, price 5oc nat-,WT X i,866- aly Want a 8mali proflt- . sPecial 8ales every day IS : members household are constantly risking their health. Defective plumbing generates germ-bearing sewer gases which pollute the atmosphere and cannot help but be breathed by the occupants. Let us examine the condition of your plumbing, correct defective piping and install the best sanitary fixtures made, namely "jtaifdaifd Baths and One-piece Lavatories. Our illustrated booklet "Modern Home Plumbing" sent free upon applijition. 1 174 Wa 'As rt & tr K &r. In additioii to the above we carry ;t Grade Bicycles and do general rop iiriiicj o;iipl-3te lia of ail kinilfl New Orleans thinks an early f c os would fit its condition admirably. For suburu. tetter and all skui and scalp diseases. DeWitt's Witch Haael toalve has to equal, it is a certain cure for oling, bleeding, itch- iner and urotrudiug piles. It will draw the tire ou ol a ourn and heal with out leaving a scar. Boils, old sorts, carbuncles, etc., are quicklcy cured by the use of the genuine JJe Wiit's Witch Hazel Salve. Accept tio substitute as thuy are often dan gerous and uncertain. Sold by Mac- Kay Pharamacist. There is too much government by commission in this country, any way. They Appeal to Sympathies. The bilious and dyspeptic are con stant guffeiers and appeal tooursym pathies. There is not one of tuem, however, wno may uot ue uiuugm bacit te health aud happiness by the use of OhauiOeriiu's btomacn and i .iver Tablets. These tablets iuvigr- aip 't.ha stmacn and liver auu strengthee the digestion. They also regulate the bowels, lor bale oy Higgins Drug Co. CLOSED FOREVER. Kneas expects to sell its corn crop for $V5,000,00 of untainted mocey. After a hearty meal a dose of Ko- dol Dyspeps a Cure will prevent an attack of Indigestion. Koaol is a thoregh digestaid and a guaranteed cure for indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gas on the Stomach, Weak Heart, Sour Risings, Bad Breath and all Stomach troubles Sold by MacK.ay Phrm acy. One of Hall Caine's most striking characteristics ii his need of a hair cut. S. C & JT. B- &dmund$Qn. When the Red is On the -vlapi; The Two Hustlers. OUR NEW COUCHES ARE HERE, THIS ONE FOR $10.00. Mama's darling now begins to put on the no.-eguards. REDUCED RATES. Rates one an one-third first-class fare plus 25 cents for the round trip have been authorized from all points on the A. & N. C. Railroad account the following occasion: Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina, Red Springs, N. C, Oct. 24-30th, 1905. Certificates to be signed by D. I. Craig, Clerk, and vised by H. S.Toon, Special Agent. Agent at Red Springs will honor certificates on or before Nov. 2nd, 1005. The saivuthat heals without a scar is DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. No remedy effects sucn speedy relief. It draws ouiiunammaiiou, ouutueo, l hnnls ail cms. burn and bruises. A sure cure lor rues and dkin diseases, DjWiU's is the only u-enuiue W itcn Hazel baJve. juu- ware of couterfeitb, tney are danger OUS. DOU1 oy iJJ.J.vaj' j. uai.uaj . How's This ! L We offer One Hundred Dollars Re irard lor any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall'a Catarrh Oura- F. J. CHENEY & Co., Propa, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known W. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and Delieve him perfectly honorable In all Duslnssa transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made oy their firm. WaST & Trxjax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waljdinq, K inn an & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all dnififgleta Testimonials free. Hall's Family Plla are the best. Made scientifically from pure sugars and with an eye to healthfulness and ease of digestion Goyer's Maplccane is made of pure maple and Louisiana cane sugar, of rich, smooth ccasistency and the true woodsy'mapleflavor. Whole some you can eat it every day. 1 OR SALE BT FONVIELLE GROCERY CO. Mr Witte at last. h&i reaily gone home Notliius ou the Market Equal to Chambcrlan's Colic, Cholera rnd Diarrhoea Remedy. This fact is well known to drug gists everywhere, and nice out oi ten will give tneir cusiuiueia mio. Mr. Obe Witmar, a prominent drug gist of Jopliu, Mo., in a circular to hts custeuuersjsays: x uerts is uutu ing on the market in the way ol patent medicine w'dch equals Cham berian's Coiic,Cholera and derrhoea Remedy for bowel complaints. We sell and recommend tnis drepara tion." For sale byHiggins irug Co. That is What Goldsboro Has Done For Barrooms Here. The Board of City Aklrmen, act ing under the law, up 3ii a petition signpd by a requisite number of the regist 'ivd voters of the city, have ordered an election to determin whetner lioldsboro shall remain a nrobibition town or return to the open bar. For two years, the coming Janu ary 1st, Goldsboro has been a "dry town," and in those two years the physical development of the city the increment in the value of real estate, the building oi residential abodes, the number of new com merical hou-ses, the iucreasa iu the volume of traie upbuilding along all lines of legitimate and per manent progress, has been unprece dented, while tbe sobiiety and general happiness of our people have been most marked and gratifying. These are statements of faets Ikiiownof all, and in the vast ma jority of the homes of our commu- uity there has baen a theretofore un known peace, and in the hearts of our womanhood there has been a constant, daily prayerfuluess c thanksgiving to God that these pit falls of ruin have been debarred from luring the weak and from the path way of our youth, who are the hope of the future. And now shall all this count for nothing in order that less than scoro of men may be restored to the traffic ol grog iu oar town and that th3 votaries of drink may returnto tne vomit? Answering for Jh? great majority No Secret About It. It is no secret that for Cuts, Burns, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Sore Eyes, Boils etc: nothing is so effective as Bucklen's Arnica Salve. - It l.iT H Hong to cure a bad sore L a d . aid it is I all O. K. for soreey is." . . lUt D.L. Greeorv. of HcDa. lc. 25c at H. Hill x Son's dra sloie. ' W tit I A ' V.I 1 VyJ,3 Wbn Autumn is at br prettiest plc'usuro diiviug1 in very much in order. Is your harness right? Need a uew set? Need the wl i repuiivd? For supplying the new -right as to style, Al ;is to wear; for repairing used" h we are known of all uwa 'or ur skill, f.iir dealing and honest prices. Goldsboro Harness & Shoe Shop T. H TANTOr4. No insect President. can scare our strenuous A Guaranteed. Cure For Piles. Itchinsr, Blind, Bleeding or Pro truding Piles. Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case, no matter of how lonsr standing, in 6 to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 50c. If vour druggist hasn't it send 50c in j stamns and it will be forwarded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. uouis, Me. The beef trust is now convinced it doe3 not own the federal court. SATISFACTION. It is always a source of satisfaction to know of a remedy that can always be relied on in emergencies and when accidents occur, such a remedy is Elliott's Emuisihed Oil ljiniment. It is the most serviceable Accident aud Emergency Laniment ever pro duced, and is just as satislacory in all eases where a Liniment is required. For sale by the Palace Drug Store. Our Senator Dapews what eha'l we do with them? Gever in the way, no trouble to carry, easy to tajie. pieasdui aua failling in results are DeWitt's .Little Early liisers. Tnese famous little pills are a certain guarantee agaims headache, DUiousness, lorpiu. nvar and all of the pills resulting Irom Constiyatior. Tney tonic and streng- hen tne liver, sold Dy .are-isay Pharmacy. The President's daughter is still picnicking in Corea. Sick headache results from a dis ordered condition of bhe stomach and is quickly cured Dy Cnambelain's Stomah and JLiver Tablets, For sale by Higgins Drug Co. Mr. Rockefeller accepts certiik a1 s of cnaracter grat fully. AUadScare. Some day you will get a bad t scare, when you'fbci a pain in your bowels and lear appendicitis. Saiety lies in Dr.,s iew late Pills, a sure, for all bowei and stomach diseases, such as headachy, . biliousness; costiveness, etc. uuarauteed at J;.lI.Hiil & ton; drug store, only 25c Try them. of the voters of Gcdsboro the Ai: -ius gives asurauca that nvr again wiii tbe lice.nstd barrooa do business in the Beet Town iu the State. Tho virtue of prohibition ha3 been tested here and great is the satisfac tion. The t Vila ott tie liquor trafhc are appalling, heartless and relent less. How miay sad-eyed, heart broken wives have clung to drunken husbands how desperately they have tried to save t'lem from yield ing to the "open bar'' and tho entic ing clink of the glass within, only tho drunkards know. But what the "opea bar" is licensed to do it does it makes drunkards and destroys manhood: it entices youth by the "social drink," then gradually and cunniugly distroys his will power, digs the grave of his noblest pur posts, ambitions, hopes and happi ne?s, health and of all that made his lifa worth the living,and,at last but why paint the picture further? It is needless. Goldsboro has closed bar rooms in her domain -and forever. cf Connie Mack is creating cases heart trouble in Chicago. JLteliel iu Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder f Disease relieved in six hours by !"ew Gbeat South Ameeioan Khnex JCuke." It is a great burpnse on ac ! count of its exceeding promptness 'in rftlievirsar nnu in hlaririfir. IciHvihvs! ? and back, m male or female. Re- lieves retention of water almost irn- f' " 1 "r " ' mediately. If you want quick relief w.ri'j'.Tw'!iT land cure this is the remedy. Sold fOl&l blMiliiLliljKa 'by M. IS. iiobmsoa & Bio. druggists, Hakes Kidneys and Bladder Blah Z Goldsboro, & O. Ir. Jolmstou Elected. Richmond, Va., Oct. 6. Dr. George Ben Johnston, of this cily, was elected professor of surgery and ehefof staff of the hospital at the University of Virginia, by the board of visitors of the institution to-day, his period of active service to begin With next s93sion. A proposition looking to the eventual consolidation of the medical college of Virgiuia, which is located in Richmond, and the medical department of the Uni versity, was made to the board by members of the faculty and board of trustees of tha former institution was made to the Univereity beard, and a committee was appointed to look into the matter. GOLDSBORO Real Estate FOR SALE. " A 6 room cottage, in good condition. Location desirable. Terms attractive. A beautiful building lot 6 Ox 180 on East Walnut. A 3i acre farm, improved, within a mile and a half of the city. A choice building lot 70x210 on Slocumb street. Second lot from Walnut street. A 7 room dwelling, No. 205 VV. Ash street Lot 105x210. Location the very best. An 8 room dwelling, all mod ern improvements, in good con dition. Lot 524x210. No. 206 N. George street. A 23 acre truck farm within a mile of corporate limits of city, on Snow Hill road. Why not put your savings to work. One can not well make a mistake buying property in and around Goldsboro. Note the foregoing as a sam ple of the properties we have for sale. If you mean business we will make the terms attractive. You Should See Its Construction And Covering. Others Jtist fls Cfjeap. Yours very truly, FRESH SPICES Rich, Strong. Pure. You will have batter success with your pickling, preserving and all of your fancy cooking if you spice them with our spices. Fresh. Rich. Strong, Pure Spaces. Spices that have those delightful flavor? only possessed by Real Spices: Spices that have those delightful tlavor- ine Qualities make them the most eco nomical to use. We have them. HI S. Hobinson & 3rQS- West Centre Street. Chemists and Druggists. THE GOLDSBORO BUuGY CO. Millinery OPenng The Ladies of Goldsboro are cordially invited to attend our Millinery Opening 9M""m TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3RD AND 4TH. All the Latest Styles, Shapjs and CjIom will bs exhibited at West Centre St. South. Gkley Gut Flowers ! two weeks the fol- We can offer you for Sowing cut flowars: Bride Roses White 75c to $1.00 Kaiserine Roses White 75c to $1.00 Bridesmaid Roses -Pink ...,75c to 1.00 Carnations - Pink, waite and red 50c to 60c doz doz doz doz Also at 11 times: Brides Boquets $4.00 to $10.00 Bridesmaids Boquets 2.50 to $5.00 Funeral Boquets $2.50 to $15.00 Buggy Manufacturers, Goldsboro Drug Co. GOLDSBORO. JN. C, Solicit your valued orders. NOW Is the time to get a Hart, Schaffner &' Marx Rain Coat. A swell line just received. The fit is perfect. You know they make only all wool goods; all hand-tailored and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Those re ceived to day we sell for ; $16.50 Agt's J. Van Lindley Nursery Co. of Greensboro. JUST RECEIVED Finest line of Pocket Knives, Razors and Scisors ever shown In Goldsboro. ideal Hardware 60: HUMPHREY Goldsboro, N. (J. GIBSON f. f. JOSEPH Everything , For Men. City Jlxes A Word to the Ladies CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use In time. Sold bv druggists. For 1905 ARE NOW DUE All persons who have not yet paid their city taxes for the year 1905,are earnestly requested to coma forward and settle the same. Your attention is called to Chap ter 14, Sec. 5, of City Ordinances, which reads as follows: "Tha Tax Collector shall, from and after the first day of November of each year, proceed to collect the taxes upon real estate and personal property and polls that may then be due and unpaid, by distress, as is provided by law. Respectfully, W. H. COLLINS i City Tax Collector. At City Hall. ; Miss Alice Carson, of Fremont, N. C, has opened a branch MILLINERY STORE in Goldsboro in connection with her Fre mont Store; having employed Miss Willie MoorheaJ, of Balti more, Md., to take charge of the business here. Miss Moorhead is one of Baltimore's m3t fasti lious trim mers and competent business ladies. Misses Carson and Moorehead invite every lady to pall to see their beautiful line of Millinery. Respectfully, fCliss fllice Cairsoi? GOLDSBORO, N. C. Beware REAIVO WE CAN SUIT YOU!! Large selection in Suits, Overcoats, And Raan Coats Fall and Winter 1905-06 j Latest Styles, Lowest Prices, Best Makes. M N. BPSTBIN- ODD FELLOW'S COUNER. ALE ; Of Southern Express Company. i" '.',. Unless previously called for ani all charges paid, or otherwise dis posed of, the Southern Express Co. will sell a number of unclaimed shlp ' ments at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the highest bidder for cash. Sale will take place at the Banner Warehouse, on John street, .Gqlds bbro, N. C, Saturday, November 4th, commencing at 10 cTelocIs:, a. m. . W. Buckner, Siipt. G. F. Bronson, Agent. - 1 J. T. FiShaiv Auctioneer. 1 ii H - Atlantic Christian College! REPEATING SHOTGUNS No mmttr fcow big ihh bird, no iattr how hury im plum'ao or wlft its flight, you en brinj it tp bfef with lonj, trOSft, traight shooting Wi&c&estu RopwWng Sbotgna. RMulta ar what ccunt. They always aiv the bast fakults la flalaV fowl or trap shooting. n4 axa -sold , within taaeh of avarjrbodr'a- oockatbobk. I rsei i sin hw Mi mutm m Jtof Kutma mtdottji Winchester, repeating armstto. Ntw HvsM.cfis:M. FOR MALE AND FEMALE. . Thorough courses ia Vocal and Instrumental Music, Art, .Elocution and ;Pyhsical ; , Culture, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Stenography and Typewriting. Well arranged Preparatory De- !nartment. A complete, course in Ancient and Modern Langu- i . . t m -i -a t"v i i 'rail ' ages and Liiterature, JViatnematics ana HDie. inree courses leading to the A, B. Tegree. - . j Experienced and capable teachers.v Oonifortable building Steam heat, Electric lights, Water, good health record. .OpeaaSept. 5, 1905. Write tor Catalogue. Address, Lfr HARPFR, U L P.'. President Southern fclectric Co., ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS, WILMINGTON, N.C;. We carry on hand at all times a iu line of Electrical Supplies. Electrical Lighting. Tele phone Call bells and Annunciators. Every thina Electrical. . " We have four or five hundred Long Distance Magneto Telephones which we can sell at. from $ .50 to $5.00 This is your opportunity Dan't let it pass. Talk with your neighbor and your farm liuiiuucfl ; , - . Now is the time when talk is cheap. Cfctcber 4,-1505. -