riower i AH Sizes -o- See our b'ack stvlisb 8mt white belts awful 10.; each Our 3 piece violet rage. waiit ets are the PICTURE FBA.ME3 A fraae GJsSJ at '. loe We are the cheapest picture fome roar ers in the the city Let ua frame your. 5 a 17 el lOc. Store. PROGRAMME BLOOD PUSFYifJC TABLETS. MAKES RICH BED BLOOD, HEALTH AMD STREN8TH- A BLESSING TO BRAIN WORKER0 AND NERVOUS PEOPLE. A POSITIVE CURE FOR ERYSIPELAS GOUT TUBERCULOUS BLOOD POISON KIDNEY TROUBLE IRREGELAR flENSES LIVER TROUBLES. ECZEMA SCURVY RHEUMATISM NERVOUS DISEASES WEAK LUNGS CONSTIPATION NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA SA-MU-LAH tablets are compounded from the essence of rare East Indian Plants, and are the perfected result of over 20 years of medical research. SA-fllJ-LAH acts promptly on the Lungs, Liver and Kidneys. These organs are directly responsible for the condition of the blood. SA-MU-LAH is a blood purifying medicine put up in tablet form, and contains nothing of an injurious nature. They are invaluable in cases of specific febrile disorders where the blood has a large excess of febrine or uric acid. Every disease or disorder that flesh is heir to can be traced to Impure Blood. SA-MU-LAH has helped thousands of sufferers. It can help you. p Q f ' A Sample package of SA-MCJ-IAH tablets will be sent free to any K kbi ' person writing and enclosing 5c. to cover cost of postage, " . v ON SALB AT PRINCIPAL DRUGGETS. PRICE PER BOX CONTAINING 25 TABLETS. 50 CENTS. If your dealer cannot supply you, send price and order to POWELL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO,, 140 NASSAU ST., ' NEW YORK. SSL- -'aV'V 'WtUJ. tJ B eacn-iut oacon. In glass jars or in bulk if you lik. Tb.3 ideal breakfast ba con, crisp and with a delicato flavor thifc appeals to all lovers of bacon. If you ever try it you will care for no othor kind. Un der this famous trade mivk we also have Sliced Beef, Cranberry Sauce, Peanut Butter, Strawberry Jam, Grape Jam, Pineapple Preserves and Stuffed Dates. Try them. You will like them. Afresh lot of breakfast cereals just arrive J. We are head quarters for Coffee's and Teas. We are always on the lookout for something to please you. If you are our customers you know it. If you are not, you should be and you will always be pleased. Fonvielle Gro eery o. of the North Carolina State Fair, to be Held in Kaleigh Oct. IO to il. The Great North Carolina Fair Wi.l be h id in Raleigh, Ov.4. 16th to 21st, 1905. There will be unusual attractions, that will more than re pay all who come. The uiauag' ment have spared no trouble or expense to get s ith attractions as will pltase the most severe crilic and afford great pleasure and amus mant to the threat cvvds who wiliaUtnd. No oae who attend need have any fear oiicemiu auy of the many at- Hiiuii-jua mat W'jii U; tGWU, 3 they uave been seieeied with care, to please aud enUr an the people, PHOGitAMME. Tuesday, October 17. Fair will be opened by Gov. Glenn. Fine racing. Free attractions. Wednesday, October 18 th. Fraternal Order Day. Racing. Free attractions which all Fraternal Orders are rtspactlully invited to attend, and hope there wil be a large representation. Thursday, October 19th. President Eoosevelts Day. With Grand Military Escort. Fine racing. Free attractions. 4, Friday, October 20th." ! Educational Day. A grand rally of Educators. Racing. Free attractions. Among the great and vailed at- , tractions to be seen each day on the j grounds are: Mile. Zingarella, in wonderful I Spiral Tower act. Madam Leona Bonni, in High Trapeze Couad Web act. AIj.u (jaj-, divhi I iii ninety ioc. tidier, tut-a'tog backwa u fcuuie: vault. Hutchinson, The Huunu Komi, a mo-it wonderful iMid ti.-ii i fed I. Kotliiu Tiaiufd vVi-u Aimvn Exhibition. Up-to-date a-id o ea t M i-.vity. tikii-s blowers, uuil ni.iny -. i-1 trae: iOD-i to ;lea,e itud en. i.i m who attend. These acU and a:ir " " ns vli iy d;-spiayed each d.iy tiuri ig ihe F;ii There will a's be li e .i ts ti the agricultural, iaauinia m.. educational ; t i a As the Preside jt of tart L;n i States has consented ; uJ prvxt-i? to be at tins great fdir on (Jet. 1.) it therefore beaojv 3 tae pe '.e t s this good old Smti not uu y iu we cjrn3 him in larCTe nuoibers, bui ai so to make a great and iratiu ii play of the varied resources f Noui Carolina, aud piove io hi-u aau in friends iu the N jrih aud West tii;.' we are not b3hiud other sUilo- in ni tractioas for capilil and a fe-ood ( it meut of setilers. Welcome wll, &-u b)iog Hg crowds and larg,e x ubits. Ashhy Horue, Presideaf. Claude D. D u-on, Treasurer. Jos. E. Po- u, SecieLary. $1000 REWARD ! offered at ft guarantee that Mi Dr. Piorce's Favortto Prmotipttom Dr. Pierce's aMea MMUcal DU vwy eontslns aleobol, opium, or any haraM drug. Any one publishing- falae tef menu concerning tneir ingTeaiwv T be prosecuted. Doctor Pierce'i ramlw Remedies are compounds of medietas) XBMS OF INTEREST FROK DIVERS SOURCES. ad. medletnaa which have entored the Dttblle epafidenoe for over a third of a oeatmr. They are medicines not beverages mau In antlafv r.rn.vina fnr Vbonxa." "Golden MedlcaT Disoovery" regulates and Invigorates stomach, liver and bow eta. ana cores ayspepsia, purines me wwe (?ae Latest Telegraphic News ol ih Day Boiled Down to a Focur Busy Readers. ia BTatam a-onarallv. 'avorite Presort ptlon" cures female weakness, irregularlt aadtoDM up "Favorite 1 as. lrreatularltles. exhaustinc drains, painful periods and kindred ail ments peculiar to women. Accept ae substitute for these medicines, each ai which has a record of marvelous Substitution means selfishness on the part of the dealer who Is looking for aha greater profit on an interior article. "Our daurhter who was. attendlnc eoflem i vary nervous ana we were eavisea Dr. Pierce's Pevorlte Prerfpyqa," Mxs. M. d Fox. of ST JL Leonard fit. to try writes Grand Rapids. Mich. WOM bo and the you advised us to ret the ' Ooldea sfedical Discovery' also. She took four Bottles of the" Prescription and three of the Ooldea Medical Discovery, and you never saw snoa a chanse in a oerson. She said she did not feel like the same person. She was about seventeen years old at the time. I mOi siadlS' recommend Dr. Pierce's medicines to every one. I advise parents who have youn daughters who suffer from nervous troubles Jjr. fierce s favorite rrescxiptio as T fl.m sum im will hem tJiem" to try once. sTrsn nnn QIVBN AWAY, in eonles f The People's Common Sense A JUST CAUSE FOR ACTIQN. Medical Adviser, a book that soli tent of 600.000 copies a few fi.oo ner copy. away lua- hall rive away tSO.OOO worth of thsnv Will yo share to this benefit? If so. send only 81 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only for book in stiff paper covers, or 81 stamps for cloth-bound. Address Dr. E. VT Pierce. Buffalo. nTV. years ago. at Last year fevs aw pO.000 worth of these tnvalui Die books. This year we sha For Sale. FARMS, HOUSES AND LOTS For Sale AND VACANT LOTS. a to tae ex 1 corner lot, James and Mulberry street?, 1 house and lot on Mulberry street, 2 vacant lots on Mulberry street. All tho above belonging to Mr. Geo. C. Sjutherland. The Acme Machine Works, iiic:iudin buildings, lease of land &c; fine location for taativJactaring of any kind, also desir able for wholesale grocery Kloi"29. Mr. Kit Holt's vaiub e corner brick stores, a splendid piece of property. JL. II. Carr's res'deuce on Daiav st ; 3 houses and lots and 2 vacant lots in Uimuudsoutown; 10 vacant lots at Georgetown; the valuable Thompson property nearly opposite the Court House; nice hou-a und outhouses with 10 acres of knd at Greenleaf; 1 shae of the A. T. Grady farm; 4 other desirable houses and lote for sale, location and price made known on application; 1 vacant lot p 1 joining Holi ness church; 1 fine vacant lot opposite JuJga W. 8. O'B. Robinson's; the valuable corner of East Lfentre and Vine st?: the home of the lata Dr. T). H. Cogdell, 8 valuable lots can be made from tins property; 1 valuable lot poia n' !fgma urug co., sspeeiai A FACT PROVEN. Should Convince Frfn the Bloat Skep tical of Its Truth. If there if the slightest doubt in the minds of any that Dandruft germs do not exist, their belief is compelled by the fact thp.t a rabbit innoculated with the germs became bald in six weeks' time. It must be apparent to any person therefore that the only prevention of btldnes-s is the destruction of the germ which act is successfully accomplished in one hundred per cent, of ca&es by the ap:;licat:on of JCewbro's Herpicide. ran1ruft is caused by the same, germ which causes baldness and can be. pre vented vith the same remedy New'jro's Herpicic'c. Accept no substiute "Destroy the cause you remove the effect." Sold hy lending: drugeists. Send 10c. In st-nps frr s imple to The Herpicide Co, adjoining Ice Factory, E. E. Smith's valuable property corner West Cen tre and Elm sts, consisting of 4 houses and 1 vacant lot, rents for nearly $20 per month, a flue investment; 200 acres of Mr. D. E. Smith's valuable farm just across tne lattice bridge, this land is suitable for cotton, truck &c. Will cut up in small tracks to suit purchaser; 30u acre farm of Mr. A. J. Overman, adjoining Mr. W. R. Hollowell's farm; 43J acres near Geaoa; a valuable $12,000 farm, one of the most deairablo ia Wayne Co., near the city; the N. B. Boyette property at Greenleaf consisting of 2 houses aud lota ana b vacant lots. A,enls. MRS. NEVA LIKES BERMOTOLOGIST. At Lsry Building, Upstairs, Room If vou wish any information about real estate, either to buy. sell or! No. 5. Corner of John and Walnut 8ireet3. Office Hours: 9 to 11.30 a. m and 1:30 to 6 p. m. Special appointment made by ar rangement ;om 7:30 to 9:30. Facial massage, scalp treatment and manicuring specialties. . rent, write to or call on ED. L. EDIUDSONe The Real Estate Hustler, Goldsboro, N. O. Two Dyspeptics If vou are too fat it is because year food -urns to fat instead of muscle strength. f you are too lean the fat producing foods hat vou eat are not properly diffestea ano isstrnilated. Lean, thin, string' people, do not hevt nough Pepsin in the stomach, while fat eople have too much Pepsin and Dot aough Pancreatine. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ontains all the digestive juices that art ound m a healthy stomach, and ir iactly those proportions necessary te nabla the stomach and dices live errant o digest and assimilate ail foods that ma; ?e eaten. Kodoi is not only a penec lieestint, but it is a reconstructive, t'.s ;ue buudnur tonic as welL Kedul cure ndip-estion. Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach -ieartbum. Palpitation of the Heart and onstipation. You will like it Digests What You Eat Rests the stomach. rebt0ds the tissues and gives firm fmab. A man was arrested In New York for eating grass. Trying to lead the simple life, probably. In setting out for a globe-trotting expedition Colonel Bryan remaked to Mr. Roosevelt, "Go forward" In the mean-time Colonel Bryan will go some himself. Yellow fever will prevent Gover nor Vardaman of Mississippi from attending the launching of the battle ship Mississippi and will keep him from treading on any one's tees. Ths New Hampshire man who was robbed of $3 200 on a train can console himself with the thought tnat ne would have had to give j it to the Pullman porter, anyway. It is not surprising to learn that a farmer has been kidnapped in Wisconsin. Farmers are waxing se plutocratic these days that they command no insignificant ran- !soma. It ''transpires" that Uncle Sam paid for the traransportation thaf enabled Secretary Taft and his I party to create an impression in Japan and Philippines. The reason A'hy is not so apparent. A comedienne qu;t her engegmMit i dudgeon because tli-i lnau- .' i ;i in j oil cuu to ner .o'-vuijj h -r as; Ides aud tether ti;b in siting and dancing )e.M dii- s. (.;.-d fur you nljre.- ! v a -would tue strtj;6 be wtinoui lie aud an!sle, not to spak cf Reason : Reason is the active principle of thought through the meditation of the mii-d. Reason prescrides the method by which absolute acurayy and purity is attained. Reason guides the "mind and dictates the selection of things most adapted te "he best interest of those coocerned. There is reason for all things. Ths po -u'aiity,the great success of The Pal ice Drug Store aud the high esteem ii which they are held by their nu nerous customers needs eo speculative explanation. It is due to no o her cause than reason. It pays to -trade at THE PALACE DRUG STORE. Have You Tried "PORGELf? 99 Jer i: , Folk, D uma, Weaver :d ll' sevelt pre ex-impTes of ')te iVc Amri ans ia politics ' nia aptly bd styled t;ie Piie eyes of tha country TAXES m 1905 M DUE Ear y Sct'lemerrt earnet.tly re quested. Having: recently necessarily -.pent $10,000 for new jail, an ! increased current expenses or tne councy navmsr run our treasury very low, and tax rate H t having been increased at a'l, and hoping not to have to 'jorry money wnile money is due the county, tne Board, at their recent meeting, having the 'collectors to meet with mem, instructed the collectors to make as early collections as possible, and make monthly set tlements. Now, trusting these raggos tions and-requests may be fav orably considered, atul to;--early and prompt seitmvu-s v made, I am verv vvAv. W. A. DEKMAEiC. Sept. 19, 1905. Tax CtLeotoi Office at Court House. A preparation made exclusively to clean and polish porcelain enameled bath tubs, lavratories, sinks, etc, 15c. per package, 2 for 25c. Hot Weather R equisites Ice Craam Freezers, Icq Crushers. Water Coolers, Blue Fiama Oil Cook Stoves, Ike John Siahter Company i.112 and 114 East Walnut St. , RooStig, Plumbic jr and House llzstiz. -NEW REALS, 9 Mothers Crushed Oats, Cream of Wheut, Force, Shredded Whole Wheat, Pettijohrj, Grape Nuts. All of which ire new aal very delicious breakfast food3 We also carry a full a-iiortinep.t of the National Biscuit Com I nauy's dainty cakes aad crckors. Kalamazoo Celery Once a week. MISS SE Teai-her of . MUSIC AND MODERN LANGUAGES. Miss Marie Wahle, of New York bi.uj City ha opened a Studio cf Music, -r Piano ana Vccal; ana Modern lan- French and Gorman. ailhnun now an;l turtea ' Thnann rvf n.r. l .nl "U1B amnion m uwiujuj and Krauce. She is an experienced tvachc-r. haviaj tausht in soma of t.r of ttentio l.Thegauio ol the ba-t colleges North and South i' n -'Tom" Johnson of Cievtl tnd indGovt r i:LiFolotle of lowacoaie n :- a ... i ni . . I 'U! H i uay nas oecooie strenuous -ims unweisw. 1 1 e 'i v seiise oi tne wora.xia'riDHRt olu lj. umci i i. k tali eii tor th rampant pou i n- Phe Isiter are made ntces- -ary by tlu furuitr EXCEltl'TS. i; liut H-raels. John and Wal- Han:liey Building. SFE SALE 4' Wooten. West Walnut Street. A n Goldsboro Savicas and Trast Go. -PAY8- Interest at Rate of 4 per cent, per annum. Interest paid every three months. We are independent winn saving a part of our earnings. We are sure to be rich if e continue the practice. :B6gin at once by opening an account with the Goldsboro Savings and Trust Co. D1KF.CTOKS : I. F. DORTCH, J. S. CRAAVFOflD, W. T.YELiVERDN, GEO. C. .fciO YALiL, B. n. GRIFFIN, O. B. MILLER, ED. EOxMUNDSON, L. WEIL, W. li. COBO. M. J. BEST. GEO. A. NORWOOD. DoUai tottUholilil tlmaa ih tb. trifel, or M e&t .Is. Frpr.d t tit. Lb- nurr i O.I-fWin A Uo.. UMo go, V t Recommeuded Pt Mac-Kay's Pbar- nacy. HO LISTER-3 flacky Msuniain Tea Kuggets A Busy Medicine for Bnsy People. Brings Goldon Health and Eeaewrd Vigor. A .q-neeiflc for CrniHtirtation. Tmlirr.tio-n. Live snd Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impure lood. Bad Breath. Sslusreish Bon-eK. fiadaeh viid Backache. It's Kooky Mountain Tea in tab ?t form. Sr. cdnts a box. Uecmne nadd b' loL'.iSTEa.J.RL'a Company, Madlaon, win. iOLDEfl NUGGETS FOR SALLOW t'EOP" E For Sale at Higging Drug Go. For Profitable Perusal of Argus l&cadcrg. Rea-oa is txctlleut and forceful, out beyond its boundaries thf ro is a realm wirch can only b - discovortd by faith. Where sii'fnt:e ends where piiii sjphy p.tusts, fai'h begins. Faith is the coirplenaent of reason. 1j1 Courage does not consist in the absence otjiear, but ia the conquest of it. f ligli. Ssy iZ)r. !L,T?"r IX Oomnouiici Gives Posh Powertu! TjonbluBtlau. Rncoesfifully 2O0.O0Q. w-omen. rnco ;ce. vrvm THE iH The world is full of kindness, pes- iinaisrn to tno contrary, notwnu- standing. Generous impulses abound, harity ia everywhere: Hie average man experience altruistic impulses in many forms. He is moved by distress. He deplores misery, crime and poverty'.,. He has . e-Mnpission even. ,updn. the, unworthy. He is imrtollorl in rpliPVrt rnnflit inns vvhi.-h I "" " 8 3' 1 induce unpleasant emotions in his 3EST0SES V1TALIIV I own Jrast. . His altruism comes in T" iit nature ti iuty, or a saerinca, Prtr.c a . I or flontribution to his own ethical IVcSl Liars I content. iveHellut i Tilted by rins or o b. F. 1 Velglit, iba. Price, S57.00 Ba;e. Ko. 78. ' ' 1 Hisrli. Wide. Deep. Oatxide .V2" -WVs" IS" Inside 15" IO" 11 Weight, 4i;t pou ml. A t rft Price 0& je3U No. TO. Ill err.. Wide. Deep, out Mile..... .WM." SiiVi" Inside 1SV3" 1454" AVeght, 7SO peumds. QQ'J CQ Ko. SO. Ill Kb. Wide. Deep. OatHiae J" sr.y" 24" lusiUe 24" 17'' 15" Welg lit, 1,000 pounds, MILLER SAFES. 101-103 Hanover St, Baltimore, U. S. A. r; 1 i ware. IN THE COURSE of one year the bal ance of your watch makes 157,680,000 revolutions. THUTE OF IT ! In tint 3 tho oil gaan, T-0'ol'ici3 friction and weara the juciiuatc ue-i.iuu-j, ussiji'o in j, cuair nitrn nuisu ttuu uaiion at, thus rammr aa ic,;ar v,a tiuis piece. An ordinary i. of Me. IUOS.:I. SUTVOS.Tre. J. 8. GEIFF1N. Sec SandjjTrsis aitstn30drra. i i anotner, tnrougn aecepuon, inrougn turfs wbenn. rfhereiaU I , . . . ,, , . , . it lest mnho5d.od cij ! misrepresentation, through the ex- Never lorget that whatever you! !jt HSrOWSfB 60 may get ior sen at me , expense m , nrndnccj tlie ubOT results powerfully d uuickly. Oot-s SkIJlJ!MlTcl8e. of the lower functions and ffiTiSSSK pwer!j willby law "v1 9Ubtle equally powerioi, De . mrnea mio ashes in your very hands. The honey you think you have secured will be turned into bitterness as you attempt to eat it. The beautiful fruit you Dainty Jowlry. I have jast ra.noleldJ my store anl ha ve received a handsome liae of Q3v roaJi of the litest pittera ail de signs, an i for artistic naish and qa lity ttu nce uot sur passed in the Stita. I rdieJlfiluy invite au imp?suon of my stock before yoa purchass anything in M. 8. Withsrinatog, EA8T QENTRE STREET,NORTE Phone 124. Livery and Sab Stables 1 .11 f.t rlt-tn or eiot and luol2creUoa Fi!cb unfits on for endy, business or naarrlaw. It not only cures by strtir at tt sert of i:ee. but ii.mtt mi3 and bioor. builder. fcrlEff- ina btck .he pink sjlew to pais cbeefesscdre storinit tho fire of yoatSi. Ii wards oernBiairT sttor.- It ctn t earned In est poctet. By msll. l.OOperStskase.O'- ds tor5.i)i), wliiPi. fea mnngT. ..FcuK e ud advise lr;e. AUUrcss . 10YAI MEDICINE C(h, ,0c1cAQo0"uf SrPor ele in JQoldaboro, N. O. bj M. E. Kobinaoa Bros sod MacKsy's Pharmacy. I Watches. Clocks, Rings. Silverware, Novelties, Sparkling Cut Glass ! I have almo3t aathiar m th jewelry lino you may i a Suck Pin to a hiuddoma Da noad. 1 espec inspactioa of my lia9 of Out Gla-s. WATTS, flgent. I desire, from ially desire JR. A. Horsss and Mules For Sals i Fine Driving, Horses For Hire 1 ! Harness Repair Department L We have just added a harness re pair department and have a capable and experienced harness maker in charge. We solicit yoar patronage and jj, oar an tee satxaiacuon.' Try us iicdoi dyspepsia Cure Cigests ynht you eat i3ee our new store opposite B. E. Pipkins. We have a etcuk of new goods ia iEiliiE III I IB il SIVul See our line of EIAaiEfj WAKE, STOYi, f.r, BANGt and - '1.1 'i "1 pa year. G Let u? ex i nine U Kyou nothi ng. i Your watch should ba oiled onca :t hoiost opinion from us will cost U D. G1DDENS. statHslid 1SSO. Optician. Mrs. Joe Person. lis; ; We have just roe-sivod a A. T. GRIFFIN. Inconsequence of a change of busineas.offers for sale at reduced price any manufac tured stock he has on hand, consisting mostly of com- mon grade -flooring, ceiling and siding, and a large lot of rough lumber, suitable for repairing fences, outhouses, ' etc This offer is for Two "Weeks only. Those who come, early get choice at same 'price as late callers. Appreciative of .and thank ful for the liber&l patronage with which the "public have so generously favored, mg. I am S always, yours truly, think is yours, will be as wormwood as vou try to enjoy it. The rose you have plucked will have, lost beauty and fragrance, and you will stock of PINE TAiiin cans. find yourself clutching only a stem ; Ci.ff rn l'pri,!japP' lift of .thorns which will penetrate to the OubuUli sll-il U II Ul U U J" vp'ru otiiRk and which will flowt he . - i 'vYslnat Street, . . rf( : ' . . i very life blood from your nanas J. N. Jolinson, DENTIST. Iiove finds us young and keeps us, i Tmmnrtal hinfiswlf. he DPrmits nQt age to enter the, hearts where bfgf1 reigns. The fruit we pluck springs from the seed we sow, and. from our deeds flow both, our joy and woe. . ' Judgment and firmness, decision and perseverance, are the qualities which make men great. GEO. E. HOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. I will write your bond as adminis trator, guardian, contractor, omciais, etc. in a bonding company. Will pracuce wherever services is desired. Of&ce in front of Court 3? 3 Our littlo boy had ec- $ zema from his in- 'Mi DAYS III. fancy and after tak- j ing two bottlej of j your Bamedy he is completely cured. -J It is a wonderful j medicine and caunot be too highly rec commended. Very Itespectfuliy, MRS. O. P. SHELL Dunns, N. O. June 9 '03. li NO STXAPPINQ NO HONINGJ ALWAYS SHARP The Gillette 8 SAFETY RAZOR o g For Sale By U3.ll. mil 3 Son y i t The Popular Druarg'uts, at 1 ft llennoa llotel corner. yjg.y, wyhjtf mmn.m -r- Beg to announce the arrival of their line of 1 i o - ooltex DUllS AND Cloaks ; fox Indies, Misses and Children, Wooltex Planters' Learn while yet there is time, that it will orofit thee nothing to become J. 1 Vlfllr'r'lIM the posHCSjor of millions, if the price ue system by aentiy moving the bowels. : .. . a . . . i . l a tnou payest is my maiuijou. Kennedy's Laxa? jve R&ney and Tar Zure all CougRs, and excels colas irom Shoes For Everybody. Warehouse GOLDSBORO; N. C. " The Vlfl&'tb Sell Your Tobacco. We come before you this year as old experienced warehousemen at an old stand,, and on one of the best markets in.'the east. "' We have a large and well lighted warehouse with every . accommoda tion for our patrons. I . t . . - Sl We have, besides the American Tobacco Company an4 Imperial To bacco Company's buyers, independent buyers who have large orders and are anxious for the weed. , . , . , " ' With all of these advantages your old friends, Faulkner & Harris are more determined than ever to please all planters who come to see ua.- All we ask is a trial we will do th3 rest. " ,i Wro have our Opening Sale; Tuesday, August 1st, and we are very glad to eay that the outlook very brightj" for good pricesand we feel sure that we can -make it tg jyout ijiferest tQ sell your Tobacco at the Planters' warenouse. . , r - -- -- i. - - :- ir ' - ...... Fauikiter &tHarri9. - The ultimate destiny of all Is the higher life the finding of the higher self: and to this we areeithcr led or we are pushed) led by recognizing and coming into harmony with the laws Of our higher being, or pushed, through their violation, and hence through', experience, through' suf fering, and at times bitter suffering, until through this very agency, we learn the laws and, come into! harmony with them, so that we ! thus' see the, economy, the; blesed- nes3 of error, aname ana suf fering itself, in that, if we. are not wise enough to go voluntarily and of our own accord, it all the more quickly and; surely brings as to oar Assignee's Sale Our Line Of WTfxAUrxaAr Hnf 11 of tVn!f I store on Walnut street, between 10 , CuttentlOI 2f SIlOOS sale, in -bulk, the entire stoek k)f goods of the firm of Geo. B. Ed wards & Co., also 2 shovv cases, 5 tables and one cash register. I Parties desiring to purchase can call and inspect the stock between now. and WHlnesday. The right to reject all bids is re served. .. -ti. U. UM1TM, ' . . t Assignee. .- .; For Ladies and LIi3ses are arriving daily. The. style3 this season are beautiful in Patent leather Tans and Vici Kid. We can fit any foot size and shapa no objoct. One pair of fctfn5$S?iiiE ALL till FA.18 Best Coagh Symp.'- Tastes Goed . Usa la tlroa- t SoJ4 by druggists. r 1 :lJfc.;xrr'..!NVg 1 Duttenhofer Shoes Will conyinpe any. Lady of thoir quality and comfort. In. pa3sihg call in and look. It giva ua muix pleasure to show you our new Fall i-Jhoes.- 't-.-'-"'"''-'i'"'