TWE.ARaUSl PROSPERITY AXD rr ion rarriON. DAliY AND WEEKLY. Has Made Marked I in Proportion as L,OCA BRIEFS. The ., State Progress ProliiMtion has Prevailed. it ia worthy of note, as we go a- I tems of Interest In and Around long, Htafcjtbtere has been more proW "the City, perity more industrial develop-. ? ' f merits more employment of labor at Miss Janet Dortch returned h5me proflbie wages, fewer idlers since today from Ralegh, Ut . .-J ollSition to prevail in North The decline of the price of cotton carolina than ever before in all the uJJim "L history of our Commonwealth. ..T.I A ,1 nf olnna in njfrrn I ml 1 n u au uui a.iiiv ,u - , today and yesterday were very light The assignee sale of the Geo. B. Edwards & Co., stock of goods, ad vertised to take place to-morrow but in South Carolina,as wtll, which also is a prohibition State, is the march of progress and prosperity morning at 10 o'clock, has been post-J characteristic of the people. pened. ' Miss Antoinette '. Burwell who has been the guest of her sister Mrs. C. B. Millar, left this morning in Korfolk. From there she will go to Kew Oileans. Miss Pearl Fort, after a visit to her sister Mrs. F. K. Parker, re turned to Pikeville today accam- pained by her friend Miss Gregg, ol 1 1 j . i . His many friends are glad to see Mr.ja: S. Witherington able to be out again, after his confinement for ten days by illnes3. Mis3 lizzie Macdonald, who has been the guest of Misses Hattie Dewey and Mary Borden returned to New York yesterday. Mr. Frank 11. Hymaa, of New Bern, passed through the city to-day-en route.for Bayard New Mexico to join Mr. F. M. Miller and Dr. P. C. Huttun. Mr?. Jos. S. Hobinsan went up to Greensboro tni- afternoon to visit the home of her brother, Dr. Lyndon M. Humphrey. She will be joined at liileisrh by her neice Miss Eliza Humphrey Simmons. Me?srs. Ed. Borden and Will N. Hoyall, of the Atlantic Coast lane management, both of them Golds boro boys, were here today, passing through, and, as always, weie cor dially greeted on every hand. Mr. R. A. dent of the county, passed through the city to day en route home, taking with him six able-bodied colored men, hired from the Commissioners of Craven county, to work on the roads in his county. There were less than a score of bales of cotton on the Goldsboro mar ket today and very few yesterday, and unless the price goes back to 10 cents we doubt ii there kwill be any at all tomorrow: but there will be plenty of farmers in town tomorrow to hear Dan Sully talk on cotton. Rates one iirst-class fare plus 25 cents for the round trip, which in cludes admission to the Fair Grounds, have been authorized from all points on the A. fc N. C.It. 11. to Raleigh, N. C, and return, account Norta Carolina Industrial Fair (colored). Oct. 80th. Nov. 3rd, 1905. Tickets tr hfixoM O.t. -29 r.h to Nov. 2nI. in clusive, with iiual limit Nov. Cth, 1905. Mr. A. T. Uzzell, of this county, an energetic and prosperous farmer, who is public spirited and active in all things looking to the advance ment of his section, has just returned from a business trip to Darlington, S. C, where he holds some property interest. The Washington correspondent of the Daily Review of Biloxi, Miss., vvrileto his paper as follows: 'Your Wa-hington correspondent has lust concluded a visit to the principal manufacturing towns of the Carolina, and the evidences of prosperity existing at all points vist ed were simply as tounding.especial- iy in cotton and lumber manutac tures. Every one was busy in his vocation, and every one sinxl to have a surplm of spending money 'White and blrsck man were viemg with each orter in the production of cotton sroods and furnture, and all wore the smile indicative of pros perity and contentment. "The towns visited included Greens boro, Durham High Point, Charlotte Gastoniaand Dallas, North Carolina; Spartanburg, Greenville, Union, Columbia and Charleston, South C-irolina." Special Trains- to the Stat Fair. The A. & N. C. will operate spe cial traiDS from all stations on its line to Ralrtiu'a and return October 18th and 19:h, account State Fair leaving Morehead City 6:25 a. m Newport 5:51 a. in., a. m., rsew ueru t:to a. ro-a 7:17 a. m., Dover BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Order Election on. tlie Whiskey Question: and Appoint Reg istrars and Judges. The Bjaxd of Aldermen, in special session last night, ordered an elec tron on the whiskey question, to be held on Tuesday the 14th day of November 1905. The same regulations governing th prohibition election two years ago will be observed. New registrars and judges were elected as follows: First Ward Jno. H. Hill, Regis trar. Judges, Geo. O. Royall and W. A. Wooten. Second Ward J. M. Hollow ell, Registrar. Judges, W. H. Huggint and Nathan J. Edwards. Third Ward A. L.. Bell, Regis trar. Judges, J. E. Peterson and Joe Rosenthal. Fourth Ward W. D. Creech, Registrar. Judges, James Hmtion, W. A. Tudor. " It was ordered that anJ election n tice be published for 30 days ac cording to law. The matter of alio wing Mr. W. E.Borden to build an iron stairway to th8 Borden building from the side walk on Walnut street, was referred to the Buildiug Committee. I a. in -. 1 n r-rrrt .It-aa I AMU&U HI lu iua vnu jwaoh , 1 A Feminine Reason. ' "Why does a hen cross the road?'' "Probably there Is a rooster on the other side." PERT PARAGRAPHS. Havelock 6:05 nr., Tusca 7:45 a. m., Spencer. Superinten road force of Person Kinston 8:15 a. m., LaGrange 8:59 a. in., arrivicg Raleigh 10:45 a m; ie- turning leave Raleigh 6:00 p. m., arrive DaGrange 8:15 p. m., Kinston 8:45 p. m , Dover 9:07 p. m., New Bern 9:57 p. m , Morehead City 11:20 p. m. The special will arrive at Raleigh in time for passengers to hear the President's speech October 19th. On Oct. 18th and 20th theSeaboaid Air Line will operate, special trains from the Union Station at Raleigh to the Fair Grounds and return from 9:00 a. in., until 6:00 p. m., and on Oct. 19Ui every 20 minutes from 8:30 a. m., until 6:00 p. in. Resolutions of Respect. Whereas the Great Reaher has again invaded our ranks, and the Supreme Regent of the universe in His providence has called from our earthly council to the councils of the siies the soul of our beloved brother, W. H. Borden: Resolved. 1st: That in the death of our de parted brother we have lost a de voted friend, and Gold3boro Council no.500 a worthy and honored mem bar. We deploie his death and cherish his memory. 2nd: To his bereaved family we extend our love and sympathy, and pray that the Great Comforter and abide with them to ths end. 3rd. That these resolutions be entered upon the minutes of the Council, published in the Daily aegus, and a copy sent the iarmiy of oar deceased brother. T. W. Slocumb 1 W.H.H.Cobb V Committee. N.O'Berry J Sometimes the young man who works all day will not learn any othr way than by going to the night school of experience. Everything la fair In war. That Is why stealing a march is condoned. While the yellow peril may be Im minent, there are some Derila at home i of mucn brighter color. llany of the counties In the United Stktds are so modest that they do not call their annual agricultural exhibition a world's fair. In courting the only way to learn the rales of the game Is by experience. No matter- how green a young man may be, he can always find a girl who Is color blind. State legislatures try to knock c the cigarette lest it should knock c future legislators. When he gets mixed up with confi dence a man frequently saves thou sands of dollars by not having a pent. Hore racing, the sport of kings, 1 orten tne nnisn or two spois. A bill collectors work is alwayjj flUL Humor and Philosophy By DUKCAN PI. SMITH PERT PARAGRAPHS. NOVEL HILL ITEMS. The tig display of jardeniers in the show window of the corner furniture 3tore of Messrs. Andrews & Waddell is attracting and holding the attention of all who pass that way. They are making a special run on these and in them are offering come exceptional bargains. Capt. II. R. Dempsey, section mas ter on the A. C. L, yard at this jjla.e, was summoned to Henderson last night, where his wife and little child have baen visiting, on account of the serious illness of his interest ing little daughter and only child, Lucile, who has a severe case of dyphtheria. The sad news of the sudden death this morning of Mrs. Henry Parker, at ber home 1 miles from Mt. Olive, was received in this city by telephone about noon loday. Mr. Parker works with the John Slaughter Company here, and left his wife perfectly well when he bid her good bye this morn ing to come in to resume his work for the week, and her sudden death is therefore the more distressing to him. She was about 24 years of age and leaves one chiM, and she and her husband are highly esteemel by all who know them. The service rendered by the A. & N. C. R. R. by its special train from If the weather continues fair .for a few days longer the cotton picking- will ba over. j . Great many of our farmers are ex pecting to attend the Couniy Alliance whiea will convene at Casey's Chapel next 'Thursday. The marriage bells are ringing in our ears again. Don't ask who, just ask our sister town Scottsviile. We . congratulate our friend and neighbor! Mr II D Ham on being successfurin getting his artesian well, which he lids eagerly tried for severaf times. He at last hts an overflow of a gallon a minute, and is supposed to be a mineral water. Mr Ham ex pects to have this water analyzed and if it proves a success, we expect something grand in the future. We are glad to note that Miss Nannie Hill, who ws painfully hurt by a piece of timber catchiag in the wheel of a vehicle on which she was riding, and striking her on the body, last Tuesday evening, is able to be out again, to the delight of her many friends. . Mr Thomas R Sasser and wife, of Durham, are here on a visit to their mother, JMrs Juary basser, wno is quite sick. We hops for her a speedy recovery. A P Howell. The Renewal a Strain. Vacation is over. Again the school beii rings at morning and at noon, again with tens of thousands the hardest kind of work has begun, the renewal cf which is a mental and physical strain to all except the most rugged. Tho little girl that a few days ago had rotes in her cheeks, and the little boy who-e lips were then so red you would have insisted that they had been "kissed by strawberries," have already lost something of the appearance of health. Now is a time when many children should be given a tonic, which miy avert much serious trouble, and we know of no other so hisrhlv to be recommended as Hood's Sarsaparilli. which strength ens the nerves, periejis aigesuon and assimilation and aids mental development by building up the whole system. It is seldom hard to convince a man that he is a mighty clever fellow.' A woman does dislike to see a man act foolish about another woman. It is a good thing that tho flevil can't read our thoughts, or he would prob ably be calling on the most of as much of tener than he does. M Si Uiieda Blsy If III f Don't forget Si) I Graliam Crackers nL I Batter Thin Biscuit J M 1 Social Tea Biscuit NEARLY PACKA of this most nutritious of all foods have already been consumed but 1R UP Good wheat is plentiful. Flour mills are grinding steadily. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY bakeries, the cleanest, largest, most modern in the world, are working day in and day out to supply you with your favorite soda cracker. So Unesda Biscuit are still in abundance the price is the same NATIONAL BISCUIT - I 1 H m lis!!! I' r m PINE BUFF ITEMS. We are glad to hear that Lulia Sasser is out again after Miss hav Newbern last night, to accommodate Ung been down with the Diphtheria the people along its line who attend ed the production of "The Clans man" in that city, was as fine in every way as any road in the country could possibly have given. The run ning time from Newbern to Golds boro, making five stops to put off passengers, was one Little Forest and Carl Pope, of Micro, are visiting their grand mother Mrs Mary basser. Mrs Pennie Wiggs is vi3iti g her daughter Mrs J T Edgertun. who attended -j 1 . r. . 1 , minutes. Mr. R. E. L. Bunch, traf- WUi "uus jbwp fia manaarer of the road, wsu himself the formal at Fremont pep r on board and gave his personal at tention to the comfort and conven ince of the passengers. Ab the Japanese are called the -Tan kees of the east, we should at nee put a tariff on wooden nutmegs for the pro tection of Connecticut. One woman says that the reason that Ehe never married is because some wo I men marry so much. Generally when a woman drives a man to drink he jogs along ngnt Bteadtly without hying at anything along the way. - Thfe proof of the pudding Is in what the visitors say about It after they go home. t'a1M Solving the Cottoa Problem. Sjme of the eastern spinners pro pose, it seems, to get couon at Bot tom prices by buying laod in the south and growing upon that land whatever cotton their respective mills may call for. Thi3 plan reads so easiiv and seems so feasible it is a pity it is neither. The Boston Her aid rises up to remark that "if northern methods of agriculture.were applied on souther m plantations the probabilities are that better and larger crops would be obtained from a given area," ana 11 mentions "a gentleman" who did apply northern methods in Alabama and got a bale an acre: or about twice as mucn as his neighbors obtained. This sort of planting reads finely, and we are nt a bit inclined to dis courage the Herald or the spinners it speaks for. But when any one at- meaos of keepins the political fences tempts to ratter me average o of their principals in repair. farm a3 leitn as anuni iarm or a Th aopds spnt nut are neither rare New York farm, or even a New nor superior. They are simply free, I x.n-iauu miui, uu w iU and Uncle Sam's compliments go poitit throughout a rainy winter, ne with them They are a badgeof will simply be content to Duy tne ditjtinctioii in the rural districts. The V!7 mmm n-A mi Will positively cure of trniediclsie. mmy ens f St CIV- the FOLEY'S KIONEY OUB strengthens the urinary organs, builds up the kidneys and invig orates the whol"e system IT IS GUARAFiTEED ; " TWO SIZES 50o and S1.00 Passsd S!ssi3 ead Grsvsl V,Va Excruciating Pilnt A. H. Thames, Mgr. Wills Creek Cotl Co., Buffalo, O., writes: -I htva been afflictei with kidny and bladder trouble for years, pass ing gravel or otones with excruciating pains. Other medicines only gsve relief. Aftsr taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB the result vu t urprising. A f?w doses started the brlok dust, Uko Rne atonas, etc., and now'l have no pain across my kidneys end I Jed like a nextf man. FOLEY'S, KIDNEY CURE has dons ma 51, COO worth of fco4. Qlhsr f.esdy Gan Gcmpara U Thas. VZ. Carter, of Ash'poro, N. Cw had Kidney Trsublt and cne bcttlacf FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB effected prfct ours, and fca saya there is no remedy tliat will compare with it. m 1 1 PALACE DHUG STORE. GOLDSBORO. N. C. Dlstrifoutingr Seeds. Congress appropriates 170,000 to carry on a aistriDution 01 seeas ior the benefit apparently of the farmers and gardnera of the country. The distribution is really a congressional annex, and is conducted by the secre taries of members of J0ongres3 as a Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. IN THE ROLE OF PKIXCESS. Miss Alice ::ir Greensboro's new daily, "The In dustrial News," made its first ap pearance yesterday, Jin a 24 page! night. fine time. They said they learned a great deal about singing. Mr Gilbert Hollaid and Albert Woodard attended the entertain ment given at Oakland Saturday coUoa he needs in a subsequent year in the open market. Lands in the south aie severely washed and bat tered in the winter season, because ehpv are not protected by Jack Frost Tbe entira scheme is chimerical and will never be tried. The spin man who? receives official seeds feels flattered; and he takes no pains to conceal bis new honors. The- result is, his .neighbors rnu-.t be. equally Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis oourages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cheerfulness soon disappear when the Kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney troublij !has become so . prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the caust of 'he difficulty is kidney trouble, and the,prst step should be towards the treatment f edition, replete with everything that goes to make up a modern news paper. Its editor is Mr. Robert D. Douglas, w ho by education is thor oughly equipped for the position,and being by nature and rearing a refined and elegant ge jatleman it ia to be ex pected of him to give his readers a clean, fair and able paper. The "News" will be Republican in its political affiliation that's all right, North Carolina is big enough and her people are broad enough to af ford the "News" a field of circula tion and her Democratic press is able enough to combat any political here sies it may seek to promulgate. So, here's at you and to you, brother . Douglas, in all that makes for the development," prosperity and happi ness ol North Carolina; as to the prevalence of the eternal truths of Democracy with" so intelligent and patriotic a people as North Carolin ians we have no fear. - Mrs Sallie Pittman is greatly im. proved, we are glad to hear. . , . . .rij .i i I mesc irapgriani uuuoret, or eiae a ulugLuu iW troub,e fa duft tQ a djseased COI.aiUon of the voters twill spring up unawares. I kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as ner would dislike the negro and the More s? eds means more money from f1 SUPPS?; men are made ' negro would rsciprocate the senti- the treasury, and thus it comes about erab,e ith kidney and bladder trouble. ment ana move away, anu preiiy 1 that tha aDnronriation for seeds is and both nee4 the same great remedy. soon the farm would be for sale, and 4jh Tf sa o K;The mild and the immediate effect of . ' i n v inu.cnar;ua m. u ia uuu s uik. -t . . the cotton problem would remain I" , " - ... ... ... pwamp-Kooi is soon reauzea. ltmiij Ami, ueanoc u a lucuwiiuus i by druggists, in fifty rrc na i-h ia at. nrP4ont nnnilvfoif: fl. Irpnt anrl niui AgMot mzes. I ou may nave a ei-taX'F" problem would remain unsolved. Prices would continue to fluctuate and the spinner from Fall River or New Bedford would con tinue to buy as he ever has and ever will. jaiOO Dr. E. ODetchon's Anti Diuretic may be worth to you more than $100 if you have a child who soils bedding from incontinence of wiitpr daring sleep- Qaree old and ffiffi'&iSmhe tremble Rt osce. ?1. Sold W n.IiKobia. To be sure, you are growing old. But why let everybody see it, in your gray hair? Keep your hair dark and rich and postpone age. If you will air Vigor only use Ayer's Hair Vigor, your gray hair will soon have all the deep, rich color of youth. Sold for 60 years. I am now over 60 year old, and I bav i thick. Klosav bead of 1 wonder to every one who sees it. long hair which Is a 10 sees it. And not a tray hair in it, all due to Ayer's Hair Vifcor." Mks. H. K, Buntis, Bocida, Minn. fl.0 a bottle. for J. C. ATBR CO., T.owell, Mass. White Hair & Waddell, the peopled friends, Enclish Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Hof t or Calloused Lumps and Bkmishea from horses, Blood dpovms. Curbs, .cspirnts, Sweeney, BiE2 Bone, otiMes, oprame, all Swollen Throats, Uoughs, etc. Saye 50 by use of one bottle. War ranted the most wonderful Blemish dure ever known- bold by 41. SL. Robinson & Bro., druggists, Qolds I nro. N. Q If it were wholly eliminated no one jtvouiu oe usruieu, uuugitaruieu i freei ais pamphlet tell- Bene of swwnp-Root. would be relieved of an annual dis-! "g all about it... i ... : i ' 1 thousands of test! iriyuuou tuai ujr iiu Muo caonjr .rom sufferers. cured, conducted, and the envy and ill-feel- j & Co.. Binghamton, ing. in the rural districts would be materially lessened. ANY CHUHtJU or parsonage or institution supported by voluntary contrbution will be given a liberal quantity of the Longman & Martinez L. & M. Paint whenever they paint. g & 6 make 14,therefore when you want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only eight of L.& M-, and mix 6 gal lons of pure Linseed Oil with it, making actual cost of paint about I f 1.20 per gallon. Don't pay $1.50 a gallon for Lin seed Oil (worth 60 centa) which you do when you buy vther paints in a can with a paint labol on it. Many houses are will painted with four gallons of L. & M., and three gallons ot Minseed Oil mixed therewith. Wefvrs and covers like gold. Low Rates. Kipfil low ratfi nf nnn "First, fflnss fare plus fifty cents to Riieigh and j Tickets on sale October 13 th to ' 20th inclusive, final retnrn limit .October 23rd. All tickets include one admis sion coupon to tbe Fair Grounds. October latn nas Deen aesisnatea as Roosevelt In For eigii Laiifts. On October 13 Mis3 Alice Roose velt will set sail from Yokohama for San Francisco, after visiting Japan, China, the Philppius and Corea. If one may ju?ge from the press reports, Miss .IVoosoveit has had what she would.- call, in her characteristic American, fashion, a ''good time." She ha been accorded honors enough to dazzle any youug woman and has been paid enough attention to turn the head of any but a sensible American girl. - Perhaps the President's daughter; will cherish most fondly the memory of her visit to tha Empress of China, but from the time she began her journey with Secretary Taft's party, Miss Roosevelt has had no lack of attention. ' The travels of the i 'American pdncess," are unique, in that Miss' Roosevelt is the first daughter of a 1 President of the United States to en- j noy the nonors wnicn she nas receiv-' including many of the ed . in loreien . lauds. J enn V an testimonial letters received -RiiTffTn nlaved th rnl of thfe" A merl in writing Dr. Kilmer . , , , . , ... N. Y., be sure and . prince," but Miss Roosevelt is mention this paper. . ' the first ''American princess." 1S'.1ZS& BeiD euaowed with some of her Swamp-Root, arid the address, Binghamtco. , father's good sens and democratic N. Y on avers,- bottle. - 'Rnirit. there is no danger of Miss Roosevelt trying to keep up the role after she gels back honie. AtSvioo to Yoisn& Husbands If you are a husband, and as such soon, expect tn become a father, take heed. Before .you can reilae vour fondest dreams it Is necessary mat cn-ft sufferin" be borne by her whom you love o . i j j .v; better man yourseii ; you wouiu uu hujuiiS in your power to alleviate her suffering, would you not? A liniment of unquestioned value in pregnancy, M'&. will wondci fully ease the oraeai tnrougn (uxSfZ which yur wife must Pass" ,h is T'ft . MSB SffiPW nmnr. tf . nrlv It t4$-tSZ S"?i5 cannot be other dian vour d'lty to do so. On dollar ner bottle t 11 drur stores. Our valuabls book, " Mothrhood," Is free to all mil Mi r-M!t ymjsi AtlAntm, am. S O ' I sample bottle by mail It is sold yspe psm If you want a lamp sea Andrews jTlese Celebrated Painta are sold by M.cK&y Phjtrmacy Is cn indication that the stomach and other digestive orarks are weak. tired or debilitated. It causes no Presidents day, on which datePresi-! end Ol acneS ana pains ana dent Roosevelt will visit Raleisrh,; IS ClOSt COmmOI. where . . .. . . . m . s t I 'Y being mere irom .uu a. m. xo i.w peopiS DOH Wieir meais una astern. The innovation, it is said, Is p. m. An address will be made by; hurry end WOITV as theV .dlie to the necessity for furnishing , The Largest ISattlesIip. Iijudon, Oct. 5 According to the Express the battleship Dreaduaught, buildiug at Portsmouth, will brak riival tradition by having the of ficers quarters in the fore part of the vessel and the seamen's quarters the President at 11:30 a. m., on the? do rv tjhis COUntjTV . e . : .--i . . v w2 -r ' uay oi uit visn iu mo rair. x or further information communicate accommodations for a crew,' of 900 mehrarld' extraordinary allowances with WiJ.Crafg, General Passenger crec dvsnensia it. has Q The shiD WilPhe the largest battle- KoodsSarsapariila Agent,' Wilmington, N. C. Uas Stood tbe Test 25 Years. The old, original GROVK'3 : Taste lew Chill Tonic.. You know what Jroa are taking. : It is iron jEnd qln ne in a tagteleaa form. NO ttttiil n ... - ... ...... - . . mcgictOUCh il this disease, ship ia the world For testimonials oi remoritaDie curea tend for Book on Dyspepsia, No. 5. . C. L Hood Co., LoweU, Mass, Attend the Jardtnler sale at An drews "Waddell'i on 0t 24. Sale JbfjlnsgtJoCtocStj 7 o Beam the ei 3? O -32. 3C IM Kind You Have Always 2- 9 j.-1 -ir m;,'" ."; r'yJmimmmimdmim "" ., -inr-sgr'a-Jr r-g-r: rr-rryr-.-. ! '1.'". 1 :v Let Common Sense DeeMe ' Do you hcbostly believe, t!iat aoffee sold loose In bulk), esposed through many banda (eonaa of them not - over-dean), "blended," you don't know how or by whom, is fit for your use 1 Of course you don't. But OiDN COFFEE Is another story. The greea fcerxles. selected by keen Ss4aea et Hits plantation, ore skllllnlly roasted at our fac tories, where precantlone yea tnrould not dream.joi sure takea to aecure Jrlect cleanliness., fiiavoCvStrsngtli and uailon&Uy. jphn the tims th ccjfe leaves . tfa factory no hand touehWit till nas ha mad oon coffee n uiBCK or Au McxSn cemts. Milliona of American Homes welcome LION COFFEE da3y. There is no, stronger proof of merit than continued and inoreaa ing popularity. Quality aurTiTea all oppoBitiea." (Bold only In 1 lb. ehgi. UonJiead um trrwrf yeeksga.) - (Savo yoxit Lioo-keO'la tor TiJtmbie preniroma. ) SOU) BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE 1 - " " WOOlflON BPI0B 00 Toledo, CM&. I IH) T, TlTh mlTK 1T"T TIP

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