No soothing strains of Maia's son Can lull its hundred eyes to sleep." GOIiDSBORO. N. C THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1905. VOL. XX NO 70 "Thia Argcs o'er the people's rights Doth an eternal vigil keep; To Have a Handsome Hew Station. The A. & N, C. Co. Will Build a Modern Depot for the Benefit of the Traveling Public at Kinston. . 1 Appreciating the fact that Kinston room will front the strtei aud will is one of the most prosperous and ba 22 leet and 3 lLChes by Id feet enterprising towns on its line, the aud 8 inches; tneu will tome the Atlantic. & North Carolina Company j ticket office, aud ilia colored wait is preparing to ertct there a new ing rooux which will be 15 txtt aud that wilAbe made incaes by 11 lejl uua 6 ii,cues. lne preparing to passenger station baggage room at the western end ol buikiiug will be 15 feet ana 9 incuea by 15 feet. Every moieru eoa vemence in tha way ol ventilation, water, luat, etc., lias been provided tor tue building. It will be auppiied with handsome iurmtureV Tne above iiluairatiou gives a better idea ot the propjsed new tion at once. station auu na anauotJicui uuu -uu The new station will ba located ! auy description. The plans for the near the prejent one between the ' station were drawu by ilr. lirad tracks. To give room for this the o.d ' lord li. Gilbert, No. 6o Broadway, arcuitoot wno ue- lor the (Jbarits- adequite to tha busiuess of the place and more in keeping with the spirit ol progress in eviueuee in the town than is the present station. Air. Horace West, agent of the A.&N.C Company in Kaustou, has received from General Manager Foster the' plans for the new station, and is invit- J ing bids of contractors for the erec- 6tation and cotton platform w ill be J JNew Xork, the removed and the tracks on either signed the uuiidiugs side thrown further out. In this way ton .Exposition. As can be teen ln.m room will be made ior a building 22 the accompauyiug illustration, the feet and 3 iueues by T.3 ieet aud 8 bui.uiig will be Moorish in style, inches, with ample platforms facing cream colored stucco, with red tile both tracks and a carriage approach ' roottug the sort ol building one from the street. The white waiting J would exptet to find in Morida. In J - fact, it will be such a station as will aid much to ihe attractiveness of Kinston, as seen from the railroad. In addition to being a structure possessing architectural beauty and aitraciivj surroundings, the plans indicate that provisions will be made in it for the accommodation of a much heavier travel than Kinston now affords. In the Kinston of today the railroad management evidently rinds grounds for faith in the Kins ton of the future. The estimated cost.of the biuldiug will be something like $5,000, not taking into account the mouey that must be spent in purchasing ad ditional lands, tearing out the old station, changing the tracks and beautifying the ground j. When all these things are accounted for, the cost of improvements the Atlantic & North Carolina Company has made and is making about its station in Kinston will reach something like 1,0G0. OF 1 WORLD. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM DIVERS SOURCES. The Latest Telegraphic News ol the Day Boiled Down to a Focus For Busy Readers. WALTER LETTER. The Doings and Sayings of a Week In and Around Our Thriv ing Neighborhood. ARGUS WALTER, rNov BUBILAU "I iTEB, N. C. V . 1, 1905. J President Eliot, of Harvard, does not think that President Roosevelt Will be able to reform football. Presi de. it Eliot's idea of reforming fool ball is to make that Yaie bunch play so gen ay that Harvard can win. There are only 100,000ants in the largest hills, instead of 500,000, we ire now informed by scientists? It is hard to believe that those little ants have also been padding the census returns. Mr. Edison says that he Is able to sleep very little. This is perhaps a punaihmeui. sent upon him for all those noisy inventions that keep the balance of us aw'ake. As we uudarstand it from the testimony ot Messrs. McCall. the main oiupresideut of a iife insurance compauy are to draw his own salary auit appoint his relatives to of dje. In looking over the policy game of some great life insurance com panies n doubtless makes Al Amarus wep to thiuK what a failure he m tde of his policy g me The standpatters arecrying'-Don't touoa the lurin" wniie the country is prosperous." iiut the country is pros perous becius- in spite of li. of the tariff, not fr"r,Auf Vll I I "" WAITING tCw ' ' ROOM MU-, . V ' ,F-OWERS kJ, I room I OFficeO . I if s V- "v" J BAGGAGE , "h Jr M VVJ V . Tom Tsggait is amply justirled in claiming mat b.Locnt, that the Democrats r.cjivvU noie of the insurance money is borne out by the election returns. If it be true, as that London doctor asserts ,that ' ajsuiile is the best bid to health,'' it is now easy to understand why President Roose velt is so healthy. . Comptroller. Grout says that the New York hoard ol health is trying to do too much. Grout knows that there is no nope of making New York a really clean city. Col Henry Watterson attributes the bouquets he has been throwing at President Roosevelt to the fact tna:, ii'tj i'jfaiut.ut nas cliaiiLcd. i!iel W :.ltCi"S U U jvS UOl piur The Man and His Fame. In giving the remains of Sir Henry Irving a resting place in Westmin ster Abbey the English people have honored themselves as well as the memory of the great actor. What a contrast between this decision and that of the gentlemen who in decid ing who shall have a place in the Hall of Fame in New York have re jected America's greatest noet and spent one night last week with home !selected som8 Bamea that practi. I cally unknown to the American peo- at the new school f pie. house, which was to have begun to- Sir Henry Irving merited that day, was postponed till next Mon-1 honor not only because he was a day, on acceuut of the head of the! disciple of all that is highest and best faculty, Pro. Giles, having his hands I in the drama, but because he elevat full nursing a felon. ed the stage and stimulated the rwn -hnnkin r in nr,i.r in nnr I lmatic profession to higher and 0 Mr. Ham Caldwell, of Charlotte, folks here. The school, section, and several are to be called off this week, thougu crop is poor and the big piles of corn are like angel's visits few and far be tween. The cold weather for tha pait lew days has put many ot us in our win ter orook, has brought out heaters and "back logs," and gauze has Deen replaced by fleece lined, and we are reminded that the "frost is on the puuipkin," the yards are carpeted with leaves, the wind whistles around the corner of our shanty, and vve are forcibly reminded of the fact that winter is at hand, and soon 'the beautiful" will be in evidence. The most consoling thought it brings to us is, ihoro wiil be no snakes and storms to uisiuio our serenity. The pupils and patrons of Pine Forest ttuuday bchool enjoyed a jaunt in iNeuw islands last Friday, which wa. uijihjy enjoyed, not only belter things. He was a hard stu dent, and his intellectual qualities found expression n ot only in his act ing, but in the earnestness which characterized his devotion to his ideal3. His remains will rest side oy tid3 with those of many 4eminent Englishmen, men who distinguished themselves and made names by their achievements in science, literature and art. But Sir Henry's memory will not suttor by comparison with theirs. He did much for England aul the iiingiiBh-speaking people, and he ls justly entitled to the tribute Engiaud so gracefully and so har moniously paid tne actor, the student and the gentleman. After all no oet.ef men can decide who is fam jus, aud who therefore de serves a place in a hall of fame. The man's achievements themselves, the man's life in its influence upon the people, are the only claims upon which his fame res s. If his works DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost papers is It 1: i everybody who reads the news sure to know of tha wonderful cures made bv Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. T i r .1 . ,. is ii is me great meav- iccmn century; dis covered after vi-ars pt Klyl scientific research by "Svg Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent Kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you havekid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found justlhe remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more abcut Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this pacer and tC- send your address to gggM Dr. Kttmrr Cn Rintr. P? r-!if5: hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and dollar sizes Home of Swamp-Root. re sold by all good drupsrists. Don't make any mistake, but remember ths name. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and tha address, Binghamton, N. V on every bcttla. for its uov.ity, but fiom tne fact of uve, nis memory wui uve. ixo nail bringing taoh participant nearer U o fame caiy perpetuate it. They . . , i i - I may reject the name of E-igar Allen nature auunai ore's Uod, in laying Jf the nail of failie, ut Kdsiai. aside the carts and perplexities of Allen Poe's name will be fresh in the g jiiig ior a day in the I minds of the people so ion as his ... I i I 1,1- 1 4-.. Woods, auu ei joy an outing with poeiry noma iu mgu witu tue nature, nclding communion with her "fT"0 s "uli" auKX wiuis, uuu,uS w I after the names of some wuo have v.sibie forms, and list to her as she I been given niches in halls of fame 3peaks to thena in varied language. I Jnve been torgotten. rhe day was little threatening, but ame ? llvDy iaDf13 an,u the crowd, (about fifty) started early, name WOuld have lived in dramatic and reached "Tony's Bend." two literature whether his remains were miles above the Ferry Bridge, at an buried in Westminster Abbey or early hour, taking nothing with not. sir enry irving s name wui them for dinner but frying pans and d best ia the arauia &tet the wali3 Dreaa. wnuetne cniiaren played 0f .England's hall of fame have crum up or: an acre sand bed on the banks i bled to dust. His works left him a of the old Neuse, the men hied them- shining light in the memory of his selves away in quest of game for blazoaed teJlet to anuounce to future dinner. And my! What an eDicu-Lroncratinn that ha was aerfifttRr-.tor. rean feasl I The dinner consisted of I an accomplished writer, a ripe scholar squirrels, 'possum, and fish. The I"""1 above ail a true gentleman. In dramatlC i.im51iuj:o, auu luiauimic in nis auuereuco to mga ara. C03IMUXICATION FROM II. HILL & SON. J. to re 11 jc himself. Mr. DRAGGED WIFE CltlMH. INTO CunlitfelGavelUer $5000and fefel iShe Hid The Moneys IPittsburg, October 28--The persist ent report that' Mrs. Cunliffe, the wife of Edward G. Cunliffe, the Adams Express robber, had in her possesion $5,000 of the $101,000 stolen by her husband on October 9. was confirmed today when Superintend ent H. J. Biderman ol the Pinker ton detective agency, went to the Cunliffe residentNo.314Liornz street, west end, this city, aud in the lining of a bady carriage found a package containing $5,000. Mrs. Cunliffe who in the meantime had moved to her father's homeatHartford,Conn., deniend that she had the money but today told the detectives at Hart ford, Conn., whpre the money could be found. The au-iioiities tay there now remains aooul G,J00 wnich has not been acj iau.ei fo.-. ;IPT.MI TITIl UMU bnf UM'S FOR THE L!CNt3E VOTER. Suffered from Sores' on Face and Back Doctors Took His Money But Did No Good Skin Nca Looks Clear as a Baby's. ANOTHER CURE BY CimCURA REMEDIES Ko6 Captain "W- S.-Osjljpm, i.mi St.,VfieHitjsV.Va .w:'-:-: 04, says : " I am so ui v. thank-Goii that a fru -.v. rconu lcndefl Cuticjia Soap and Oiatrac-:t to rise. I sufferd4olf a long tse Ti;h sores or uiy face' aad back. Sune -S -.tor . ?a-. I had blood poison; and ot i:srs that I had-barbers' itch. Tsuuc ol thsiu 4jd me &Vy f- -Jvl. "t.' they all ttok 1x15 i-.ortey. Mt friee'ls t'.U me my s-ttn now look's aS clear as a baby's, and I tell them all that Cuticura Sca and Ointmentdid it." ILiul he ui&y have chuueii i.d Airs. Frtd Ilelsf, cl Oa'osso, Mich., have just recuviu taeir twtncieth baby fom the stork. Jvwsso i.'i'jsi oe tue old bird's head quarters, A 2.vd4. raucheman tried t. th.ow aA-iy ldol m Chicauo.- lit robabiy preferred to throw awa. ais money rather Lhan have it taken away King Meneiik has sent an envoj here to study rotton culture with a view to lite growing of the plant in FROM A BUSHEL. OF CO UN I Abyssinia His 11 Hagg Abbullah The Distiller get four gallons of! Aiy 6adik i'asha, and such a name Whiskey, which retaiis at $16. 80 The farmer gets " .25 The U. S. Government gets 4.40 The It. B. Company gets 1.00 The Manufacturer gets 4 4.00 The Drayman gets .15 The Retailer gets 7.00 Tho Consumer gets Drunk The Wife gets Hunger The Children get Itgs The Man who votr s license 1 gets What? Woe unto-him that give'h his neighbor drink, that putteth. thy bottle to him. and ina&etu him drunken also Hab. 2:15. Liook not thou upun , the wine when it is red, . when it giveth his 'possum being brought by Mrs. Joel Rhodes, but the squirrel and fish were dressed and cooked on the auna. With nnnd eeine, in the .loles in 2A ceasin, they caught i fish, pert h, redfiu, jacks, etc. After cooking and feasting for lbaut two houid, the crowd went through the is-laus looking hickory outs, bavw, etc. : They secured about ten bushels h 'ekory nnts, and acorns, tnd haws in abundance, and then .vended their way homeward, with 'he assurance of having had a most delightful day, audone which it will be pleasant to remember, as they re call the past for many years to come. To the Supt. Mr. J. M. Mileaell, the school is indebted for this delightful outing. art. matic stanaarua, m mo uuuw m. tluence upon the dramatic life of the nation he was in his chosen neia 01 effort what Gladstone was in his, England's grand old man. Offer to Ilefuinl Money if Ilyo- niei Does not Cure Catarrh. To the Eli tor of the Argus: We have been asked recently if the advertisements printed in your columns regarding Hyomei were true, where we offer to refund tho money if this treatment does not cure catarrh. We wish you would please print this letterjn as conspic uous a place as possible in your pa, saying that we absolutely agree to refund the money to any purch aser of a Hyomei outfit if it does not cute catarrh. This outfit consists of an inhaler of a convenient size to be carried in the vest pocket so that the user can breathe Hyomei four or five times daily. With this is included a med icine dropper and a bottle of Hyo mci. The outfit sells for $1.00 and a most economical treatment, for" tha inhaler lasts a lifetime and there is enough Hyomei for several weeks' use, while extra bottles can be ob tained for 50 cents. We trust this letter will settle any doubts that may have arissu as to our willingness to refund the money for a Hvomei outfit, in case tha purchaser is not perfectly satisfied. Respectfully yours, J. H. HILL & SOX. Let Common Sense Beeide aud sh6u;d ie shortened. would ba enough. . A Chicago t-egro remarked that if the negro were given a chance he Would outdistance the white man so tar that the wnits man could not see the negro Ior the dust. He is sate in making such a statement in Chi cago . An Ohio man invited his friends to witness the public burning of his ovo letters which had been re covered in a breach of promise suit. He should have done as the Irish- PINE BUFF ITEMS. Mrs Annie V EJgerton Williams, who has just returned from Indiana, preached an interesting sermon Sunday. Mr Perry Morris has returned from Newbern, where he attended court. Miss Annie Edeerton. who hasl been attending school at Woodland, has returned home to take in the I free school at Pinkhey. Mr and Mrs Joe Howell, visited Mr W M Fulghuin Sunday. Miss En ma Suggs, of the State f 1 11 . no 222 NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wayne County, North Carolina, made od the 12th day ofOctober, 1905, in the special proceeding pending in said court, entitled "The petition of C. S. Dickinson, Administrator of J. Lt. Dickinson, deceased, and C. S Dickinson and wife Sallie Dickinj, son, A. J. Ginn and wife Julia Ginr and W. H. Ward and wife Carrie; Ward, to the court," I wlll S)fc Monday, November 18th, 180J, at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in Goldsboro, North Carolina, sell for cash at public auction to the highest bidder, the two lots of land described in said order of court as follows: lbt "A lot or parcel of land situ ated in Goldsboro, North Carolina on the South side of Ash street, bound ed as follows: "Beginning at the Northwest corner of Joseph Ed wards' lot on Ash street in the City . of Goldsboro at a point forty (40) feet West of the intersection of the Southern boundary line of Ash street with the Western boundary line of John street, and runs thence South erlv with Joseph Edwards' line and Asher Edwards' line aud parallel with John street one hundred and seven (107) feet to the alley; thence with said alley Westerly twenty eight (28) feet; thence Northerly and parallel with first line one hundred and seven (107) feet to Ash street; thence with Ash street Easterly twenty-eight (28) feet to the begin ning, it being a part of lot 64 in said city." 2nd -"A lot or parcel of land situated in the city of Goldsboro, North Carolina, on the North side of Boundary Street, adjoininer the lands of Rufus Ham, J. J. Langston and others, bounded as follows: "Be ginning; at a stake on Boundarv Street, the Southwest corner of Ru ms Mam's lot, and runs thence with said Boundary Street in a Westerly direction Ninety (90) feet to a stake, corner of the lot known as tho John Taylor Raper lot; thenoe Northerly with the line of the said John Taylor Raper lot One Hundred and Thirty-eight (188)feet to a state in J. J. Langston's line: thence with said J. J. Langston's line, East erly Ninety (90)teet to a stake, Rufus tianrs corner: mence southerly with said Rufus ham's line One Hun dred and Thirty-eight (138i ffc tn Boundary Street, the beginning oe-ing all the land lying be tween the said Rufus Ham lot and the said John Tavlor RaDer lot." This the 12th day ef October,1905. kj. a. uiuivl Jl SON. Administrator of J. L. Dickinson. deceased. SlOO Dr. E. etchnn'H Anti diuretic may be worth to you mor thaa $100 if you have a child who soils bedding from incontinence of water during sleep. Cures eld and youpg ahke. It arrestg the tronble t once. SI. Sold hi M. K. Rabin. English (Spavin Liniment remoTia all Hard, Soft or Calloused Luiuds .1 ri : . e . anu Dibiu.iajj.eB irom norses, Uiood dpavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney. Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc Save 50 by use of one bottle. War ranted the most wonderful Blemish uure ever Enowa. Hoid bv li. lis Hcbinson & Bro.. droKErists. QnMal. boro, N. a to duB, germs and inseote, passEaa through many hands (some ol h thea not oTer-clean). 'blended." yon doa'i know hoir err by whom, ia fit for your km 1 01 outm you don'k Bui HON COFFEE color in the cup, when it moveth it self aright. At the last it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder. Prov.23,31,82. GOOD 13FF.CC -U Oii' WATTS LAW. A TJistiller Has Gone into The Keputable liusiness of Making Wagons. (Yadkinville Cor. Landmark.) As an illustration of some ol the good effects of the Watts law, there wots nn exhibition at Yadkiuville during court week some first-class well nd uicoly finished wagons manufactured in this county by an ex-distiller driven out of the liquor business by the Watts law. He is a happy, prosperous man now in the wagon business, whereas before his life was unenjoyed, not knowing what moment some officer, would rlrow on him and have the doors of the penitentiary open for him. could mention many more instances nf the eood results of the Watts law - bu that's enough for one chapter. STILL ANOTHER CURE Neck Covered With Sores, Hair. Fell Out, Wild With Itching Mr. H. J. Spalding of 104 W. 104H1 St., New York City, says: " For two years my neck was covered with sores, the disease spreading to my hair, wjiich fell out, leaving an unsightly bald spot, and the soreness, inflam mation, and merciless itching made me wild. Aiier a fc 7 applications of Cuf..:ura the torrr.cnt r-wbside, 1 sons disappeared, nti.i try Lair gre thick and healthy as ty r." Letter to E. Goldsbor 15. Dewey. , N. C. msn advised aad burned his letters I Hospital, visited in this section last before writing them , I week. Wa have been visited by heavy Warsaw Oct. 28. Cossacks arrest-1 . and weather in our sec- ea izu i-onsn oociaiiais at a jewian 1 .. . OToV Tha Rlimmp.r i erone Bund, meeting in a forest pabenlsc, j and -t m!lkes one shiver to think that the fieids which are now white la another tosT & berries, selected toy lcn ledges at t& siaxftatlos rtrt1Hnlly roastca ext on tee tories, wfeere preoauKoM you wtmia not Cream ct art taScca to seevr) perleet cleanltneea, QavortStrenoUi and ttalScsrsalty. ' JPVow A lime IA oie Uant factory no hand touch U tiU it U opvntd in your kitatott Mffllons of American Home welcome LION COFFEE oaay. TheK 7tgr proof of merii than contind and fcrwa tag popularity. "Quality gnrviTaa all oppoatioa. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOIfiON BPICE CU., iweoo, 1 1 m inn A- & N- G- K R. Bchedule in Eflect Sept. 17, 1905. EAST BOUND. No. 3. No. 1. 3.45 p. m. 4.18 " 4.45 " 5.07 5.21 5.31 5.52 t tt 15 Dear Sir: 'The cheapest thiug in the way 01 sending antuing over the world is a postage stamp: and the cheapest way to shed water is paint. Not whitewash : painfrDo your A Ttiatf3 in tne government 01 jfeirocenon this morning. When the news rea ched Pabianiac, w6rkmen attem pea to rescue their comrades. The troops fired aud one workman' was killed and twenty-eight were wound ed. with cotton will soon be white with snow, une imagines mat ub cau Jjear he echoe of the jingling sleigh Bells as their ; music goes chiming through the chilly air. si 5 AND STILL ANOTHER "For over-thirty years I eu fcred m m . Get Couch from' Wd$l Furnitare Co, X " Andrews A. Irom painful ulcers and an eruptior from my knees to my feet, and could find neither doctors !nf medicines to help me, untU I took Cuticura which cured me in six months. sigBd)MT. C. Moss, Gainesville, Tex." Clllirnia Soap, Olntmrot, and PW are o!:KHmughon thVVdr.2 rr!tte ltug & Chan. Cuip Bou bole MONEY LOST Last Saturday, somewhere between Stoney CreeK hrido-n on the A. & N. C. H. 1. ana Aimer's station. S125.00 all in bil 4 20 bills. 4 1 10 bills and one $5.00 bill. Liberal reward will be paid for the return to the Argus office. happen to know it dou't beloDg to your business to know t.bout aint, you know d you happen to kn w j that most of Lhe niifeo's of p'pi! etuff it out w ith lime and clay and aand and water and auY . t They, do stuff it out in the can; but not on the house. They make' more gallons to sell or to buy; more-money to pay for paint, more money to pay for putting it on; a good deal more monev to pay for putting it 00, but no more beauty; more rust; decay; di8appontment; loss. . Devoe is your paint,, because it's all cairit. - no sham, and full-meas ure. Yours truly, i F. W. Devoe & Co. P. S. Smith & Xelverton sell our paint Run Over in Yard Jirnaboro. N. C. Oct 27 At 7 Does nzt, get much good for yon out of what you o'clock tonight 1., C. Warren, a young man" of Huntsville, Yadkin ftountv." was" picked up beside the eat, for & dO tJOt digest j track in the S .uthern yards a short BlUch it. is Wasteful. It distance west of the passenger station With bis right leg crusnea. no was easily distressed and often I and Ms leg amputated above the upsev oy iuuu. "ti',' I knee. Warron arnvea nere mis evening from Winston and had been drinking. Just how ithe accident treatment is a courie of Hood's arsapa which is positively tiao- Quolled for all stomach troubles. For testimonials of remarkable caret ennd for Book on Dvsaebsia. No. 5. 1 C. L Hood Co., LoweD, Mass. occurred is not known. Koffoe Dyspepsia Curo m m-1 11 uao ' CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Best Cough Syrup.. Tastes Good. Uaa to tuna. Sold by druggists. s I "s lllf.-" Mn-Tirinri'if Till A Happy Hoine Toiavo Jppy n west f&Vo cbjiarefu sa threy ex.9 TsfWp-a xmaker&. If 3 wsk woman, yoa 5m w mate EW-fifiOB6h to bear health chH&-en. with i&tfcr pSot discooifbft Ifea yoursIf, by taking v-----; VUIE OF It wffl cas away an. vpur paWV reduce Inflam mation, cure lucorfh (feesj, faffin womb, ovar ian trcuble. fitsordftr-ed mtffiges. backache, hdadache, etc, arid maka chttdbtfth natural and easy Try it. f At every drug storo iii.ou wuiuea. STATION. Lv. Goldsboro I Mt-iranfra ' K iiKiim Dover " Tuscarora At. JSewbern LLv. Newbern 14 itiverdale " Havelock " Wevport Ax. Morehead WEST BOUND. STATION. JNO. 2. Iv. Morehead 7.40 a.m. ' iNewport " Havelock h8.27 ' ltiverdale .'8.43 Ar.5JNewbern 9.05 LL.v.ttJNewberna "'luscarora .ai L". Kinston 10. " JLaurauge 10.47 Ar. tioldsboro 11.20 CONNECTIONS. At Goldsboro with Southern Rail way and Atlantic Coa3t lane. AX Kinston and Newbern with Atlantic Coast Ldne.'mr: K. F. Fostkb, K7ETL. Buncii, General M'g'r. kTramc M'g'r. t.vroiuaDoro, jn. u. 8.00 a.m. 8.81 " 8.45 9.23 " 9.86 9.51 " 10.10 1 6.57 p. m. 10.15 a. m. 6.20 44 10.34 44 6.38 10.50 " 6.54 " 11.0$ 7.20 44 11.30 i No. 4. 4. lOp. m. 4.41 44 4.57 44 5.15 44 5.35 " 5.40 p. m. 6.02 6.12 6.23 6.52 7.18 7.50 tt tt tt tt t. it ti tt ti tt ft it tt tt tt ii Mil! WRITE US A tUO .ftoeV and ftenMft tegag oeeO wff fewtftUe. WeBeckeiNeetvtfiiJta aJ0 teM enrtiepe). MM$mi ttr eie7 Airieory Dept. .Tr ChMef lifaictae Co., CMtttepogeTeefl a4CfiftI et B7 Mfcy t't no Uhrt W eMM Mf. J. P. f VejMrfcW cir, Iowa. J'She alC7 P" vm-" 1 mm n 1 ECORRECT DRESsl firl n The "Modern Method" system of l I I H high-grade tailoring introduced by H 1 I LL Hays & Co of Cincmnau. Ov n - I 1 satisfies good dressers everywhere R 1 . AH f-.-. M.J. !fr,Vl1 II I B to Your Measure xl Kg 9 al moderate prices. 500 tyW of loracja H ttad domestic fabrics rromwhichtockooto. to to. Mnr UaSlfl-eicar.' Reivresentecl trv Crow Clark & Co 0-- GOLDSBORO, . 0 . Kennedy s Laxative Honey and Tar ra all Couohs. nd x,pis Cld from J 1

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