jftWM,:4H'iii:frtTiilla' V, f 'V I? jLu3 If- "This Argus o'er the people's rights Doth an eternal vigil keep; No sooth ing strains of Maia's son Can lull its hundred eyes to Bleep." GOLDSBOKO, ISY C., THURSDAY, NO VEMBEll 23, 1905. NO. 73 VOL. XX. fca m tr eia m m m m m v m sa iss nsi n vjmim ifi tvi eg ai f I 1 V V if V m of i m COMPROMISE WITH TRUCK i liltS. OF INTEREST FROM ! viVE-RT, SOURCES. i-t ict-..i'uc ??w$ o: tho : "i!-M !).j a k. a Tha will l3 meraor- Those About Grists Suing for $13,703,3J, Will Accept From Coast Lime $10,150. Wilmington, N. C., Nov. 20 J. O Carr, E-q., counsel for the Truckers Association at Grists in the Chadbouru section of this Slate to- ! day auuoun?ed a compromise of the AS OTHERS SEE US. Til's year, 1905, able. It will oe ,;.u.vu as I he jsuil recently broug.lt against the At ltL- title oi :,os. X,w 1 ieiiion be.' rj Rusi is this Sha 1 w sjive th ; propte or the little Czar a d his p-aud u ke?? The quick: iu-.rch eouaier id not pop ular i. L muo . 1- w essentially an iiauriiitu .uitil-trm. Ash.viLe, IS. O. Nv.2-). George E. t'lOUi not '-' he d- -nesvu left a i . a aie maa wi.ou.s ..o.r.l; iiil,S , ' 1 . . V. o -fc -- -- - - - -.,1 , O ' . c 1 . i- i. ..i .: tiiiil o-j-ue iil -TMa a Wtiy- Villi out 20 Fiie ;oly had, ;USCS the vva- cm lain .f?.ltO 'Ul U'.' Utiilut b: X o.iuraium co- t Shrcvopjrt, Lit., ov. thia uioi-iilug destroyed tt eitv LiiioOn. ivvu et'reJi v deam id' una ai'dju and the injury ot Unvc fn-ii.uea. Tn-c iss loetiuiaved at JT-),.-ju autiOui; oufc $8,v00 m surauce. JdUieC. Km,', ot Ch ca, has left $2,o'di),000 in h':s w i f r a home for otu .iieu. 5'J laiiier will not have to WOi iicit'at.ei'. The ii tia. .!' San -ay-: 'la tue city Oi iuu ..o -u -i .i ?.'a- u- ductf b v "Ui ("u ' ' '"' tuiuui-f.r t:ie p 'l ' i-s d the res.tlt va- a iuu..c - It wa uv t only i'.:i--.'UUw.-..i, that i . ' ' it. yi.v. t..er,: v of t ic-.- -.ch -n.-y ni ,-';! pr jve the ti-.Jt wiaaoa oi tno .Uoio prob lem Of i'Ali.'lS '' ELnxute. Teuu., Iwv, 20. -Rev1 J. S. Iv.M.iicrdy. 1 , one vf the Vetera. . ot Uieil -i 'U couf?rence, Meth. u s- Kp1 e t a. e-iurch, uitd at hid .i.i:ue iu thi- city today. He was in nis eiuhtu. th iar. lie was prooiir. ntly eaii oied Vitii vaijus behoof kuJ mvges iu Teuuesaee, western N rUi Carolina and south west Virgmia. New Y-.rs. voters are complaining that tney were siafegd ou i.iectiou dav. It oes look na.e some people cau nfvu. uj- iiiie f.-.custouiua t the ruguiur way of i-x-roi -.ing .ue priv ilege ia Ne.v x'oik city. GlasAV. xov. ' 20. The niosi terrible tire mat hai occurred in Great iiritaiu for may years broke out he,e Sa.iday ia a cueap lodging house for mn in Watsoa street aud resulted in the l'j?s wf thirty-nine lives and the severe injury of niu.uy other. laulic Coast Line lor ;he recovery oi $13,703,39, being the amount of loss es b me:uoers of the association by rea-ou of ttie refrigerator cr short a during the last strawberry sei sou, tha 3i;nie covering damage from May lac io otii inclusive a part of vvhica was n t included in the coni pron: ij with the Armour liue. The compromise was lor payment by the Cua-sl Line of $.0,150. U j. uade s o d that the Coasl Iji. e by tho Utius of its contract wiiti the Armour line.-, will havt recourse upn that corporati on fcr tue auiouul received ol them. STKOXG KV'liHXOa IA1TH OF J. II. Hill & Son Ouarautee that ilyo MiCi Wiii Cure the Worth Case oi.' J.it.ii'iSi iu l-.lsb ro. VVuon oao ox th most reputable urugs'ists iu tJoidsooru guarantees ia u meiuciue wid eti'i t a cut. e or timw wiJt reiuud the money, it -peaks vosuui-Ai us to I he merits of tuat reme-.iy It vs ia tms way that j. !i. .iiii ss Square si;ing Hyomei, Ooldsboro Rises to the Expect ations of the State at L.arge. The leading edttoral in this morn ing's issue or the Raleigh Ne ws & Observer is one that the Goldsbor people will appreciate, not ouly for its gracious compliments but aiso for its words of encouragement aud pciuters to the ways that bring sub stantial progress, abiding prosperity and enduring happiness to a paople. We give the editorial m full as it. hows: 'Oue of the most hotiy contested elections iu tne history of Goldsboro came to au end last nigUo by a de cisive victory agamot uie re-opeuiiig of saioouS" in that prosperous cit. fwo years ago it voted out saloons aud some good peoplo thought it ujght injure busiuesi. ExrieiC naasiiowa tuat;; l.iaload ui LijariLf, the comuier'ioii or ii:iiicid.i ruivreis f me citv, iiic to y ir wim cios- d bars nave b.:t-u ycard - reuiark iblc prosperity aud pai. . "L'iiov:':(i'i' i -j nd-.oor is all the more rem.ukauiu irom tue fact that , itw uiouUts ao .iie ooard of alder men iucrcasod ti.ts levy of city tax twenty cms the hundred dollars ,o puy the expenses of governmeut, ivmg as the reason that tne loss of t cjlsb from saioons made a u increase f iaii:s necessary. Tne pocket litve is a very sensitive nerve, audit u giCitly to tne credit of Goidsboro jj pie that they did not ptimit tne .esne to return to lower tax;, s to cause atiii to vote agaiu mo cuiae ox sa oons upou their city, i'aey do not olow their own horn much aad tiiej are a modest folk, are tne GjidjOvic people, but whea it comes to doiu the right thing ia the right wa. there are no better people oa the-earth. "The victory is one that will have a lar-reaching enect, is the gate-way ot TPS gH tf if BA SOAP kin 5s Greatest Soap. s Sveetest at Soap. SsSe Greater than the World's Product of Other Skin Soaps So'd Wherever Civilization Has Penetrated. for G:il'isboro Kasteru Norti. Utauiiciit liiul s;as made so many IWriiin n.i .i.it thnrA w..m.. , i wi . cutes oi oo.n uviLo ana caronic i nave ben seized upou by tue advo- . - l . J I 4- - I . . - t i . t .x . f i s o . Cx:iara.a itx vjruturuuro ana uiw ui iictuw us au muicauuu mai iho tomi-ri nr-fi vuvivw va. ;i-i ropr lim , - -1 , . i i auu xti vyuuiu ia, v u ktkjix a, ou-a. vr aiuuwioiip..!, iioi ia movement m tern peranct; and indus- q. iid tuj.1 iias to lts t.iken with a I irja progress, for they nearly always ujhoooon or winegiass. Just breathe I go together. 1 here rs not a saloon ov ttieaid oi ii inhaler that comes ia North Carolina ia a community I t haf i ori.fln o iifiuT.ttFanfnrirHi1 rtViiu miitii. xnii hnpfit will! io ""J "."u.".-b .. . Ai I dustrial centre. v niskey and iiidus- sfe-u irjia we met ireaimeM, I trv H.r not trood btwl-feiiows. Cun- Tae complete llyemei outnt costs I cord, Ruilinglon and High .Point are out il.l-O aaa luciuues au muaier , igouu ci.ampioa ui uwuauiiu iowuo ,.,i :;i1.ni Hcnmoi frtr laud not one of them has nad a sa- ,cvral weeks' treatment, ilimember taat if llyomei does not curey.u J. xl. mil s eon will tefacd your money. This is a good time to c jure c.aairh by this natural Millions of the world's best people use Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuti cura Ointment, the greo.t skin cure, for preserving, purifying, and beau tifying the skin, for cleansing the sc-Jp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, anl the stopping of falling hair, for eoitiiiing, -whiiecing, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchings, and chafirgs, for annoying irritations, or too free or offensive perspiration, for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative, anti septic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, especially mothers, as well as for all the pur poses of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Cuticura Soap combines delicate emollient properties derived from Cuticura, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refreshing of flower odours. No other medicated soap ever compounded is to be compared vvilh it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to be compared with it for all the pur poses of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in one soap at one p'-ice the most effective skin and com plexion soap, and the purest and sweet est toilet, bath, and nursery soap. fo'd throt;f;h;it the world. Ci'.tiinra Resolvent, BOe. (in f irm of eh.M-oiate Coated Pills, 2.c. per vial of W), 0::;t:...nt, .riic., jSo&p, .'c. I..iots: I.ciiduii, 27 Cham-r-honse Sq. ; Parin. a Kne d la Paix ; Boston, 13" Colulubu. Avs. Potti-r Drug & Chein. Corp., Sole Props. S- Seail lor " Uow to Cure Every Humour." Hold Your Cotton. The following editorial from the Atlanta Constitution is so much in harmony with some of th" humble advice we have been giving the cot ton growers that we are gid to re produce it here: Again the cotton statistics of the federal department of agriculture uave had their influence on tne 60ll- Iiog price ot cotton, this time thr statistics being those of the ginners. The effect was to slightly depress the cotton market, and the bears are agaiu hoping against hope. Let no southern cotton grower al low himself to be stampeded into rushing his bales to market by any of the "bear" arguments sent out by (speculators. As a matter of fact, and a fact never better known in the cot ton belt, this season's cotton crop was "all in" remarkably early, and its shortness was quickly apparent. Of course a crop harvested so early is ginned early. The middle of Nov- I ember will see the picking practical ly over, and it will surprise the men on the ground who know actual con ditions if the ten-million-bate mark is reached. That would indeed seem I to be a maximum figure. The manufacturing world will take every bale of this year's American I cotton crop at its true value based on tiie law of supply and demand. There is no need for the planter to sell his cotton for less, if he is pre pared to hold awhile Mr. Lon Dail's mule rf .n a vuy, last Friday, with Walter Short auci threw him against the fence, hurt ing him very badly, but not ser ;u -ly and strewed holly boxes for so-nt-distance along the road. If shipping holly continues ar ;und here, all the beautiful holly trees will be mutilated, and the r iM.-fc and yellow hammers will find r tn rations this winter, but thare is a little money in it and. the tree? must go and the birds will, t . Now that "the best town in the Right at this J state," has again gone dry, ir ti: jjunciureis a good time to "stand pat" prove its faith by its works a i gf-: lot a niguer puce tnun mtj marittiL ria Qt the bund tigers, and St t: sa - is affording at present. The inevi- J pending judgment on paym -r c i table tendency cf the fleecy staple is ; costs. It is simply aa adverti -nei.i upward. It is bound to advance. The for a man to be hauled up i i court farmer who can possible hold his J for retailing without licen , ami colt m and does not is sacrificing ; then suspend judgment on p i !iitr.i good, hard-tar i ed dollars. - -(of cjsts. If you are going m have j-rc- lej;:.'. let WALTER LETTER Chronicling of a Week's Events it! That Thriving Neighborhood. ARGUS BUK4 WALTER .Nov. 22 REAU R, N. C. V , 1905. J Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gurley anrt Master Edgar from your eity spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Wis: Crawford. Messrs Leonard Smith and L tly Lynch left last week for the "L ud of Flowers," where they go to try their fortunes. We wish them suc cess. Mr. George Becton and daug i lei Miss Lizzie attended church at SiVm Sunday, and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Ham. Aad the farmers are showing the prohibition, have it. Not o i! same g.od sense they exercised last'hibit the legal sale, but the liiid Headache Ar? out,a year aS' writes Mrs- Mattle Allen, of 1123 Broadway, Augusta, Ga., "I suffered with Diind, sick headaches and backaches, and could eat no relief until I tried WINE OF Woman's Relief I immediately commenced to Improve; and uuw i ieei iiKe a new woman, and wish to v recommend it to all sick wompn. for I WHITE NSv 'mow it will cure them, as It did m US Cardui is pure, medicinal extract of FREELY vegetable herbs, which relieves ana frankly, describing female pains, regulates female ocVselSve X functions,tonesuptheorgans you free advice (in piain sealed tO ' 2. proper State Of health. enve.ore;. Uon't hesitate, , but Trr if frr xr, ,,K1 Tite today. Address: LaJies' A! 1 11 tOC Y0lir trOUDlC visur. Dept., The Chattanooga Medi cine o., cnattanooga, Tenn. Every drugrilst sells It mi.uo Domes. NDBLACK year by holding their cotton. also, iter. Carry the law out to Congratulations. Editor A rg us. P;ease allow me, through your paper, to offer my congratulations to ioon in a quarter of a century." James O. JLitcnxoru. From the height our old g ib'iler i nov roosting, he no doubc ten . that Thanksgiving is near a ha;i(!, but he is not in any danger of ioi-in-. nis ueara inis winter, as ou' tui-e. roo' t- r. That may all be so, and th u hi.? turkpv for nin'f. a t.nrlrfiu a .-. - dan says all planters and holders of During the past nineteen years I .'t..i.it.f,,,..,.' I. ,..1 4 , . ...... ' 1 . . 1 , 1 I ' J J a whole pen full, and that tact de- Holding Cotton for Fifteen Cents Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, formerly an Iowa farmer, says the I the good people of your city on ac- cotton crop wil be "about ten mil- count of their great victory over the j feasta thia 8Maon UJ be a uuu uttiro, ouu mix wav uoow auu i accursed tranc im stronir unun. in tne that opiuion President Ilarvie Jor-1 recent election. spot cotton "should stand firm for 15 1 have been permitted to see Golds Raleigh News & Observer: I cents." Ihe southern cotton associa-j 00r0 only occasionally as a visitor, The shocking accident which re- tn says the crop will be 9,441,000 but it has been, is still, and ever will method aud prevent colda that are suited in the death on Sunday morn- "uu tvuxiy vv nson says it De i.the oid home town," anu every ,.i ..aiiimciu ut this season. in of Mr. James O. Litchford hao- WUi awui r Ww oaies. progressive enterprise and move- Dened under circumstances which ine trutn is, neither jir. Jordan's ment for the betterment and good of I 1 A.5 ri A. TTTM . . . . .eu,.eruo,i uw aoiest in the prociamauoua nor,oecretary wnsons the people has been noted with deep tistory of t;ie City. Waiaii alon. Sew York's National Theatre. Ileury Irviag did not live to see a uatiouai tiiealre estabiithed in Lon don, but it is piaiu tuat Richard Alanalield will oe more fortunate. i'h j latter has iou aavocated the catabiishmeiit oi a national theatre in wnich piays could be produced tuat would ujt perhaps be commer- cialiy possible, aud the New York movement is a promising beginning in that direction. 'His programme oi ihe proposed luxurious three-million oi. .a r .;:m h.istons tndenv I dollar tueatro iu JNeW xork is tnus tjn. iuuiuu x' ' : - i v, . ...rt lint t. nvwr iuafried. andldehued L liU ic.ni " ' ; i - says tue aecouu great regret of his life is that hJ iias nsver lifted tbe Ameiija'o cup. He otiii has a chance truy.i married, but tue America's o ' cup is ruioiher matter. Natchez, Miss., Nov. 20 Major 1 Simou isycr, rfiio served as aoju taut geueral with tae rauk of major general on tae siaa of Ueueral Chai- -Tue season wTill bo thirty weeks. j.nsrj Wiii not oe any long runs, i'en piays wnl be produced the Urol year; teu eaca year ioiiowiug. Aud ou two uk-his caeh week tnere will "F1-"" w" "i a, iiroadwayuuuappiiy kuovs it, out iienuiue, ueiigutiut opera comi- que, witn ait:sis urawn from Paris, jLJeiliu, Vienaa and other foreign 1UBI3MHUU fva "-"" " .1,, wU v h.i.M -inw u Kil eJ acci- " " ' ooutiugeut irom tne meiiopiitau nonf.diaU aruiy was Kii ea acci dentally today. As he arsrse from bed hio revolver s.ipped from uuder his piiiow aud disonaged one buiiet. This lodged bduiud the rigat ear producing instant uBAiii. 31-jjr Mayer was 6a years ord. He left a large iaurily. Elizabeta City N. C.Nov. 20.-The body of" William S;ivtsy, tae Hert ford itiXH wno had oeerr miosiug three woe tts, was loaua ciuuday in a dense woods neur Reividere. by Bragg tierry. it was in au advanced state oi. decojpwsiUju and ine ex- amiuadyu failed to snow if he had met with toui pxay. ia the same clump of bushes was found an emty jug wa ch he nad hdery. The belif prevails tuat death resaitwd from exposure wuue on a opree. Perry nolifltd the relations oi the de.vd man and buiiai qiijiily foiiowed the re moval. Upoia House." Heiancu Conreid is organizing cue now theatre, but the opera house is nis uoaie. wnere music outranks ctiug. Iu tue new theatre music win oe secoiiuary and acting hist, aua R.caaid Mansfield, who is now so rica ne can adord to leave "tne road," wouid aa manager of it give it tone au a standard at once. liit with or witnout Mr. Mans rield tha new theatre will be a dis tinct gain to art aud io tne stage as a means of education. 'It will come, tjo, at a time when the country's piay houses arj niied with rubbish, auu no douot it will be helpful from tne outset iu turning public taste in the right direction. ... n a quiet street, in tue bright iigh". fan iiutusnu afternoon, death cime upon him suddenly and without a aint of warning. Starting from his lome with a promise on ii is lips to return in a short whire to take f-. irive with his wife, he was stricken lown without another known wor.', to die within a few hours from his injuries. Like so many men who die so in he unguarded moment, Mr. Litch ford had everything to live for. lit nad made the best of his life, rising from a boyhood of poverty t an im portant position in the leading sav- ugs bank in the Siate, through his own effort and inb: grity. He had the respect of ail his business asso ciak's and the love of many friends. He had been married but a fe years His home he had but recently buiii and lurnished. He was young. His future was assured for good, and lull of possibilities. In a moment, ia the jlare of day, death fund him i efore he could even look ii in the face. For his stricken widow, for hisde- . l iais will have much control over a farmer who hus coIlOU to oeli JdXch farmer will determine forhim jelf when to hoid and when to seb cotton. He knows whether the crop u his own section has been picked ,-arly or iate, or whether the date ol picking has been normal. He knows a good deal more about the crop than President Jordan or Secretary Wilson thinks he knows. prives us of the festive bird, ualec some Kind neighbor want 5o swai one for pills. But a fat r roster ai- sweres every purpose and hilf tht people can't tell the differ jce. Tiii-ttr had u ri ur that 1 t.-niii.. cnrutArn. I r o 'J " t,-"-" When the saloon i were closed two aaisy m fact, he now his him au sir 2 3, it3rS BLACK POWDER SHELLS Tha Nublack " is a grand good shell good In construction, good because it is primed with a quick and sure primer, and good because carefully and accurately loaded with the best brands of powdsr and shot. It is a favorite among hunters and other users of black powder shells on account of its uniform shooting, evenness of pattern and strength to withstand reloading. A trial will prove its excellence. ALL DEALERS SELL THEM OAK PLAIN NOTES. Th& Woman's Association for the "veUcttueut of public schools has de- ide i to have an c.y-.ter tupper at the Oik thtin school house nexs Satur day mght Nov. 25. Everybody is invited. Mis; Omega Pearce, of Rainse's -ears as we rejoiced. A few rtgo when the papers announced tht caroiiaign to restore saloons we felt nxiom, hoped, and prayed, and uow we rsjoice again. Duriner the Dast two yei-rs cur visits there have be mi moie pli ant on account of the conspicuous ne ver used. We do not kuow nis breed ng, and we are sdli-aed that this I and 3uuday. does not disturb the pecetui slum- oerb of thit pig. Bat from his coioi e would judge him to be a rnix- uit; oi Bull' Cochin aad Barred Rojk tiid eo see him do a three nnuuie iiuiit across the ranch, with tut North Carolina, ) In Superior Court. Y Wayne County, J Befor the Clerk. Barnes Aycock and wife Menrilla ana x. m. Caserly, va. Walter M. Sasser, Millard Sasser, jasper V. Sasser and Leslie F. Saa. Cross Roads, is visiting her sister, ser, the last two infanta without gen- uro. ireari iiouanu. mis wees. pr nr tAjiijim.n . ' l j ui.vuau, uiu Messers. Charles and Ralph Ay- Evelyn Sasser, widow of Tom 8as- cck were callers in Ebeuezer section uwcaBtui auu -va omitn, wil suauay eveninsr. uam omuu, auu jaxary siiiitn. too I last numpfl hllltr an Infant :tl.m,t Tvi l r.. to,u-o,. : o nnuuui ..uuitin, waiter oa trv isi teu general or testamentary guardian, in me uasiand section last Saturday I Ban Smith, the husband of Polly .-smith, deceased, and the heirs at law OI fOUV Nmith Rnrl nf hoi- ohll. Quite a crowtl atiended tha nartv I dren Kvn. William anri ivtq., nmiti, t Mr. Albeit Avcock's Saturdrsv I if they be dead, whose namea and iiht, givtn in honor nf Miss Stella ''entressjthe Oak Plain teacher. At present he can secure ten cents iQuld D3 heard the clink of glass and at the farm or nearest shipping point I b tu minaied with profane and aud the step between ten cents and I vuigar words by men made p-ofaue, tne Jordan minimum is a long one, i vulgar and brute-like by tlieconieui? aud y, tit win become easily pos- ()f the slass anJ blttie. vVbyshuki sibloiflhe crop proves to be below any nation, state or city legalize a 10,030,000 baljs. All that can be I traffl j which ruins men said with confidence is this, the crop I May the eame spirit and zeal for outlook and the consumptive re- J the right which has closed the sa- quiremen Is of the world fully justify J loons ever, through ommg years I i : . . . . . u: i rn i . P.nM of screened doors behind which r8 lwwumm Sr ,w" tug beau Uully longer would cause me to tnink he possessed a trace oi turn oioou. wen wneu ne came here, if he had been as larse at botb s ads as he was where he wears hi- eit he wouid have weighed foui times a3 mucn, and it nis pedigree was as iong as both his tad and nose ne could nive traced nis ancestors home last Saturday aui Suuday. Mes-eis. Roby Aycock a. id Fred PiWnan visited the Misses Davit. ear Pleasant Grove Sunday even i"g. rnlirl hrnthftr n:nl nif-r i.iiM vm pathy of the entire city goes out along ",500,000 bales. No one at present with a deep regret at the untimely and of a useful life. Somewhere, in the warp and woof of time, the rea son lies secure; iu the face of its in scrutability there re.nains but a sor row unalloyed except as there is healing in a life well spent, in the record of a man who weat the quint way of his duty making and keeping friends, aud was true to the trust re posed in him. back to those the prodigal son fed a iarnier in demanding ten cents as J keep them closed and keep behind J But these were u4ui apoeudeges a minimum first, last and all the I prison bars the person who would, I as he could drink buttermilk out ol time, and the reports from the gin- J by the illegal sale or use of intoxi- J a jug,aad in going through cracks in neries furnished month by month j eating beverages make void the pre by the census bureau must deter- hibition law. : mine whether a higher price should J. GL Johnson", be demanded. : Gary-burg, N. C At present estimates of the crop Nov. 15, 1905. vary between 9,000,0)Q bales and estimates the crop at figures higher than the latter sum, and no one puts it below the former figures. Even if the crop sbould go to 11,500,000 bales every bale of : it is worth ten cent3, and no farmer should accept a cent less. Those who can readily hold their cotton will perhaps secure more than ten cents. Ten cents should become i rr.i nfc! tne feuce, you could tie a knot iu I and Sunday. nis tail to preveut him rooting over more than one tq iare of the gardeu i a z t r .1 at a ume. no nas maae raoid progresiin developemu , however and will some day oe of m re pre tentious proportijns. residence are unknown; J. L. Qibble and the other heirs at law of Aman da Caserly ,deceased .all of whom.to- -ir. ueorge Lacg-t-m visited his I t;einer witn ineir names and resi dence are unknown to the petition- rs. To Ben Smith, Eva Smith. Wil liam and Mary Smith, and the heirs at law of Polly Smith, and the heirs or said nrva, William and Marv Smith, if they be dead, whose names Mi-s Niui Aycock and Mr. Fraiik t. reaia9nc are unknown and the Orinm h-.,m nrar h'r.nr,nt. W.t law ijaneriy . "r I wnose names ana residence are un- ouiittay evening t jyxr. .toert Ay-1 known: ock's. I This is a proceeding broncrht for At, t it rr.H .;,... the sale for partition between Barnes - ii oatut-1 aycock and the heirs at law of Tom jay nigat at Air. a. Aycock's. Sasser, Polly Smith and Amanda Miss NormaAycock visited friends ft SS near Raiuse's Cross Rouds Saturday Uituated in Wayne County, North oaruuun, ueing tne ianos conveyea a . . . . ii. i . . . . . . . ... . . i smwm. .mi Aiuauua vwDiij M.ms xua ,auioru visit-- ner sister by rohn Mumohrav hv dd of uoar xMjuiy oai"" aauday. June 12th, 1873, registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of liow The Press of the State Wanf-CUnty,V1?rt P"11 ia CURES WHERE ALL Best Couih Syrap. Tisins Gend Use in time. Sold by -ig'sts. 1 S) STEP BACltVAltI. I Charlotte News. A Card f Thanks, Ebitob Aequs i Please permit me through the tainmeni and payment in cash of the interest of T. M. Caserly, Ben Smith and Evelyn Sasser; and Ben Smith the heirs at law of Amanda Caserly, the heirs at law of Polly omitn, ana ot her children Eva, Wil liam ana iviary smith, it they be dead iftrard llir-si-wl Yiinimnm rtf fha for all indications run towards rTu ' 7 Chronic , Kheitmatism Cured Dr. H. B. Hettinger, Indianapolis Ind., says: "For several months For Suuday School Workers. I after spraining my ansae J. was Th Nfiwimrn District Sundav fly afiiicled with Rheumatism, School Conference Institute will be 1 lried Dtchon'8 Mystic Cure Hoir! in th Mthodist church at or Rheumatism, and in 4 days Kinston, Dec. 15th and 17th. The -'ould walk without my cane; two 1 crop, a higher price. No slump below ten j cents will be more than temporary. View Ooidsboro's Prohibi tion Victory Duplin Journal. rol oiy to the citizens oi Goids boro but to ail its neighbors in ad- Tae greatest tem&eiunce viotorv j.oiuinS couuties this good hews will whose names and residences are un- of the year was won at (ioidsooro I e Sd'y received. Mucn interest Known, are nereoy commanded to vesterda v 1 as centered iu tais election, wmcn PPar netore the undersigned at his yrsifiady. I ... . ' I ntttna at. t.h Hmirk Rnn lr ClnlA The situation there was critical. t001c iaesday last, uecausu I tom Norfh nilrnIina Prouibuiou had boeu iu lorce there JiUaU ro 13 oue l f tne nrdr' larger November 25th, 1903, and answer or iwo yet rs. The law had oeeD severe- cns ia luw of Eistern N. demur to the petition which has thia i.r iiai lumi,,,, ,.f ...i,: u. tuwfiua test tne teujoer r tne " u miw. .j it.u. . ...... Thia 91th H.tr nrrv.tnha. ion oitionis'd had been made heavier by Ppie iu a til lare-ouc ngnt between fT ORMOND an increase of twenty cents in the promotion uu open saloons ana it ciert cf theSuperiorCourtof W first day of the cession, Friday the bottles cured me sound and well. I IB. will be ariven to the ordinary take great pleasure in recommending business of the conf.rcuce, includii g the Mystic Cme io all who; are the rep .rts from the ccnools. - anl tcted with liiieumatism. j On Friday niaht the Institute Sold by M. E. Robinson ' & Bro. work will begin under the direction Druggssts. ? of Dr. H. M. Hornill, Secretary of the Teachers Training Department of the Southern Methodist Sunday School Board. Dr. Hornhill is one of the foremost Sunday Sahool workers in the world, ' and this is a great op portunity for- the Sunday school workers of 'the District and it is to be expected that every one who can do so will attend,- The Kinstou peo 1 pie will make, ample provision for the entertainment of all workers who. may attend. 810,000 Gals. Liquor Burn. Connellsville, Pa.J Nov. 19 At the Overholt distillery at Broadford today, 810,000 gallons of whiskey furnisheda spectacular fire entailing a loss of $1,000,000, covered by insur ance, The main bonded warehouse' was burned to the ground. Give nature three helps, and nearlv every case of con- sumDtion will recover. Fresh, air, most important of all. Cherry, Pectoral; Nourishing food comes next. Then, a medicine to control the cough and heal the lungs. Ask any good doctor. 1 llrit ned Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 53 years fto. I have seen terrible cases of lunit dis eases cured by It. I am neves without it." ALBSUT U. Hamilton, Marietta, Ohio. f the Machinists' Union. There is no more tender-hearted 25e.,5e., fl.00. All drueeisrs. for .T. C. AVER CO., I.nTvell, Mass. I lha Kiii ttii Have Always Bag Consumption Health demands daiiy action of the bowels. Aid nature with Ayer's Pius. An English Author Wrote: "No shame, no shine, no fruit, no flowers, no leaves, November" Many Americans wonld add no free' dom. from catarrh, which, is so ag gravated,, during this month that it becomes constantly troublesome. There is abundant proof that catarrh isaconstitutionaldesease. It is related to scrofula and consumption, being one of the wasting diseases. Hosd's Sarsaparillaibas shown that itis cap- .Fnro.litino'firriiiilaCoTiinlete- try curesTaatrrCand tak4n in time i Goidsboro, N, C. , Nov. 21, '05. prevents conumpuon. we cannot . ..flPnn .sum rrw4- gee now any ouu.ci.ci. taking this medicine, in view of the widely published record of its radi cal and , permanent cures. It is un doubtedly America's Greatest medi cine for America's": GreatestDilease -Catarrh.' 1 , " J express my sincere thanks and' haart- folt onTvrcuix.1inn nf the mauv kind- ' D. lia rinrin t.h loh ill- tax rate, which the aldermen claim- s gratifying indeed to know that the Af v hRlf,ved son Dock, bv edvas mad necessary to make up people of that city are kuu standing kind neighbors and svmpathiaing the loss of revenue usually derived ior prohi-.itiou as, the best possible friends, and especially the members .from the saloons Under these circumstances it was but natural that there should be a or sympathetic people to bo found 'hard fight and tbe splendid victory than, the gooa people oi oiusuoro, so mucn ina more gratiiyiug. out; and I take this method of thanking J0f a total of about 570 the saloons meauof advancing their town.coun ty aud section of their State finan cialiy as welt as morally. Alter a trial of prohiuition for two years th people of Goidsboro are satisfied with its results and will in our family, and for the many con- Votes. sol'ng and comforting words in the " . The cause of temperance has been one and a' 1 for the courtesies shown! were ableto poll only about 200 1 tQe iata e to " prohibition uoea jnuuiuiv uuiui.a tuuiuuguiy Mian before, so that, their town may have the grvaiest benefit therefrom. Tue victory of the t em pt-ranee people Ayuockwere two powerful ftctors vjr aie io oe in bringing about this great victory. - .uvu.uu-u! TJo, th Cflrolinians will commend I tQey -hv0 made aud Pal con- them for their good work in Golds-1 emulations to its newspapers whieh hbur of sore afiliction. ' " Verv resp tfully, Mks. a. P. Holland. I much helped by the action of Grlds ' bo. o, and Gov. Glenn and ExGov- tha Superior Court of Wayne County, North Carolina. WANTED. Hides and Bees-wax. Thelhighestmarket price paid for Beef Hides, Green Salted Hides, Dry Hides and Beeswax. Bring them to me. JOSEPH EDWARDS. -A nice line of Woolen Blankets'on display at Andrews & Waddell Fur. Co. CJ..&. 3 L '.i. " ' ori tu : ! M tiar Aha Eoughr GEO. E. HOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. I will write your bond as adminis trator, guardian, contractor, officials, etc. in a bonding company. . . rVtli practice wherever servicai ts dee? red. Cffice in front of Ooar Hiie boro. CASTOR! A; For Infants and Children, i j Th3 Kind You Have Always tmt One of Andrew & Waddell'a all-1 Eears the wool blankets is equivalent to three Signature of oouta tn warmta. &uy tnem. " ' " " - . - . . .. "V : BsugM helped much to complete the victory while many of Goidsboro citizens Palmist and Medium 'v Don't. fail to consult Prof. J. H. MacGilivray, Palmisi and Medium. His ability to read your past will convince; you of hia power to read your future. He has helped thous ands: and can help you. , , Hcurs from 10 a. m. to 10 p.' m, " JSo 103 Mulberry St., City,- k , , Reduced rates one and one-third first-class fares plus 25 cents for the round trip, on the Certificate Plan, have been authorized from all sta tions on the A. & N C. R. R. accouut the following occasions: North Caro lina Baptist 8tate Convention, Ral- eign, in . u.,.uec.t)-iitn,iyuo. Agents at Raleigh will honor certificates on or before Dec. 14th, 1905. Knights of Gideon, Norfolk, Va,, Nov. 80th Dec 1st, 1905. Agents at Norfolk, will honor certificates on or before Dec 5th, 1905. North Carolina An nual Conference, M. E. Church? South, Wilson, N. C, Nov. 29-Dec 5th, 1905. Agent at Wilson wilt honor certificates on or before Dec, " 8th, 1905. For further information apply to any A.&N.C. ticket agent- i.ii, i: I I .1 Tl)rr1n) titS TTVTT

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