Humor cnt Philosophy By DUNCAN M. SKITH SJ Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been. iu uno ior over au years, has borne the signature of and has been made under ltis per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive von in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-g-ood" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tlio health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of FEST PARAGRAPHS. ron't cv.-iit your lic!; i!s before the h.'ii lays !! Vii.i from .vhk:li they are to tie hatched. There are a hit of jioople who seem to be slnailing around fairly aching for eprloy lover to cnth ilu-m. si The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. T MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. -auttu AOi-'KiM'r,' rvoKE I The ivcmaii is preparing to look pros- uorous aud pleiisaut. It is not nearly so hard to decide on what style of spring suit you are going to have as it is to decide on where you are going to get the cash to pay for it. Some men who are not noted for their originality can create a disturb ance. GOOD NJ3WS FOlt, liOKO. GOLDS' Important Announcement. This is to notify our friends and the public generally, that we have purchased the cleaning and pressing club business, good -will, etc., of Mr. Albert Clark and will till all orders now booked with him and re spectfully solicit the liberal pub lic patronage heretofore extend ed to him. We are in a position to do all work of this kind in first-class condition and at short notice dromising to give perfect satis faction in every patticular. We make a specialty of cleaning and pressing Ladies Skirts. ours to please, Crew & Prichard. Gents Furnishers. A- & N- G- K. Schedule in Eflect Dec. 10, 1905. EAST BOUND. STATION. LiV. Goldsboro LaU range Kinston 6.02 5.1G b.'Z6 5.48 44 Dover 4 Cove 44 Tuacarora Ax. Newbern LtV. Newberu 44 Kiverdale 44 Haveiock 44 Newport At. Alorehead Ar M'liead Dep. 7.30 Ar Beaufort 8.10 No. 3. 3.40 p. m. 4.13 44 4.40 44 it it ( No. 1. 8.00 a. m. 8.31 44 8.45 44 y.23 44 9.36 44 9.61 10.10 5. 5 j p. dj. 10.15a. m. 6.18 44 10.34 44 6.35 44 10.50 44 6.52 44 44 7,20 44 11.30 44 44 11.40 " 44 1 2.20 44 tLOW KATES, Student Volunteer Movement For Foreign Missions, Xasli- ville, Teuii., Feb. iiOtli, J3 March th, lfJOU. jOa account of the above occasion tue Southern Kail way will sell on Feb. 26, 27, aud 28, with riual limit xMarch 10th, round trip tickets to Nasu villy, Tenu., at rate of oue lirst class fare plus 25 cents for the round ttij. The following rouad trip raLes vviil apply from points named: Gnarlotte - $15.30 Salisbury 15.30 Grecisboro I6.0O vVinsLou-Salem 16.20 Durham 17.75 Raleigh 17.75 Goldsboro 17.70 Oxiord 17.75 For the accommodation ol dele gates attending this meeting from points in North Carolina and Vir ginia it has been arranged to operate through Pullman Cars and day coaches leaving Salisbury, N. C. at 3.50 p. in., Feb. 27th, arriving at Nashville at 12.20 noon the follow ing day. Those desiring Pullman accom modations please notify, K. D. Vernon, T. P. A., Science At Lust Discovers A lieal Cure For lilieumatism. A-iter years oi experiment a new scientific remedly has been found that not only relieves, but absolutely cures Jiheaoiitism aud kin lred dis eases, io stay, Kueumatism is caused Dy an excess oi poisouour acids in the blood. The new discovery KHEU MACLDE, tnougu purely vegetable, and acting through uature's channels, neutralizes these acids and sweeps all posons and harmful germs out of the blood. At the same time it tones up the stomach and regulates the liver aud kidueya. llil-hiU jiA.OiU A therefore, cures the disease per nauuutiy, because it removes tne ciudc. it has curcu hundreds oi taav-rf alter the uiu;i noted doctors and aoanais iiuvt aileU. d aL.uJ l D.S cared Jamcc Wilkes, Of Dili jii, o. C, it;Lti he iiL, oeen neia in bed uy li.euuiali-'U. lor three yetuo aaa his leet we drawn up aim jsi, c ii13 oaetv. Ta.t is only one oi tuo maay marveioii' cures KlitilU . vL AO LOii. ,iiis altoadj perlormed.itiiiU i.UJl nu is cui mg mauy cases ui i.iiiumaiism, Sciatica, Iuuido, guat, kidney trouble, iudigcjuo.iauacjL.sLipation, right in this com Aiuuiiy today. Because it uas curea so many others we believe it wui cute you. All the ieadiug druggists iu thir place sell and recjuiuund HHEU-MAC1DE. NOTICE. WEST BOUND. STATION. LiV Beaufort 44 M'liead Dep, LiV. Moietiead Newuort 44 Haveiock 44 Kiveruaie Ar. Newbern LiV. Newbern Tuscarora 44 Cove 44 Dover 44 Kinston No. 2. 7.00a. m 7.40 44 7.50 a.m. 8.11 44 No. 4. 3 35 44 4.15 44 4. 22p. m. 4.43 4.59 4 6.15 44 5.40 44 5.48 p.m. 6.10 44 o.L'o 6.36 7.00 7.26 7.o5 8.27 8.43 9.05 9.10 9.31 9.41 9.58 10.22 44 EaGrauge 10.47 Ar. Goldsboro 11. 2u CONNECTIONS. At Kindlon and Newbern with Atlantic Coast Eiue, "Trains Nos. 1 aud 4 connect at Goldsboro with A. C. E. trains as follows: No. 41,Southbound; No. 42, Northbound: and witn Southern Kail way Trains Nos. Ill, vVeslbouud, and No. 114, Eastbouua." R. P. Fostisk, K. E. Li. Bunch, t General M'g'r. Traffic M'g'r. f Goldsboro, N. C. ' Cirs all Coughs, and expels Colds trou. E " vstem bv fleotiy mo vino tbe boural I " Fine Eggs Plymouth Kotk eggs I for sale. Call early. $1 lor setting of f 15. D. P. HasKitt, 00ii S. Sloc fumb St. YOUR AT TENTION PLEASE ! Having yuaiiiied before tne. Clerk ol tne superior Court of Wayne Jouuty, N. C. Ho Executrix of the estate oi Arnold Borden, deceased, notice is herooy given to ali persons iuiieoted to said esite to mane im mediate payment, aua to all persons Charlotte, N. C. I having claims against saia estate to preaeni tnem to tne uuuersigneu ior payment oa or before January 13, ly0(, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol tneir recovery." ! 1 EUNICE 11. BOKDEN, Executrix Arnold Borden, Deceased. Goldsboro, N. C, Jan. 13, 1906. ''uti&f lasers Te famous Sattle pUi FCH KENT 6 itoo n cottage with oatn, corner Walnut aua fcnoeumb Stieets IVsifSsieu March 1st. Apply t) Hiiuiphrey-Gil'son Co. gTlieytfcHaveArrived. A large consignment of the justly celebrated Carhartt Brand of Working Clothing. Made in an honorable way, a little better than all other brands, and sold on their merit. Worn by honorable men. We invite yonr inspection. Price $1.00. A. A. JOSEPH, Goldsboro, N. C. TYPiSWiUt'Eii: A Kein-6ho typewriter for sale: good as new. B. II. Griffin. rFl ,5 -OLD TRIED LINE Garbage Notice, Sealed bids for the garbage of the citr will be received by the (Jity Cleri up to 12 o'clock in. Feb. 28, l'Joti. The party to whom award is made to fur nish dumping ground for city's refuse, the location of same to be stated in bid. Contract for one year, quarterly payments I in advance. Bids to be opened by Sanitary Committee on Feb 28, 1906, at 8 o clock p. m. at city hall. Said committee re serves the right to reject any or all bids. Security required for payments according to con tract. D. J. BROADHURST, City Clerk. NationaljLifeJInsurance Co., OPERATING- IN . 42 STATES. v. This Co. held Jan. 1, 19u6 I Gained during past decade UN lKF.CElENT131. There is One Soda Cracker and Only) One. HICKS - CAPUDINE IMMEDIATELY CURES HEADACHES Breaks up COLD5 IN 6 TO 12 HOURS Trial Bottle 10c At 0nga Beware of uaugerous immitations. You do not know that Soda Cracker until you know Uneeda Biscuit To taste Uneeda Biscuit is to fall in love with them. You never forget that first taste, and you renew it every time you eat Uneeda Biscuit 5 NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 9 In a dust tight, moisture proof package. Give Usr Men If we can get competent men, we will by good team work build up the circulation of The Saturday Evening Post to unheard-of figures. It is now three-quarters of a million copies weekly, so mething never before attained by a weekly maga zine. We want one good man in this town to organize a selling force and push it thoroughly and sys tematically. THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, PA. 603 Cherry Street. ltejHihlifiiii Son dors ivc Till man M'Uior C I-Hrtiug It. It. i.'nte Hill. WasHin'nn, 1-Vb. 113 . 13y a veto -)f 8 ;;", tiiii si iirtte commit 'ee on in'(!r-':il(' cc.niff-ree" today tt'rt'cti to rt'jM. I the '. It'jil urn ra.'lrrail ratolnl wsUiout (tm"ni!iiiii!i, Nut th-- rt.s'ilu j tiou aii" e.i locrvis io I lie mtTi'- hers liit'coni i.ittt t- In'Mlmti ofac ;tion ci'i ci-ri inf; ain I'dmeuts iifl'erttl : ia the senate. By a vf to of five to three lt"jiubli ' ... ... . , ! cans prevailing, sen!or Tillman, a j Dciii K.'ra', w;i jivvii t:'fh morofre i port i ig !i.j '.'i; i. "'(lis e.-t ibils it's e .prec- u- , n -.).' ' ioan sen ate e )ui::i:, i- o v'-.a to a 1) mo crat :i ;-i cfan nr p rtant mc-.isme (.ass l iiy a li -i Uliliean liouse ai.d rid i s .i li -,. Ki-putilicau r. -'do- t. The following is a summary of the bi :: 1 giv- lli!- iiii'r-if:ie commen nil tps-:- n Ki.tU'if ity, whe:i a ra i.ia lei! v iii ji:aiiKl of as "unrea lonahi " i y u s up; r. to i ivesi gat t.iiii ial -, -Matt wiic.inr or not it is unn ason-ible and it found to be un reas uable on.uiea rate whi Ji is to b-ju-jt . ml ifv; ;ii!e -d iuiily remuaerative, which is to be the maximum rate to be charged. Another important feature is the definition of the words "railroad" j fand ''trausporiatiou" in a manner to jiadudeall auxiiiiary iustriiLaentali-, TrlC FO'.ViTR OF GTS AM. Wsusy Hay AVlicn J.Ti-.-n Imvn l.o ;i Hut :,. . .11.: weif-' ia." TJi.-r.- '- wiiiu. pin:'.. in u::t-::il . .: necor.L p..: i-i "ngcr rn tho 'nrr IT. ins '..:.o-i ! lip lif--. from Npv.-tr"'i r.-im Soi l I ,- !. stamps . . Uotxolt. "li Sir It T;.: t's CialHij UorT-.-: iii'ii'iiiu'ntly lilli'.l! Ktnte .i-.imp up iiru. ' ,i r ! ,. po-.ver in n .'.ricu it at .-.h '.lis put its 1 FaU- 'ii i which oal i'i Jr.-.m in V.air. r.vs v is "t'.il'-.'S tlio Sold 1 Ola Hi ; i T 1 1 ; I r;-;.l l'V. U "iiclilj Co. o S eci d 7 O N Again j tics ol the common carrier an I to I brir,g them vvitiiiu tiio control of iht commission. AS TO CO UN. la what Mr. Luc St ova!!, of Tilton. Q. said fUr tkkr.f Kodal Dyppsl Cure. Hundrc of othrwtk women ar D 1 1 of r I stored to perfect health by thi rem edy. YOU may be well if you will taka ft. Indigestion eaaaea nearly all the kk- , rets that women ' hairs. It deprives the system of nourish oient and the delicate drgan peculiar to 2 women suffer weaken, and beoouM ! diseased. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enable the stomach and dif estire organ to digest and assimilate all of the whole some food that may be eaten. It nourishes the body, and rebuilds the weak organs, restoring health and strength. Kodol curat Indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia, sou? risings, belching, heartburn and all stomacb disorders. Digests What You Eat bollw kottl. hold, tl.M Hc k til. trll, SO ortor, or a 0 DW1 a oo.,OMf, e.s.a. FIRST A COLD THEN CATARRH THEN CONSUMPTION A cold in the head is a common ailment. but it rarely ever stops there. It often grows stubborn and protracted, the mucous membranes, or inner lining of the body, become mnamed ana secrete a filthy, unhealthy matter which is absorbed by the blood and soon pro duces that disgusting disease, Catarrh. Then follow the unpleasant symp toms of "hawkinsr and spitting, " rintri-no- nnicpo in ihe part Vipnr! noVip I had Catarrh for twelve years ana ringing noises in tne ears, neaaacne, 8tlffered agony wlth headaches, nose poor appetite, mucus dropping back stopped up, appetite poor, felt tired and intn t1i tli mat an Ha fpplitKr of trfn- run-down and unfit ior work. I read, of into tne tnroat, ana a ieeiing oi gen- . nnmmmnnnii its n so. and after eral debility. Every day the blood taki'ns eleven bottles I found myself a becomes more heavily loaded witn d&aS I oonsider s?&. a. tn, these poisonous secretions, and if the toest treatment in the worldfor Catarrh. trouble is allowed to run on, the lungs No 13Q4 M .mi?.?. ft' ' become diseased from the constant passage of poisoned blood through them, and then Catarrh terminates in the most dreaded and fatal of all diseases, Consumption. The only way to get rid of Catarrh permanently is to cleanse the blood, and S. S. S. is the ideal remedy lor this purpose, it soon ciearj tne 6ystem of all impurities, purges the blood of all Catarrhal matter and poisons, and effectually checks the croarress of this dangerous and far- OZS QZr O reaching disease. S. S. S. keeps the blood in PIIRPI V VFPFTARI F pertectoraer so mat vjatarrn cannot remain; ana runcii WCUCIMDL.C. &a healthy blood goes to every nook and corner of the body, the entire system is strengthened and invigorated, and the symptoms all pass away. Book with information about Catarrh and med ical advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. ATLANTA. GAm REPEATING SHOTGUNS No matter how tig the bird, no natter how heavy its) plumage ox swift it flight, yon can bring ix to bag with a long, strong, straight shooting Winchester Repeating Shotgun. Results are what const. They always giv tho best results la field, fowl or trap shooting, sad art sold within reach of everybody's pocketbook. FMSMt $mt um aad I so if ea m prattla tar aw avfe Bmttrfi safalsgoa, WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO-NKW Haven, CONN. Assets, $31,519,093.04:. Gaia 1.84 Hurnlus. 83.821.751.51. Gain 1.55 Insurance, $145,489.17. Gain 1.091 ftodcJ dyspepsia GlSPf Ptgests what you eat COME TO SEE US As we are going to make A CHANGE IN BUSINESS. We are selling our stock A.T COST, consisting of Crockery, Glass, Tin, Zinc, And household wares in general. A visit to our store aud our prices will conyince you. Come to see us. FRANK L. IVES, Its investments are limited to Municiual Bonds first lien mort gages of ample margin and loans to its policy holders, the "Na tional" is a purely Mutual Co. and makes its investments in the various States in which it does business, having about $200,000 invested in North (Jorolina; 25,000 in Goldsboro bonds. Sells the most profit showing annual dividend, non-feitable contracts of life term endowment and annuity insurance. m . Humphrey, CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. i The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of MANAGER: GeWare ?! J&S that substitute DC 1 t C 8100 Or. K. -Oetclioii'w Anti- Diuretic may be worth to you more than $100 if you have a child who soils bedding from incontinence of water during Bleep. Cures old and (young alike. It arrests the trouble 'at once. $i. Soidbj M.E.Bebin. 145 West Centre St. MANAGER. macy. ded at MacKay's Phar- VELVERTON HARDWARE CO., Successor to i Now That the Farmers are (let i tiiiK' Oryauized Wlij Talk ' About Coltou AloiioV Now tbat the iarajeis ate beeout- tug oigauiaed -riujariiy to coutrol ihd price of cotton Would H not bt advioaOib for tiibou, wiiile iio..iujr ; their commences, to tulk ogv aer '. iiiuu otuei cropi as well as cotton, i Over ia Y'iiguua the laruei.-' at i tms tiiue artj giv iuy uiuch aiten.tou M tiie culture oi AltalU for a ,,eL! j eti.l feed for all km is ,of stock, ,-iuci the iS'iullieru Itailway is ruuni.,6' s special traiu ali over us tsysteiu m iiiut btate to convey lrotu oiulion to statioij, where Idiuuera' uieetiaga ie held.ltc urers who are experts iu the culture ol ailalla to talk to the uieis . ! 111 A . . , . r . .1. A.., ..! 1 1UU UeVOLCb LUUCIl Ol IIS" a p "TT .space ol tuis issue to a treatise ou OlllltlJ OC X ClVClLUll coiu cuituie by a Mr. Wilnauis u, Goldsboro, N. C. oi aoutn uaroiina, ana we invite oar farmer reddeis to a careful perusal aud earnest couaiderauon oi the Jb- jtct. It seems to us that the prosperity oi the South hinges largely upon corn culture. If Southern farmers will curtail their cotton culture so as not to over produce that crop aud will multiply tbe number of stock kept on their farms cattle, hogs, sheep, poultry, etc. there is independent wealth in store for them. Liimiied cotton production and unlimited stock production will quickly make the South the richest section ol the United States. The man who shows the South how to stop the tremendous drain on this section caused by the importation of Western corn and meat wiil deserve Wood's Seed Book FOR lOOO ine unanimous thanks of our entire Southland. Crystal Weddiujr. The fifteeuth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. 'L. M. L. Jeffreys occurred on Friday Feb. 23, aud was the occasion oi a very pleas ant uinuer given to a few of their especial friends. Tne color scheme ! ia one of the handsomest and most valuable publications of the kind issued. The useful and practical hints contained in the annual issues of Wood's Seed Book make it a most valuable help to all Farmers and Gardeners and it has long been recognized as an up-to-date authority on all Garden and Farm Seeds, particularly for southern planting. Wood's Seed Book mailed free to Farmers and Gardeners upon request. Write for it. T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Trackers requiring large quantities of Seed Potatoes, Early Peas, Snap Beans of Other Vegetable Seeds, are requested to write for special prices. For Sale. IMillinery AND Fancy o r i .....1 ..,1. . . out iu the table decoration of lcrnsj 1 nave ju-t and carnations, eacn g iiisl re-ieiVvUgf tifui hno of 1 a buutonuiere ol huts of tne vaaey up ae uts - r and ferns. The course dinner waslcbiW of wM:f: u a beau : freshen ! -1 y ay am. art- uiuc.i m:-iii' . thinkius: up IO1' early !-e i-ext five rved at seven, amid mni. Among: the quests were Mr. aud Mrs. K. G. Forter. Mr. aud Mrs. S31l John Slaughter, Mr. K. Lt. Hu-tt, j A.1so will sell 'Oi Mr. and Mrs. VV. L.. liird, Jif.A. -L". days at cost in niv ladiu.i under I... II 1 It-. ly I IT";-.. i . i.. reu, u.r. auu iilis. x. sx. iviug auu Mr. and Mrs. F. H. T. Horsheld. Mr. aud Mrs. Jeffreys were the re cipients of several beautiful pieces of cut glass, appropriate to tbe crystal wedding, and sincere congratula tions aud good wishes that thay may be epared to celebrate many more wedding anniversaries in the same delightful way. 1 0nMarch3the 12th jWe will commence taking inventory and we are anxious to re luce our large stock, and will sell everything in our store at old prices 'till March 12. Come early, we are compelled to take the inventory. Shoes and cotton goods have advanced, also some brands tobacco. Good shoes $1, good tobacco 25c a pound, domestic checks5c, 500 lots remnant laces cheap, cloth ing, hats &c all cheap. JJugs-, trunks &c cheap. Come and tell your neighbors that there are bargains at Edmundsou's 'till March 12th. We thank you for the large trade you are giving us and promise to continue our life long policy Big sale, small Waldron Caldwell. The residence of Mr. aud Mrs. W. Li. Bird was the sceue of a pretty home wedding this morning, when their daughter Miss Sadie Estelle Waldron was united in marriage to Mr. John Warde Caldweil. The bride and groom departed immed iately alter the ceremony for their future home in Southport. Mrs. Caldwell carries .with her the best wishes and congratulations of the many friends to whom she has endeared herself during her brief residence in Goldsboro. The officiat ing clergyman was the Rey. F.H.T. Horsfleld, rector of St. Stephen's parish, of wnich the bride was a de voted member. . jC. & F B- Sdmundson. The Two Hustlers, wear and wi;iter ,m uin'ry -igComo at once. Miss Alics Carson Stores at Fremont and Goldsboro. f hEg 1 LXVER-ISH 1 This Morning? I A GtLe 1 j 1 And Appetizer J The three-story biick store, n West Centre street, adjoin ing lvoyall & Borden's. One vacant lot (50x200 Kast side of Slocumb street. on A v.icrnt lot r,0xiS0on south si i.- W'.-li u! street Enst. a r- ti;u i m iSnow Hill "iilim oiif half mile of -' v n limits. Mile t I III-: i wii tiact i m i i ! s within a A 7 tn et. : out dwell'ng li (.looiire Tin i'.' lots .rrJx2IO enoh, do iiabie ftr 5 or 0 i oom cottatct. Villh?ei! on nionthlv lvivuients. Apply to Huinpliic' -(iil)son Ccmpany. ' Idiboro, . t,' . Mrs. loe Person. "J..Our little boy had zema from his in fancy and after tak ing two bottles of your Remedy he is completely cured. It is a wonderful medicine and cannot be too highly rec commended. Very Respectfully, MRS. O. P. SHELL Dunns, N. 0. June 9 '03. English Spavin .Liniment rem ves all liar d, Soft or Calloused Li mps and 13l6mi8hes from horses, r. jod apavms, Curbs, Splints, o King Bone, Stifles, Sprai: uii S woiien Throats, Coughs, tt 'iwve 550 by use of one bottlt War- anted the most wonder! . uiin wure ever Known- ooia d. -a. ju. Hobmson At lro draggisti.. iidu- boro. M. C. FOR RENT. Two furnished rooms. Mo.U rafe terms. Bath, telephone. ;$ Mocks from postofiice. Apply 3211- Ash street. iELVERTON HARDWARE CO., Successor to Smith & YeIvertonr 'Joi-L horo, N.- C. 1 SAW MILLS. UOHT. MEDIUM AND HEATT WOOD-WORKINu MACSDCST FOR EVERY KIND OF WORK ENGINES AND BOILERS AND SIZES AND FOR EVERY CLASS OP SERVICE. ASK FOR 0(X ESTIMATE BBP0U FLACDU TOOK O80EX. IGIBBES MACHINERY C0MPAMY COLUMBIA, B. C 1 Dfs. Hair & Miloaa, "DENTAL " SURGEOMj lJ Office Hours: j 8 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 5 p. m. Care of children's teeth a specialty. 12 Law Building, Walnut Strest. Goldsboro, N. O. m CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS m Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Coca SI Use in timo. Sold by druggists jjJJJ I i WANTED: Manager for Branch ofllce we wish to locate here in Cloklsboro. Address, with reference. Tho Morrin Wholesale House, Cin cinnati, Ohio. Dr. LaFranco's CosnptsunsS ah"W0?,Zf'th"' Safe, Quick, Reliabie Regulator' superior looiner remeaieu oia ut niKn pricea. Cure gruaranteed. SurceBSiully used by over 200,000 Women. Price, 33 Ceiits.drug glnta or by mail. TestimonlalB and booklet free. Dr LaFranco, JPbilaaelpUlas Pa. DeWltt' Tho famous Uttlo pUU. Pi At New 11. Discovery n For Sbonh ivJi, Bowels, Liuer attd Kidneis l.UO par bv.tle, thrw fjr ?3.5:), six for $5.00 Payne's Qaick Qelief Oil, 25 Cents. Payne's Medicated Soap, lOc. All sold by Goldsboro Drug Co.