THE ARG US. A ftentbtfftk: NewspaTer, Published 'Every Evening Excepl Sunday, BY JOS. E. ROBINSON. BtJBCBIPTION PRICE, IN ADVANCE. DAILY ARGUS.' One Year $5.0 Six Month3 2.5 Three Months 1.5 One Month 50 WEEKLY ARGUS. One Year $1.00 Six Months 50 Three Months 25 PACKING SUPREME COURT. Entered at the postoffice in Golds boro, N. C., as second-class matter. TWAS A FAMOUT VICTORY. The record of this country in the Management of the Indians is not an enviable one. It is not one that will be a credit to us a hundred years hence, for we drive thein from their homes, th?ir own soil, killing more or less of them whenever and wherever they stood up for their; rights, but in the long story of Indian warfare in this country there is noth ing quite so miserable in all respects as the slaughter of women and children and of practically unarmed Moras in the crater oa the island of Jolo, in the Philippines. General Leonard Wood admits the nature of the 8laughter,but they were Mahom- medans of the extreme sort, and so they had to be killed. He refuses, like tha Standard Oil crowd, to present particulars. As he held and still holds the cr eater, he could readily have coun'ed the wo men and children he had caused to be slaughtered, but h9 declines to lay the figures before the people. He as sumed full responsibility for the wretched slaughter that he ordered and supervised, and the President has cabled him congratulating him on his "brilliant feat of arms." but this' official flapdoodle will not re move the disgust that fills the breasts of the American people The fortifications bill just reported expressly provides that no money shall be spent at Subig Bay, in the Philippines, and that fact, together with the Leonard Wood slaughter. may be regarded a3 the begin ning of a return of common sense in the handling of the Philippines. Decent people, regardless of party, are com ing to think that we cannot get rid of those inlands too soon or too thor oughly, The Moros are entitled to liberty, and they have a right to be fanatical Mahommedans if they so, desire, and Gen. Leonard Wood has no right to exterminate them, it is his duty to "preserve order, but ha is not justified in pursuing a policy of extermination. It is a bad piece of business first and last. The retirement of Justice Brown brings be'ore lu President the ques tion of succession, and the air is lull of rumors. One rumor i una to the tifeot that Jude Gray of Delaware will be nominated, but a republican paper says this would not "do," be cause the democrats would then have a majority of the court. There are but three democrats in the court Fuller, Peckham and Whiten-but the republicans may consider Justice Harlan, v ho is a lriend of the masses as against liie classes, a democrat. Counting in that way the democrats would, in case of Judge Gray'o ap pointment, have five out of the nine members of the court. It is believed, however, that the President will appoint no one who is hostiie to tha imperialist tneory of the power of Congressover our island possessions our coiomes, in other words, lie i.ppoule Justices and Holmes, anJ both are con&i'ju red imieiialio.:!. Ii t liie two is io b bt ins to :iav a iirlio c l st, to sa ilio ua,i.'ui.i aiid J UotlCcJ LI ii 1UU .i t; ilia rl ibi co reur.jtuji . .i c v i years l.i gain opp-. - three yeai'j i ai . . court Wdui i l s pa cvl u iii i . 01 iuverictiiSiu. i n-'uf. J .d HrOWil IS a 1 i!ii)vlitiisi, allu - . .p pjiuumut oi siu in it . in i. nis piacO -.viii mu h iv. x . . the present SvaiiUi t.. . t t c . '.'iiut," sas iii- .apvtiie d country is beuomiJig so urea ui buu hostiie to the coiouiai poucy tuai less interest will be inauiiesied iu the vitws and leauiuga of tUv new udge, whoever fie may oe, on thia reat question, than in relation to the great subject of railroad and Cur norate domination, which now ab sorbs the attenti n of the country " The territorial distribution of the court at present is as follows: Chief Justice Fuller, Illinois. Justice Henry B. Brown Michi gan. Justice William R. Pay, Ohio Justice John M. Harlan, Ken tucky. Justice David J. Brewer, Kansas Justice Ed ard,D. White, Louisi ana. Justice Joseph McKenua. Call fornia. Justice R tfus W. Peckham. New York. Justice O. W. HoSmes, Massacnu setts. A Modern Miracle. "Truly miraculous seemed the re covery of Mrs. Millie Hoit of this place," writes J. O. It. Hooper, vVooufoid, Tenu., 'sne w-ta so wast ed by coughuiig up pufjs from her lungs, uoctors dec ared her end b- utar that her family had watched by Der bed-side forty-eight hours; when, at my urgent request Dr.Kiugs New Discovery was given her,ith aston ishing result thac improvement be gun, and continued, and until she finally completely recovered, and is a healthy woman to-day."tiuarat-ieed cure tor cough an i oiu, 50. aud $1.00 at J. H uli & ouj. lra& giaL. Trial b jttie free. A Guaranteed 0ie Fov Piles.- Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro-H trading Piles. Druggists refund; money if PAZO OINTMJBNT JttU to cure any case, no matter of tho long standing, in 6 to 14 days. Fjir- appi'eation gives ease and rest. 50& If your druggist hasn't it send 50crn -tamps and it will be forwarded txist-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St ! H!!R, Mo. A man has to have a lot of courage to admit his baby looks only like a baby. lttsliet in Six Hours. Distressing Jvidnoy and liladdci Disease relieved in six hours la iSitW GBEAT SOUTH AMERICAN KlDNES it IB tk great, surplice on ao- A-iicVixit, pain ii uxividbi, iLiaiit5 . vaJt., lU tllilil: Jl' ItrlXAJ c lit. iti, 11 v( L4.V-. O ukl UlUlvjbl iu" . i '"- ' -i. tiulii' eii-i A fel l can catch a husband with i . k ; il takei lai-t to fio u him. Signature Z-, w . u id be eaoy t j W .wore i'au iu it. e fcood if Chicago has a graveyard trust. Eveiy thing is about in. O JL. 3 M O II X A. Bean the -8 Kind You Have Always of Z on City has swapped Elijah fori plain, every lay business methods. After a hearty meal a dose of Ko- dol Dyspepsia Cure will prevent an attack of Indigestion. Kodol is a thoregh digestand and a guaranteed cure for indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gas n the Stomach, Weak Meart, Hour I Risings, Had Breath and all Stomach troubles Sold by MacK-ay .Fnarm ncy. "Ask for the 1906 Kodol Almanac and 200 Year Calendar." The pacification of the Fillipinosl is proceeding at the rate of 600 a day. The pills that act aa a tonic, and not as a drastic pnrge, are De Witt's I Little Early Risers. They cure Head ache, Constipation Biliousness Jaun iice. etc Earlv Risers are small and easy to take and easy act. Sold y MacKay Pharmacy. (r- men if FffiD.E'' AR3CD TACK On account of the great merit and popularity of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR for Coughs, Colds, and Lung Trouble, several manufacturers are advertising imitations with similar sounding names with the view of profiting by the favorably known reputation of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON Wc originated Honey and Tar as a Throat and Lung Remedy and unless you get FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR you do not get the original and genuine. Remember the name and insist upon having Foley's Honey and Tar. Do not risk your life or health by taking imitations, which cost you the same as thegenuine, Foley's Honey and Tar is put up in thfeesizes 25c, 50c and $1.00. Prepared only by FOLEY & CO., 92-94-06 Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois. SOLD AND RECOUUEiiDED BY THE PALACE DRU-3 ST3RS. GOLDSB0RO N. G. . etiv.i oil ii c;-' ueij,i:uuto . xLi.A vV tit-" ,iUtuCa OCv.Ul bUCll iu -viy 1 .-iivvt -s i.uUlblaeu vJti liiuiaibiu. OmpoundSnetrMnmniiH Pomrtil OmtluUn. BnooessnuiT niea w i.ooi :-f ii,veu iu;rurai"ce grafiers politicians are a bad ioi. tuink tiever in tne way, uo irouoie to cany, easy to lane. pieaaa.ui ana failling in resuilare Ue Witt's .uiiuo liarly Risers. Tuese tamoua nine pills are a certain guarantee again. d hoadaeue. Diuousuea. torpia liver and all of tne yiiia reauiuug iroui anatiyatior. Tney kiiuc aud oLreug- nen ine uvar, vi l o, -VlO Aay Pharmacy. Ail new steamships these days are ieviatiians. KOOSEVliLT AKD TOGO. John D. Ruc&tfeller ai kidnapped hiaiaell. jms to nave President Roosevelt's general order addressed not only to American sol diers and sailors, but also to plain American Citiz-ns,cailsf orab guavy May liv5lOU Years. Tne cUauv o ior iiviu a XUii Cen tury are ex ullent iu me caso of Mrs Jennie iUi cau,oi Jiayuesvnie, jxLe and a big army, and nig lots ol patri-1 now 70 y.u.ra old. one wrueoj "iSlec ntiam in th inrli virlinl hrfl Mm I IriC UllterS l!UWi Hid OI OnroUlC -f Jvaueoaia oi ZS) year duiaaia, and made mo ieei as weil and strong a Doctors first prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over 60 years ago. They use it today more than ever. They Cherry Pectoral rely upon it for colds, coughs, Droncnitis, consumption. They will tell you how it heals inflamed lungs. " I had a very bad couch for three years. Then I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. My sore lungs were soon healed and iny cough dropped way." Mrs. Pearl Htdb, Guthrie Centre, la. I 25e., SOc, $ 1.00. J. c. AYKK CO.. I All arnggiats. T-owpll. Mtisa. n" 1U1 Old Coughs I T1IIH.MIII II I -One Ayer's Pill at bedtime insures a natural action next morning. Reduced Kates. Tha Atlantic & North Carolina Rai'road Co npany has authorized reduced roan.l-trip rates from all stations to pjiats mmel ibelow and return account spiicUl occasions rs name J: To Charleston, 8. C, nccount An nual Interstate Cinvm ion Y. M. C. A., March 23 27, 1906. To Charlotte, N. C, account North Carolina State S jnday School Asso ciation, 3-5, 190(5 To Durham, X. C, accjunt An nual Meeti'iof Baplut Women's Mis sionary Src'iHies of North Carolina April 10 12, 190(5. H. 0. IIudsins, Geueral Passenger Ageat. Thfcj-e is noio 'iarrh in this sec tion of the iati-y than all other diseases j ut together, and until the last few ycius was supposed to be incurable. I''or a groat many years doctors pron unced it a local disease and pre&cribei local reoiediee, and by constant! failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in curable Science bas proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J, Cheney &. Oo., Toledo, Ohio, is the only con stitutional cure on the niarket It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts di rectly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails i o cure. Send or circulars and tes timonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & Co. ' Toledo, O, commend j to ail the farewell address of Admiral Togo after he hadsaiash ed the Ilussian fljets. Togo Heiha chiro is as nan y with a pen as he is with a baitleship filled wiih 12-inch : guns, auu ttie i'iesiaeiitaia not mate -a. weak selection when he put betore ' our sailors aud soldiers his remark able poat-Leiium ad Iress. The Japanese commander told his men that iu peace they must ever be prepared to meet ny emergency by maintaining their strength. "Ihis strength," he went on to say, "does not cuniist solely in ships and arma ments; it consists also in material ability to utilize such agents. When we understand that one gun which scores a hundred per cent of hits is a match for a hundred of the enemy's guns each of which scores only one per cent, it becomes evident that we sailors must have recourse before everything to the strength which is over and abjve 'excernals. The triumphs receatfy won by our navy are largely to ba attributed to tht- habitual trainibg which enabled us to garner the tVuits of the nnun. If, then, we inter the future from the past, we rec gniz a that though war may cease we cannjt abandon our selves to ease and rest." This was the lessjn of the great admiral's address, tie t ;ld Uia peo ple that bain, .iien and must keep btep AViih the progress ol the times if Japan is to remain secure against aggression, and Presi dent Ii josevelt asks this country to h jcome as full of preparedness and mariial desire as Too Heiuajhiro desires Japan to beat all times iu the future. Th s 13 perhaps good advice with in prp ;r limitations. Japa 1 is smill, limited in population and near the mainland. The United States is large, will Soon havo 2 .0,000,000 population, and is far avvay from vvailike nations. We are isolated Japan is not. What Japan needs a all t m?s we do not need, at least iu the oVgtee that Togo calls for. The Presidut has steeled a partial mi fit vtitjii h calls lor the Japanese Big Stick in a country that is dif ferently circumstanced. llKRlt MOST, DEAD. a young gin." UJiectriu Bitters cure Stomacn and Laver disease. Blood disorders, tieuerai Deoiiiiy aud bjd Hy wekuoss. ttoid on a guxrautee at J. t. riiil t& Son dru' store. Price ouiy 5oc. Datto Br van was not exterminat ed in the crater disaster iu Joio. tl t.f tlx a vV odd tV ouders. hovv tue otuer naif ives. laosa wuo use Bujaleu's Arnica Sa ve never wonder if it wilt cure Outi, vVouuds Burns, Sores aud ail diiu e.upuoas ihey k.ujvV it win. Mrs. Suy 1130 UJ. liynolds St., Spriugfiela ill.. Says: "i. regard it'ona of tue aosolute necessities ot noasekeop im;.' liuaranteed oy J. Son druggists. 25c. The marriage of New Mexico and Arizona fias been called off. women, race ZBe... utw Franc s uo., l-i or bY m WJNC0JBSTMK mrt wi i V f RSsioaES VITALITY i i5 1 Well tl!a Wim. of m i .1 ..;n iti, if loft Sl&ucooa, SXia C 3 Will recoe? tiej.x youthful vmor by oaft . ffi VO. It cslcily ana buiosi rMtorea ottoi , ' - r. f.lin Mnrnni Wanliil2 Cl86iee, xoicb unfits one icr sttv!y. taiela ornMrug. act only cures by p.tmrf.Bfc . tt" cf lBt?-V norma the fire of youth, it trards off Initt uu vwuwwii."""' - - . ither. It ca cmea ax vtwi yj"V,."' "' S1.0O per2okee. cr ix ot witn po- Ivm 'written irssarate toenr or fc money. Boot acfl advise rroe. aoaresj sr-Fot sale in Sol3sbdro, SI. - t - S, Kommo-a x axon,, HwKt's Fbinmer. Leader" and "Repeater SMOKELESS POWDER SHELLS Carefully inspected shells, the best com binations of powder, shot and wadding, loaded by machines which give Invariable results are responsible for the superiority" of Winchester "Leader" and "Repeater' Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells. There is no guesswork in loading them. Reliability, velocity, pattern and penetra ,tion are determined by scientific apparatus and practical experiments. Do you shoot them ? If not, why not ? They are THE SHELLS THE CHAMPIONS SHOOT Chartered 1848 Old Tried True National Life Insurance Co., OF VERMONT. OPERATING IN 42 STATES. AT o o o T o o Beautiful Hanci-Pamted China and Leather Goods Brought over from Christmas. We have also HUYL.EU'3 CHOICE C VXOY! Fre-ili and fin of Perfumery suitable for any lady, Fountain Pe:is, Sets. Manicur Seta, S.iavi iyr Gisch. Toilet Sets, U in.' other articles too numerous to mention we simply r to oner a suggestion. Beniembr, tfo, tht we kpep on hanl at all thn of Fresh Drugs, etc. We extend yoi a heirty wnie i' vito you to visit our store and make your selection.'?. Yourt i liotion vHtinar niiny rticlos Hlpctlon .My in- Higgins Drug Co, JUST A FEW I This Co. held Jan. 1, 1906 and Gained during past decade Assets, $34,519,093.04. Surplus, $3,821,751.51. Just a few of tha in my things wa are offering you. Kipper- led Herring, Split Herring, Bjneleas Herring, B melesi Uoddsh. Per cent Shredded OodQsla, Sbringless Biaaa, Saowdike Oora. Maine's Gain 1.84 Best Corn, Columbia River Silmon. Pin Money Picklys. Craara 'Vheat, ?v1aa:;ia!n Taa Magoats A Ss?j HvJ;o!r.9 for Busy People. . r-'-gs Qoides Rca'th and Eeaewed Vigor. i oeeiCe for Cnnstfnation, Indleoition, Live . ad KMcev Troubles, fimp'.as, Eczemn, Impur' PI sckI. Bad Breath. SluesisU Bowefcs. Headach- : -. J Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea lu tab- i.'fc form, 85 cpnts a bos. Genuine made by 'iobLasTER uara uompiky, siaaiaon, wjs. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW ?E0PE For Sale at Higgins Drug Co. DRJ.NJOHNSON DEKTIST. Office up stairs in Borden Building near the Bank of Wayna. Gain 1.55 of Wheit, Pettn hns, Oxtraaal, Pare Mountain Buck Insur. $145,430 904.00 Gain 1.09 Pure Maple Syrup, Seal rfrand Oolee, Oream Flakes. Florida . i r ri mi i i rf-x " ?Ulls th Mn4 Prnfih-Sharin Nnn-FnTfmKlA Pff.a nf cruu, ny uesrioriua u.anges. Life, Term, Endowment and Annuity Insurance. Its investments are 'limited to Municipal Bonds first lien mort gages of ample margin and loan) to its policy holders, the 4 'Na tional" is a purely Mutual Co. and makes its investments in the various States in whiih it doe? business, having about $200,000 invested in North Carolina; $25,000 in Goldsboro bonds. Agents wanted, apply to H. M. Humphrey, Manager for Eastern North Carolina Goldsboro, N. C. 7T! " NV -1 IW r- HICKS' CAPUDINE IMMEDIATELY CURES . HEADACHES BreaKs up COLDS IN S TO 12 HOURS Goldsboro Made BED ROOM SUITS imfSTtUl Bottle 10c. At OruggUa Beware of dangerous immitations. Jj'or auburn, tetter and all akin ana scalp dideadecj. De VV itt'd Witcu tlaei toalvo nas etuai. it is a oeruau cure for Uu j , uieediu-, itcn and protruding pile,, it will draw tne lire out ol a uurn and Ueal vViia out leaving a dcur. djiiri, old 30rv.d, carouncled, etc., are u.uicKicy jured oy tne use of tne genuine l)e vVitt'a vVitcn tlazel cialve. Accept io buOsLitute ad tnuy are often dan gerous and uncertain, ciold by Mac .ay fnarauiaciat Cincinnati, March 17. Herr Jobann Most, the anarchist, died to day of erys'pelas. iierr iviost. came to mis city on Monday on the invitation of friends and has heeu the puest of Adolph Kraus, of Cut er street. He was to h we uelivere 1 a lecture in Chicago on Wednesday night, but on account of an attack of erysipelas was obliged to cancel hii engagement, although the attack wa not regarded as seri ous. Up to a few hours before Most's death hU physicians expressed confi dence that the patient would recover. Tne uriginai Uib ,on irl is tne logi cal sucu- ssor oitheFiorodorasextetie The saivethat heals without a scar ts lie Witt's Witch Mazel Salve. No -euaedy effects sucn -speedy relief, ll draws ouundaui.ai4.uou, -iootu d, uoois aad neals all cuts, ouru anu oruise-t. A sure oure ior fne0 auu b.ia diseitse. D.-Witt's la tue oniy genuine Witcu clazei Salve, iie .vare of couierieita, they are danger us. bold oy McKay f naruiacy. A nice way for a woman not to nave cold feet i3 to wear a pearl necklace. Beats The Music Cure "To keep the body m tuue," writes .Vlrs. Alary liowu, 20 Liafaytstte fltce. P .ugtikeepsie, Xs. Y. "I sake Or Kiug'.- iSew ljJe fins. Tney are me lu iat reiiaote' atid pleaseni axaiive 1 have lound." BeWt tor tte iUMuacli, Liver and Bovl. Guarau ted by J. il. Hill & Son druggists. 25c. Printeton.N. J. March 18 -Former President Grover Cleverland 8 eut his birthday away from home today for the first time since he moved to Princeton. This is his 69tti birth day. Mr. Cleveland is now in Flori da' with ,Pro(f Howard McCleana han, where the two have been for ten days. Ho wid likely remain South a month loDger on account of poor health. Mrs. Cleveland . said tonight that his outing" in Florida was im proving him . and that sh expected j . him to return much better. Realizing that many citizens do not know hov large and handsome a line of Bed Room Suite are male at hoai we have arranged a full display of "rlomj-Made" furniture on our first If yon You know what do not need a suit now it will insrease vour Drida in our town if It is iron and quin-1 vou coma in ond sea this srreat line of chimhr sniha whinh is made here and is shippad from Maine to California. The prices at which these goods are offered is especially attractive as they have no freight (15 per cent) added to their first co3t and the profit aided is a very sma-1 one. Has Stood the Test 25 Years. The old, original GROVE'S Taste-1 floor and respectfully invite thi public to inpack same less Chill Tome, you are taking. ne in a tastela-H form nay. 50. Ni cara- o IA. 8. Witherinatoi), SAST CENTRE STREET.NORTH Phone 124. Livery and Sale Stables i Horses and Mules For Sale I Fine Driving Horses For Hire I Hoy all fcMorden Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought FEELING LIVER-ISH This Morning? If you are a user of FERTILIZERS IN ANY QUANTITY FOR ANY PURP03E You are not doing yourself j us tice until you talk with us and see what we can offer you. o- TAKE Weil & M1T0S Olives! Olives! Yes they are going up but we have a corner in them and as we are always looking out tor your interest we are willing to let you in on the gr sund flr. And Ladies if you want your Husbands to com home early always keep on h mi a few of our LiaFoavielle Cigars. FonvieHe Grocery Co. Goldsboro Savings and Trust Go. -PAY8- interest at Rate of 4 per cent, per annum. Interest paid every three months. We are independent when saving a part of our earnings. We are sure to be rich if we continue the practice. Begin at once by opening an account with the Goldahoro Savings and Trust Co. DIRECTORS : I. F. DORTCH, B. H. GRIFFIN, O. B. MILLER, J.S. CRAWFPRD, ED. EDMUMDSON, L. WEIL, W. T. YELVERON, W. H. COBB, M. J. BEST, GEO. C. ROYALL, GEO. A. NORWOOD. Real Estate. Real Estate. A. Gentle, Laxative And Appetizer Lt. Washington. Although I have sold a large part o the real est ite vertised, I have for sale for k ( I ad- Lt. Pope Washington,.. U. S. N;, wno nas Deeu spanning several a ay in the city on"a visit to his parent Col. and Mrs. J. A. Washingtoni naa Deen promoted to senior ensri neer officer on the Dolphin, the t-res'aent s private boat, with head quarters in Washington, with orders to report for duty Wednes lay morn ing. This is a very desirable posi tion, and one that is justly merited and Mr Washington's many friends ' in this city congratulate blm gn his 250 acres land 175 " " 360 " 43 " " 800 " " 37 " 6 ' Jr D. -E. Smith A. J. Ovei man, A: J. Overman J. H. Green near Gen u at Wilson Mill-', N. O. W. Ft. Edgrton, Green'eaf Gcoj getowu 15 vacant lots at Georgetown Mr. Kit Holt's 2 brick stores, Wes: (Jeutie st, Mr. Gaorgi Southerland's lots and houe an 1 lots on Enn at, L H. Carr, house and lot on Daiy tt, Matthew Woodard's house at New town, Acme Plant, 2 vac vnt lots near Holiness church, several other houses and lots and vacant lots for sale. Record .521 sales, $422,000 and not a bad title yet. Also Renter of Houses and Farms.' ED. L. EDMUNDSONKBSARTE hones 680-896 Offiqe houre'ia to a A Superb Line of the Best Brushes. The kind you want at prices that represent genuine value in very instance. When anything in the way of brushes is needed there will be consi lerabl ) satisfaction in making selec tions here. We have such a large line that you are pretty cer tain to find just what you want, and you can feel assured that the quality you pay in will ba the quality you will get. Our long experience in handling brushes is back of every brush we sell. Clothes Brushes Hand Brushes Kail Brushes. Shaving Brushes Bath Brushes Hat Brushes Complexion Brushes, Etc. Practical tooth bruehe3. A tooth brush is a necessary ar ticle of every-day use. To cleanse properly and to give satisfac tion it should wear welF The bristles should not mat down, break off or pull out without a reasonable time." Our tooth brushes are the dependable kind. The higher-priced ones we guarantee to last a definite Jength of time or we will give you a new brush. But no matter what the price we guarantee full value in all cases. 10 to 50c. Hair Brushes That Please. We have a large and complete assortment of these. The best hair brushes are soft and gentle to the scalp, are easily cleansed, do not break off or m it down. We have tha hast And most d j pendable hair brushes to be had. In the various shapes, sizes j and styles of finish. 25c to $2. We guarantee satisfaction. M. b.- Robinson & Bro. Druggists Y0lT0U6HT TOSEE The beautiful Duttenhofer Oxfoufa for the Ladies and the Doug' as low cut Bhoes for Men aud tioys that are daily coming in. ' The styles for Spring wear are somHMng new and strictly cp-to-date Call and look while the s;oci is unbroken and your size and shape is here. BIZZELL BROS

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