THE ARGUS. A Democratic Newspaper. Published Everjgvfninjr Except Sunday. t ' BY JOS. erO BENSON. BUBCBIPTION rfexE, 'iN ADVANCE. daily argots. ' One Year Six Muathd Three Mouths.. OneMonth WEEKLY ARGUS. One Year Six Months Three .Months... 5.0 2.5 1.6 .50 $1.00 .50 SUPERIOR COURT. Superiour Court convened in this city Monday morning for a two-weeks term for the trial of criminal andjcivilasS: T .1 ?i i- y-i ! A Modern Miracle. "Truly miraculous seemed the re mv(rv of , Mrs. Mollis Holt of thia i n i t-a wr nrTfnfpTm place," writes J. (J. R. Hooper T""ejr uxos uiimMM i Woodford. Tenn.. ''she was-o wast- Judgg Council presiding. Criminal Lfed by coughting up pusroulier FAST SCHEDULES SOUTH. IN THE The postoffice appropriation bil hangs fire in the llousu because of the desire to make speeches on all sorts of subjects except the cinteate.l items contained in it. Far eximple, tin eloquent Mr. Towne tliscu9sod on Tuesday the Jamestown exposition, and the witty Mr. Bed r br-jught up a proposition to make four states out of Texas. Another member read a poem on Arizoua. This medley was supposed to relate to tho postoliiee appropriation bill. Let no one here after say that a rule from the rules committee is not occasionally needed in the erratic House. The chief item of dispute in the bill is an appropriation of $142,000 for a fast mail service inthesouthbatween Washington and New Orleans. The same bill carrier appropriations amounting to $900,000 lor pneumatic tubed in four cities. No one assails the tube items, but the item of $142, 000 is bitterly denounced. The land of cotton is of less consequence in some minds in Congress than the four cities. When the fact is recalled that the south is not materially benefited by the vast pension appropriation, and that it pays under the Uingley bill a .full, per capita tax either into the treasury or into the pockets of Ding ley beneficiaries living as a rule in the north, it would eeein to be bat just to let the little item of $142,000 go through. It is needed to quicken the mail service over a vast stretch of country. It is needed by northern business men as well as by southern residents'. Chairman Overstreet of the committee on postoffiees and postroads is doing all he caa in favor of the item and every intelligent and fair-minded member is lining up be hind them. The sectional and the prejudiced are on the other side. A vote will probably be taken to day or tomorrow, and it should re- suit in a quckeneu mail service throughout the cotton states. ATLANTIC HOTEL Will be Open for Guests June 15th, 190O. The Atlantic & North Carolina Company announce that the Atlantic Hotel, Morchead City, N. C, one ol the most popular resorts on the At lantic Coast, will be open for guests June 15th, 1900, under new manage ment, and that the hotel has been repainted and repaired and put in first-class condition. For rates and reservations, apply by letter to Manager Atlantic Hotel, Morehead City, N. C. to Sciatic Iiheumatis Cure. L. Wagner. Wholesale Druggisl, xlicnmond, Va., says; "I had a fear full attack of Sciatic Rhematism, was laid up almost two months; was for tunate enough to get Mystic Cure for Rheumatism. This cure me after doctor's presariptious had failed to have any effect. I have also heart ol fine results from others who have used it. 8oldbyM. E Robinson & Bro., Druggists. There is more Catarrh in thia sec- n of the countrp rhan ail nfchr diseases put together, and until tixs last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed loaal remedies, -and by constantly failing to care with local treatment, pronounced it in curable. Science has proven citarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care, BUnufaatured by F. J, Caanay & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only con stitutional cure on tha mirket It ia taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonf ut. It acts di rectly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. They off dr one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send lor circulars and tes timonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & C0. Toledo, O, For Rent. Dr. Butler's elegant 8 room house on Park Avenue. Sewerage and wa ter works, large lot, in hne location. Any one wishing a. nice home can not do better. High and het lthy, and near the park. Also can be bought on good terms. Also a Cve room cottage on Park Avenue next to J. H. Pate's. For information call up 680 or 896. E. L. E.Juaund-!on. cases have commanded the attention 1 the court this week. Civilfags will be heard next week. Jfc-Tmpos9ible to et a complete fcltjofalie cases dig posed of this-3 eejt as sentence has riot been imposed in several. We will pub lish the list in our next issue. The Grand Jury has adjourned for the term and the following is their re port as submitted : To Hox. W. B. Council, JUDGE PRESIDING, April Term, Wayne Superior Court, 1906. We have the honor to report that the Grand Jury have passed upon all bills that have been presented to them, and presented all matters that have been properly called to their at tention. CX)URT HOUSE. If the Commissioners do not con- ten i plate soon the remodeling of the Court House as recommended by a former Grand Jury, we would rec ommend that they have the Court Room remodeled, and new chairs and tables placed therein, and that the old blinds to the windows be re moved and new inside blinds be put ur instead. The grounds around the Court House could be improved, and lieautiiied, and we are convinced that the pe ple of" our County would almost iinanii uously endorse the action of the Board ol" Commissioners in making such improvements to the County's projerty as would meet the needs of the County. COUNTY JAIL. The Grand Jury, visited the jail, and found same in good condition, the prisoners well fed and cared for, with tiie exception of one, who is in a critical condition, and who in the judgment of your Grand Jury cannot receive the attention in the jail tnat humanity demands that he should have, and we would recommend that he be removed therefrom, or put in a place where better attention can be given him. clerk's and register's offices. The vaults! in the Clerk's and Reg ister's offices are, in the opinion of youi Grand Jury, inadequate for the records of those offices, especially so is that of the Clerk's office, being en tirely too small, poorly lighted, and has no receptacle for the many and various papers required to be deposit ed therein, and some provision should be made whereby the papers can be properly cared for. REPORTS AND RETURNS. All reports and returns as are re quired to be made to the Clerk, we are informed by that officer, have been properly made. COUNTY HOME. The Committee from the Grand Jury who went out to inspect the County Home submits the following report We, your committee, appointed by the Grand Jury to visit the County Home, beg to report that we have discharged that duty, and find the in mates well provided and cared for some repairs to the buildings in the way of blinds and window lights should be done. We find one of the inmates in a demented condition, so that it becomes necessary to keep him closely confined, who in the judgment of your Committee should if possible be placed in the Hospital for the In sane. The management of the Home is in all respects, in the judgment of your Committee, satisfactory. J. H. Sanderson, L. R. Herring, B. T. Daniel, Committee. COUNTY CONVICT CAMP. The Committee from the Grand Jury who inspected the County Con vict Camp submits the following re port: We, the undersigned committee ap pointed irom me uranu Jury to m- spect the Convict Camp, beg to re port that we visited the Camp, and inspected same, and found it in good condition. We talked with some of the convicts, and all report that they are well fed and provided for, and that their punishment for violation of the rules is not excessive. The work being done on the roads, is in the opinion of your committee being effectively and well done. We approve the management. W. K. Parker, Milford Aycock, Walter E. Blackman, Committee. Respectfully, W. T. Hollow ell, Foreman. lungs. Doctors declared Oer end s near that her famiiy had watched bj her bed-side forty-eight hours; when, at my urgent request Dr.Kings .New Discovery was given her, with aston ishing result that improvement be gun, and continued, and until she dually completely recovered, and is a healthy woman to-day."Guarau-letd cure for cough an i colds, 50t aud $1.00 at J. H.Hill & Son. Drug gist. Trial bjttle free. Change if you want to. A Guaranteed Core For Piles. JjSuding -ftles. Druggists refund fails to cure any" case, no matter of how Jong standing, i.4J4JHays. First application giy'eigjaBjS rest 60c. If your druggist haS&'t it send 50c in stumps and it wi be forwarded !Kt-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. The price of oil and the rivers are rising in Ohio. G A. J5J 1? O H 3C TjL. Bears tlie Kinfl You Have Alvvays Signature Keiiei in Six iloura. Distressing liidney and Uiaddoi uiseasc relieved in sis nours Uj fEw (jUeat South Ame&ioah limaES Jube." It is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness .a relieving pain in bladder, Kidneys iiu back, in male or fomale. Re lieves retention ol water almost uu uiediately. If you want quick relief ad cure this is the remedy, ttolu jy -i. ii. iiobiUBon , tiro druggists ifiidiibut'O. i . IV Dalto Bryan w;ll soon be in our mi !st, full of honors and travel s'ains. M MANSOUR - 107 Walnut Street. Thtse are indeed the vernal days Oew;tt's unit Tho famous Silt's ardls A Stenorapher and type vvnl. r desires a po-it:on. Hhm rx-.teri-ence. Address fctenograph e.tiw of Argus. Fewer Failures 7 his Year. The returns for the first quarter of 1006 show that the nuiubcrof failures was 5 per cent less thin in the first quarter of 19 5. There v. er this year 2791, an against 2941 one year ago Liabiliiie.-t show this year an exoss, it is true, but this excels wa3 due to a few large failures. In the south the number of failures and the amount of their liabilities are both smaller. The southern fail ures in the quarter just ended num bered 613, as against 8u0 one year ago. i ne liaoiiities mis year were $6,064 171; last year $7,065,484 These figures are additional evidence of the growing strength of this section of the country. In Alabama there were in the first three mouths of the present year 37 ftdlurt s; in the corresponding months of last year there were 62. The differ ence between assets and liabilities was tins ye r smaller man n was one yeir ao. o sou' hern state shows bo great a decrease in the number of failures as does Alabama. Mississippi did nearly as well, but in Trx-s and South Caro lina the showing was not so favor able, while in Wett Virginia there w en increase iu the number of failures. Alabam i may fairly claim to be a pr fperous nlatd. .ill thiiit-- i;eirs the J? UU HaVB Alv'r''3 Historic danger. Herculaneum is again in SATlai ACTION . It ia always a source of satisfaction know of a remedy that can always reiied on in emergencies and when incidents occur, sueu a remedy is diiiolt's Jiiiulsihed Oil Liniment. It is the most serviceable Accident tn-i Emergency Liniucieut ever pro duced, and is just us oatisiacory iu aij sisos where a Unioieut ik J jquirta. w.r sale by Palace Drug Sure.. Exiled noblemen are applying for piucts iu seashore huteis. Gever in the way, no trouble iv carjy, easy to taKe. pieasnut aus laniiug iu results are De Witt's Juiiti.- Eariy Risers. Tnese famous iiie pills are a certain guarantee again s neadache, biliousness, torpid liver and ail ol the puis resulting froui constiyatior. Tney tome and sireag- leu ine liver. djiJ. by Ale a ay c'narmacy. After a hearty meal a dose of Ko dol Dyspeps a Cure will prevent an attack of Indigestion. Kodol is a thoregh ditresraud and a guaranteed cure for indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gas on the Stomach, Weak Heart, Sour Risings,Bad Breath and all Stomach troubles Sold by MacKay Phjrm acy. "Ask for the 1906 Kolol Almanac and 200 Year Calendar." Having recently enlarged and thoroughly overhauled my store, and put in a handsome new gl tss front, I am now better prepared than ever to meet the demands of my large trade. So when in need of Clothing Dry Goods Dress Goods Shoes Caps Hats Come to see me, I will both please and save you money. I have a large stock to select from, aad you will find mv prices very low because I buy and sell for cash, which is th ouIy way to do a satisfactory business. Don't forget the place M. Mansour, 107 Walnut Street. Pat Crowe's next appearance will ualurally be on the lec ure platform. The pills that act as a tonic, and not as a drastic purge, are De Witt's Little Early Risers. They cure Head ache, Constipation Biliousness Jaun dice, etc. Eirly Risers are small and easy to take and easy act. Sold by MacKay Pharmacy. Oompouud Gives PcsitiveRelicI Powerful Combination. BuccesftfuJlT newt by 2C0OO women. Price 25c DrnraiEte or by I Photographed irom lan. Vesuvius,Dwie, and Andy Fields are in state of eruption. Bears tLa Big nature of It will not be necessary to foitify the canal until we catch it. May live.lOO Years. The chance- for living a full cen tury are ex. ellent in the case of Mrs Jennie Dui can,of Hayuesville, Me., now 70 years old. She writes; "Eiec. trie Bitters cured ma of Onronic Dyspepsia of 20 years standing, and iiade me feel as wed and strong as a young girl." Electric Bitters cure Stomacn and Liver diseases, Blood disorders, General Debility and bod ily weakness. Sold on a guarantee at J. H. Hill & oon drug btore. Price niy 50c. Vesuvius is nature's spectae'e, but it is expensive to neai-by dweiiers. Htiii the World Wonders. how tlie other hall lives. Those who use Buokieu's Arnica Saivo uevei wonder if it will cure Cuts, vVouuds' Burns, Sores and all SKin eruptions; they know it will. Mrs. Gram, Shy, 1130 .E. Reynolds St., Springtieiu, 111., Says: "1 regard it oua of tne absolute necessities of ho use keep ing.'- Guaranteed by J. H. Hill & Son druggists. 25c. John D. Rockefeller has to contend with both cameras and cartoonists. For sub urn, tetter and all skin and scalp diseases. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve has uo equal, it is a certain cure for cling, bleeding, itch ing and protruding piles, it will draw the tire out of a burn and heal ith out leaving a scar. Boils, old sorts, carbuncles, etc., are quicklcy oured by the use of the genuine De- vvitt'a Witch Hazel Salve. Accept jo substitute as tnuy are ofteu au- gerous and uncertain, bold by Mao ri, ay Piiaramaciai , REV1VO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Weil Man THE vmsjk-, of Me. GREAT produces the above results In S'. days. It act! powerxuuy ana QUiCKiy. uureB wiiqzi an oiuers uui. Souug men will regain their lost rna .hood, and old men win recover their youthful vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous ness, Lost Vitality, Impotency. Nightly Emissions, Lost Power. Failing Memory. Wasting Diseases, and U effects of soU-abuse or excess and indiscretion, Vcmch unfits one for study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but is a great nerve tonio and ulooa uuuaer, cring ing; back the pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing the fire of youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having other. It can be carried In vest pocket, tsy mall l.OOrer package, or six forSS.OO. wlthaposl tlve -written sroarantee to core or refund tne money, nook ana aavlse tree. Address BftYAI MFllIf INF C.(i M!lln? Buiidine, -v - '5 V. ?bTl ' MaoEay'B FhmrniM7 Kcun-taln lea thiggsts A Basy MBdioiae for Baay p.viple. Brians Goldsn fieailh and Swswe-J Vigor. A specific forCAHMtiinti'jn, Taiiiu-tic-ri. Iivp md KidUev Troubles, t'irj'.pi, Ec !: , lmpur Uood, Bad Breath. SiujririMli Bon-ofc.. Rwlacb md Backache. It's Rockv Mountain Tea In tab 'et form, 85 cout a box. GVnuliiR n,ade b iiOLMBTBR Oruo COMPANY, Siadis n. W is. GOLDEN NUS2ETS F0I5 SALLC V tE0PX For Sale at Kiggins Drug Co. HICKS' CAPUDINE . IMMtDlArtl.y CURES OOLrD-S i S !i- i tOl.'R.S Beware of dangerous isnnaitations Has Stood the Tost 25 The old, original GROVE'S Taste less Chill Tonic. You knjvv what you are taking. It is iron and quin- m a ta-4foLa ' c a. h J i - ay, 51. DRJ.NJOHMSON DENTIST. Office up ?tair3 in Bor ien B iildins: near the B ink of Way a . April 1 ia safely the Fourth of July. passed, now for The isaivethat heals without a scar is De Witt's Witch Hazel SSalve. No euifcdy elfeets such speedy relief. outi anamination, aoothwa, cools and heals all cuts, oum and !ruise&. A sure cure ior .Pues anu Kin diseases. Da Witt's istheonl enuiuy Witch Hazel balve. Be ware of couterfeite, they are danger as. bold oy XdcKay i'naruuacy. Pittsburg will oal to barn. continue to have lieats The Music Cure "To keep the body in tune," writes Mrs. Mary Brown, 20 .Lafayette Place, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. "1 take Dr King's New Lafe Pills. They are the most reliable and pleasent laxative I have found." Be3t for the Stomacii.liiver and Bowels. Guaran teed by J. H. Hill & Son druggists. 25c. . Even Napoleon Liajoie met foemen worthy of his bat under the slag- pile. Lost Some tvhere ori the streets, a ladies oiacK nana satchel, containing cents ana a brass Key. Joinder will please return to this office. '- prassjnHhsir DUITON I The Simplest Surest ra"est $ JJh g gi?' an1 on'y Perfect if,. 1 "h 1to sp' n c'SSing j' ;W ?aa simply press the button (as gS&3 I g m the pictureand the pea Us jjggplgjfl Write the t touches Ui s paper sSSElni I i Flash I illl I "o- with 14 fcrrst solid told HlEf I II M I"V po-nt finest vulcanised fx&EZ III IB Ill o. 2J with 14 fcrrst solid told pea point finest vulcanised mhber and f:?lv m-m- i LAgle "Fiah " No. 25 1 vjrh -xoJr! bonds, $2.50 I !;: . . $3.00 v'K i: ?c ia i..-Kd. $4.00 SU fc Suhoners and Other Stores Ask YCUR DEALER, if he doesn't rsell you the Eagle "FLASH" Fountain Pens then send the retail price direct to us. nacn pen absolutely guar anteed. Eagla Pencil Co. Manufacturer 377 Broadway, Nevr Vo.-k- 3 Attention, DRFSS-MAKINO 1, Srf U;ak t'gofall kinds. fcfatlsfeeli.-n j;ur anteed. .Apply at J. y. v.zz js siore. Mi$s Herring. DO& LOST A wiute t pup. Suitable reward will for recovery by D ck Smdb. If you have one of our fence stretchers in your uopsesson Bv dointr this con quered, it my bejmt to say thai j ynu svin not bcly accommodate hp.' lnt fnany farmers who are NOTICE. 'Having o'lalified as Executor un- 'der the last will and testament of Mrs. S It- Rush, this is to notify all persons indebted tasaid testatrix to make immediate payment of the same, ani all persons having claims a era i ml aflirl TMfAfriv q r-r ItaiifiK,, 8nfr 5 :mxi ius tfj put up their fence. : notified to presejit them to the uul ' I If niSt convenient to return iuat dersiaed duly verified on or before . t- , v. r- - , .vJ '! rn l4t!i rfcvnf March A . n 10i7 nw; p'pase auvite uy mail or :Z- 7- , ii i lU - ' Ui this notice will b pleaded in bar of hepbeid Lost S m-l'url Brooth of P rfs wlUD "V-, ',,lTT I any recovery on the same, be paid ' on u tU riunuay. Iteward for return YELVERTON H'D'W. CO, I D. O'CXJNNEU, i to this office. GoldsborOi N. C, March 20. Executor of Mm. E.- Lt. Rush. ; Alaba na loal- all uer southern sis- Hjr- iu the rejpt-c of prospe-'ty development. AT COST yj u j kj u vr - Beautiful Hand-Painted China and Leather Goods HUYIjER'S CHOICE C VISTDY! Fresh an 1 li-n, a choice irf tti .a f Perfumery suitable for any i -dy, P u ltam Pva-is, Paff Jrs, Suvvi-r Sets. Manicure Sfits, Snavi-iJf Case-, Toilet Sats litn I Mirr rs, au 1 m my other articles too numorous to mention we simply c tll over a few article - to offer a suggestion. Remember, too, that we keep on haul at all tin m, a choice selection of Fresh Drugs, etc. We extend yoi a he irty wjo aa and ordially in vite you to visit our store and make your selections. Yours to please, Higgins Drug Co, Evaporated F rait. v, s&H'Z't'' m-A s M 7 FORM OPiZ. ' f'1 CifrtWT 1090 Wr-'i TSs ri:-.c3!;a:r fisiidCo. A OUTING T J,:..- i ' 1. at AND YJ?" f ack Sails Peaches Evaporated 15c or 2 lbs for 25 Apples Evaporated 15c or 2 lbs for 25 Apples Sun cured 10c or 3 lbs for 25 Prunes 40 to 50 10c or 3 lbs for 25 All of the above niml is of the very bast quality acd very lowest price. We carry the bast preserve on the market Ritter's in packages, 25c to 75c per jar. Heinz's aad other high grade pickles in bulk or package . M.E. & H L. BiZZSLL Phone No. 11. Walnut St. West. For evervd'iy wear ?ira the ganu?!it-5 Mi it m irk a man's character in diess. Tho man h drop's wellis h-; asp a's well divssed, not upon ojca i'.;is, b i all the tiinj. A glance in his mirror .tells the ini:i w'l w.sirs SffSff and Kuppanhsimsr Fashionable Clothes. That th?y are smart incut, perfect in fit and of good qual ity fabric. j We ell the "H&V-ESV" and KUPPS '.ISl.MU models, ! because vv ' n -v tiioy'ro tbe host. vVorls .iU not convince you, p-rhap-!, hut tiw g inuMits will - i'.d you'll be surprised to learn that tiiir c ob "ill aiion hili; a j ma ;ii a-j the exclusive V L&D LVJHA. - Let I I' JL .'L all 'UD biili J iuuj l'a u -i l vjvli ii . WHITE HDU5E 3,000 Pairs of Shoes and Slippers. Anticip iti ug the advance ia shoe, we placed our order early, and have the above in stock. Oomi before they are gone at old prices. We have a nice Ladies shoe for $1 to $2 50. A fine Man's shoe for $1 25 to $3.50; Children's 25c to $1.50; Slippers 50c to $1.50. We do not want a big profit only a living profit. Aleo Dry Goods and Clothing, spring stock of almost all kinds bought before the rise. A full line of Grocer ies and Tobacco We have got too much tobacco. We are go ing to sell regardless of profit until Juno 10th We haye 2, 000 pounds jobs from 20c to 25c; 3.000 pounds from 25c to 80c. Come quick and gt a supply. Cigars lc, and snuff of all kinds. Thanking you for past trade, we are your friends. Soring Sack Suit r " $12-50 1 $25 SPUING STYLE 3 IN Jais aad Jfjostdashsri Co ne lo"k them over it will be tim w spent Every thing remarkably high in quality r jm irka'ily low iu price. )!!) FKLliOW'S CXiilXEU. A. Tb IS nBson &. C F 3 Sdmundson The Two Hustlers. Real Estate. Real Estate. Although I have sold a large part of the real estate vertised, I have for sale for I ad- j ONE of the 1JE.-5T L1XHS ever opened in this City. MAD 1-1 K SPEC IALLY FOR US bvoneof tiieUEiST IMANUPACTUltKltS in th Coun-jtry. You want quality, stylo and you want "CLOTiIRS TO FIT." 250 acres land 175 360 " " 43 " " 800 " " 37 6 " D. E. Smith A. J. Overman, Jr A. J. Overman J. H. Green near Genoa at Wilson Mills, N. C. W. H. Edgerton, Greenleaf Georgetown 15 vacant lots at Georgetown Mr. Kit Holt's 2 brick stores, West Centre st, Mr. George. Southerland's lots and houie and lots on Elm 3t, L. H. Carr, house and lot on Daisy bt, Matthew Woodard's house at New town, Acme Plant, 2 vacant lots near Holinsss church, several other houses and lots and vacant lots for sale. Ricord 521 sales, $422,000 and not a bad title yet. Also Renter of Houses and Farms. REAL ESTATE HUSTLER. Office hours 12 to 2 ED. L. EDMUNDSON, Phones 680-896 6 6 l 3 99 Easy to Remember, Isn't It ? to Well, that's oar 'phone number. You will do well call us up if you need hauling of any kinl. We em ploy an expert piano boxer and furniture packer, and are specially equipped for hauling same. Let us "hear from you. Goldsboro Transfer Compaq Office 129 W. Centre Street. Phone 123. Sunday Hours 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. HOMING. CLOIHiNG. i shoes, shoes. Besides oar Men's BEACON SHOE at $3. and SKREEMER at 3.50 to 4. CO, we have the sale cf Endicott, Johnson Co's FACTORY LINE Men's, and Boy's $1.50 to $3.00. Th se people not on'y are Manufacturers, but aie Tanners of tbe Leather they use in the Manufactuie, and put nothing in their shoes but Solid Leather. Their capacity is 10,000 pairs per day. We handle two Factory Lines of LADIES', MISSES and CHILDREN'S SHOES that OAK NOT be SURPASSED as to QUALITY and PRICE. i You will fret the STYLE, QUAL ITY and UT with PRICES SATIS FACTORY UY BUYIMU your CLOTHING from Ui. We have now in stock a full line of L')W CUTS in Mens', Boys', Ladies' Misse3 and Chil-drens'. OUR PRICES are as low aa the Lowest. Call and Examine Our Stock. It New JPor Stomach. Bowels, Liver and Kidne us 11.00 per bottle, thre for 2.50, six for 15.00. Payne' Quick Relief Oil. 25 Cents. Payne's MedicatexLSoap, 10c. All sold by Goldsbdro Drug Co. Best X: Tjonjjosoi) your ffew Spring Juit Get It At Joseph's. You will bj sure to get a perfect fit. A Hart Schaff ner & Marx Suit i3 guaranteed to hold it's shape. The new long coats looks well on most every one. We have ' the extra longs for- the slim man and thse to suit the stout man. In fact we fit every one That's our hob-- by. Every one has oue. Our customers get the bene fit of ours. i f. JOSEPH

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