XiOCAL BRIEFS. BO NO ACCOMMODATIONS. Items of interest Itfitttli ; .4e;City,. Mr?, r W. "IJicks arid two in tereStrngTittte' boys", of Florence, S. C, ftte in the crty, visiting the homo of f 'brother", Mr. YW'Jfl. Stroud. His.mauy friends were glad indeed to see Mr. K. W. Cox out on the streets vesterday. lie is still unable to walk and had to be rolled about on an invalid's chair The fishing sqaaon is now; open and anglers are trending riverwaiu in goodly numbers with ole and tackle, bait-gourd and probably 'Snake bite" antedote. The Atlantic Hotel, at Morehead City, will open up for the season, on the 15th of June. The hotel hag recently been thoroughly averhauled and repaired and .put in firs'-elass condition. The Maria Thompson business property, fronting on John str et about 35 leetand running back s une 200 and. odd feet to the City 1111 line, which was s'jld at auction Sat urday, wa3 purchased by Mr. Aher Edwards for $2,850. The W. It. Murray Co., of Dur ham, N. C, with Mr. S. G. Hill as manager, have opned up a branch music house in this city, fjr the b-ile of pianos and organs, in the store under the Messenger Opera Horse, formerly occupied by tha Cable Piano Company. Just as a pointer of what tiie com bined railroads will do for so import-, ant a point as Goidsboro in the vv.iy of a union passenger station, the South ern Railway has just given the con tract for the erection of a pass -ner station at High Point, individually, to cost $27,000. Certainly will Ooids boros union passenger station approxi mate a cost of not less than $100,0 0 and doubtless double that sum. Speaking of the number of convic tions for running 'blind tigers" in our Superior Court last we-k, an old colored man, who sat and listened to twelve convictions in one day, was heard to remark as he went down the court housa step: itDli nigger has got a half pint of corn hora, and he is 'gwiae right straight home and pore it on de ground." A few more Judges and a few more juries like we have had this week and the blind tiger business will come to an end in this city. The business has already received a tor rible blow. The manner in which Judge Council is meting out justice to evil doers is calculated to make them hereafter respect the law. There are a few others left yet who are violating the prohibition law, and they are under turveillanco, and if they don't take warning from what they have seen this week, it will not be Ions' before they will wish that they had. One of the Goldsboro Transfer Company's horses came near being killed by a freight train today at noon, which very suddenly backed as the d iver was about to cross the track in front of Mr. VV. K. Thomp son's store. The driver reined the horse away just in time to save him from a horrible death. These hair breadth escapes are of dady occur rence, but it is devoutly to be hoped that the good fortune that has been vouchsafed our people thus far will be continued, for yet a little whil longer, until the tracks and constant ly passing trains, with their retard mg of busiuess communication in the city, and their feaifut menace to lite, shall be removed when our conveniently located new Union Depot materializes. As an evidence that it pays to ad vertise in the columns of the Akgus. we publish the following extract from a letter received today by the Business Manager of the Argus, from Mr. T. IS. Smith, Jr., of Ea Durham, breeder of Imported and Domestic fowls: "The advertise ment in your paper has been the bsst paying ad. I have let this season, for K7hih T rhanlr iron troiT mimfi ' This is very gratifying indee 1, as the compliment was wholly unsolic ited and voluntary. Mr. Smith ran a sma'l special in the Argus for several daya offering for sale eggs lor hatching purposes, and has not only sold a great many settings of eggs in this city and section as a result of the ad., but has als) sold all the Brown Leghorn fowls that he had to spare. Sunday was indeed a most love ly day, and the attendance at all the churches of the city was unusually large, the services very beautiful and appropriate to the occasion and the jnusic of thsseveral choirs, especially selected, was indee 1 grand, and lent a peculiar inspiration to the speakers as they preached of the risen Lord and the conqueror over death and the grave. Yes, the music was al( admirable and soul-inspiring, and it would be unj ust to particular ze. At St. John church, as heretofore announced, a special Easttr offing ' was taken, which resulted in a cash collection of $236 84, whch whs in deed very gratifying. AtKuu i-treot Chapel a like offer'ng was taken, which resulted in a collection oi something near 75. 00. Taken al together, the day was a gbul and glori us one, and the handsome dressesand beautiful newspring hats worn by the ladies of the city ihe most beautiful women in th j whole Southland were indeed lovely to look upon and almost beyond de scription. Messrs Porter & Godwin have a force of hands digging out dirt for a basement underneath the new Odd Feilows building, which they have the contract to build, and ahsofst every stranger that passes eiupiires of Mr. Godwin what he is having such a terrible hole made in the ground for, until it has biuoite monotonous, and Mr. Godwin hiiij self steers clear f the pla e as ?;u'h as possible in order to ket p from an swering so many i"c put to hiiu for t vt.ry the day. lie was away t ?'ay, j osi biy to avoid the qu" ,ion-, or fr-m some other cause, s ( ! in" on the workmen them so badly they . work, so one f iu--n his lio'e h( wrf'in notice on piece of v? tacked it on a pot in :;)': i,f ihe hole: "Mr. Godwin hk: !o?i-. he rays ne don't know v lr,i ih h- Is for and 1 don't, ; , i r I wait until Mr 1' r cr y. he'll toil you all :rui it "! the visitors n:at the n..uc; to be Ratixth'd, whiie the dig away unmoiesttd. DO YOU GET UP Atlanta Refuses tots.Take Mr. Smoot as Prisoner. Greensboro Industrial Ne"ws. '' ? " ' Official information'of a rather un- expected nature., was, .received here by Judge James E.- Boyd, sitting in the federal court, - yesterday, to the effect that the authorities of the gov ermueht,priebn at Atlanta, Ga., had peremptorily refused to accept as a prisoner Mrs. Alice Smoot, who was sentenced at the present term of the court to serve one year and a day in that institution for passing counter feit money. Mrs. Smoot, together with her hus band, Granville li. Smoot, and nine other prisoners convicted for viola tions of the internal revenue laws, was taken to Atlanta by Marshal Milikan and Office Deputy Bailey Thursday night.- On their arrival at the Gate City it was learned that the federal prison at that place had no accommodations for female pris oners, sna tnat therefore some other provision would have to be made for Mrs. Smoot'a incarceration. Judire Boyd upon learning of the complication ordered thatthe woman b.; taken to Nashville, Tenu., wheie ha will serve she time nuted out by the courc. This will mean that the woa-ai, counterfeiter who stood so loyally b her iimbnnd durins? his impiisou- ment in the county j H here, and during the trial that followed, will be se ara.ted from him. Judge B yd said that Mrs. Smoot was the first woman flint he had ever sentenced to the penitentiary, and that consequently he was not aware of the fact that the prison at Atlanta was without the necessary accommo dations for females, but that the wo- m.in would b9 properly taken care of in Nashville. WlXHALAipACK,?. A in ' yr ' Kidney Trouble- Makes You MiseraWe. Almost everybody whe read? 3'apers is sure to know of tn? JLetter to F. K. Borden. Goldsboro. Dear Sir: There are these five ways ol badness in paint: 1 stuffed-out with chalk, or some thing like that; 2 barytes, batter than chalk, but no covering to it; nobody knows it's there; 3 benzine in the oil, or other such stuffing; 4 too thin too much liquid, what ever it is, for the solid; 5 short measure; Now will you buy by the price per "gallon"? We furnish our agents with a state chemist's certificate of analysis that tells what's in Devoe. Yours truly F. W. Devoe & Co. New York. The Yelverton Hardware Co., sell our paint. Negro Language. Did you ever notice how graphic i3 the language of the old-time negro? 'His words are in the wrong place 9timesoutof lO.bnt he always makes you understand exactly what he means. He gets hold of the salient characteristic of the thing he de scribes. J? or instance, an old negro was a witness in a case of a stolen saddle. The Judge asked him if the saddle exhibited waa the one that was stolen from the man he worked for. The negro said it was. How do you know the saddle?' was asked him. After studying it for a minute, he paid, 'Well, Jedge, I jis knows from de complexion of de saddle.' Another old negro was telling about having talked to a man in the town whose name he conld not re c ,'llect. The fellow was notoriously a great talker and a big talker and was rather interesting, too. The old negro in describing him said 'He certainly is swift of tongue, got a fine elevation and makes some mighty good pints.' BARHAM--DE XV KY. Friends in the city have received me ionowiug inviiauon, ana it is needless to say that it is the source of widespread interest aud sincerest good wishes: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dewey re q .est the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Hannah to Mr. J. Langhorne Barham oa the evening of Thursday twen'y-s-txth of April nineteen hundred and six at half alter seven o'clock; at Saint Paul's Methodist Church Goldsboro, North Carolina. the !' ns m hich are 5 minute in " i"'"ple "fep !"!'!; .-. 1,1..' I To the Iticiiest Man. Ii's sound snse that we tell you. Your work cots less dollars and is best every time you use the Ii. & M. int. You do more painting with one gallon of Li. & M. than with two ?il ions of other paints and the L. & M. Z nc hardens the 1j. & M. White Lead and makes the L. & M. Paint -.year iiku iron. 4 gallons L. & M. mixed with 3 gallons Linseed Oil will paint a mod erate sixed house. Li. & M. coals about $1.20 per gallon. Terrell, Ttiverhead, N. Y.. A. T. w. : L & M S Go. the nvs cures maae cy Dr. i Kilmer's Swamp-Rcot, I the freat kidney, liver (L and bladder remedy. ,- it is ine preat meat- cal triumph of the n;ne- covered after years of Uy LL scier.ulic ic.sea.rca cy Dr. ls.ilrner, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing ame bacK, kidney, Diaaaer, uric acia trou bles and Bright s Disease, whicn is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-; ooc is not rec jmmendsdf cr everv'hif but if you have kid icy, hvsr or Liadder trouble it will be j.:r.3 ujt the rem idy you need, ii l. iocn tested ;n so many ways, m nospitai worn, in private practice, among the helpless tco poor to pur ohase reiiei ana nas pryvcu su suttcvimi m iverv case that a special arrar.greme.nl has been made by which all readers of this paper vho have not already tried it, may nave a sample bottle sent free by mail, aiso a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous i .u: A sV- Olicr 111 lllia Jta.f-'oi aiiu send your address to gSl3SP?2iiS Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Bine- m-Frr 'Hh-Zi .rmto.i, N. Y. The UJ -epular fifty cent and Homeof swamp-iioo. ioilar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember ha name. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's 3wamp-Root. and the address Binghamtoa V on every bottle. UNIVERSITY GLEE CLUB. A. Splendid and Most Highly En joyable Musical Feast at tle Messenger Opera House Last Niffht. A large and elite audience ssem- bled at the Messenger Opera House last night to hear the musical con cert given by the University Glee Club, under the auspices of the Daughters of the Confederacy of this city. The club is composed of 2( mem bers, and every one is a natural here artist. The entertainment was in vry way a most creaitaoie one ana was highiy enjoyed by everyone pres ent. From the rising of the curtain until the fall of same the pudience was in one spontaneous outburst of applause. The musical numbers, both in strumental and vocal, were grand, whether rendered singly or collec tively, and the performers were compelled, eo great was the applause, to respond to repeated encores, which they always did in a cheerful and well-pleasing manner. The instrumental solos, with piano accompaniment, were admirably rendered, and were no small feature of the programme. But the most plesaing feature of the entire perfoimance was thesplen- did quartette, which is nne of the best. Their music was indeed soul inspiring, and was listened to with marked attention. Their warbling song, impersonation of lh3 old stage negro minstrel quartette, and the familiar airs, which are always ap preciated by a Goldsboro audience, were likewise well received and did them great credit. When the entire club, every mem ber with instrument in band twen ty-six strong -filed out and took their stand on the stage, every in strument in closa accord and blend ing together in sweetest melody, we were lo3t to our surroundings for the time being, and dreamed that we were enjoying the matchless strains of the world-famed and justly popu lar Sousa band. It was indeed a musical feast and a most pleasing rendition. The entertainment throughout was all that could be desired every one rendering hi3 respective role in a magnificent and a most credita ble manner; so much so that to par ticularize would be unjust, and should they, at some future time, choose to give us a return date, we can assure them a crowded house. As an evidence of the appreciation by the audience of thesplendid mus ical rumbers, so beautifully and charmingly rendered, during the redition of some of the more familiar airs several of the meuibers of the club were presented with beautiful bouquets of flowers by the young ladies present, which were gracefully received by the recipients, and seived to inspire them to yet greater efforts and achievements. IMPORTANT TO GOLDS-BOKO. 1 y. Bts ago; painted wihLella for 50 ceuta) and O iiy now rrqu res ref.aWc- to aftyone who suffe.s i A ll'i ;.:;V. Hllil i.i workmen g" by I en' If ndwar1 Company, -r-, N Of ' . OOASi iti ipe f.tsia 'M Havs Always eoiigfii tion, nervousness r: weak ist ... pci. ARGTJS BUREAU WALTER, N. C, April 18, 1SJ06 :! BIZZELIi PEACOCK. Profit by This and Find Sale- guard Against Many Ills. Nothing is more important to Goldsdoro than the good health of her people. How can they fill theii place in this busy town unless they are well? No one trouble is responsible for more nervous ills,sleeplessness,gener- al debility, weakness, back-aches. theumatic pains,even il'-tempo? and peevishness, than liidiarention. Fortunately, a combination of re medies, called Mi--na piomsch ti.h- lels, have been discovered that a,oso- to health and string' W be wioik a gestive cystem. So reliable is Mi-o-na'in'curing all forms of stomach weakness aud troubles that J. H. Hill & Son give sign guarantee that the remedy will cost nothing unless it cures. Mi-o-na is inveJuabTti w itli ir dir"o-! Chronicling of a Week's Events in That Thriving Neigh borhood. Mrs Tom Johnson from near Kin ston, was visiting relatives and friends in our community last week. Mrs Amanda Mitchell went to Smithfield last week to visit the family of her son Mr Geo Mitchell. Miss Annie Yelverton, of Stantons- burg, is in our community, the guest f Miss Lizzie Beeton. Master Clifton Wc dard and sis ter, Miss Pearl, who have been with their father, Mr A J Woodard at i Whitakers, where they have been attending school, returned home Saturday, and met a warm welcome by their many young lriends. A very large ox hitched to a buggy, with regular buggy harness, passed up the road one day last week, and attracted considerable attention by exhibition of his qualities as a roadster. Mr Lawson Neal has purchased the piece oi land near tne junction, owned by Sidney Wolrlngton, col., who went to Arkan-as several years ago. It lies on tne soutn siue oi tne Southern road and adj tins the lands of W H Neal and J W ito-se, and is a valuable piece of small property, containing near 15 acre?, all arable but one or two acr s. Mrs Jno R Smith Ja been with us lor several days, iieipiuc nurse, and doing many other things which ji'ly a mother can Co it! case cfs ck uess, and in iismibt il ss w-ys con ributiiig to the comlut t and weltae of all, as LO one else c u!d do. Mr. Norman Hood killed a dog, he supposed mad on Monday. Af.ei fighting Mr Hoou's d g he playei. havoc am jng the chickens, and be ing run off by Mr Hood lie ran in o his geese and showed uch uamistak sble sisrns of beinir m .?, that h vwas promptly killed after four shots fired from a breech loader. Little Miss Mamie Johnson gav a delightful Ea-t r egg hunt at her home last Saturday evening, from 8 till 6, to quite a crowd of her young friends, ard all report an occasion of general fun and enj iyment. Planting corn has given our farm ers attention for the past week, and some are planting cotton, but the truckers are uneasy about beans on account of the cool weather. "Aunt Lanie," an old-time darkey, who is playing the role of trained nurse in our home, has been very much interested in the telephone, and wanted to "hear one tick." When she placed the receiver to her ear, her face would have baen a study for an artist. She listened, and then exclaimed, "Lord bh ss my soul! dat thing sho' is a sight. Why it ken telk jest as good as 1 ken. What is this world corcin' to, anyhow?" Over on the hill, 'neath the rose' mary pine, whose softly sighing boughs whisper a peaceful rrquiem to the sleeping dust of others of our loved ones, a tiny, newly made mound hold in its cold embrace the form of our infant baby boy, while whispered words, and curtains drawn, told of another life, whose near approach to the border land caused our hearts to ache with fear ful anticipation. TORTURED BY ITCHING SCALP Eczema Broke Out Also on Hands and Limbs Suffering Intense Doctors Said Too Old to Be Cured -An Old Soldier of 80 Years Declares ! "CUTICURA TREATMENT 5 IS A BLESSING". Beautiful Wedding: in St. Paul M. E. Cliurcu at Noon To day. A beautiful wed iing in whan widespread interest centered, on ac count of the exceeding popularity and wide connection ol the contact ing parties, was solemnized in St. Paul M. E. church today at noon, when Mr. Herbert L. Bizzell, juuior member of the well-known grocery firm of Bizzell & Bizzeti, of this city, hd to the Hymeueil altar Miss Maud, the lovely and only daughter of our esteemed townsmau Mr. VV. A. J. Peacock. The beautiful church was thronged with the many friends of these de servedly popular young people, and the lovely chancel was a bower of green, in f.rns and palms and pines, aud banked with roses, sen tient with spring time and promise. At the appointed hour, to the thrilling notes olMendelssoha's Wed ding March, the bridal party pro ceeded to the altar in the following order: first, the ushers up ti her centre aisle, and taking opposite peti tions at the chance;. These were Messrs. Will Peacock, brother of tiie bride, J. Lannom Barham, E J. B. Yelveiton and H. C. Smith. Next Came the dame of honor, i.irs. A. Jr. Williams, oi Wii on, a cousin of the bride, and lue bridesmaid, Miss Clyde Peaches, of this city, also a cousin of the br-de, each Otvued in white, with hat to match and car rying large bjuquets of bridesmaid roses. Then tame the bride with her father. Slie wore a loveiy going away gown, witn hat to match, and never looked quit i so lov ly before, as the eyes 01 ail weid turned ou her with admiration and abounding good w.shes. As she approached the chan cel the groom was led from the choir entrance by his best man, Mr. O. G. fouiiihi J; , and reet;ivin his ' bride befoie iLeatla.', liii,y tOgeii:tr : faced the w&iliu minister. J It v. W.! L. CUUlULTiillll. Willi ill 1-1, ,ir ... i l in.-! , . pressive tones spoke the ceremony that effected the eiernal locking of their lives. ImmediuteJy after the ceremony the happy young couple were driven to the railrcad station, where they took the A. C. L. north bjund train for a bridal trip to Na Yoris and other points oi iuterest. Upon their return they wull be at home to their friends at the lesidence of the bride's father, which they will make their home. The many beautiful bridal presents of which they were the ricipituls at tested the substantial esteem in which they are held by their hods ol friends. Tne Akgus extends its congratu- rations ana abounding good wishes to the happy young couple. Spectacular Vesuvius. Vesuvius is not on'y a wonderful spectacle, but it ha3 more history be hind it than any other Volcano in the world. The ashes and cinders and stones it is throwing out today show plainly how Pompeii and Herculaneum were overwhelm ed. In fact the site of b Ah are in some danger today. Vesuvius is spectacular becausa it stands on bay near .Naples, a city even larger than New Orleans, and ifc is a great smoke producer, and when that smoKe is lit up by internal fires, it becomes a striking spectacle. When it is remembered that vol canoes stand as a rule close to the sea, it is impossible to resist an ac ceptance of the theory that volcanic explosions are due to the seepage of water in large quantities through fissures to the iternal fires. An ex plosion might interrupt the seepage, and thus the volcanic power would become intermittent. Vesuvius is not by any means the greatest volcano in the world. It stands far below Mauna Loa or Pelee in energy, but as a spectacle it is absolutely the finest in the know. worm anu 11 nas oaen superior in all historic times. To Cure, a Cold in One Day Toko Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. s?- Seven Million boxes sold In past 12 months. ThlS frg.aature, ' -: Cures Crip fci TVo Day. on every box. 25c 7 For Twenty-one Years Boo Orlooc and TRADE MARK REGISTERED F. S. ROYSTER 0UAN0 CO., Norfolk, Va. Farmer9 E l i it i i j m m fell have been the standard Cotton and Tobacco guanos in the South because great care is used in the selection of materials. Ask your dealer for Moysfsr's goods and don't take substitutes said to be just as good. See that the trade-mark is on every bag. The turnpike road to peoples' hearts, I find, Lies through their mouths, or I mis take mankind. Peter Pindar. t- And the turnpike guide post is tha trade mark of the National Biscuit Company. It points the way to the food of quality biscuit and crackers so perfectly baked and properly protected; so cleanly packed and treshly kept, that thev never fail please in their mission to the appetite and heart This trade mark always appears in red snd it is placed on each end of a dust and moisture iM.H.dgc uiii Keeps uie contents in tneir original con National Biscuit Company products are thus distingui wcuiauicu y-" arc mus protectee, ana guiaea, in buyin perfect of bakery products. As an example try a package o GRAHAM CRACKERS. You will inst: meir superiority over anj ordinary (jraham crackers you ever tasted. They coutaia of the beat Graham flour enhanced by perfect baking. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY of TYPEWRITING- F. r Epecjat. type.jvritifig: al' it""os in stpn-.-; ! '"rnphy ?ffd ty fewnUuA-'c:ilJ. on 2ui sj 'At all times and to all people I am walling to testify to the merits of Cu ticura. It saved me from worse than the tortures of hades, about the year 1900, with itching on my scalp and temples, and afterwards it commenced to break out on my hands. Then it broke out on my limbs. I was advised to use salt and water, which I did, to no effect. I then went to a Surgeon, who commenced treating me with a wash of borax. This treatment did me no good, but rather aggravated the disease. I then told him I would go and see a phy sician in Erie. The ronly was that I could go anywhere, but a case of i eczema like mine could not be cured; j that I was too old (SO). I went to an eminent doctor in the city of Erie and ; treated with him for six months, with : like results. I had read of the C'u ticura Remedies often. I was strongly tempted to give them a trial, so I sent . for the Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent and continued taking the Resolvent until I had taken six bottles, stopping it to take the Pills. I was now i getting better. I took two baths a day, j una at nignr lez tne lamer oi tne Soap, dry on. I used the Ointment with great effect after washing in warm water, to stop the itching at once. I am now cured. "The Cuticura treatment is-a blessing and should be used by every one who has itching of the skin. I can't say any , morej and thank God that He has given, the world such a curative. Yotl can' uie this letter as you please. A very much befriended man, Wm H. Gray, 3303 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia, Pa.. August 2, 1905." Complete EitMnal and Internal Treatment for ever Ilimior, from Pimple, to Scrofula, from Infncv to Aire. ... r. . . i - ... f . -JL viuinirm,JC., ItUOIT English Spavin .Liniment removee all Hird, fcoit or (Jalioused Lumps ana uiemianes irom noroea, Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney. Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, ali Swollen ThroatB, doughs, vto. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War ranted the most wonderful Blemish Jure ever known- Sold by M, E. Eobinson & 3ro., drusgiets, tiolds-b.-ro. tf. C By Way Of Comparison At the bottom is a picture of a farm on which our fertilizers were not used. Notice the very poor growth ? At the top, there is a photograph of the field of a planter who believes in the liberal use of only Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers. See the good, even stand, and tall, luxuriant plants ? You can see many other interesting' pictures of farms like these ou which the crops of poor and good yields are compared, in our large, pretty almanac. Ask your dealer for it, or send us 60, in stamps to pay the cost of wrapping and postage. "Increase your yields per acre" by us ing Virginia-Carolina Fertilisers. Buy no other. Virginia Carolina Go. Chemical Richmond. Va. Norfolk, Va. Durham, N. O. Charleston, S. C. Baltimore, Jtfd. Cm. .UK. fin Inrm nf f,hni.nlat. 1 : - I nr. ... I . : i; SL W),maybehdotalldrasKi,ti. A.incis.',;'n..rM. Street f- I T Me& How Cum CM jujinj Uam Atlanta, Oa. I Savannah, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. H Memphis, Tenn. H Shreveport, La. H 1 limn iiriTTi in m ,-em ru a. L wS t mmu , 9 W&Aei&S to W' white. W proof dition. shed and C tne most tly reennnise al all 'i e gad It Grove's Ta$& nas stood the test 25 years. Average Arzm&iS Sales over Csc r3 a Half MiHicn Does this record oi merit appeal to yon? No Cnre, Pay. 50c. bottles. Enclosed with every bottle is a Ter Ccr.i THIRTY PER CENT MONEY The squeeze in the call money rate in New York last week was severe. It was not, however, whol ly unexpected. It has been in the air some time. On Monday of la ,t week the Vr all street rate for m: mey was 10 per cent; on Tnesday it rose to 12 per cent; on Wednesday, to 19 per cent, and on Thursday it went to 30 per cent. The loss in surplus reserve of the New York city banks of last week was $7,690,000, and that reserve shows today a deficit of about two million dollars. jj,"Since the early eighties," says the New York Evening Post, "the only years in which call money has gone above even 10 per cent, this month, have been 1933, 1899, and 1887. Of these years, the sequel in 1893 is familiar enough. In 1902, tight money persisted throughout the year, with a very severe wrench in September and December, but al so with great stringency in May. In 188y, the June niouey market was seriously upset, and exorbitant rates from September on culminated in the 186 per cent of Dec ember 18. In 1887 the July setllame.its brought a call money quotation of 140 per '' cent." 1 But th se inst ances prove nothing. ' The truth is, the country is so pros perous aud speculation so active, there Is not money en ugh to , o around. Some are looking, not: without reason, to gold imports f .rj relief. The balance of trade in ouri package of Grove's fiJack Root, ! Jvvr Piiis. IMA OTP W OTDP&sfsT" Women who suffer from unnecessary, disagreeable, painful, weakening, female complaints, will find that Wine of Cardui is a safe and pleasant remedy for all their ills. It acts directly upon all the delicate, inflamed tissues, purifying the blood, throwing off the clogging matter and relieving female disorders such as irregular, scanty, profuse, painful catamenia, prolapse, etc. Also relieves headache, backache, dizziness, cramps, dragging pains, nervousness, irritability, etc. If you need advice, write us a letter, telling us all your symptoms. We will send free advice (in plain sealed envelope). Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. ALL BElG GISTS SELL IT IN 5 1.00 BOTTLES "I WROTE YOU for aj . '.. e, anj by fi.iin-.vlne !t rnd taking Osrdui, my I:i:iale T':hi! !es were rnrd." Mrs. R. S. YV'-ce, Lavaca, Ala. J12 si OF 1 p ii n on favor is immense, flow this way, it and gold should would seem, in heavy volume. But no one say what gold will do. No one can name the rate of exchange which will bring gold this way. The rate th it oper ates to move gold in one year will not move it perhaps in the following year. a. goia import point is as shiftir'a a gold export point. The 1 complexity of international settle ments renders exactness in such . a matter impossib'e. Gold imports Jiaie, ho wever, p:cbablc, and thBt is '"boui pll that can safely be predicted . as to relief to the moneymurketlrom overseas HE tobacco crop takes from the soil about ioi nouiids of actual i Potash per acre, which must be re placed, or else the yield will fall off in quantity and quality. :&A ; good tobacco ,. fertilizerThould contain at leastften per cent, of pure Potash, and the Potash should be in the form of sulphate-. "Tobacco Culture" is the title of a book valuable to all tobacco growers. A copy will be sent on request, free of any cost or obligation, to farmers who will write for then? A Hit.dnn A-BTlbrAXT tj- . t nr . Trk 8 Nu,u StiMt or Atlanta, Ga. 88JJ o. Bro ItlM. e

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