THE ARGUS. A Democratic Newspaper. Published J&&ry Evehufg" Except Sunday. BY JOS. E. HOBLNSON. BUBCBIPTION PRICE, IN ADVANCE. DAILY ARGUS. One Year " $5.0 clix iiljuttn 2.5 Three Mouths .... 1.5 One Month 50 WEEKLY ARGUS. One Year.7.........77.. $1.00 Six Months 50 Three Months 25 The Octoberists in Ru-sia are sev eral months out of date. WIIA.T THE HEX DOES. i 7 SCIENTIFIC DINING. For Clerk. Mb. Editor: I notice candidates are announcing themselves -the several offices of Wayne Coun ty, Vub- the Democratic Science is getting dff wn to practicality to business, so to speak. It Js not dealing so much .with the unajtfvabie I Jeci to the action of mysteries as it JwJ subjects that come home, to &nrEanA For science now sayl&t ipjMreakfast, dinner and supper that makes the man, not only jhysijyjy, but intellectually and morally. It is not inheritance, not We are frequently too frequent ly told of the great things men d j; how they dig into the earth or bailu upon the earth or dam up the waters and irrigate the earth, but the great human enterprises of which we bjast so much sink into insignificance when compared to the records achieved by the ordinary hen. The cackle of the hen that has laid an egg is modest aud unobtrusive compared with men's noisy bluster about their business. But in proportion to the noise made, the hen has far more genuine substance. In two month she lays more val ue than the annual production of all the gold mines of the United States. Every three months she produces more than the year's production of pig iron. Her eggs for six months are worth more wealtn than the cipital stock of all the banks ia the New York clearing house. In less than two years she could pay of the national debt. The annual report of the secretary oi agriculture snows mat last year ine eggs oi ine united states were worth more than the cotton or the wheat, more than all the potatoes, ine Dariey, tne tooacco, tne sugar cane and the rice. They practically equal the dairy product and are sur passed only by the corn crop of - bumper corn year. And the hen made a new record last wees, un one day mere were received in New York over 40,000 cases containing 15,125,000 eggs. xne nens' Dusiness ior one day in one city amounted to $250,000. STUDYING SOCIOLOGY. Leven environment, but victuals that determine destiny. The badly fed or underfed children fall below norma), and science now stands ready to show that the imbeciles,criminals and other abnor malicities, all sprang from improper food absorbed before the critical age of 14. But can a person be fed from the start on a scientincaly prepared food? Science says "Yea," and pre sent experimentation has this in view. The scientists may soon be able to annouuci a menu that will turn out Shakespeares to order, and ven great moral teachers equal to John D. R ckefeller. Jr. I fc-cience expects soon to ba able to ell us what to eat, how much to eat, ind when to eat. It may tell us we have been hoggish that each ptrsjn las beau eatiug enough lor two, or perhaps tnore, peroo is. It may ttli u-i, too, that some of our fav rite iishts are abcmi nations. Between science aud pure-food laws we are in t lair way to be reorganized, or rt her our su cissors are, for scienc s makes no claim that a in in can be recast after he is 14 years old. That age is where science dra ws the line between the hopeful and the hopeless. D 3 U JI tl LC DltQYVNED TUB. IN primaries. The names announced already are good men and true, and in this con nection, I beg to suggest as a candi date for nomination of Superior Court Clerk the namejof A. B. Hollo well. Mr. Hollowell is a Democrat tried aud true. The dark days ol reconstruction did not deter him from his sense of duty, and during the reigu ct populism he kept his rudder true. His record is without reproach. When a boy only sixteen years old he voluuteered as a Confederate sol dier in Company. H. 1st N. C. Ca valry (UutQa's Company,) and for the last two years of the war shared the hardships an 1 glories of that famous command to the sunset of our hopes at Appomattox. Returning home with nothing save honor, he with all othsr good Confederates otood for peace and good order and did all in his power to bring peace and order out of chaos and confusion, laying the foundation upon which has beeu built the present great era of prop; nty, which we enjoy today Air. llollowtll has never asked the county for office before; he is fully -competent to discharge the duties of the office with credit to himself and honor to the county. We trust that Wayne county will honor him with the nomination, believing he will make a faithfuland efficient public servant. Democrat. nonum' Chronicling of a Week'g Events That Thriving Neighborhood. in El KILLING FKOSTS. Strange Death of Baltiiu ire Man at Greensboro Hotel. Greensboro, N. C, May 10. 8. M. Spangler, a well known commer cial traveller, with headquarters in Baltimore, Md., was found dead in a bath tub in the Hotel Banbow about 10 o'clock this moroig. Spangler re tired early last night and was to all appearances in his usual health. Be fore going to his room he wrote a letter to his wife in Baltimore. The coroner's jury rendered a verdict that Sprangler's death was due to ac cidental drowning indirectly caused by heart failure. It seems periectly naturally that when a Yale professor and 70 of his students go to the metropolis to study "sociology" from living examples they should spend all their time among the very poor,the unfortunate and the criminal elements of the city's population. This has always been the common course, and it is to be expected that it always will be. The patronizing advice that has been bestowed upon the poor and unfortunate must long since have brought about regenera tion of society, had not the advice been mostly worthless. Is it not strange that self-elected sociologists should always assume that there is nothing to be learned except in the lower strata of society and nothing to be remedied in the higher ranks? He is a poor sort of sociologist who sees no vices and evil practices to be investigated and corrected among the rich, while he puts the poor, the unfortunate and the criminal into a common group and imposes upon them the impertinence of his inquiries and suggestions. Possible the choice of a realm to investigate and criticise is determin ed by a subconscious realization of the fact that only in places of the sort which these students have visit ing would be regarded otherwise than as impertinent and intrusive. The errors that sociology are to remedy are not confined to the lives of the poor and the unfortunate. The true student of sociology does not go about with many companions Cuts Teeth at OS. Windham Centre, Me., May 12 William Sposede, the oldest resident of Windham, obseived his ninety hfth birthday today, and surprised his friends by announcing that he was cutting a new set of teeth. Unc!e William lost his grinders many years ago and since that time ha3 been compelled to "gum" his food. A few weeks ago Uncle William says bis gums began tofeel sore and from tne wmte spots mat snow he is sure that he will soon have a new set of teeth. He has consulted a physician about the sprouting teeth and wants. if possible, to hurry their growth. Gorman Critically 111. Washington, May 9. Senator Ar thur P. Gorman, of Maryland, is critically ill at his home in this city He has not been in his seat in the Senate chamber for many months. Within the last few days he had a severe sinking spell and his life was despaired of. His sickness began several months ago with an attack of the grip, with every indication that it would culmi nate in pneumonia, but this was averted and now, it is learned, he is suffering from a complication of ail ments which give no promise of his recovery. Special Kates to Charlotte, N. C. Via Southern Kailway. Account Grand Celebration Meck lenburg Declaration of Independence Charlotte, N. C, the Southern Rail way will sell reduced rate tickets from all points in North Carolina, also Seneca, Anderson, Greenwood, Columbia, S. C, and intermediate points, to Charlotte, at rate of one first class fare plus 25 cents for the round trip. Tickets will be sold Mav 19-24 in- under the guidance of a professor,but elusive, final limit May 26 th. 1 1 - I A J T I For detailed information apply to makes his observations quietly and modestly at times when his type do not know that they are under exami nation. And, above all, he does not fail to bote the tollies of the rich even more careltlly than the misfortunes of the poor, If I! t i 'Hio ?tof J .awn Grasses f r .iie Hou;h; specially pn.-pnjf.i to wi;h!iU;i;d our f-.n-uAis v.l to fcivo a rice frc: n i -.wu J. I bl voar roi'.ml. i. nearest Southern Railway Agent or address, T. E. Green, C. T. A. Raleigh, N. C. Notice! The Democratic County Executive Committee is hereby called to rw at the office of Aycock & Danie' Goldsboro, North Carolina on ' . t Aa-T TVTo-it 1QH 1Qfl 19 On T .. ' ... ... ' " 7. '.M. for tne caning oi tne.purpose of mngac- tionforthe townshinand'" . . - r; jountyuon TDUUUilDi CiUU tJL oui;il 1 1- as may come neiore r This the 8th day ARGUS BUREAU WALTER, N. C, May 15, 1906 miss ii,ma awiason went to your city last Thursday on a visit ; to her fri nd Miss Sudie Howell. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hood spent Saturday night and Sunday on a visit to relatives at Greenleaf. Miss Julia Gurley, of your city, spent Saturday night and Sunday here, the guest cf Dr. and Mrs. Will Crawford. Miss Erma Svvinson, who has been attending school at Caldwell Insti- MRS. DUKE APPEALS. L Former Wife of Millionaire To- bocco Man Wants Decree j of Divorce Set Aside. I Treuton, N. J May 10. Counsel : for Mrs. Lillian N. Duke, wife of James B. Duke, the millionaiie to bacco man, to Jay filed au appeal from the recent dicision ol Vice Chancellor Pitney grautiug the hus band a decree of divorce. When the case was finished in Newark a few days airo the vico chancellor scored Mrs. Duke and the co-respondent, Major JJuntoon, and laid particular stress on the fact that they bth fail ed to appear in c urt after the open ing day of the trial. He said that half of the evidence taken could be eliminated and there would still be! plenty to warrant him in granting a d- cree of d i vorce. j A Modern Miracle. "Truly miraculous seemed the re covery of Mrs. Mollie Holt of this place,' : writes J. O. R. Hooper, Woodford, Tenn., "she was so wasU ed by cous;hurig up puss from hir lungs. Doctors declared her end 30 near that her family had watched by her bed-side forty-eight hours; wbea, at my urgent request Dr.Kings New Discovery was given her, with aston ishing result that improvement b--tfuii, and coatituied, and uutil she finally completely recovered, aud iu a healthy woman to day."Guaraa U'cd cure for cough an i colds, 50c a id $1.00 at J. II lilt & Son. lirug gist. Trial b .tile fren. Real Estate. 250 acres land 175 " " 360 " 14 43 " " 800 44 44 37 44 44 6 44 44 n lute, at Lemon Springs, N. C, turned home Saturday, where many youug friends are glad to her. re-her There is more Catarrh in this soo- tionofuhtt couatry .uuu ail other see disoajo j pub toother, aul uatil tno j last le h years was suppjsui to be (incurable. X or a great uiauy years doctors proa juacbd ita loo n disease which convenes at Ebernezer next and prebonbo t locai rtf-neiies, and by constantly f-tUiu to euro witti local treaiuitnt, pronouuejd it in- Life Cut Out of Youug Cotton in Many Places. Around Cum berland, Maryland, Snow Has Fallen .for Four Days. Columbia, S. C, May 10. Ad vices from Spartanburg and Saluda counties in upper South Carolina, show that heavy frosts fell last night in the northern section of the State. Coneiderable damage has been done to young cotton and replanting will be necessary. Farmers are sending orders for seed for replanting. Nashville, Tenn., May 10. A spe cial from Bristol says: Jboliowmg the snow fall of yester day a blighting frost covered east Tennessee aud Western Virginia, eariyiouay. i is ieareu IruU is seriously damaged. Birmingham, Ala., May 10. A special from Decatur, Ala., says an other heavy frost fell last night iu the lenuessee river valley and that this frost and the one on Tuesday night have killed ail the cotton that was up in that stcdon of the State. In some piaces tne entire crop will have to be re-planted. Cumberland, Md., May 19. Snow ennt inuwl 1 1 full Iiqi-q this .wivvt ; .v- making the fourth day of snow in this locality. Itedueed Kates A. & N. C. The Atlantic & North Caroliua Company have authorized reduced round trip rates as follows: Summer School of the South. Knoxville, Tenn., June 19th-July 27, 1906, from LaGrange $14.90; Kin- ston $15.30; Dover $15.60j Newberr $16.35; Newport $18.20; Morehead City $17.55; Beaufort $17.80. Home Coming Week for Kentuok- ians, Louisville, Ky., June 13-17t, 1906, From LaGrange $20.95; Kin - ston, $21:35; Djver $21:65; Newbern $22:40; Newport $23:25: Morehead City $23.6!); Beaufort $23.85. Summer School at Wrightsville. N. C, June 15-21, 1906. From La Grange via Goldsboro $3.45: Kinston via Goldsboro $3 85; Dover via New bern, $3.90, via Goldsboro $4.15; Newborn via Goldsboro $5 00; New port via Newbern $ J.90, via G olds boro $5 75; Morehead City via New bern $1.30. via GoldstVirfi ft 10? Beaufort via Newbern $4.55, (Golds boro $6.35. Tickets to bn sold June 14th, 15th and 16th fial limit June 25h, 1906. North Carolina M Summer School, Raleigh, N. a Juae 16-July 6th, 1906. DeCOratK . Tar morharn MrtV 30. 1906. ' " ' Saturday the 19th, will be largely attended if the weather is favorable. An interesting program has been ar ranged, and we bespeak for those who attend a day of pleasant and profitable enjoyment. Mrs. Jno. R. Smith of your city, spent several days last week at Oak Glen, and while here, was under treatment for chills which have some what impaired her health, we regret to know. However, she is better, and we trust she may soon b? fully restored. The cotton around here is giving our farmers much concern. A great part of it has not comn up, and what has come up is dying, and taken al together, it realy looks as if a Higher Power is playing a hand in decreas ing acreage and production. The prospects are gloomy for anything like a crop, aud many are plowing up and. planting over agai", and with Bcarcity of seed and want of fain no doubt some will be replaced with corn. The ceoDle around Kbernezer jra e a dinner last Saturday to Capt. Luc and his force, in anDrec.ation of iik excellent work done in that com munity. Capt. Lucas has straight ened the road from Mr. W. F. Ruses to Mr. Beverly Sasssrs. makinsr the most marked improvement of any work, done in our community. The road heretofore was about like the capital letter S, and while not only shortening the distance considerably, has greatly improved the looks of adjacent property. The day for "earnest solicitation of many friends" is at hand, aud soon the voice of the candidate will be heard in the land. We have no politicalaspirations. Not only real izing our incompetency, but as Toby says, he had rather be a sore place on a dog's back, we had rathe be two plsces, and on a yaller dog at that, than to run for any office. But from the announcement column of the pa pers it would seem that the day for the office to seek the man had been relegated to the past. Bat we sup pose this is mare modern, and up-to date. The operation ior appendicitis seems to be growing in public favor, and ere long a healthy appendix, in tact, will be at a premium. Like gout, it may become fashionable, and in after years bo one of the ne cessary requisites to pass the hoard of public opinion in gaining access to either social life or commercal com petition. However, the operation for the removal of the appending .uember, will have its objections fium the fact, that in removing the appendix, while it m-ay be, often, bi'illiant and highly Buecessfu1, per se. it is sometimes aoue at tau ex- ps. ase, and complete demolitition of the- entire remaining: volume, as a consequence of numerous compile - tioi is which often.brin about result's, too. decidedly disadvantages to cau se a leeling of absolute security. Scabies is more desirable, a good scratch more enjoyable, and decided ly lower mortality. curiio.o jaoijuju nas provau c.carru to be a conbi.iutiiu ti u.doiSu aai therefore inquires coastitutiouat treatment. Hvi's Catarrh Care, manufactured uy F. J, Carney & Co., ToioJo, uhiO, is tae only con stitutional cure ua tubuiirkel ii is taken intern ihy in d jes from 10 drops to a teuofooutat. it acts di rectly on lui o.o jA aud mucous sur faceoof to-i sjateui iiiay offer one hundred uiiars for any case it fails to cure. Send or circa tars and tes timonial. Address F. J. CHENKY& Oo. Toledo, O, The trubts are beginning to go, the paper trust leading the way. .Beats TjUo Music Cure "To keep the body in tune," writes Mrs. Mary Brown, 20 Lafayette Place. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. "I take Dr. King's New .Life Pills. They are the most reliable and pleasent laxative I have found." Best for the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Guaran teed by J. H. Hill & Son druggists. 25c. When the trusts are abolished the millennial will beju-it arounl the corner. jet is in how to V; t. f ialled free on rati uect. for eu;c.;:- Va-ctnlj'.pa an.) i'lojis. Oi!" Ooserip'.; 2 Cc I c ;.- v -.' ain; -,hr ? j . I aci.L. Ma . . Ii-f V, r. a-.... zi,m Ric: SMor:a. v Jfrfni wa'U the sweets irift : Molons unl Contal; t;;, jr, v. r: Wood's Soutliern-tr... i , Descriptive CaV : , '' e about the best lti!:.. to r i.t t Chairmar H. B. Parkf of May,1906. . jj A.DANIEIiS, Co. Dem. Ex. Cum. Mt Jr., Sec'y. Gever in carry, ea? Gulling j Early 7 pills p hear anr- Buy a Go Cart Waddell Fur. Go. from A .arews & the way, no trouble to y to take, pleasant and a results are De Witt's Littlp tisers. These famous little .re a certain guaiantee againts .ache, biliousness, torpid liver i all of the pills resulting from nstiyatior. They tonic and streng n the liver. Sold by McKay Pharmacy. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tfe Kind You Have Always Bough! Ane Atlantic & North' Carolina Comr jany have authorized reduced rOU j .atos rn nartifinato nlnn at Alows: Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias Greensboro, N. C, June 12th-15th, 1906. Grand Chapter Order of the East ern Star. Greensboro, N. C, June 6-9, 1906. North Carolina Dental Society, High Point, N. C, June 18-23, 1906 Also the following reduced rates to Asheville N. C, account Annual Conference Young People's Mission ary Movement, Asheville, N. C, June 29th-July 8, 1906. From La Grange $11.15; Kinston 11.55; Dover 11 85; Newbern 12.60; Newport 13.45; Morehead City 13.80; Beaufort 14.05 Grand Rally A. M. E Zion church at Dover. iN. C. May 20h, 1906. From Goldsboro 75c; Bests 55s; Fall injr Creek 35c: Kinston 20c: Caswell 10c; Cove 15c; Tuscarora 30c; New bern 50c;Croatan 75c; Newport 1 00; Morehead City 1.25; Beaufort 1.50, H. C. HudGins, General Passenger Agent. 15e9 B the Sigaamzt of 'NO CURE, NO PAY' A man could u a it t of good to people by stopping tiymgtouo them harm. May live lOO .Years. The cliaiii for living a full cen tury are ex ellent in the case of Mrs. Jeume 1ui can, of Haynesville, Me., I now 70 y old. She writes; "Elec. ; trie iiuiers cure 1 iu '. of Chronic I DyHpep-i.t of 20 years standing, aud made me fetl as well and strong a4 a young tin." Electric Bitters cure Stomach and Liver diseases, Blood dinjrders, Geueral Debility and bod ily weakness. Hold on a guarantee al J. H. Hill & Htm dru' store. Price only oOc. - An awful easy way not to In able to spend aDy of your money is to have a family. Halt the World Wonders. how the other half lives. Those who use Back leu's Arnica Salve never wonder if it will cure Cuts, Wounds Burns, S rea aud all Skin eruption-; they kuow it will. Mrs. Grant Shy, 1130 E. Reynolds St., Springfield, ill , Says: ! regard it one of the absolute necessities of housekeep ing.' Guarantee! by J. H. Hill & Son druggists. 25c. Somebody co lid make a lot of money by reviving "Pjnafore" next winter. Real Estate. Although I have sold a large part of the real estate I ad vertised, I have for sale for u. Hi. ormtii A. J. Overman, Jr A. J. Overman J. II. Green near Genoa at Wilaon Mill. N. O. Y H. Bdgnrtoa, Greenleaf Gwc'otowu 15 vacant lots at Georgetown Mr. Kit Holt's 2 brick: stores, vVjs . J satrj st, M . George outno land's ! a and h uie an I tots ou HJttn -it, L. II. Oarr, nouse an I lot ou Daisy t, Mitth jvv Woo ' tr-l's li i- t New town. Actne Plant, 2 v.i; tnt lot- ioa- H iliuss ou uvii. several other hou:os i id I ts a i I va ; n I is f -1! . II- ' f I il sales, $422,000 aud not a bad title yt. AIsli iter cf I i-jes and Farms. ED. L. EDMUNDSON, PhouesGSU hy ntUc hour-; 12 to 2 The gums and resins obtained from pine trees have long been rec ognized as highly beneficial in the treatment of backache, kidney and bladder troubles. Piut-ules is the name of a new medicine, the prin cip'e ingredients of which come from the pine forests of our owu native and. S M by Htgins Drug Co. The Cz ir opened the douma and escaped alive. A dose of Piue-ules at bed time will usually relieve backache, iefore morning. T'hebe beautiful little glob ules are soft gelatine oated at d when moisten- d an-1 placed in the mouth you can't keep from swallow intr them. Piue-ules contain neither sugar nor alcohol just gums and re sins obtained from our own ua'ive pine forests, combined with other well known bladder, kidney, blood and backache remedies. Sold by Higgins Drug Co. It is rumored that Taft and Root left the big stick in Panama. The salve that heals without a scar is De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. No remedy effects such speedy relief. It draws outinflammation, soothe, cools and heals all cuts, burn and bruises. A sure cure tor Puetj and skin diseases. Da Witt's is the ouly trenuiue Witch Hazel Salve. Be ware of couterfeita, they are danger ous. Sold by McKay Pharmacy. The fatted julep will be prepared for home-coming Kentuckians. ays Bouht SATISFACTION. It is always a source of satisfaction to know of a remedy that can always be relied on in emergencies and when accidents occur, such a remedy is Elliott' Emulsified Oil Liniment It is the most serviceable Acciden and Emergency Liniment ever pro duced, and is just as satisfacory in at cases where a Liniment is required. h or sale hv Palace Drug Store. . It is a cold day when Atlanta does not hold an exposition rally. For suburu, tetter and all skin and scalp diseases. De Witt's Witch Hazel salve nas uo euuat. it is a certain cure for tlin, bleeding, itch ing and protruding piles. It will draw the fire out of a burn and heal with out leaving a scar. Boils, old sores, carbuncles, etc., are quicklcy cured by the use of the genuine De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Accept uo substitute as thuy are often dan gerous and uncertain. Sold by Mac- Kay Pharamacist Bean the JgBtHM The Kind You Have Always BougjE When the hby talks, it is time to give Hollistea-s' Rocky Mouutain Tea. It's the greatest baby medicine known to loving mothers. It makes them eat, slfiep and grow. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask your druggist How J. U. Hill & Son Sell Hyo- mei, the Guaranteed Cure For Catarrh. J. H. Hill & Son have an unus'ial offer to make to our readers, one that will be of the greatest value to many. For some years J. H. Hill & Son has been watching the results from the use of Hyomei, a treatment for catarrh that cures by breathing med ieated air, absolutely without any stomach dosing. The results have been so universally successful that they fesl justified in making a pub lic offer to treat the worst case of ca tarrh in Goldsboro with the under standing that if Hyomei does not cure, the treatment will cost abso- lutely nothing. The regular Hyomei outfit costs only one dollar, and consists ot a neat pocket inhaler that can ba carried in the purse or vest-pocket, a medicine droDDer. and a bottle of Hyomei. If KM. t this is not enough for a cure, extra bottles of Hyomei can be obtained for 50 cents. J. H. Hill & Sib positively guar antee a cure, if Hyomei is used in accordance with directions, or they will refund the money. Dry Pine """ye Wood split ready fior cook st(fV'tfrom Griffin's Wood Yard7IWu'T7. A woman has an awful time cry. ing because she isn't having one. The tar that is contained in Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar is harmless. It is not coal tar, but is obtained from the pine tree of our own native forests. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar is the best remedy for colds be cause it acts on the bowels thus ex pelling all colds from the system. Bee's is the original Laxative Honey and Tar, and is best for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, lung and bronchial affections. Sold by Hig gins Drug Co. A girl would be twice as pretty if you told her so. The pills that act as a tonic, and not as a drastic pnrge, are De Witt's Little Early Risers. Thoy cure Head ache, Constipation, Biliousness Jaun dice, etc. Early Risers are small and easy to take and easy act. Sold by ALacKay Pharmacy. Single blessedness better than twins. is considered HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Saiy Medlolne for Buy People. Brlngi Golden Eetlth and Eenewed Vigor. K. swolflc for ConstlDatlon. Indleestion. Live) and Kldaey Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Inmure Blood, Bad Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Headache and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tab let form, 8S cents a box. Oenulne made by Hollistir Dhco Company, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUQGET8 FOR SALLOW PEOPLE For Sale at Higgins Drug Oo. Snow in fell in Marylaud when Mr Fairbanks was suddently detained near by. AOuarauieeU Cure For Piles. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro tiudiug Piles. Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT faite to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in 6 to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 50c If your druggist hasn't it send 50c in stamps and it will be forwarded jMWt-paid by Paris Medicine (Jo., St Louis. Mo. When nv si people talk they waste a lot of vaiuable tune in giving un necessary d-tails. JS rJ jft x jk. Beara the le K'nd You ,,av6 Alwa)fs The average man is willing to for- give an enemy after he gets square with him. After a hearty meal a dose of Ko- dol Dyspeps a Cure will prevent an attack of IiKiigustion. Kodol is thoreujh dies:a.nd and a guaranteed cure for indigestion, Dyspepsia, Ga8 on thesuiiuach, Weak Heart, Siui Kisiiigs,K,td Breat h and all bluiuach troubles Sold by MacKay Pharm acy. "Ask f-r the 1906 K 1 1 A Almanac and 200 Year Calendar." M tet men would have a lot of moupy by letting others do all the gp cula'ing. Salv ! Salve! S:read the Salve, but let it be Pine Si! ve, natures rem edy for cuts, burns, sores, etc. Sold by Higtius Drug Co. There's no rest for the man who does everything his wife tells him to do. For headache, cjn-t'pation, etc., Dade's Little Liver Pills are best They cleanse and tonic the liver. Sold by Higgins Drug Co. If a man's "out of his head" he is apt to put his foot in it. It is not difficult to relieve blind. bleeding, itchiug or protuding piles with Maniao, the great pile remedy. It is put up iu collapsable tubes with nozzle, and may be introduced and applied at the seat of the trouble. Stops pain instantly. Sold by Hig gins drug Co. The girl behind the glove counter knows h )w to handle kids. A liquid cold cure for children that is pleasant, harmless, and effec tive is Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. Suparior to all other cough sy rups or cold remedies because it act ou the bowels. An ideal remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whoop ing Cough and all curable lungs and bronchial affections in chi'dor adult. Pleasant to take. Sold by Higgins Drug Co. For bloating, belchimr, indiges tion, etc., eat a King's Dyspepsia Tablet after meaK Drug Co. Sold by Higgins CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of BO RATED TOILET TALCUM POWDER VIOLL5T Purifies. Softens. Swseteiis and Pre serves the Skin. Delicate and Perva sive. Odor of fresh Violets. Call for free sample. THE V5RY BEST TVLCU A Vl0 3 Siy oily by M. Robinson d Jros'. Chemists and Drug W i i vitr Street. NEW STORE. NEW GOODS". You will find at our New Stor on Walnut Strer t, Fresh Country ProducH, stih as Egg-, llatn-, Chic kens, Bacon and Country L ml. Groceries. Groceries. Groceries. Also fine canned goads, su jh as Qtien Toui ities, Pocahontas Garden Peas, Corn aud M idie Syrup. Fin? Worcetershir i r5 uij", Pe er, Ctt-uip au l Ileiuz's Pickles. V h ive ti l it u ri ., Apnlns, Fig-, Changes, Ma'agi O rapes, aul fine Caddies, Cakee, Crackers and mjst anyflr ng yo i want. Denning & Summerlin, Phone No. 25. Prompt Delivery. Highest Pri e Paid For G-mntry Pro?uc. Drink Seven Springs Mineral Water. OUR58 INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, and all STOMACH TROUBLES. : : : : Specific for LIVER and KIDNEY Complaints. The undersigned has made arrangements to deliver the Seven Springs Mineral Water fresh, daily, at 15 cents per gal lon. We are the only authorized Agents for these waters in this city. Don't wait, but give us vour order to day, right now. Respectfully yours, Phone No. 708, Arlington Hotel. R- b. BEUL Goldsboro Savings and Trust So. -PAYS- Interest at Rate of 4 per cent, per annum. Interest paid every three month. We nre independent when eavimr h part of our turnings. We are sure to be rich if we continue the pini-tice. Begin at once by opening an Recount with the Cidaboro Savings ani Trust Co. DIRECTORS : I. F. DOKr!H, B. II. GRIFFIN, J. S. CliA WFOttD, ED. EDMUNDSON, W. T. YEL.VER3N, W. H. COBB, GEO. '. IV )Y A. Li Li, GEO. O. B. MILLER, L,. WKiL, M. J. BEST, A. NORWOOD. Single Comb Brown Leghorns EXCLUSIVELY. Eggs from Pen containing first prize winners at N. C. State Fair 1905. At $1 OO Per Fifteen. Good Stock for Sale Cheap. White Oak Poultry Yards. EAST DURHAM, N. C. R. A. Watts RELIABLE JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER. Complete and up-to-date stock of all goods to be found in a First Class Jewelry Store. Prices honest and satisfaction assured. West Centre Street. Goldsboro. N C "Windsor Hotel, 1217-29 Filbert St., Phila., Pa. Three minutes from Broad St. Station, two minutes from Reading Terminal. American plan from $2 to $3.60 per day, European plan from $1 to $2.00 per day. Frank M. Scheibley, Mgr." Dlt. JbC. C. V1TOU DENTIST Painless Extractions. OverGiddens' Jewelry Store. Goldsboro, N. C. Buy matting and rugs of Andrews A WaddeU. i HOUSE FOR RENT: 7 room resi dence on Spruce street Eat,near my own residence. Highland healthy and in good order. Possession given at once. J. C. Easop, English Spavin JLiiniment remoTs all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney. Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War ranted the most wonderful Blemish dure ever known. Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bro druggists, Golds boro. N. O. Clodol Dyspepsia Cure C2gsta what a BUSI NESS LOCALS. Stove wood split by steam power at Griffin'd Wood Yard. Phone 47. He groaned from Indigestion, Dyspepsia made him wince, But he luckily took more Ropinson's Pills And has-'not suffered since. Why certainly we will tell you his name. Ask us when you come 'or a botLle of pills only 10c. His headache came from billiousness Specks before his eyes did quiver; He got wie and took some Robin son Pills To act upon his Liver. WhatI Why of course they did. He is all right now: Yes. 10c a bot tle at Robinson's Drug Store. LOST 15 year service medal, some where on streets. Suitable reward will be paid for return to Metropoli tan Insurance office. When your blues are as blue as In digo When your skin is saffron stained, You will have to take some Rob inson's pills Before your health's regained. Sure they're cheap enough, oiuy 10c, at Robinson's Drug Store. Have just put in a steam wwd splitter and will deliver stove wool split ready for cook stove withou. extra charge. W. H. Griffin. Pondoroses Tomato Plants at J. D. Daniels, 25c. for 25. Limited quantity. Place your orders early. AGENTS WANTED Only of- fical San Francisco Disaster Book. $4 50.600 pages. Illustrations. 60 per cent Freight paid. Credit. Pre miums. Outfit free. Percival Supply Co., Phila., Pa. 8100 Dr. EL -Detchon't Anti- Diuretic may be worth to you mora than 2100 if you have a child who soils bedding from incontinence of water during sleep. Cores eld and young alike. It arreits the trouble at ones. i. ooia dj u,. jsu JMMa.

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