1 LOCAL BRIEFS. Items of Interest la and Around the City. Miss Nannie Dail, a popular young Baleslady in the 6tore of D. W.. Cobb & Co.. is confined to her home with fever, her young friends will regret to learn. The bottom has dropped out of the bean market, and as a result some of oar local buyers have lost very heavy the'last few days on car load ship ments. ' - The little 18 months old son of Mrs. E. W. Harris, was badly burned about the face yesterday morning with carbolic acid.iwhich the little fellow secured from a closet. We eee from the Greene county papers thatCapt. Swift Galloway s -. a candidate for the house of represen tatives. The people of Greene w- uvl make no mistake in electing him. A handsome lot of "pressed brick, to be used in the front of th. Odd Feilows building has just arriv ed, and Mr. Godwin desires us to state, for the benefit of questioners, that they were made in Washington, D. C. Our tax listers say they did no: know there were bo insny poor pec -pie in Goldsboro. Prom the num ber that are listing taxes it would seem that the County Com -oiioiier-will have to take steps to enlarge the county home. There will ba a temperance moot ing of Woodland C. E. S'-ciety, at Woodland church, Sunday, June 17th, at i3 o'clock. Rev. W. P. Con stable, of St. John church, will de liver an address. Everybody cor dially invited. Our young friend and townsman Mr. Doyle B. Privett with this issue becomes an annual advertiser in the Argus. He shows tine business sagacity at the very beginning of his career, which we hope may prove long and eminently successful. Fussell Bros, the well known ex cursion managers, of B. se Hill, N. C, will run their first excursion of the seison, from Mt. Oiive to Wil mington, Tuesday, June 26h. Round trip fare $1 00. Train will leave Mt. Olive on the morning of the 2oth. at 7:80 o'clock. ALMOST A CENTENARIAN Death of the -AseeMUe Dr. C ! i nglffarM r."T roCf. H. P. From Thursday's Daily. r Died, at the home of Uio only daugh ter, and only surviving child, Mrs. Ida C. Humphrey, in this city this morn ing at 12:30 o'clock, Dr. Henry Patilla taking out the f-heUs then be threw . J A -1 TTT : 1 .1 i t ii.i end 5 111 UOWI1. V UJ IlCli. fJlUlkCVl ill " leveling on bim tried to shoot, but of course the gun snapped. Duringthe melee, Warrick was struck over the head with a stick and several times iu the face, end vrttfnjaBicer.IIew, who had been-notified-by-phorre,- -ar rived on the scene, he was still rav- iug, and was covered wan Diooa whicv had run over his face, h'-ad and t hirtboaom.'aud he was afright- ful siht ts behold. He was given a ; Clingman, father of the late gifted heating this morning and bound over xixon Poindexter Clingman, aged SS to court in a $200 bond, whicn ne,veara two months and three days, could not give and was locked up. having been born on April -4," 181?, at ta..i r..-w..f t,50h. Va Huntsville, N. C, on the poetic afad opned up I Wholesale and Retail! W River, at the old homestead jAere Grocery business, in the store for merly occupied by the W. H. Win stead Insurance Company, where he will kepp at all times a complete line of groceries, bagging ana ties, J5YERS--HOIXOWELI. Homl rf. Beautifdl " This City Last Night At the lovely home of the bride ,.,f. 1U,. anil Mru VV Vt TTr.ll-. well,inth3 ciiy, last night at 8"hlock, a quiet but beautiful and impressive wedding was solemnized," in- the -.-4- A- NEW COUBT HOUSE. Wedding in : Chairman Herring of the Board of .County Coiiwuissttrners B'sl 'cement, laths, plaster, etc., and will liii piejirea to meet couipeuuon m everything carried m etocK. ioe -,tore has recently been overhnuled .;cl repainted both inside ana out iml presents an attractive apper- ;uh'C Mr. friveu opeueu uj iui bus-iness Tuesday morning, and he mil tii-4 nble corps ol clerks are now rjusy unpacking and displaying r i?s W. bespeak for him a liberal share of public patronage, and wish tuiu the shiuh tsucettful .business arejr a- was enjoyed by his father, i he late Mr. B. M. Privelt. .1. M. his ancestors for generations haa re sided. Dr. Clingman was a lineal descend ant of Henry, Patilla, D. D., M. D., whe was a Scotch Presbyterian, chairman and chaplain of the first Colonial Con gress, that met in Halifax, N. C, m 1775, and was the founder of the Pies byterian Church in North man noted for his eminent triotism and learning. Dr. Clingman graduated from Jef erson Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1x42, with leading honors, and while a student there was held in such dis tinction by Dr Benj. Rush, of the fac ulty of that institution that when matters of controversy arose in his class he invariably ruled with Cling man, until it got to ue provei oiai oiuis Makes Some Feasible and Pertinent Suggestions. Editor Argus: Several years ago the citizens of the county, and ilfS FROM WALTER. JJiULlIilED.- . . .-. - Chronicling of a Week's" Events in EAILS TO ItESP.OND AS "WIT j That Thriving Neigh borhood. , ARGUS BUREAU WALTER, N. C. June 13, 1906. . esDeciallv the eountv officers, saw nfcttunra fif Q f.H i t 1 I .lo fcfcTirl . inTriia .. . - ... - r'"-thar& "larger and better jail was courtene of the lair prta&a jmme-1 Mao- tUa ri.,i i- I .uvau. FCM each term ot court, seeing the same city, were here Sunday visiting rela te uuatuug necessity, recommended that it be nauie ys. nwuwou, wuu la -u uui- en,ar,pd flt onea The Chmmisslon ver.ally admired by all who know er , proceeded to build oneof thebest, ner.ior ner weauiy oi perwyu u . jf not the very bet prisons in East- Tiie sn.iden death of M1 vl'lliU iii, wifmW'fcjocJionuj. in, f the Suuiht-ru ya d, ! this .i(y, required at their tioine ot) the ;orner . f vVilliumund Il-e; ii stret t-, rhi-i luo il tig a tew icuuutes l efor-'ll .'c'.uck.- Slie had ja-t kimi d h tin n the .-dove anti wa?i pre; rin to ok dinner, when ehe coi.iitin d oo!i ot ;ho little child-en " ieciinyr uniisuilly Had. She frd aef"-s th 'oot ef tii.' r ed and o:w- of the ;hil iren ru-hi:d out n-' sutum Mied sev eral nM;hb-irr, -Ah ititsteiud to her side, ju-tt !t tiui" lo ,-ee her breath tier Ja-t. Mrs. Miilikin was 82 years of a-e, and leaves, beside a de voted and tieari-br( ken In-hand, live small children, the oldest 10 an 1 the yi.ange-t two years t age. i ne re maim will be taktn to Itii.dlenian, heir old home, to-morrow morning for interment. sterling worth, and Mr. Howard 8 Byers, a popular and prosperous young wholesale merchant of Har risonburg, Vt!. I The happy event had been pre ceded, on the evening previous, by a Carolina, ahospilable rtcpti-u to tl br.d! t piety, Pa-party which was an occasion of e Ulal eiHCliaiiiuit'ui nuu i-i ) m in ui, leading up to !st nigiii'' mystic linkintr t itjether or aye "two sul with buta single thoughl, twohrarl- that beat as one." The sp' tious north parlor ot tlif home was transformed by loving hands into a bower of brau'y for the college career that "Clingman's decis-1 sacred ceremonial, and here, within Alii ii- I lon should pass," and when his gradua-1 an arching alcove of greening plants, ern North Carolina, and by prudent minagement of the county finances it was built without any extra tax being levied and collected for that purpose. Now th'2 Grand Jiiry is, at every court, r commend intr tho n'arge meut of the Court House and im- Mr and Mrs. Harry Crum of your tivf s t ' t: vi?ca IN OK APT TKIAL. CATAKRU A GERM DISEASE Mr. Will Yelverton, of Fremont, spent Sunday with his father, Mr. nr..-. W.l ..nstsxr. -"v.x. Bent toChie i-. Mr. Hugh Edwards is at hoite y., to seeur.- t !i from Trinity, where his many friends Fitf-t As Wnai are greeting bim cordially. Mr. acd Mrs, Breathe Air Medicated by Hyo mei and Kill the Germs. Now that physicians and scientists universally agree that calarrh ia a germ msease, the reason for the fail ure of dosii.tr seen. Prior to the discovery of Uyomei, a treatment which cures catarrh by filling the air you breathe with germ killing and healing medication, sta tistics showed that at least ninety Washington, Jum 8. Subpoenas rov. ii "it of every hundred persons Cancelling Machine Swindle in", Postoflice Department Still Being In vestigated Beavers, Now iu Prison, Cot ltake-oh of $25 Each on Second Batch Ordered The Testimony Today. the old-fashioned stomach in this trouble is readily mil f- p:s is;ous!er o Vtihaiia, N. i ii-. ;; rr.i e ot fonncr trr' i Get. eial Wrieht Lvneh were in IM11- (rMnitmnTtv nnu .1. it !.ol - J ' VTrer'Il visiting Mr; ami Mrs. "Win. Soth. j jPurry H. ilt-ath a-i a witutfwi at th vnr. trial ' f fi-ruicr .Stista iSoator Ueare ' :aU of Nhw York, ad W. l.'thr. bii-i-. Mi-s ALiv Yt lvortf n returned to ;iu tier brotaer Vi The white man J. B. Faulkner, who was bound over to court yester day morning for retailing, but who subsequently gave band for his ap pearance, was delivered up to the authorities this morning by his bondsmau, Dr. W. S. Walker, and was placed behind the bais. The regular annual meeting of the North Carolina State Board of Den tal Examiners for the examination ofappliciuts will be held in High Point June 18, 19 and 20. The thirty second annual meeting of the North Carolina Dontal Society will be held in High Point, Jun 20 to 23. The remains of Mrs. M. Pearson, who was thrown from a buggy in Kinston Friday, as reported in Sat urday's Argus, and whodied in con sequence, were brought to this city yesterday, accompanied by her hus band, and interred in the Hebrew section of Willow Dale Cemetery, Rabbi Meyerberg officiating. Rev. J. Waldo Woody, a Friends' minister, will hold services at the Holiness church under the auspices of Contnei Quarterly meeting of the Society, of Friends, at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. each Sunday for the next two months, the friends having rented the church for that length of time. The Friends of this quarter and the public in general are cordially invited. In Mr. C. F. Herring's timely article in yesterday afternoon's Argus, in reference to a new court house, where it is stated that 'a I cent per hundred on $7,586, 494" should have read, "1 cent per hun dred on $9,314, 908, and where it is otated that "the interest on the bonds would be $120.00," should have been "$1,200.00." Albert G randy, ODlored, who was brought here Saturday night from Kinston and placed in jail, had $7 stolen from him by another prisoner Sunday night. He reported the mat ter to Sheriff Stevens, who had offi cers Joe Warrick and Henry Grady institute a search for the stolen money. After a search of about an hour when they were about to give up in despair, Mr. Grady .found the money a five dollar bill and two sil ver dollars in the heading of a cot. Mr. J. M. Wood, who besides be in? a good farmer and all round good fellow is one of the most delicately thoughtful and generously consid erate of men. In appreciation of their always cheerful and efficient service ' he treated the young ladies of the telephone exchange to some luscious ripe peaches to-day, from his own orchard and the first of the season. The Argus is the abiding friend of the young ladies of the tel ephone exchange, and we are glad they are so deservingly appreciated by Mr. Wood and were so generous ly remembered by him. An alarm of fire was turned in this morning about 4:30 o'ch ck, which wis promptly responded to by our matchless fare department, upon in vestisration the fare was round to De ui South George street, in the Lrttle Washington section, and was unuer full headway when the firemen ar rived on the scene, consequently iIipv were oowerless to save the !--uiidioe a two story structure, whieh wa entirely consumed, leav ink- nothing but the hul. An ad- joking nou-;e oeiousmg v 11 worn in ny the name oi rsora lavia aUo caught ou fire, and the firemen did some heroic work in saving this is wen a-j omer. aojace.o, pimmi). Tie building burned belonged to a o ilortd woman by the name of Mat- .r-ct--, vvhosa home is in i'ayette yjlle, and her loss is estimated at about $50 , with no insurance. The r.egro fugitive, Paul Johnson, who murdered Henry Miller, in the Liittle Washington section !j?st Mon day night, and who up to this time has suceesstuuy levaaeu arrest, was seen by several parties, in the north ern part of the city yesterday alter noon, near Mr. J. M. Grantham's late residence. He had on a clean white shirt, with his coat on his arm, ind was walking leisurely along. He was going in the direction oi tne old fair grounds, where he is thought to be cam nine, and was soon out of s'srht. Officers were at once notified and a p isse of armed citizens joined them and a general search was iDsti tuttd. An old tenant house, just back of the Widow Davis' farm, where he is said to have been keep ing himself, was surrounded by the posse, aod enter d, but he was not tr-ere.They then searched the country r, and about but failed to find him, re- turniris: from the chase none the bet tur oil. Johnson, so it is reported, -tays there is a colored woman about 'own that he proposes to kui anu then he is going to leave these parts flis coming into town yesterday af ternoon was a bold and cienaat act tion came off he was immediately ten dered the chair of anatomy of his alma mater, which honor the young doctor declined, being averse to the environ ment of city life, loving nature and humanity, and desiring to spend his life in the associations and enjoyment ot" the former and devote his profes sional skill in the alleviation of the ail ments and sufferings of the latter; and -so devoted was he to his profes sion that he ever kept abreast of its progress and was conversant with its latest achievements, even to the pur pling twilight and into the gloaming of his long and eventful life, his splen did physique and mental prowess maintaining themselves with marvel ous alertness to the very end. Dr. Clingman was a double first cousin of the late renowned Senator and General, Thomas . Lanier Cling man, their mothers, the Misses Poin dexter, being sisters, and their fath ers being brothers. He was a veteran of two Indian wars the Seminole and the Cherokee and was of the military visr trailing vines aud nodding flowers and shimmering lightj,the officiating minis'er, Rev. F. W. Farries, of the Presbyterian church, sooke the sol emn marriaee eervice, me nrniai couple standing under a fl .wer-be- iecked wedding bell, and gracefully tnd reverently kneenug upon a white cushioned elevation lor the prayer and blessing. Tne bridal attendAuts were Miss Sdlie Hollowell, sister of the bride, Maid of Honor, gowned in white net over green taneta: i?irst iia;a, ivuss Katheryn Johnson, of Greensboro, with Mr. O. H. Salymau, of Greens- b ro. Second Maid, Miss hzabeth Parker, ot Newbern, with Mr. Chas, W. Byers, of Fort Defies n Va : Miss Mabel Stanley, of this itv, pre ceded the bride, who cam in with her Maid of Honor, and tit groom came in witn nis "oest li-.ui," nis urovine the Court House eciuare.aud ! thfi niiesH n to isms Mit is Low li.neh A 4"" icl mmiov HhrmM ln t-xituU-A An llniw'"re -s w for VtTol JyS Court House building, and how should the money b3 raised, and will the tax payers approve of wu-h? In order that we may have- an ex-prt-fsi-jn of opiuiou on (his su'J 'ct, I submit the following figoros taken from last year's tax iist: Value, real aud pers mal property, Value rail road proper. y. Banks, Corporate excess, 7,580,494 70,160 Doionsus, mn''.-ni;i' the saleot s'aiup tan to the g.ivs r is' turned vii i u i.a v : Wiieu the tnai was Hcruei t J. Tru.'s- t Mr. David Fdgerton and Miss'si&.id w-hfn ioiri a Ophelia Carr an 1 Mr. Geo H se and day, took tho .-land iYX'ss .crnta nwinsun, Kiienueucnurcn relerem elo the ;.i at Nahuula Sunday, and were guests cauctllii g iiach'i of Mr. and Mrs. Millo d Aytock. $150 arid ..; sod ?2-", rov. 1 ii- the ii.-' fiontintrent that, conducted the Chero- kees to the Indian Nation. Returning I brother, Mr. Robert McC!u g Byers, to his native home, he pursued his I of Bedford City, Va, profession with eminent success fori The bride wore a lovely creation years, and was one of the early presi- liberty Bilk CVL.r white ta and UI KrLiXy XXJK;l.i3 V lllt iUtUlU.1 ur- An interesting and singular "blind tiger" case was tried before the Mayor thia morning. It seems that I. B. Faulkner had been playing the part of detective, assistiug ofiicer Tiiitrhiim in pat 1 l i .Ii i n cr -i nns tnf'fii-'iil thfir rhildrfin eiliiPAtional AG-A INST THE SOUTH. A Per Capita Tax That Means Hostility to the Develop ment of this Section. The peuding immigration bill in Congress is sectional, because it is an as-ault upon the growth and devel opmut of the south. The cities aud section and interests that are gorged with immigrants propose to suit themselves rtgardless of the south, which sorely needs white labor, and particularly white farmers. Just when the south is in a way to get what it wants a proposition is made to exclude immigraats by ap plying at the ports au educational qualification and a headship tax of five dollars. Both are blows aimed at the south. 1 he edur-ational test will kep out mauy l!alians and oth;r south-of Eu- rope immigrants and it is particular ly unwise. They desire to come here i in anir to better their condition.and i at : s soon as they can do that they against a colored woman, by case ea me un for trial VrAuiw ?i-. iatl 'autage!5, only established her innocence and j Tlie longrand short of the matter was discharged, but proved conclu- jis, the congested north proposes to sivt-iy tuat rauiKner naa nimseU tilfJ Siil,th of the opportunities it 'LKreY'n.ur "'.!Jl;as had Lo the full limit of iis from a jug, and a warrant was issued against him, and he was tried and bound over to court in a one hun dred dollar bond. A white man by the name of Wil cap; city. T:e entire southern vote sh; ukl be lined up against tLe bill It metns that a white south is to be rendered impossible. It. means that a five-dollar head tax is more than liam Wanick, created quite a com- 'the development of the cotton indus motion over in Ldmundsontown vi s-T. ,uSu ; , terday afternoon, and as a result iir- 11 1" pxc1u310u. which is un his mane rs, the whole neighbor- - wise. It does not refer to the unde nood wts thrown into anintensestate sirab e at au, lor ctesiraoie lmmi- Of excitement. Warrick, who was f-ri-Ards from the south of Eurone often drinking, started l out by whipping ot read and K and f hia irna unri mrtrrtCkr in. air it fr out several neighbors, and in fut them cannot pay a five-dollar head wanted to whip everbjdv wih nx. When we invite a man to come Whom he cm me in contact, and when h. r- -t grow up with the country . :t. i i - w should no4 slap a (tix- of five dol- htio on hin-. 1' was not d m vhile the north nfed-i irninigrHn's. but f i'v wheii touth needs ;hem it i r.jfssed into a bill that t r f tens l ) uTf m la-v that wil! be in -de i.. uless every touiln in vote i iied against it. remonstrated with, secured i ree lop-'Hoe fchot gua and triedto kill his Wife's brother, and would have d e so but tor l he timely mterfer rce ot , . friend. He then tried to sh..ot ; other man, who took the gun aw.-.y ; from him and ran with it, with War rick in hot pursuit. Seeing he wa-: ai.out to be overtaken the man with the gun succeeded in breaking it and i dents ciety, carried a large shower b liquet of In his early manhood he married I bridesrose?, and her flowing veil was ... . ..... f Mrs. Emilv Maeee Nixon, of Louisi-1 elasi ad w ith a bt autitul or )Ocn oi ana, whose maiden home was in I pearls and diamonds, the gift of the Norristown, Pa., and to this union I rooirl) aud the bridesmaids were till ee euiiui ell weiu uuiu, iiieac uciug i . . . , r ,u; x- i t-,1 n .t i leownedin princtss drt s'ses of white his vnune- lifo in the Confederate serv-Sllk aEd carried wmie caraauons anu ice, being shot dead from his horse I ferns. while leading a brilliant charge around 1 The b jautifui galaxy of bridal Atlanta; the late Nixon P. Clingman, 1 Dre ent4 attracted the admiration of "l tm3 V XT UtlUfa"LC" all the assembl ge, and embraced In the earlv fifties, he immigrated substantial ana usemi articles, con with his family to Arkansas, making Listing of silver and cut class table the long journey in a wagon, and of service, china, carving and chafing this trip and his varied experiences midish table and toilet linen, tut; x-ixi vv xzssi,, in uitosiuiittiiv unu eta a nintippr rn 1 hnntfiTnan Yi& nlwnvs tnlk ed most Interestinelv. PP1 lho h&PW yun coa During the latter years of the late I pie among their many menus, near war his only daughter, who attended I and far. school at Salem, N. C, married the late Col. Lotte W. Humphrey and came to reside in this city, with whom, in their declining years, her parents made their home, her mother having Immediately after the ceremony the newly wedded and radiantly happy young people took the north bound train for Richmond; thence to died here in 1886, and lies buried in I the homo of the groom's parents in the family plot in Willow Dale Ceme-1 Fl,rt Defiance, where they will spend tery, and nere me interment oi ar. . v.,...,,,, ol ihpn or to I 'lino-man un 1 1 ra mftdn thci tnnoToI 1 v 4UjlllUU IT 111 tVi XIX VI V ) VUV J-UUV.t.(.X taking place from the home this evening at 6:30 o clock, conducted by Rev. T. H. S. Horsfield, rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal church, $9,314,908 Number polls 1 tst year 5,228. if you want to spend $M,G00.0d on the CouH House grounds, the ea-iiost Way to rais; the money would bo to issue bonds for that amount. Tne interest or-itiie bonds would be $120.00 per .year, and to provide f jr that aud for the sinking fund necessary, would lequire an extra tax ti be levied on the property and polls, and a very -iii pie calculation will show that a J c ui. per nunurea rate on sv.oso.rji 11 raise $1,399 24, and 4i cents. o i 5,228 polls will raise $235.36, mak- ; on both $1,032.50 probably a suf ut amount for th 3 interest on the ds and for asinkiag fund. And w may carry tnis calcuiatiou a little itier by way of illustration. If a maa lists for taxation $1,000.00 real ! personal property his tax at the . va ratio would be increased 15 n's on property and 4J c-nt. on p ii, maKiug nis total increase 19J -:t. per. year, or should you want to spend only $2 1,000.00 on CoTt House, theu oaly two-thirds of the above amount would be necessiy. I take it that the present or any succeeding Board of Commissioners will be governed by the wishes of the people iu taking up a matter of this kind, and I make the above state meats because it will be necess iry to spend considerable money in enlarg ing the vaults for the Clerk's and Register's offices, which are row en tirely too small, and so badly crowd ed that the papers and records can not be properly cared for, and are be ing damaged for lack of space and better ventilation. C. F. Hekbing. Mr. Inland Becton and tdster, Miss Lizzie, attendeel the recital given in your city Frid y night by Mis. Chas. I,4v6,311 :g!0, u ,,t,s claj, of which Master -0y Fl..d. little Mioses Marzaret and Mary Lewis S.isser, children ol Mr. and who-e progress in music hiis ln,rs been highly satinfact ry. I The wilu.M w;as 1 for the govei nmoid Just about liio tio e our trucners . . , jpavm-!)tt vi i?!:u . . , "'isai-.i ne -ouri u-; the -ottom ur.-UiXd o;:t ot Jho ma'-: , , m acuities were in Asked as to by th; D ie co.icern f said as n. s ti iy d ; hi.-, cji;: l of: llint-- n hires h:i .; n:'. re- y luv! sTV' i - r ti'oed to-d -ty v. Lo w;.s on the ij urned ye.strr il .- iai-1 i:l i: tixed for t 'to s, n iirsl bt.i::g hat the nrl well in ide. till' ID IM ; prill' paid u u;o j'iiny to an' th iv.r ; the . :;v ' bal.'i Tii d II' 7i-ro K!ftV-r'r!g fr.-iu mt" lorn; .a!i::e:U . n.ni please . s v '.)x .V; iOUr l!!'l'S . " ttlKtJiji,: ill. t ::::o lil.e : it:.:!: : wl.: rc tl : 1 1; oiiyi ) t: a small t v out lit i-f.c :-.y ll.- O'i.C! - , :;-!vIr:;' e t!.-t fou d l.' -!;. t' tcv -Is a: d ll' hug on :tn d liiir.i! A .i. . . i i es r he ii'-'i lit ' i : O- ci ti?in C.l is It., y s i ' e't.'tes. ho. giv and ;s-,tarday ilw.-j : uk m away. This cou'd lict . ki:.i t'c-ui! el llO-.V Ill.fV :"0-.l e !o !5cvo.--i. Ilk-, my Uow many . toi !'.: WitS lllO! C ni! 11- ' Misjdcto on ti' ui'sis b.il iu: v, hi! x'r t !oit's can " d ro t- 'Is. J 11 U' A -ve - i siieli roMinrkai-h" re- ui tu- u"( o! i;. in- i that ' it under o a''--- ium' ; uwr i il n cos:.s n -ihni i.o ' t : t r.dd Have Kidney Troublf and Don't K:-v it. '"o? ii-; or comm. -n !;!a:,n Mth yon1 let it ftand tvftiiiy-foi:r hours; i .- . -' -v.iiwnt or set J ?r X- i.j.iieailhy CLtidt .1 V - th is tne way' ... ., . i VV mio HAD FOR NOT WALKED their own home id Harrisonburg, i taking with them the abiding good wishes of hosts of friends for happi ne-s, alu-ays, prosperity and length of days INTO THKK1VEH. MONTHS on the Terrible Sore on Ankle Caused Awful Suffering Could Not Sleep nor Rest Physician Said Leg Would Have to Be Amputated. CURED BY CUTICURA IN SIX WEEKS with trut kiii'i, aud if we had to de pend ou it or gamble in futures for a living, the only advau age the trucking ha? it can be consumed if prices do u t justify shipping, while futures cant. We have been sick in bed since Sunday, and feel to-day worse than thirty cents, or the trucker who got eleven cents in stamps (or 50 baskets of beans. But the general tone js steady, and we anticipate an advance of several points, although the fluc tuations are comparatively narrow and irregular, but we trust en upwaid tendency wi' 1 soon bring us back lo the top. Mr. Phil Crawford and Mr. Horace Hodges, of Kinston, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs Will Crawford, having made the run in an automo bile, in a little over two hours. Mr Hodges the owner of tho machine is a practical mechanic, and thoroughly understands the most intricate parts of his auto, and is a most excellent geutleman. When we learn as much about them ea he knows we may charge cur opinion, but until then we prefer eld "Torn" ani a buggy. Mr. DOVER'S $7,000 FIBE. " I had a terrible sore on my ankle and had not walked any for eleven months. I tried nearly everything without any benefit and had a doctor, but he didn't seem to-do any good. He said I would have to have my leg taken on, and that 1 would never warn again. I suffered awful, and at night I could not sleep at all. I thought there was no rest for me, but as soon as I began to use Cuticura Soap and Ointment it commenced healing nicely. I bathed the ankle with warm water and Cuticura Soap and then applied. Cuticura Ointment to the affected part, and laid a cloth over the sore to bold it in place. After two weeks I could walk around in my room real good, and in six weeks' time my ankle was entirely cured and I was walking around out of doors. I am enjoying perfect health and have eone to work and feel as well as I ever chd in mv life. 60 I know that the Cuticura Remedies are the best m the world. " Cuticura was recommended to me by a lady who had used it when her baby's head was so full of sores he could not lie down. She had to set him up m ncr arms to sleep, (signed; Mrs. Mary Dickerson, Louisa.C. H. Va., April 22, 1905." COMPLETE TREATMENT Consisting of Cuticura Soap Ointment and Pills May now be had for one dollar. A single Bet is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, nnd scaly humors, eczemas, rashes, and irritations, with loss of hair, from in fancy to age, when all other remedies and even the best physicians fail. Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and rills, arr sold throTJKnout the world. Potter Drug Chem. Corp., Boston. Sole Propa, am- Mailed Free, " Skin and Blood Purification." Rheumatism Cured In a Day. "Mystic Cure,"for Itheumatiem and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 lays. Its action upon the system 's remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause, and the diseaimmeeliately disappears. The firtit dose, greatly benefits. 75 cent aud $1. '. Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bro. Druggists. Enirine and Three Cars Southern . Asheville, N. C, Ju.ie 6. East bound passenger train So. 12 was wrecked at Alexander, ten miles west of Asheville on the Knoxvilie division of the Southern railway about four o'clock this after noou The engina and foar cars were de railed, fhe engine ana tnrea cars dashed into the water of the Freuth Broad River, which rolled ab ut twenty feet from the track at that point. A fifth car wan partly derail ed and striking a tree held the re maing car3, including all the passen gers and Pullmans on the track. But for this happy chance the wreck might have been mu.-h m; re seriru-. As it was there wa t.o loss of life and only one man va" hint, aud he not seriously. That no one was killed was marve lous. The engineer and fireman weut into deep running river with their engine and subsequently made their way out of the machine, came to the surface and to shore. This is the more remarkable from the way the cars entered the water, one being partly upon the engine. Those in the expresi an 1 baggage coaches also had narrow escapes from ii jury or death. There were a number of Asheville, North Carolina, people on the train, but none of the passengers received a worse injury thau a shak ing up. The train left the rails just as it was entering upon a switch and accounts of the cause of the accident vary. One is that a pony truck on the engine left the rails just at the switch and turning the machine to ward the water. kv. r v;is ipicvlioniiig the witness Mr KixnchiieUl, of coun sel for the defeue, remarked that the witness wai he'e ut.d r pt-culinr circumstances. Air. Baker said there was nothing p.eu!iir that he could; see when Mr. Stanch field said that; the witness was hero under a written! promise of immunity. J Asked by Mr. Baker when Beavers was paid, the wiitn-ss said there was' no specified time, ni; Hint when fhe machines wt-re paid for B-av( ra gr t his money. j lie testified that on the first iet 01 100 machines t' re was no specified ! amount that was to be p-tid to iJ"av- ere, but ou f hr- .-.eertnd f h i iii unt to be paid Beavers was $1:5 on evach ma chir.e. Oi v.i- f. ' 1 J t . 1 wi-.:; ba::, ! Of th'. to 1. : It, ..! 1 ,; v. .' .- . . v dur.r: rJi: .: rea'i.: tier.'-:: II yeo - -be3t. Yow t. bonder' and a moro t.on o! ths kiu r.c.'z; if it ftainl - " c - :j nt of '.i.; t ; 'r.;.L: fv ; ...liA.nt go- t k k it or piuii ir -ick ii alsc ;-:.i'7i i.nd tlad- Getone of our nw kitchen cabi nets. Andrews A Waddfdl. r-r-.cf that tl-e V V.'lWit to I'o is comfort In the '..u.w'jdge so ie je.U, that Dr. Kinnci's Swamp- 'ieat kidney remedy fulfills every filing rheumatism, pain In the ncys, iivf.r. bladiicr and every cgrf lury 1 ii ooiiecta hia';uiiy -li-'.r and scaWinf; pain In parsing tfioctj fcllowirif' ucc cf lUpior, :-r, ajt 1 ovecomv that uiipiei.iu.nt cf be!:. g ompch to go often ti - . s.i'.d 10 fet ti'i lnany times r.'.j;';t. 'The mild pnd the extra- ' ct cf. Swaii:p-Kkot Is soon I: itaii.ii the i.ir' - st for Its won-i-ss cf the nw-t ir-.r5Soinjf cases, j.l a v-rdi -ine you shy'd hive the J by drugs': t3 in 0c. i:id$l. sizes, ay hc:ve a sainpie bott'.e cf this il discovr.iy f:.- v-k that l:.ise;?rf&n at it. both sci.t rWffiBHISS absolutely tree by mail. ur. is.umer et n-.n.t of Swxp Hoc. i : - . . . . . . j.i I tion reading this generous offer in this paper, i Don't malie any mistake, but remembei . the name. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root and the address, Binj hamton, N.Y.. on every bottle. TV bl4 CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Best Cough S up. T?stes Good Usa In tima Sold by druggist? $5 OOReward, ST?tS Three fox hounds, 2 black and tan, 1 white and black spotted with very long pendant ears. Return to Wm. M. Hawley, 110 N. Slocumb St., J Goldsboro, N. C. Scarcely a Third of Tliis Amount fclVas Covered by Insurance. Kinston, N. C, June 6. Fuller particulars of the fire which broke out in the upper story of the coloie J boarding house of Church Cobb, at Dover Monday night, burning seven or eight stores, states that the losses might foot up to about $7,000, the insurance amounting to scarcely a third of that amount. The origin ol the fire is still unknown. The flames were confined to the block of build ings in which they were discovered. The individual losses follow: W. O. White & Bro., stock f 2,000, and the building, which belonged to their mothe:r, $1,000; insurance sfl,- 800. f'indy Cobb, restaurant, $300. E. E. D tugritry, wo siors, worth about $1,000, aud slock valued at $1,200, badly damaged; insurance 1300. W. J. Brothers, store, $250. Church Cobb, ttock and furniture, $300. Sheriff Lon Taylor, of Trenton, store buildiug $300. Jbn Best, cold drink fetore, $50. B W. Wlv.te, real estate building $250. . O. L. Dilliahunt, colored restau rant, stock and fixtures, $100. Statehood Report, Washington, June 7 The leader of the minority, Mr. John Sharp Willians, (Miss.) told the House to day that the minority had not filibus tered during the past few weeks, but had only resorted to the constitutional privilege under the rules to call for the yeas and nays, to refuse un animous consent and to have a quorum present. But should the Speaker and the contro liug element of the House refuse to grant a vote on the separate provisions of the statehood conference report then would come a real filibu9t?r. He did not ute these words, but i' ia what he meaut. ''If it shall appear that we are to be forceei to swallow to conference in gross, either to vote against il alto ther, w'thout an opportunity being extended to the House to express its oppinion on the question then we will resume the policyof demanding that every constitutional requirement shall be complied with before any legislation is carried ou by this body." This remark of Mr. Williams wes lustily applauded by the Democrats. For Clerk. Editor Argus: I mo awaie that it is the usual eu-to . , wtien one an nounces himself a citididttte for of-; fice, o"r r luctantlyi?) Ids to the importuni-i-s of numerous friend?,' that his claims of recognition, at the hands of his party, are brought to bear, as th uvth the obi-ct in view, would i e but a fair compensation for pasi i; 3 ally to p iuciplf. But that whic'i stands oui preeminently, ' pirant for t- e office, aud the easo and accuracy with which he will perform i the duties thereof. Among the as pirants for clt-rv-, there is a maa wl o will measure up lo tne i qui reagents of both, past loyahy to his party,and present qualifiaui ns ft r the ofli-- , and that man is A. B floll-.well. U is lully quaiifi d, m I co..p:ed with thii fact, ere h so trails which have evc-r charae-'.e- d 1 in a a c .ur-teou-, hind', g ; llemtn, v, lrcli are req iciie u. u i g an ideal oliieer He would po.i-.mi the duties of the vflice witn croud, anei snould h get the nouii att'-", iu thus honoring him, I am sure the parly wou'd not compromise i's wi djm iu selecting, faithful, i ilicieut, and competent men to discharge tha duties of this responsible position. Countryman. " NUB LACK" Loaded Black Powder Shells Shoot Strong and Evenly, Are Sure Fire, Will Stand Reloading. They Always Get The Game. ..- , For Sale Everywhere. AversPills The dose is one, just one pill at bedtime. Sugar-coated, mild, certain. They cure constipation. towAfii: Want your moustache or beard RjfO KIN RUSH'S DYE III GOLDSBORO More Cases of Illness This Spring Thau in Former Years. Physicians and drurgi ;s -ay there are more cases of il o- s-. i i duidaboro this Sprinj thau iu former years. Perhaps th-ire is not so much serious sickr.e-s, but Spriu;- l.ui - ior, 1 ss of appetite, head j, sieejles-ness, back-ach s, we i nvss au t debility, iudige;ion an 1 o o r l!s ha result from iu iigestiori or ir. ove: worked sto nach, a-e m 'ie vommon than they have been for some yean pat. This has resulted in in uuujual de mand for Mi-o-na sto uach t b'ets at J. H. Hill A Son's. Before they felt that hey could recommen 1 thia rem edy? they tested it rigidly io many oases of hea-t-hmu, indite tion. IImSmI fv fHi HJI Iff IHI A Ifr L A DELICIOUS BLENDING OF FRUIT JUICES Pure, Refreshing, lnvigorating,Wholesome At 8oda Fountains or In Bottles Manufactured by A. L. BELL. Prop. Seven Springs Mineral Water Co. If you are user of FERTILIZERS ! In any quanity for any purpose, You are not doing yourself jus tice until you talk with us and see what we can offer you. tos. 9 Foot Cotton Stalks in Virginia Among the many strong evidences of tba great value of "Cerealite" we cut tbe following from the "Graphic" the local paper of Franklin, Va. The only other Fertilizer used tinder the wind ou the stomach, debility, aud cotton was "Mom Jj ertuiaer." weakened uiijcs'i n, with tfce great est success. formly successful in curing all stom- t I a u "C". .i- Z t xi- ach troubles that J. H. Hill & Sou 7 eXbltlon of ?la croP afc ''T1?e. G? give a signed guarantee with every ' TT i7u u V; X. T 50 cent b tc refund the money if 1 T A. iUiauiV "rr, ' , . - ' . i " . itHnnt nn I ditioAl blooms on ei ther stalk . Who c -.r, boat this. The ferti- nzer useu was.-vjereante xop-uressmg', one Dag, 101 ids to iob From tho Franklin, Va., "Graphic.1 Mr. Albert Sidney Johnson, who is not only a good psa- Watch for Joseph Edwards Big acre."' Special Sale Circular announcing big t sale to begin Wednesday June 13. It will pay you to attend. . iOeil a Bros., jtfgont.