'ill! 3 AV&gctable Preparationfor As slmttating tiieFoodandBegula ling the S toinacJbs and Bowels of PromotcsTJigcstionheft3fl ness ana nest.iuiiuiitis neinwr Opium.Morpliine norlijraL IfOT H All C O TI C . iatlpkt Setd- 4lx.Sauta AnuxSred. run.) Aperfec! Remedy forConsGpa Tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. FacSinule Signature of !NEW YORK. UJI 111 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of V v in Use For Over Thirty Years EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. i.i ii If i m ma a l jiki' ta aa .aaai lira X'tu ZAP A.V. mm m m AW TUB OCNTAWfl COMPANY. RCW TOUR OtTY. jgg vosfig castas 75T labeI 19 ta vfy"Bxirrojp-rKorjotl UL Shape" Shoe, and etancfa as a?gUarsA tee that the Burrojap Vamp ?' will , not J breaK through, before the first sola la worn out. In the event of a. Burrojap . Shoe weaxoj big contrary to thia guarantee. " the retallerl from whom these shoes were- purchased l tMthortzodtoreplace them with a new pair' ( PACKARD OX.'- FIELD Srodttoa, Mass. row i owiAciru uc, kv. Sole Agents for Goldsboro. r 10 Reasons in) hi Dalace Drug j&ofe lag ppopeted I i i u i sasMsSMSMiMwwsaejeii 1 1 iw i ii ii ii riTiienw-TWiri 1 i r H3.V IE 1AE CfflUflltH ill iW Jt ilUD THEM. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Aiick service. Courteous Clerks. Truthful Statements. Tidy appearance of store. Accurate handling of cash . Prompt attentioa to telephone orders. Correct credit charges. Never asking a cu'tomar to pay a bill twice. Etiht -shanks to Qliildre-i uad Servants. Good lojaci zonnyi an 1 ublilajj proprietor. This is why ail who trade at The Palace are satis fied with their purchases. May we serve you? i jThe Palace Drug Store. I j JCINSTON'S BIG DAY. Masonic Celebration There on Twenty-Seventh of June. The official program of the annual Masonic ce.ebration to take place in Kinston, on Jane 27th, under the auspices of Si. John's Lodge has been received here. Among the even's of the program are: "At Home," by the Industrial Club, Graud Lodge session in .Loftin's Opera House; march to the Robt. Bruce McDaniel Memorial Hospital and Park: address of welcome for the city, N. J. Bouse, Kinston, N. C, address of welcome on behali of St. John's Lodge No. 4. by Capt. J. W. Grainger, Kinston, N. C; response by Lieut. Governor, Francis D. W inston, of Windsor, N. C; song by Orphanage Class; corner ston of the Charity Annex (public) of the hospi tal laid by Grand Lodge; presenta tion of the Charity Annex of the Hospital to the Board of Mmanagers, oy M. Plato Collins, Kinston, N. C, acceptance for the Board, by Mr. L. H. VaTser, Kinston, N. C.; music by Uie Second .Regiment Band; annual oraiiot ,by His Excellency, Governor R. it. Glenn, dinner to all Masons and their families served in Knott's Warehouse; Enoch Council .No. 5, convens at Masonic Hail to confer ddgrcts on applicants; carriage drive to points of interest and various factories, tendered by Citizens' Com- mtue; reception in honor of the Governor and Grand Master Win sum, by Lenoir Commercial Club, lIuuu Building, Gordon Street near 4:etn. H. D. Harper, Sr., is Master of Ceremonies and S. R. Dunn is Cniel Marshal. THE MATTER "WITH SAS. KAir- In view of a number of incidents which have transpired in that state of late, the old familiar question is being revived, "What's the matter withKansas?" Of course thers are a great many answers to this question, not includ ing floods, cyclones, wild-cat politics, Mary Ellen Leases, Carrie Nations, and so on. The fact is there are so many things the matter withKan sas it is hard to find time to enumer ate them. One thing, however, which does not seem to have been widely com mented on is the fact that Kansas appears to have a great deal of trou ble with its United States senators. One senator from Kansas committed suicide, one retired years ago'to es cape the humiliation of expulsion, one was defeated for re-election by evidence that he purchased votes; one had his election investigated by the senate committee which reported that bribery in his interest was proved, but that it was not clear he was a party to the same or that a sufficient number of votes were pur chased to change the result. And, then Burton, the convicted grafter, tTMac mlor f B.aWlM iKay's Phar UNHAPPINESS DISPELLED. .FOR THREE NIGHTS. Fine Theatrical Company Com ing to The Messenger Opera House Next Week.) S3 The management of the Messenger Opera House have succeeded in clos lug an engagement with Mr. Uhauncey L. -juihern and his fine leompany for three nights next week, oeinning on Thursday night, June 21. . The company are pLayii.g tiiis wtek in Wilmington, uud the papeio of that city give Uiba crodilaLk notices. The Moruiug tiUr t -day says of theui; "Considering tueiiiciut)G,L v; sui. ler an exceptionally jd .a Jitnie greeted Mr. Chaeincey L. S ulhvrii I and his .company at Ib c Auudbiuy last night. Tnepiay w-u Juaiilie," land it goes withojt o.vyiug iJ.&; ILL. excellent compauy D" .vo o. ot-d pei- lori'uunce of the fibous p4ay. ir 4' utheru as Armciid Daval, and iiiss Mabfclie Vanraestel, as "Cajaiila," were both good fcand the actiU2 of the other jkcihoow oi tnfc .uiunanv was rh it brn been hereto- foi e this week, clvo." who is under a prison sentence, and I disordirs. I 1 -) i . AAA4.A I ' before his fellow senators were ready I " to expel him. 1 1 puwtifcQitx Kansas does a lot of boasting. It 1 1 tut. is proud of its churches and schools, I Recommended a' and declares that it has more of them I macy. per capita than any otner state and a smaller percentage of foreign born than most Of the Other States. In I Men end Women Unanimous About It. nnlitics. however. Kansas has not I Many women weep ana wan ana refuse .li j , Ito be comforted because their once mas- establi8hed an enviable record, and I nificent tresses have become thin and in the Selection Of a number Of its I faded. Many men Incline to profanity ri.- C3 o.n 5f o . icecause tne nies wte througn the thin umwu omira " w I thatch on their craniums. It will be good have 8hoWn poor judgment. That I news to the miserable of both sexes, to . e tUa f tu.i i,Qlearn that NeWbro's Herplcida has been is one of the things that are theln,rt ,. thft nrVot Thia ii,. ... matter With Kansas. I scalp germicide and antiseptic that acts by destroying the germ or microbe that Is the underlying cause of all hair de struction. Herbicide Is a new prepara tion, made after a new formula on an entirely new crinclDle. Am wtin la A Cheap and Convenient Method I tried it win testify as to its worth. Try t-rr..,iin I lt yourself and be convinced. Sold by W1 -""s lleading drusjrists. fvnd 10c. In stamps The Atlantic and North CaroUnafor11Ba",P-5 to 1150 ncrpicide Co.. De- Company has, effective June ,1st, 8nW by Hlggins :Drug Co. Special ATLANIAN Ukilt Choice. Macon, Ga , June 15. Mc. 11a h Dunlap Jordan, for ner n mce fl Senor Corea,the NicaraguanminisJir to the United State-", wiil tomorrow if ternoon become the bride of John O. Little, of Atianta, former speaker f he KtateHuu-te ol Raijreseurative: nd a sou of an ex-Associate Justice I of the Georgia Sup. e ne Court. The wldiu2 wUl take place at Mi'3.'JordHa' palatial homo in this L'ily at 6 o'clock. After tbecere- huoay wedding diu ner will be soiv- d to the 100 iaviiwl gafts. Im mediately after the d-uuer tns wed ding party, accompanied by many friends, will sro to Atlanta on a ipecial train. From Atlanta Mr. and Mrs. Little will go to Washington D. C, traveling in the private car I of the President Hanson, of the Central of Gnori Railroad. Mrs, Jordan is considered sne of the most beautiful women in Gaor- ia. Khe the window of Lee Jordan, wealthy planter and cotton man, who married her in his old age. STRONG Again is what Mrs. Lucy 8tovs.lI. of TUton. Qa, tid after takta Kodol Dytpspsia Curs. Hundreds of ethsrwssk wsmsa ars bslar stored ts parfset hwlth by this rsm sdy. YOUmsyU wsUif yoawCltaks tt IndlgYitioo esosn Dearly ail ths skk- ntss that voomi; dsts. n aaprrrts tns system or jtsuna- mant sad ths delicat srgsas pseolisr Is suffer waaJcao, sb4 sssssst tesssssV Kodol Dyspepsia Curo osMes ths stomach and digestive srfsat sa dlffsst and assimilate all of the whole seme food that may be eaten. H nourishee the body, and rebuilds the weak organs restoring' health and strength. Kodol cures indigestion, constipation, dyspepeia, soar risings, belching, heartburn sad all stomach i For Weddlnos A complete stock of thin S suit able for Weddings and the prices are right anything one could wish for in -o z J&nnrl &n tr tori fhtrrt d.tut Slsmce 2S Our stock is large aud varied. Hand Painted China in the "American Beauty" and other paintings. Cut Glass in any shape and price, and any piece of hoiiu suver one couia wisn ror. r earl handle sets in carving, game, fruit and other pieces. L. D. GIDDENS. 3 Phsns 563. iewalsr and Optlslan CHEAP RATES. 1 90ti, placed on ale at its principal ticket offices, Interchangeable Mil eage Ticket!, good ior transportation jr uiie ttiousanJ miles, at rate of '( :5..:0 each. These tickets are good r ir-iudportati ja uvor the follow j:, comprising about 15,000 mile f railway and steamship lin.-: Atia ita & West Poiut It R A'iHutic & Sutoingaam ity Atlantic fe Nvji'th ;ai.iina li K Balliitiore isti?AUi PackKt Co Ci::tr::toa Wca'Ci-u Cer lina Ii, 01'..p jak -toam-ihi.p Orspany Oost lAsxa Sitjaiaboat Coiap:-; Ouluaibla Newberry & Launr 1 it i i mdu Western Shore Itv Fj sdco S slaai ljiusEasl oi Men - phis) Agents. New Discovery. Bast Curs For CATARRH, RHEUMATISM. INDIGESTION, NERVOUSNESS, KIDNEY, LIVER! AND BLOOD DISEASES. SI.OO. DHYNB'S 1 Quick Relief. B.ctt.r sll AOHES an4 PAINS-Prlc26 PAYNE'S MEBICATED SOAP 10a. DRUGGISTS. s -ii hv Goid-orfi Drug Co. G or 'in H R ntLio Steamers & Nuiiviile R R , IlMierson fc 6t Lou's J.u-Jt.,ieud L ! .i -sv ty M.con, Dublin & Shv.h nah R H Xaiuviily, Cnattitnoo i & S. Louis Ry Norfolk & Southern B, 8teaaei Vi'l E'.eetric Liu JSorthweat-jrn Ii ii of bouth Cuvo- liua tsicnmuna, r rt uir.tKsourK cc tru- latuac R it Savannah & Sts,tsslKro Ry 8-?fiboaru Air Line Ry Wii-ihington Southern Ry Western & Atluutic R R Wwj'.rn Rulway of Alabama. Interchangeable MUeags Tickets issued oy the above named iines will I be accepted for transportation over the A & N C R R These tickets present a cheap and convenient method of travelling to the p o.iUt H. '. ii'UDUIXS, General Pa.i-t.ger Agent, HICKS CAPUDINE IMMEDIATELY CURES HEADACHES -k3upCOLDS - J-; N o TO 12 IIOUM Beware of dar.pprous immitations. DENTAL SURGEONS Dis. Hall OSoe Hours : 8 to 12 a, m. and 1 to 5 p. m. Car-? of children's toeib a specialty. 2 Lm Buiidir.g, Walual Btroet. Gnkisboro, N. C. GR23AT VIT" REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man vof Me. DEAD IN MISSOURI. Backache produces the above results In 30 days. It acts powerxuiiy ana QiucKiy. iui o. -wuea iu uuiw, !! loung men win regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by oalog BEV1VO. It qniokly and surely restores Nerrous ness. Lost Vitality, Impotency. Nigbtly Emissions, Lost Power, Falling Memory. Wasting Diseases, and all effects of aeU-abnsa or excess and indiscretion. which unfits on for study, business or marriage, u not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but Is a great nerre tonla and blood bonder, bring- ing dock tne plnsc low topatia ene.M ana re storing th. fir of yontfcu It wards off Insanitf and Consumption. Insist on haying KEVXVO, Be ether. It eaa be earned In Teat poeket. Br mail, 2 uuuuuuuiiuiuaiiuauuiuuiuuuuumuaiiuauumm fl Great Demand For Oxfords. Everybody will be wearing Oxfords for the) next few months i the most comfortable and satisfactory Shoes for summer. Our sale this season on Oxfords has baen phenomenal. Our Oxfords will fit the fest and give the service which good workman ship and good leather will put together alone can insure. WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS for EVERYONE Ranging in price from 50c. to $3.O0. No trouble to sh ;w our goods. Will appreciate your inspactio n GOLDSBORO SHOE CO. si Xseaidizig; THE STORE ROR QUALITY! 1 m Ko piece without the trade-mark on It is csBulas. i. full of gift Jhings for the ride or , the (graduate I THE most extensive array of things suitable for gift pur pc ees that this store has ever shown now awaits you. Novelties and staples at all prices, and all the finest quality your money can eecure. Solid Silverware Plated Silverware Cbalns and Fobs Cat Glass Jewelry Necklaces Watches Scar! Pins Hair Combs Fountain Pens Cull Buttons Bracelets JaaVKSSJt AND THOUSANDS OF OTHER ARTICLES AT WEST CENTRE ST- JUST THE RRICE YOU CARElTO PAY R. A. CREECHH. raealfS I I I I II SMI I I I I I I'ssl l I II assss ss s 1 1 i 1 1 asssss m 11 gga mm BUSINESS LOCALS. Shove wood split by steam power at (Jrimn's Wood Yard. Phone 47. He groaned from Indigestion, Dyspepsia made him wince, But "he luckily took more Ropinson's Pills And has'not suffered since. Why certainly wo will tell you his nam, Ask us when you come for a bottle of pills only 10c. I. . 11 i I Bl.OA rvir nickun. or alx forBB.OO. wltnaiimu i Any PerSOn having DaCKaCne, I w -writtea gaaraat. to ear r rras E - - Eh as monv. BOOK H 3,000 Pairs of Shoes and Slippers AntioiDitiajr tha alviace ia shoei. wa placed our order 1 - 9 early, an 1 h. iva the above in stock. Come before they are gone at old pricei. We tvwe a nice L vlies shoe for $1 to $2.50. A fine Man's shoe for 1 25 to . . s . ifl 'Das money jwb- uu i Samuel Martin, Native of Rock- kidney pains or bladder trouble I EOYAL MEDICINE CO, ingliam County, Passes Away at "Versailless, Mo., Where lie Conducted a Hotel, Aged 92. iyiflTC HOUSE 2 tt'.rffa St. Louis, Mo., June 15. Dis patches today from Versailles, Mo., announce the death there yesterday $3.50; Children's 25o to $1.50; jof Samuel Martin, aged 92, a native Slippers 50c to $1.50. We doef Rockineham county N. C. Ia not want a big pront only al1848 Martin left North Carolina for living profit. Also Dry Goods the West. Passine through St. and Clothing, spring STOCK of I r-ouis he settled in Versailles, where almost all kinds bought before Ja yedr later be because proprietor of the rise. A full lire or Urocer- la hotel, which he owned until his les and Tobacco. YV e 1 ave got I death. The funeral will be held to- too much tobcre Wt e& go-1 morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock,buril j ing to sell regad' of tl being in Versailles. He is survived until June 10th. r n. g 000 pounds jobs froe 25c; 3.000 pounds from fclia maiiav. Ttnnl? arid acivlsa frm. AddrBsa i marine Duiiain)(t -9 CHICAGO. 1LU whoT will take two or three! nFctio is feoidjrc,? .O Pine-ules upon retiring at night gSSSS. " shall be relieved before morning. I T Tha medicinal vlrtnes of tht I . , ... 4. erode gums and resins ob-j Beginning Monday, June ,4th, the tained from the native Pins I city beef markets will be closed irooi hare been recognised by the medical pro-J l to 3 p. in., until September 1st, Cession lor centuries, in rine-mee we ones 1 1906. The public wIU piease begov sll of the virtues of the Native Pine that! erned accordingFy. We will also trioe every evening except Saturday at 8 o'clock. sxs of value In reliering aU Kidney and Bladder Troubles Prepared by PINE-ULE MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO v8old by H'ggios Drug Co. g COHN &SON June 2nd, 1906. s. Miss Alice Carson iiie by an afcd wue and 'lch;ldreu. Mrs. Juhn mother-iu-iaw of former 80c. Uonid quick an pply. Cigars lc, and snuh. all kinds. Thanking you f or pwt trad, we are your friends. , . a F. . Sdmundson. The Two Hustlers. I Judge Joan A. 81evins,uf St. Louis; Mrs. Emms Speard, Appig River, iil.jMisses Lucy and PclLy and Joku W. Martin, of Veraailies and W. T. Martin, ol Poia, K ;s. V . A '"fe ! Young jlCJlia-i. I women ana nn A rC Conserve I r I rtl.LL. nusic. Tne a for Vour Circuit We Have Just Received PENSION NOTICE, A fine line of Florida Fruits and Vegetables that we offer at very low prices. Try them. College Courses High Standard Csktavlogtaa IKGI AAdrsw Daughter e'ss.BhwUdit.frea. Fonviefle Grocery Co. We ar aakd by Mr, A. B. Jiol lowell, Chairman of ihe County Board of Pensions, for disabled Con federate so sdirs and widows, io re quest ail applicants for pensions io fx present at the oaice of the Ui 'rk oi the superior Court on the first Mi"- p day in July 1906. All who -e -i rnailn rn tYio iiBnuinn lirit will Tll(-UtP " I Tf Tftn want u'.iif 'uinxret rrvrrl artist Notify the Board on or before th,t ; '" k-vou can ge iH? Jdate. So that their names may be f Griffin's Wood Yard. NoN extra continued on the roll. j charge for splitting. Vehicles Repaired. o o o " I bave open'sd a shop for repairing all aorls oi Vohiild, Buggies, Sur rcya, PUwt:a d 2ping- Wugons. ohop on corner of James and Xinv streets, nsar tho Electric Llyhi i'Jatt. Furctfure Uphcl?tervi cf all kinds. rilOlvEINO 12(i. DAVID POOL. I am now offering in ray Goldsboro store my entire line of Millinery and Notions, also a beautiful line of pictures at and below cost. Owing to this sacrifice sale I have decided to bring my busi ness together here and will ship my summor stock of. goods from Fremont to Goldsboro, and it will require more room at Oiice, and to reduce to my rc'u'ai stock of g.Mds here. His headache came from billiousness Specks before his eyes did quiver; He got wbe and took some Robin son Pills To act upon his Liver. What t Why of cour-se thpy did. He is all right now: Yes. 10c a bot- Ue at R jbiuson's Drug Store. POTTED PLANTS I have a large supply of Bigonias and Gera nums all varieties for snle cheap. Mrs. J. J. Robinson, 309 John St. S. When your blues are as blue aa In digo When your skin ia saffron stained, You will have to take some Rob inson's pills Before your health's regained. Sure they're cheap enough, only 10c, at Robinson's Drug Store. Dry Pino Stove Wood split ready for cook stove. Order from Griffin's Wood Yard. Phone 47. FOR RENT: 7 room house on James street. Good locality. Modern improvements. Asher Edwards. FOR RENT 7 room h use, all modern improvements. 404 George St. N. Apply to Li. H. Castcx. FOR RENT No. 114 N. George Street. 7 rooms with conveniences. Humphrey-Gibson Co. POSITION WANTED A young man desires position aa Stenographer, Typewriter, well equipped. Address Box 604, Goldsboro, N. C, I am offerius? ray st?pe vitx twr toek f Millinery, Store Fix tures, Show Cases and such for sa'e by 15 of June, at my Fre mont store. Miss Alice Carson Subscribe to the ABtitva now. Have just put in a steam wood splitter and will deliver stove wood sp'It ready for cork stove without extra charge. V7. H. Grilan. Have you seen our riae3 and Go Carts. Wsddell, liae of Oar Andrews & 1 Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator SPECIALS GfSTEX'S Cbiqa and Japan Mattings. China, 70 pounds, ..15c; worth 25c. China, 80 pound, 19c; worth 85o. Japan Fancy, 180 warp 19c; worth 85c. Japan Ingrain Weaves 22c; worth 40o. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO CHOOSE MATTING. It isn't merely a matter of looks you must, unles3 you are an export, buy "on honor" that is, tha store honor. There should be solidity and weight to good mattings. We have grades that hug so close and firm to ths floor the matting looks -as though it had been built with and into the house. Then you must avoid the dry, hard, brittle, loosely woven matting it is a friend to dust and germs and a foo to cleanli ness and beauty. Call and see our great offerings. Castex's 'Store. Hot Weather Items ! Men's Striped Coats at . . . .VH . . . 60 Men's Black Alpaca Coats at $1.2-5 Men's Black Twill Co ' 3 at 2,00 Men's Blue Serge Coals n t . . . . 3.75 Main's Blue Serge Coats at 5.30 f. i. JOSEPH For comfort during tho hot days. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial ( College Pedagogical, Commer- eicr.eo, il uial Iraimng, Music. Superior toother remedtos sold athlKti prices. ranrmnieea. bui-chsiumt u.c-u u j JOH Women. Price. 43 Centa.dn gist, or by mall. Testlmor lals .ud booklet fn Sr. ItaFrsmeo. JPhlladelpbla. Btry a cork lined Refrigerator from J - . . Andrews & WaddeU. i d&w lmA 1; prTT"DC17Q Literary, CIasoi3aJ, 8cie:iid Three courses leading to dereos. Speciiil o ir - for gr.uluates of othar colleges. Well-equipped Training School for leathers. Board, laundry, tuition, and fees for use of text iooks etc., $170- a year. For free-tuitin students, $125. Fifteenth aunnr ' f.asloa uegim September 19 j6. To secure board in the dormitories, al free-tuition applications shouid be made before July 15. Correspondence invito! from those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. For catalog and other information, address CHARLES D. McIVER, President, GREENSBOltO, N. C.

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