7 Don't Forget to Send Yomf Oil Cam CAPT. DRtYFUS IS To Be Filled. Fine Coffees, Teas and Spices. "Mojava Coffee." "Heno Tea." "Van Houten's Cocoa." Phone 150. 119 West Walnut St. Reduced FYBces Come and Look ' 50c White Orgady (2 yds. wide) . . 25c 18c Lawns for 10c $1.50 White Shirt Waists 88c 16-button White Silk Gloves, double nnfers $1.25 .50 White Embroidered Rbes (two left) for . ; $10.00 Dressing Sacques at half price. 35c Silk Mitts at ... ; 20c $16. AT CASTEX'S STORE VINDICATED sibility of putting him forward as a BRYAN S CLOTHES. Presidential aspirant, and it is said of the Eighteenth district meets at Nebraska!! Says TM&y Wouldn't Fit Watseka, on August 16, it will re- Mr Boosevelt Democrats Are nominate uannon tor congress ana launch his boom ior President. Able tO LailDCb Reform. i Lieutenants for the speaker have TheNewYork Times prints the been nursing his Presidential candi dacy for nearly ten years and have following ft om London: come to the conclusion that the pro- "Is it true," I asked Mr. Bryan per time to tell the republican party yesterday, "that President Roose that they want him to succeed Presi- velt caught you in swimming and dnf RnoHAvfiit will hn nfi-jrt month, stole your clothes? Over in America when the veteran congressman will they say that is what happened." be nominated for his seventeenth "He didn't get all my clothes," term. Mr. Bryan added laughingly, and t. fa thmio-hf -nVMo- fVif nthpi- auickly added: "I doubt whether w... . -.. j . . ..it nrliaf A Sri ivat ft f Vk l tYI iraviT nrol 1 " Illinois congressionaa aisiricis wui YV"a,u "D a01-n First Arrested Nearly Twelve years iorae.c.nnon , ?e .?es!dency s1TZZT;,,tL M- aunougn me oniy umuiuj pia.ua rt?-1 --" i.v v intA in thA snpakfir's hnm distriot. veit to make nis administration re- - 1 ... . .... It should be said, to the credit of spond to the country's evident de mandfor reforms. The piattorm on CHOPS AND PROSPERITY. Decision Entities Him to Re storation of His Former Rank In Army. THE FAMOUS HEBREW CASE Ago on Charge of Betraying Frencb Military Secrets to a Foreign Power. Paris, July 12. The Supreme Court to-day announced its decision annulling the condemnation of Dreyfus without a retrial. The effect of the decision is a com plete vindication of Dreyfus entitling him to restoration to his rank in the army as though he had never been accused. The decision of the court was read by the presiding judge. M. Thallot In July and to some extent in August the bread of the world is to a great extent secured. A plentiiul supply of bread is already assured in this country, and the wheat crops of other countries are generally good. Cheaper bread has already come,and the coming year's bread may be re duced to still more satisfactory figures. To a big wheat crop is added a pros pect of an ample corn crop. This great cereal for both man and beasts is borne today on 95,530,000 acres, an increase oi i.oim.uuu acres over last year's plantlDg, and the condi tion of the crop on July 1 was satis factory, especially in the great sur plus states. In Iowa, for example the crop is rated by the government at 96. and in Illinois at 90. These Speaker Cannon,that he has not pub- oB. xu .aiui . . . . i:i .L. u ? whifih he was elected does not de- raungs point to a large crop' v iiiiiiiiini mi i i iin,ii im i'.iJiiniiiri rr a i ii i - - i i i nr Pm. AU croP8 were reported to De in aBway iue l 7 7,Tt nf excellent condition on July l.includ hiaromriiriamr in frf mnaf nmn a ment should aim at the welfare Of I , . . , 1 - i .. . . , in sr cotton, juiv ana August are, . . i . w a. a . a w. a a r w-s-i j-vhvn w i a w - believe that he has too much sense -wu p?, u " iU . montha mlhe CQrn andcoUon onH ovnorionna 1r htoliAiro that. h 13 jricoiueui iu iowoi t m undoubtedly represent a party com the honor. Leaving aside the act that Mr. Cannon lacks about all the essentials in a Presidential candidate, the re cord does not show that the speaker ship of the house of representatives is much of a stepping-stone to the will fields, but if the two months are sea sonable the harvest hands of a great and almost boundless country will soon gather in not only the food that Presidency. Jas. K. Polk, who was sDeaker of the twentv-fourth and can asked me today, ' . .. J . J twenty-fifth congresses from 1835, how do you explain the change iaupr, presiueni 01 m uuuri 01 - - has come over some of our rich men xoos, was tiio ulii v suca&ci lj i ' I - . A J.1 .11!! 1 i 1 in respect to lueir uuuuuu iuwu.ru Democratic nrincinles?' I reDlied. 'The explanation is very easy. Peo- wiU not seriously disturb the rest of nla who livfi in b vallnv watch the tne COUntry. ceasauuiijiiumcumuu mo Ctt0-fnin tn the Presirlencv. although Schuyler Colfax, who was speaker The palace of justice was thronged in 1863, was afterwards elected as bv an eager crowd seeking admis- Vice President. sion to the court room. mitted to this reform idea and be in quite a different situation. 'There is no Mount about the Deo- ole's wish in this respect. Views UA ff, uf M,Tni,-rtnQ, o clothing as well. If cannot at this fewvears ago are now accepted as writing be said that anything points sane and necessary. A change has to a failure m any one of the great come over the country. An Ameri- croP8 of tne country. The weather can asked me todav. Mr. Brvan. haH aa a rule beeD favorable to crop grow ins. If the outurns of wheat, corn and cotton are satisfactory the slumps and freaks and actics of Wall street Henry Clay, three times speaker, was never able to realize his ambi- the country. When the farmers i 1 a r ii hi dams above them and if a flood is "avo AOUt U1 mvy wm Pur threatened thev know that the cbase goods and this will lead to r:r:r". hlthfidmlte greater the dan- Activity in all parts of the country. Blaine died with his desire uasatisV and ".." Remade up f f mu t r their minda that thev cannot afford ouunu x" " x,iloouulD1 iC"lCi .u TTV kT T to dam public sentimentanv longer Published in the New York Evening man than Mr. Cannon, was unable to w aam puoiic sentiment any longer. - ... s uu tvti.., ' v.00 There is another thing to be con- Post- We ote from lt: General Mercier's secret papers pre- the hope of the White house long be- sidered,' Mr. Bryan remarked, after ed"SP6 a Fuse, -xameiy, mo cmicai ixiuv.- braska a farmer ten miles from J A A . - . ment. -a. great many men are oe- town commenced cutting his wheat ginning to learn that there is some- the other day, and found that it was thing in the world more valuable Eucn Deuer inan ne naa. expected. than money, and it has gratified me The main features of the decision are as follows; The court holds that three new facts have been established: Firsts That the document from I .fV, rnzwa, ohandnnari sented at the Rennes court martial, in which the initial "D" was sub stituted for "P" was a fabriflcation establishing the strong presumption of Dreyfus' innocence. Second That another document from the secret papers in which Dreyfus was alleged to have sore his death. Mr. Britt's Card. To the Democratic Voters of Wayne County: Thanking my friends and the pub- lie generally for the shown to have delivered to Germans heretofore given me, I respectfully responsibilities. He arose the morning following and remarked to his familv. T hnlinvn to near oi a numoer oi cases wnere j'11 nave an automobile. His wife men have taken a larger view of laughed at him. but he went to the loyai support their relat;on to thGir fellows and telephone and called up the nearest county seat town, twenty miles away. j . j ji v 1 Mr I 11 a A C3 l7'rAm T-v 4- K r W rr I am f a4h the plans for the railway mobiliza- " "T? ""L "This introspection is makingsome Tnd ordereT onl zen It tion never reached the war depart- register oi ueeas ior v ayne county of them of the que8tionable came that forenoon: by lunch time The greatest thing in the world and the other the latest anchbest drinks to be obtained. We always knew we made good soda water, and we had a pretty good opinion of our Ice Cream too, but when we see the continued increase in the amount of these good things we sell we are inclined to think other folks think them good also. Do you? Try it. You'll see. And we do so much appreciate your patronage, let it be ever so small or large. The Palace Drug Store Appreciative Druggists at the nominating convention to be held on the 28th inst. During the time that I have been in office I have endeavored to be faithful and prompt in the discharge of every duty, and if nominated again. I promise the same faithful service for the future. Very respectfully, W. G. Bbitt. Goldsboro, July 13. m m m Heavy Rain and Hail. Rennes court martial snail oe an- Rocky Mount, July 12. Quite a nulled without a re-trial or be fol- storm passed here about 7 o'clock lowed by another trial by a court vesterdav evening. It rained hard martial." for an hour and there was consider- After a lengthy review or me able hail, the stones being very document in the case known as the large. It is feared much damage to Bordereau the decision says it was crops was done. written by Major Count Esterhazy! ment authorities and therefore Drey fus could not have secured possession of it. Third That the Rennes court martial failed to hear essential testi mony calculated to establish the fact that Dreyfus was innocent. "These facts," the decision of the court says, "without seeking ior any further grounds, are of a . nature to establish the innocence of the ac cused and it is only necessary to ex amine whether the verdict of the methods to which tbey have resorted he was scaring the cattle with the in the past. G. W. Cobb Dead. Elizabeth City, July 12 George W. Cobb, collector of customs for this port, and one of the most prom inent men of this section, died here to-day. IN MEMORIAL. horn, and byevening he had the fami ly in his machine,and has all kinds of fun. Is it the only one there? Oh, no. The rural maile arrier, even, delivers mail in one." l bis is the Flace Everybody likes to trade where they can get value received for their money, prompt service and polite attention. This is the se cret of success. All we ask is a trial we will do the rest. Yours to please, 2) and that the accusations connecting Dreyfus with the Bordereau rest only on hypothesis and conjecture. "The accusation against Dreyfus," continues the decision, "which is based on handwriting or text of the Bordereau was completely unjusti fied and without motive. Moreover, Dreyfus having a large fortune, one seeks in vain for any reason for his committing such a great crime. "The court therefore holds that, as all the accusations against the ac- J. W. Bizze 1 116 E. Centre St. 'Phone 26- N. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College rrvTTT"CT70 Literary. Classical, Scientific, Pedagogical, Commer- AJ U IaOX-jO cial, Domestic Science, Manual Training, Music. Three courses leading to degrees. Special courses for graduates of other colleges. Well-equipped Training School for Teachers. Board, laundry, tuition, and fees for use of text books, etc., $170 a year. For free-tuition students. $125. Fifteenth aunual session begins September 20. 1908. To secure board in the dormitories, all free-tuition applications should be made before July 15. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. For catalog and other information, address CHARLES D. McIVER, President, d4wlmjel3 GREENSBORO, N. C. Home Elected President. Raleigh, July 13. Hon.. Ashley Home was yesterday elected Presi dent of the Farmers' State Conven tion, and Dr. Tait Butler was re elected Secretary. . After an inspiring address by the retiring president, Mr. Charlie C. Moore, the convention adjourned. Press Meeting. Hesolutions Passed by Josepb War ren Lodge No. 92, A. F. and A. M. July 5, 1906. Whereas. Our Supreme Grand 9 Master has, in His infinite wisdom) seen fit to remove from the trials and frrmhloa rf thin life nnr ' helnved Brother R. H. Holland, whose soul K silence and 1 took its flight to the celestial realm above on May 29, 1906, therefore, Resolved, First, That in his death Joseph Warren Lodge No. 92, A. F. and A. M., has lost one of its oldest and best members, and Masonry one of its loyal supporters. Resolved, Second, That we bow in humble submission to the will of Him who doeth all things well. Grateful Dreyfus. Paris, July 13. After the announ cement of the court', decision to-day in his favor, Dreyfus said: "This has been a long and terrible ordeal. I began to feel it would never end. It is clear that the de cision restores me to my old place in the army, but I am not aware of the intentions of the government con cerning my advancement in rank. "I have nothing to eay against my accusers. Being again an officer I am obliged to obey the army regulations am inexpressibly thankful to all who assisted in the maintenance of truth." Compliment to Mr. Oliver. Newbern Journal: Mr. William H. Oliver of this city, has received a notice from Hon. Wil liam Hogue of NewjYork City, chair- The Virginia-Carolina Press Asso cused fall to the groundthere is no ciation is being held to-day and to- family in this hour of bitter trial, we pointment of Mr. Oliver as I . I I Vvm f tits m-whn trrr f-r Vii nfPssU7 for a, new trial and nonae- morrow in Chase City. Many inter- extend our sincere sympathy and quently the judgment in condemna- esting papers are on the program. by Ormond and Burton. with their departed loved one, in that bright world where sickness and death are unknown. Resolved, Fourth, That a page on tion is annulled as unwarranted the evidence." in conclusion the court noted Afiontfo TTnffti. Morehearl Ditv.N. I ---w-,-w . r l Dreyfus waiving of pecuniary in- c., July 12. The Eighth Senatorial demnity and ordered its decision to Convention met here lodav at 12 be transcribed on the records of the o'clock. Col. S. B. Taylor, of Onslow the record book of the Lodge be set Rennes court martial and to be in- -mmtv wa madP temnorarv chair- apart sacred to his memory and these serted in the official journal and also man Mr. piatQ Collins, of Lenoir, resolutions inscribed thereon; also, in five newspapers to be designated nermanent chairman. Mr. T. T. tnat a C0Py of the same be sent to by the procurator general and at the Ormond, of Lenir, was nominated hia family and one each to The Or- cost of the government in fifty papers on the first ballot. After a hot fight phan's Friend and Goldsboro Argus of Paris and the provinces, to be by the ward delegation, Senator D. for publication, and as a further designated by Dreyfus. 1 Ward, of Craven county, withdrew mark of resPecfc that the altar and The circumstances of Captain hia name and thereby Mr. J. W. Jewels of the Lodge be draped in Dreyfus returning to the army have Burton,of Onslow county, was nom- mourning for thirty days, not yet been determined upon but it jnated. It was the largest attend- Fraternally submitted, is expected that he will take the e& convention ever held in this dig- B J Thompson, grade of lieutenant colonel of artil- trict. H. E. Thompson, lery, which he would have reached Jesse Hollomon, man of the William J. Bryan recep Resolved, Third, To his bereaved tion committee, announcing the ap- tt mem ber of the committee to receive Mr. would comfort them with the blessed Bryan on his arrival at New York. hope of a happy reunion some day, if his service rupted. had not been inter- MR. CANNON'S BOOM. Harvey Shaffer Killed. New York, July 12. Harvey Shaffer was instantly killed today when a Long Island railroad train smashed the automobile in which he The people of the congressional and a chauffeur were riding at the district represented by Speaker Can- crossing a half mile east of Sayville, non seem to take seriously the pos- l. i. Committee. Moyton, N. C, July 11, 1906. Has Stood the Test 25 Years. The old, original GROVE'S Taste less Chill Tonic You know what you are taking. It is iron and quin ne in a tasteless form. No care, no pay, 60o. i wnen tne Hair Falls Then it's time to act! No time to study, to read, to experi ment ! You want to save your hair, and save it quickly, too! So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer's Hair Vieor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any thing else. It's nature's way. The best kind oi a testimonial "Sold lor over sixty years." Au by J". O. Ayer Co., Ziowall. Km. aio musaeiunri or SAttSAPABILLA. PILLS. CHEKKY PECTORAL. yers 4

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