r U. S. TROOPS KILLS 150 PULAJANES Column of Constabulary and Regu lars Repulses AttaeK by Na tives in Lcyte. Manila, July 25. Advices re ceived here from the Island of Leyte say that a large band cf Pulajanes yesterday attacked a column of con stabulary and rejrular commanded by Captain George H. MeMasier, of the Twewty-tourih infantry. The ug&eeiuerit, which took place near abundance of excellent hog food in his 'cotton patch. Let no one say hereafter in thiA state that he can not afford to make his own meat. He certainly can afford to do so. He will assuredly be accounted shiftless and unenterprising if he does not, when the food needed by the hogs is ever at hand. The Texas experiments are convincing and sat isfactory, and all who can command a supply of cotton seen meal can and should fatten hogs both for home use and for sale in the home markets. Possibly the corn-fed hog can be driven out altogether. TOPSV-TURVY RUSSIA. T BLAMED ON EMPLOYES. Baneuxu, resulted in the Puisnes j Qn ComiPjltUl F&dS Tile being n p,;ljd with lue :os oi rdiy j ft menk:;ied and .sixty wounded. &35!u WclS L&8 ?0 bjSiejjaru Tl;! troop? and c oostahnht ry suf fered no looses. The Pu tied, with the ccliiTiin in pursuit of thtm. Later estimates placo Ibo riumher The imperial ukase dissolving the douma is not surprising. The step has probably been taking to nip, if pos sible, the biossom of revolution in the bud. Butthe step ha9 been taken too late. The conflict between the masses and the classes in Russia,now fairly started, will go on until abso lutism is overthrown. Onaccount of the size of the country and thegener- J al lack of education many think the contest will cover at least twenty years, but kno intelligent observer doubts the nature of the ending. The people will win a share in the; ! government of their own country land their own affairs. If autocracy j he stubborn or cruel, it may bo driv- i en out altogether, i It is said that thy bureaucrats hf brought about the dissolution of par- j Uameac, partly because they desire ! of the . . . . , , , , , mx I to check the growing tendency in t ilale?g'.i. JN. (., July 2i. , . f ' , . , ? ,. .. i the army to independence, and part- LNort i Oarobna corporation commis-i " A, , . , , tl j ; ' , . , . , , 4 ly because they desire to bring the don issued a statement today to thej J ' . . Mght under vVw'CmI ar,d ia,?teu thirty utes. if; to luvve numbered o with .:u:;s and ol; Amrri.ear. tvdnusn in r":v . ... r nr. a;. ,-i . .1 T.l ijr- that their investigation of the czvxe: of the wreck on the Seaboard I ignorant peasants in as voters to j swamp the educated liberals when the , . , - , ! new parliament is elected next tall j kn- Pino uki Rockingham, j uiy : . rt . . t . ... ...... .,, . i or winter. It is to meet March o. ! I--, whici 22 persona won: killed, i i 18 eoiii vas ertUBtu sy las lure oi ageucs St. This ectioa is arbitrar; This is the package that brings to your table the best and freshest of all Biscuit and Crackers. This is the trade mark of identification which appears in red and white on each end of the package. MOTIONAL BIS CUV COMPANY This is the name of the Company that stands behind both the trade mark and the package a name synonymous with all that's best in baking. QYSTERET3XS A different kind of an oyster: cracker, with an appetising flavor serve xit eysrs, soup and salad. CIAL TEA BISCUITA light, ensp lit'J biscait, baked to an appetising brovn and dUgbU fiavorsd with vanilla. Ir-.'ri ill .r,t. or t.iif railvay company to observe ari-.i obvy ihb ; tik-s and regulationi It I,! tilt:; reverse oi'conbti tutioual rale, and the recent tali in the prices of Russian ; . L v . :.:tv :.) ti:e ;t. fv, " ! tmxiauee of agitation wih fohow.aud i m V'-. ' s ft i' A f a 2? . W A. -'l. ' AVIV tion ;r; Jr. ;r; KichrvcnJ ' . I' til e HIU' ;.nooa, coi?cfqi;e;niy ity i 'n..:t it v ill t Sunday 'X' mlo. how cut.--, vtU he oiii:-i"oi; alt i av.-j ;t h 5 Of V ' cuia' ! f,if t.., ln ..om; a hot ted of plots and ! II KS3 StOCKi tii3 tSt 25 VsrS ATmCSl SsJi OVC Oita a Hlili' 'aB'lOil 3 ".". ' . , , ,;i , j couiiterplots, and genera i ' unrefct. ', i &Zmg& JOQ mm T&Cmxi Ol m?kt CasH t.O yCi? r i'O r HO rzy i c';'i'1 ' ;;u ! This, Jiowevar, Is letter thun blood-1 1 JXzzad 4ih every fcoiiSe fs a Ten Cs-v Biv.ck .ci, Uwr Si2X 1 i'J- July i:i, Louis. of constitutional government are ibtron& enough to biie their time,and that the V will nut oe driven by the ! socialists and unatcl)ist-H inci tha,t iuvito slaughter acd the whips a!il rain strotu struck 8t. "Louii , of the Cossack?. But whatever UiG lusisiif. ifi UtJ IK.'.'. ; . j U - i i I : i. . evfi... to give use notice in ternoon'.-: A ia; rr. Hcttesl Conveiifioiial Contest in Years. Just as wa go to press a telegram announces that Hannibal Lt. Godwin, v,rn.i;y ,o.n miexi.uou. course aaopiea may oe, a wiu jeau ,-The body of ! W i , j tg stmd s,ven nrs in diherent i on f; liberty and to the dowofeil ofg nu.M fr;,u ! 1 4l Ml,,n,of the city. A negro, namei b.3oIut,D, ivl backward Russia. ! York today and buried in Onkwood i Km o i tuiknown.was blown from hi3 wagon, f . . .. . , , , - ., u " rESt i . ' . , . . . ceuoeterv besnie 'die body of Lis nrsi ! p. ,kfM f-jaud under a passmg fire engine and liuv a TV Cart irotu Andrews fej . JSOfcl vvaiKUui fur. va. I M-fcM wires were uiOV n aowii, - - , i iif'iiiKviT.;3?.vs-3 Weret Dissolution WOtiCe. i whro 1 art, tv.h of rwVlA lrl ! PSvlK The firm of F. F. Butts & Co., con-j gathered at the Sicre familv lot. ; mMgi&Mm9A$i After a brief service read by Rev. i MMWM'M Dr. Andrew Ha gem an, of New MiMWM&M .S h; j. K' "a ? J , J - Lb A. - r. v.. -"t-V i J ivitc'.rie sheds and a few dem ciisheh fra-jcie nouses MILL WASHED AWAY: Washington, N. C, July 26 About 2 o'clock ye&terday after noon the old water grist mill at a lawyer of Dunn, has been nomi-! Bimyan, about five miles from this nated by congressional convention of j city, situated on the Bath road, was ducting a general mercantile busi ness in the town of Mt. Olive, Wayne ! county, is this day dissolved by mu tual consent, Mr. Butts having pur the Sixth district, that has been sit ting in Fayetteville since yesterday morning, to succeed Representative Patterson. This has been the hottest conven tional contest the State has known in years. STRIKE AT MILLS. As Soon as the Italians Leave Hope Mills, the Old Operatives Call Oil the Strike and Go Bad;. Fayetteville, N. C, Jnly 25 The strike of operators at Hope Mills was settled this afternoon. The com pany had imported Italians from the North to learn the cotton raili businesi and operators at Hopo Mills No. 2 walked out yesterday after noon. The employees of the other three mill3 struck this morning. The Italians go back North tonight, the company abandoning the ex periment and all operatives return to work tomorrow. Because of a scarcity of labor in some departments, the company conceived the idea of relieving the situation by training these foreigners .o fill the vacancies, but the other labor would not stand for it. They did not ask for higher wages or shorter hours, only that this im ported labor should go. totally destroyed by the heavy rain3 in that section. The entire plant was washed away and is a total loss. This mill has been located at Bun yan for the past 30 years, and was used to grind meal. It belonged to W. S. D. Eborn, of that town, and valued at 61,000. Several of the bridges on the road below Bunyan have also been wash ed away and citizens in that part of the country report their crops as being seriously damaged. This is the heaviest rainfall that has oc curred in this county in years and in many places the roads are complete ly submerged, rendering them impassable. Baos Cigarettes. Atlanta, Ga., July 2G The lower house of the Georgia Legislature to day passed a bill appropriating $30,- York, the body was committed to the chased the interest of Mr. Bell, he grave. Th9 words which are to be succeeds the firm and will conduct the business in his own name at the same old stand, and will pay all lia bilities and collect all debts of the late firm. F. F. Butts, Jno. R. Bell. July 25, 1900. 4wks. engraved on tho Sage monument are: "1 have done the best I could by the light of the day." Depot Burned. New Bern, N. C. July 25. Thede- I 3 9 l lie ining r or mxa oiiooung. m' 1 . . : . n x ixese siieuy give an open paneni j; at from 25 to 30 yards in choke bore guns, They are loaded in jg " Leader" and " Repeater" brands. THEY M AU$1 B95 BAGS Ask Your Dealer To Get Them. p 1 a i ' 1 rt m Aversriiis J 1 1 he creai raic oi health Keep the bowels regular. And tiie great medicine Ayer s Pills. J. C. Ayer Co., Loweii, Haass. NOTICE. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a mortgage executed by Samuel C. H. Brogden, to Curtis H. Brogden, of date the 15th day of February 1882 and recorded 111 me office of the Register of Deeds of Wayne County in Book No. 48, page 583, the indebtedness therein secured being unpaid, the undersigned, as Administrator of Curtis II. Brogden, win sen for cash at pubhc auction at Congressman HardwicR States That on Monday, the 2oth day of August, i Populist Presidential Candidate 190G at 12 o'clock m. the lands de-! scribed in said mortgage situate in! 'A ill lietlim. Brogden Townshij, Wayne County, and bounded and described as lol- Cr Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE city and Wilmington, was struck by ! lightning and burned yesterday. Other buildings near by were dam aged. The I033 lsestimated at 3,500. WATSON AGAIN DEMOCRAT? X Ci"S. Or DBUGfiltMJ 03 S- i". HALL t CO.. IJAhl CA. N. i- G AT THE OLD RELIABLE I IUIIUU1 lows, viz: Beginning at a stake in the Nathan Brogden, old line and runs with his line South 20 poles to where an old pine stood, his corner, thence 40 poles to a poplar, then S 43 w 14 poles to where an old pine Macon, Ga. July 25. A dispatch to The Telegraph from Dublin, Ga.. says Congressman T. W. Haidwick states on tho streets there that Thos. E. Watson, htely a Populist r res identiai candidate, will make a !Wednes A. V 4 GOLDSBORO, IN 1k c. ctay, Aug HOGS FATTENED AT HOML A Pionter For Wayne County Far mers. The last excuse for depending upon Packingtown for hogs and hog meat, even if it be free from cholera germs, has been taken away. Intelligent feeders in Texas find that cotton seed meal is excellent food for hogs. In stead of poisioning, it fattens them. Hogs have been made ready for mar ket through the use of cotton seed meal two years, and the meal is com ing into general use a3 a recognized part of the hog ration in that state. What is good for hogs in Texa3 must be good for hogs in Wayne County. The excuse for neglecting to pro duce a sufficiency of meat at home has been the alleged want of corn lands. This pretense 13 brushed aside when every farmer grows an poles to a stake in the old line, then N 45 W 50 1-3 poles to a stake, then S 43 W 12 poles to a stake, then to the first station, containing forty acres This 19th day of July, 1906. William R. Hollowed, Admr of C. H. Brogden, dee'd. 000 for a State exhibit at the James-. stood, an old corner, then S. 45 E 50 ! speech at his home in Thomson, Gt., town imposition. The Mouse also ; poles to a stake, then N. 43 E. 74 passed a bill which phchibits the sale, manufacture or giving away of cigarettes or cigarette papers. Both ! will now go to the Senate for ac- tiou. A Surprise Marriage. News was received in this city this morning of the marriage in Wil mington yesterday afternon, at Grace M. E. church parsonage, of Miss Lula Carter, daughter of Mr. and Mr3. W. J. Carter, of this city, to Mr. C. L. Mock, of Spencer. The news was received in this city, where the bride is universally esteemed and very popular, with much surprise. Miss Carter was on a visit to her cousin, Miss Hallie Davis, i'a that city, and was joined there by Mr. Mock for the wedding, which was without the knowledge, but not without the consent of her parents. The happy young couple left im mediately on a bridal trip to Ashe ville and other points. Returning they will make their home at Spen cer, where the groom holds a posi tion as engineer with the Southern road. They have the best wishes of many friend3 here for a long life of happiness and prosperity. Be sure to brum us a load of tohao the Democratic party. He is sup-j CO. Will SaVe yOU ITlOneV. porting Hoke Smith, former Secre- j tary of the Interior, who is a tandi- j date for the Democrati nomination j for Governor. j W. HARRIS Prop. Planters' Warehouse. Goldsborc, N. C. lias Stood tlie Test 25 Years. The old, original GROViTS Taste less Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quin n9 in a tasteless form. No cure. ro pfty, 50c. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. To all to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting : Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that the Golds boro Tobacco Warehouse Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated in the City of Goldsboro, County of Wayne, State of North Carolina, (C. G. Smith, Secretary, being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corpora tions," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 17th day of July, 1906, file in my of fice a duly executed and attested con sent in writing to the dissolution oi said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said con sent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand affixed my official ' ji seal, at Raleigh, this 17 day ot July, A. D., 1906. .. . J. BRYAN GRIMES,"'' Secretary of State. Briggs Wins Out. Washington, July 26 Willi3 D. Briggs, of Raleigh, formerly a newspoper man of thi3 city, but now local editor of The Raleigh Evening Times, was today recom mended by State Chairman Spencer B. Adams to the Pcstmaster Gen'l. for appointment as postmaster at Raleigh. mi m m DIED. At 2:30 this afternoon, July 27, 1906, at the residence of her aunt, Mrs. Mary B. Griswcld, where from childhood she had made her home, Miss Mary E. Griswold, daughter of the late George and Mrs. Lavinia Griswold, her mother, one sister, and two brothers surviving her. The funeral will be held to-moi-row, Saturday, afternoon at 5:30 o'clock from St. Mary's Catholic Church. 0? ERMANENT MEADOWS should have an annual dressing of 500 pounds per acre of a fertilizer containing eleven per cent. Potash and ten per cent, available phos phoric acid. This will gradually force out sour "grasses and mosses from the meadows, and bring good grasses and clovers; thus increasing the quality as well as the quantity of the hay. Our practical book, "Farmer's Guide," gives valuable facts for every sort of crop-raising. It is one of a number of books on successful fertiliz ation which we send on request, free of any cost or obligation, to any farmer who will write us for them. Address, GERMAN KALI WORKS. New York 93 Nassau Street. or Atlanta, Ga.ZZK So. Broad Street. MM u i o ere a iomi m one ii Tfl&e aaxaiive jsroino quinine Tablets, i Ii Seven Million boxes sold In past 1 3 months. TfaiS Signature, y&jC 1 .ll...L.I,ILMII,.IIUI.MK.Lll 1 n II,, , I J.. ... I , fc, -ii, in. .iwii.i. r.mt. ii-h.i w i Tn I. i Clares CrI;? a IVc Days on every 7&$p4& PCS. SI

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