A Democratic Newsparer. Published Fyery Evening Exr i Sunday, BY JOS. E. ROBINSON. LABOR IS SCARCE. That is the Only Drawbaek Reported by Dun and Company. DAILY ARGUS. One Year Wi.C Six iloatiis . 2.5 Throe Mouths I.fi One Month WEEKLY A RCi Urt. One Year $1.00 Six Months 50 Thre Month? .zf A VOICE FROM THE TOMB. It's like a voice from the tomb to hear George Fred Williams proclaim himself a socialist. Readers,of ancient political history will recail that Wil liams was one time a republi can of the most rampant New Eng land type. In the money campaign of 1895 he became a democrat of the "Coin" Harvey persuasion and took such an active part in democratic affairs in Massachusetts that the little handful of democrats left in that state were almost wiped oif the man. When the democracy was deftated in the nation and Williams was forced to take a rear seat at party councils he became a populist. The populist party had suffered many hard knocks, but th blow it receiv ed when George Fred Williams latch ed himself on the organization wTas too much and it was not long after ward that it ceased attempts to do business. Having made the rounds cf politi cal affiliation so far as the regular parties were concerned, Williams dis covered that there was a new party to which he had not sworn alle giance the socialists so he hastens to proclaim himself a socialist. This is what baseball enthusiasts would call "hard luck" for the socialists, for Williams is a political Jonah. A native of Massachusetts, George Fred Williams is a lawyer by profes sion and a scholar of marked attain ments. His moat serious fault is bis apparent inability to anchor himself firmly in a school of political faith. As the Washington Post says, he is a man of ability, of culture, of lofty ideals, rendered helpless for good by the very intensity of his character. Had he been allowed what is called a balance wheel, he would have gone far and accomplished much ; but he is impracticable, critical, censorious, and his political career is a warning, rather than a beacon, to the youth of our country, full of enthusiasm acd with high ideal?, New York, July 3. R. G. Dun & ! Company's weekly review of trade tomorrow will say: Aside from the seasonable dullness in wholes-ale departments, commer cial activity is well maintained, and early preparations are made f r fall and winter business. August rpened with no adverse developments in the rade situation, while progress dur ing July was most favorable. Trade reports are especially gratifying from the rorthwest and other points that are dependent upon agricultural re sults, but I1 sections of the country enjoy great prosperity. Scarcity if labor is the only serious complaint, the output of coke being curtailed, and there is delay inharvestingscme crops, while i-trikes retard the re building of San Francisco. Comm -dity prices are fairly steady, cheaper grain because of large crops being offset by strength in leading male- rials of manulacture, while legisla tion in Brazil advanced coffee sharp ly. Railroad earnings in July were 8.9 per cent, larger than a year ago, and foreign commerce at this port shows .ain3 of $3,353,669 in imports and $483,006 in exports as compared with the same week last year. It is not often that managers of a leading industry are. uneasy regarding the future because of too much business, yet that is becoming the situation at iron furnaces and sleel mills. Orders on the books are tar in excess to similar comparisons in earlier years. Tanners report that shoe manufac turers are buying sole leather only to -i . cover immediate neeus. uommer- cial failures for this in the United States are 180, against 216 last week. I o GOVERNMENT CROP REPORT. Washington, D. C, Aug. 3. The crop reporting board of the bureau of statistics of the Department of Agri culture, in a bulletin issued at noon today, finds the reports of the cor respondents and agents of the bureau that the average condition of cotton July 20, 1906, was 82,9 as compared with 83.3 on June 25, 1906; 74.9 on July 25, 1905; 91.6 atthe correspond . There i3 no neeg of worrying along in discomfort becfcuse of a disordered digestion. Get a bottle of Kodol for I Dyspepsia, and see what it will do ! for you. Kodol not only digests what you eat and gives that tired stomach a needed rest, but is a corrective of the greatest efficiency. Kodol re lieves indigestion, dyspepsia, palpi- ation of the heart, flatulence, and sour stomach. Kodol will "make your stomach young and healthy again. You will worry just in the proportion that your stomach worries you. Worry means the loss of ability to do your besl . Worry is to be avoided at all times. Kodol will take the worry out of your stomach. Sold bv M. E. Robinson & Bro. Sweet cresrn is an excellent skin food to use for massaging. Galveeton's Sea. Wall makes life now as safe in the city as on the higher uplands. E. W. Goodley, who resides on Duttan St. in Waco, Teq., needs no sea wall for safety. He vrites: "I nave used Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion the past five years and it keeps me we well and safe. Befoae that time I had a cough which for years had been growing worse. Now its gone gon.e" Cures chronic Coughs, La Grippe, Croup Whooping Cough and prevents Pneumonia. Pleasant to take. Every bottle guaranteed at J. H. Hill & Son's Drug store. Price 50c and 1.00. Trial bottle free. O Bears the Signature of STOniA. rlhs Kind You Have Always Bought Railroad passes are slowly but surely coming down to the two-cent basis. A Mystery Solved! "How to keep off periodic attacks of biliousness and habital constipation was a mystery that Dr. King's New Life Pill3 solved for me" writes John N. Pleasant of Magnolia, Ind. The only pills that are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction to every body or money refunded. Only 25c at J. H. Hill & Son's drug store. The sworn statement of the manu facturers protects you from opiates in Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar the cough syrup that drives the cold out of your system. Sold at M. E. Robinson & Bro. Kipling has butted into politics by the poetry route. THE SAGE FORTUNE. A poult'ce should never be placed to the eye. Thousands annually bear witness to the efficiency of Early Risers. These pleasant, reliable little pills have long borne a reputation second to none as a laxative and cathartic. They are as stapie as bread in mil lions of homes. Pleasant but effect ive. Will promptly relieve consti pation without griping. Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bro. When the baby talks, it is time to give Hoi listers' Rocky Mountain Tea. It's the greatest baby medicine known to loving mothers. It makes them eat, sleep and grow. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask your druggist ing date in 1904 and a ten year aver age of 82.3. While Russell Sage, the dead mil lionaire financier, did not directly bequeath one dollar to charity, leav ing the great bulk of his estate to his widow who is seventy-seven years of age, it is announced that Mrs. Sage will give millions to charitable ob jects "in accordance with an under standing reached by the financier nd his wifelcng ago." It is hoped this is true, if it is the world will not regard the mem ory of Mr. Sage that of a man wholly without a heart but will take a more generous view of his eharac t3r. It is well known that Mrs. Sage has spent much of her time in charitable work. She has interested herself in various, benevolent schemes and dur ing her husband's lifetime drew more or less liberally upon his bank account for money with which to carry forward her charitable under takings. How much sympathy Mr. Sage had with this work is a matter of conjecture. Perhaps originally he had none,for Russell Sage was heard hearted. He had made fortune by per sistent work and "had knocks." He had been given no quarter and he had asked none and was not disposed to make room for anyone else. But maybe a woman his wife ioftened him. Let us hope so, at any event. A great fortune in the hands of a good woman and all accounts agree that Mrs. Sage is not only a good $100 lieward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded diseass that science has been able to cure in all its stages and tha& is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Ca tarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- aaiiy, acimg directly upon tne Diooa and raucou3 surfaces of the system, aereby destroying tha foundation of the disease, and giving the pa tient slrength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have no much faith in its curative powers, that they oiler one Hun- for any c&se that it Bend for list of testi- The umbrella is another thing that has kept up well during this month. Imlammatory Rheumatism Cured In i Days. Mr. L. Hill of Lebanon, Ind; "My wife had Inflammatory Rheumaism in every muscle and joint; her suffer ing was terrible and her body and face were swollen almost beyond recognition; had been m bed for six weeks and had eight physicians, but received no benefit until she tried the Mystic Cure for Rheumatism. It gave immediate relief and she wa able to walk about in three days. I am sure it saved her life." Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bro., Druggists. Use boiling water when it first boils or the gases will escape and the water becom flat. dred Dollars fails to cure, menials. Address F. . CHENEY &C., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. c For Infants and CMldren. The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Harry Thaw is ?ane enough when he is sober enough.. If you want your stove wood split ready for cook stove you can get it at Griffin's Wood Yard. N charge for splitting. :tra Stoiypin will earn ali the salary he can get his hands on. The sincerest tribute that can be paid to superiority 33 imitation. The many imitations of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve that are now before the public prove it the best. Ask for DeWitt's. Good for burns, scalds, chaffed skin, eczema, tetter, cuts, bruises, boiles and piles. Highly recommended and reliable. Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bro. Dowie has only his purple gown and the traditional ravens left as assets. i a j w i i J lea a. U3j- :xrx t;.r iasy Brings Goldeu Health and Ke.asvriH3 k voec:flc to? Constipation. Indies 'lion, Llvo r.il Sidney Troubles, Pimples. Eczema, Impure or.-'i. Bad Bream, Slusreish Boweh. Heaiaci?.9 In Self Defence Major Hamm, editor and manager of the Constitutionalist, Eminence, Ky., when he was fiercely attacked,, four years ago, be piles, bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of which he says: "II cured me in ten days and no trouble since" Quickest healer of Burns, Sores. Cuts and Wounds 25c at J. H. Hill & Son's drug store. Salt sprinkled on the fire will give blue flames so much desired for broiling. arid Backache. It's Rocicy Llcuatain Tea In tab- I 't form, 85 cents a box. Genuine made ,by HoLL,i3TEa Drug Company, Bl&dison, V?la. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOB SALLOW PEOPLE For Sale al Kiggina Drug Co. The Czar talks big in print, but he keeps close within doors atPeterhof. When applied and covered with a hot cloth Pinesalve acts like a poul tice. Best for burns,, bruises, boils, eczema, skin diseases, etc. Sold by Higgins Drug Co. mm-mm The most thriving toll bridge in the country is bridge whist. - SOUTHERN NATIONAL BANKS. The Baltimore faun cotains some very interesting observations upon the national banks of the South and the business they are doing. It saye: "The national banks of the South are to some extent an index of the increased industrial and financial ac tivity of that area, giving life to hoards hitherto kept in stockings and out of use. They now number J 1,295; Texas leading with 473. Iff Missouri, Indian Territory andOkla-1 homa are included in the aouth,lhat section has 1,663 national banks. Oklahoma and Indian Territory are particularly rich in this specie? of financial institution, the former hav ing 113, the latter 14S. Maryland has 91, Virgiuia b., West Virginia 83, North Carolina 52, the District of Columbia 13, The older Slates, hav ing State banks and private banks m large number, have a smaller pro portion than the new areas. The SDuth has 400 mere national banks than the Eastern States, 700 more than the Wt stern States, and six times as many as the Pacific States. Loans and discounts aggregate $7(51 537,450. The resources are $1,343. 275,083, and they are actively em ployedThe conversion of idi8 money into active capital is one of thr ocd cigns wf the times in the Sum))." Rhodes Military institute A first-class Military S.'hoI, pro pares for college or busbies.- life, un der best moral influences, at reason able expense. Healthy elevated lo cation, good water. Large -team-heated building, excellent literary and religious societies. i8trong Anti -Cigarette League. Commercial brandies taught pn.c ticully by oiJiee system. Fall Term begins Sept. 4, '06. Catalogues sent on apylica 3on. W. H. RHODES, Kin&rton, IV. C. Supt. Sfjiw r.-ui tho 'Vst t?-T Viurs. Tte old. original GUOVWS Taste leF.s Chill Tonic. You know what yon nr- taking. It in iron and quin- rfj ( tup?!'- f '" ' :- y Men Women as Well as Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trctib! IWomT s Seeds Kidney trouble preys upen ths rn?nd. courages and lessens ambition; beauty, 'ior ana cneertuiner.s socn disappear when the !id- cf . in ney are out -if am ;nna sea:; Kidney aoubiu hna become -.o prevalent fcr a ciiid to be born afflict sd vith weak kid neys. If the child urkv at as too often, it tn-. Ido the flesh cr if, when the ch'L reaches an age when it should fce able . Control the passage, it is yet afflicted v;-h tad-wetting; depend upon it. the caus of 'he difficulty is kidney trouble, ;;.rd ths r .'rst step should-' bs towards the trcatmsr. cf ths. important organs. Thus vinpleanl trouble is eu.j to a diseased condition of the kidneys and biacder and not to Kvory former .should have a copy of our It jivesibest methods of seed- uii-i and' full ioforinatiou about U Crimson Clove? vetches, vitaita Seed Oats, Rye Barley, Seed Wheat G-rasses and Cloverr. Descriptive Fall Catalogue mailed free, and prices quoted oa request. T. W. Wood & Sons, if Seedsmen, Richmond'Va. A Onr Trade Mark Brand 5ftC.d3"i th" t& Octet and elenacwt quail ties otiMinable. EAT NOTICE. Old Market in ft!ew Hands mi Walking barefoot is a simple and rural means of hardening the system. The End of" The World of troubles that robbed E. H. Wolfe, of Bear Grove la., of all usefullness, came when he began taking Electric Bitters. He we we writes: "Two years ago Kidney trouble caused me great suffering, which I would never have survived had I not taken Elec tric Bitters. They also cured me of General Debility." Sure cure tor all Stomach, Liver and Kidney com plaints. Blood diseases, Headache, Dizziness and Weekneas or bodily decline. Price 50c. Guaranteed by J. H. Hill & Son's Drug store. Persons suffering from excessive perspiration should not take hot baths. G JZa- 3 iiJ 2 X .Zk. . TjQn,0 Tise Kind Ycu Have Always Bought w cf You can see the poison Pine-ules clears out of the kidneys aDd bladder. A single dose at bed time will show you more poison upon rising the next morning than can be expelled from the system in any other way. Pine ules dissolve the impurities, lubricate the kidneys, cleanse the bladder, re lieve pain and do away wTith back ache speedily, pleasantly, perma nently. Sold by Higgins Drug Co. Salt sprinkled on the bottom of the oven will keep cakes from burn ing. What's the good of keeping from him Any good things you may see, That will lift his load of labor Like Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist. A hotter oven is required for small layer cakes than for loaf cakes. Eat one of Ring's Dyspepsia Tab lets after each meal and you will not surfer with indigestion. Sold by Higgins Drug o. A paste of starch or flour will re move blood stains. A hundred years ago the best phy sician would give you a medicine for your heart without stopping to con sider what effect it might have on the liver. Even to this good day cough and cold medicines invariably bind the bowels. This is wrong. Bee's Laxative Cough 8yrup. with Honey and Tar acts on the bowTels drives out the cold, clears the head, relieves all coughs, cleanses and strengthens the mucous membranes of the throat, chest, lungs and bron chial tubes. Sold by Higgins Drug Co. The fast colors are not those that run, even when it rains. most people suppose. Vomen an well as men are made erable with kidney and bladder trc ana Dctn nsea tne same rrreat remedy. The mild and the immediate effect c! SwarnpRat is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- Ipp- cent and one dollar i5fSS?E35;'E?i Mzes. You may have a sample bottle by mail tree, also pampniet tew- Home ot Swamp-Boot, ing all about it, including many of the thousands cf testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer 8t Co., Binghamtcn, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remembe the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, axd the address, Binghamtewi N. Y.. on ever.- bottie. THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture anil Mechanic Arts The undersigned has pur chased the market business "eSv lnd good will of M. Sherman and will conduct the busi ness at the same old stand. I have had many years' ex perience and have come to Goldsboro with my family to make my home and do business. I know all the de tails of the meat business and will give the trade hon est service and seek to satis fy my customers in all or ders. Give me. a trial and I will have you always as a customer, my motto being "Once a customer, always a customer." Respectfully, HENRY N. HALL, Shermanls Old Stand. Injudicious eating and drinking will make the pores of the skin large. woman in the ordinary acceptace of j Constipation makes the cold drag j Higgins Drug Co. the term but is devoted to charity ! alonsr. Get it out ot you. laiset can be of vast service in the better- j Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar ' The cleansing, antiseptic and heal- ing properties ot Pinesalve make it superior to tamily salves, bold by A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro truding Piles. Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in 6 to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasn't it send 50c in stamps and it will be forwarded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Lotus, Mn. Secretary Root is growing in popu larity. Don t be fooled and made to be lieve tLat rheumatism can be cured with local applications. Hoilister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the only positive cure for rheumatism. 35 cents Te& or Tablets. Ask your drug gist. Don't alhw the chickens to become crowded in their coops these warm nights. Buy one a our Mosquito Canopies and sleep ii ppace. We are sole agent3 for th Dixie Canopies. Andrews & Waddell. Practical education in Agricul ture, Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, and the Textile Art. ADDRESS President Winston, West Raleigh, N. C. A Graduate Stenographer and Typewriter of the Baptist Female University desires a position at once. Address Box 44, R. F. D. No. 3, Goldsboro. $8.85 To meiit ui uncial u.uu.iS Ll s0ld by M. E. Robinson & Bro. viation of human suffering and Biscuit, murfins and cookies re- Contains no opiates. ! quire a quiCK oven. side tubes with nozzle,, so the medicine Every form of distressing ailment ! i . T -1 - A A 11 the advancement of civilization. So Powdered charcoal is a good tooth ! Known as jriits originates miernany. v,. ,h,i .v.,,11 err, tr. the n.. ,., a wi hrpath nnrifier. iThe real cause of the trouble is in sell Sage's fortune for to good it may do will woman fluence . , : f rri1 ofV, ar-1 orwiwrivo KauI i Sold by Higgins Drug Co. 3 eara th9 cf .1. 3 'X' 3 3F. X . Ths Kind Ycu Have Always EcugJiI ackactae Any person having backache, kidney pains or bladder trouble who will take two or three Pine-ules upon retiring at night shall be relieved before morning. The medicinal vlrtnss of th crude gums and resins ob tained from the Native Pino have been recognized by the medical pro fession for centuries. In Pine-nles we offer all of the virtues of the Native Pine that are of value in relieving all Kidney and Bladder Troubles Prepared b7 PINE-ULE MEDICINE CO., CHICAGO Sold by HigginsjDrug Co. Washington, D. C, and Return Via Atlantic Coast Line. Account Negro Young Peoples' Christian and Edicationd Confer ence, July 31st-August 5th, iy)G. Tickets on -ale July 27tb, :30th and 31 t, final limit August Sth. Ex tension oi final limit to September 8th, may be obtained by deposit of ticket with Special Agent, Washing on, D. C, between the hours of 8.30 a. m. and 9 p. m., daily except Sun day, or between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. Sundays, not earlier than July 27th, nor later than Aug ust 8th, and payment of fee of fifty i cents. For further informal ion rom- municate with your nearest ticket agent or write T. C. WHITE, IMMEDIATELY CL'RES HICKS Land Fcr Sale I W. J. CRAIG, Pass. Traf. Man. Wilmington, N. C Agent. Pnr hlr.nfincr. hplf'hinf. Sfinr fttom- be directly attributable toa; h bad breath, malassimilation of ; can be applied where it will clothe , who wieiaea a greater in-; f00(i and all symptoms of indigestion "i tlu" ".V, m-j over the millionaire than j Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets are a : aro sunermtr m ! aL: 4- ; vourself the dutv ot trying ALanZau. essed and ' P,utui11 cu : r,, K tt?jq n-o. even the money be poss worshipped. All honor to woman and her power to do good. May that power continue to grow greater! by Higgins Drug Co. It the skin is inclined to be scaly ! Russell Sage wears a $22,000 suit the face should not be steamed. The 550 or G0t acres tract of laud ManZan is put up in collapsible six miles east of Mount Olive, in Wayne county, oi which the late A. J. K. Rhodes livel. Mostly cleared land, suitable fo pasture, truck growing and faming of all kinds, and well adaptea to all kinds of crops. For full pa-ticulars, terms, etc. , write to or call on MRS. SPICEYW. RHODES, R. F. D. No, 1. Mamt Olive, N. C. of steel gray now. 3 f ,ivU W HEADACHES (0iMJB up COLDS SSTriai Botde ioc AiQru&te i tion, two minutes from Reading Ter- Beware of dangerous immitationsJ 1-1?"11? iau m $2 to E3.50 per aay, Euroiean plan from ; 5i 10 c.ou per day. VINDSOR HOTEL, 1217-29 Filbert Street. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Three minutes from Broad St. Sta- T Cure a Cold in One iav. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine! Tablets. All druggists refund the i money if it fails to cure. E. W. i Buy matting and rugs of Andrews Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. ! & Waddell. Frank M. Scheibley, MANAGER.