AS WE GO ALONG. Snap-Shots, Witty, Wise and Other wise. People who have an ax to grind prefer a neighbor's grindstone. - Even the man who is looking tor a soft thing draws the line at a padded eell. Even a plumber gets worried about finances when he owns an automo bile. It is a lot of consolation for poor peo! pie to know that so many rich people are vulgar. There is always more or less making up before a wedding, most of it in front of a mirror. Many a woman doesn't think it wrong for her husband to bet so long as he betters himself. Some men count on their luck so hard that when a girls refuses to marry them they ask another. When a woman says no she may mean yes. Grab her and apologize after ward, if necessary. How happy a woman might be if ber wrinkles would only appear on her bac'k instead of her face. People who make the best of their bad bargains are apt to turn a profitable deal in the long run. Adasa -didn't live long enough to Why Refer to Doctors Because we make medicines for them. We tell them all about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, con sumption. They trust it. Then you can afford to trust it. Ask your own doctor. The best kind of a testimonial " "Sold for over sixty years." v Jt Made by J. G. Ayer Co., Iiowell, lUasa. Mtm aiuo muuiMiunii ox flyers SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. Ml n hair. -n vnf fl "XKT m TinttMaH the formulas of all our medicines. Ayer's Pills greatly aid the Cherry Pectoral in breaking, up a cold. ART PROSTITUTED. "Whither are we drifting" is a ques tion that is sometimes propounded, at regular intervals, and relates in its in ception to questions of public morals or public trend, and usually behind it is a somewhat pessimistic spirit. But not so with what we shall have here to ap-i say. v .' predate his good luck in not having, any dry goods bills to pay. j Spring is on the way. Luck .y ior the violets, she won't have to pay her fare on the trains, as the editors must do. ' Acynie is proud of his worldly knowl edge, yet he doesn't know that his cyn icism is a knife turned upon him self. -- Having changed the course of the Gulf Stream, the Kingston earthquake still manages to figure in the current news. The present Congress principal claim t3 fame will be for having left undone many things which it ought to have done. The flowers bloom die and bloc n again. So will the dark days be fol lowed by sunshine and calm ensue after the storm. Mr. Shonts -says the Panama Canal will be built in eight years, showing how courageous he is with someone else on the job. It's a waste of time to attempt to dodge a hypocrite. He knows more dodges in a minute than you will learn in a lifetime. The Chicago Record-Herald says the Thaw jurors will five years hence be no more famous than the heroes who helped Sobson sink the Merrimac. One New York paper refers to the "moribund eongress" where another would probably have chosen by prefer ence the word plunderbund." Since the American duel has become largely a matter of talk and stenograph ers, it is time for us to quit laughing at the Freneh affaire d' hpnnour. Science says there are fish in the deep sea thatf'-arry lanterns." It is not known whether they are seeking for an honest fish or something to eat. In the swimming pool that Andrew Carneele is to give to Yale his name cannot be written in the water, so it is to be blown into the bricks at the pool's side. . Thirteen million men available for military duty in this country stand readv te shake their fists at the first enemy that appears on the hori zon. Expert Wiley says cold meat is not good after three months. How long, for goodness sake, does thaman think the Christmas turkey is -expected to last. When a man is asked for a list of "the books that have helped him," he in variably feels for his pocketbook and writes down the Bible and Shakes peare. Carlsbad is in danger of losing her iamous springs as a result or mining operations. People are too promiscuous these day s in the way they prowl around in the earth. The New-Yorkers who did not propose to have the Thaw trial and "Salome" going on at the same time,, have not yet gotten accustomed to watching the three-ring performances. People who clip off the corners ofdol lar bills say that it will insure the owner against ever knowing misfortune. An other good way to keep off hard luck is to accumulate a great many two-dol lar bills. Ensign Bagley Transferred. Ensign Eavid W. Bagley, U. S, N.. of Raleigh, N. C, has been transferred from the gunboat Concord to the ar mored eruiser West Virginia. Both vessels are in the Orient, the West "Virginia having gone 'there recently to join the permanent armored cruiser fleet there. ' The immense amount of 'space de voted to the minute details of the pendinsr trial of - a degenerate who m urdered a reprobate in New York by the metropolitan press has created much comment in respectable circles all over the country. The New York newspapers have been devoting pages almost daily to the Thaw case,presum ably to supply the demand of the New York reading public with this character of more or less questionable Jitera. ture. This is not a matter of wonder when the attitude of what is supposed to be the representative element of theater patrons of New York is considered in he lierht of the recent presentation ol OscarWiide's infamous play, "Salome, This was first offered to garah Bern hardt, who has made a reputation for appearing in some broad and vicious productions. She declined the offer upon learning from the author that he had striven to turn out something cruel and sensual." The author him self, though possessing a brilliant in telleet, was totally devoid of moral sensibility, and with such, a purpose as he acknowledged in the production ot the play it was natural to. expect a thoroughly brutal and coarse work from him. The play is grossly immoral and seeks to encourage the taste for,-- the vulgar and the "brutal. It is a horrible per version of the Biblical story of llerod and the daughter of his brother's wife. The play is not only indecent, iniqui tous, and disgusting, but it is al so a maioaorus musical mucK-neap founded on the depraved imagin ings of a degenerate author. We are not particularly concerned with the re ports in the New York newspapers that a large and representative audience sat through the whole coarse performance and gave evidence of a high appreeia tion, though be it said to the credit of the directors of the Metropolitan Opera House Company, that they ordered the presentation discontinued in that play house. Neither are we concerned with the fact that the taste of New York opera pa trons is such as to encourage those who are financing the thing to make ar rangements to have it presented else- where in that city. But there is another phase of this matter which is more far reaching and more deplorable than New York's perverted ideas of drama tic art. It is the fact that one of the greatest composers has set a vicious and filthy play to divine music. Referring to the musical element in the production, a well known critic says: "From beginning to end Wilde's play is swallowed in the music. It is as though the sheer,, burning power of Strauss had melted it into tones. All that Wilde's words would summon the music summons with tenfold express iveness. In vividness of delineation, characterization and suggestion it seems to transcend the limits of tones as Strauss himself and none other has hitherto set them. The eloquence, the vividness never flag. They are like almost incredibly intensified, incredibly luminous, incredibly commanding speech." And the sadness of it all thesplendid genius of a mind rich in the imaginative faculty, but singularly wanting in moral sensibility, and the masterful talent of a giant of melody oolaborated in a vicious, vulgar stage production cater ing to a depraved taste and a brutal in stinct. 'Tis a depressive spectacle of art degrading itself and its votaries, em ploying its seductive allurements to aid and popularize a dramatic cesspool, the polluted conception and abominable execution of a pervert. Strauss a partner in this stage representation which ought to make the real artist hang his head in shame! Howmany unpardonable sins are committed in the name of art! Harriman And Gould. In New York ; the rumor of a truce having been made between E. H. Hari man. and Geo Gould under which Gould would not extend the Wes tern Maryland Railroad to Pittsburg and Harriman would let the Goulds use the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in order to reach tidewater is scouted. Stranger things have come . about, however, than this, as the work of ex tending the Western Maryland has lag ged of late and it is likely that at least efforts to patch up some sort of truce like this have been made. ; - Just why Jthe Wabash should want to reach Baltimore, though, is not clear to some expert transpoatation men. These say that Baltimore is far inferior to Norfolk as a tidewater terminal and they assume that when the Tidewater Railroad shall have been completed to Norfolk that the Gould lines may reach the sea head, the Goulds being held to be allied with the Rockefeller- inter ests. One of them expressed surprise when Harriman bought the Baltimore and Ohio, which gave him entrance into Baltimore, and said that the move tied a first rate Western road to a seconn- class Eastern one. He classed the Bal timore and Ohio in the lower grade.' Perhaps the Goulds wish to reach both Baltimore and Norfolk and may do so eventually. It is not well, despite denials upon all hands, to assume that there mav not come about an alliance between Harriman and the Goulds such as rumor has it has been effected. It has long been known that the powerful financiers of our time cease fighting each other when their is money to be divided. Sentiment among these great divilers is an indistinguishable quan WO 1MM1 USE FROM YEAR TO YEAR The cause of Rheumatism is an excess of uric acid in the blood, brought on by indigestion, chronic constipation, weak kidneys and a general slug gish condition of the entire system. The refuse and waste matter of the body is not carried out as nature intends, but is left to ferment and sour and generate uric acid, which is absorbed into the blood. The first evidence of Rheumatism is usually little wandering pains in the muscles and joints, or a tender, sensitive place on the flesh. These are often so slight that nothing is thought of them and they pass away; but with each recurrence the trouble becomes more severe, and from slight wandering' pains and excited nerves, Rheumatism grows to be a painful and almost constant trouble. The longer the poison remains in the blood the firmer hold the trouble gets on the sys tem. Each day the acid deposit is increasing and the disease grows worse from year to year. After awhile the joints become coated with a corrosive substance which seriously interferes with their working and movements and sometimes they become permanently stiff and useless. S. S. S. ' cures Rheumatism by going down into the blood and attacking the disease at its head. It neutralizes the poisons and acids and dissolves the salts and irritating deposits, making the blood stream pure, fresh and healthy. S. S. S is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and is therefore a 6afe remedy. When the blood has been purified by S. S. S., the pains and aches pass away, and the cure is permanent. Book on Rheumatism, and medical advice free. THE &WIFT SPECSFBG CO., ATLANTA, GA Just the Thing for Supper WHAT? Why a Dan of " in a pan only 5c. Oh. yes. all kinds made everv day. Fruit Cake, Pound Cake, Raisin Cake, only 20c per lb. HOME-MADE CANDY. I make Old Fashion Peanut Brittle. Taffies and Cocoanut every day. PURELY VEGETABLE No Appetite Means loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and is often a pre cursor of prostrating sick ness, inis is wny it is serious. The best thing you can do is to take the great alterative and tonic Hood's Sarsaparilla Which has cured thousands. Face hands and entire body covered with Eczema Sufferers, read this Knoxvllle, Tenn., Marcik 5, 1904. 77. D. EuUman & Co. Gentlemen: Last summer I suffered -with th worst case of eczema I ever saw. Our doctor said it was the most aggravating case he ever naa in an ms practice. It had covered mv face and hands and had almost covered my entire body. I could not sleen at nieht and had used so many different remedies I had about given up ever Demg- curea, as l continued to get worse all the time. After spending $25.00 for medicina which did me no good I saw your advertisement ot u. JJ. JJ. ana as I had tried everything else decided to give it a trial, and to the surprise of myself and family I was entirely eured after using Biz bottles. I believe one or two bottles will eure any ordinary case, and I am ordering this for a man living in Morristown. The flesh. producer is lor the same party. I will appreci. ate anything you may do in the way -of price or express cnarges. x ours very truly, M. F. MoGTJISE. Our confidence In the 0. D. D. Prescription. Sc many astonishingly effective and per manent cures have been made by this won derful Skin Disease Remedy (The D. D. D. Prescription) that we are absolutely cow zrincedit will conquer any and all diseases of the Skin and Scalp. Wo back this assertion with our Guaranty. Those who are interested in this subject are invited to call at our store and see act ual photographs of many people cured of j 1 am T mese seemingly mcurapie skip. .Diseases. NOTICE. ";'vV" By virtue of an order made in the special' proceeding- in the Superior Court of Wayne county, entitled Mary J. Whitfield and others. To the Court, the undersigned will sell for cash, by pub lie auction, at the Court House door in Golds boro, on Monday, the 4th day of March, 1907, the following lands, to-wit; Beginning at a stake in the Indian Springs road, Whittteld's and Lof tin's old line, now W. H. Ward's corner, and runs thence N. 3 1-4 E. 63 poles to a small hickory. Field's Still House corner; then S, 3 W. 25 2-3 poles to a.sweet gum stump, in the edge of said Still House pond: then S. 86 1-2 E. 30 1-2 poles to a stake. Walker's and said Still House corner: then S. 11 W. 71 1-4 poles to a red oak: then S. 3 W. 55 1-3 poles to a stake, Whitfield's and Dr. Jones' corner, on the Dudley and White Hall road: then with said road S. 55 1-2 E. 123 poles to a stake, Whitfield's and Jones' corner, in Daly's corner: then N. 66 W along the South edge of the Indian Springs road. 174 3-5 poles to the be ginning, containing three hundred and forty-two (342) acres, more or less: and also the W. B. Whitfield home place, containing Fifteen (15) acres, more or less, and bounded on North, East and South by the lands of the Seven Springs Se curities Company, and on the West by the road leading to White Hall. - -anuary 28th, 1907. - - I.F. DORTCH, Commissioner, DRESSMAKING. Als Remodelng and fitting ladies garments. I carry also a stock of ladies wearing apparel. Miss Mott, 213 N. John St: - - BnaSr.XaFraxiioo'BH Oompoi n ct 6ives Positive Relief 1 I Powerful Combination. BoooeisfaUy uaed by I Smokeless M I CAHCD" Powder Shells "REPEATER" and The I superiority of Winchester Smokeless' Powder Shells is undisputed. W Among intelligent shooters they stand first in pop ularity,! records and shooting qualities Jl Always use them For field or Tra "Shooting. Ask Your Dealer For Them. BarnesT Home Made Rolls, Best butter, 35c. per lb. 10 CAKES I PICKLES ! Bottle goods of all kinds Olives. Dill. Sweet or Sour Cucumbers by the dozen. Mixed Pickles by the quart or pint. Stuffed Peppers, Stuffed Mangoes, Stuffed Cucumbers they are grand try thorn. FISH! tMackerel, Milkers Herrings, Marnirte Herrings French Sardines, Salmon, Kippered Herrings. KRAUT! By the pound or in cans. Lentrels. Split Peas. Barlev. rigs ana Kaisens- VALENTINES! Will have a fine line. 1. Be sure to come see them. Also Edison Electric Light Bulbs. Dates, Prunes and Walter H. Barnes. HOLLISTER'S Rscky fountain Tea Wuggsts A Busy Medioine for Busy Peo pi 3. Brings Goldea Health and Renewed Vigof A specific for Constipation, Indigestion, TAv .nd Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema Impus Uloort, Bad Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Headaclj j :iu1 Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tab '"t form, 85 cents a box. Oenuine made by Holmster Dbuo Company, Madison, Wis, NUGGETS F0S SALLOW PEGpa S For Rale at Higgrim i-rue: 'Jo WINDSOR HOTEL, 1217-29 Filbert Street. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Three minutes from Broad St. Sta tion, two minutes from Heading Ter minal. American plan from $2 to $3.50 per day, European plan from $1 to $2.50 per day. Mrs. Malinda Akers, of Basham, Va,, writes: "I had what doctors call 'prolapse,' and couldn't stand straight. I had pain in my back and shoulders, and was very irregular and profuse. Doctors said an operation was needed, but I couldn't bear the thought of the knife. After tak ing three bottles of Wine of Cardui, I could walk around. Can now do my housework and am in splendid health." Cardui is a pure, vegetable, medicinal essence, especially adapted to cure women's diseases. It relieves excessive periodical pains, regulates irregularities, ana is a safe, pleasant and re liable remedy for all sick women. In suc cessful use for over 70 years. Try it. TREE ADVICE . Write us a letter describing all your symptoms, and we wMl send you Free Advice, in plain sealed envelope. Address: Ladies' Advisory Department, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatta nooga, Tenn. eft At Every Drug Store in $1.00 Bottles. WINE OF Mill J14 NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of sale con tained in a mortgage executed Nov. 10th, 1903, by Hyman Pate to J. M. stone and which has been assigned to Barnes Aycock, which mort gage is duly registered in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Wayne county. North Carolina, m book 84, page 140. we will sell for cash by pub lic auction at the court house door in Goldsboro, North Carolina, on Wednesday, Feb. 13th. 1907, at 1 o'clock p. m. the lands described in said mor tgage as follows, to-wit, "being the lands con veyed to Hyman Pate by J. R. Best and wife by deed of Nov. 18th, 1881, registered m book 48 pages 84 and 85 in the office of the Register ot Deeds of said county, and also the lands convey ed by J, W. Talton and wife to Hyman Pate by deed of Nov. 23rd, 1881, - registered in book 47, page 543.", This the 12th day of January 1907 J. M. STONE, Mortgagee. BARNES AYCOCK. Assignee of Mortgagee. Eczema FREE and Pile Cure. Knowing what it was to suffer, I will give FREE OF CHARGE to any afflicted a positive cure for Ec zema, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Piles and Skin Diseases, Instant relief. Don't suffer longer, write F. W. WILLIAMS 400 Manhattan Avenue, New York. Enclose Stamp. CITY TAXES FOR 1906 NOW DUE. Those who have not yet paid their city taxes for 1906 will please come forward and do so before Feb. 1st and save being advertised. J. S. WARRICK. City Tax Collector Office at City Hall. Im8j PROFESSIONAL. Hi Received ii D. M C. Embroidery Cotton. Tourist Ruching, 25c. for six yards. DENTISTS. DR. E. C. VITOU, DENTIST. Phone 880. Goldsboro, N. C. DR. J. N. JOHNSON, DENTIST. Office up stairs inBorden Building near the Bank of Wayne. DOCTORS. DR. TOEL WHITAKER. Practice limited to diseases of EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. At Dr. J. N. Johnson's office Fridav afternoon's after Nov. 5. LADIESfiCLOAKS -LADIES COAT SUITS CHILDRENS CLOAKS -LADIES SKIRTS -FURS - 1 -2 off. 1-2 off. 1-3 off. 1-3 off. 1 -2 off. Ho Weil ros, SIXTY PER CENT. Ol all headaches are caused through defective eyes. Little eye defects grow to big ones il not properly and promptly attended to. Consult a specialist. No charge for examination, and I will guarantee you perfectly fitting glasses. At home Wednesday and Saturday after 1 o'clock. SAMUEL J. GILBEY. 407 N. William St. Free Trip to Europe Given Away. The Wilmington School of Languages, the only institute of learning foreign languages by correspondence in the Carolinas, begs to an nounce that they have inaugurated a contest to the effect that the Lady or Gentleman who se cures the most pupils for the school until March the 1st, (when the contest will close) will be given A Free Trip to Europe. During the summer of 1907, extending over 6 to 8 weeks. For terms as to a course in either German or French as well as to the conditions of the contest please apply to THE WILMINGTON SCHOOL OP LAN GUAGES, 402 Southern Building, Wilmington' N, C.

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