GOLDSBORO, N. C, August 15, 1907. PflESEM AND FUTURE. There is folly in the pessimistic idea or nrediction that business is on the decline, when it is shown that the railroads of this country are hauling more freight than they did a year ago;" that the people are buying more, and the mills and mines are producing more. Iu the United States the home de mand is enormous. Tins country pro duces 40 per cent ot the world's iron and 42 per cent of its steel, but this does not meet the bomedemand. There wit $740,000,000 of manufactures ex ported last fiscal year, of which iron mi'l .-teel furnished a considerable part, ').! nor withstanding the expansion in the n.tmt)er and the capacity of the iro iiiid steel works ot the country ire unable to supply all the or ders which tLey recei ve, and foreign lumaces and mills aie being drawn upon, thus establishing a large import list of these goods. Not many y-ars ago the United K'-sU'S wns third or fourth in the list in -o.ii. i t and steel production, while iud.-y tire in tlie lead. The aggregate value of the agricul tural products of this country in 190(3 mi- y $7,000,000,000, which was li-:td ot any two countries in the world. 1 ee tacts and figures speak most wiciviraijiiialy for the future of our eii tire country, but especially for this Southland of ours for it is this SHction to which the eyes of the finan- eiai -iitaitutaiui ing ana consuming world are i);-in turned. Tbeieis only one tiling lacking to bring about an immediate consumma tion oft lie hjippy conditions hoped for and certain to come to the south and that is labor. The field is here, but the ialoi'rs are too few. The farms, the mills nd othe lai.or employing: enter prises are calling loudly for labor, and the only solution is the encourage ment of immigration. The call for "help" all along the line is loud and persisted. ENDORSES EXPOSITION. CLICKERS' STRIKE IGNITES ANOTHER Electricians of Chicago Join Telegraphers. Still Demanding Eight Hiurs as a Day's Service and Fifteen Per Cent. Wage Increase. I (By Special Wire to the Argus.) Chicago, Aug. 17 The Electricians here have joined in the telegraphers' strike, being ordered out this morning as the result of some complications and on account of general sympathy with the strikers. Other trades unions are today threatening to follow. President Small this morning issued a statement giving what he. says are two necessary essentials tOj win viz.' the raising of a two million dollar fund in sixty days, which has been started to sustain the strikers; and the getting away from keys of every operator not working under contract. With this accomplished he says that their demand for 8 hours a day service and 15 per cent increase must be com plied with. FINE SPIRIT OF PROGRESS. GRAY CRITICISES JONES Mr. Graves says it Is a Grand Suc cess. Our esteemed townsman and well known cotton buyer Mr. I). H. Graven has, with Mrs. Graves, been spending some time ;it Atlantic City, and on their way they took in the Jamestown Exposition. The following note from Mr. Graves will be read with interest by his many friends among Auocs readers: . Atlantic City, Aug 14, 1907. Editor Argus. Dear sir: I will go up to Philadelphia tomorrow, so you may discontinue my Argus. One bates to leave here. The weather is delightful, the surf bathing superb,' and I am freeto say there is only one Atlantic City in the world. Yours truly, D. H. Graves. P. S. Am glad to see SO many Golds Jxro people going to the Imposition, it is a grand success. We spent 13 days there. It is a Sduthern Exposition. Col. Redding Greatly Pleased With fne Spirit Manifested in" The Farmers' Institute. Raleigh News and Observer. Col. K. J. Redding, long director of the Experiment Station in Georgia, and well known agricultural writer and lecturer, spent yesterday in llaleigh. He has been in this State since the 17th of July, speaking once or twice every day at Farmers' Institutes in various parts of the State. He is greatly pleas ed, witu tue spirit ot progress ana co-1 operation manifested by the North Carolina farmers. "I wish we had the same spirit in Georgia," he said last night, "tor it is an inspiration to all who are interested in agricultural de velopment." Col. Redding had just returned from Jonesboro where he attended a Farm ers' Institute. He said that over 200 farmers, intelligent and progressive, were present and it was a meeting that did him much good. He says it means better farming for that country. Col. Redding left in the afternoon for Kinston and other points in Eastern North Carolina. The series of insti- utes will close at Enfield, when Col. Redding will join his wife at Norfolk. He is the superintendent of the Geor gia Building at the Jamestown Exposition. Mad Dog Epidemic. Danville, Illinois Has a Number of ' 1ctims. (Special to the Argus.) Chicago. Aug. 14. Six victims of a mad dog epidemic in Danville arrived here today in a terrible condition to take treatment in the Pasteur Insti tute. v " Two of the victims are mother and son, who were bitten by another son who himself was bitten by a mad dog and has since died in terrible agony and in the throes of death seized and bit the mother and brother who were endeavoring to relieve his sufferings. and are now verging on the terrible agonies themselves. am SEABOARD IS SUBSERVIENT. fill Obey New Bate Law in Virginia , Without Controversy. Special to The Argus. Richmond, Va., Aug. 17 The Sea board Air Line has announced through its general counsel Watts, that it will not fight the new rate law of 2 eents in Virginia. The Tidewater and Western Road also puts the new 2 cent rate into effect, without a fight. This latter road lias been charging 4 cents. VISITORS FROM AFRICA. Lieutenant-Governor of Ala bama Denounces Fed eral Judge. But Gray is Not a Lawyer Neither Is He Conversant With the Sworn Duties of a JudgeHe is Simply a Pol itician. (Special to the Argus.) Montgomery, Aug. 16. Lieut.-Gov- ernor Henry Gray, who, in the absence of Governor Comer from the State, is "sitting on the lid" in the executive office in the capacity of Governor, to day gives out an interview in which he criticises' and scores Judge Jones, of the federal court, in severest language for issuing the restraining order re ported in these dispatches yesterday, and which enjoins State and County officials of Alabama from serving pen al processes on the L. & N. railway em ployees pending a settlement of the contested new rate law in that State. Acting Governor Gray among other things declares that no such drastic or outrageous order as that issued by Judge Jones ever emanted from the Bench even in reconstruction times, and that federal Judges are responsible to no one, neither God nor man, being appointed for life.and are indifferent to the popular will or public censure. Mr. Gray is not a lawyer nor con versant with tfie sworn duties of fed eral Judges, who are presumed to be, in the conscientious discharge of their duties, just what Lit. Gov. Gray, the politician, charges as a fault indiffer ent to the popular will or public cen sure. That is why, in thewisdom ot the constitution, they are appointed for life, that they may be responsible to no one for their official acts. I will mail you free, to prove merit, J sample of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative, and my book on either Dyspepsia, The Heart or the Kidneys, Troubles of the Heart or Kidneys, are merely symptoms of a deeper ailments. Don't make the' common error of treating symptoms only. Symptoms treatment is treating the result of your ailment, and not the cause. Weak Stomach nerves the inside mean Stomach weak ness, always And the Heart, and Kidueys as well, have their controlling or idside nerves. AVeaken these and nerves, and you inevitabley have weak vital organs, Here is where Dr. Shoop's Restortive has made its fame. No other remedy even claims the "inside nerves". Also for bloatinsr. biliousness bad breath sr complixion. use Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write to-day for sample and free book. Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Rhe Restorative is sold by Higgins Drug Co. God rights the man that keeps silence. A cleansing, clean, cooling, soothing, healing household remedy is DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. For Burns, cuts, scratches, briuses, insect bites, and sore feet it is unequaled. Good for Piles. Beware of imitations, Get Dewitt's. Its the best Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bro. wo Men in North Carolina Looting a Location for a Dutch Lolony. (Special to The Argus.) Ralelgli, Aug. 14. Raleigh has been visited this week by two men from Airica not Africans, if you please, but Dutchmen, who have for some years been sojourners in South Africa. One Of them gives hid name as J. J. van Wouw and, according to his state ments, was an officer of the Boer gov ernment in Pretoria. The other was his friend, Mr. Tegraen. The men are highly intelligent in their appearance and go well dressed. They were guests of the Yarborough House while in the city and registered from "Preto ria, Africa." , Their principal business in the city was with the State Department of Ag riculture. They give their mission to North Carolina as that of looking for a suitable and desirable location tor a colony from Holland, their native land. One Inquiry of theirs was to know if the government of the State and nation would protect them here as other citi zens. - The crme to Raleigh from High Point and left yesterday morning for Spray. They say Raleigh is too hot for them. It is hotter they say, than High Point. Another Dispensary Goes. (By special wire to The Argus.) Benson, N. C, Aug. 14. In the elec tion held here yesterday as to whether the town should longer continue in the Dispensary business or have absolute prohibition, the prohibition forces won by a good round majority. The prohibition sentiment is growing everywhere, and the nefarious'dispen- sary does not meet the requirements of sobriety. The "scheme" has been sufficiently tried here and our good people have voted to close it. Do you really enjoy what you eatl Does your food taste good? Do you fee? hungry and want mbref Or do you have a heavy dull feeling after meals, sour stomach, belching, gas on the stomach, bad breath indigestion and dyspepsia? If so you should take little Kodol after meals Kodol will nourish and strengthen your digestive organs and furnish -the natural digasti ve juices for your stomach. It will make you well. It will make your food do you good. Turn your food into good rich blood. Koaol digests what you eat. Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bro Sometimes the cook is the best authority on Browning. For a cold or a cough take Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. It is Better than any other cough remedy because its laxative principle assures a healthy, copious action of the bowels and at the same time heals irritation of the throat strengthens the bionchial tubes and al lays inflammation of the mucous mem brane. Contains Honey and Tar, plea sant to take.Children like it. Conforms to the National Pure Food and Drug Law. sola by M. E. Robinson fc Bro Turkey is a small country, but to day it's an over the map. Nearly all old-fasnioned Cough Sy rups are constipating, especially those that contains opiates. They don't act just right. Kennedy's Laxative Cough syrup contains no opiates. It drives the cold out ef the system by gently moving the bowels. Contains Honey and Tar and tastes nearl as good as maple syrup. Children like it. Sold by M. E. Robinson fc Bro Sufficient unto the days twenty four hours. When there is the sligheest indication of indigestion, heart burn, flatulence or any form ot Stomach trouble take a a little Kodol occasionally and you will be efforded prompt relief. Kodol is a compound of vegetable acids and contains the zuices found in a healthy stomach Kodol digests what you eat makes your food do you good. Sold by M. E. Robinson and Bro. A word in season "Thanks " I'll stop your pain free. To show you first before you spend a penny what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail you free, a Trial Package of them Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, Pe riod pains, etc., and due alone to blood congestion. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets simply kill pain by coaxing away the unnatural blood pressure That is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine Wis. SOld by Higgins Drug Do. the When we get the elevated trains will run overtime. Typos Endorse Clickers. Atlanta, Aug. 14. The Typography cnl Union, of this city, today formally endorsed the strike of the telegraph operators and pledged them financial Residence 114, ; North George Street, support when necessary. j Office: Borden Building. DK R. E. ' Physician and Surgeon A Mtmorablt Day. One of the days we remember -with pleasure, as wen as with profit . to our health, is the one on which we became acquainted with Dr. King's New Life Pills, the painless purifiers that cure headache and biliousness, and keep the bowels righf 25c at J. H. Hill fc Son The man behind the drum should not work to beat the band. A Happy Man, ' Is Amos F. King, of Port Bvron. N Y., 75 years of age; since a sore on his leg. which had troubled him the greater part of his life, hag been entire' ly healed by Bucklen's Arnica Salve the world's great healer of Sores, Burns Cuts Wounds and Piies. Guaranteed by J. H. Hill & Son Price 25c. Jealousy is an explosive that wrecked many an air castle. v has Grafters of a feather ways graft together. do nat al- Call at our store, please, for a free sample of Dr. Shoop's "Health Coffee." If real coffee disturbs you stomach, your Heart or Kidneys, then try this clever Coffee imitation. While Dr. Shoop has very closely matched Old Java and Mocha Coffee in flavor and taste, yet he has not even a single grain of real Coffee in it. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee Imitation is made from pure toasted grains of cereals, with Malt, Nuts, etc. You will surely like Health Coffee. Sold by M. E. Bizzell. Sweet pleasures often leave a bit ter taste. A prompt, pleasant, good remedy for coughs and colds, is Kennedy's Laxa tive Cough Syrup. It is especially re commended for babies and children, but good for every member of the fami ly. It contains no opiate and does not constipate. Contains honey and tar and tastes nearly as good as maple syrup. Children like it. Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bro. Men who are honest for policy wil! be dishonest lor the same thing. The Charming Woman. is not necessary cne ofpefeet form and features. Many a plain woman who could never serve as an artist's models possesses those rare vualities that all eyesworld admires; neatness, clear eye, clean smooth skin and that sprightliness of step and action that accompany good health. A physically weak woman is never attractive, not even to .herself. Electric Bitters sestore weak women, give strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth Velvety skin, beautiful complexion Guarrantded at J. H. Hill & Son. 50c. Although it is late in the Season we have tried to keep up the more staple lines of Dry Goods. We are showing our regular good values in India Linens at 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c and 25c. 40 Inch Lawns at 10c and 15c. Cambric Muslins 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c and 20c. English Long Cloth 12 yard lengths, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00. $2.50. Nainsook 17 l-2c to 35c. H Wei oFOSo Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please note it is mada alone tor Piles, and its action is positive and certain. Itching, painful, producing or blind Siles disappear like magic by its use, Large nickel-capped glass jars 50 cents, pold by Higgins Drug Co. Stimulation Without Irritation. That is the watchword. , That is what Orino Laxative Fruit Syrnp does. Cleanses and stimulates the bowels without irritation in any form. During the slimmer kidney irregu- lariiies are often caused by excessive drinking or being overheated. Attend to the kidneys at once by using Foley's Kidney Cure. The Palace Drug Store. - It seems perfectly natural people to be unnatural. for some Quick Relief for Asthma Sufferers, Foley's Honey and Tar affords im mediate relief to asthma sufferers in the worst stages and if taken in time will effect a cure. The Palace Drug Store Some topers hold as much as a barrel, and are alt bunged up. There is no case ot indigestion, no matter how irritable or how obstinate that will not be speedily relieved by the use of Kodol. The main factor in curing the stomach of any disorder is rest, only way to get rest is to. actually digest the food for the stomach itself. Kodol will do it. It is a scientfic pre paration of vegetable acids containing the very same juices found in a healthy stomch. It conforms the Pure Food and Drugs Law, Sold by M. E Robinson & Bro. In time of sickness the soul collects itself anew. When you leel the need of a pill take a DeWitt's Little Early RisersSmall pill, sure pill, Easy to take pleasant and effective. Drives away headaches. Sold by. M. E. Robinson & Bro. Today the dentists are attending their own family gatherings. Q. B Burnhamt teetyftee after 4 year G. B. Burnhams, o'f Carlisle Center, N.Y.writes:"About 4 years ago I wrote you stating that I had been entirely cured of a severe kidney trouble by taking less than two bottles of Foley's Lidney Cure. It entirely stopped the brick sediment, and pain symptoms of kidney disease disappered. I am giaa to say that I have never had a return of anv of those svmntoms during the four vears that have elapsed and- I am evidently cured to stay cured, and heartily reaominend Foley 's Kidney Cure to any one suffering trom kidney or bladder trouble. The Palace Drag Store. : . . .- -' Avoid the man -who is dead in love. It's not yourtuneral. Was In Poor Health ffor Years. T- T ITollmr ATi-nafialr1 "Pa writes: was in poor health for two voarfl fintfArincr fVrTYi lririnv And blad- .aiiKIa and fiVkatif nrr cirt ora Vlfl UOl klUU KlJf cauu. money consulting physicians without Outamilig tLiiy mai Jiou mcucui, uuk cw A u. PAlATrfa ITnotr Pnra anH T be the cause of restoring the health of others. Refuse suDStituies. me jtmx aoe Drug Store. Skmnrmi "rASnimtlv g ."aria Atlantic WILSO Christian N. N College,! c. 1 The only high institution of learning of the Christian Church in the entire Southeastern group of Atlantic and Gulf States. The only Col lege of any sort within a territory on North Carolina embracing 40,000 square miles. This college is the property of the Christian Church in North Carolina. It is Co-Educational Institution with Three Course leading to DegJees. 1 -. Modern Brick Building, Steam Heat, Electric Light,' Fine Water Supply, Sewerage,Good Health Record, Beautiful Grounds Mild Discipline, Strict Piety, Safe Environment, Ex penses Light. The faculty consists of Specialists, in their various lines of work from Massey Business College, Randolph- Macon University, Martha Washington College, Cincinnati and Boston Conservatories of Music, Yale, Syracuse and Chicago Universities. Instruction given in the Languages, Sciences, Mathematics, Instrumental and Vocal Music, Elecution, Physical Culture, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Typewriting, Painting on China, Leather, etc. Pyrography or Burnt Wood Work, Pen Drawing and Bible Instruction. Complete Literary Course, One Year, Including Matriculation, Medical Fee, Board in the College, and Tui tion $149. aX OIIDk IUcU tJtll XUUIU 1JJ. L.1UUO Aiuni vvv. vpoua w, . for aiaiogue ur uiucr iuiui mnuuu uuuib, J.J. HARPER, President, WILSON, N. C. No matter how hard they try, some folks can't help being soft. Summer coughs and colds yield at once to Bees Laxative Cough Syrup. Con ains honey and tar but no opiates. ChLdren like it. Pleasant to take. Its laxative qualities recommend it to mothers. Hoarseness, coughs, croup yield quickly. Sold by Higgins Drug Company, and M. E. Robinson & Bro. Is a blonde's big head ever all bleach ed a yard wide. If you suffer from bloating belching sour stomach. Indigestion or Dyspepsia take a Rings Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal, and overcome the disagree able trouble. It will Improve' the ap petite, and aid digestion. Sold by Hig gins Drug Co., and M. E. Robinson & Bro. The American girl who doesn't marry a title may nave coauutss blessings. - War Agrainst Consumption. All nations are endeavoring to check the ravages of consumption.the "white plague" that claims so many victims each year. 'oieys noney uu. r cures coughs and colds perfectly and you are in no danger ot consumption. Do not risk your heaitn Dy tatting some unknown preparation when Fo ley's Honey and Tar is safe and certain in. results. The genuine is in a yellow package... The Palace Drug store. Sow good deeds today if you would reap happneas tomorrow. Thousands of people are daily suf fering with kidney and bladder trou-bles--dangerous ailments that should ha fhonkd nrnmnlv. DeWitt's Kid ney and Bladder Pills are the best re medy for Backach, weak kidneys, in flammation of the ibladder. Their ac tion is prompt and sure. A week's treatment for 25e. oia Dy m. a, xwu- inson fc Bro. Don't buy a pair of skittish horses, for fear you couldn't hold your own. The best ball to a foul today. players don't object For scratches , burns , cu ts , in sect bites and the many little hurts common to every family, DeWitt's Corbolized Witch Hazel Salve is the best remedy. It is soothing, cooling, clean and heal ing. Be sure you get DeWitt's. Sold try M. E. Robinson & Bro. It's not inappropriate to receive one's uncle in an ante-room. Long Live the King:. is the popular cry throughout Euro pean countriesr while in America, the cry of the present day is "Long live Dr King's New Discovery, King of throat and Lung Remedies!" of which Mrs. Julia Ryder Paine, Truro Mass., saysr "It never fails to give emmediate re lief and to quickly cure a cough or cold." Mrs. Paine 's opinion is shared by a majority of inhabitants of this country. New Discovery cures weak lungsand sore throats after all other re medies have failed; and for coughs and colds it's the proven remedy. Guaran teed by J. H. Hill dt Son. awe. ana ia.uw Trial bottle free II ORFOLK I I Opening of .New Line Between Washington and New Bern, N.C. "On and after June 3rd, 1907, freight will be received and forwarded, all rail, to the followinK points: Chocowinity, Bragaw, Vanceboro, Askin, Neuse Junction, New Bern. Freight for stations on Beaufort Di vision will also be forwarded via this route instead of Belhaven and steam ers as heretofore. This loading -will avoid transfer at Belhaven and New Bern. . R. E. lt. Bunch, " Traffic Manager M. W. Maguire, , Gen. Supt. B. C. Hudgins. Gen. Frt. Agent.

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