10CAL BRIEFS. GLENN TO NEW YORK Items of Interest in and Around the City. There are intimations of the approach of autum in the cooler temperature of these August nights and in the crisp air of the early mornings. The years roll on. Our good triend Elder Jacob F. Hill, of Saulston, laid on our table today a twin squash of unusual growth in size and on the Siamese twins order. It is quite a curiosity. Mrs. J. H. Hollowell, of Denver, Colo., who hasibeen visiting relatives in Guilford county, arrived in Golds boro Wednesday evening and will spend a few days visiting relatives here. Miss May Cords, ot Canada, wno is engaged with the Agricultural Depart ment at Raleigh, and has been assist ing in the Fanners' Institutes in this section with Mrs. W. R. Hollo well, re turned to Raleigh yesterday, after spending several days here, the guest of Miss Tda Tomlinson. Goldsboro superb military eonting ent, than which there are no finer com panies in the National State Guard, got home at an early- hour this morning from the North Carolina celebration this week' at Jamestown, where they reflected credit not only on the Old North State, but also on the Best Town! in the State. The State Farmers' Alliance, at their annual meeting in Hillsboro, this week unanimously elected Capt. J. E. Peter son, ot this city, as their president fi r the ensuing year. They could not have selected one who is more competent to conduct the executive duties ot the of fice nor one more conversant with the needs of thefarmers and their own shortcomings, for he is, himself, one of the best farmers in the State. The location for the County High School that is to be assigned to the northern end of the county is now a vital and ail-absorbing topic in all that section, and asjthe matter will, in all probability, be decided at next Mon day's special meeting of the Board of Education, it is more than likely that this meeting willjjj be largely attended by representative citizens from Eure ka, Fremont and Pikeville, which are the especial districts that are the livli est contestants for the school. Mrs. W. R. Hollowell, who has been doing such splendid work in the woman's department of the recent series of Farmers' Institutes through out the State, is at home again, having only one more appointment to fill, the Institute at Smithfield on the 24th of this month. The press of the State have been most generous in their com mendation of Mrs. Hollowell's $vork wherever she has been, but not more so than is she herself in giving her time to this going about going good. The fact that Goldsboro now enjoys hree great railway competing lines north should be an additional lactor in the occomplisbment ot "Greater Golds boro". Besides the Atlantic Coast Line and the Southern, a new through daily schedule has been established over the Norfolk fc Southern to Norfolk and on to turrher points north, and this fact " coupled with the active and extensive development recently in augurated by this road throughout all eastern North Carolina to the sea, should not fail to redound to the widen ing and increasing of the wholesale trade and factory outputs of the Best Town in the State. A burly negro, looking more like some wild animal than human, was brought to this city last night, by two special constables from the Pinkney section and lodged in jail on the ser ious charge of burglary in two cases one the home of Mr. Claude Hinnant and the other that ol Mr. Henry Tal ton. He was given hot pursuit and finally, after a neighborhood chase all day, he was captured in the woods late yesterdayjjevening and hurried off to jail here to obviate a brewing 'lynch ing, for in one of the homes he had at tempted another crime. He gives his name as Jonas Fillmore. He will be tried at the term of court which begins here next Monday, and his neck will surely go in the noose. The manager of the Western Union in this city reques us to say that until the strike situation is relieved all dis patching business at his office will be received only upon condition of "in definite delay," as the wires are not only without operators at most points - tut are so tampered witn wnen wok ing by strikers that business cannot be handled with any sort of guarantee of safe transit. As an evidence of how thoroughly the Western Union's great business is paralized the carrier boys of this city, two in number, who are paid a percentage on the messages they deliver, which constitutes their' sala ; ries, yesterday made 6 cents in the ag gregate for their day's service, one made 2 cents and the other 4 cents. 11$ OF 1 IS Governor Suddenly Leaves A Remarkable Feature of the for Scene of Enquiry. It Is Presumed That Some New Develop ment In tHe Railway Rate Case ' Now Being Heard there De mands His Presence. (By Special Wire to the Argus.) Raleigh, Aug. 17. Without any pre monition so tar as the public is advised Governor Glenn, who only returned late last night from Jamestown, took an early train this morning tor New York, and as the need of his presence there in the pending railway rate in vestigation before special master Montgomery was not opined by the public or by those conversant with the particular situation, his sudden de parture for the scene is cause for considerable conjecture as to whether there have been any "newly discovered evidence", as the lawyers say, or unloreseen developments, or apprehended "prestos", that demand his supervising presence or forensic prowess. However this may be, the develop- ment of the proceedings will bring out as the case goes on. Gathering is the Large Number of Woman Delegates. AS GUESTS OF THEIR OLD COMMANDER. Survivors ol the Fifteenth Cavalry of Pennsylvania Bound for Colorado Springs. Special to The Argus. Philadelphia, Aug. 17. It was a hap py lot of aged veterans that boarded a special train at Broad street station to day and departed lor the West. The veterans, some two hundred in num ber, are the survivors ot the Fifteenth Cavalry ot Pennsylvania. They are bound for Colorado Springs to attend a reunion as guests of Gen. William J. Palmer, who was the commanding offi cer ot tlie 1? ii tee ntn. Gen. Palmer, wbo is a former presi dent of the Denver & Rio Grande rail road and a man of wealth, has invited his comrades to spend a week at his heuse.Glen Eyrie, at Colorado Springs, and has reserved for himself the privi lege of paying all the expenses of the veterans from the time they leave home until they return. Among The Delegates Who Have Arrived in the City Are Representatives of the Socialists Organizations of Eng land, the United States, France, Ger many, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. (By Special Wire to the Argus) StuttGart, Aug. 17. The Socialistic notables of the world are gathering here in large number to attend the In ternational Socialist Congress, which is to hold its sessions during the next eight days. A remarkable leature of the gathering is the large number of women delegates. So numerous are the women, in fact, that they have con cluded to hold a separate conference. This will be the first international So cialist congress ever held by women. Among the questions to be discussed by the general conference are the emi gration of workingmen, militarism and war. The subjects to which the women will give especial attention include the establishment ot regular communica tions between the organized women comrades of the various countries and the question of woman suffrage. The latter will be moved strongly by the delegates from the United States. Among the delegates who have ar rived in the city are representatives of the Socialistic organizations of Eng land, the United States, France, Ger many, Belgium, Denmark and Fin land. For a Bang-up Time .take five cents to the grocery and ask for a package of GINGER SNAPS You'll hit the mark every time. V NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY NAVAJO INDIAN BLANKETS MOHAWK INDIAN RUGS ST. REGIS INDIAN BASKETS Two Heads Are Better Than One when your laundry comes home. Very few faults get away from two pairs ot shrewd eyes. Our method of Fine Laundering wins the approval of the most fastidious. The splendid re sults gained by the non-use of acids, pure quality soap, hand work and drying under the blue of Heaven. Our premises are as sanitary as science can make them, which should ap peal to every thinking man and woman. Prices are reasonable. Goods called for and delivered free of charge. The Goldsboro Steam Laundry, Phone 730. Goldsboro, N. C. WHAT? Why a pan of "Karnes" Home Made Rolls, for suppei 1C in a pan for 5c. Best butter, 35c. per lb. CAKES ! Oh, yes, all kinds made every day. Fruit Cike, Pound Cake, Raisin Cake, only 20c per lb. PICKLES ! Bottle goods of all kinds Olives. Dill. Sweet or Sour Cucumbers by the dozen. Mixed Pickles by the quart or pint, StuffedCucumbers they are grand trytnem. .fine dates anii prunes 10c per pound. Also Edison Electric Light Bulbs. Walter H. Barnes. NEWS FORECAST OF THE COMING WEEK. WINDFALL TO STEWART. Ha ppenings of Interest The World Over- Gleaned Variously to Suit a Various-minded Public. Special o the Argus. Washington, D. C, Aug. 17 The attention of the politicians during tne comtrrg week will be centered chiefly in the movements of Secretary Taft, wno is to uave nere tomorrow on a stump-speaking tour preliminary to his departure for the Philippines. At Columbus, Ohio, he is to make a spech Monday night th.it is expected to mark the formal opening of his cainprign lor the presidency. During the first three days of th week Prince Wilhelm, second son of Prince Gustav of Sweden, will visit the Jamestown Kx position and will be an object of much social attention. Prom Jamestown Prince Wilhelm will go to Newport, - stopping at Oyster Bay, on the way, to pay his respects. to th President. The annual competitions of the Na tional Rifle Association will begin Monday on the ranges at Camp Perry, Head of Famous Detective Agency 0hi0 and continue through the week. President Roosevelt will go to Pro- The Silver-haired Senator of Ne vada Still Favored By Fortune. Special to the ..Argus. Carson City, Nev. Aug.' 17. Former Senator Stewart has amassed another big fortune, it is learned today. Aituougn eignty years oia, ana a few years ago lost his fortune of sever al millions, ho is still vigorous of health, and eheerful and active. We are now displaying a full line of genuine hand made Indian Goods and invite your inspection. A full line of Clothes Hampers and Waste Paper Baskets in plain white and all colors. Royall & Borden. PIHKERTON DEAD. Passes Away at Sea. (By special wire to The Abgkcs.) New York, Aug. 17. News of the death of Mr. Pinkerton, head of the great detective agency bearing Ms name, was received by cable to-day. He died suddenly on a trans-Atlantic steamer while en route to London. Bad sick headaches, , billiousness or constipation are quickly relived by DeWitt's Little Early Risers. , Small oill. sure pill, safe pill prompt and - pleasant in action. Sold by M. E. Rob inson & Bro. A Hair Dressing vincetown, Mass., Tuesday to speak at the laying of the corner stone for a monument to mark the first landing place of the Pilgrims'. The directors of the Iilionis Central Railroad are to hold a meeting in New York Wednesday, when there may be important developments in the tight between the Harriman and Fish in terests for the control of the road. The Republican campaign in Okla homa will be formally launched Satur day with a big rally at Oklahoma City. Secretary Taft will be the principal speaker and the meeting will be at tended by all of the Republican candi dates for office in the new state. Nearly every one likes a fine hair dressing. . Something to make the hair more manage able ; to keep it from being too rough, or from splitting at the ends. 'Something, too, that will feed the hair at the same timt, a regular hair-food. Well-fed hair will be strong, and will remain where it belongs- j on the head, not on the comb! The best kind of a testimonial "Sold for over sixty years." Hade by J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mail. I au nuuHramt or 7 SAKSAPARILLA. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. TO-DAY'S MARKET. (Special to The Argus.) New York, Aug. . 17. The cotton market opened active, Aug. 11.10, Oct. 11.84, Dec. 11. 6, Jan. 12.04, March 12.24. The stock market was characterized at the opening by general declines, but by noon had recovered. Chicago, Aug. 17. September wheat 85 1-8, corn 54 1-2, oats 45 7-8, lard 8.90. -Y: , yers flakes KIdntys ana Bladder Eignt DR. E. C. vvrou, DENTIST. i Phone 880- . Goldsboro, N. O - v- . t. . When the bricklayer takes the cake, is it always layer cake? , Ideal Violet Talcum Powder. Is Our Very Latest aDd Best Grade of Talcum, YouilHind this brand of Talcum Powder S superior in quality and perfume to any you have ever used. Ideal Violet Talcum is 1jt , thoroughly washed and rebottled before be- ing bottled and is absolutely the finest Powder on the market to-day. 3 Try a Bottle. 25 Cents. I THE GOLDSBORO DRUG CO., X The People's Popular Drug Store. stssss Summer Footwear! - . We have markediour entire stdck of- , SOiM MIER SIHOES At Greatly Reduced,Prices. These are real bargains. The shoes new, the styles correct and "WE KEP THE QUALITY UP." 1 GOLDSBORO SHOE CO. ADVERTISE IN THE ARGUS Five Cents Per Line (Six Words to the Line.) CASH WITH ORDER. PIANO LESSONS The Fall Term will begin on Sept. 2nd. Apply to Mrs. Chas. Slocumb, 102 James Street, S. al7td Wanted A position as stenographer and typewriter by a young lady. Ad dress Miss L. care Argus. Iwl5 For Rent Six William St. S. tfloa room dwelling, 212 Water works. J. C. Eason. LOST Some time last week, a gold medal with my name on it. Liberal reward for its return to L. M. Mioh aux Co., on Centre St. D. M. Hall FOR RENT The house now occupied Dy Rev. Joseph Peel, on Slocumb St. Apply to W. R. HOLLOWELL.. FOR RENT My dwelling on James street, north, in front of Mayor I. F Ormond, containing 8 rooms with bath, water, electric lights, and all modern conveniences. Apply to H.. Weil & Bros. Lionel Weil. WANTED To buy old style Mahog. any furniture, sideboards, claw foot, tables, old Teaster Bed Steads, also, old style clock. Address J. A. Barnes, care this office. DR. J. N. JOHNSON, DENTIST. Offtc up sta.tr ln?Borden Building," ntarth Bank of Way n. VETERINARY SURGEON Having located in Goldsboro" I offer my professional services to the public who ..may at any time have sick horses, or cattle that need attention. I am at Edgertou and Edgerton's stables. Nk'ht calls at Moye's boarding house. T. A. MONK, D. V.S. SULPHUR BATHS AT HOME. They Heal the Skin and Take Away Its Impurities. Sulphur baths heal Skin Diseases, and give the body a wholesome glow. Now you don't have to go off to a high priced resort to get them. Put a few spoonfuls of Hancock's Liquid Sulphur in hot water, and you get m perfect Sulphur bath right in your own home. Apply Hancock's Liquid Sulphur to the affected parts, and Eczema and other stubborn skin troubles are quick ly cured. Dr. R. H. Thomas, of Val dosta, Ga., was cured of a painful skin trouble, and he praises it in the highest terms. Your druggist sells it. Hancook's Liquid Sulphur Ointment is the best cure for sores, pimples, blackheads and all inflammation. Gives a soft, velvety skin. NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of Charity D, Oliver, deceased, notice is given to all persona holding claims against her estate to present them to me in Goldsboro, North Carolina, on or before the 1st day of July, 1903, or this notice will pleaded in bar of their recovery. This July 1st, 1907. J. B. Edgerton .Executor. FOLEYSHOIJEYWIAT? toss tlxm coutfh avx&d l&wsvls luntfi . s ft