SECRETARY TAFT ON NATIONAL ISSUES Defends President Hoose velt's Policies. ISSUE AT LAST JOINED. The Decree of Judge Jones Must be Sustained. Io Address Which He Calls His "Po litical Confession of Faith", the Secretary Declares It Will Be Unwise for Republi can Party to Fail to Pledge Itself to Revise Ding ley Law. (By special wire to The Argus.) Columbus, O., Aug. 20. William H. Taft, Secretary of War, made what he was pleased to term his "political con fession of faith" at Memorial Hall last night. The auditorium, which has a Beating capacity of more than 5, 000, was packed to the doors and several thous and persons who came to hear the Sec retary speak were unable to gain ad mittance. The Secretary spoke under the auspices of the Buckeye Republican Club and the address was notable Irom the fact that it is regarded as the plat form upon which he will make his campaign for the Republican nomina tion for President. Mr. Taft made no formal announce ment of his candidacy, but he was in troduced by Gov. Harris as the "next President of the United States, "which ;was the signal for a prolonged out burst of applause. Special interest was manifested in Secretary Taft's utterances on the tariff. He reiterated his previous de clarations in favor of revision and de clared that it would be both unwise and uusaie for the Republican party to fail to pledge itself to revise the Ding ley law as soon after the the next presi dential election as possible. His de fense of President Roscvelt's policies evoked enthusiastic applause. Secretary Taft will resign the cabi net some time in October. His resig nation will be cabled from Manila, where he will go next month and thence around the world. In his speech here he replied vigor ously to the criticisms and attacks of Senator Foraker, and manifested a bellicose attitude towards Foraker, that would indicate that there is little hope for peace between them ever in the iuture. We Go Forward, Saleigh Times.- It is reported that the new Union Station to be built at Goldsboro will cost $75,000 and will be one of the finest railway stations in JfoFth Carolina, ' somewhat like th& tfne at Durham, but Having two stories instead of one. One thing is certain, Goldsboro is not get ting her depot before she needed it. Goldsboro will soon be a town of handsome buildings it she keeps on at the present rate. She has a municipal building that is a thing ot beauty and a source of pride " : ' IAST Of LETTEK8 So Decides Attorney-General Bona parte In the Alabama Rate Hash With Louisville and Nashville Railway. (By Special Wire to the Abgcs) Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 20. United States Attorney Spencer of this district is in receipt of a telegram today trom Attorney-General Bonaparte informing him that it is the duty of the Depart ment of Justice to uphold Federal Court decrees in so far as executive ex ecution of its orders are needed, and therefore, that the action of Judge Jones enjoining the sheriffs and State authorities of Alabama trom interfer ing with the operation of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad for not com plying with the new rate law, pending final adjudication, must be sustained. This puts it up squarely to Governor Comer to make a test of State and Fed eral authority in this matter. If sheriffs in Alabama now arrest any ticket agents or others for violations in point there will follow a strenuous test of authority, and the conflict will be both exciting and interesting, well as far-reaching. COMPETENT JURISDICTION. ANOTHER NEW YORK MURDER. An Alabama Judge Recog nizes Federal Authority. His Decision Settles the Vexed Railroad Rate Situation in That State Until the Contention is Judicially Determine! Special to The Argus. Birmingham, Aug. 21. State Judge Miller, whose court is th? first to be held since the Louisville and Nashville LRailway secured its injunction from Federal Judge Jones against arrest of railroad people for not putting the lower passenger rate into effect, in structed the grand jury not to find any indictments against L. and N. folks; that a court of competent jurisdiction had enjoined criminal prosecution and none can be prosecuted 'till the highest court settles the contention. So the State ot Alabama at last has surrendered to Uncle Sam. 1 CHARGED WITH MANSLAUGHTER. Engineer, Conductor and Train-Dispatchers of Southern Under Indictment. By special wire to,THE Argus. Raleigh, Aug. 20. Coroner Separk, who is also a magistrate, today issued warrants charging manslaughter against Engineer Rippey, Conductor Oakley, and train dispatchers Kedhuni and Pervin, of Durham, growing out of that recent fatal head-on collision near Auburn, on the Southern, August 8th. The warrants were mailed for their arrest this afternoon and the defend ants will be brought to Raleigh for a preliminary .hearing, probably tomorrow. RUSSO-JAPANESE ALLIANCE, JKetn&i&injgr in Postoffice, Oolda boro, Wayne County N. C. Aug. 19, 1907. MEN'S LIST. Will Be Extradited. (By Special Wire to the Argus.) Raleigh, Aug. 21. Hugh A. Leonard, of Salisbury, was arrested at Idaho mines, so a dispatch received today states. Leonard is wanted here for the al leged robbing of the Southern Railway ticket office, at Salisbury, ot $1,300 last February. He will be extradited, as soon as re quisition papers can be secured. Strifce Situation Unchanged. Special to The Argus. New York, Aug. 21. The strike sit uation here is unchanged. Telegraph companies claim to be getting on well, but the strikers laugh at their state ment and say no striker has returned to work. Ratifying Frisco. Special to the Argus, San Francisco, Aug. 21. New Mayor Taylor today began the promised clean, ing out of the municipal departments and notification has been sent to police commissioners of their removal from office, s. - - - --M . Case Abandoned. Special to The Argus. Police Mistified Over The Murder Case of Mrs. Lena Scnaum. (By special wire to the Argus.) Naw York, Aug. 21. Another mur der mystery developed here this morn ing by the finding "of the body of a pretty yeung widow in her room, who was Mrs. Lena Schaum, of 109 Flush ing Ave. There was no robbery, and the police are mistified. One suspect has been arrested today. COY. Mi IN STATE. fie Is Speaking Today at Wallace, Duplin County. Special to The Argus. Raligh, Aug. 21. Governor Glenn will not reach Raleigh until tomorrow. He is today in the State, however, being at Wallace, Duplin county, where he is booked for a speech. TO-DAY'S MARKET. (Special to The Argus.) New York, Aug. 21. The cotton market was characterized at the open ing by efforts to break January price, which was haminexed down to 11.99 finally, after opening at 12.01. Aug. 11, Oct. 11.75, Dec. 11.91, March 12.09. In the stock market there were gen eral declines from yesterday's" closing. Chicago, Aug. 21. Wheat opened strong, one cent higher. September heat 87, corn 57, oats 49 1-2, lard 8.82, ribs 52 1-2. Concord, N. H., Aug. 21. The noted suit against Mrs. Eddy, head of the Christian Scientists, will be abandoned In court today. With that surplus on hand it will b mighty hard for the Democrats to keep the Republicans from getting together through the cohesive power of public A O B Alston, W L Allen. J8 P D Bunn, Charley Baily, Dock Best. " ' B N B Edwards, Selig Ehulton, G N Errtiett. H James Harrison, P D Hill. M Columbus Meno, Cill Mine. P John Penn, Laring Parsell. R Henry Reid. S Ed Sykes, Napoleon Summerlin, R J Sasser. E Semon. T Bud Teachey, Alfred Thorn pson. "V GeoVann. W Collie Wilson. LtADlKt LIST. U Leo Beach. Sarah L Benton. C Martha Crawford, Louella Collier. D Mattie Dempsey. jF -Meiville Fort, Essie Franklin, Pol lie Faison. G Pauline Gastavus, - Maekey God win. ' H Linda Hines, Dealia Hines, Sallie , Howard. J -Lulor Jones. Jj Ida Lamb, Annie Lucie. M Mary Moore, Mattie Moore. -P Annie Parks. 8 Bettie Smith, Manda Smith. , : P Gertrude Phillips. JR Atlas Read. "V Josephine H. Vann. ,v "y Lou Walker, Nar y Woodward . Persona calling for above letters will please say advertised. Rule? Bud regulations require that one cent ,be paid or advertised letters. L. N. GRANT, : Although a great many people think the unlikely is the most likely to hap pen, it sometimes comes to pass that the likely does happen, and that's just what has happened between Russia and Japan. Thes two p6W8fs Lave entered Into an alliance to "protect" China, which means that thev will divide the Chi. nese market between them and leave I Pun(er the other nations of the world to pick up such crumbs as may be permitted I Some of the gentlemen who are so to come their way. This alliance is the fond of "voting their honest oonvio- natural and logical outcome oi the tions," that they have to announce the Russo-Japanese war. I fact, may be allowed to watch other Men fall out, fight and are foes ever people vote theirs, next time. after; nations fall out, . fight and be come friends. It was stated on good authority that at one time there were negotations being carried on between France and Germany whereby these two powers would join and conquer Europe. What but the fears of such an alliance makes England always Commencing Saturday May 18, and keeD her navv eaual to three Euronean 1 P to and including September 30tb powers? 1 1907 the Norfolk fe Souther Railway Russia has been kept penned np in wm seU Summer Tourist Tickets to loA-hnnnri nnrts fnr timntt iri-r mnnthi Seven Springs, N. C. and return at the every year and this mainly by Ene- following rates SPEOAMM RATES I Summer Tourist Rates to Seven Springs, N. C land. She built a railroad across Si beria and was confronted by Japan sue is now trying to get to the ocean by the Persian gulf, not alone for naval purposes, but for commerce. The loss of the navy to Russia was a bless ing in disguise. She will now concen trate her attention on her vast army, leaving the naval end of the pro gram to Japan. ' Japan by herself could not hold the Pacific against Germany and the United States, and she cannot hope for much, if any,, assistance from Eng. land whose hands are now full trying to check the spirit of rebellion among her Indian subjects, therefore she seeks .the alliance of the only power whose interest, like her , own, lies in the future of China. Anomolous Situation. (By Special Wire to the Argus.) Indianapolis, Aug. 21. Today sev eral railway telegraphers were dis charged for refusing to send commer cial messages, and their places were filled by strikers. $ Their grievances were sent up to the union authorities and a conference with the railroad officials was set for tomorrow. SLEEP BROKEN BY ITCHING ECZEMA Skin of Whole Body Covered for a Year Awful Itching Kept Suf ferer Awake Half the Night Tried All Kinds of Remedies but They Had No Effect. . CUTICURA REMEDIES A PERFECT SUCCESS I wish to let you know that I have tiibd one set tf Cuticura Remedies one cake of Cuticura. Soap, one box of Cuticura, but two vials of Cuticura Resolvent Pills which cost me a dollar and twenty-five cents in all. For a year I have had what they call eczema. I had an itching all over my body, and When I would retire for the night it would keep me awake half the night, and the more I would scratch, the mora it would itch. I tried all kinds of rem edies, but could get no relief. A friend of mine told me to try the Cuticura Remedies which I did, and am very glad I tried them, for I was completely cured. If any of my friends should be troubled with the same disease, I will cheerfully recommend the Cuticura Remedies, and if I know any one who wants to know how I cured myself, I shall be glad to tell them. Walter W. Paglusch, 207 N. Robey St., Chicago, Hi., Oct. 8 and 16, 1906." OR. E. C. VITOU, DENTIST. Phone 880- Goldsboro, N. O FOR SALE. River farm of 325 acres 5 miles from LaGrange and 3 from Seven Springs. Fertilizers delivered at farm from boat. Ten horse cleared. All in good state of cultivation. Good buildings and tobacco barns. Orchard bearing peaches, apples and peacans. See or address me at Seven Springs, N. C, for next three weeks. V , ' OVK. Uzzell. From " . . Rate Goldsboro, N. C. . 83.70 Bests . " 3.25 Kinston " 3.60 Caswell , " 3.80 Dover " 4.05 Cove " " 4.40 Tusearora " . " 4.70 Newborn " - 5.2ft From Rate Riverdale, N. C. $5.70 Croatan . " 5.80 Havelock' " 6.10 Newport " ( 6.50 Wlldwood " 1 6.65 Mansfield " 6.75 Morehead " , 7.05 Beaufort ' " 7.25 Tickets good to return until October 81, 1807. Baggage may be checked on these tickets. - H. C. Httdgins, - i General Passenger Agent. CUTICURA The Great Skin Cure and Purest and Sweetest ol Emollients. Cuticura Ointment is, beyond quea- frfon moot suncesfiful curative fof torturine. disfiguring humors of the skia anc o ir iniiiriiTff Iran or nair. vet uuiai- Dounded. in proof of which a smgio Dr. R. E. Lee Physician and Surgeon Residence 114, North George Street. Office: Borden Building. VETERINARY SURGEON ' Having located in . Goldsboro I offer my professional services 1 to the public who may at any time have sick horses or cattle that need attention. y - I am at Edgerton ' and -Edgerton's stables. Ni?htaLls at Moye's boarding house. T. A. MONK, D. ViS. WHAT? ft The New England Conservatory of Music at Boston, has eighty STIEFF PIANOS, and they would not be there if they were not of the highest grade. JThe Bureau of Music of the Jamestown Ex position, after investigation of pianos of the high est grade, recommended the STIEFF for the of ficial piano of the Exposition. All the Theatres and best Hotels in Norfolk use STIEFF pianos exclusively, and all musicians recommend them for their action, tone, quality. Sold from maker to user, saving you one or two profits. . . . ' Write for particulars to CHAS. M. STIEFF, L. C. Steele, Manager, 114 Granby St., NORFOLK, VA. "The piano with the Sweet Tone" official Piano Jamestown Exposition. "Last Fall," writes Mrs. S. G. Bailey, of Tun neiton, W. Va., "I was going down by inches, from female disease, with great pain, nfter tak ing Cardui, Ohl Myl Howl was benefited 1 I am not well yet, but am so much better that I will keep on taking Wine of Cardui till I am perfectly cured." Despite the envious attacks of jealous enemies and rivals, Cardui still holds supreme position today as in the past 70 years for the relief and cure of female diseases. It stops pain, tones up the organs, regulates the functions, r ' js in the replact.. .f a misplaced organ. - At Every Drug Store in $1.00 Bottles. FREE ADVICE Write us a letter describing all your symptoms, and we will send yw Free Advice, in plain sealed envelop. Address: Ladta' Advisory Departmeat, The Chatt.inooca Medicine Co.. Cham nooga. Twin. 1 WINE OF CM r ML SOUTHERN RAILWAY. TWENTY-FOUR HOUR SERVICE BETWEEN GREENSBORO AND GOLDSBORO. Schedule in Effect February 17th, 1907. tit daily. PM 5 50 6 02 619 6 38 648 7 05 11C 144 108 112 I daily, daily, daily, daily.! AM AM AM AM 330 9 40 7 15 130 3 43 9 58 7 28 1 44 3 55 10 09 7 43 2 00 4 00 10 15 7 48 2 05 4 10 10 29 8 00 2 18 4 17 10 39 8 05 2 23 4 22 10 49 8 10 2 36 4 36 10 59 8 22 2 52 4 45 1168 8 33 3 03 4 54 1117 8 42 3 13 5 06 1130 8 54 3 26 5 SO 11 50 9 15 3 52 5 35 11 57 9 19 4 02 5 46 12 04 9 26 4 12 6 00 12 16 9 40 4 27 6 09 12 23 9 51 4 40 6 30 12 45 10 20 5 15 6 50 12 57 10 35 5 33 6 57 1 03 10 41 5 40 710 1 15 10-52 5 54 725 130 1106 609 7 43 155 1119 6 29 7 49 2 10 11 25 6 35 8 02 2 15 1138 6 46 8 12 2 26 11 52 6 58 B3Q 2 40 12 10 715 STATIONS Ar 111 daily. .GREENSBORO. .McLean . . ....Gibsonville Elon College . Burlington Graham Haw River ... Mebane Efland Hillsboro ... UNIVERSITY DURHAM. ... ...East Durham ...... Brassfield . Morris villa ....... ... Cary . RALEIGH ...... .... Garner ..... .......Auburn ........... ...... . Clayton .............. Wilson's Mills SELMA ..... . Pine Level . ....... ..............Princeton .. . . Rose GOLDSBORO AM 3 57 3 30 3 17 3 10 2 57 2 48 2& 208 158 142J 130! 107 12 54 12 34 12 24 11-59 11 31 11 23 now 10 50 10 38 10 25 10 10 9 55 9 40' 107 daily. 13S daily. PM 12 50 12 27 12 12 12 05 11 51 11 41 11 33 11 19 1106 10 55 10 41 10 22 10 08 9 56 940 9 26 9 05 8 43 8 37 8 25: 8 10 7 S3 740 730 7 17 7 00 139 daily. PM 5 55 5 37 5 23 5 18 5 07 4 56 4 50 4 36 4 25 4 18 4 07 3 50 3 39 1 30 3 17 3 09 2 50 2 32 2 26 215 2 00! 1 43 1 35 1 24 1 12 1 W 117 daily. PM 30 904 8 53 8 46 37 28 8 231 812 S 7 5 7 46 7 30 7 22 7 14 6 57 6 48 630f 6 091 6 00 5 50 5 361 5 15 5 04 4 534.. 4 431 4 30" AM 91 S 83K S Zt 1Z 75 onnintinir with Cuticura Ointment, pre- aAar h a. hot hath with Cuticura Soap. and followed in the severer cases by a dose of Cuticura itesoivenc (jupiia or ru;, to nffan nuffiniant tn afford immediate ro lief in the most distressing forms of itch ing, burning, and scaly humors, eczemas, Mniug nnrf irritjitlonfl. rjermit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy cure when most, if not all, other remedies and even physicians fail. Complete External end Internal "Tjeatmcnt tot Every Humor ot Infanta. Chjdren, and Adults . eon- iats or Cuticura soap woC; w vuu Mw i tr rm ihii Akin, ana Cut! cur Resolvent (60c.). (or to the form of ChocoUrta Xr.. Dm. oka n. viol rt ftm tn PiiHfv the Blooo. Sold throughout the world. Potter Drug fc Cheat. Corp.. Sole Props.. Boston. Mass. ear-Mailed Free. A Boon n Sain Afflictions. , N. B. These schedule figures published only as information and ar not truaranteed. Trains Nos. 108 and 112 connect with Atlantic Coast Line at seuna and Goldsboro; also with isorioiK esouinern trams ior M.oreueau vny uu mediate points. Trains Nos. 135-136 and 111 connect at Greensboro with main line trains for all points both north and south. Train No.. 144 makes close con nection at Selma with A. C. L. both north and south, also at Goldsboro for Wil mington, Morehead City and intermediate points. Train No. 107 connects at University Station for Chapel Hill, daily except Sunday; at Greensboro with main line trains lor the north and south. Train No. 117 handles through coach between Kaieigh, cnase uny ana rwcnmuua, wubf close connection is made with the Washington and Southern Railway for Eastern cities. 4 .. . S. H. HARDWICK, P. T. M. C. H. AUU.K1, v-r & u. in- W. H. TAYL0E, G. P. A., Washington, D. C. R. L. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte, It C. T. E. Green, C. T. A., Raleigh, N. C Why a pan of "Barnes'! Home Mad Rolls. for suppei . . ' 10 in a pan for 5c. Beat butter. 35c. per lb. CAKES ! Oh. yes, all kinds made every day. Fruit Coke. Pound Cake. Raisin Cake, only 50c per lb. PICKLES! Bottle goods of all kinds Olives. Dill, Sweet or Sour Cucumbers-by the dozen. Mixed Picklea by the Quart or pint. StuffedCucumbers they are erand try them. Fine dates and prune 10c per pound. Also Edison Electric Light Bulbs. Walter H. Barnes. KZch 1 i k i i I J r rv i , n j i j j THAT DRAWS all ladies to our Perfumery count er is quality. No cheap perfumes sold here, only the most delicate, lasting and permeating ordors scents that vie with the natural flowers. If you enjoy this kind you can buy them here by the ounce or handsomely bottled by the representative perfumery makers of the United States and Europe Ai. H. HILL & SON Druggists. BINGHAM SCHOOL 1793 1908 "TJoBTiKVEARsTovThTvebeen prepared for COLLEGE and for LIFE, mad h?ve been drained to MEN at THE BINGHAM SCH00U Ideally located on Asheville Plateau. Orgaairation MILITARY Jbr discipline, control and carnage. Bovs exoelled from other schools not received. Vicious hoys expelled as soon as Covered Hazllta excluded by pledge of honor. Limited to 136. Rates reason dre" Col. R. BINGHAM. Supt. R. F. D. No. ASHEVILLE. N.C. Subscribe for the Argus. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ARGUS

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