HEROIC WOMANHOOD. OUR EXCHANGE TABLE. Unveiling of Beautiful Shaft Erected to Memory of Cape Fear Hero ines. Capt. Thomas W. Slocumb, of Goldsboro, Grsat-Grandson of Mary Slocumb Was One of Those In Attend ance and His Presence , Lent Additional Inter est to the Cere mony. - Special to The Argus. Currie, X. C, Aug. 16. It is esti mated conservatively that there were between four and five thousand people gathered yesterday on the historic bat tlefield of Moore's Creek, near here, to participate in patriotic exercises which attended the unveiling of a very hand some monument to the heroic women of the lower Cape Fear during the Rev olutionary period. People came from far and near, including a large party from Wilmington who returned last evening. The weather was ideal for a celebration of the kind and the day was a perfect success in every particular. After the speech came a bountiful picnic dinner, provided by the good women of Pender county. Excellent order prevailed during the day, a large measure of this having been due to Chief Marshal Jno. B. Hawes and fifty mounted aides, who led the procession from Currie to the grounds. The exer cises were interspersed with the sing ing of patriotic songs and inspiring music by the band, "The Old North State", "Dixie", "My Country, 'Tis of Thee", having been blended in fine un ison, inspiring the large crowds in at tendance and contributing much to wards making the day the red letter occasion that it was. A pleasing incident of the day was the presence of Capt. T. W. Slocumb, of Goldsboro, who is a great grandson of Mary Slocumb, one of the heroines to whom the monument is erected, and a grandson of Jesse Slocumb, who represented the Newbern district in Congress in his time. The monument is of blue Winnsboro granite, surrounded by a staute of Imported Italian marble in carved likeness of a beautiful woman posing "Rememberance," being six feet tall, the whole monument towering to a height of 15 feet, standing on a mar ble base, five feet seven Inches square. Its weight is more than 25,000 pounds andit was erected at a cost of some thing over $2,000, being the execution of the Wilmington Granite and Marble Works, of this city, Mr. R. D. Tucker proprietor as successor to H. A. Tuck er & Bro. Mr. Frank Meier, of the warks, has been at the battleground all the present week, superintending the work of construction and it is de clared by all who have seen it to be one of the most handsome pieces ot work of its kind seen in this locality, occupying a 'commanding position on the historic spot and bearing striking testimonial to the brave woman of the lower Cape Fear during the Revolu tionary period. The inscriptions on the shaft are as follows: Front side: "To the honored mem ory of the heroic women of the Lower Cape Fear during the American Re volution, 1775-1781." On the reverse side: "Unswerving in devotion, self-sacrificing in loyalty to the cause of their country, their works do follow them; and their chil dren rise up and call them blessed." On fourth side: f 'Most honored of the names recorded by the Historic Association, is that of MARY SLOCUMB, Wife of Lieutenant Slocumb, Riding alone at night sixty-five miles to succor the wounded on this battle field her heroism and self sacrifice place her high on the pages of history, and should awaken in successive gen erations true patriotism and love of country. f Virtutes majorum filiae conservant On the third face is this inscription: "This monument was erected by the Moore's Creek Monumental Associa tion in the year 1907." RACHEL WEEPING. A Plague That Out-Herrods Herod. Special to TheT Abgtjs. Ridgevvay, Pa., Aug. 17 Thousands of mothers are fleeing today from this section to avoid a new and strange plague which has already killed hun dreds of babies, l: V The new disease attacks children only, and the doctors don't know what it is. - .. .. Items of General Interest Gleaned From State Papers. Durham Sun. Captain E.J. Parrish, who was taken ill on the train between Greensboro and Durham, is much bet ter today; he has been suffering with chills. He had been in New York for a few days and was on his way home. Fayetteville Observer. Mr. W. H. Harbin, of Lexington, who has charge of the erection of the new Hay Street Methodist church., has commenced the work of laying the foundations. No date yet has been set for the ceremony of laying the corner stone, but it will probably be late in the Fall. Greensboro News. One of the pret tiest home weddings of the season took place yesterday afternoon, when Miss Kate C. Langston, of this city, became the bride of Dr. Robert A. Schoonover, of Washington, D. C. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A; T. Bell, at the home of the. bride's uncle, John A. Hodgin, three miles south of the city. Warsaw Journal. Mr. J. D. Mallard who has been so well and favorably known in connection with all the best interests of the town for the past sever al years, has recently accepted a posi tion as traveling salesman with the Na tional Packing Co., headquarters at Jacksonville, Fla. It is with sincere regret that we give Mr. Mallard up and wish him much success in his new field of duty. Khrston Free Press. A certain set ting hen in this city, several days ago hatched out a nest of eggs, all but three eggs proving good. One of these sup posedly bad eggs was taken as a nest egg and put in a new nest under the house. Three days later though it had not been covered the egg hatched of its own accord. This story is vouch ed for. We leave the moral t you. Greensboro Record. Mr. W. Stock- ard, who has held a position on the lo cal staff of the Daily Industrial News for several months, will leave tonight for Salisbury to accept a flattering ofler ; manager of a clothing store. Mr. Stockard is a talented and popular newspaper writer and journalism loses a bright young man by his leaving. Mt. Olive Tribute. The Rev. J. M. Rhodes, president of Littleton Female College, at Littleton, N. C, accompan ied by Dr. Elbert Lee, of Norborn, Mo., a prominent physician and surgeon of that State, spent last Sunday near Mt. Olive, at the old home of Mr. Rhodes, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D.G. Rhodes. Dr. Lee is a former North Carolinian, having been born in Johnson county. NOTED LAWYERS TO SPEAK. ImDortant Features of The merican Bar Associa tion Meeting. CUTICURA CURES BLOOD POISONING Hand Cut With Lead Pipe Arm Became Painful and Swollen Sufferer Was in Despair, for Amputation Seemed' Last Resort. CURED IN A MONTH BY CUTICURA REMEDIES A few years ago, while at work, I cut my hand with a piece of lead pipe end, as it was but a mere scratch, did not give it any attention. A few days after my arm began to pain me and became terribly swollen. I went to see a physician, who told me it was a oase of blood poison, and if there were no signs of the inflammation leaving I should have to have my arm amputated. He treated me for a month or so, but did not help me. Another doctor told me it was inflammatory rheumatism, but his medicine seemed to do no good. I gave up all hope and was discouraged. At last a friend told me to try a good blood medicine. I used Cuticura Re solvent Pills for three weeks, when, to my surprise, the place where I had cut my hand began to fester and then broke out in a large sore. The swelling went down, and I applied the Cuticura Ointment and inside of a month my arm was entirely cured, and I owe my recovery to the Cuticura Remedies. I can never praise them enough, and I recommend them to all my friends. Ben. Jenkins, 148 Washburne Ave., Chicago, 111., Deo. 23, 1906." SKIN-TORTURED Babies and Tired Mothers Find Comfort in Cuticura. Sleep for skin-tortured babies and rest for tired mothers is found in a hot bath with Cuticura Soap and a gentle anointing with Cuti cura Ointment, the great tomnuure. Jims treatment affords instant relief in the most distressing forms of itching, burning, scaly, and crusted humors, eczemas, ) rashes, inflammations, irri tations, and chafings, of infancy and childhood. permits rest and sleep and points to a speedy cure when all else fails. Cuticura Soap (26c), Cuticura Ointment (50c), and Cuticura Resolvent (50c), (in the form of Chocolate Coated Pills 25c. per vial of 60). Sold throughout the world. Potter Drug & Chem. Corp.. Sole Props.. Boston, Mass. . a tee, cuticura book on sun Disease. Judge Charles F. Amidon, of North Da kota, Will Speak on "The Nation and the Constitution," and Chas. A. Prouty, of the Interstate Commerce Commission, Will be Heard on "A Department of Rail ways; Its Legal Necessity." (By Special "Wire to the Argus.) Portland, Me., Aug. 16. The emi nence of the speakers and the timeli ness of the subjects scheduled for dis cussion combine to give promise of an unusually interesting meeting when the American Bar Association comes to Portland the latter part of this month for its thirteenth annual con vention. The sessions will last three days and will be followed by the twenty-fourth conference of the International Law Association. The Association of American Law Schools will meet at the same time and there will be ses sions also of the sections on patent, trade-mark and copyright law. The several meetings will attract between four and five hundred of the best known lawyers and jurists of America, with a score or more of legal authori ties from abroad. Two of the important features of the American Bar Association meeting will by the president's address by Alton B. Parker, of New York, and the an nual address to be delivered by Right Honorable James Bryce, the British Ambassador, Judge Charles F. Amidon,, of North Dakota, will speak on "The Nation and the Constitution," and Charles A. Prouty, of the Interstate Commerce Commission, will be heard on "A De partment of Railways; Its Legal Necessity." Eczema and Pile Cure. CDrC Knowing what it was to suffer, I lLL I will give FREE OF CHARGE to any afflicted a positive cure for Ec zema, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Piles and Skin Diseases, Instant relief. Don't suffer longer, write F. W. WILLIAMS 400 Manhattan Avenue, New Yorl Enclose Stamp. . nan rl few fk4tMMMt M mm fittls too r If yoa are stibjtet to attacks of IndtaMtlon. yea hav no dodbt naa snorrasss or orvauv rapid ntan mu heartburn or palpitation ef ths howl tndir stion eaosas ths stomach I zpaad swaHi and puff tn sfalast t hamrt. This crowds the heart and tafese farce with it action, and la the ooars t tea the heart Uoomac dltaatcd, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure difcete what yon sat. te&ts the strain off ef the heart, and cootatautee nourishment strength and health ttf"every eryaa of th body. Curec Indisestion. Drewo!. 8oo Stomach, Inflammation the mueoa) mexnDranee uninf we aiomacn and Digs tire Tract Nonrottc Dycptpeh aad Octant af the Stomach. mr hurt palpitate and hmMfewat very I cot a bottle ol Kedei aoi N gave I roSot Aftorestecafow totfloa I am sat 4. MMLLOWMO NICHOLS. PMm Tan ML T. toe heart troasle with ft 1 took Koeol Qeie fer about seer smbUm enc it ovroa i Dltfesta Wtiat You Eat Homo aa sraak MjS I I wmwtWCJ For Sale 'by M.4iE. Rbinsoni;fei Bro ... ... , , .- - 1 ggy COLLEGE ' 0F AGRICULTURE AND MECHNIC ARTS. One of the Important Duties of Physicians and the Well-informed of the World is to learn as to the relative standing and reliability of the leading manufactur ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the most careful as to the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well known to physicians and the Well-Informed generally that the California Fig Syrup Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of its' product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of the Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy. w TRUTH AND QUALITY'" " " , . appeal to the Well-Informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won the appoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-Informed because of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original - method of manufac ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. n This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known do physicians and the Well-Informed of the world to be the best of natural laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig S3rup Co. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty cents per bottle. Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, that the remedy is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. icaA Louisville, Ky. San Francisco, Cal. U S. A. London, England: New York, N. Y A CERTAIN SAFE TStEJrmEHT Even if mercury and potash could cure Contagious Blood Poison the condition in which these strong minerals leave the system would make the "cure worse tlian the disease. But they cannot cure the vile disorder; they can only cover up the symptoms for awhile or mask the disease in the system, but as soon as the treatment is left o3 the hideous symptoms return. Mercury and potash eat out the delicate lining of the stomach and bowels, produce chronic dj'spepsia by drying up the gastric juices, cause the teeth to decay, and often completely break down the constitution, and where they are used in large quantities, the bones become affected, while the disease for which one has so long 'taken this destructive treatment has not been cured. Contagious Blood Poison is a disease it will not. do to trifle with. It is a vile, dangerous and destructive disorder. When the blood becomes infected with its virus the mouth and throat ulcerate, hair and eye brows come out, glands in the neck and groin swell, copper-colored spots appear on the flesh, and in severe cases sores break out on the body, the finger nails drop off and the sufferer i3 diseased from head to foot. S. S. S. is the only known antidote for Contagious Blood Poison the one remedy that is able to get to the root f the disease and force out every particle of the poison so that there are never any signs of its return. It is purely vegetable, made entirely from roots, herbs and barks of known curative, value. Instead of leaving bad after-effects as some medicines do, S. S. S. tones up every part of the system and puts every part of the body in perfect health. It will also remove any lingering effects of former mineral treatment while eradicating the poison from the circulation Special book on the home treatment of this disease and any medical advice desired furnished free to all who write. THE SWTUT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. OA a Every woman carets a shapely, pretty figure, and many of them deplore the loss of their girlish forma after marriage. The bearing of children is often destructive to the mother's shapeliness. All of this can be avoided, however, by the use of Mother's Friend before baby comes, as this great liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother's Friend overcomes all the danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest blessing. Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the use of this wonderful remedy. Sold by all druggists at $1.00 per bottle. Our little book, telling all about this liniment, will be sent free Tb Bratffistd Replatcr Co., Atlanta FeterPaintersays: when paint peels off and looks dead its a case of SUN stroke. PATTON'S b33 PAINTS were never known t to be overcome by the sun. Pattern's Sun-Proof Paints represent the' only true principle of scientific paint- making, combining the highest degree of beauty with the greatest covering capacity and durability. They k do not Jose their lustre. They not Pee' Crack or chalk bir. X lFnff(WiJDaff Practical education in Agriculture; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Manufactur ing, Dyeing and Industrial . Chemittry. Tuition $45 a year; Board $10 a month. 120 Scholarships. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, ' West Raleigh, N. C. FOR SALE. River farm of 325 acres 5 miles from LaGrange , and 3 from ' Seven Springs. Fertilizers delivered at farm from boat. Ten horse cleared. All in good state of cultivation. Good buildings and tobacco barns. Orchard bearing peaches, apples and peacans. See or address me at Seven Springs,, N. C., for next three weeks. . O. K. TJzzell. VE HAVE A LOT OF NICE Cc beautiful color card and lull-'informatioo ka, The A. T. Griffin Mfg. Co. TRINITY PARK SCHOOL A First-Class Preparatory School, Certificates ot Gradua tion Accepted tor Entrance to Leading Southern Colleges. Best Equipped Preparatory School in the South. Faculty of Ten Officers and Teachers. Campus of Seventy-five &cres. library containing Thirty Thou sand Volumes. W.ell equipped Gymnasium. High standards ann Modern Methods of In struction. Frequent "Lectures by Prominent t.eo turers. Expenses Exceedingly Mod erate. Seven Years of Phenomenal Success. For catalogue and other information address H M. NORTH, 'Hsadmastar, DURHAM, N. C. I: i: Have your tried our old Vir ginia Breakfast Roe? We also have nice lot of Mackerel. Royall After 18 Years Experience! I offer my services as a practical plumber. Re pairing Stoves and roofs a specialty. E. M. Denning. Phone No. 684. BEE'S LAXATIVE HONEY and TAR RELIEVES COUGHS AND COLDS