1 1 4. 1 -I 4 : 1 I 1 GOLDSBOKO, N. C., Jan. 2, 1907. err BUY AT HOHE. One of the largest mail order houses in the country will soon have to stand trial, it is said, lor using the United Sta tes mail for fraudulent purposes. An indictment has been obtained in one of the Western States, containing three counts, and the penalty, upon convic tion, will be a fine of five hundred dol lars on each count which, incidental ly, seems totally inadequate. It is claimed that the goods in ques tion were misrepresented in the cata logues sent out by the firm, and that in addition this firm solicited business by letters, circulars and pamphlets sent out to deceive. The first count charges that on June 13 the company devised a scheme to obtain money by false pretenses from Dr. C. F. Spring, 231 Utica building, Des Moines. On that date a letter was mailed to him in which the following statements were made: "All our paints contain white lead made in our great paint factory under the supervision of the finest paint ex perts. They have given universal sat isfaction and we are able to place over them our most liberal guarantee, which you are doubtless familiar with." As a matter of fact, so the indictment Bets out, the firm dn question did not manufacture paint in its own factory. Its paint was not of the highest grade and was not equal to any ready mixed paint on the market, regardless of price, as advertised in its catalogue. Furthermore the paint did not contain white lead, so the indietment charges. R. H. Miles, rural route No. 1, Des Moines, is the victim named in the Other two counts of the indictment. On May 25- Mr. Miles ordered a ring ad vertised in the firm's catalogue to con tain four pearls and four sapphires and Was materially inferior in quality to the ones described in the catalogue. On May 6 Mr. Miles ordered another 1 ring ad vertised to contain twelve pearls , and two rubies. The ring he received contained neither pearls nor rubies. Bothi catalogues and the rings were sent through the mails, making the al leged misrepresentation a violation of the federal statutes regarding the use Of the mails. W. S. Pilkington, editor of The Iowa Trade Journal, worked up the case against the firm. He secured the evi dence and presented the case to the grand jury. Mr. Pilkington has been conducting a cruisade against the mail Order houses in the columns of his pa per in behalf of the retail merchants and the indictment is the result of his work. That the indictments have been found is a matter of record. What the outcome will finally be is, of course, yet to be determined. But the incident at least lends en couragement to those who are preach ing the wisdom of patronizing the firms at home. Was it not an easy matter for the purchaser, lor instance, to buy white lead from the firms at home, in stead of sending away his money to a distant concern? And rings were there no rings at the local jewelers? By snendinsr this money at home it would have been spent again in the same com munity and would have been of a hundred fold more service than by turning it into distant channels of trade. The incident, whatever may be tie outcome, should be a profitable one. Hard Times In Kansas. The old days ot grasshoppers and drouth are almost forgotten in the pros perous Kansas of to-day; although a citizen of Codell, Earl Sham burg, has not yet forgotten a hard time he en countered. He says: "I was worn out and discouraged by coughing night and day, and could find no relief till I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. It took less than one bottle to completely cure me." The safest and most reliable cough and cold remedy andlung and throat healer ever discovered. Guaran teed by J. H. Hill & Son's drug store 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. "As straight as a string," is true of a string flies. never His Dear OldSVI other. "My dear old mother, who iscnow eiyhty-three years old, thrives on Elee tric Bitters," writes W. B. Brunson, of Dublin, Ga. "She has taken them for about two years and enjoys an excel lent appetite, feels strong and sleeps well." That's the way Electric Bitters affect the aged, and the same happy re sults follow in all cases' of female weak ness and general.debility. Weak, puny children too, are greatly strengthened by them. Guaranteed also for stom ach, liver and kidney troubles, by J. H. Hill & Sen, Druggist, 50c. The day, just man falls seven times a A Criminal Attact , If you sutler from bloating belching soar stomach. Indigestion or Dyspepsia take a Rings Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal, and overcome the disagree able trouble. It will improve the ap petite, and aid digestion. Sold by Hig gins Drug Co., and M. E. Robinson & Bro. ' The moon as the tide. affects the untied as well No home is so pleasant, regardless of the comforts that money will buy, as when the entire family is in perfect health. A bottle of Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup costs 50 cents. It will cure every member of the family of consti pation, sick headache or stomach trou ble. Palace Drug Store. Only tongue-tied women suffer from brain fag. Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please note it is mada alone for Piles, and its action is positive and certain. Itching, painful, producing or blind Siles disappear like magic by its use, Large nickel-capped glass jars 50 cents, pold by Higgins Drug Co. In New York City are 27,000 women who are supporting husbands. Ring.s Little Liver Pills wake up lazy livers, clean the system and clear the skin. Try them for billiousness and sick headache. Price 25e. Sold by J. H. Hill & Son, Higgins Drug Ce. Denver knew its $100,000 would be accepted and no questions asked. on an inoffensive citizen is frequently made in that apparently useless little tube called the "aooendix." It's cener- ally the result of protracted constina- I A SCard. tion.following liver torpor. Dr. King's I This is to certify that all druggists New Life Pills regulate the liver, ore- I &re authorized to refund your money if vent appendicitis, and establish regular I Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure habits of the bowels. 25c. at J. H. I your cough or cold. - It stops the coueh. Hill & Son's drug store. The man of least most noise. Out Of Sight. Out of sight, out of mind," is an old saying which applies with special force to a sore, burn or wound that's been treated with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. neais ine lungs ana prevents serious results from a cold. Cures la grinne sense makes the I cough and prevents pneumonia and consumption. Contains no opiates. The genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse substitutes. Palace Drug Store. A girl likes to be in love so she can imagine unkappiness is happiness. It's out of sight, out of mind and out of tice, draws out infiamation and poison Antiseptic, healing. For existence. Piles too and chilblains dis ippear under ' its healing influence. Guaranteed by J. H. Hill and Son. druagists. 25c. The paths of grave. glory lead but to the Does your back ache? -: Do vou fee- tired and drowsy and lacking in am Dition it so. there is somethin wrong with your kidneys. DeWitt' Kidney and Bladder Pills relieve back ache, weak kidneys, and inflammation of the bladder. A week's treatment. 25 cents. Sold by M. E. Robinson &. Bro. ANow you know what is meant by the "next morning." chapped hands, lips, cuts, burns. Sold by J. H. Hill & Son, Higgins Drug Co. Bachelors are the only men who have any illusions abemt woman. 2l'll stop your pain tree. 3 To , show you first before you spend a penny what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail you free, a Trial Package of them Dr. SJaoop's Headache Tablets, Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, Pe riod pains, etc., and due alone to blood congestion. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets simply kill pain by coaxing away the unnatural blood pressure, That. sail. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine. Wis. Sold by Higgins Drug Do. HOW'SlTHIS?: We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for ay case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O. ' , . We. the nnderslsrned, have known F. J. Cheney fr the last IS years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transaction sand fin an eially able to carry out any obligations made by bis firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catrrrh Cure is taken internally, acting Irectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of te system. 1 estimoniais sent iree. rice yoc, er bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Law and order restaurant rules. A prompt, pleasant, good remedy for coughs and colds, is nenneay s laxa tive Cough Syrup. It is especially re commended for babies and children, Vint sool for every member f thefami ly. It contains no opiate and does not eonstipate. Contains honey and tar and tastes nearly as good as maple Children like it. Sold by M. E. Robinson fc Bro. It all depends the chandelier. i You neve have any trouble to get children to take Kennedy's Laxative donah Svrun. They like it because it tastes nearly like maple sugar. Ken nedy's Laxative Cough Syrup is a safe, nra and prompt remedy for coughs and colds and is good for every mem- v- f tii a familv. Sold by M. E. Rob inson & Bro. You must look sharp to find room in the average flat. I will mail you free, to prove merit, sample of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative, and my book on either Dyspepsia, The Heart or the Kidneys, Troubles of the Heart or Kidneys, are merely symptoms of a deeper ailments. Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only. Symptoms treatment is treating the result of your ailment, and not the cause. Weak Stomach nerves the inside mean Stomach weak ness, always And the Heart, and Kidneys as well, hav their controlling or idside nerves. Weaken these and nerves, and you inevitabley have weak vital organs, Here is where Dr. Shoop's Restortive has made its fame. No other remedy even claims the "inside nerves". Also for bloating, biliousness bad breath sr complixion. use Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write to-day for sample and free book. Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Rhe Restorative is sold by Higgins Drug Co. No matter what you got, if you gave anything you were happy. D Witt's Carbolized Witch, Haeel Salve is good for little burns and big burns, small scratches or bruises and big ones. It is healing and soothing. Good for piles. Sold by M. E. Robin- ; son & Lro. It is perhaps just as well that it only comes once a year. It will be unnecessary for you to go through a painful, expensive opera tion for Piles if you use ManZan. Put up in collapsible tube with nozzle, eady to apply to the soreness and in fiamation. For any form of Piles,price 50c. guaranteed. For sale by J. H. HiJl & Son and Higgings Drug Co. Our idea of a good boss is one who can boss without bossing. In most cases consumption results from a neglected or improperly treated cold. Foley's Honey and Tar cure the most obstinate coughs and prevent serious results. It costs you no more than the unknown preparations and you should insist upon having the gen uine in the yellow package. Palace Drug Store. more A woman's tears are usually effective than her words. Notice to Our Customers. We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults Palace Drug Store. ' r-n n.t. onr store, please, for a free Hmnle of Dr. Shoop's Health' Coffee, Tf !.! coffee disturl s you stomach tit. TToftrt or Kidnevs then try this .iAVr Coffee imitatu n. While Dr, Shoop has very clos ry matched Old Java and Mocha Coffe- in flavor and taste, yet he has not even a single grain ol real Coffee in it. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee Imitation is made from pure noBted Drains ol cereals, with Malt, Nuts. etc. ' You will surely like IPOalth Coffee. Sold by M. E. Bizzell. It doesn't take much dough to buy a paste diamond. If you take DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills you will get prompt re lief from headache, weak kidneys, in flammation of the bladder and urinary troubles. A week's treatment 25 cents. Sold by M. E. Robinson fc Bro. Long may you from your roef. live and smoke rise Two egg-nog glasses are good things to meet under the mistletoe. No need to fear coughs and colds this vear as you can obtain liees Lax ative Cough Syrup from your dealer This is good news to mothers who fear croup and whooping cough. It is a gentle laxative that expells the poison from the system in the natural way. Cuts the phlegm and clears the head Guaranteed. For sale by J. H. Hill & Son and Higgins Drug Co. Thomas A. Edison, the great Ameri can inventor says "Fully eighty per cent ot the illness of mankind comes from eating improper food or too much food; people are inclined to over-in dulge themselves". This is where in digestion finds its beginning in nearly every case. The stomach can do just so much, work and no more, and when you overload it, or when you eat the wrong kind of food, the digestive or gans cannot possibly do the work de manded ot them. It is at such times that the stomach needs help; it demands help, and warns you, by headaches, belching, sour stomach, nausea and in digestion. You should attend to this at once by taking something that will actually do the work for the stomach. Kodol will do thiB. It is a combination of natural digestants and vegetable acias ana contains tne same juices The recipes in a cook book ought to found in a healthy stomach. It is be all to the good. t xr rr n nenry n. ioue w mupa, -l- writes: "I can thanK uoaior my pres ent health, due to Foley's Kidney Cure. I tried doctois and all kinds of kidney cures, but nothing done me much good till I took Foley's Kidney uure. a our vwtifin cured me. and I have no more r.ain in mv back and shoulders, l am 62 years old and suffered long, but thanks to Foley's Jianey uure jl am well and can walk and enjoy myself. It is a pleasure to recommend it to those needing a kidney medicine." Palace Drug Store. Even the footman succeeds by get ting his hand in. To stop that pain in the bank, that stiffness of the joints and muscles, take Pineules. They a.e guaranteed. Don't suffer from rheumatism, backache, kid- nev trouble, when you get 30 days' treatment for 81.00. " A single dose at bedtime proves their merit. Get them to-day. J. H. Hill & Son, Higgins Drug Co. -:- Foley's Kidney Cure will cure -any . .. i J ,1 Vvl a af la Tir4 Via- I .1 yond medical aid. Palace Drug Store. pleasant to take. It digests what you eat. Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bro. 1 . Laziness begins in cobwebs and ends in iron hains. A Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal overcomes indigestion, dyspepsia and ether stomach ills. Two day's triol free. Ask our dealer. J. H. Hill & Son, Higgins Drug Co. Learning makes for himself. a man fit company LIKE WINE Punch - I - Nello ! Mellows and Improves With Age ! Try it Now! 5 Cents at Fountains and in Bottles. WHAT TO DO WITH THE HOLIDAY BOOKS! Just now this is a leading question in many thousand American homes How can all the new hooks, with their attractive bindings he displayed to the best advantage, arranged and classified so as to always he accessible, Notu is the most propitious moment of the entire year to settle this question for all time to come, by procuring SloWAVcrnieks "Elastic" Book Cases which are graded as to height to fit the hooks of any library, and in lengths to fit most any room. " Made in dull and polish finish, quartered oak and mahogany with plain, leaded and plate glass doors controlled by the only patent equalizer that absolutely prevents binding. Three different styles are described n the catalogue Standard, Mission and Ideal each one a distinctive type. We carry the goods In stock and sell at catalogue prices. R0YALL & BORDEN SOUTHERLAND - COMPANY, (STJCCESSO RS ;TO) The Fonvielle-Lamb Company. General Commission Merchants and M'fg'rs Agents and;wholesale;dealersi in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, , "I trust this may be read by many sufferers from Kidney and bladder trouble" writes Mrs. Joe King, of Woodland Tex. "I suffered for years and could find nothing to give even temporary relief. Our druggist at last induced me to try your 30 days treat ment of Pineules for SI. This one bottte has cured me and money could not buy the value it has been to me Guaranteed. Sold by J. H. Hill & Son, Higgins' Drug Co., - O. Bean the Signature Of STOniA. ThB Kind You Have Always Bought 127-129lWest Walnut Street. PHONE OS t Headquarters For Hay, Corn, Feed Stuff, Flour, Sugar, Lard, Meal, Jtitc., also uountry Produce. imo S -IPD IKE, Plumbing Fixtures, Bath Tubs, Closets, Lav atories, Etc. TIN ROOFING, Automobile, Gasoline Engine, Typewriter and Difficult Repairing of any kind. GIVE US, A T R IA L Drink Punch-I-Nello NOTICE ! North Carolina, Wayne County. Superior Court, Jan. Term, 1907.1 The John Slaughter Company, vs. s The Standard Sewing Machine Co. The Defendant, the Standard Sewing Machine Company, is hereby notified that it is required to appear before the judge of the Superior Court to be held for the County of Wayne, at the court house in Goldsboro, Wayne county, North Carolina, on the 6th Monday be fore the 1st Monday of March, 1908, it being the 20th day of January, 1908, and demur to, or answer the complaint which will be filed herein, during the first three days of said term of said court, or that judgment will be render ed in favor of the Plaintiff and against the Defendant for the relief demanded in the complaint. sC3 This action is to cover the sum of 9502.30, due by contract of the defend ant with the Plaintiff, and by reason of the wrongful conduct of its agent under said eontract.and an attachment has issued herein, on the 23rd day ot Nov. 1907, returnable before the Judge of the Superior Court, at a Court to be held for the County of Wayne, at the Court House in Goldsboro, Wayne County, North Carolina, on the 6th Monday, before the 1st Monday of March. 1908, it being the 20th doy of Jan. 1908. Witness my hand and seal at offlee in Goldsboro, on the 10th day of Dec, 1907. Jas. Pv. Hatch, Clerk of the Superior Court of Wayne County, N. C. L.et him who has deserved the palm bear it. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup for coughs, colds, croup and. whoopinjjf cough grows in favor daily with young and old. Mothers should keep it on hand for children. It is prompt relief to croup. It is gently laxative, driving the poison and shlegm from the system It is a simple remedy that gives im mediate relief gfaranteed. Sold by J. H. Hill & Son and Higgin's Drug Co,i Si" ; I r

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