LOCAL BRIEFS. COXEY IS STILL LIVING. Items of Interest in and Around the Citv. The alarm of fire about midnight last night was occasioned by the burning of a negro tenement house on the proper ty of Mr. N. B. Outlaw, over near Her man Park. The fire department was promptly on the scene and the flames were speedily extinguished, leaving much of the house yet standing. Mr. and Mrs. N. O'Berry have gone to Atkinson, in Pender county, the home of Mrs. O'Berry's venerable mother, Mrs. Eliza Moore, who, we are distressed to chronicle.is reported to be critically ill. Mrs. Mooie has many friends in this city, where she some times visits, and we all wish for her an early and safe recovery. Mrs. W. R. Hollowell was summon ed to Charlotte, yesterday morning on the early train by a night phone that her venerable father, Mr. E. L. Vail, was critically ill. She arrived at his bed side at 9 o'clock, and the end came at 10:30. Her hosts of friends in this city and county and throughout the State will deeply sympathize with her in her sad bereavement. The members of the "Bound Dozen Club," of Mt. Olive, an organization composed of leading literary ladies of that progressive town, came up to the -city at noon today to take dinner with one of their most popular members now a resident of Goldsboro Miss Lucy Hatch. It goes without saying that it was an enioyable occasion. It could not be otherwise with Miss Hatch as hostess and the congenial "Round Dozen" as guests, and with the Best Town in the State as the ren- devouz. A romantic marriage, which was en tirely a surprise, as well to the families of the contracting parties as to their many friends, occurred Monday night about 9 o'clock, when Mr. Henry Jones, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Jones, and Miss Margaret Castex, the beautiful and popular daughter of Mr. and Mrs F. L. Castex, and one of the most ap preciated members of the Goldsboro Graded School, presented themselves to Rv. F. W. Farries, accompanied by witnesses and provided with license, ' and requested that he make them man and wife, which he accordingly did The happy young couple immediately drove to the westbound Southern train which they boarded for a bridal trip Th Argus wishes them health, happi ness and prosperity through length of days. Monday afternoon about 5 o'clock a fatal and shocking accident occur red at the power house of the consoli dated Electric Light and Water plant of our city, whereby Mr. Frank Cald well, one of the employees, a son of Mr. J. H. Caldwell, of Fork township JM . HI,,, X 11 n,!,. knew him, lost his life instantly. He was caught by the belt of the big fly wheel and thrown against the engine in such a helpless position that the . piston rod struek him on the head i mt .. s a a. l m i : Killing- mm insiamiy. xuw remains were viewed by Coroner Stanley, but an inquest was deemed unnecessary, The body of the unfortunate young man was taken to Lemon Springs, in Lee county, on the early train this morning, for interment beside a sister who is buried there. The Argus deep ly sympathizes with the so sorely af- mctea lamny in tneir suaaen ana sor rowful bereavement. He of "Coxey's Army" Repute Is Now a Mine Promoter. (Special to The Akqtjs.) Pittsburg, Dec. 27. James S. Coxey, who led the army of hoboes over the mountains and across the country in the famous Populist free silver cam paign of 1894, has formed a combina tion with Ralph M. Weaver, former bucket shop king, and they together will endeavor to float $ 1,000,000 stock in a mining concern, oi airview, xe- vada. WARRICK-EDWARDS. RESIDING ELDER'S VISITATIONS, NEW BERN DISTRICT. The following is the first round of visitation appointments of Rev. B. F, Bumpass, presiding elder, who will move with his family, to the District Parsonage here tomorrow, and where a cordial welcome awaits them: o o o Jfirst round. Mt. Olive Circuit Rone's, January 4-5. Mt. Olive and Faison Faison, Jan. 5-6. La Grange Trinity, Jan. 11-15. Griffon Edwards, Jan. 18-19. Kinston, Jan. 19-20. Carteret Newport, Jan. 25-26. Snow Hill Snow Hill, Feb. 1-2. Hookerton Hookerton, Feb. 2-3. Oriental Oriental, Feb. 8-9. Pamlico Bayboro, Feb. 9-10. Dover Bethany, Feb. 15-16. Straits Tabernacle, Feb. 18. Atlantic Wilmington, Feb. 19. Ocracoke and P Ocracoke, Feb. 20 Beaufort, Feb. 22-23. Morehead City, Feb. 23-24. Craven Tuscarora, Feb. 29, March Jones Trenton, March 7-8. The district stewards will please meet at St. Paul's church on Thursday January 9, at 1 o'clock. R. F. BUMPAS, P. E. Goldsboro, N. C. DAMON AND PYTHIAS. Great Production of The Famous Flay by Home Talent. Rehearsals for the above play, to be presented at the Messenger Opera House January 2ths are going on regu larly, and Mr. Ed J. Addy, of Chicago who has been engaged by Rufiin Lodge No. 6, K. of P., to stage the produe. tion, says $hat be is more than pleased with the cast now arranged. He claims that Miss Rachel Borden as Hermion, ana Mies Freda Cobb Latta as alanthe will be hard to equal, even by professionals. There is bouyaney in their work that holds the hearer in a spell. Mr. Harry J. Baker as Damon and Mr. Frank Giddens as Pythias, make a fine appearance, and their clear enun ciation and deep sympathy with their parts, add to the impressiveness. The other twenty-five characters are well selected, and are enthusiastic for the success of the performance. The Pythians are to be congratulated on being able te enlist such a company of real hist ionic talent and it speaks well for our city. Cf1 r 9 i , "I was a total wreck," writes Mrs. Beulah Rowley, of Champoeg, Oregon, "from pains I had suffered, for 4 years, every month. Sometimes I would be unconscious for 12 hours at a stretch. I did not know that anything could stop the pain entirely, but Wine of Cardui did. I advise all women suffering with painful periods to use Car dui and be relieved' It does this by regulating the functions and toning up all the Internal female organs to health. It is a pure, specific, reliable, female remedy, with a record 0f 70 years of success. It has bene fited a million others. Why not you? Try it. FREE ADVICE Write us a letter describing all your symptoms, and we will send yo Free Advice, in plain sealed envelope. Address: Ladies Advisory Department. The Chattanooga Medicina Co.. Chatta nooga. Tenn. Sold by Every Druggist in $1.00 Bottles. OF CARD WE ARE READY :s: to show you everything that is stylish and new inl Men's Clothing. An inspection will prove that our Suits are truly the most up-to-date creations ofthe Tailoring Art. The excellence of make, the latest and exclusive patterns, J which are imbodied in everyjgar ment in our large assortment will please'the most critical eye and the nobbiest dresser. Its from $1 2.50 to $30 M. M. EPSTEIN, MY CLOTHIER. NOTIOE OF SALE. , Under and by virtue of a deed of trust made by John D. Smith and wife. Flor ence Smith to Lonnie B. Smith, dated the 13 day of December 1907, and re gistered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wayne County, North Caro lina, in Book. No 96, Page 17, the undersigned will, on Tuesday, the 21s day of January, 1908 at 10 o'clock a. m., in front of the store occupied by Smith, Ham & Company in the town of Pike ville, Wayne County, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the following described real estate situated in said Wayne County, and conveyed in said deed of trust, viz : " 1st, The tract or lot of land con taining seven-eights of an acre, more or less, conveyed by J. P. Smith and wife to said J. D. Smith by deed dated the 6th day of January, 1893, and rt gistered in the office of the Register oi Deeds of said Wayne County, in Book No 65, Page 534, to which deed and re cord reference is hereby made for pur pose of description of said land. 2nd. The lot or parcel of land in the town of Pikeville described in deeds by R. H. Smith and wife, and Jackson B. Smith and wife, to said J. D. Smith, said deeds being dated the 2nd day of April, 1906, and regis tered in the office of Register of Deeds of said County in Book 94, Pages 45f and 456, respectively, to which deeds reference is hereby made for purpose of description of said land, together with the engine, boiler, cotton gin, cot ton press and all machinery, fixtures and appliances situated on said land, and used m connection with said gin ning machinery. 3rd. The tract of land containing eighty acres, more or less conveyed by I. F. Ormond, C. S. G.', and Com missioner to said J. D. Smith by deed dated the day of March, 1900, and registered in the office of the Register oi Deeds oi said county in Book No. 74, Page 363, to which deed reference is hereby made for purpose of description of said land. 4th. The two tracts of land conveyed by George F. Peele to said J ESS INCORPORATED Largest and Best equipped Business College in 'North Carolina. Methods practical and thoroughly modern, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tyewriting and Telegraphy, taught by experts. Positions for all our graduates. Write today for our new catalogue, addressi KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C or CHARLOTTE, N. C NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue ot an order of the Superior Court of Wayne County, North Carolina, rendered on December 17th, 1907, in the petition ot William ' Kicks and wile, Etfie Ricks, and others to the court, I shall sell for cash by public auction at the Court House door in Goldsboro, North Carolina, on Wednesday, January 15th, 1908, at 12 o'clock M, tiie following described, lands situate in said County and. State, being let No. 11 in the division of the lands of T. F. Davis, registered in Book 87, page 186, in the office ot the Register of Deeds ot said County, and herein described as follows: ".Beginning at a black-gum on the run of Aycock Swamp, corner of lot No. 10, and runs with said lot No 10 N. 73 W. 250 poles to the road, then with the road S. 28 W. 28 poles to the corner of lot No. 12; then with lot No. 12 S. 73 K. 215 poles to a stake on a iitch niar a hickory J then S. 15 poles $ the run of Neivsotne Branch; then down said run to the run ot Avmick Swamp; then down the run of said wainp to the beginning, containing tO acres, more or less." Terms of stile, cash. This the 18th day of December, 1907. F. A. Daniels. Commissioner. IF YOU WANT Snuare in the purchase o Gasoline En gines or Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Shingle, Lath, Stav or Corn Mil', Brick Making Outfits, or anything in machinery, our 25 years' experience supplying the wants of Southern mill men is at your disposal. Send Us Your Specification? Ourjlarge stock includes just what you want. Prompt shipments are our specialty. Gibbes Machinery Co. Our prices are right and our goods guaranteed. Write for free cata- D. Smith logue, and oursalesman will call. by deed dated the 31st day of January, 1903, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of said county, in Book No. 82, Page 574, to which deed reference is hereby made for the pur pose of description of said lands, one of said tracts containing seventy-four acres, more or less, and the other four teen acres, more or less. This the 19th day of December, 1907. Lonnie B. Smith, Trustee. BOX 40 COLUMBIA 8. C. ennon Cafe! Hours of Service: 10 a. m. to 12 o'clock at night. Oysters, Fish, Game in season, and whatever the market affords and 1 I TTTrt T7P( Farm For Rit. -ivd uu i wish to rent thm Pridgen farm of Oysters received fresh everv 423 acres, Jrogden township, for dav. Ordfirshvthp.mpas. NOTICE. Four notes bearing date Sept. 12th, 1907, and payable the 1st day of December 1907, 1908, 1909 and 1910 respectively for the sum of $250.00. each executed by H. E. Workman to the undersigned have been lost or misplaced. All persons are warned against buying or trading for the said notes. This the 17th day of Dec. 1907. JOHN R. SMITH. the year 1 Jd. V.T. Dortch, Executor. ure solicited. At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erastus Edwards, in this city, Thursday night, in the pres ence of the immediate families of the contracting parties and a small circle of especial friends, Mr. Jos. S. War rick, our city Tax Collector, and a young man highly esteemed by all who know him, and Miss Lula Edwards, who holds the admiration of all her friends for her sterling traits of char acter, were happily united in the holy bond of wedlock, Rev. F. W. Farries, pastor of the Presbyterian church,' of ficiating. The bridal attendants were Miss Clyda Caldwell, of Lake City, S. C, with Mr. W. V. Woodard, and Miss Alice Warrick, sister of the groom, with Mr. J. C. Keene. Immediately after the ceremony a bridal banquet was served and all in deed "went merry as a marriage bell." The bride and groom were the reci pients of many beautiful and useful bridal presents and have already en tered npon the pleasant occupation of housekeeping at the comfortable home of the groom on Park Avenue. The Akgtjs joins their hosts of friends in wishing them all happiness and prosperity. CASTOR I A "For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Notice of Sale of Land Under Mortgage. Under power of sale given me by mortgage deed executed by Charles H. Foust, on the 10th day of September, 1904, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wayne County in Book No. 84, page 458, to secure the payment of the notes mentioned in said mortgage deed due me, and default having been made in the payment of said notes when due I will sell for cash on Monday, the 20th day of January, 1908, at 12 o'clock m., to the highest Diaaer at tne Jourt liouse door in Goldsboro, the land conveyed in said mortgage deed, situated in Brogden Township said county, and bounded as follows: Adjoining the lands of T. W. Brogden, M. T. Brogden, and others beginning at a cypress on the run of Falling Creek and runs N. 18 1-2, W. 38.35 chains to a stone on edge of Grantham, store road, then with said road N. 75 1-2 chains to a stake on the edge of said road near a spring, and runs thence S. 19 1-2, E. 14.20 chains to a stake, thence S. 56 3-4, W. 12.90 chains to a stake on the run of Falling Creek, thence down said creek as it meanders to the beginninig, containing fifty acres. . Second Tract ; Beginning at a hick ory stump on the run of Falling Creek, Thomas Beard's corner, and runs S. 52 1-4 W. 14.12 chains to a pine. on the run of Falling Creek : then down said run as it meanders to the beginning, containing ten acres, said tracts of land being lot No. 1 in the division of the lands of N. P. Brogden, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wayne County in Book No. 48, page 456. This 20th Dec, 1907. v Florence Brogden, Mortgagee. W. H. WHALEY & CO., Inc. Mill Supplies and Machinery, 74 Commercial Place, Norfolk, Virginia. ' C M. JENKINS, Secretary. Both Phones 157 gggpft prize mm o subscrptons 'ijaSf t' An Ornament- and a M-B Jy Comfort in , Any r Home. The recent contest for increasing the circulation of the ARGUSTwas simply the beginning. We desire the Argus either through its Daily or its Weekly edition to go regularly into every home throughout the wide trading territory of Goldsboro, and in order to encourage those who have the time to spare to can vass their immediate neighborhoods for subscribers, we offer the above beautiful $5.00 chair just as represented free for every ten new yearly paid-up sub scriptions to the weekly Argus, or every two new paid-up yearly subscriptions to the Daily Argus, or any combination of new cash subscriptions aggregating ten dollars. -:- -:- -:- Write names and postoffice addresses plainly, and make' your remittances by check, Postoffice money order or registered letter. Address .all communica tions to. " -:- -:- ; -- . GOLDSBORO, N. C. Five Cents Per Line J (Six Words to the Ljng.) CASH WITH ORDER. LOST A lady's gold watch double case, with picture on inside of each case. Suitable reward at this office. FOR SALE The glass front recently removed from MacKay's pharmacy. J. F. Ange. LOST A seal ring with initials T. F. Is. on it. Finder will receive suitable reward at this office. FOB KENT A six room residence at 113 N. Slocurnb street. Posses sion given at once. , Apply to Miss Pearl Creech. SALESMAN WANTED Sell re tail trade, your locality $65 per month and expenses to start on commission. Experience unneces sary. Hermingsen Cigar Co., To ledo, O. . FOR RENT Seven room house on Spruce street, east of William. Good condition. $10 per month. ol9tf J. C. EASON. FOR RE NT- William street. Baker. My residence at 400 S. Apply to Miss Annie tf FLOWER BULBS A tine assortment and a lull supply. Orders solicited. M. E. Robinson fc Bbo. CABBAGE PLANTS Best varities for .Spring cutting now ready for de livery. Now is the best time to set them out. Grown in open air and will give results. Price in 10,000 lots, $1.00 per thousand; 5,000 to 10,000, $1,25; 1,000 to 5,000, $1.50, packed, ready for shipment. L. Harvey & Son, Kinston, N. C. Special Sale of Statuary for next 15 days. A large assortment to select trom at one third off regular prices. Every piece marked in plain figures. This is a chance to secure a bargain in this class of goods. Andrews & Waddell Furniture Co. Coal is the Best and Cheapest Fuel to Use When bought of W. H. Griffin you get all coal and 2000 pounds to the ton.