HEW YEAR'S IN GOTHAM. 1 i I 4' ?1( . 1, ."J ft X Tfee French Custom of Ushering in the New Year With Carnival and Revelry has Gained Strong Hold on the Metropolis. (Special to the Argus.) New York, Dec. 31 The advent of the new Year tonight "will be made the occasion for the usual noisy demon strations throughout the city of New York. The French custom of usher ing in the new year with carnival and revelry has gained strong hold on the metropolis of late years, becoming more prevalent with each year. It was the practice of the fathers and mothers of the present generation of New Yorkers to congregate at the junc tion of lower Broadway and Wall Streets near the midnight hour to hear the chimes of old Trinity welcome the new year. Tne practice sun previia and. thousands each year-end seek to get within hearing distance of the melodic tones from which come the strains of an old-fashiored hymn float ing out on the still midnight air. But there are thousands of resid ents of New York who desire a more strenuous celebration in honor of the new year than to stand about on the cold pavements to listen to church bells. Upper, and not lower Broad way, is the centre of attraction of these people. In the theater and restaurant districts the crowds tonight are ex pected to be the greatest of the year. Tables for New Year's Eve were en gaged in all the fashionable hotels and restaurants weeks ago, and today not a vacant place is to be had at any price. The management of the Hotel Astor ' has arranged to give a Venetian fete to the guests and patrons of the house in celebration of the new year. The eight floor of the hotel will be hung with scenery depicting the Grand Canal, the Palace of the Doges, and the Iiion of St.1 Mark. The waiters will be dressed as gondoliers and a confetti battle will be the climax of the even ing. Delmonico's, Rectors, the Waldorf Astoria, the Belmont, the Plaza and other leading restaurants and hotels where fashionable folk congregate will be the scenes of similar revelries. At one Bohemian cafe the price of supper will be $10 for each person, without wine.and only champaign will be serv ed. In all this there is no suggestion -of hard times in Gotham. COTTON GROWERS OF WAYNE COUNTT ROOSEVELT'S GRAVE ERROR. Yisu are Earnestly Requested to Ii in Attendance at the Meeting fa be Held ia the Court House January Tenth. I desire to c:tl I you in spsU.n .. Friday .Tan 10, ISK)8. in tf-io Voum ..,. in Uiiscit.y at o'e,lK'! p. i'i. Our org an i. ( ion and f trwcri, '.-': r.ly Iuvh- slo id vvoli in ii-.f b u-. rolling suffi.it(, (ioi.ion to m'ii. ',' iionK. Tim disposition ol i'trm- s have no oihi m Si.-r to whom tin y v. indebted lor advances kind y m.-ic : ihfm, mst ctfinmmid ihir eusj in every thoughu'ut misinefss tn&.'t. The cotlou situation at this ti mauds unusual firmness. 'i'htreis m disputing the i'uot that we are V' tit rough a crisis that calls lor toiira; "THIS DAY IN HISTORY." December, 31. 1384 John de Wycliffe, "the Morn ing Star of the Reformation," died. 1360 Lancastrians victorious at Wakefield. (War of the Hoses) . 1550 Henry of Lorraine, third Duke of Guise, born. Died Deo. 23, 1588. 1600 British East Indian Company chartered. 1720 Charles Edward Stuart, the young Pretendei, born. Died Jan. 31, 1788. 1781 Congress chartered the Bank of North America. 1793 Thomas Jefferson resigned as Secretary ot State. 1857 Canada adopted the decimal system of public accounts. 1877 Queen Victoria instituted the Imperial Order of the Crown of India, for ladies. 1889 Horetio Allen, who ran the first railroad locomotive in America, died in New Jersey. , Born in 1802. - 1890 Francis E. Spinner, TJ. S. Treasurer under Lincoln and Grant, died. Born Jan. 21, 1802. 1894 Amelia Jenks Bloomer, origi nator of the "bloomer" costume for women, died at Council Bluffs, la Born New York, May 27, 1818. NEW HEAD OF AT LANTA UNIVERSITY. Son of the First President and the Founder of the Atlanta Univer sity, was Today Installed as Third Fresident. (Special to The Argus.) Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 31 Edward T. Ware, son of "the first president and founder of the Atlanta University, was today installed as the third president of the institution. President Charles Cuthbert Hall of the Union Theological Seminary pre sided over the inauguration exercises, which were attended by many friends of Atlanta University and representa tives of similar institutions in various parts of the country. . Have you seen our fine line of Din ing Room Furniture? Consisting, of Extension Tables, Side Boards, Buffets China Closets, Serving Tables and -Chairs? . . -Don't Miss This. Andrews fc Waddell Furniture Co. 'Unar "Admiral '. iir.nvnson'g retire ment from Ihe bureau'-of navigation, oj J which he was chief, because he object- d to the President's action in placing i -Mtrgeon General Rixey in command ol j :t medical ship, creates a great stir in i v;d circles it' not in federal official- , .:h general ly . There has been nota- h! absence ot friction between line u ml staff in the army, but the same ,'Hiiiiol be said of the line ami staff of e navy. While army officers are i-iose observers ot punctilio, a einsh be- s veu quartermaster or surgeon or, i v master and n oii'icer ot th iinei i ,i"Vr owiirs. In social etiquette aim r -inoninl precedence ail branches ot j i.'if. army, ino and siatT, are. and have j 'vys litifiii. on an absolutely equal f ;:ng. Tlio staff ot'licer, theretofore, ms teeu satisfied with his position and as never "agitated" for a change, t ti the uvy it- iias been different. J iscre was a time when the naval sur .jeon was not by right on even a social uoi,:ug with the line oflicer command ing. On board ship he could only sit ;t an officer's table by special invita uon. I me and staff acted as if they worthy of the cause lor which we con- i.eionged to separate orders. Stall oi- tend. We can only rely upon ou r own ficers have often complained of vvh.t!. , efforts and determinations. This wiii they regarded as an unreasonable dis- j bring relief though the balance of man- i ntx-lion. There is less friction of this j kind contend against us. The dispo- kind now, but the line oflicer is to-dav sition of many manufacturers to run as quick to resent any encroachment on short time is only in line with the I on his prerogatives as in years past, spirit of cotton future gamblers to de- The President has made a grave mis press the market, rue question o; sr-Rem p.aenr.: surgeon yenerai mxey final endurance will determine the, in command ol me ilelief. Medical ol- matter not only for this season, bu ' lioers should nave a tree hand in the for the year to. come. J ' .scipline and direction of all the men The cotton grower will never have rving on hospital ships, but when it such an opportunity to call a halt on omes to actual command only a line the New York Cotton exchange in their i wilieer to "ihe manner" trained should wild career. j -. assigned to liiat responsible posi- J. E. PETERSON, President Wayne County Cotton Growers Association. SECRETARY TAFT TO SPEAK. Will Tonight, in Boston, Deliver His First Public Address Since His Trip Around the World. .(.Special to The Akgus.) Boston, Mass., Dec. 30. Secretary of War William H. Tatt is in Boston to be the guest of honor at the annual banquet of the Boston Merchants' As sociation at the Hotel Somerset tonight and to deliver the first public address he has made since his return from his journey around the world. The affair gives promise of being one ot the most notable in the history ol. the Boston Merchants' Association. While Secre tary Taft's address will have no bear ing on his candidacy fr the Republi can Presidential nomination, he is ex pected to discuss the policy of the pres ent administration with regard to the Philippines and other "American inter ests in the Far East. Following the association's custom at its annual banquets to present one speaker for the South, Hon. Swager Shirley", Representative in Congress from Kentucky, will be the second speaker. ROBBERY STILL A MYSTERY. No Clue to Person Who Got Away With Mascarl's Money Victim Furnishes Bond for His Brother-In-Law. ' (Special to the Argtts.) Asheville, Dec. 31 The robbery of Charley Mascarl's fruit store, Friday night, when $4,000 in cash was stolen, remains - a mystery." The police are inclined to the opinion that the rob bery was committed by some of Mas carl's kinspeople and have Tony Mourmino, a brother-in-law of Char ley, under arrest. Tony remained in jail Saturday night in default of $500 bond. Bond was made yesterday, however, by Masearl, who put up $ 500 in gold for the release of his wife's brother. Many . people believe that the police are wrong in suspecting Tony. It is contended that in all probability that the robbery was com mitted while the entire i police force was being banqueted Friday night: that the robber or robbers knew they were safe and the guilty persons are the same who two weeks ago rob bed the place of $25. Masearl and his wife are completely crushed, by their loss. Their stand ramaQed closed all day yesterday. Masearl appears to take little interest in his business since the robbery. It was necessary for the police to go there Saturday and take charge for atime, picking up the loose change that had been scattered about by the robbers. The affair has aroused great interest here and everyone dis cussing the robbery has a different theory. Have you bought that Christmas present tor your friend? Xet us help you decide what to give. Andrews & Waddell Furniture Co. ;oii. Surgeons are not required to know anything oi nav - igaiiohand as a matter of fact that science is wholly outside of their sphere. Furthermore, staff ofiioers have had no experience in managing crews, and lor that reason I hey would be practically - helpless in time of danger at sea. lint in this particular case at issue the President, being the commander-in-chief, had the constitutional right to place the surgeon general in command of the Relief, and Admiral Brownson, for the very sake ot discipline, should have accepted the situation, for the time being at least, and let the public hold the President responsible in the event of wreck or other disaster which might possibly result from executive action. -However foolish and un-American squabbles and jealousies in the navy may be, everybody can see that in a matter of this sort the line officer has the best of the argument The President should lose no time in recalling his order placing Rixey in command of the Relief. By so doing he would lose nothing in point ot offi cial dignity; but, on the other hand, would restore good feeling in the navy and bring about the old-time respect for naval law. TO-DAY'S " MARKET. (By special wire to The Akgus.) New York, Dee. 31 The stock market-opened at general advance and movement irregular. The " cotton market opened with small declines, afterjihe call, and some scattered selling by professionals. Cable advices had little effect. Al though it is notice day .for both Dec. and Jan., few were put oufe. Dec. 11:50, Jan. 11:59, March 10:78, April 10:67. Chicago, Dec. 31 The grain mar ket opened with wheat 5 8 cent higher on refusal of "Liverpool to follow our 2 to 3 cent decline yesterday. May wheat 105 1-4, Corn 59 1-2, Oats 54 1-2, Pork 13:35, Ribs 7.05. Over -Work Weakens Your Kidneys, Oafcealthy Uidneys Make Impure Blood. AH the blood in your bod'r passes throupi your kidneys once every thiee min jtes. The Lidneys ra you blood purifiers hey t . ter out the vaste o impurities in the blood If they are sick or ou of order, they frdl to ? their work. Pains, aches ai,drheu matism come from e cess of uric acid 5n tb i blood, due in nA-rl,-. kidney trouble. K"iviey trouble causes eulck nr i-no.-t heart bats, and makes one feel as ikons they had Heart trouble, because the heart avw 'working in Dumping thick; kidnev iiCi.joned blood through veins and arte-ies "t used to be considered that enly 'urina trout ies. were to be traced to the kidr.evc but iiow modern science proves that r.ea";''. all constitutional diseasss hzvs uisu beirm ning in kidney troutls if you are -sick yau san rr ake b& misu iy firs? ioctoring'yaur.kidaays The rmi inJ the extraordinary effsc' cf Dr Kilrr.f Swamp-Root, the great kidnsy r& U4v soon realized. It stands the hiAcsr f: ;, wonderful cures of the most distressing cas and is sold on its merits " ft-sto-' by all druggists in fifty-'3sA oent and one-dollar siz- fSipfg; es' You mav hav fl WlU5stl sample bottle by mail Home cf Swamp-Eor.t. free, also pamphlet telling you how to tines out If you have kidney or bladder trouble Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmei Co., Binghamton, N. Y.Sf f ) Don't make any mistake, but rememtwt1 "he name, Swamp-Rt, Dr. Kilmer". iwamp-Root. and the aduiess. Binphamtor f. on every bottla. 0 THIS $5.00 ROCKER SU BS CRI P T I s at An Ornament and a Comfort in Any 1 Home. The recent contest for increasing the circulation of the Argus was simply the beginning. We desire the Argus either through its Daily or its Weekly e 110iIi to g0 regularly into every home throughout the wide trading territory ot Goldsboro, and in order to encourage those who have the time to spare to can vass their immediate neighborhoods for subscribers, we offer the above beuuLrul $5.00 chair just as represented free for every ten new yearly paid-up sub scriptions to the weekly Argus, or every two new paid-up yearly subscriptions to the Daily Argus, or any combination of new cash subscriptions aggregating ten dollars. -:- -C -:- Write names and postoffice addresses plainly, and make your remittances by check, Postoffice money order or registered letter. Addressfall communica tions to. -:- -;- THE GOLOSIBOfRO AIRGU 9 I GOLDSBORO, N. C. y HEE53 Iff THE FJ w Ooming of Warm Weather Forces Thcm Out, Causing Itciiing, Burning Skin Eruptions. The blood and skin are so closely connected that whatever affects the one has a corres iior.cUng effect on the other. When the blood is pure and healthy the skin will be soft, smooth, and free from all eruptions; but when the blood becomes infected with some an healthy humor the effect is shown by rashes, eruptions, boils aid pimples, or other disfig iring and annoying skin disease. The skin is provided with countless pores and glands which act as a drainage system to rid the body of impurities through the perspiration that is constantly passing through these little tubes. There are other glands that pour out on the skin an oily substance to keep it soft and pliable, otherwise it would become hard and dry from constant exposure to wind and sun. When the blood becomes filled with humors and acids these are thrown off through the pores and glands, burning and irritating the skin and drying up the natural oils so that we have not only Acne, Kczema, Salt Rheum, etc., but such dry scaly in eruptions as Tetter, Psoriasis and kindred troubles. S S. Si. drove the humor out. Gentlemen: Some two years ago I suffered a great deal. caused on account of a humor in the blood ; small rash or pimples broke out over my body and kept getting worst day by day for over a year. , Seeing S. S. S. advertised i the paper and having also heard it had cured several peo ple in this city, concluded to try it. After using the med. icme i was entirelw cured, and am very glad to reoommend it. 1020 Clay St., Paduoah. Ky. EDW. W. LONTQ v FOUND A CURE FOR POISON OAtJ. Gentleiiien: After having tried for six years to find a cure for Poison Oak, from which I was a great sufferer, I was told by a friend to try S. S. S. It entirely cured m and gave me excellent health. There is no remedy for m ' bad condition of the blood like S. S. S., and you have is S. S S. a positive cure for Poison Oak. Danville, Ky. J.E.WISEMAN. j These humors find their way into the olood through a disordered or deranged con dition of the system. -There is a certain amount of waste or refuse matter collected .o the body every day. This is useless in nourishing or keeping the system in health, and nature intends that it shall find an out let through the channels of bodily waste. As long as these members perform their duties properly the blood remains pure and iree from infection; but when from any cause they become dull and sluggish, this refuse matter is left to sour and be taken into the blood in the form of humors, and poisons. The skin is a perfect index to the blood; when we see one afflicted with a skin dis ease, or. pimples, rashes, eruptions, blotches, etc., coustantly appearing, we know that down deep in the blood a humor has taken root, and instead of supplying nourishment and strength to-the fine, delicate tissues of the skin, it is pouring but its acid and unhealthy accumulations. The skin is not, only affected by the humors generated within the system, but poisons trorn without, such as Poison Oak and Ivy, Nettle Rash, etc., as well as poisons from metals, acids, etc., enter through the open pores and glands, and so thoroughly do they take root in tHe blood that they are ever present, or return from year to year to annoy the sufferer. The treatment of skin diseases wish salves, washes, lotions, etc., is along the wrong line. True such treatment relieves, some of the itching and discomfort, and aids in keeping the skin clean, but it does not reach the real cause of the trouble; and at best such things are - only palliative and soothing. A thorough cleansing of the biood is the only cure for humors iii the blood. S. S. S.,-a gentle acting, safe blood purifier, made entirely of vegetable ingredients from nature's forests and fields, is the proper treatment. S- S. S. goes down into 'the circulation and neutralizes the acids and humors, thoroughly cleansing and purifying the blood, and curing skin diseases ' and affections of every kind. It supplies to the blood the fresh, nutritive qualities necessary to sustain the skin and all other parts of the body, and rids the blood of any and all poisons. S. S. S. cures Kczema, Tetter, Acne, Psork asisvSalt Rheum, Poison Oak and Ivy, Nettle Rash and all troubles, of the skin. Special book on skin diseases and any medical advice desired furnished by our physic;ans without charge to all who write. ?fT??THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA. GA O sgJf - O PURELY VEGETABLE I FY FiHW f fiWY Will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. Cure? Backache Corrects Irregularities Do not risk having Bright's Disease or Diabetes "TPt rm